path: root/modules/sparse/includes
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/sparse/includes')
7 files changed, 1866 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/dynlib_sparse.h b/modules/sparse/includes/dynlib_sparse.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e35cc9b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/dynlib_sparse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+* Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2010 - Allan CORNET
+* This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+* This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+* are also available at
+#ifndef __DYNLIB_SPARSE_H__
+#define __DYNLIB_SPARSE_H__
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define SPARSE_IMPEXP __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SPARSE_IMPEXP __declspec(dllimport)
+#endif /* __DYNLIB_SPARSE_H__ */
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/gw_sparse.h b/modules/sparse/includes/gw_sparse.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fc81c1ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/gw_sparse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 - INRIA - Allan CORNET
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __GW_SPARSE__
+#define __GW_SPARSE__
+#include "machine.h"
+#include "dynlib_sparse.h"
+SPARSE_IMPEXP int gw_sparse(void);
+int sci_sparsefunc (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spget (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_full (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_lufact (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_lusolve (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_ludel (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_luget (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spclean (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_nnz (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spmax (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spmin (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spmatrix (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spchol (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_fadj2sp (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_spcompa (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_ordmmd (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_blkfc1i (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_blkslvi (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_inpnvi (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_sfinit (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_symfcti (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_bfinit (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_msparse (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_mspget (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+int sci_mfull (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+extern int C2F(scita2lpd) (char *fname, unsigned long fname_len);
+#endif /* __GW_SPARSE__ */
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/sp.h b/modules/sparse/includes/sp.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b00d900dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/sp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __SP_H__
+#define __SP_H__
+#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
+#define NB 32 /* block size for dgels */
+#define MINABSTOL 1e-8
+#define MAXITERS 100
+#define TOLC 1e-5 /* tolerance used for dual infeasibility */
+#define SIGTOL 1e-5 /* tolerance used for detecting zero steps
+* dF or dZ */
+#define MINRCOND 1e-8 /* minimum rcond to declare F_i dependent */
+/* BLAS 1 */
+double dnrm2_( );
+double ddot_( );
+void dcopy_( );
+void daxpy_( );
+void dscal_( );
+/* BLAS 2 */
+void dgemv_( );
+void dspmv_( );
+/* BLAS 3 */
+void dgemm_( );
+/* LAPACK */
+void dgels_( );
+void dspgst_( );
+void dspev_( );
+void dspgv_( );
+void dtrcon_( );
+int sp( /* int m, int L, double *F, int *blck_szs, double *c,
+ double *x, double *Z, double *ul, double nu, double abstol,
+ double reltol, double tv, int *iters, double *work,
+ int lwork, int *iwork, int *info */ );
+#endif /* __SP_H__ */
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/spConfig.h b/modules/sparse/includes/spConfig.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d79b9e12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/spConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+ * CONFIGURATION MACRO DEFINITIONS for sparse matrix routines
+ *
+ * Author: Advising professor:
+ * Kenneth S. Kundert Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
+ * U.C. Berkeley
+ *
+ * This file contains macros for the sparse matrix routines that are used
+ * to define the personality of the routines. The user is expected to
+ * modify this file to maximize the performance of the routines with
+ * his/her matrices.
+ *
+ * Macros are distinguished by using solely capital letters in their
+ * identifiers. This contrasts with C defined identifiers which are
+ * strictly lower case, and program variable and procedure names which use
+ * both upper and lower case.
+ */
+ * Revision and copyright information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1985,86,87,88
+ * by Kenneth S. Kundert and the University of California.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+ * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+ * provided that the copyright notices appear in all copies and
+ * supporting documentation and that the authors and the University of
+ * California are properly credited. The authors and the University of
+ * California make no representations as to the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided `as is', without express
+ * or implied warranty.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef spCONFIG_DEFS
+#define spCONFIG_DEFS
+ *
+ * These are compiler options. Set each option to one to compile that
+ * section of the code. If a feature is not desired, set the macro
+ * to NO. Recommendations are given in brackets, [ignore them].
+ *
+ * >>> Option descriptions:
+ * Arithmetic Precision
+ * The precision of the arithmetic used by Sparse can be set by
+ * changing changing the spREAL macro. This macro is
+* contained in the file spMatrix.h. It is strongly suggested to
+ * used double precision with circuit simulators. Note that
+ * because C always performs arithmetic operations in double
+ * precision, the only benefit to using single precision is that
+ * less storage is required. There is often a noticeable speed
+ * penalty when using single precision. Sparse internally refers
+ * to a spREAL as a RealNumber.
+ * REAL
+ * This specifies that the routines are expected to handle real
+ * systems of equations. The routines can be compiled to handle
+ * both real and complex systems at the same time, but there is a
+ * slight speed and memory advantage if the routines are complied
+ * to handle only real systems of equations.
+ * This specifies that the routines will be complied to handle
+ * complex systems of equations.
+ * Setting this compiler flag true (1) makes the matrix
+ * expandable before it has been factored. If the matrix is
+ * expandable, then if an element is added that would be
+ * considered out of bounds in the current matrix, the size of
+ * the matrix is increased to hold that element. As a result,
+ * the size of the matrix need not be known before the matrix is
+ * built. The matrix can be allocated with size zero and
+ * expanded.
+ * This option allows the set of external row and column numbers
+ * to be non-packed. In other words, the row and column numbers
+ * do not have to be contiguous. The priced paid for this
+ * flexibility is that when TRANSLATE is set true, the time
+ * required to initially build the matrix will be greater because
+ * the external row and column number must be translated into
+ * internal equivalents. This translation brings about other
+ * benefits though. First, the spGetElement() and
+ * spGetAdmittance() routines may be used after the matrix has
+ * been factored. Further, elements, and even rows and columns,
+ * may be added to the matrix, and row and columns may be deleted
+ * from the matrix, after it has been factored. Note that when
+ * the set of row and column number is not a packed set, neither
+ * are the RHS and Solution vectors. Thus the size of these
+ * vectors must be at least as large as the external size, which
+ * is the value of the largest given row or column numbers.
+ * Causes the spInitialize(), spGetInitInfo(), and
+ * spInstallInitInfo() routines to be compiled. These routines
+ * allow the user to store and read one pointer in each nonzero
+ * element in the matrix. spInitialize() then calls a user
+ * specified function for each structural nonzero in the matrix,
+ * and includes this pointer as well as the external row and
+ * column numbers as arguments. This allows the user to write
+ * custom matrix initialization routines.
+ * Many matrices, and in particular node- and modified-node
+ * admittance matrices, tend to be nearly symmetric and nearly
+ * diagonally dominant. For these matrices, it is a good idea to
+ * select pivots from the diagonal. With this option enabled,
+ * this is exactly what happens, though if no satisfactory pivot
+ * can be found on the diagonal, an off-diagonal pivot will be
+ * used. If this option is disabled, Sparse does not
+ * preferentially search the diagonal. Because of this, Sparse
+ * has a wider variety of pivot candidates available, and so
+ * presumably fewer fill-ins will be created. However, the
+ * initial pivot selection process will take considerably longer.
