path: root/modules/helptools/help
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/helptools/help')
34 files changed, 3387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/add_help_chapter.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/add_help_chapter.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a1441d051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/add_help_chapter.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="add_help_chapter">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>add_help_chapter</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Add an entry in the help list</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>ok = add_help_chapter(title,path[,mode])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>title</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>String array, Help chapter title</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>path</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>String array, Help chapters path</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>mode</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>A boolean, if TRUE, the chapter is considered as belongs to a
+ internal modules, otherwise, the chapter is added as external module.
+ It is an optional input argument and its default value is %F.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>ok</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>A vector of booleans. The same size as
+ the <literal>path</literal> variable. If the chapter page
+ number i was not existing in the help system then ok(i) is
+ set to %t.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ This function adds a new entry in the help list. If the path is already present
+ in the help list, <literal>add_help_chapter</literal> skips the add. The function
+ checks if the directory exist.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="del_help_chapter">del_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/addchapter.sce b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/addchapter.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58e3b6e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/addchapter.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - DIGITEO
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+add_help_chapter("Online help management",SCI+"/modules/helptools/help/en_US",%T);
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/apropos.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/apropos.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5226a8541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/apropos.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="apropos">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>apropos</refname>
+ <refpurpose>searches keywords in Scilab help</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>apropos(key)
+ apropos(regexp)
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>key</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>character string. give the sequence of characters to be found</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>regexp</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> character string. give the regular expression to be found
+ (only with "Scilab Browser")
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>apropos(key)</literal> looks for Scilab help files containing
+ keywords <literal>key</literal>in their short description section.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>apropos(regexp)</literal> looks for Scilab
+ help files containing regular expression <literal>regexp</literal>in their short
+ description section.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+apropos ode
+apropos "list of"
+apropos "sin.*hyperbolic"
+apropos "^ab" //search help beginning the two characters "ab"
+apropos "quadratic.*solver"
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/del_help_chapter.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/del_help_chapter.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1ce88c1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/del_help_chapter.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="del_help_chapter">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>del_help_chapter</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Delete an entry in the help list</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>del_help_chapter(title[,mode])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>title</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>String array, Help chapter title</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>mode</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>A boolean, if TRUE, the chapter is considered as belongs to a
+ internal modules, otherwise, the chapter is removed.
+ It is an optional input argument and its default value is %F.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ This function deletes an entry in the help list.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec08a027a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="help">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help</refname>
+ <refpurpose>on-line help command</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>help(key)
+ help
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>key</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>character string. The requested help page</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>help</literal> without argument displays the hypertext page
+ containing the list of help chapters.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>help(key)</literal> displays the Scilab help file associated with the
+ given <literal>key</literal>. If no help file is found, <literal>help(key)</literal>
+ automatically launches a search with the <literal>key</literal> word as search arguments.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ See <link linkend="man">man</link> for more explanation on how to write new help
+ pages .
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+help plot3d
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="apropos">apropos</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">Scilab documentation format</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help_from_sci.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help_from_sci.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..91b1584c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help_from_sci.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ *
+ * This help file was generated from help_from_sci.sci using help_from_sci().
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="help_from_sci" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help_from_sci</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Generate help files and demo files from the head comments section of a .sci source file.</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>
+ help_from_sci() // generate an empty function template
+ helptxt = help_from_sci() // generate an empty function template
+ help_from_sci(funname,helpdir) // generate helpdir/funname.xml from funname.sci.
+ help_from_sci(dirname,helpdir) // process dirname/*.sci and create helpdir/*.xml help files.
+ help_from_sci(dirname,helpdir,demodir) // as above but also creating demodir/*.dem.sce demo files.
+ [helptxt,demotxt]=help_from_sci(funname) // return funname.xml and funname.dem.sce code as two text matrixes.
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Parameters</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>funname:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> the name of a single .sci source file to be processed.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirname:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> directory name where all .sci files will be processed.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>helpdir:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> optional path where the .xml help file will be created.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>demodir:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> optional path where .dem.sce demo files will be created based on code from the Examples section.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>helptxt:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> returns the XML help code if helpdir is empty, or the path to the .xml file.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>demotxt:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> returns the demo code if demodir is empty, or the path to the .dem.sce file.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ The help_from_sci function generates .xml help files based on the head comments section
+ of .sci source files. Optionally .dem.sce demo files can be generated based on
+ code from the Examples section in the head comments section of .sci files.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In order for help_from_sci to format the .xml file properly the
+ head comments section should comply with some simple formatting rules.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The first comment line following the function definition should contain a short description
+ of the function.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The remaining comments are formatted according to the following (optional) headlines:
+ "Calling Sequence", "Parameters", "Description", "Examples", "See also", "Used functions",
+ "Authors" and "Bibliography".
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The following guidelines should be used when writing the source code comments:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Calling Sequence</literal> - one example pr. line.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Parameters</literal> - separate parameter name and
+ description by a ":". Keep the description of each parameter on the same line.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Description</literal> - formatting of the text can be done
+ using XML commands. Compare the output of head_comments("help_from_sci") with help("help_from_sci")
+ to get some hints.
+ Adding an empty comment line in the Description section is interpreted as the
+ start of a new paragraph.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>See also</literal> - list one function name pr line.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Authors</literal> - write one author on each line following
+ the Authors headline. Use ";" to separate the authors name
+ from any add additional information.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Bibliography</literal> - write one reference pr line
+ following the References headline.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// Open an source code template in the scinotes editor and return its help and demo texts
+[helptxt, demotxt] = help_from_sci()
+// From a toolbox root directory a typical calling sequence would be:
+// help_from_sci("macros","help\en_US","demos")
+// This command would process all .sci files in the macros directory
+// and use the head comments section to update all .xml help files in the
+// help\en_US directory an rebuild the .dem.sce files in the demos\ directory.
