path: root/modules/graphics/macros/ged.sci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/graphics/macros/ged.sci')
1 files changed, 2506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/graphics/macros/ged.sci b/modules/graphics/macros/ged.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1cc533fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/macros/ged.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,2506 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function ged(k,win)
+ if ~%tk then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("Tcl/Tk interface not installed.")));
+ return
+ end
+ // Check number of arguments
+ if argn(2) ==1 then
+ win=get(gcf(),"figure_id")
+ elseif argn(2)<>2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d expected.\n"), "ged", 2));
+ end
+ // Check argument #1
+ if typeof(k) <> "constant" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A Real expected.\n"), "ged", 1));
+ end
+ if size(k, "*") <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A Real expected.\n"), "ged", 1));
+ end
+ // Check argument #2
+ if typeof(win) <> "constant" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A Real expected.\n"), "ged", 2));
+ end
+ if size(win, "*") <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A Real expected.\n"), "ged", 2));
+ end
+ global ged_current_figure
+ global ged_cur_fig_handle
+ ged_current_figure=gcf(); //Preserve current figure
+ ged_cur_fig_handle=scf(win);
+ show_window(ged_cur_fig_handle);
+ // for TCL input args built with string(). See bug
+ initFormat = format()
+ format("v",18) // To be restored with initFormat before leaving
+ if k>3 then
+ TCL_EvalStr("set isgedinterp [interp exists ged]")
+ if ~TCL_ExistInterp( "ged" ) then
+ TCL_CreateSlave( "ged" ) ;
+ end
+ end
+ select k
+ case 1 then //Select (make it current)
+ format(initFormat(2),initFormat(1))
+ return
+ case 2 then //redraw
+ // nothing to do in new graphic mode
+ case 3 then //erase
+ clf()
+ case 4 then //copy
+ ged_copy_entity()
+ case 5 then //past
+ ged_paste_entity()
+ case 6 then //move
+ ged_move_entity()
+ case 7 then //Delete Entity
+ ged_delete_entity()
+ case 8 then //edit current figure properties
+ // hierarchical viewer
+ TK_send_handles_list(ged_cur_fig_handle)
+ TCL_SetVar("curgedindex",string(Get_handle_pos_in_list(ged_cur_fig_handle)))
+ //color_map array for color sample display
+ f=ged_cur_fig_handle;
+ for i=1:size(f.color_map,1)
+ redname= "RED("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+redname+" "+string(f.color_map(i,1)));
+ grename= "GREEN("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+grename+" "+string(f.color_map(i,2)));
+ bluname= "BLUE("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+bluname+" "+string(f.color_map(i,3)));
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("msdos",string(getos() == "Windows")) // to know the OS
+ // get the number of the window associated with ged
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGedIsAlive",string(ged_cur_fig_handle.figure_id)) ;
+ TCL_SetVar("SCIHOME", SCIHOME) // to know the home directory to put temporary files
+ ged_figure(ged_cur_fig_handle)
+ case 9 then //edit current axes
+ // hierarchical viewer
+ TK_send_handles_list(ged_cur_fig_handle)
+ TCL_SetVar("curgedindex",string(Get_handle_pos_in_list(gca())))
+ //color_map array for color sample display
+ f=ged_cur_fig_handle;
+ for i=1:size(f.color_map,1)
+ redname= "RED("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+redname+" "+string(f.color_map(i,1)));
+ grename= "GREEN("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+grename+" "+string(f.color_map(i,2)));
+ bluname= "BLUE("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+bluname+" "+string(f.color_map(i,3)));
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("msdos",string(getos() == "Windows")) // to know the OS
+ // get the number of the window associated with ged
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGedIsAlive",string(ged_cur_fig_handle.figure_id)) ;
+ TCL_SetVar("SCIHOME", SCIHOME) // to know the home directory to put temporary files
+ ged_axes(gca())
+ case 10 then //start Entity picker
+ fig=ged_cur_fig_handle
+ fig_ud=get(fig,"user_data")
+ if fig.event_handler<>""& fig.event_handler<>"ged_eventhandler" then