+ * If working with node admittance matrices, or other matrices
+ * with a strong diagonal, it is probably best to use
+ * DIAGONAL_PIVOTING for two reasons. First, accuracy will be
+ * better because pivots will be chosen from the large diagonal
+ * elements, thus reducing the chance of growth. Second, a near
+ * optimal ordering will be chosen quickly. If the class of
+ * matrices you are working with does not have a strong diagonal,
+ * do not use DIAGONAL_PIVOTING, but consider using a larger
+ * threshold. When DIAGONAL_PIVOTING is turned off, the following
+ * options and constants are not used: MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ,
+ * This determines whether arrays start at an index of zero or one.
+ * This option is necessitated by the fact that standard C
+ * convention dictates that arrays begin with an index of zero but
+ * the standard mathematic convention states that arrays begin with
+ * an index of one. So if you prefer to start your arrays with
+ * zero, or your calling Sparse from FORTRAN, set ARRAY_OFFSET to
+ * NO or 0. Otherwise, set ARRAY_OFFSET to YES or 1. Note that if
+ * you use an offset of one, the arrays that you pass to Sparse
+ * must have an allocated length of one plus the size of the
+ * matrix. ARRAY_OFFSET must be either 0 or 1, no other offsets
+ * are valid.
+ * This specifies the format for complex vectors. If this is set
+ * false then a complex vector is made up of one double sized
+ * array of RealNumber's in which the real and imaginary numbers
+ * are placed in the alternately array in the array. In other
+ * words, the first entry would be Complex[1].Real, then comes
+ * Complex[1].Imag, then Complex[1].Real, etc. If
+ * spSEPARATED_COMPLEX_VECTORS is set true, then each complex
+ * vector is represented by two arrays of RealNumbers, one with
+ * the real terms, the other with the imaginary. [NO]
+ * This specifies that the modified Markowitz method of pivot
+ * selection is to be used. The modified Markowitz method differs
+ * from standard Markowitz in two ways. First, under modified
+ * Markowitz, the search for a pivot can be terminated early if a
+ * adequate (in terms of sparsity) pivot candidate is found.
+ * Thus, when using modified Markowitz, the initial factorization
+ * can be faster, but at the expense of a suboptimal pivoting
+ * order that may slow subsequent factorizations. The second
+ * difference is in the way modified Markowitz breaks Markowitz
+ * ties. When two or more elements are pivot candidates and they
+ * all have the same Markowitz product, then the tie is broken by
+ * choosing the element that is best numerically. The numerically
+ * best element is the one with the largest ratio of its magnitude
+ * to the magnitude of the largest element in the same column,
+ * excluding itself. The modified Markowitz method results in
+ * marginally better accuracy. This option is most appropriate
+ * for use when working with very large matrices where the initial
+ * factor time represents an unacceptable burden. [NO]
+ * This specifies that the spDeleteRowAndCol() routine
+ * should be compiled. Note that for this routine to be
+ * compiled, both DELETE and TRANSLATE should be set true.
+ * This specifies that the spStripFills() routine should be compiled.
+ * This specifies that the routine that preorders modified node
+ * admittance matrices should be compiled. This routine results
+ * in greater speed and accuracy if used with this type of
+ * matrix.
+ * This specifies that the routines that allow four related
+ * elements to be entered into the matrix at once should be
+ * compiled. These elements are usually related to an
+ * admittance. The routines affected by QUAD_ELEMENT are the
+ * spGetAdmittance, spGetQuad and spGetOnes routines.
+ * This specifies that the routines that solve the matrix as if
+ * it was transposed should be compiled. These routines are
+ * useful when performing sensitivity analysis using the adjoint
+ * method.
+ * This specifies that the routine that performs scaling on the
+ * matrix should be complied. Scaling is not strongly
+ * supported. The routine to scale the matrix is provided, but
+ * no routines are provided to scale and descale the RHS and
+ * Solution vectors. It is suggested that if scaling is desired,
+ * it only be preformed when the pivot order is being chosen [in
+ * spOrderAndFactor()]. This is the only time scaling has
+ * an effect. The scaling may then either be removed from the
+ * solution by the user or the scaled factors may simply be
+ * thrown away. [NO]
+ * This specifies that routines that are used to document the
+ * matrix, such as spPrint() and spFileMatrix(), should be
+ * compiled.
+ * This specifies that the routine spDeterminant() should be complied.
+ * This specifies that spLargestElement() and spRoundoff() should
+ * be compiled. These routines are used to check the stability (and
+ * hence the quality of the pivoting) of the factorization by
+ * computing a bound on the size of the element is the matrix E =
+ * A - LU. If this bound is very high after applying
+ * spOrderAndFactor(), then the pivot threshold should be raised.
+ * If the bound increases greatly after using spFactor(), then the
+ * matrix should probably be reordered.
+ * This specifies that spCondition() and spNorm(), the code that
+ * computes a good estimate of the condition number of the matrix,
+ * should be compiled.
+ * This specifies that spPseudoCondition(), the code that computes
+ * a crude and easily fooled indicator of ill-conditioning in the
+ * matrix, should be compiled.
+ * This specifies that the routines to multiply the unfactored
+ * matrix by a vector should be compiled.
+ * This specifies that the FORTRAN interface routines should be
+ * compiled. When interfacing to FORTRAN programs, the ARRAY_OFFSET
+ * options should be set to NO.
+ * This specifies that additional error checking will be compiled.
+ * The type of error checked are those that are common when the
+ * matrix routines are first integrated into a user's program. Once
+ * the routines have been integrated in and are running smoothly, this
+ * option should be turned off.
+ */
+/* Begin options. */
+#define REAL YES
+#define STRIP YES
+#define SCALING YES
+#define FORTRAN YES
+#define DEBUG NO
+ * The following options affect Sparse exports and so are exported as a
+ * side effect. For this reason they use the `sp' prefix. The boolean
+ * constants YES an NO are not defined in spMatrix.h to avoid conflicts
+ * with user code, so use 0 for NO and 1 for YES.
+ */
+#endif /* spINSIDE_SPARSE */
+#define spCOMPLEX 1
+ *
+ * These constants are used throughout the sparse matrix routines. They
+ * should be set to suit the type of matrix being solved. Recommendations
+ * are given in brackets.
+ *
+ * Some terminology should be defined. The Markowitz row count is the number
+ * of non-zero elements in a row excluding the one being considered as pivot.
+ * There is one Markowitz row count for every row. The Markowitz column
+ * is defined similarly for columns. The Markowitz product for an element
+ * is the product of its row and column counts. It is a measure of how much
+ * work would be required on the next step of the factorization if that
+ * element were chosen to be pivot. A small Markowitz product is desirable.
+ *
+ * >>> Constants descriptions:
+ * The relative threshold used if the user enters an invalid
+ * threshold. Also the threshold used by spFactor() when
+ * calling spOrderAndFactor(). The default threshold should
+ * not be less than or equal to zero nor larger than one. [0.001]
+ * This indicates whether spOrderAndFactor() should use diagonal
+ * pivoting as default. This issue only arises when
+ * spOrderAndFactor() is called from spFactor().
+ * This number multiplied by the size of the matrix equals the number
+ * of elements for which memory is initially allocated in
+ * spCreate(). [6]
+ * This number multiplied by the size of the matrix equals the number
+ * of elements for which memory is initially allocated and specifically
+ * reserved for fill-ins in spCreate(). [4]
+ * The number of matrix elements requested from the malloc utility on
+ * each call to it. Setting this value greater than 1 reduces the
+ * amount of overhead spent in this system call. On a virtual memory
+ * machine, its good to allocate slightly less than a page worth of
+ * elements at a time (or some multiple thereof).