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>See also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="head_comments">head_comments</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help_skeleton.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help_skeleton.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0aab0a4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/help_skeleton.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="help_skeleton" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help_skeleton</refname>
+ <refpurpose>build the skeleton of the xml help file associated to a Scilab
+ function
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>txt = help_skeleton(funname [,path [,language]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>funname</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>character string : the name of the function</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>path</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>character string : the path where the file will be create if
+ required. If this argument is not given the skeleton is returned as
+ a string.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>character string :with possible value "fr_FR" or "en_US" the
+ defaultis "en_US"
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>txt</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>the XML code or the complete XML file path</para>
+ <para/>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>txt = help_skeleton(funname)</literal> generates a vector
+ of strings containing the skeleton of the XML code describing the help of
+ the function <literal>funname</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>fullpath = help_skeleton(funname,dirpath)</literal>
+ generates the XML code describing the help of the function
+ <literal>funname</literal> in a file named <literal>funname.xml</literal>
+ in the directory specified by the path <literal>dirpath</literal>. In this
+ case the function returns the file path.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+function [y,z]=foo(a,b),y=a+b,z=1,endfunction
+if (isdef('editor') | (funptr('editor')<>0)) then
+ editor(p);
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">Scilab documentation format</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/howtolinktoolbox.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/howtolinktoolbox.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e0c8ac1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/howtolinktoolbox.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 - Calixte DENIZET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="how_to_link_toolbox_help">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>Link toolbox help with Scilab one</refname>
+ <refpurpose>How to make hyperlink in toolbox help pointing to Scilab's items</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>Since Scilab 5.3.1, the hyperlinks in a toolbox help can be used to point on any help pages or to execute demos in the console.</para>
+ <para>
+ Now you can link a demo <link type="scilab" linkend="scilab.demos/gui/demos/uicontrol_plot3d.dem">Uicontrol demo</link> or execute a script <link type="scilab" linkend="scilab.exec/helptools/demos/about.sce">about.sce</link>
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Details</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>To link from two external modules, the syntax is: &lt;link type="scilab" linkend=""&gt;fun_in_module_name&lt;/link&gt; Usually, the name of the function is the id of the page.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>To link from a external module to a Scilab function, the syntax is: &lt;link type="scilab" linkend=""&gt;bvode&lt;/link&gt; Usually, the name of the function is the id of the page.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>To enable the execution of a script, the syntax is: &lt;link type="scilab" linkend="mytoolbox.exec/macros/fooexec.sce"&gt;macros/fooexec.sce&lt;/link&gt; </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>To enable the execution of a demo, the syntax is: &lt;link type="scilab" linkend="mytoolbox.demos/mydemo.dem"&gt;My demo&lt;/link&gt; </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="xml"><![CDATA[
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <refentry xmlns:scilab=""
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:html=""
+ xmlns:db="">
+ <refnamediv xml:id="foo">
+ <refname>Foo</refname>
+ <refpurpose>calculates foo</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsection>
+ <!-- Link on Scilab's help -->
+ <para>Firstly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="">bvode</link> in the Scilab Doc</para>
+ <!-- Link on a demo, foodemo must be in toolbox_path/demos/ -->
+ <para>Secondly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="mytoolbox.demos/foodemo">My demo</link></para>
+ <!-- the executed macro will be toolbox_path/macros/fooexec.sce -->
+ <para>Thirdly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="mytoolbox.exec/macros/fooexec.sce">macros/fooexec.sce</link></para>
+ <!-- a link for erroneous links -->
+ <para>Fourthly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="">invalid link</link></para>
+ </refsection>
+ <programlisting role="example">
+ plot3d() // should link on plot3d
+ </programlisting>
+ </refentry>
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/man.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/man.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ec6a84779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/man.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="man" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>Scilab documentation format</refname>
+ <refpurpose>on line help XML file description format</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>The on line help source files are written in XML.</para>
+ <para>Source files (with extension .xml) can be found in the
+ <literal>&lt;SCIDIR&gt;/modules/&lt;MODULE
+ NAME&gt;/help/&lt;language&gt;/*
+ </literal>
+ directories. The file name is
+ usually associated to a keyword (corresponding to a function name most of
+ the cases) it describes.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>A few words about XML</title>
+ <para>A XML file is similar to a HTML file but with a more rigid syntax.
+ The documentation of Scilab must be written using the strict subset of
+ DocBook 5 defined in SCI/modules/helptools/schema/scilab.rnc. DocBook 5
+ elements are fully documented in <ulink url="">"DocBook 5.0: The Definitive Guide"</ulink>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Scilab is able to understand a large subset of Docbook tags. However, if any are missing, a bug report can be reported on the <ulink url="">Scilab bug tracker</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>How to write a simple XML scilab help page:</title>
+ <para>If one want to write the XML file associated to a new scilab
+ function he or she may use the Scilab function <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link> to produce the skeleton of
+ the XML file. In most cases, the user will not be required to know XML
+ syntax.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>How to write a simple XML scilab help page: an example</title>
+ <para>The root element of a document which conforms to the Scilab DocBook
+ 5 subset must have version attribute set to "5.0-subset Scilab".
+ </para>
+ <programlisting role="xml"><![CDATA[
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
+&lt;refentry xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="foo" xml:lang="en"
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para role="bold">Example:</para>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+function y = foo(a,b,c)
+ y = a + 2 * b + c;
+path = help_skeleton('foo', TMPDIR)
+if (isdef('editor') | (funptr('editor')&lt;&gt;0)) then
+ editor(path);
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para role="bold">Generated foo.xml in TMPDIR:</para>
+ <programlisting role="xml"><![CDATA[
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
+* Add some comments about XML file
+&lt;refentry xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="foo" xml:lang="en"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns:ns4=""
+ xmlns:mml=""
+ xmlns:db=""&gt;
+ &lt;refnamediv&gt;
+ &lt;refname&gt;foo&lt;/refname&gt;
+ &lt;refpurpose&gt;Add short description here. &lt;/refpurpose&gt;
+ &lt;/refnamediv&gt;
+ &lt;refsynopsisdiv&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Calling Sequence&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;synopsis&gt;y = foo(a,b,c)&lt;/synopsis&gt;
+ &lt;/refsynopsisdiv&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Arguments&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;variablelist&gt;
+ &lt;varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;term&gt;a&lt;/term&gt;
+ &lt;listitem&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here the input argument description.
