path: root/modules/mpi/examples/MPIPi.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mpi/examples/MPIPi.sci')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mpi/examples/MPIPi.sci b/modules/mpi/examples/MPIPi.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..14b5ebe7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/mpi/examples/MPIPi.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+function MPIPi(N,mod)
+ // Pi_seq: Compute PI (sequential) by num.integr. of arctan(x) in [0..1]
+ //
+ // Pi_seq [ (N) ]
+ //
+ // N [1E7] #subdivisions of the [0, 1] interval
+ // mod ['s'] communication modality: (s)end (r)educe
+ // printed results struct contains
+ // pi estimated pi value
+ // err error
+ // time from argument xmit to pi computed
+ //
+ // Examples:
+ //
+ // octave:1> Pi_seq
+ // results =
+ // {
+ // pi = 3.1416
+ // err = -6.4837e-14
+ // time = 2.7761
+ // }
+ //
+ ////////////////////
+ // ArgChk //
+ ////////////////////
+ if argn(2)<1, N=1E7; end
+ if argn(2)<2, mod="s"; end
+ if argn(2)>2, error("usage MPIPi(N,mod)"); end
+ flag=0;
+ [%H,%ierr] = evstr(string(N));
+ flag=flag | size(N,"*")<>1 | %ierr<>0;
+ flag=flag | fix(N)~=N | N<1;
+ if flag, error("usage MPIPi( <int> N>0, <char> mod==''s|r'' )"), end
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ // Results struct //
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ results.pi =0;
+ results.err =0;
+ results.time=0;
+ ////////////
+ // PARALLEL / initialization, include MPI_Init time in measurement
+ ////////////
+ // T=clock; /
+ ////////////
+ MPI_Init(); // should have lambooted first
+ rnk = MPI_Comm_rank(); // let it abort if it fails
+ siz = MPI_Comm_size();
+ SLV = rnk; // handy shortcuts, master is rank 0
+ MST = ~ SLV; // slaves are all other
+ if MST
+ disp("Master here")
+ else
+ disp("Slave here")
+ end
+ ////////////
+ // PARALLEL / computation (depends on rank/size)
+ //////////// // vectorized code, equivalent to
+ width=1/N; lsum=0; // for i=rnk:siz:N-1
+ i=rnk:siz:N-1; // x=(i+0.5)*width;
+ x=(i+0.5)*width; // lsum=lsum+4/(1+x^2);
+ lsum=sum(4 ./(1+x.^2)); // end
+ // mem-bound, N=1E7 => size(i)=8E7/siz (80MB!!!)
+ ////////////
+ // PARALLEL / reduction and finish
+ ////////////
+ select mod
+ case "s", TAG=7; // Any tag would do
+ if SLV // All slaves send result back
+ MPI_Send(lsum, 0,TAG);
+ else // Here at master
+ Sum =lsum; // save local result
+ for slv=1:siz-1 // collect in any order
+ MPI_Recv(lsum,TAG);
+ Sum = Sum + lsum; // and accumulate
+ end // order: slv or MPI_ANY_SOURCE
+ end
+ case "r", Sum=0; // reduction master = rank 0 @ WORLD
+ MPI_Reduce(lsum,Sum, MPI_SUM, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ end
+ MPI_Finalize;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //results.time = etime(clock,T); //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ results.err = Sum-%pi;
+ results.pi = Sum // ;
+ //////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////
+ if abs(results.err)>5E-10
+ warning("pretty nice pi value! go fix it")
+ end
+ disp(results)