+ * [For the VAX, for real only use 41, otherwise use 31]
+ * The minimum allocated size of a matrix. Note that this does not
+ * limit the minimum size of a matrix. This just prevents having to
+ * resize a matrix many times if the matrix is expandable, large and
+ * allocated with an estimated size of zero. This number should not
+ * be less than one.
+ * The amount the allocated size of the matrix is increased when it
+ * is expanded.
+ * This number is used for two slightly different things, both of which
+ * relate to the search for the best pivot. First, it is the maximum
+ * number of elements that are Markowitz tied that will be sifted
+ * through when trying to find the one that is numerically the best.
+ * Second, it creates an upper bound on how large a Markowitz product
+ * can be before it eliminates the possibility of early termination
+ * of the pivot search. In other words, if the product of the smallest
+ * Markowitz product yet found and TIES_MULTIPLIER is greater than
+ * MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES, then no early termination takes place.
+ * Set MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES to some small value if no early termination of
+ * the pivot search is desired. An array of RealNumbers is allocated
+ * of size MAX_MARKOWITZ_TIES so it must be positive and shouldn't
+ * be too large. Active when MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ is 1 (true). [100]
+ * Specifies the number of Markowitz ties that are allowed to occur
+ * before the search for the pivot is terminated early. Set to some
+ * large value if no early termination of the pivot search is desired.
+ * This number is multiplied times the Markowitz product to determine
+ * how many ties are required for early termination. This means that
+ * more elements will be searched before early termination if a large
+ * number of fill-ins could be created by accepting what is currently
+ * considered the best choice for the pivot. Active when
+ * MODIFIED_MARKOWITZ is 1 (true). Setting this number to zero
+ * effectively eliminates all pivoting, which should be avoided.
+ * This number must be positive. TIES_MULTIPLIER is also used when
+ * diagonal pivoting breaks down. [5]
+ * Which partition mode is used by spPartition() as default.
+ * Possibilities include
+ * spDIRECT_PARTITION -- each row used direct addressing, best for
+ * a few relatively dense matrices.
+ * spINDIRECT_PARTITION -- each row used indirect addressing, best
+ * for a few very sparse matrices.
+ * spAUTO_PARTITION -- direct or indirect addressing is chosen on
+ * a row-by-row basis, carries a large overhead, but speeds up
+ * both dense and sparse matrices, best if there is a large
+ * number of matrices that can use the same ordering.
+ */
+/* Begin constants. */
+#define DEFAULT_THRESHOLD 1.0e-3
+ *
+ * This macro characterize the printer for the spPrint() routine.
+ *
+ * >>> Macros:
+ * The number of characters per page width. Set to 80 for terminal,
+ * 132 for line printer.
+ */
+/* Begin printer constants. */
+#define PRINTER_WIDTH 80
+ *
+ * These numbers must be updated when the program is ported to a new machine.
+ */
+/* Begin machine constants. */
+#ifdef notdef /* __STDC__ */
+ * This code is currently deleted because most ANSI standard C compilers
+ * do not provide the standard header files yet.
+ */
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <float.h>
+#else /* NOT defined(__STDC__) */
+/* Apple MacOSX */
+#ifdef __APPLE__ /* __STDC__ */
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <float.h>
+#endif /* NOT defined(__STDC__) */
+/* VAX machine constants */
+#if (defined(vax) && !defined(netbsd))
+# define MACHINE_RESOLUTION 6.93889e-18
+# define LARGEST_REAL 1.70141e+38
+# define SMALLEST_REAL 2.938743e-39
+# define LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER 2147483646
+/* MIPS machine constants */
+#if (defined(mips) && !defined(netbsd))
+# define MACHINE_RESOLUTION 6.93889e-18
+# define LARGEST_REAL 1.70141e+38
+# define SMALLEST_REAL 2.938743e-39
+# define LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER 2147483646
+/* hp9000 machine constants */
+#ifdef hpux
+/* These values are correct for hp9000/300. Should be correct for others. */
+# define MACHINE_RESOLUTION 8.9e-15
+# define LARGEST_REAL 1.79769313486231e+308
+# define SMALLEST_REAL 2.22507385850721e-308
+# define LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER 2147483646
+/* IBM machine constants */
+#ifdef aix
+/** The STDC option works on aix on gives the values that i've copied here */
+# define MACHINE_RESOLUTION 2.2204460492503131e-16
+# define LARGEST_REAL 1.7976931348623158e+308
+# define SMALLEST_REAL 2.2250738585072014e-308
+# define LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER 2147483647
+/* Sun machine constants */
+#if (defined(sun) && !defined(netbsd))
+/* These values are rumored to be the correct values. */
+# define MACHINE_RESOLUTION 8.9e-15
+# define LARGEST_REAL 1.79769313486231e+308
+# define SMALLEST_REAL 2.22507385850721e-308
+# define LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER 2147483646
+/* DEC alpha machine constant*/
+#if (defined(__alpha) && !defined(netbsd))
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <float.h>
+#ifdef linux
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <float.h>
+#if defined(netbsd) || defined(freebsd)
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <float.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <float.h>
+/* XXXXX : a v'erifier */
+# define LARGEST_LONG_INTEGER 2147483646
+#endif /* NOT defined(__STDC__) */
+ *
+ * This macro changes the amount of annotation produced by the matrix
+ * routines. The annotation is used as a debugging aid. Change the number
+ * associated with ANNOTATE to change the amount of annotation produced by
+ * the program.
+ */
+/* Begin annotation definitions. */
+#define NONE 0
+#define FULL 2
+#endif /* spINSIDE_SPARSE */
+#endif /* spCONFIG_DEFS */
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/spDefs.h b/modules/sparse/includes/spDefs.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e2e57b6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/spDefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+#ifndef __SPDEFS_H__
+#define __SPDEFS_H__
+#include "core_math.h"
+ *
+ * Author: Advising professor:
+ * Kenneth S. Kundert Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
+ * UC Berkeley
+ *
+ * This file contains common type definitions and macros for the sparse
+ * matrix routines. These definitions are of no interest to the user.
+ */
+ * Revision and copyright information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1985,86,87,88
+ * by Kenneth S. Kundert and the University of California.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+ * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+ * provided that the copyright notices appear in all copies and
+ * supporting documentation and that the authors and the University of
+ * California are properly credited. The authors and the University of
+ * California make no representations as to the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided `as is', without express
+ * or implied warranty.
+ *
+ */
+ */
+ * If running lint, change some of the compiler options to get a more
+ * complete inspection.
+ */
+#ifdef lint
+#undef REAL
+#undef spCOMPLEX
+#undef STRIP
+#undef SCALING
+#undef FORTRAN
+#undef DEBUG
+#define REAL YES
+#define spCOMPLEX YES
+#define STRIP YES
+#define SCALING YES
+#define FORTRAN YES
+#define DEBUG YES
+#define LINT YES
+#else /* not lint */
+#define LINT NO
+#endif /* not lint */
+ *
+ * Macros are distinguished by using solely capital letters in their
+ * identifiers. This contrasts with C defined identifiers which are strictly
+ * lower case, and program variable and procedure names which use both upper
+ * and lower case.
