path: root/usr/include/H5FDpublic.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr/include/H5FDpublic.h')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/include/H5FDpublic.h b/usr/include/H5FDpublic.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cd6c9644c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/include/H5FDpublic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ * Copyright by The HDF Group. *
+ * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
+ * All rights reserved. *
+ * *
+ * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
+ * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
+ * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
+ * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
+ * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
+ * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
+ * If you do not have *
+ * access to either file, you may request a copy from *
+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+ * Programmer: Robb Matzke <>
+ * Monday, July 26, 1999
+ */
+#ifndef _H5FDpublic_H
+#define _H5FDpublic_H
+#include "H5public.h"
+#include "H5Fpublic.h" /*for H5F_close_degree_t */
+#define H5_HAVE_VFL 1 /*define a convenient app feature test*/
+#define H5FD_VFD_DEFAULT 0 /* Default VFL driver value */
+/* Types of allocation requests: see H5Fpublic.h */
+typedef enum H5F_mem_t H5FD_mem_t;
+/* Map "fractal heap" header blocks to 'ohdr' type file memory, since its
+ * a fair amount of work to add a new kind of file memory and they are similar
+ * enough to object headers and probably too minor to deserve their own type.
+ *
+ * Map "fractal heap" indirect blocks to 'ohdr' type file memory, since they
+ * are similar to fractal heap header blocks.
+ *
+ * Map "fractal heap" direct blocks to 'lheap' type file memory, since they
+ * will be replacing local heaps.
+ *
+ * Map "fractal heap" 'huge' objects to 'draw' type file memory, since they
+ * represent large objects that are directly stored in the file.
+ *
+ * -QAK
+ */
+/* Map "free space" header blocks to 'ohdr' type file memory, since its
+ * a fair amount of work to add a new kind of file memory and they are similar
+ * enough to object headers and probably too minor to deserve their own type.
+ *
+ * Map "free space" serialized sections to 'lheap' type file memory, since they
+ * are similar enough to local heap info.
+ *
+ * -QAK
+ */
+/* Map "shared object header message" master table to 'ohdr' type file memory,
+ * since its a fair amount of work to add a new kind of file memory and they are
+ * similar enough to object headers and probably too minor to deserve their own
+ * type.
+ *
+ * Map "shared object header message" indices to 'btree' type file memory,
+ * since they are similar enough to B-tree nodes.
+ *
+ * -QAK
+ */
+ * A free-list map which maps all types of allocation requests to a single
+ * free list. This is useful for drivers that don't really care about
+ * keeping different requests segregated in the underlying file and which
+ * want to make most efficient reuse of freed memory. The use of the
+ * H5FD_MEM_SUPER free list is arbitrary.
+ */
+#define H5FD_FLMAP_SINGLE { \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*default*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*super*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*btree*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*draw*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*gheap*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*lheap*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER /*ohdr*/ \
+ * A free-list map which segregates requests into `raw' or `meta' data
+ * pools.
+ */
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*default*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*super*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*btree*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DRAW, /*draw*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*gheap*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER, /*lheap*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_SUPER /*ohdr*/ \
+ * The default free list map which causes each request type to use it's own
+ * free-list.
+ */
+#define H5FD_FLMAP_DEFAULT { \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, /*default*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, /*super*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, /*btree*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, /*draw*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, /*gheap*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT, /*lheap*/ \
+ H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT /*ohdr*/ \
+/* Define VFL driver features that can be enabled on a per-driver basis */
+/* These are returned with the 'query' function pointer in H5FD_class_t */
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_AGGREGATE_METADATA for a VFL driver means that
+ * the library will attempt to allocate a larger block for metadata and
+ * then sub-allocate each metadata request from that larger block.
+ */
+#define H5FD_FEAT_AGGREGATE_METADATA 0x00000001
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_ACCUMULATE_METADATA for a VFL driver means that
+ * the library will attempt to cache metadata as it is written to the file
+ * and build up a larger block of metadata to eventually pass to the VFL
+ * 'write' routine.
+ *
+ * Distinguish between updating the metadata accumulator on writes and
+ * reads. This is particularly (perhaps only, even) important for MPI-I/O
+ * where we guarantee that writes are collective, but reads may not be.
+ * If we were to allow the metadata accumulator to be written during a
+ * read operation, the application would hang.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_DATA_SIEVE for a VFL driver means that
+ * the library will attempt to cache raw data as it is read from/written to
+ * a file in a "data seive" buffer. See Rajeev Thakur's papers:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#define H5FD_FEAT_DATA_SIEVE 0x00000008
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_AGGREGATE_SMALLDATA for a VFL driver means that
+ * the library will attempt to allocate a larger block for "small" raw data
+ * and then sub-allocate "small" raw data requests from that larger block.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_IGNORE_DRVRINFO for a VFL driver means that
+ * the library will ignore the driver info that is encoded in the file
+ * for the VFL driver. (This will cause the driver info to be eliminated
+ * from the file when it is flushed/closed, if the file is opened R/W).