+ //push current event handler in fig user data if possible
+ if fig_ud==[] then fig_ud=struct();end
+ if typeof(fig_ud)=="st" then
+ if ~isfield(fig_ud,"handlers") then fig_ud.handlers=[],end
+ fig_ud.handlers=[fig_ud.handlers;
+ fig.event_handler fig.event_handler_enable]
+ set(fig,"user_data",fig_ud)
+ else
+ warning(_("Entity picker cannot be enabled, user data figure field is already used" ))
+ return
+ end
+ fig.event_handler_enable = "off" //to prevent against bug 7855
+ fig.event_handler="ged_eventhandler"
+ fig.event_handler_enable="on"
+ end
+ ged_cur_fig_handle.info_message=_("Left click on a graphic entity to open its property editor");
+ case 11 then //stop Entity picker
+ fig=ged_cur_fig_handle
+ fig_ud=get(fig,"user_data")
+ seteventhandler("")
+ fig.event_handler_enable = "off"
+ if typeof(fig_ud)=="st"&isfield(fig_ud,"handlers")&fig_ud.handlers<>[] then
+ fig.event_handler=fig_ud.handlers($,1)
+ fig.event_handler_enable=fig_ud.handlers($,2)
+ fig_ud.handlers= fig_ud.handlers(1:$-1,:)
+ set(fig,"user_data",fig_ud)
+ else
+ fig.event_handler_enable = "off"
+ end
+ end
+ scf(ged_current_figure)
+ format(initFormat(2), initFormat(1))
+function curgedindex_ = Get_handle_pos_in_list(h)
+ global ged_cur_fig_handle
+ curgedindex_ = [];
+ handles = Get_handles_list(ged_cur_fig_handle)
+ for i=1:size(handles,1)
+ if (h==handles(i))
+ curgedindex_ = i;
+ end
+ end
+ // Other case :
+ // a label has been selected (and for now they are included inside the Axes)
+ if (curgedindex_==[])
+ if h.type == "Label"
+ h = h.parent;
+ for i=1:size(handles,1)
+ if (h==handles(i))
+ curgedindex_ = i;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+// Search the depth level for each handle
+// Usefull for new hierarchical graphic tree.
+function ged_levels = Get_levels(handles);
+ ged_levels = 1; // for Figure, always 1
+ f = handles(1);
+ for i=2:size(handles,1)
+ ged_levels(i) = Get_Depth(f,handles(i));
+ end
+ //disp("les levels sont:")xb
+ //disp(ged_levels);
+function depth = Get_Depth(f,h)
+ depth = 2;
+ while h.parent <> f
+ h = h.parent;
+ depth = depth + 1;
+ end
+function TK_send_handles_list(h)
+ iFig = 0;
+ iUim = 0; // uimenu
+ iUic = 0; // uicontrol
+ iAxe = 0; // <=> subwindow in C code
+ iAgr = 0;
+ iPol = 0;
+ iPl3 = 0;
+ iFac = 0;
+ iRec = 0;
+ iTex = 0;
+ iLeg = 0;
+ iArc = 0;
+ iSeg = 0;
+ iCha = 0; // Champ
+ iFec = 0;
+ iGra = 0;
+ iMat = 0; // forgotten object F.Leray 22.10.04
+ iAxi = 0; // axis : entity created when using drawaxis method for example
+ iLab = 0;
+ f=getparfig(h);
+ handles = Get_handles_list(f)
+ ged_levels = Get_levels(handles);
+ TCL_SetVar("ged_handle_list_size",string(size(handles,1)));
+ for i=1:size(handles,1)
+ SelObject="LEVELS("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+string(ged_levels(i)));
+ end
+ for i=1:size(handles,1)
+ SelObject="SELOBJECT("+string(i)+")";
+ hand = handles(i);
+ select hand.type
+ case "Figure"
+ iFig = iFig+1;
+ figname= "Figure("+string(iFig)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+figname);
+ case "uimenu"
+ iUim = iUim+1;
+ uimname= "Uimenu("+string(iUim)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+uimname);
+ case "uicontrol"
+ iUic = iUic+1;
+ uicname= "Uicontrol("+string(iUic)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+uicname);
+ case "Axes"
+ iAxe = iAxe+1;
+ axename= "Axes("+string(iAxe)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+axename);
+ // case "Label" // to see later: have labels at the same level than Axes (to have a better visibility)
+ // iLab = iLab+1;
+ // labname= "Label("+string(iLab)+")";
+ // TCL_EvalStr('set '+SelObject+" "+labname);
+ case "Compound"
+ iAgr = iAgr+1;
+ agrname= "Compound("+string(iAgr)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+agrname);
+ case "Polyline"
+ iPol = iPol+1;
+ polname= "Polyline("+string(iPol)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+polname);
+ case "Plot3d"
+ iPl3 = iPl3+1;
+ pl3name= "Plot3d("+string(iPl3)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+pl3name);
+ case "Fac3d"
+ iFac = iFac+1;
+ Facname= "Fac3d("+string(iFac)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Facname);
+ case "Rectangle"
+ iRec = iRec+1;
+ Recname= "Rectangle("+string(iRec)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Recname);
+ case "Text"