+ */
+/* Begin macros. */
+/* Boolean data type */
+#define SPBOOLEAN int
+#define NO 0
+#define YES 1
+#define NOT !
+#define AND &&
+#define OR ||
+/* NULL pointer */
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL 0
+#define SPARSE_ID 0x772773 /* Arbitrary (is Sparse on phone). */
+#define IS_SPARSE(matrix) ((matrix) != NULL && \
+ (matrix)->ID == SPARSE_ID)
+#define IS_VALID(matrix) ((matrix) != NULL && \
+ (matrix)->ID == SPARSE_ID && \
+ (matrix)->Error >= spOKAY && \
+ (matrix)->Error < spFATAL)
+#define IS_FACTORED(matrix) ((matrix)->Factored && !(matrix)->NeedsOrdering)
+/* Macro commands */
+/* Macro function that returns the square of a number. */
+#define SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
+/* Macro procedure that swaps two entities. */
+#define SWAP(type, a, b) {type swapx; swapx = a; a = b; b = swapx;}
+/* Macro function that returns the approx absolute value of a complex number. */
+#if spCOMPLEX
+#define ELEMENT_MAG(ptr) (Abs((ptr)->Real) + Abs((ptr)->Imag))
+#define ELEMENT_MAG(ptr) ((ptr)->Real < 0.0 ? -(ptr)->Real : (ptr)->Real)
+/* Complex assignment statements. */
+#define CMPLX_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ (to).Real = (from).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (from).Imag; \
+#define CMPLX_CONJ_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ (to).Real = (from).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = -(from).Imag; \
+#define CMPLX_NEGATE_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ (to).Real = -(from).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = -(from).Imag; \
+#define CMPLX_CONJ_NEGATE_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ (to).Real = -(from).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (from).Imag; \
+#define CMPLX_CONJ(a) (a).Imag = -(a).Imag
+#define CMPLX_NEGATE(a) \
+{ (a).Real = -(a).Real; \
+ (a).Imag = -(a).Imag; \
+/* Macro that returns the approx magnitude (L-1 norm) of a complex number. */
+#define CMPLX_1_NORM(a) (Abs((a).Real) + Abs((a).Imag))
+/* Macro that returns the approx magnitude (L-infinity norm) of a complex. */
+#define CMPLX_INF_NORM(a) (Max (Abs((a).Real),Abs((a).Imag)))
+/* Macro function that returns the magnitude (L-2 norm) of a complex number. */
+#define CMPLX_2_NORM(a) (sqrt((a).Real*(a).Real + (a).Imag*(a).Imag))
+/* Macro function that performs complex addition. */
+#define CMPLX_ADD(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real = (from_a).Real + (from_b).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (from_a).Imag + (from_b).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that performs complex subtraction. */
+#define CMPLX_SUBT(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real = (from_a).Real - (from_b).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (from_a).Imag - (from_b).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that is equivalent to += operator for complex numbers. */
+#define CMPLX_ADD_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ (to).Real += (from).Real; \
+ (to).Imag += (from).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that is equivalent to -= operator for complex numbers. */
+#define CMPLX_SUBT_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ (to).Real -= (from).Real; \
+ (to).Imag -= (from).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies a complex number by a scalar. */
+#define SCLR_MULT(to,sclr,cmplx) \
+{ (to).Real = (sclr) * (cmplx).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (sclr) * (cmplx).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that multiply-assigns a complex number by a scalar. */
+#define SCLR_MULT_ASSIGN(to,sclr) \
+{ (to).Real *= (sclr); \
+ (to).Imag *= (sclr); \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers. */
+#define CMPLX_MULT(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real = (from_a).Real * (from_b).Real - \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag = (from_a).Real * (from_b).Imag + \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Real; \
+/* Macro function that implements to *= from for complex numbers. */
+#define CMPLX_MULT_ASSIGN(to,from) \
+{ RealNumber to_real_ = (to).Real; \
+ (to).Real = to_real_ * (from).Real - \
+ (to).Imag * (from).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag = to_real_ * (from).Imag + \
+ (to).Imag * (from).Real; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers, the first of which is
+ * conjugated. */
+#define CMPLX_CONJ_MULT(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real = (from_a).Real * (from_b).Real + \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag = (from_a).Real * (from_b).Imag - \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Real; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers and then adds them
+ * to another. to = add + mult_a * mult_b */
+#define CMPLX_MULT_ADD(to,mult_a,mult_b,add) \
+{ (to).Real = (mult_a).Real * (mult_b).Real - \
+ (mult_a).Imag * (mult_b).Imag + (add).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (mult_a).Real * (mult_b).Imag + \
+ (mult_a).Imag * (mult_b).Real + (add).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that subtracts the product of two complex numbers from
+ * another. to = subt - mult_a * mult_b */
+#define CMPLX_MULT_SUBT(to,mult_a,mult_b,subt) \
+{ (to).Real = (subt).Real - (mult_a).Real * (mult_b).Real + \
+ (mult_a).Imag * (mult_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag = (subt).Imag - (mult_a).Real * (mult_b).Imag - \
+ (mult_a).Imag * (mult_b).Real; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers and then adds them
+ * to another. to = add + mult_a* * mult_b where mult_a* represents mult_a
+ * conjugate. */
+#define CMPLX_CONJ_MULT_ADD(to,mult_a,mult_b,add) \
+{ (to).Real = (mult_a).Real * (mult_b).Real + \
+ (mult_a).Imag * (mult_b).Imag + (add).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = (mult_a).Real * (mult_b).Imag - \
+ (mult_a).Imag * (mult_b).Real + (add).Imag; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers and then adds them
+ * to another. to += mult_a * mult_b */
+#define CMPLX_MULT_ADD_ASSIGN(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real += (from_a).Real * (from_b).Real - \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag += (from_a).Real * (from_b).Imag + \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Real; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers and then subtracts them
+ * from another. */
+#define CMPLX_MULT_SUBT_ASSIGN(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real -= (from_a).Real * (from_b).Real - \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag -= (from_a).Real * (from_b).Imag + \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Real; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers and then adds them
+ * to the destination. to += from_a* * from_b where from_a* represents from_a
+ * conjugate. */
+#define CMPLX_CONJ_MULT_ADD_ASSIGN(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real += (from_a).Real * (from_b).Real + \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag += (from_a).Real * (from_b).Imag - \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Real; \
+/* Macro function that multiplies two complex numbers and then subtracts them
+ * from the destination. to -= from_a* * from_b where from_a* represents from_a
+ * conjugate. */
+#define CMPLX_CONJ_MULT_SUBT_ASSIGN(to,from_a,from_b) \
+{ (to).Real -= (from_a).Real * (from_b).Real + \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Imag; \
+ (to).Imag -= (from_a).Real * (from_b).Imag - \
+ (from_a).Imag * (from_b).Real; \
+ * Macro functions that provide complex division.
