path: root/modules/m2sci/macros/mfile2sci.sci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/m2sci/macros/mfile2sci.sci')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/m2sci/macros/mfile2sci.sci b/modules/m2sci/macros/mfile2sci.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cade50470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/m2sci/macros/mfile2sci.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 - INRIA - Vincent COUVERT
+// Copyright (C) ???? - INRIA - Serge STEER
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function res=mfile2sci(fil,res_path,Recmode,only_double,verbose_mode,prettyprintoutput)
+ // This function performs translation of a single M-file
+ // - fil: file name
+ // - res_path: path to write translated file in (default value is fil path)
+ // - Recmode: recursive mode (default value is false)
+ // Get default arguments
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if rhs<6 then prettyprintoutput=%F,end
+ if rhs<5 then verbose_mode=3,end
+ if rhs<4 then only_double=%T,end
+ if rhs<3 then Recmode=%F,end
+ if rhs<2 then res_path="./",end
+ if rhs<1 then m2sci_gui();res=[];return;end
+ if getos() == "Windows" then
+ fil=strsubst(fil,filesep(),"/")
+ res_path=strsubst(res_path,"\","/")
+ end
+ if part(res_path,length(res_path))<>"/" then
+ res_path=res_path+"/"
+ end
+ // Loads libraries related to m2sci
+ if exists("m2scikernellib")==0 then load("SCI/modules/m2sci/macros/kernel/lib"),end
+ if exists("m2scipercentlib")==0 then load("SCI/modules/m2sci/macros/percent/lib"),end
+ if exists("m2scisci_fileslib")==0 then load("SCI/modules/m2sci/macros/sci_files/lib"),end
+ if multi_fun_file(fil,res_path,Recmode,only_double,verbose_mode,prettyprintoutput) then
+ res=1
+ return
+ end
+ // Get context
+ global("m2sci_infos")
+ global("mtlbref_fun")
+ global("mtlbtool_fun")
+ global("not_mtlb_fun")
+ [l,mac]=where()
+ Reclevel=size(find(mac=="mfile2sci"),"*")
+ tpcallpos=min(find(mac=="translatepaths"));
+ guicallpos=min(find(mac=="m2sci_gui"));
+ if size(find(mac=="m2sci_gui"),"*")==1 & tpcallpos<guicallpos then // Bug 679
+ Reclevel=Reclevel-1
+ end
+ if size(find(mac=="multi_fun_file"),"*")==1 then
+ Reclevel=Reclevel-1
+ end
+ if Reclevel==1 then
+ nametbl=[]
+ else
+ m2sci_infos_save=m2sci_infos
+ end
+ m2sci_infos=[%f %f]
+ margin=part(" ",ones(1,3*(Reclevel-1)))
+ margin=" "
+ rec=gettext("OFF");
+ dble=gettext("NO");
+ pretty=gettext("NO");
+ if prettyprintoutput then pretty=gettext("YES");end
+ if Recmode then rec=gettext("ON");end
+ if only_double then dble=gettext("YES");end
+ res=[]
+ // Handle file path
+ // File name
+ k=strindex(fil,".")
+ if k<>[]
+ ke=k($)-1
+ base_name=part(fil,1:ke)
+ else
+ ke=length(fil)
+ base_name=fil
+ end
+ // File path
+ k=strindex(fil,"/")
+ if k==[] then
+ file_path="./"
+ else
+ file_path=part(fil,1:k($))
+ end
+ // Others M-files in directory
+ if exists("Paths")==0 then
+ Paths=file_path,
+ if getos() == "Windows" then
+ Paths=strsubst(Paths,"/","\")
+ mfiles=listfiles(Paths+"*.m")
+ sep=filesep()
+ else
+ mfiles=listfiles(Paths+"*.m")
+ sep=filesep()
+ end
+ end
+ // Function name
+ fnam=part(base_name,k($)+1:ke) // File name without extension
+ // logfile initialisation
+ if exists("logfile")==0 then
+ [tempfd1,ierr1]=file("open",pathconvert(TMPDIR)+"logfile.dat","old")
+ if ierr1==0 then
+ load(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+"logfile.dat")
+ file("close",tempfd1)
+ file("close",logfile)
+ mdelete(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+"logfile.dat")
+ end