+ iTex = iTex+1;
+ Texname= "Text("+string(iTex)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Texname);
+ case "Legend"
+ iLeg = iLeg+1;
+ Legname= "Legend("+string(iLeg)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Legname);
+ case "Arc"
+ iArc = iArc+1;
+ Arcname= "Arc("+string(iArc)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Arcname);
+ case "Segs"
+ iSeg = iSeg+1;
+ Segname= "Segs("+string(iSeg)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Segname);
+ case "Champ"
+ iCha = iCha+1;
+ Chaname= "Champ("+string(iCha)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Chaname);
+ case "Fec"
+ iFec = iFec+1;
+ Fecname= "Fec("+string(iFec)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Fecname);
+ case "Grayplot"
+ iGra = iGra+1;
+ Graname= "Grayplot("+string(iGra)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Graname);
+ case "Matplot"
+ iMat = iMat+1;
+ Matname= "Matplot("+string(iMat)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Matname);
+ case "Axis"
+ iAxi = iAxi+1;
+ Axiname= "Axis("+string(iAxi)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+SelObject+" "+Axiname);
+ else
+ error( hand.type + " not handled");
+ end
+ end
+//function h=Get_handle_from_index(index)
+function Get_handle_from_index(index)
+ global ged_handle;
+ global ged_cur_fig_handle
+ hl = Get_handles_list(ged_cur_fig_handle);
+ ged_handle = hl(index);
+ // h=ged_handle;
+ tkged();
+function hfig= getparfig( h )
+ htmp = h;
+ hfig= []
+ while htmp.type<>"Figure" do
+ htmp=htmp.parent
+ end
+ hfig = htmp;
+function h_out_list=Get_handles_list(h);
+ global ged_handle_out;
+ f=getparfig(h);
+ ged_handle_out=[f];
+ List_handles(f);
+ //disp(ged_handle_out);
+ h_out_list=ged_handle_out;
+function List_handles(h)
+ global ged_handle_out;
+ i = 1;
+ //if h.type=="Axes" then
+ // ged_handle_out = [ged_handle_out;h.x_label;h.y_label;h.z_label;h.title];
+ //end
+ psonstmp = h.children;
+ if psonstmp <> [] then
+ psonstmp = h.children(1);
+ end
+ while ((psonstmp <>[]) & ((i) <=size(psonstmp.parent.children,1)))
+ i = i+1;
+ ged_handle_out = [ged_handle_out; psonstmp];
+ List_handles(psonstmp);
+ if ((i) <=size(psonstmp.parent.children,1)) then
+ psonstmp = psonstmp.parent.children(i);
+ else
+ psonstmp=[];
+ end
+ end
+function ged_Compound(h)
+ global ged_handle;ged_handle=h;
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Compound.tcl")
+function ged_figure(h)
+ global ged_handle;ged_handle=h;
+ TCL_SetVar("background",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("rotation_style",h.rotation_style)
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_name",h.figure_name)
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_id",string(h.figure_id))
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_xposition",string(h.figure_position(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_yposition",string(h.figure_position(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_xsiz",string(h.figure_size(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_ysiz",string(h.figure_size(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_xaxesiz",string(h.axes_size(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("figure_yaxesiz",string(h.axes_size(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("bcolor",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(h.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curpdm",h.pixel_drawing_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curautoresize",h.auto_resize)
+ TCL_SetVar("currotation_style",h.rotation_style)
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Figure.tcl")
+function ged_axes(h)
+ global ged_handle;ged_handle=h;
+ LoadTicks2TCL(h);
+ TCL_SetVar("Xaxes_reverseToggle",h.axes_reverse(1))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yaxes_reverseToggle",h.axes_reverse(2))
+ TCL_SetVar("Zaxes_reverseToggle",h.axes_reverse(3))
+ // forgotten axes bounds info.
+ TCL_SetVar("axes_boundsL",string(h.axes_bounds(1,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("axes_boundsU",string(h.axes_bounds(1,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("axes_boundsW",string(h.axes_bounds(1,3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("axes_boundsH",string(h.axes_bounds(1,4)))
+ // forgotten visibility info.