+ */
+/* Complex division: to = num / den */
+#define CMPLX_DIV(to,num,den) \
+{ RealNumber r_, s_; \
+ if (((den).Real >= (den).Imag AND (den).Real > -(den).Imag) OR \
+ ((den).Real < (den).Imag AND (den).Real <= -(den).Imag)) \
+ { r_ = (den).Imag / (den).Real; \
+ s_ = (den).Real + r_*(den).Imag; \
+ (to).Real = ((num).Real + r_*(num).Imag)/s_; \
+ (to).Imag = ((num).Imag - r_*(num).Real)/s_; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { r_ = (den).Real / (den).Imag; \
+ s_ = (den).Imag + r_*(den).Real; \
+ (to).Real = (r_*(num).Real + (num).Imag)/s_; \
+ (to).Imag = (r_*(num).Imag - (num).Real)/s_; \
+ } \
+/* Complex division and assignment: num /= den */
+#define CMPLX_DIV_ASSIGN(num,den) \
+{ RealNumber r_, s_, t_; \
+ if (((den).Real >= (den).Imag AND (den).Real > -(den).Imag) OR \
+ ((den).Real < (den).Imag AND (den).Real <= -(den).Imag)) \
+ { r_ = (den).Imag / (den).Real; \
+ s_ = (den).Real + r_*(den).Imag; \
+ t_ = ((num).Real + r_*(num).Imag)/s_; \
+ (num).Imag = ((num).Imag - r_*(num).Real)/s_; \
+ (num).Real = t_; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { r_ = (den).Real / (den).Imag; \
+ s_ = (den).Imag + r_*(den).Real; \
+ t_ = (r_*(num).Real + (num).Imag)/s_; \
+ (num).Imag = (r_*(num).Imag - (num).Real)/s_; \
+ (num).Real = t_; \
+ } \
+/* Complex reciprocation: to = 1.0 / den */
+#define CMPLX_RECIPROCAL(to,den) \
+{ RealNumber r_; \
+ if (((den).Real >= (den).Imag AND (den).Real > -(den).Imag) OR \
+ ((den).Real < (den).Imag AND (den).Real <= -(den).Imag)) \
+ { r_ = (den).Imag / (den).Real; \
+ (to).Imag = -r_*((to).Real = 1.0/((den).Real + r_*(den).Imag)); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { r_ = (den).Real / (den).Imag; \
+ (to).Real = -r_*((to).Imag = -1.0/((den).Imag + r_*(den).Real));\
+ } \
+ *
+ * Macro used to assert that if the code is working correctly, then
+ * a condition must be true. If not, then execution is terminated
+ * and an error message is issued stating that there is an internal
+ * error and giving the file and line number. These assertions are
+ * not evaluated unless the DEBUG flag is true.
+ */
+#if DEBUG
+#define ASSERT(condition) if (NOT(condition)) ABORT()
+#define ASSERT(condition)
+#if DEBUG
+#define ABORT() \
+{ (void)fflush(stdout); \
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, _("sparse: panic in file `%s' at line %d.\n"), \
+ __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ (void)fflush(stderr); \
+ abort(); \
+#define ABORT()
+ *
+ * The imaginary vectors iRHS and iSolution are only needed when the
+ * options spCOMPLEX and spSEPARATED_COMPLEX_VECTORS are set. The following
+ * macro makes it easy to include or exclude these vectors as needed.
+ */
+#define IMAG_VECTORS , iRHS, iSolution
+#define IMAG_RHS , iRHS
+#define IMAG_RHS
+ */
+/* Begin `RealNumber'. */
+typedef spREAL RealNumber, *RealVector;
+ *
+ * >>> Structure fields:
+ * Real (RealNumber)
+ * The real portion of the number. Real must be the first
+ * field in this structure.
+ * Imag (RealNumber)
+ * The imaginary portion of the number. This field must follow
+ * immediately after Real.
+ */
+/* Begin `ComplexNumber'. */
+typedef struct
+ RealNumber Real;
+ RealNumber Imag;
+} ComplexNumber, *ComplexVector;
+ *
+ * Every nonzero element in the matrix is stored in a dynamically allocated
+ * MatrixElement structure. These structures are linked together in an
+ * orthogonal linked list. Two different MatrixElement structures exist.
+ * One is used when only real matrices are expected, it is missing an entry
+ * for imaginary data. The other is used if complex matrices are expected.
+ * It contains an entry for imaginary data.
+ *
+ * >>> Structure fields:
+ * Real (RealNumber)
+ * The real portion of the value of the element. Real must be the first
+ * field in this structure.
+ * Imag (RealNumber)
+ * The imaginary portion of the value of the element. If the matrix
+ * routines are not compiled to handle complex matrices, then this
+ * field does not exist. If it exists, it must follow immediately after
+ * Real.
+ * Row (int)
+ * The row number of the element.
+ * Col (int)
+ * The column number of the element.
+ * NextInRow (struct MatrixElement *)
+ * NextInRow contains a pointer to the next element in the row to the
+ * right of this element. If this element is the last nonzero in the
+ * row then NextInRow contains NULL.
+ * NextInCol (struct MatrixElement *)
+ * NextInCol contains a pointer to the next element in the column below
+ * this element. If this element is the last nonzero in the column then
+ * NextInCol contains NULL.
+ * pInitInfo (char *)
+ * Pointer to user data used for initialization of the matrix element.
+ * Initialized to NULL.
+ *
+ * >>> Type definitions:
+ * ElementPtr
+ * A pointer to a MatrixElement.
+ * ArrayOfElementPtrs
+ * An array of ElementPtrs. Used for FirstInRow, FirstInCol and
+ * Diag pointer arrays.
+ */
+/* Begin `MatrixElement'. */
+struct MatrixElement
+ RealNumber Real;
+#if spCOMPLEX
+ RealNumber Imag;
+ int Row;
+ int Col;
+ struct MatrixElement *NextInRow;
+ struct MatrixElement *NextInCol;
+ char *pInitInfo;
+typedef struct MatrixElement *ElementPtr;
+typedef ElementPtr *ArrayOfElementPtrs;
+ *
+ * The sparse matrix routines keep track of all memory that is allocated by
+ * the operating system so the memory can later be freed. This is done by
+ * saving the pointers to all the chunks of memory that are allocated to a
+ * particular matrix in an allocation list. That list is organized as a
+ * linked list so that it can grow without a priori bounds.
+ *
+ * >>> Structure fields:
+ * AllocatedPtr (char *)
+ * Pointer to chunk of memory that has been allocated for the matrix.
+ * NextRecord (struct AllocationRecord *)
+ * Pointer to the next allocation record.
+ */
+/* Begin `AllocationRecord'. */
+struct AllocationRecord
+ char *AllocatedPtr;
+ struct AllocationRecord *NextRecord;
+typedef struct AllocationRecord *AllocationListPtr;
+ *
+ * The sparse matrix routines keep track of all fill-ins separately from
+ * user specified elements so they may be removed by spStripFills(). Fill-ins
+ * are allocated in bunched in what is called a fill-in lists. The data
+ * structure defined below is used to organize these fill-in lists into a
+ * linked-list.
+ *
+ * >>> Structure fields:
+ * pFillinList (ElementPtr)
+ * Pointer to a fill-in list, or a bunch of fill-ins arranged contiguously
+ * in memory.
+ * NumberOfFillinsInList (int)
+ * Seems pretty self explanatory to me.
+ * Next (struct FillinListNodeStruct *)
+ * Pointer to the next fill-in list structures.