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/listitem&gt;
+ &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;term&gt;b&lt;/term&gt;
+ &lt;listitem&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here the input argument description.
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/listitem&gt;
+ &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;term&gt;c&lt;/term&gt;
+ &lt;listitem&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here the input argument description.
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/listitem&gt;
+ &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;term&gt;y&lt;/term&gt;
+ &lt;listitem&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here the output argument description.
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/listitem&gt;
+ &lt;/varlistentry&gt;
+ &lt;/variablelist&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Description&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here a paragraph of the function description.
+ Other paragraph can be added
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;With a latex expression
+ &lt;latex&gt;
+ \begin{eqnarray}
+ f(x,a,r) = \frac{1}{r^{-a}\Gamma(a)} \int_0^x t^{a-1} \exp\left(-rt\right) dt
+ \end{eqnarray}
+ &lt;/latex&gt;
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;More information&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;note&gt;&lt;para&gt;A note about foo&lt;/para&gt;&lt;/note&gt;
+ &lt;caution&gt;&lt;para&gt;A caution about foo&lt;/para&gt;&lt;/caution&gt;
+ &lt;warning&gt;&lt;para&gt;A warsning about foo&lt;/para&gt;&lt;/warning&gt;
+ &lt;important&gt;&lt;para&gt;A important about foo&lt;/para&gt;&lt;/important&gt;
+ &lt;tip&gt;&lt;para&gt;A tip about foo&lt;/para&gt;&lt;/tip&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Examples&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;programlisting role="example"&gt;&lt;![CDATA[
+ Add here scilab instructions and comments
+ ]]&gt;&lt;/programlisting&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;See Also&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;simplelist type="inline"&gt;
+ &lt;member&gt;
+ &lt;link linkend="add a reference name" &gt;add a reference&lt;/link&gt;
+ &lt;/member&gt;
+ &lt;member&gt;
+ &lt;link linkend="add a reference name"&gt;add a reference&lt;/link&gt;
+ &lt;/member&gt;
+ &lt;/simplelist&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Authors&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;simplelist type="vert"&gt;
+ &lt;member&gt;add the author name and author reference&lt;/member&gt;
+ &lt;member&gt;add another author name and it's reference&lt;/member&gt;
+ &lt;/simplelist&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Bibliography&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here the function bibliography
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;History&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;revhistory&gt;
+ &lt;revision&gt;
+ &lt;revnumber&gt;X.Y&lt;/revnumber&gt;
+ &lt;revdescription&gt;Function foo added&lt;/revdescription&gt;
+ &lt;/revision&gt;
+ &lt;/revhistory&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ &lt;refsection&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Used Functions&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;para&gt;
+ Add here the Scilab, C,... used code references
+ &lt;/para&gt;
+ &lt;/refsection&gt;
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>How to create a help chapter</title>
+ <para>Create a directory and write down a set of XML files build as
+ described above. Then start Scilab and execute <literal>xmltojar
+ </literal>
+ (see <link linkend="xmltojar">xmltojar</link> for more details)
+ .
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>How to make Scilab know a new help chapter</title>
+ <para>
+ This can be done by the function <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>List of docbook supported tags</title>
+ <para>Generic tags
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">refentry</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A reference page</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">section</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A recursive section</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">book</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A book</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">part</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A division in a book</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">chapter</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A chapter, as of a book</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">title</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>The text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">para</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A paragraph</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">literal</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>Inline text that is some literal value</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">refnamediv</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>The name, purpose, and classification of a reference page</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">refname</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>The name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">refpurpose</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">refsynopsisdiv</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">synopsis</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">refsection</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A recursive section in a refentry</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">programlisting</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A literal listing of all or part of a program</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">screen</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">pubdate</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>The date of publication of a document</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">link</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A hypertext link</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">ulink</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">xref</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A cross reference to another part of the document</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">term</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>The word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">emphasis</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>Emphasized text</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">informalequation</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A displayed mathematical equation without a title
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">subscript</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A subscript (as in H<subscript>2</subscript>O, the molecular formula for water)
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">superscript</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A superscript (as in x<superscript>2</superscript>, the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself)
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">replaceable</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>Content that may or must be replaced by the user
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">caption</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A caption</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">surname</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A family name; in western cultures the 'last name'</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">firstname</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>The first name of a person
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">bibliomset</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A 'cooked' container for related bibliographic information</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">bibliomixed</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An entry in a Bibliography</td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>List tags:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">simplelist</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An undecorated list of single words or short phrases</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">member</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An element of a simple list</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">listitem</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A wrapper for the elements of a list item
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">varlistentry</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">variablelist</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">itemizedlist</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">orderedlist</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>Table tags:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">table</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A formal table in a document</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">informaltable</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A table without a title</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">tbody</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">tr</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A row in an HTML table</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">td</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A table entry in an HTML table</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">th</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A table header entry in an HTML table</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ bgcolor
+ </td>
+ <td>A HTML attribute for a table, a tr or a td to set the background color</td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>Image tags:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">imagedata</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>Pointer to external image data</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">imageobject</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">inlinemediaobject</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">screenshot</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A representation of what the user sees or might see on a computer screen</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">mediaobject</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ scilab:image
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ Any Scilab code into the &lt;scilab:image&gt; foo() &lt;scilab:image&gt; will be executed by an instance of Scilab and the generated graphic included directly into the documentation. This is a Scilab extension of Docbook and is based on the <link linkend="xinit">driver/xinit/xend</link> feature.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>FAQ tags:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">question</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A question in a QandASet</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">answer</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An answer to a question posed in a QandASet</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">qandaentry</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A question/answer set within a QandASet</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">qandaset</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A question-and-answer set</td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>History tags:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">revhistory</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A history of the revisions to a document</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">revision</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">revnumber</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A document revision number</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">revremark</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A description of a revision to a document</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">revdescription</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A extended description of a revision to a document
