path: root/modules/gui/macros/getvalue.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gui/macros/getvalue.sci')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gui/macros/getvalue.sci b/modules/gui/macros/getvalue.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..35a9afbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gui/macros/getvalue.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Clément DAVID <>
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Bruno JOFRET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [%ok,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,...
+ %6,%7,%8,%9,%10,...
+ %11,%12,%13,%14,%15,...
+ %16,%17,%18,%19,%20,...
+ %21,%22,%23,%24,%25,...
+ %26,%27,%28,%29,%30]=getvalue(%desc,%labels,%typ,%ini)
+ // getvalues - %window dialog for data acquisition
+ //%Synta%
+ // [%ok,%1,..,%30]=getvalue(desc,labels,typ,ini)
+ //%Parameters
+ // desc : column vector of strings, dialog general comment
+ // labels : n column vector of strings, labels(i) is the label of
+ // the ith required value
+ // typ : list(typ1,dim1,..,typn,dimn)
+ // typi : defines the type of the ith required value
+ // if may have the following values:
+ // 'mat' : stands for matrix of scalars
+ // 'col' : stands for column vector of scalars
+ // 'row' : stands for row vector of scalars
+ // 'vec' : stands for vector of scalars
+ // 'intvec' : stands for vector of integers i.e int(x) == x
+ // 'str' : stands for vector of strings
+ // 'lis' : stands for list
+ // 'pol' : stands for polynomials
+ // 'r' : stands for rational
+ // dimi : defines the size of the ith required value
+ // it must be
+ // - an integer or a 2-vector of integers (-1 stands for
+ // arbitrary dimension)
+ // - an evaluatable character string
+ // ini : n column vector of strings, ini(i) gives the suggested
+ // response for the ith required value
+ // %ok : boolean ,%t if %ok button pressed, %f if cancel button pressed
+ // xi : contains the ith required value if %ok==%t
+ //%Description
+ // getvalues macro encapsulate x_mdialog function with error checking,
+ // evaluation of numerical response, ...
+ //%Remarks
+ // All correct scilab syntax may be used as responses, for matrices
+ // and vectors getvalues automatically adds [ ] around the given response
+ // before numerical evaluation
+ //%Example
+ // labels=['magnitude';'frequency';'phase '];
+ // [ampl,Freq,ph]=getvalue('define sine signal',labels,..
+ // list('vec',1,'vec',1,'vec',1),['0.85';'10^2';'%pi/3'])
+ //
+ //%See also
+ // x_mdialog, x_dialog
+ //!
+ // 01/09/10 Clément DAVID: update to %30 rhs parameters
+ // 17/01/07 -Alan- This version of getvalue is different of scilab 4.1 :
+ // - %scicos_context behavior reviewed in accordance to context_evstr macro
+ // - (u)int(8/16/32) allowed in field of type vec/mat/row/col (F. Nassif's Work)
+ //
+ // 05/02/07 -Alan- : update to %20 rhs parameters
+ //
+ // 12/02/07 -Alan- : fix (variable evaluation of %scicos_context)
+ //
+ // Copyright INRIA
+ [%lhs, %rhs] = argn(0)
+ if %rhs < 3 then
+ error(sprintf(_("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "getvalue", 3, 4));
+ end
+ %nn=prod(size(%labels))
+ if %lhs<>%nn+2&%lhs<>%nn+1 then error(41),end
+ if size(%typ)<>2*%nn then
+ error("%typ : list(''type'',[sizes],...)")