+ */
+/* Begin `FillinListNodeStruct'. */
+struct FillinListNodeStruct
+ ElementPtr pFillinList;
+ int NumberOfFillinsInList;
+ struct FillinListNodeStruct *Next;
+ *
+ * This structure contains all the pointers that support the orthogonal
+ * linked list that contains the matrix elements. Also included in this
+ * structure are other numbers and pointers that are used globally by the
+ * sparse matrix routines and are associated with one particular matrix.
+ *
+ * >>> Type definitions:
+ * MatrixPtr
+ * A pointer to MatrixFrame. Essentially, a pointer to the matrix.
+ *
+ * >>> Structure fields:
+ * AbsThreshold (RealNumber)
+ * The absolute magnitude an element must have to be considered as a
+ * pivot candidate, except as a last resort.
+ * AllocatedExtSize (int)
+ * The allocated size of the arrays used to translate external row and
+ * column numbers to their internal values.
+ * AllocatedSize (int)
+ * The currently allocated size of the matrix; the size the matrix can
+ * grow to when EXPANDABLE is set true and AllocatedSize is the largest
+ * the matrix can get without requiring that the matrix frame be
+ * reallocated.
+ * Complex (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * The flag which indicates whether the matrix is complex (true) or
+ * real.
+ * CurrentSize (int)
+ * This number is used during the building of the matrix when the
+ * TRANSLATE option is set true. It indicates the number of internal
+ * rows and columns that have elements in them.
+ * Diag (ArrayOfElementPtrs)
+ * Array of pointers that points to the diagonal elements.
+ * DoCmplxDirect (SPBOOLEAN *)
+ * Array of flags, one for each column in matrix. If a flag is true
+ * then corresponding column in a complex matrix should be eliminated
+ * in spFactor() using direct addressing (rather than indirect
+ * addressing).
+ * DoRealDirect (SPBOOLEAN *)
+ * Array of flags, one for each column in matrix. If a flag is true
+ * then corresponding column in a real matrix should be eliminated
+ * in spFactor() using direct addressing (rather than indirect
+ * addressing).
+ * Elements (int)
+ * The number of original elements (total elements minus fill ins)
+ * present in matrix.
+ * Error (int)
+ * The error status of the sparse matrix package.
+ * ExtSize (int)
+ * The value of the largest external row or column number encountered.
+ * ExtToIntColMap (int [])
+ * An array that is used to convert external columns number to internal
+ * external column numbers. Present only if TRANSLATE option is set true.
+ * ExtToIntRowMap (int [])
+ * An array that is used to convert external row numbers to internal
+ * external row numbers. Present only if TRANSLATE option is set true.
+ * Factored (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * Indicates if matrix has been factored. This flag is set true in
+ * spFactor() and spOrderAndFactor() and set false in spCreate()
+ * and spClear().
+ * Fillins (int)
+ * The number of fill-ins created during the factorization the matrix.
+ * FirstInCol (ArrayOfElementPtrs)
+ * Array of pointers that point to the first nonzero element of the
+ * column corresponding to the index.
+ * FirstInRow (ArrayOfElementPtrs)
+ * Array of pointers that point to the first nonzero element of the row
+ * corresponding to the index.
+ * ID (unsigned long int)
+ * A constant that provides the sparse data structure with a signature.
+ * When DEBUG is true, all externally available sparse routines check
+ * this signature to assure they are operating on a valid matrix.
+ * Intermediate (RealVector)
+ * Temporary storage used in the spSolve routines. Intermediate is an
+ * array used during forward and backward substitution. It is
+ * commonly called y when the forward and backward substitution process is
+ * denoted Ax = b => Ly = b and Ux = y.
+ * InternalVectorsAllocated (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * A flag that indicates whether the markowitz vectors and the
+ * Intermediate vector have been created.
+ * These vectors are created in CreateInternalVectors().
+ * IntToExtColMap (int [])
+ * An array that is used to convert internal column numbers to external
+ * external column numbers.
+ * IntToExtRowMap (int [])
+ * An array that is used to convert internal row numbers to external
+ * external row numbers.
+ * MarkowitzCol (int [])
+ * An array that contains the count of the non-zero elements excluding
+ * the pivots for each column. Used to generate and update MarkowitzProd.
+ * MarkowitzProd (long [])
+ * The array of the products of the Markowitz row and column counts. The
+ * element with the smallest product is the best pivot to use to maintain
+ * sparsity.
+ * MarkowitzRow (int [])
+ * An array that contains the count of the non-zero elements excluding
+ * the pivots for each row. Used to generate and update MarkowitzProd.
+ * MaxRowCountInLowerTri (int)
+ * The maximum number of off-diagonal element in the rows of L, the
+ * lower triangular matrix. This quantity is used when computing an
+ * estimate of the roundoff error in the matrix.
+ * NeedsOrdering (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * This is a flag that signifies that the matrix needs to be ordered
+ * or reordered. NeedsOrdering is set true in spCreate() and
+ * spGetElement() or spGetAdmittance() if new elements are added to the
+ * matrix after it has been previously factored. It is set false in
+ * spOrderAndFactor().
+ * NumberOfInterchangesIsOdd (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * Flag that indicates the sum of row and column interchange counts
+ * is an odd number. Used when determining the sign of the determinant.
+ * Partitioned (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * This flag indicates that the columns of the matrix have been
+ * partitioned into two groups. Those that will be addressed directly
+ * and those that will be addressed indirectly in spFactor().
+ * PivotsOriginalCol (int)
+ * Column pivot was chosen from.
+ * PivotsOriginalRow (int)
+ * Row pivot was chosen from.
+ * PivotSelectionMethod (char)
+ * Character that indicates which pivot search method was successful.
+ * PreviousMatrixWasComplex (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * This flag in needed to determine how to clear the matrix. When
+ * dealing with real matrices, it is important that the imaginary terms
+ * in the matrix elements be zero. Thus, if the previous matrix was
+ * complex, then the current matrix will be cleared as if it were complex
+ * even if it is real.
+ * RelThreshold (RealNumber)
+ * The magnitude an element must have relative to others in its row
+ * to be considered as a pivot candidate, except as a last resort.
+ * Reordered (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * This flag signifies that the matrix has been reordered. It
+ * is cleared in spCreate(), set in spMNA_Preorder() and
+ * spOrderAndFactor() and is used in spPrint().
+ * RowsLinked (SPBOOLEAN)
+ * A flag that indicates whether the row pointers exist. The AddByIndex
+ * routines do not generate the row pointers, which are needed by some
+ * of the other routines, such as spOrderAndFactor() and spScale().
+ * The row pointers are generated in the function spcLinkRows().
+ * SingularCol (int)
+ * Normally zero, but if matrix is found to be singular, SingularCol is
+ * assigned the external column number of pivot that was zero.
+ * SingularRow (int)
+ * Normally zero, but if matrix is found to be singular, SingularRow is
+ * assigned the external row number of pivot that was zero.
+ * Singletons (int)
+ * The number of singletons available for pivoting. Note that if row I
+ * and column I both contain singletons, only one of them is counted.
+ * Size (int)
+ * Number of rows and columns in the matrix. Does not change as matrix
+ * is factored.