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>Information tags:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">note</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A message set off from the text
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">warning</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An admonition set off from the text</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">caution</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A note of caution</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">tip</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>A suggestion to the user, set off from the text
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ulink url="">important</ulink>
+ </td>
+ <td>An admonition set off from the text</td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>Scilab specific tag:
+ <informaltable border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td>latex</td><td>Scilab extension to write directly LaTeX expression in the help pages</td>
+ </tr>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>History</title>
+ <revhistory>
+ <revision>
+ <revnumber>5.4.0</revnumber>
+ <revdescription>Management of tags &lt;note&gt;, &lt;caution&gt;, &lt;warning&gt;, &lt;important&gt; and &lt;tip&gt;
+ </revdescription>
+ </revision>
+ </revhistory>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="apropos">apropos</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help_from_sci">help_from_sci</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="xmltojar">xmltojar</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/manedit.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/manedit.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d13bfa689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/manedit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="manedit">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>manedit</refname>
+ <refpurpose>editing a manual item</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>manedit(manitem)</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>manitem</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>character string (usually, name of a function)</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>edit(manitem)</literal> opens the xml file associated to <literal>manitem</literal>
+ in the scilab editor.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If there is no xml file associated with <literal>manitem</literal> and
+ <literal>manitem</literal> is the name of a Scilab function, editor opens with
+ the skeleton of the xml file produced by <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>. This
+ file is located in TMPDIR.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+function [x,y,z]=foo123(a,b),
+manedit foo123
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/percenthelps.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/percenthelps.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0a7580e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/percenthelps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="en" xml:id="percenthelps">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>%helps</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Variable defining the path of help directories</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>BEWARE: This variable must NOT be modified by users.</para>
+ <para>
+ The global variable <literal>%helps</literal> is an N x 2 matrix of strings.
+ The kth row of <literal>%helps</literal>, <literal>%helps(k,:)</literal> represents
+ the kth chapter of the manual and is made of two strings:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>%helps(k,1)</literal> is the absolute pathname for a help directory.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>%helps(k,2)</literal> is a title for this help directory.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To add a new help directory, the user should use <literal>add_help_chapter</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltohtml.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltohtml.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..aaa25603e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltohtml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltohtml" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltohtml</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converts xml Scilab help files to HTML format</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltohtml(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: a set of directory paths for which html
+ manuals are to be generated or <literal>[] </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: titles associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: languages associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: default languages associated to directory
+ paths or []. If a XML file is missing in the dir_language, it's
+ copied from the default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>converts xml Scilab help files contained in a set of directories
+ into HTML files.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example">
+ <![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+tmpPath = TMPDIR + "/examples";
+copyfile("SCI/modules/helptools/examples", tmpPath);
+my_module_path = pathconvert(tmpPath + "/example_1",%f,%f);
+// Build the french help
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+my_french_html_dir = xmltohtml(my_french_help_dir,my_french_help_title,'fr_FR')
+// Build the english help
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [en_US]';
+my_english_html_dir = xmltohtml(my_english_help_dir,my_english_help_title,'en_US')
+// Build the chinese help
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+my_chinese_html_dir = xmltohtml(my_chinese_help_dir,my_chinese_help_title,'zh_TW')
+ ]]>
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltojar.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltojar.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5babb6ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltojar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltojar" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltojar</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converts xml Scilab help files to javaHelp format</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltojar(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: a set of directory paths for which html
+ manuals are to be generated or <literal>[] </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: titles associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: languages associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: default languages associated to directory
+ paths or []. If a XML file is missing in the dir_language, it's
+ copied from the default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>converts xml Scilab help files contained in a set of directories
+ into jar files.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example">
+ <![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+tmpPath = TMPDIR + "/examples";
+copyfile("SCI/modules/helptools/examples", tmpPath);
+my_module_path = pathconvert(tmpPath + "/example_1",%f,%f);
+// Build the french help
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+// Build the english help
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [en_US]';
+// Build the chinese help
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+// Add french, english or chinese help chapters
+// =============================================================================
+if getlanguage() == 'fr_FR' then
+ add_help_chapter(my_french_help_title,my_module_path+"/jar");
+elseif getlanguage() == 'zh_TW' then
+ add_help_chapter(my_chinese_help_title,my_module_path+"/jar");
+ add_help_chapter(my_english_help_title,my_module_path+"/jar");
+// See the result in the help browser
+// =============================================================================
+// Del french and english help chapters
+// =============================================================================
+if getlanguage() == 'fr_FR' then
+ del_help_chapter(my_french_help_title);
+ del_help_chapter(my_english_help_title);
+ ]]>
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltopdf.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltopdf.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..75a3e24c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltopdf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltopdf" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltopdf</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converts xml Scilab help files to pdf format</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltopdf(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: a set of directory paths for which pdf
+ manuals are to be generated or <literal>[] </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: titles associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: languages associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: default languages associated to directory
+ paths or []. If a XML file is missing in the dir_language, it's
+ copied from the default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>converts xml Scilab help files contained in a set of directories
+ into pdf files.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example">
+ <![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+tmpPath = TMPDIR + "/examples";
+copyfile("SCI/modules/helptools/examples", tmpPath);
+my_module_path = pathconvert(tmpPath + "/example_1",%f,%f);
+// Build the french help
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+my_french_pdf = xmltopdf(my_french_help_dir,my_french_help_title,'fr_FR')
+// Build the english help
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [en_US]';
+my_english_pdf = xmltopdf(my_english_help_dir,my_english_help_title,'en_US')
+// Build the chinese help
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+my_chinese_pdf = xmltopdf(my_chinese_help_dir,my_chinese_help_title,'zh_TW')
+ ]]>
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltops.xml b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltops.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7329d4072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/en_US/xmltops.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltops" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltops</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converts xml Scilab help files to postscript format</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Calling Sequence</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltops(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Arguments</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: a set of directory paths for which postscript