+ TCL_SetVar("xlabel_visibility",string(h.x_label.visible))
+ TCL_SetVar("ylabel_visibility",string(h.y_label.visible))
+ TCL_SetVar("zlabel_visibility",string(h.z_label.visible))
+ TCL_SetVar("titlelabel_visibility",string(h.title.visible))
+ TCL_SetVar("Lmargins",string(h.margins(1)));
+ TCL_SetVar("Rmargins",string(h.margins(2)));
+ TCL_SetVar("Tmargins",string(h.margins(3)));
+ TCL_SetVar("Bmargins",string(h.margins(4)));
+ ged_linestylearray=["solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinestyle",ged_linestylearray(max(h.line_style,1)))
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_SetVar("curautoclear",h.auto_clear);
+ TCL_SetVar("curautoscale",h.auto_scale);
+ //TCL_SetVar("curfillmode",h.fill_mode);
+ TCL_SetVar("curalpharotation",string(h.rotation_angles(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthetarotation",string(h.rotation_angles(2)))
+ ged_fontarray = ["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"];
+ TCL_SetVar("Xlabelpos",h.x_location)
+ TCL_SetVar("Ylabelpos",h.y_location)
+ TCL_SetVar("Xlabelfontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.x_label.font_style+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("Ylabelfontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.y_label.font_style+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("Zlabelfontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.z_label.font_style+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("TITLEfontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.title.font_style+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("fontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.font_style+1))
+ // label texts
+ if size(h.x_label.text,"*") == 1 then
+ txt = """" + h.x_label.text + """" ;
+ else
+ // an array of strings
+ txt = "["+strcat(string(size(h.x_label.text)),"x")+" string array]" ;
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("xlabel", txt );
+ if size(h.y_label.text,"*") == 1 then
+ txt = """" + h.y_label.text + """" ;
+ else
+ // an array of strings
+ txt = "["+strcat(string(size(h.y_label.text)),"x")+" string array]" ;
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("ylabel", txt );
+ if size(h.z_label.text,"*") == 1 then
+ txt = """" + h.z_label.text + """" ;
+ else
+ // an array of strings
+ txt = "["+strcat(string(size(h.z_label.text)),"x")+" string array]" ;
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("zlabel", txt );
+ if size(h.title.text,"*") == 1 then
+ txt = """" + h.title.text + """" ;
+ else
+ // an array of strings
+ txt = "["+strcat(string(size(h.title.text)),"x")+" string array]" ;
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("tlabel", txt );
+ TCL_SetVar("xlabel_fontforeground",string(h.x_label.font_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("ylabel_fontforeground",string(h.y_label.font_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("zlabel_fontforeground",string(h.z_label.font_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("titlelabel_fontforg",string(h.title.font_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("xlabel_foreground",string(h.x_label.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("ylabel_foreground",string(h.y_label.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("zlabel_foreground",string(h.z_label.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("titlelabel_foreground",string(h.title.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("xlabel_background",string(h.x_label.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("ylabel_background",string(h.y_label.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("zlabel_background",string(h.z_label.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("titlelabel_background",string(h.title.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("x_position",sci2exp(h.x_label.position,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("y_position",sci2exp(h.y_label.position,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("z_position",sci2exp(h.z_label.position,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("title_position",sci2exp(h.title.position,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("xauto_position",h.x_label.auto_position)
+ TCL_SetVar("yauto_position",h.y_label.auto_position)
+ TCL_SetVar("zauto_position",h.z_label.auto_position)
+ TCL_SetVar("titleauto_position",h.title.auto_position)
+ TCL_SetVar("xauto_rotation",h.x_label.auto_rotation)
+ TCL_SetVar("yauto_rotation",h.y_label.auto_rotation)
+ TCL_SetVar("zauto_rotation",h.z_label.auto_rotation)
+ TCL_SetVar("titleauto_rotation",h.title.auto_rotation)
+ TCL_SetVar("Xfillmode",h.x_label.fill_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("Yfillmode",h.y_label.fill_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("Zfillmode",h.z_label.fill_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("Titlefillmode",h.title.fill_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("xlabel_fontsize",string(h.x_label.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("ylabel_fontsize",string(h.y_label.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("zlabel_fontsize",string(h.z_label.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("titlelabel_fontsize",string(h.title.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("fcolor",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("bcolor",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontsize",string(h.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontcolor",string(h.font_color))
+ TCL_SetVar("limToggle",h.tight_limits(1))
+ TCL_SetVar("isoToggle",h.isoview)
+ TCL_SetVar("cubToggle",h.cube_scaling)
+ TCL_SetVar("viewToggle",h.view)
+ TCL_SetVar("curBoxState",
+ TCL_SetVar("xToggle",part(h.log_flags,1))
+ TCL_SetVar("yToggle",part(h.log_flags,2))
+ TCL_SetVar("zToggle",part(h.log_flags,3))
+ TCL_SetVar("xGrid",string(h.grid(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("yGrid",string(h.grid(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("hiddenAxisColor",h.hidden_axis_color)
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontangle_x",string(h.x_label.font_angle))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontangle_y",string(h.y_label.font_angle))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontangle_z",string(h.z_label.font_angle))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontangle_title",string(h.title.font_angle))
+ select h.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ h.view="3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("old_curalpharotation",string(h.rotation_angles(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_curthetarotation",string(h.rotation_angles(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("zGrid",string(h.grid(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("zGrid_initial",string(h.grid(3))) //to avoid useless redraw (see Axes.tcl)
+ TCL_SetVar("dbxmin",string(h.data_bounds(1,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbymin",string(h.data_bounds(1,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbzmin",string(h.data_bounds(1,3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbxmax",string(h.data_bounds(2,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbymax",string(h.data_bounds(2,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbzmax",string(h.data_bounds(2,3)))