+ * TrashCan (MatrixElement)
+ * This is a dummy MatrixElement that is used to by the user to stuff
+ * data related to the zero row or column. In other words, when the user
+ * adds an element in row zero or column zero, then the matrix returns
+ * a pointer to TrashCan. In this way the user can have a uniform way
+ * data into the matrix independent of whether a component is connected
+ * to ground.
+ *
+ * >>> The remaining fields are related to memory allocation.
+ * TopOfAllocationList (AllocationListPtr)
+ * Pointer which points to the top entry in a list. The list contains
+ * all the pointers to the segments of memory that have been allocated
+ * to this matrix. This is used when the memory is to be freed on
+ * deallocation of the matrix.
+ * RecordsRemaining (int)
+ * Number of slots left in the list of allocations.
+ * NextAvailElement (ElementPtr)
+ * Pointer to the next available element which has been allocated but as
+ * yet is unused. Matrix elements are allocated in groups of
+ * ELEMENTS_PER_ALLOCATION in order to speed element allocation and
+ * freeing.
+ * ElementsRemaining (int)
+ * Number of unused elements left in last block of elements allocated.
+ * NextAvailFillin (ElementPtr)
+ * Pointer to the next available fill-in which has been allocated but
+ * as yet is unused. Fill-ins are allocated in a group in order to keep
+ * them physically close in memory to the rest of the matrix.
+ * FillinsRemaining (int)
+ * Number of unused fill-ins left in the last block of fill-ins
+ * allocated.
+ * FirstFillinListNode (FillinListNodeStruct *)
+ * A pointer to the head of the linked-list that keeps track of the
+ * lists of fill-ins.
+ * LastFillinListNode (FillinListNodeStruct *)
+ * A pointer to the tail of the linked-list that keeps track of the
+ * lists of fill-ins.
+ */
+/* Begin `MatrixFrame'. */
+struct MatrixFrame
+ int NumRank ; /* the numerical Rank of the matrix */
+ RealNumber AbsThreshold;
+ int AllocatedSize;
+ int AllocatedExtSize;
+ SPBOOLEAN Complex;
+ int CurrentSize;
+ ArrayOfElementPtrs Diag;
+ SPBOOLEAN *DoCmplxDirect;
+ SPBOOLEAN *DoRealDirect;
+ int Elements;
+ int Error;
+ int ExtSize;
+ int *ExtToIntColMap;
+ int *ExtToIntRowMap;
+ SPBOOLEAN Factored;
+ int Fillins;
+ ArrayOfElementPtrs FirstInCol;
+ ArrayOfElementPtrs FirstInRow;
+ unsigned long ID;
+ RealVector Intermediate;
+ SPBOOLEAN InternalVectorsAllocated;
+ int *IntToExtColMap;
+ int *IntToExtRowMap;
+ int *MarkowitzRow;
+ int *MarkowitzCol;
+ long *MarkowitzProd;
+ int MaxRowCountInLowerTri;
+ SPBOOLEAN NeedsOrdering;
+ SPBOOLEAN NumberOfInterchangesIsOdd;
+ SPBOOLEAN Partitioned;
+ int PivotsOriginalCol;
+ int PivotsOriginalRow;
+ char PivotSelectionMethod;
+ SPBOOLEAN PreviousMatrixWasComplex;
+ RealNumber RelThreshold;
+ SPBOOLEAN Reordered;
+ SPBOOLEAN RowsLinked;
+ int SingularCol;
+ int SingularRow;
+ int Singletons;
+ int Size;
+ struct MatrixElement TrashCan;
+ AllocationListPtr TopOfAllocationList;
+ int RecordsRemaining;
+ ElementPtr NextAvailElement;
+ int ElementsRemaining;
+ ElementPtr NextAvailFillin;
+ int FillinsRemaining;
+ struct FillinListNodeStruct *FirstFillinListNode;
+ struct FillinListNodeStruct *LastFillinListNode;
+typedef struct MatrixFrame *MatrixPtr;
+#endif /* __SPDEFS_H__*/
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/spmalloc.h b/modules/sparse/includes/spmalloc.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ac571ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/spmalloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __SPMALLOC_H__
+#define __SPMALLOC_H__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "MALLOC.h"
+#define SPMALLOC(x) MALLOC(((size_t) x))
+#define SPALLOC(type,number) ((type *)SPMALLOC((unsigned)(sizeof(type)*(number))))
+#define SPREALLOC(ptr,type,number) \
+ ptr = (type *)REALLOC((char *)ptr,(unsigned)(sizeof(type)*(number)))
+#define SPFREE(ptr) { if ((ptr) != NULL) {FREE((void *)(ptr)); (ptr) = NULL;}}
+/* Calloc that properly handles allocating a cleared vector. */
+#define SPCALLOC(ptr,type,number) \
+{ int i; ptr = SPALLOC(type, number); \
+ if (ptr != (type *)NULL) \
+ for(i=(number)-1;i>=0; i--) ptr[i] = (type) 0; \
+#endif /*__SPMALLOC_H__*/
diff --git a/modules/sparse/includes/spmatrix.h b/modules/sparse/includes/spmatrix.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6b1e1fc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparse/includes/spmatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#ifndef __SPMATRIX_H__
+#define __SPMATRIX_H__
+ * EXPORTS for sparse matrix routines.
+ *
+ * Author: Advising professor:
+ * Kenneth S. Kundert Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
+ * UC Berkeley
+ *
+ * This file contains definitions that are useful to the calling
+ * program. In particular, this file contains error keyword
+ * definitions, some macro functions that are used to quickly enter
+ * data into the matrix and the type definition of a data structure
+ * that acts as a template for entering admittances into the matrix.
+ * Also included is the type definitions for the various functions
+ * available to the user.
+ */
+ * Revision and copyright information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1985,86,87,88
+ * by Kenneth S. Kundert and the University of California.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+ * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+ * provided that the copyright notices appear in all copies and
+ * supporting documentation and that the authors and the University of
+ * California are properly credited. The authors and the University of
+ * California make no representations as to the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided `as is', without express
+ * or implied warranty.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef spOKAY
+ *
+ * >>> Import descriptions:
+ * spConfig.h
+ * Macros that customize the sparse matrix routines.
+ */
+#include "spConfig.h"
+ *
+ * The actual numbers used in the error codes are not sacred, they can be
+ * changed under the condition that the codes for the nonfatal errors are
+ * less than the code for spFATAL and similarly the codes for the fatal
+ * errors are greater than that for spFATAL.
+ *
+ * >>> Error descriptions:
+ * spOKAY
+ * No error has occurred.
+ * When reordering the matrix, no element was found which satisfies the
+ * absolute threshold criteria. The largest element in the matrix was
+ * chosen as pivot. Non-fatal.
+ * Fatal error. A zero was encountered on the diagonal the matrix. This
+ * does not necessarily imply that the matrix is singular. When this
+ * error occurs, the matrix should be reconstructed and factored using
+ * spOrderAndFactor().
+ * Fatal error. Matrix is singular, so no unique solution exists.
+ * Fatal error. Indicates that not enough memory is available to handle
+ * the matrix.
+ * spPANIC
+ * Fatal error indicating that the routines are not prepared to
+ * handle the matrix that has been requested. This may occur when
+ * the matrix is specified to be real and the routines are not
+ * compiled for real matrices, or when the matrix is specified to
+ * be complex and the routines are not compiled to handle complex
+ * matrices.