+ manuals are to be generated or <literal>[] </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: titles associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: languages associated to directory paths or
+ []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vector of strings: default languages associated to directory
+ paths or []. If a XML file is missing in the dir_language, it's
+ copied from the default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>converts xml Scilab help files contained in a set of directories
+ into ps files.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example">
+ <![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+tmpPath = TMPDIR + "/examples";
+copyfile("SCI/modules/helptools/examples", tmpPath);
+my_module_path = pathconvert(tmpPath + "/example_1",%f,%f);
+// Build the french help
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+my_french_ps = xmltops(my_french_help_dir,my_french_help_title,'fr_FR')
+// Build the english help
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [EN_US]';
+my_english_ps = xmltops(my_english_help_dir,my_english_help_title,'en_US')
+// Build the chinese help
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+my_chinese_ps = xmltops(my_chinese_help_dir,my_chinese_help_title,'zh_TW');
+ ]]>
+ </programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/addchapter.sce b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/addchapter.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58b48a6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/addchapter.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - DIGITEO
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+add_help_chapter("Gestion de l''aide en ligne",SCI+"/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR",%T);
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/apropos.xml b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/apropos.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..208eca998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/apropos.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="fr" xml:id="apropos">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>apropos</refname>
+ <refpurpose>recherche d'un mot-clé dans l'aide de Scilab </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Séquence d'appel</title>
+ <synopsis>apropos(key)
+ apropos(regexp)
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Paramètres</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>key</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Une chaîne de caractères, la séquence de caractères à rechercher</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>regexp</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> Une chaîne de caractères, l'expression régulière à
+ rechercher. Cette syntaxe ne fonctionne que le browser "Scilab Browser"
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>apropos(key)</literal> recherche les pages d'aides contenant la
+ séquence de caractères <literal>key</literal> dans leur section "SHORT_DESCRIPTION".
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>apropos(regexp)</literal>
+ recherche les pages d'aides contenant l'expression régulière donnée par
+ <literal>regexp</literal> dans leur section "SHORT_DESCRIPTION".
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+apropos ode
+apropos "list of"
+apropos "sin.*hyperbolique"
+apropos "^ab" //rechercher les pages d'aide dont le nom commence par les deux caractères "ab"
+apropos "quadratic.*solver"
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Voir aussi</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/help.xml b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/help.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0c9b84493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="fr" xml:id="help">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help</refname>
+ <refpurpose>commande d'aide en ligne </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Séquence d'appel</title>
+ <synopsis>help(key)</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Paramètres</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>key</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Une chaîne de caractères. Donne le nom de la page d'aide à visualiser.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>help</literal> sans argument, visualise la page hypertexte contenat la
+ liste des chapitres d'aide.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>help(key)</literal> visualise la page d'aide associé avec le nom
+ donné par <literal>key</literal>. S'il n'y a pas de page d'aide, <literal>help(key)</literal>
+ appele automatiquement <literal>apropos(key)</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Voir <link linkend="man">man</link> pour apprendre à écrire de nouvelles pages d'aide.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Voir aussi</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="apropos">apropos</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/percenthelps.xml b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/percenthelps.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..eadefa5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/fr_FR/percenthelps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:lang="fr" xml:id="percenthelps">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>%helps</refname>
+ <refpurpose>variable contenant les noms des répertoires des chapitres d'aide </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>ATTENTION: Cette variable ne doit pas être modifiée manuellement par l'utilisateur.</para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>%helps</literal> est une matrice de chaînes de caractères à deux colonnes. Chaque ligne est formée comme ceci
+ </para>
+ <programlisting role="no-scilab-exec"><![CDATA[
+répertoire_du_chapitre titre_du_chapitre
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ Pour ajouter de nouveaux chapitres d'aide, il faut utiliser la fonction <literal>add_help_chapter</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Voir aussi</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/ja_JP/addchapter.sce b/modules/helptools/help/ja_JP/addchapter.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f1760001d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/ja_JP/addchapter.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - DIGITEO
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+add_help_chapter("Online help management",SCI+"/modules/helptools/help/ja_JP",%T);
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/add_help_chapter.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/add_help_chapter.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7f67c4059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/add_help_chapter.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="add_help_chapter" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>add_help_chapter</refname>
+ <refpurpose>adiciona uma entrada na lista de ajudas</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seq��ncia de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>add_help_chapter(title,path[,mode])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Par�metros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>title</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string, o t�tulo da ajuda</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>path</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string, o endere�o do diret�rio contendo os arquivos de
+ ajuda
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>mode</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>booleano, %T se o diret�rio pertence � lista de m�dulos do
+ Scilab, %F em caso contr�rio (toolboxes). O valor padr�o �
+ %F.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>Esta fun��o adiciona uma nova entrada na lista de ajudas. Os
+ arquivos do cap�tulo de ajuda devem estar localizados em um �nico
+ diret�rio. Se o dado t�tulo <literal>title</literal> j� existir na lista
+ de ajudas associado com o mesmo endere�o, nada � feito. A fun��o verifica
+ se o diret�rio existe.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_demo">add_demo</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/addchapter.sce b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/addchapter.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..431bb3864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/addchapter.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - DIGITEO
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+add_help_chapter("Gerenciamento de ajuda online",SCI+"/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR",%T);
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/apropos.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/apropos.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6106d47c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/apropos.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="apropos" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>apropos</refname>
+ <refpurpose>procura por palavras-chave na ajuda do Scilab</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seq��ncia de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>apropos(key)
+ apropos(regexp)
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Par�metros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>key</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string. Fornece a seq��ncia de caracteres a ser
+ encontrada.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>regexp</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string. Fornece a express�o regular a ser encontrada (apenas
+ com "Scilab Browser")
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>apropos(key)</literal> procura por arquivos de ajuda Scilab
+ contendo a palavra-chave <literal>key</literal> na se��o de descri��es
+ breves.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>apropos(regexp)</literal> procura por arquivos de ajuda
+ Scilab contendo a express�o regular <literal>regexp</literal> na se��o de
+ descri��es breves.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+apropos ode
+apropos "list of"
+apropos "sin.*hyperbolic"
+apropos "^ab" //procura por ajuda come�ando com os dois caracteres "ab"
+apropos "quadratic.*solver"
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/foo.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/foo.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..865430cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/foo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="foo" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>foo</refname>
+ <refpurpose>descri��o breve de foo</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seq��ncia de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>[y] = foo(x)</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Par�metros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>x</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>o que puder ser x</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>y</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>o que puder ser y</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>Um primeiro par�rgrafo que explica o que a fun��o foo computa. Se
+ quiser enfatizar um par�metro, ent�o voc� utiliza o seguinte tag
+ <literal>x</literal>, se quiser enfatizar parte do texto
+ <emphasis>encerre-o nestes tags</emphasis> e ent�o utilize estes <emphasis role="bold">para obter uma fonte em negrito</emphasis> e finalmente
+ <literal>para um estilo em m�quina de escrever</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>Um segundo par�grafo... Aqui est� um exemplo de um link para outra
+ p�gina : <link linkend="man">man</link>.
