Checkstyle provides many checks that you can apply to your sourcecode. Below is an alphabetical reference, the site navigation menu provides a reference organized by functionality.
AbstractClassName | Ensures that the names of abstract classes conforming to some regular expression. |
AnnotationUseStyle | This check controls the style with the usage of annotations. |
AnonInnerLength | Checks for long anonymous inner classes. |
ArrayTrailingComma | Checks if array initialization contains optional trailing comma. |
ArrayTypeStyle | Checks the style of array type definitions. |
AvoidInlineConditionals | Detects inline conditionals. |
AvoidNestedBlocks | Finds nested blocks. |
AvoidStarImport | Check that finds import statements that use the * notation. |
AvoidStaticImport | Check that finds static imports. |
BooleanExpressionComplexity | Restricts nested boolean operators (&&, ||, &, | and ^) to a specified depth (default = 3). |
ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | This metric measures the number of instantiations of other classes within the given class. |
ClassFanOutComplexity | The number of other classes a given class relies on. |
ClassTypeParameterName | Checks that class type parameter names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
ConstantName | Checks that constant names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
CovariantEquals | Checks that if a class defines a covariant method equals, then it defines method equals(java.lang.Object). |
CyclomaticComplexity | Checks cyclomatic complexity against a specified limit. |
DeclarationOrder | Checks that the parts of a class or interface declaration appear in the order suggested by the Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. |
DefaultComesLast |
Check that the default is after all the
case s in a switch statement.
DescendantToken | Checks for restricted tokens beneath other tokens. |
DesignForExtension | Checks that classes are designed for inheritance. |
DoubleCheckedLocking | Detect the double-checked locking idiom, a technique that tries to avoid synchronization overhead but is incorrect because of subtle artifacts of the java memory model. |
EmptyBlock | Checks for empty blocks. |
EmptyForInitializerPad | Checks the padding of an empty for initializer; that is whether a space is required at an empty for initializer, or such spaces are forbidden. |
EmptyForIteratorPad | Checks the padding of an empty for iterator; that is whether a space is required at an empty for iterator, or such spaces are forbidden. |
EmptyStatement | Detects empty statements (standalone ';'). |
EqualsAvoidNull | Checks that any combination of String literals with optional assignment is on the left side of an equals() comparison. |
EqualsHashCode | Checks that classes that override equals() also override hashCode(). |
ExecutableStatementCount | Restricts the number of executable statements to a specified limit (default = 30). |
ExplicitInitialization |
Checks if any class or object member explicitly initialized
to default for its type value (null for object
references, zero for numeric types and char
and false for boolean .
FallThrough | Checks for fall through in switch statements Finds locations where a case contains Java code - but lacks a break, return, throw or continue statement. |
FileLength | Checks for long source files. |
FileTabCharacter | Checks to see if a file contains a tab character. |
FinalClass | Checks that class which has only private ctors is declared as final. |
FinalLocalVariable | Ensures that local variables that never get their values changed, must be declared final. |
FinalParameters | Check that method/constructor/catch/foreach parameters are final. |
GenericWhitespace | Checks that the whitespace around the Generic tokens < and > are correct to the typical convention. |
Header | Checks the header of the source against a fixed header file. |
HiddenField | Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class. |
HideUtilityClassConstructor | Make sure that utility classes (classes that contain only static methods) do not have a public constructor. |
IllegalCatch | Catching java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException is almost never acceptable. |
IllegalImport | Checks for imports from a set of illegal packages. |
IllegalInstantiation | Checks for illegal instantiations where a factory method is preferred. |
IllegalThrows | Throwing java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException is almost never acceptable. |
IllegalToken | Checks for illegal tokens. |
IllegalTokenText | Checks for illegal token text. |
IllegalType | Checks that particular class are never used as types in variable declarations, return values or parameters. |
ImportControl | Check that controls what packages can be imported in each package. |
ImportOrder | Ensures that groups of imports come in a specific order. |
Indentation | Checks correct indentation of Java Code. |
InnerAssignment |
Checks for assignments in subexpressions, such as in
String s = Integer.toString(i = 2); . |
InnerTypeLast | Check nested (internal) classes/interfaces are declared at the bottom of the class after all method and field declarations. |
InterfaceIsType | Implements Bloch, Effective Java, Item 17 - Use Interfaces only to define types. |
JUnitTestCase | Ensures that the setUp(), tearDown()methods are named correctly, have no arguments, return void and are either public or protected. |
JavaNCSS | This check calculates the Non Commenting Source Statements (NCSS) metric for java source files and methods. |
JavadocMethod | Checks the Javadoc of a method or constructor. |
JavadocPackage | Checks that all packages have a package documentation. |
JavadocStyle | Custom Checkstyle Check to validate Javadoc. |
JavadocType | Checks the Javadoc of a type. |
JavadocVariable | Checks that a variable has Javadoc comment. |
LeftCurly | Checks the placement of left curly braces on types, methods and other blocks: |
LineLength | Checks for long lines. |
LocalFinalVariableName | Checks that local final variable names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
LocalVariableName | Checks that local, non-final variable names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
MagicNumber | Checks for magic numbers. |