+ * spFATAL
+ * Not an error flag, but rather the dividing line between fatal errors
+ * and warnings.
+ */
+/* Begin error macros. */
+#define spOKAY 0
+#define spSMALL_PIVOT 1
+#define spZERO_DIAG 2
+#define spSINGULAR 3
+#define spNO_MEMORY 4
+#define spPANIC 5
+#define spFATAL 2
+ *
+ * Here we define what precision arithmetic Sparse will use. Double
+ * precision is suggested as being most appropriate for circuit
+ * simulation and for C. However, it is possible to change spREAL
+ * to a float for single precision arithmetic. Note that in C, single
+ * precision arithmetic is often slower than double precision. Sparse
+ * internally refers to spREALs as RealNumbers.
+ *
+ * Some C compilers, notably the old VMS compiler, do not handle the keyword
+ * "void" correctly. If this is true for your compiler, remove the
+ * comment delimiters from the redefinition of void to int below.
+ */
+#define spREAL double
+/* #define void int */
+ *
+ * When factoring a previously ordered matrix using spFactor(), Sparse
+ * operates on a row-at-a-time basis. For speed, on each step, the row
+ * being updated is copied into a full vector and the operations are
+ * performed on that vector. This can be done one of two ways, either
+ * using direct addressing or indirect addressing. Direct addressing
+ * is fastest when the matrix is relatively dense and indirect addressing
+ * is quite sparse. The user can select which partitioning mode is used.
+ * The following keywords are passed to spPartition() and indicate that
+ * Sparse should use only direct addressing, only indirect addressing, or
+ * that it should choose the best mode on a row-by-row basis. The time
+ * required to choose a partition is of the same order of the cost to factor
+ * the matrix.
+ *
+ * If you plan to factor a large number of matrices with the same structure,
+ * it is best to let Sparse choose the partition. Otherwise, you should
+ * choose the partition based on the predicted density of the matrix.
+ */
+/* Begin partition keywords. */
+#define spAUTO_PARTITION 3
+ *
+ * >>> Macro descriptions:
+ * Macro function that adds data to a real element in the matrix by a
+ * pointer.
+ * Macro function that adds data to a imaginary element in the matrix by
+ * a pointer.
+ * Macro function that adds data to a complex element in the matrix by a
+ * pointer.
+ * Macro function that adds data to each of the four real matrix elements
+ * specified by the given template.
+ * Macro function that adds data to each of the four imaginary matrix
+ * elements specified by the given template.
+ * Macro function that adds data to each of the four complex matrix
+ * elements specified by the given template.
+ */
+/* Begin Macros. */
+#define spADD_REAL_ELEMENT(element,real) *(element) += real
+#define spADD_IMAG_ELEMENT(element,imag) *(element+1) += imag
+#define spADD_COMPLEX_ELEMENT(element,real,imag) \
+{ *(element) += real; \
+ *(element+1) += imag; \
+#define spADD_REAL_QUAD(template,real) \
+{ *((template).Element1) += real; \
+ *((template).Element2) += real; \
+ *((template).Element3Negated) -= real; \
+ *((template).Element4Negated) -= real; \
+#define spADD_IMAG_QUAD(template,imag) \
+{ *((template).Element1+1) += imag; \
+ *((template).Element2+1) += imag; \
+ *((template).Element3Negated+1) -= imag; \
+ *((template).Element4Negated+1) -= imag; \
+#define spADD_COMPLEX_QUAD(template,real,imag) \
+{ *((template).Element1) += real; \
+ *((template).Element2) += real; \
+ *((template).Element3Negated) -= real; \
+ *((template).Element4Negated) -= real; \
+ *((template).Element1+1) += imag; \
+ *((template).Element2+1) += imag; \
+ *((template).Element3Negated+1) -= imag; \
+ *((template).Element4Negated+1) -= imag; \
+ *
+ * This data structure is used to hold pointers to four related elements in
+ * matrix. It is used in conjunction with the routines
+ * spGetAdmittance
+ * spGetQuad
+ * spGetOnes
+ * These routines stuff the structure which is later used by the spADD_QUAD
+ * macro functions above. It is also possible for the user to collect four
+ * pointers returned by spGetElement and stuff them into the template.
+ * The spADD_QUAD routines stuff data into the matrix in locations specified
+ * by Element1 and Element2 without changing the data. The data is negated
+ * before being placed in Element3 and Element4.
+ */
+/* Begin `spTemplate'. */
+struct spTemplate
+ spREAL *Element1 ;
+ spREAL *Element2 ;
+ spREAL *Element3Negated;
+ spREAL *Element4Negated;
+ *
+ * The type of every user accessible function is declared here.
+ */
+/* Begin function declarations. */
+/* For compilers that understand function prototypes. */
+extern void spClear( char* );
+extern spREAL spCondition( char*, spREAL, int* );
+extern char *spCreate( int, int, int* );
+extern void spDeleteRowAndCol( char*, int, int );
+extern void spDestroy( char* );
+extern int spElementCount( char* );
+extern int spError( char* );
+extern int spFactor( char* );
+extern int spFileMatrix( char*, char*, char*, int, int, int );
+extern int spFileStats( char*, char*, char* );
+extern int spFillinCount( char* );
+extern int spGetAdmittance( char*, int, int, struct spTemplate* );
+extern spREAL *spGetElement( char*, int, int );
+extern char *spGetInitInfo( spREAL* );
+extern int spGetOnes( char*, int, int, int, struct spTemplate* );
+extern int spGetQuad( char*, int, int, int, int, struct spTemplate* );
+extern int spGetSize( char*, int );
+extern int spInitialize( char*, int (*)() );
+extern void spInstallInitInfo( spREAL*, char* );
+extern spREAL spLargestElement( char* );
+extern void spMNA_Preorder( char* );
+extern spREAL spNorm( char* );
+extern int spOrderAndFactor( char*, spREAL[], spREAL, spREAL, int );
+extern void spPartition( char*, int );
+extern void spPrint( char*, int, int, int );
+extern spREAL spPseudoCondition( char* );
+extern spREAL spRoundoff( char*, spREAL );
+extern void spScale( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+extern void spSetComplex( char* );
+extern void spSetReal( char* );
+extern void spStripFills( char* );
+extern void spWhereSingular( char*, int*, int* );
+/* Functions with argument lists that are dependent on options. */
+#if spCOMPLEX
+extern void spDeterminant ( char*, int*, spREAL*, spREAL* );
+#else /* NOT spCOMPLEX */
+extern void spDeterminant ( char*, int*, spREAL* );
+#endif /* NOT spCOMPLEX */
+extern int spFileVector( char*, char* , spREAL[], spREAL[]);
+extern void spMultiply( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+extern void spMultTransposed(char*, spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[]);
+extern void spSolve( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+extern void spSolveTransposed(char*, spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[], spREAL[]);
+extern int spFileVector( char*, char* , spREAL[] );
+extern void spMultiply( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+extern void spMultTransposed( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+extern void spSolve( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+extern void spSolveTransposed( char*, spREAL[], spREAL[] );
+#endif /* spOKAY */
+#endif /* __SPMATRIX_H__ */