+ h.view="2d"
+ drawnow();
+ case "3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("zGrid",string(h.grid(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("zGrid_initial",string(h.grid(3))) //to avoid useless redraw (see Axes.tcl)
+ TCL_SetVar("dbxmin",string(h.data_bounds(1,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbymin",string(h.data_bounds(1,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbzmin",string(h.data_bounds(1,3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbxmax",string(h.data_bounds(2,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbymax",string(h.data_bounds(2,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("dbzmax",string(h.data_bounds(2,3)))
+ end
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Axes.tcl")
+function ged_rectangle(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ f=h;while stripblanks(f.type)<>"Figure" then f=f.parent,end
+ ax=h;while stripblanks(ax.type)<>"Axes" then ax=ax.parent,end
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolor",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curback",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ ged_linestylearray=["solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinestyle",ged_linestylearray(max(h.line_style,1)))
+ ged_markstylearray=["dot" "plus" "cross" "star" "filled diamond" ..
+ "diamond" "triangle up" "triangle down" "diamond plus" "circle" ..
+ "asterisk" "square" "triangle right" "triangle left" "pentagram"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkstyle",ged_markstylearray(abs(h.mark_style)+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkmode",h.mark_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksize",string(h.mark_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksizeunit",h.mark_size_unit);
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkforeground",string(h.mark_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkbackground",string(h.mark_background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.line_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curfillmode",h.fill_mode)
+ // Rectangle data
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("Xval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Yval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Zval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Wval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Hval",string(
+ ax.view="2d"
+ drawnow();
+ case "3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("Xval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Yval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Zval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Wval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Hval",string(
+ end
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Rectangle.tcl")
+function ged_polyline(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ f=h;while stripblanks(f.type)<>"Figure" then f=f.parent,end
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolor",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curback",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ TCL_SetVar("curarrowsizefactor",string(h.arrow_size_factor))
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ ged_polylinestylearray=["interpolated" "staircase" "barplot" "arrowed" "filled" "bar"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curpolylinestyle",ged_polylinestylearray(max(h.polyline_style,1)))
+ ged_linestylearray=["solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinestyle",ged_linestylearray(max(h.line_style,1)))
+ ged_markstylearray=["dot" "plus" "cross" "star" "filled diamond" ..
+ "diamond" "triangle up" "triangle down" "diamond plus" "circle" ..
+ "asterisk" "square" "triangle right" "triangle left" "pentagram"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkstyle",ged_markstylearray(abs(h.mark_style)+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkmode",h.mark_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksize",string(h.mark_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksizeunit",h.mark_size_unit);
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkforeground",string(h.mark_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkbackground",string(h.mark_background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.line_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curclosedmode",h.closed)
+ TCL_SetVar("curfillmode",h.fill_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curinterpcolormode",h.interp_color_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curinterpcolorvector",sci2exp(h.interp_color_vector,0))
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata",d);
+ select get(getparaxe(h),"view")
+ case "2d"
+ TCL_SetVar("nbcol",string(2));
+ case "3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("nbcol",string(3));
+ end
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Polyline.tcl")
+function ged_plot3d(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ // if (h.clip_box==[])
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ // else
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ // end
+ // TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolormode",string(h.color_mode))
+ TCL_SetVar("colorflagToggle",string(h.color_flag))
+ TCL_SetVar("curforeground",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curhiddencolor",string(h.hiddencolor))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ ged_markstylearray=["dot" "plus" "cross" "star" "filled diamond" ..
+ "diamond" "triangle up" "triangle down" "diamond plus" "circle" ..
+ "asterisk" "square" "triangle right" "triangle left" "pentagram"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkstyle",ged_markstylearray(abs(h.mark_style)+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkmode",h.mark_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksize",string(h.mark_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksizeunit",h.mark_size_unit);
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkforeground",string(h.mark_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkbackground",string(h.mark_background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.surface_mode)
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_x",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_y",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_z",d);
+ TCL_EvalStr("set flagCOLOR 0")
+ if(["3d" "x" "y" "z" "color"])
+ TCL_EvalStr("set flagCOLOR 1")
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" integer array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_color",d);
+ end
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Plot3d.tcl")
+function ged_fac3d(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ // if (h.clip_box==[])
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ // else
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ // end
+ // TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolormode",string(h.color_mode))
+ TCL_SetVar("colorflagToggle",string(h.color_flag))
+ TCL_SetVar("curforeground",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curhiddencolor",string(h.hiddencolor))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ ged_markstylearray=["dot" "plus" "cross" "star" "filled diamond" ..