+ */
+#define H5FD_FEAT_IGNORE_DRVRINFO 0x00000020
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_DIRTY_SBLK_LOAD for a VFL driver means that
+ * the library will mark the superblock dirty when the file is opened
+ * R/W. This will cause the driver info to be re-encoded when the file
+ * is flushed/closed.
+ */
+#define H5FD_FEAT_DIRTY_SBLK_LOAD 0x00000040
+ /*
+ * Defining the H5FD_FEAT_POSIX_COMPAT_HANDLE for a VFL driver means that
+ * the handle for the VFD (returned with the 'get_handle' callback) is
+ * of type 'int' and is compatible with POSIX I/O calls.
+ */
+#define H5FD_FEAT_POSIX_COMPAT_HANDLE 0x00000080
+/* Forward declaration */
+typedef struct H5FD_t H5FD_t;
+/* Class information for each file driver */
+typedef struct H5FD_class_t {
+ const char *name;
+ haddr_t maxaddr;
+ H5F_close_degree_t fc_degree;
+ hsize_t (*sb_size)(H5FD_t *file);
+ herr_t (*sb_encode)(H5FD_t *file, char *name/*out*/,
+ unsigned char *p/*out*/);
+ herr_t (*sb_decode)(H5FD_t *f, const char *name, const unsigned char *p);
+ size_t fapl_size;
+ void * (*fapl_get)(H5FD_t *file);
+ void * (*fapl_copy)(const void *fapl);
+ herr_t (*fapl_free)(void *fapl);
+ size_t dxpl_size;
+ void * (*dxpl_copy)(const void *dxpl);
+ herr_t (*dxpl_free)(void *dxpl);
+ H5FD_t *(*open)(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl,
+ haddr_t maxaddr);
+ herr_t (*close)(H5FD_t *file);
+ int (*cmp)(const H5FD_t *f1, const H5FD_t *f2);
+ herr_t (*query)(const H5FD_t *f1, unsigned long *flags);
+ herr_t (*get_type_map)(const H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t *type_map);
+ haddr_t (*alloc)(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl_id, hsize_t size);
+ herr_t (*free)(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ haddr_t addr, hsize_t size);
+ haddr_t (*get_eoa)(const H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type);
+ herr_t (*set_eoa)(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, haddr_t addr);
+ haddr_t (*get_eof)(const H5FD_t *file);
+ herr_t (*get_handle)(H5FD_t *file, hid_t fapl, void**file_handle);
+ herr_t (*read)(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl,
+ haddr_t addr, size_t size, void *buffer);
+ herr_t (*write)(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl,
+ haddr_t addr, size_t size, const void *buffer);
+ herr_t (*flush)(H5FD_t *file, hid_t dxpl_id, unsigned closing);
+ herr_t (*truncate)(H5FD_t *file, hid_t dxpl_id, hbool_t closing);
+ herr_t (*lock)(H5FD_t *file, unsigned char *oid, unsigned lock_type, hbool_t last);
+ herr_t (*unlock)(H5FD_t *file, unsigned char *oid, hbool_t last);
+ H5FD_mem_t fl_map[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
+} H5FD_class_t;
+/* A free list is a singly-linked list of address/size pairs. */
+typedef struct H5FD_free_t {
+ haddr_t addr;
+ hsize_t size;
+ struct H5FD_free_t *next;
+} H5FD_free_t;
+ * The main datatype for each driver. Public fields common to all drivers
+ * are declared here and the driver appends private fields in memory.
+ */
+struct H5FD_t {
+ hid_t driver_id; /*driver ID for this file */
+ const H5FD_class_t *cls; /*constant class info */
+ unsigned long fileno; /* File 'serial' number */
+ unsigned long feature_flags; /* VFL Driver feature Flags */
+ haddr_t maxaddr; /* For this file, overrides class */
+ haddr_t base_addr; /* Base address for HDF5 data w/in file */
+ /* Space allocation management fields */
+ hsize_t threshold; /* Threshold for alignment */
+ hsize_t alignment; /* Allocation alignment */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Function prototypes */
+H5_DLL hid_t H5FDregister(const H5FD_class_t *cls);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDunregister(hid_t driver_id);
+H5_DLL H5FD_t *H5FDopen(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl_id,
+ haddr_t maxaddr);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDclose(H5FD_t *file);
+H5_DLL int H5FDcmp(const H5FD_t *f1, const H5FD_t *f2);
+H5_DLL int H5FDquery(const H5FD_t *f, unsigned long *flags);
+H5_DLL haddr_t H5FDalloc(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl_id, hsize_t size);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDfree(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ haddr_t addr, hsize_t size);
+H5_DLL haddr_t H5FDget_eoa(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDset_eoa(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, haddr_t eoa);
+H5_DLL haddr_t H5FDget_eof(H5FD_t *file);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDget_vfd_handle(H5FD_t *file, hid_t fapl, void**file_handle);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDread(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ haddr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf/*out*/);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDwrite(H5FD_t *file, H5FD_mem_t type, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ haddr_t addr, size_t size, const void *buf);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDflush(H5FD_t *file, hid_t dxpl_id, unsigned closing);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5FDtruncate(H5FD_t *file, hid_t dxpl_id, hbool_t closing);
+#ifdef __cplusplus