+ </para>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>first</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>par�grafo simples</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>second</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>toto � o foo franc�s...</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+deff("y=foo(x)","y=x"); // define a fun��o foo como a fun��o identidade.
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="apropos">apropos</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a554761d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="help" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help</refname>
+ <refpurpose>comando de ajuda on-line</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seq��ncia de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>help(key)
+ help
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Par�metros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>key</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string. Fornece a p�gina de ajuda a ser encontrada</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>help</literal> sem argumentos fornece a p�gina de
+ hipertextos dos cap�tulos de ajuda.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>help(key)</literal> exibe o arquivo de ajuda Scilab
+ associado ao dado <literal>key</literal>. Se nenhum arquivo for
+ encontrado, <literal>help(key)</literal> chama automaticamente
+ <literal>apropos(key)</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Ver <link linkend="man">man</link> para mais explica��es sobre como
+ escrever novas p�ginas.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="apropos">apropos</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help_from_sci.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help_from_sci.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..797ee180e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help_from_sci.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ *
+ * This help file was generated from help_from_sci.sci using help_from_sci().
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="help_from_sci" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help_from_sci</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Gera��o de arquivos de ajuda e de arquivos de demonstra��o a
+ partir da se��o de coment�rios de cabe�alho de um arquivo-fonte
+ .sci
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seq��ncia de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>
+ help_from_sci() // gera um modelo de fun��o vazio
+ help_from_sci(funname,helpdir) // gera helpdir/funname.xml a partir de funname.sci
+ help_from_sci(dirname,helpdir) // processa dirname/*.sci e cria helpdir/*.xml.
+ help_from_sci(dirname,helpdir,helpdir) // como acima, mas tamb�m cria o arquivo de demonstra��o helpdir/*.dem.sce.
+ [helptxt,demotxt]=help_from_sci(funname) // retorna funname.xml e funname.dem.sce como duas matrizes de texto.
+ </synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Par�metros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>funname:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>o nome de um �nico arquivo .sci a ser processado</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirname:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>nome do diret�rio onde todos os arquivos .sci ser�o
+ processados
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>helpdir:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>endere�o opcional onde o arquivo de ajuda .xml ser�
+ criado
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>demodir:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>endere�o opcional onde os arquivos de demonstra��o .dem.sce
+ ser�o criados baseados nos c�digos da se��o Examples
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>helptxt:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>retorna o c�digo da ajuda XML se helpdir for vazio, ou o
+ endere�o para o novo arquivo .xml
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>demotxt:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>retorna o c�digo de demonstra��o se demodir for vazio, ou o
+ endere�o para o novo arquivo
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>help_from_sci � uma vers�o revisada da fun��o help_skeleton. Seu
+ objetivo � gerar arquivos de ajuda .xml baseados na se��o de coment�rios
+ de cabe�alho dos arquivos-fontes .sci. Opcionalmente, os arquivos de
+ demonstra��o .dem.sce podem ser gerados baseados nos c�digos da se��o
+ Examples na se��o de comet�rios de cabe�alho dos arquivos .sci.
+ </para>
+ <para>Para que help_from_sci formate o arquivo .xml propriamente, os a
+ se��o de coment�rios de cabe�alho deve concordar com algumas regras
+ simples de formata��o.
+ </para>
+ <para>A primeira linha de coment�rio seguinte � defini��o de fun��o deve
+ conter uma descri��o breve da fun��o.
+ </para>
+ <para>Os coment�rios restantes s�o formatados de acordo com os seguintes
+ cabe�alhos (opcionais): "Calling Sequence", "Parameters", "Description",
+ "Examples", "See also", "Used functions", "Authors" e
+ "Bibliography".
+ </para>
+ <para>As seguintes diretrizes devem ser seguidas ao se escrever os
+ coment�rios de c�digo fonte:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Calling Sequence</literal>
+ - um exemplo por linha.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Parameters</literal>
+ - separe o nome do par�metro e a descri��o por um ":". Mantenha a descri��o de cada par�metro na mesma linha.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Description</literal>
+ - a formata��o do texto pode ser feita utilizando comandos XML. Adicionar uma linha de coment�rio vazia na se��o Description � interpretado como come�o de um novo par�grafo.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>See also</literal>
+ - liste um nome de fun��o por linha.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Authors</literal>
+ - escreva um autor em cada linha ap�s o cabe�alho Authors. Use ";" para separar os autores de qualquer informa��o adicional.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <literal>Bibliography</literal>
+ - escreva uma refer�ncia por linha seguindo o cabe�alho References.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para/>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+help_from_sci() // abrindo um modelo de c�digo-fonte vazio no editor.
+// salve este modelo como test_fun.sci no diret�rio corrente antes de executar
+// os pr�ximos comandos do exemplo
+help_from_sci('test_fun') // retornando o esqueleto xml como um string de texto.
+help_from_sci('test_fun','.') // criando o arquivo de ajuda xml no diret�rio corrente.