+ "diamond" "triangle up" "triangle down" "diamond plus" "circle" ..
+ "asterisk" "square" "triangle right" "triangle left" "pentagram"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkstyle",ged_markstylearray(abs(h.mark_style)+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkmode",h.mark_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksize",string(h.mark_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksizeunit",h.mark_size_unit);
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkforeground",string(h.mark_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkbackground",string(h.mark_background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.surface_mode)
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_x",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_y",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_z",d);
+ TCL_EvalStr("set flagCOLOR 0")
+ if(["3d" "x" "y" "z" "color"])
+ TCL_EvalStr("set flagCOLOR 1")
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" integer array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_color",d);
+ end
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Fac3d.tcl")
+function ged_text(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ f=h;while stripblanks(f.type)<>"Figure" then f=f.parent,end
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontforeground",string(h.font_foreground))
+ ged_fontarray = ["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.font_style+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontsize",string(h.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontangle",string(h.font_angle))
+ TCL_SetVar("curtextboxmode",h.text_box_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curtext",h.text)
+ TCL_SetVar("curforeground",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curbackground",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curboxmode",
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.line_mode);
+ TCL_SetVar("curfillmode",h.fill_mode);
+ //TCL_SetVar("curPosition", ;
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ if size(h.text,"*") == 1 then
+ txt =""""+ h.text +"""" ; // one double quote at each side
+ else
+ txt = "["+strcat(string(size(h.text)),"x")+" string array]"
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curtext", txt );
+ TCL_SetVar( "textBoxWidth", string( h.text_box(1) ) ) ;
+ TCL_SetVar("textBoxHeight", string( h.text_box(2) ) ) ;
+ TCL_SetVar("curAlignment",string(h.alignment) ) ;
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Text.tcl")
+function ged_legend(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curforeground",string(h.foreground))
+ ged_fontarray = ["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontstyle",ged_fontarray(h.font_style+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontsize",string(h.font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curtext",h.text)
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Legend.tcl")
+function ged_arc(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ ged_linestylearray=["solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinestyle",ged_linestylearray(max(h.line_style,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("nbcol",string(size(,2)))
+ for i=1:size(,2)
+ val= "arcVAL("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(;
+ end
+ f=h;while stripblanks(f.type)<>"Figure" then f=f.parent,end
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolor",string(h.foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curback",string(h.background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.line_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curfillmode",h.fill_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ ax=getparaxe(h);
+ // Arc data
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d" //strange behavior in 3D... seems to be bugged!!
+ TCL_SetVar("Xval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Yval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Zval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Wval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Hval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("A1val",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("A2val",string(
+ ax.view="2d"
+ drawnow();
+ case "3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("Xval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Yval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Zval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Wval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("Hval",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("A1val",string(
+ TCL_SetVar("A2val",string(
+ end
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Arc.tcl")
+function ged_segs(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curarrowsize",string(h.arrow_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ ged_linestylearray=["solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinestyle",ged_linestylearray(max(h.line_style,1)))
+ ged_markstylearray=["dot" "plus" "cross" "star" "filled diamond" ..
+ "diamond" "triangle up" "triangle down" "diamond plus" "circle" ..