+ end
+ %1=[];%2=[];%3=[];%4=[];%5=[];
+ %6=[];%7=[];%8=[];%9=[];%10=[];
+ %11=[];%12=[];%13=[];%14=[];%15=[];
+ %16=[];%17=[];%18=[];%19=[];%20=[];
+ %21=[];%22=[];%23=[];%24=[];%25=[];
+ %26=[];%27=[];%28=[];%29=[];%30=[];
+ if exists("%scicos_context") then
+ %mm=getfield(1,%scicos_context)
+ for %mi=%mm(3:$)
+ if execstr(%mi+"=%scicos_context(%mi)","errcatch")<>0 then
+ disp(lasterror())
+ %ok=%f
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if %rhs==3 then %ini=emptystr(%nn,1),end
+ %ok=%t
+ while %t do
+ %str=x_mdialog(%desc,%labels,%ini)
+ if %str==[] then %ok=%f,%str=[];break,end
+ for %kk=1:%nn
+ %cod=ascii(%str(%kk))
+ %spe=find(%cod==10)
+ if %spe<>[] then
+ %semi=ascii(";")
+ %cod(%spe)=%semi*ones(%spe')
+ %str(%kk)=ascii(%cod)
+ end
+ end
+ %nok=0
+ for %kk=1:%nn
+ select part(%typ(2*%kk-1),1:6)
+ case "mat "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch");
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ //29/12/06
+ //the type of %vv is accepted if it is constant or integer
+ if and(type(%vv)<>[1 8]) then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ [%mv,%nv]=size(%vv)
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))+" x "+string(%sz(2))
+ if %mv*%nv==0 then
+ if %sz(1)>=0&%sz(2)>=0&%sz(1)*%sz(2)<>0 then %nok=%kk,break,end
+ else
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %mv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ if %sz(2)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(2) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ end
+ case "vec "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch")
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ //17/01/07
+ //the type of %vv is accepted if it is constant or integer
+ if and(type(%vv)<>[1 8]) then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))
+ %nv=prod(size(%vv))
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "intvec"
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch")
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ //17/01/07
+ //the type of %vv is accepted if it is constant or integer
+ if and(type(%vv)<>[1 8]) then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ if and(int(%vv) == %vv) == %f then
+ %nok=-%kk;
+ break;
+ end
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))
+ %nv=prod(size(%vv))
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "pol "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch");
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ if type(%vv)>2 then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))
+ %nv=prod(size(%vv))
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "row "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch");
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ //17/01/07
+ //the type of %vv is accepted if it is constant or integer
+ if and(type(%vv)<>[1 8]) then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ if %sz(1)<0 then
+ %ssz="1 x *"
+ else
+ %ssz="1 x "+string(%sz(1))
+ end
+ [%mv,%nv]=size(%vv)
+ if %mv<>1 then %nok=%kk,break,end,
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "col "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch");
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ //17/01/07
+ //the type of %vv is accepted if it is constant or integer
+ if and(type(%vv)<>[1 8]) then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ if %sz(1)<0 then
+ %ssz="* x 1"
+ else
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))+" x 1"
+ end
+ [%mv,%nv]=size(%vv)
+ if %nv<>1 then %nok=%kk,break,end,
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %mv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "str "
+ %sde=%str(%kk)
+ %spe=find(ascii(%str(%kk))==10)
+ %spe($+1)=length(%sde)+1
+ %vv=[];%kk1=1
+ for %kkk=1:size(%spe,"*")
+ %vv(%kkk,1)=part(%sde,%kk1:%spe(%kkk)-1)
+ %kk1=%spe(%kkk)+1
+ end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))
+ %nv=prod(size(%vv))
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "lis "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv="+%str(%kk),"errcatch");
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ if type(%vv)<>15& type(%vv)<>16 then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))
+ %nv=size(%vv)
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ case "r "
+ %ierr=execstr("%vv=["+%str(%kk)+"]","errcatch");
+ if %ierr<>0 then %nok=-%kk;break,end
+ if type(%vv)<>16 then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ if typeof(%vv)<>"rational" then %nok=-%kk,break,end
+ %sz=%typ(2*%kk);if type(%sz)==10 then %sz=evstr(%sz),end
+ [%mv,%nv]=size(%vv(2))
+ %ssz=string(%sz(1))+" x "+string(%sz(2))
+ if %mv*%nv==0 then
+ if %sz(1)>=0&%sz(2)>=0&%sz(1)*%sz(2)<>0 then %nok=%kk,break,end
+ else
+ if %sz(1)>=0 then if %mv<>%sz(1) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ if %sz(2)>=0 then if %nv<>%sz(2) then %nok=%kk,break,end,end
+ end
+ else
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Type %s is not implemented.\n"),"getvalue", %typ(2*%kk-1)))
+ end
+ execstr("%"+string(%kk)+"=%vv")
+ end
+ if %nok>0 then
+ messagebox(msprintf(_("Answer given for %s \n has invalid dimension: \n waiting for dimension %s.\n"), %labels(%nok), %ssz), "modal");
+ %ini=%str
+ elseif %nok<0 then
+ if %ierr==0 then
+ messagebox(msprintf(_("Answer given for %s \n has incorrect type %s.\n"), %labels(-%nok), %typ(-2*%nok-1)), "modal");
+ else
+ messagebox(msprintf(_("Answer given for %s \n is incorrect: %s.\n"), %labels(-%nok), lasterror()), "modal");
+ end
+ %ini=%str
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if %lhs==%nn+2 then
+ execstr("%"+string(%lhs-1)+"=%str")
+ end