+ logfile=file("open",res_path+"m2sci_"+fnam+".log","unknown")
+ save(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+"logfile.dat", "logfile")
+ end
+ // Output beginning message
+ mss=[gettext("****** Beginning of mfile2sci() session ******");
+ gettext("File to convert:")+" "+fil;
+ gettext("Result file path:")+" "+res_path;
+ gettext("Recursive mode:")+" "+rec;
+ gettext("Only double values used in M-file:")+" "+dble;
+ gettext("Verbose mode:")+" "+string(verbose_mode);
+ gettext("Generate formated code:")+" "+pretty]
+ m2sci_info(mss,-1);
+ // Read in the file as text
+ m2sci_info(gettext("M-file reading..."),-1);
+ txt=mgetl(fil);
+ m2sci_info(gettext("M-file reading: Done"),-1);
+ //Replace TAB by SPACE
+ txt=strsubst(txt, ascii(9), "");
+ if txt==[] then
+ m2sci_infos(msprintf(gettext("File %s is an empty file.\n"),fil),-1);
+ return
+ end
+ tmptxt=txt
+ // Make minor changes on syntax
+ m2sci_info(gettext("Syntax modification..."),-1);
+ ierr=execstr("load(''"+pathconvert(TMPDIR)+fnam+ ".tree'',''txt'',''helppart'',''batch'')","errcatch","n")
+ if ierr<>0 | exists("txt")==0 | exists("batch")==0 & strindex(res_path,TMPDIR)==[] then
+ [helppart,txt,batch]=m2sci_syntax(txt)
+ elseif ierr==0 & newest(fil,pathconvert(TMPDIR)+fnam+ ".tree")==1 then
+ [helppart,txt,batch]=m2sci_syntax(tmptxt)
+ end
+ m2sci_info(gettext("Syntax modification: Done"),-1);
+ // Write .cat file and update whatis
+ if helppart<>[] then
+ catfil=res_path+fnam+".cat"
+ whsfil=res_path+"whatis"
+ mputl(helppart,catfil);
+ if exists("whsfil_unit")==1 then
+ write(whsfil_unit,stripblanks(helppart(1))+" |"+fnam,"(a)")
+ end
+ end
+ if txt~=[] then
+ quote="''";
+ dquote="""";
+ kc=strindex(txt(1),"function");
+ kc=kc(1);
+ // Define Scilab function
+ fprot=funcprot();
+ funcprot(0);
+ // Blanks in file name are replaced by _ for batch
+ // kc+9 because 'function '
+ ksc=min(strindex(txt(1),";")) // searching for a comment on first line after function prototype
+ if isempty(ksc) then
+ ksc=length(txt(1))+1;
+ firstline=[]
+ else
+ firstline=part(txt(1),ksc+1:length(txt(1)));
+ end
+ func_proto=part(txt(1),kc+9:ksc-1)
+ keq=min(strindex(func_proto,"="))
+ kpar=min(strindex(func_proto,"("))
+ if isempty(keq) then
+ keq=1
+ end
+ if isempty(kpar) then
+ kpar=length(func_proto)+1
+ end
+ func_proto=part(func_proto,1:keq)+..
+ strsubst(stripblanks(part(func_proto,keq+1:kpar-1))," ","_")+..
+ part(func_proto,kpar:length(func_proto))
+ deff(func_proto,[firstline;txt(2:$)],"n")
+ w=who("get");
+ mname=w(1);
+ nametbl=[nametbl;mname]
+ if fnam<>mname & ~batch then // warning is not displayed for a batch file
+ mss=msprintf(gettext("Warning: file %s defines function %s instead of %s\n %s.sci, and sci_%s.sci will be generated !"),fil,mname,fnam,mname,mname,mname);
+ m2sci_info(mss,-1);
+ end
+ txt($+1) = "endfunction"
+ // Compilation
+ txt = [part(txt(1),kc:ksc-1);firstline;txt(2:$)]
+ mputl(txt, TMPDIR+"/"+mname+".sci");
+ exec(TMPDIR+"/"+mname+".sci", -1);
+ funcprot(fprot);
+ mdelete(TMPDIR+"/"+mname+".sci");
+ // Get Scilab pseudo code of the function
+ m2sci_info(gettext("Macro to tree conversion..."),-1);
+ macr=evstr(mname)
+ mtlbtree=macr2tree(macr);
+ if ~batch then
+ else
+ end
+ //Transfom a equal instructions(if lhs are multi_operation insert and expression is a funcall) in the matlab tree to sup_equal instructions
+ global("tmpvarnb")
+ tmpvarnb=0;
+ level=[0,0];
+ ninstr=1;
+ while ninstr<=size(mtlbtree.statements)-3
+ mtlbtree.statements(ninstr)=transformtree(mtlbtree.statements(ninstr))
+ ninstr=ninstr+1