+ "asterisk" "square" "triangle right" "triangle left" "pentagram"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkstyle",ged_markstylearray(abs(h.mark_style)+1))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkmode",h.mark_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksize",string(h.mark_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarksizeunit",h.mark_size_unit);
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkforeground",string(h.mark_foreground))
+ TCL_SetVar("curmarkbackground",string(h.mark_background))
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinemode",h.line_mode)
+ TCL_SetVar("nbrow",string(size(,1)))
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata",d);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbcolsegscolor",string(size(h.segs_color,2)))
+ for i=1:size(h.segs_color,2)
+ val= "segscolorVAL("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(h.segs_color(i)));
+ end
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Segs.tcl")
+function ged_champ(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolored",h.colored)
+ TCL_SetVar("ncolors",string(size(f.color_map,1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("curarrowsize",string(h.arrow_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("curthick",string(h.thickness))
+ ged_linestylearray=["solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"];
+ TCL_SetVar("curlinestyle",ged_linestylearray(max(h.line_style,1)))
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_x",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_y",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_fx",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_fy",d);
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Champ.tcl")
+function ged_fec(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("zbmin",string(h.z_bounds(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("zbmax",string(h.z_bounds(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("nbrow",string(size(,1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("nbcol",string(size(,2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("nbrowTri",string(size(h.triangles,1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("nbcolTri",string(size(h.triangles,2)))
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_data",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(h.triangles)),"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_triangles",d);
+ // if (h.clip_box==[])
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ // TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ // else
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ // TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ // end
+ // TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Fec.tcl")
+function ged_grayplot(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curdatamapping",h.data_mapping)
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_x",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_y",d);
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata_z",d);
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Grayplot.tcl")
+function ged_matplot(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ d="["+strcat(string(size(,"x")+" double array]"
+ TCL_SetVar("curdata",d);
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Matplot.tcl")
+function ged_axis(h)
+ global ged_handle; ged_handle=h
+ TCL_SetVar("curvis",h.visible)
+ TCL_SetVar("curseg",h.tics_segment)
+ TCL_SetVar("curcolor",string(h.tics_color))
+ TCL_SetVar("curticsstyle",h.tics_style)
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontcolor",string(h.labels_font_color))
+ TCL_SetVar("curfontsize",string(h.labels_font_size))
+ TCL_SetVar("nbcolX",string(size(h.xtics_coord,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("nbcolY",string(size(h.ytics_coord,2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("xticscoord",sci2exp(h.xtics_coord,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("yticscoord",sci2exp(h.ytics_coord,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("cursubtics",string(h.sub_tics))
+ TCL_SetVar("curticslabel",sci2exp(h.tics_labels,0))
+ TCL_SetVar("curticsdir",string(h.tics_direction))
+ if (h.clip_box==[])
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox","")
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox","")
+ else
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("old_Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Xclipbox",string(h.clip_box(1)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yclipbox",string(h.clip_box(2)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Wclipbox",string(h.clip_box(3)))
+ TCL_SetVar("Hclipbox",string(h.clip_box(4)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("curclipstate",h.clip_state);
+ TCL_EvalFile(SCI+"/modules/graphics/tcl/ged/Axis.tcl")
+function [h,Axes]=ged_getobject(pt)
+ h=[];Axes=[];
+ f=get("current_figure");
+ aold=get("current_axes")
+ axes_array=f.children
+ //retains only the entities of type Axes (remove uimenus)
+ axes_array(axes_array.type<>"Axes")=[];
+ // assume that the lastly created objects
+ // are at the beginning of the arrays of children
+ // We can then select the last object
+ // first in the loop.
+ for k=1:size(axes_array,"*")
+ Axes=axes_array(k)
+ set("current_axes",Axes)
+ h=ged_loop(Axes,pt)
+ if h<>[] then break,end
+ end
+ set("current_axes",aold)
+function h=ged_loop(a,pt)
+ h=[]
+ minDist = 0.01 ;
+ minPixDist = 3 ;
+ for ka=1:size(a,"*")
+ ck=a(ka) ;
+ select ck.type
+ case "Polyline"
+ d=Dist2polyline((xy(:,1)-Xmin)/Dx,(xy(:,2)-Ymin)/Dy,pts)
+ if d < minDist then h=ck,return,end
+ case "Rectangle"
+ x0=xy(1);y0=xy(2);W=xy(3);H=xy(4);
+ d=Dist2polyline((x0+[0,W,W,0]-Xmin)/Dx,(y0+[0,0,-H,-H]-Ymin)/Dy,pts)
+ if d < minDist then h=ck,return,end
+ case "Arc"
+ [xp,yp]=xchange(pt(1),pt(2),"i2f")
+ //[dist, toto] = dist2Arc( [xp,yp] ./ [Dx,Dy], xy(1:2)./[Dx,Dy], xy(3)/Dx, xy(4)/Dy, xy(5) / 64., xy(6) / 64. ) ;
+ dist = pixDist2Arc( [xp,yp], xy(1:2), xy(3), xy(4), xy(5) / 64., xy(6) / 64. ) ;
+ if dist <= minPixDist then
+ h=ck;
+ return;
+ end
+ case "Segs"
+ xv=(matrix(xy(:,1),2,-1)-Xmin)/Dx
+ yv=(matrix(xy(:,2),2,-1)-Ymin)/Dy
+ for ks=1:size(xv,2)
+ d=Dist2polyline(xv(:,ks),yv(:,ks),pts)
+ if d < minDist then h=ck,return,end
+ end
+ case "Compound"
+ h=ged_loop(ck.children,pt)
+ if h<>[] then return,end
+ case "Axes"
+ xy=ck.data_bounds;
+ [xp,yp]=xchange(pt(1),pt(2),"i2f")
+ Xmin=xy(1,1);Ymin=xy(1,2),Dx=xy(2,1)-xy(1,1);Dy=xy(2,2)-xy(1,2);
+ pts=[(xp-Xmin)/Dx (yp-Ymin)/Dy]
+ d=Dist2polyline([0,1,1,0],[0,0,1,1],pts)
+ if d < minDist then h=ck,return,end
+ h=ged_loop([a.children(:);ck.x_label;ck.y_label;ck.z_label;ck.title],pt)
+ if h<>[] then return,end
+ case "Text"
+ if is_in_text(ck,[xp;yp]) then
+ h=ck,
+ return,
+ end
+ case "Label"
+ if is_in_text(ck,[xp;yp]) then
+ h=ck
+ return,
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function r=is_in_text(h,xy)
+ if h.Type == "Text" & h.text_box_mode=="filled" then
+ r=(xy(1)><><
+ else
+ r = stringbox(h);
+ r=[r r(:,1)];
+ r=and([xy(2) -xy(1)]*diff(r,1,2)+(r(1,1:$-1).*r(2,2:$)-r(1,2:$).*r(2,1:$-1))<0)
+ end
+// compute the square of distance between a point and the ellipse
+// in 2D included in an axis aligned rectangle whose upper left
+// corner is upperLeft and its wifth and heigth is defined.
