path: root/thirdparty/jing.README
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+<html xmlns="">
+<title>Jing version 20030619</title>
+<h1>Jing version 20030619</h1>
+<p>Copyright &#169; 2001, 2002, 2003 Thai Open Source Software Center
+Ltd. Jing can be freely copied subject to these <a
+<p>This directory contains version 20030619 of Jing, a validator for
+RELAX NG and other schema languages.</p>
+<p>The directory <code>bin</code> contains <code>.jar</code>
+files, ready for use with a a Java runtime.</p>
+<p>Version 1.4 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), is recommended,
+which can be downloaded <a
+href="">here</a>, since this
+is what this version of Jing has been tested with. Version 1.1 or
+later should also work, although some functionality may be present
+only with version 1.2 or later.</p>
+<p>Jing is a command-line application. Once you have installed JRE
+1.4, you can run Jing by using the command:</p>
+<pre>java -jar <var>path-to-dist</var>/jing-20030619/bin/jing.jar <var>file</var>.rng <var>file</var>.xml</pre>
+<p>If <code><var>file</var>.rng</code> is a correct schema and
+<code><var>file</var>.xml</code> is valid with respect to
+<code><var>file</var>.rng</code>, then Jing will generate no output.
+Otherwise, it will generate one or more error messages.</p>
+<p>Apart from <code>jing.jar</code>, the <code>bin</code> directory
+contains some third-party jar files, which are used for XML parsing
+(under a pre-1.4 JRE that does not provide the Java XML parsing
+extension) and for validating with <a
+href="doc/jing-other.html">schema languages other than RELAX
+<dd>Comes from the <a href="">Saxon</a>
+6.5.2 distribution. Used for Schematron validation.</dd>
+<dd>Come from the <a
+href="">Xerces-J</a> 2.4.0
+distribution. Used for W3C XML Schema validation and for XML
+parsing. Xerces-J's license requires the following
+acknowledgment. "This product includes software developed by the
+Apache Software Foundation ("</dd>
+<dd>Comes from <a
+href="">ISO RELAX</a>
+2003/01/08 distribution. Provides a bridge to validators that use the
+JARV interface.</dd>
+<p>When you use <code>jing.jar</code> with the <code>-jar</code>
+option, the above <code>.jar</code> files will be used automatically,
+provided they are in the same directory as <code>jing.jar</code> and
+provided they have not been renamed. When using the <code>-jar</code>
+option, the JRE will ignore any additional class path entries
+specified by the <code>-cp</code> or <code>-classpath</code> options
+or by the <code>CLASSPATH</code> environment variable.</p>
+<p>If you do not want use the <code>-jar</code> option (perhaps
+because you want to use additional <code>.jar</code> files not shipped
+with Jing), then you must explicitly include all the needed
+<code>.jar</code> files with a <code>-cp</code> or
+<code>-classpath</code> option or with the <code>CLASSPATH</code>
+environment variable, and specify a class name of
+<code>com.thaiopensource.relaxng.util.Driver</code>. For example,
+using a Bourne-compatible shell, you could do:</p>
+java com.thaiopensource.relaxng.util.Driver <var>file</var>.rng <var>file</var>.xml
+<p>For more information about the features and usage of Jing, see this
+<a href="doc/jing.html">document</a>.</p>
+<p>The source code is in the file <code></code>.</p>