+// criando ambos os arquivos de ajuda e demonstra��o no diret�rio corrente.
+// de um diret�rio raiz de um toolbox, uma seq��ncia de chamamento t�pica seria:
+// help_from_sci('macros','help\pt_BR','demos')
+// este comando processaria todos os arquivos .sci no diret�rio de macros
+// e utilizaria a se��o de coment�rios de cabe�alho para atualizar as ajudas .xml no
+// diret�rio help\en_US e reconstruiria os arquivos .dem.sce no diret�rio demos\.
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="xmltohtml">xmltohtml</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help_skeleton.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help_skeleton.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9de8151ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/help_skeleton.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="help_skeleton" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>help_skeleton</refname>
+ <refpurpose>constrói o esqueleto do arquivo de ajuda xml associado à
+ função Scilab
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seqüência de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>txt = help_skeleton(funname [,path [,language]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Parâmetros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>funname</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string : o nome da função</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>path</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string : o endereço onde se criará o arquivo, se for
+ requerido. Se este argumento não for fornecido, o esqueleto é
+ retornado como um string.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string :com valor possível "fr_FR" ou "en_US" o padrão é
+ "en_US"
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>txt</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>o código xml ou o endereço do arquivo xml completo</para>
+ <para/>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descrição</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>txt = help_skeleton(funname)</literal> gera um vetor de
+ strings contendo o esqueleto do código XML descrevendo a ajuda da função
+ <literal>funname</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>fullpath = help_skeleton(funname,dirpath)</literal> gera o
+ código XML descrevendo a ajuda da função <literal>funname</literal> em um
+ arquivo nomeado <literal>funname.xml</literal> no diretório especificado
+ pelo endereço <literal>dirpath</literal>. Neste caso, a função retorna o
+ endereço do arquivo.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+function [y,z]=foo(a,b),y=a+b,z=1,endfunction
+if (isdef('editor') | (funptr('editor')<>0)) then
+ editor(p);
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Ver Também</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/manedit.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/manedit.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..386ae59c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/manedit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="manedit" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>manedit</refname>
+ <refpurpose>editando item do manual</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seq��ncia de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>manedit(manitem)</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Par�metros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>manitem</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>string (geralmente, o nome de uma fun��o)</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>
+ <literal>edit(manitem)</literal> abre o arquivo xml associado a
+ <literal>manitem</literal> no editor.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Se n�o h� arquivo xml associado a <literal>manitem</literal> e
+ <literal>manitem</literal> � o nome de uma fun��o Scilab, o scinotes abre
+ com o esqueleto do arquivo xml produzido por <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>. Este arquivo est� localizado
+ em TMPDIR.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+function [x,y,z]=foo123(a,b),
+manedit foo123
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/percenthelps.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/percenthelps.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..93d8bebf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/percenthelps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="percenthelps" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>%helps</refname>
+ <refpurpose>vari�vel definindo o endere�o dos diret�rios de
+ ajuda
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descri��o</title>
+ <para>
+ A vari�vel global <literal>%helps</literal> � uma matriz N x 2 de
+ strings. A k-�sima linha de <literal>%helps</literal>,
+ <literal>%helps(k,:)</literal> representa o k-�simo cap�tulo do manual e �
+ feita de dois strings:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>%helps(k,1)</literal> � o nome de endere�o absoluto de um
+ diret�rio.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>%helps(k,2)</literal> � um t�tulo para este diret�rio. Por
+ exemplo, para k=2, n�s temos o cap�tulo de gr�ficos
+ <literal>%helps(2,:)</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A vari�vel <literal>%helps</literal> � definida no arquivo de
+ inicializa��o do Scilab <literal>SCI+"/scilab.start"</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>Para adicionar um novo diret�rio de ajuda, o usu�rio deve adicionar
+ uma linha a <literal>%helps</literal>. (Uma linha para cada
+ diret�rio).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Por exemplo, <literal>%helps=[%helps;
+ "Path-Of-My-Help-Dir","My-Title"];
+ </literal>
+ habilita o navegador de ajuda
+ do Scilab a procurar por itens do manual de ajuda no diret�rio com
+ endere�o "Path-Of-My-Help-Dir".
+ </para>
+ <para>"My-Title" �, ent�o, o t�tulo do novo cap�tulo de ajuda.</para>
+ <para>Um diret�rio v�lido deve conter:</para>
+ <para>
+ 1- Um conjunto de arquivos<literal>.html</literal> (ex.:
+ <literal>item1.html, item2.html</literal> etc). Os arquivos
+ <literal>.html</literal> s�o geralmente constru�dos de arquivos
+ XML.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ 2- Um arquivo <literal>whatis.html</literal>, que deve conter um
+ formato especial. Cada linha de <literal>whatis</literal> deve ser como
+ segue:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting role="xml"><![CDATA[
+<BR><A HREF="item.html">item</A> - r�pida descri��o
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ <literal>item</literal> � o item da ajuda, i.e. o comando
+ <literal>help item</literal> exibe o conte�do do arquivo
+ <literal>item.html</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ O comando <literal>apropos keyword</literal> retorna as linhas de
+ todos os arquivos <literal>whatis.html</literal> nos quais a palavra-chave
+ keyword aparece.
+ </para>
+ <para>Em plataformas Linux, o Scilab prov� um Makefile para transformar
+ p�ginas <literal>.xml</literal> pages em p�ginas <literal>.html</literal>
+ (ver SCIDIR/examples/man-examples).