+ end
+ // Perform the translation
+ [scitree,trad,hdr,crp]=m2sci(mtlbtree,w(1),Recmode,prettyprintoutput)
+ //Creation of fname_resume.log file
+ // if mtlbref_fun<>[]|not_mtlb_fun<>[]|mtlbtool_fun<>[] then
+ //resume_logfile initialisation
+ if exists("resume_logfile")==0 then
+ [tempfd2,ierr2]=file("open",pathconvert(TMPDIR)+gettext("resumelogfile.dat"),"old")
+ if ierr2==0 then
+ load(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+gettext("resumelogfile.dat"))
+ file("close",tempfd2)
+ file("close",resume_logfile)
+ mdelete(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+gettext("resumelogfile.dat"))
+ end
+ resume_logfile=file("open",res_path+gettext("resume")+"_m2sci_"+fnam+".log","unknown")
+ save(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+gettext("resumelogfile.dat"), "resume_logfile")
+ end
+ //number of matlab reference functions, matlab toolboxes functions, not matlab functions
+ size1=size(mtlbref_fun,1)
+ size2=size(mtlbtool_fun,1)
+ size3=size(not_mtlb_fun,1)
+ if size(mtlbref_fun,"*")<>0 then
+ mtlbref_fun(:,1)=""""+mtlbref_fun(:,1)+""""
+ end
+ if size(mtlbtool_fun,"*")<>0 then
+ mtlbtool_fun(:,1)=""""+mtlbtool_fun(:,1)+""""
+ end
+ if size(not_mtlb_fun,"*")<>0 then
+ not_mtlb_fun(:,1)=""""+not_mtlb_fun(:,1)+""""
+ end
+ info_resume=[msprintf(gettext("****** %s: Functions of mfile2sci() session ******"),fnam);
+ "*";
+ msprintf(gettext("%d Matlab Function(s) not yet converted, original calling sequence used:"),size1);
+ mtlbref_fun(:,1)+mtlbref_fun(:,2);
+ "*";
+ msprintf(gettext("%d Matlab Toolbox(es) Functions, original calling sequence used :"),size2);
+ mtlbtool_fun(:,1)+mtlbtool_fun(:,2);
+ "*";
+ msprintf(gettext("%d Unknown Function(s), original calling sequence used :"),size3);
+ not_mtlb_fun(:,1)+not_mtlb_fun(:,2);
+ "*"]
+ write(resume_logfile,margin+info_resume)
+ file("close",resume_logfile)
+ mdelete(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+gettext("resumelogfile.dat"))
+ //end
+ m2sci_info(gettext("Macro to tree conversion: Done"),-1);
+ crp(1)=""; // Delete function prototype
+ if isempty(firstline) then
+ res=[hdr;crp]
+ else
+ hdr(1)=hdr(1)+" "+crp(2);
+ crp(2)=[];
+ res=[hdr;crp];
+ end
+ // Strip last return and blank lines
+ n=size(res,1)
+ while res(n)==part(" ",1:length(res(n))) then
+ n=n-1
+ end
+ res=res(1:n)
+ // Write sci-file
+ ext=".sci"
+ scifil=res_path+fnam+ext
+ mputl(res,scifil);
+ // Write sci_<mname>.sci translation file
+ if trad<>[] then
+ sci_fil=res_path+"sci_"+mname+".sci"
+ mputl(trad,sci_fil);
+ res=1
+ else
+ res=0
+ end
+ // Output summary information
+ infos=[]
+ if m2sci_infos(1) then
+ infos=gettext("Translation may be improved: see the //! comments and for all mtlb_<funname> function call\n Type help mtlb_<funname> in Scilab command window to get information about improvements.");
+ end
+ if m2sci_infos(2) then
+ infos=[infos;gettext("Translation may be wrong (see the //!! comments).")]
+ end
+ nametbl($)=[]
+ else
+ infos=gettext("File contains no instruction, no translation made...");
+ end
+ // End of translation messages
+ mss=gettext("****** End of mfile2sci() session ******");
+ m2sci_info([infos;mss],-1);
+ if Reclevel>1 then
+ m2sci_infos=m2sci_infos_save
+ end
+ file("close",logfile)
+ clearglobal m2sci_infos
+ clearglobal mtlbref_fun
+ clearglobal mtlbtool_fun
+ clearglobal not_mtlb_fun
+ // For execution called by translatepaths()
+ //nametbl=resume(nametbl)
+ mdelete(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+fnam+ ".tree")
+ mdelete(pathconvert(TMPDIR)+"logfile.dat")