MemberName | Checks that instance variable names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
MethodCount | Checks the number of methods declared in each type. |
MethodLength | Checks for long methods. |
MethodName | Checks that method names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
MethodParamPad | Checks the padding between the identifier of a method definition, constructor definition, method call, or constructor invocation; and the left parenthesis of the parameter list. |
MethodTypeParameterName | Checks that class type parameter names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
MissingCtor | Checks that classes (except abstract one) define a ctor and don't rely on the default one. |
MissingDeprecated | This class is used to verify that both the |
MissingOverride | This class is used to verify that the |
MissingSwitchDefault | Checks that switch statement has "default" clause. |
ModifiedControlVariable | Check for ensuring that for loop control variables are not modified inside the for block. |
ModifierOrder | Checks that the order of modifiers conforms to the suggestions in the Java Language specification, sections 8.1.1, 8.3.1 and 8.4.3. |
MultipleStringLiterals | Checks for multiple occurrences of the same string literal within a single file. |
MultipleVariableDeclarations | Checks that each variable declaration is in its own statement and on its own line. |
MutableException | Ensures that exceptions (defined as any class name conforming to some regular expression) are immutable. |
NPathComplexity | Checks the npath complexity against a specified limit (default = 200). |
NeedBraces | Checks for braces around code blocks. |
NestedForDepth | Restricts nested for blocks to a specified depth (default = 1). |
NestedIfDepth | Restricts nested if-else blocks to a specified depth (default = 1). |
NestedTryDepth | Restricts nested try-catch-finally blocks to a specified depth (default = 1). |
NewlineAtEndOfFile | Checks that there is a newline at the end of each file. |
NoClone | Checks that the clone method is not overridden from the Object class. |
NoFinalizer | Checks that no method having zero parameters is defined using the name finalize. |
NoWhitespaceAfter | Checks that there is no whitespace after a token. |
NoWhitespaceBefore | Checks that there is no whitespace before a token. |
OneStatementPerLine | Checks there is only one statement per line. |
OperatorWrap | Checks line wrapping for operators. |
OuterTypeFilename | Checks that the outer type name and the file name match. |
OuterTypeNumber | Checks for the number of defined types at the "outer" level. |
PackageAnnotation | This check makes sure that all package annotations are in the file. |
PackageDeclaration | Ensures there is a package declaration and (optionally) in the correct directory. |
PackageName | Checks that package names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
ParameterAssignment | Disallow assignment of parameters. |
ParameterName | Checks that parameter names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
ParameterNumber | Checks the number of parameters that a method or constructor has. |
ParenPad | Checks the padding of parentheses; that is whether a space is required after a left parenthesis and before a right parenthesis, or such spaces are forbidden, with the exception that it does not check for padding of the right parenthesis at an empty for iterator. |
RedundantImport | Checks for imports that are redundant. |
RedundantModifier | Checks for redundant modifiers in interface and annotation definitions. |
RedundantThrows | Checks for redundant exceptions declared in throws clause such as duplicates, unchecked exceptions or subclasses of another declared exception. |
Regexp | A check that makes sure that a specified pattern exists (or not) in the file. |
RegexpHeader | Checks the header of the source against a header file that contains a |
RegexpMultiline | Implementation of a check that looks that matches across multiple lines in any file type. |
RegexpSingleline | Implementation of a check that looks for a single line in any file type. |
RegexpSinglelineJava | Implementation of a check that looks for a single line in Java files. |
RequireThis | Checks that code doesn't rely on the "this" default. |
ReturnCount | Restricts return statements to a specified count (default = 2). |
RightCurly | Checks the placement of right curly braces. |
SimplifyBooleanExpression | Checks for overly complicated boolean expressions. |
SimplifyBooleanReturn | Checks for overly complicated boolean return statements. |
StaticVariableName | Checks that static, non-final variable names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
StrictDuplicateCode | Performs a line-by-line comparison of all code lines and reports duplicate code if a sequence of lines differs only in indentation. |
StringLiteralEquality | Checks that string literals are not used with
== or != . |
SuperClone | Checks that an overriding clone() method invokes super.clone(). |
SuperFinalize | Checks that an overriding finalize() method invokes super.finalize(). |
SuppressWarnings | This check allows you to specify what warnings that |
ThrowsCount | Restricts throws statements to a specified count (default = 1). |
TodoComment | A check for TODO comments. |
TrailingComment | The check to ensure that requires that comments be the only thing on a line. |
Translation | The TranslationCheck class helps to ensure the correct translation of code by checking property files for consistency regarding their keys. |
TypeName | Checks that type names conform to a format specified by the format property. |
TypecastParenPad | Checks the padding of parentheses for typecasts. |
UncommentedMain | Detects uncommented main methods. |
UnnecessaryParentheses | Checks if unnecessary parentheses are used in a statement or expression. |
UnusedImports | Checks for unused import statements. |
UpperEll | Checks that long constants are defined with an upper ell. |
VisibilityModifier | Checks visibility of class members. |
WhitespaceAfter | Checks that a token is followed by whitespace, with the exception that it does not check for whitespace after the semicolon of an empty for iterator. |
WhitespaceAround | Checks that a token is surrounded by whitespace. |
WriteTag | Outputs a JavaDoc tag as information. |