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection role="see also">
+ <title>Ver Tamb�m</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="apropos">apropos</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="man">man</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltohtml.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltohtml.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a98854f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltohtml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltohtml" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltohtml</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seqüência de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltohtml(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Parâmetros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: um conjunto de endereços de diretórios para
+ os quais os manuais html devem ser gerados ou <literal>[]
+ </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: títulos associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas padrões associados aos endereços de
+ diretórios ou []. Se um arquivo XML estiver faltando em
+ dir_language, ele é copiado de default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descrição</title>
+ <para>Converte arquivos de ajuda Scilab contidos em um conjunto de
+ diretórios para formato HTML.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+my_module_path = pathconvert(SCI+'/modules/helptools/examples/example_1',%f,%f)
+// Construindo a ajuda em francês
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+my_french_html_dir = xmltohtml(my_french_help_dir,my_french_help_title,'fr_FR')
+// Construindo a ajuda em inglês
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [en_US]';
+my_english_html_dir = xmltohtml(my_english_help_dir,my_english_help_title,'en_US')
+// Construindo a ajuda em chinês
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+my_chinese_html_dir = xmltohtml(my_chinese_help_dir,my_chinese_help_title,'zh_TW')
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Ver Também</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltojar.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltojar.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..759573660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltojar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltojar" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltojar</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato
+ javaHelp
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seqüência de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltojar(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Parâmetros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: um conjunto de endereços de diretórios para
+ os quais os manuais html devem ser gerados ou <literal>[]
+ </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: títulos associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas padrões associados aos endereços de
+ diretórios ou []. Se um arquivo XML estiver faltando em
+ dir_language, ele é copiado de default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descrição</title>
+ <para>Converte arquivos de ajuda Scilab contidos em um conjunto de
+ diretórios para formato jar.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+my_module_path = pathconvert(SCI+'/modules/helptools/examples/example_1',%f,%f)
+// Construindo a ajuda em francês
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+// Construindo a ajuda em inglês
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [en_US]';
+// Construindo a ajuda em chinês
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+// Adicionando capítulos de ajuda em francês, inglês e chinês
+// =============================================================================
+if getlanguage() == 'fr_FR' then
+ add_help_chapter(my_french_help_title,my_module_path+"/jar");
+elseif getlanguage() == 'zh_TW' then
+ add_help_chapter(my_chinese_help_title,my_module_path+"/jar");
+ add_help_chapter(my_english_help_title,my_module_path+"/jar");
+// Ver o resultado no navegador de ajuda
+// =============================================================================
+// Deletando capítulos de ajuda em francês e inglês
+// =============================================================================
+if getlanguage() == 'fr_FR' then
+ del_help_chapter(my_french_help_title);
+ del_help_chapter(my_english_help_title);
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Ver Também</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltopdf.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltopdf.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7c1e50ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltopdf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltopdf" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltopdf</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seqüência de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltopdf(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Parâmetros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: um conjunto de endereços de diretórios para
+ os quais os manuais pdf devem ser gerados ou <literal>[]
+ </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: títulos associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas padrões associados aos endereços de
+ diretórios ou []. Se um arquivo XML estiver faltando em
+ dir_language, ele é copiado de default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descrição</title>
+ <para>Converte arquivos de ajuda Scilab contidos em um conjunto de
+ diretórios para formato PDF
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+my_module_path = pathconvert(SCI+'/modules/helptools/examples/example_1',%f,%f)
+// Construindo a ajuda em francês
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+my_french_pdf = xmltopdf(my_french_help_dir,my_french_help_title,'fr_FR')
+// Construindo a ajuda em inglês
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [en_US]';
+my_english_pdf = xmltopdf(my_english_help_dir,my_english_help_title,'en_US')
+// Construindo a ajuda em chinês
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+my_chinese_pdf = xmltopdf(my_chinese_help_dir,my_chinese_help_title,'zh_TW')
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Ver Também</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltops.xml b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltops.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c5dcf7bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/pt_BR/xmltops.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:scilab="" xml:id="xmltops" xml:lang="en">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>xmltops</refname>
+ <refpurpose>converte arquivos de ajuda xml do Scilab para formato
+ Postscript
+ </refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <title>Seqüência de Chamamento</title>
+ <synopsis>xmltops(dirs [,titles [,dir_language [default_language]]]]])</synopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Parâmetros</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dirs</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: um conjunto de endereços de diretórios para
+ os quais os manuais postscript devem ser gerados ou <literal>[]
+ </literal>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>titles</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: títulos associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>dir_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas associados a endereços de diretórios
+ ou []
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>default_language</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>vetor de strings: idiomas padrões associados aos endereços de
+ diretórios ou []. Se um arquivo XML estiver faltando em
+ dir_language, ele é copiado de default_language.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Descrição</title>
+ <para>Converte arquivos de ajuda Scilab contidos em um conjunto de
+ diretórios para formato PS.
+ </para>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Exemplos</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// example_1/
+// `-- help
+// |-- en_US
+// | |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// | |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// | `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- fr_FR
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+// `-- zh_TW
+// |-- example_1_function_1.xml
+// |-- example_1_function_2.xml
+// `-- example_1_function_3.xml
+my_module_path = pathconvert(SCI+'/modules/helptools/examples/example_1',%f,%f)
+// Construindo a ajuda em francês
+// =============================================================================
+my_french_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/fr_FR';
+my_french_help_title = 'Example 1 [fr_FR]';
+my_french_ps = xmltops(my_french_help_dir,my_french_help_title,'fr_FR')
+// Construindo a ajuda em inglês
+// =============================================================================
+my_english_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/en_US';
+my_english_help_title = 'Example 1 [EN_US]';
+my_english_ps = xmltops(my_english_help_dir,my_english_help_title,'en_US')
+// Construindo a ajuda em chinês
+// =============================================================================
+my_chinese_help_dir = my_module_path+'/help/zh_TW';
+my_chinese_help_title = 'Example 1 [zh_TW]';
+my_chinese_ps = xmltops(my_chinese_help_dir,my_chinese_help_title,'zh_TW');
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </refsection>
+ <refsection>
+ <title>Ver Também</title>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="help">help</link>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <link linkend="add_help_chapter">add_help_chapter</link>
+ </member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </refsection>
diff --git a/modules/helptools/help/ru_RU/addchapter.sce b/modules/helptools/help/ru_RU/addchapter.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b6d39a61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/helptools/help/ru_RU/addchapter.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - DIGITEO
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+add_help_chapter("Online help management",SCI+"/modules/helptools/help/ru_RU",%T);