+function [dist] = dist2Ellipse( point, upperLeft, width, heigth )
+ width2 = width / 2. ;
+ heigth2 = heigth / 2. ;
+ centerC = [ upperLeft(1) + width2, upperLeft(2) - heigth2 ] ; // center of the ellipse
+ // clicked point in the circle frame
+ pointC = [ (point(1) - centerC(1)) / width2, (point(2) - centerC(2)) / heigth2 ] ;
+ // get the vector between the point and the closest on the circle
+ diffclose = ( 1 - 1 / norm( pointC ) ) * pointC ;
+ //closest = pointC / sqrt( pointC(1) * pointC(1) + pointC(2) * pointC(2) ) ;
+ // get the difference between the two
+ //ffclose = pointC - closest ;
+ // bring it back to the current frame value
+ diffclose(1) = diffclose(1) * width2 ;
+ diffclose(2) = diffclose(2) * heigth2 ;
+ // get the distance with the closest point
+ dist = norm( diffclose ) ;
+// compute the distance between a point and the arc
+// in 2D included in an axis aligned rectangle whose upper left
+// corner is upperLeft and its wifth and heigth is defined.
+function [dist,diffClose] = dist2Arc( point, upperLeft, width, heigth, sector1, sector2 )
+ if ( width == 0 | heigth == 0 ) then
+ dist = %inf ;
+ diffClose = [%inf,%inf];
+ return ;
+ end
+ // convert the sector into radiant angle
+ angle1 = sector1 * %pi / 180. ;
+ angle2 = (sector1 + sector2) * %pi / 180. ;
+ width2 = width / 2. ;
+ heigth2 = heigth / 2. ;
+ centerC = [ upperLeft(1) + width2, upperLeft(2) - heigth2 ] ; // center of the ellipse
+ // clicked point in the circle frame
+ pointC = [ (point(1) - centerC(1)) / width2, (point(2) - centerC(2)) / heigth2 ] ;
+ // get the projection of the clicked point on the circle
+ closest = pointC / norm( pointC ) ;
+ // now a quite tricky part. The aim is to find
+ // if the closest point is in the drawing sector
+ // ie if it is between bound1 and bound2 on the circle
+ // maybe a eayer solution exists.
+ // get the boundaries of the displayed angle
+ // the closest point is not on the arc it is one of the two
+ // boundaries
+ bound1 = [cos(angle1),sin(angle1)] ;
+ bound2 = [cos(angle2),sin(angle2)] ;
+ // now get the vector of bissecting line between the two bounds
+ // with the orientation toward the arc
+ b2b1 = bound1 - bound2 ;
+ bissect(1) = -b2b1(2) ;
+ bissect(2) = b2b1(1) ;
+ // get the position of the point along this axis
+ side = closest(1) * bissect(1) + closest(2) * bissect(2) ;
+ // get the position of one of the bound (same value for both)
+ boundPos = bound1(1) * bissect(1) + bound1(2) * bissect(2) ;
+ if side > boundPos then
+ // the closest point is on the arc
+ diffClose = ( pointC - closest ) .* [width2,heigth2] ;
+ // bring it back to the current frame value
+ //diffclose = diffclose .* [width2,heigth2] ;
+ // get the distance with the closest point
+ dist = norm( diffClose ) ;
+ else
+ // the closest point is one of the bounds
+ // return back to the real coordinates
+ bound1 = centerC + bound1 .* [width2,heigth2];
+ bound2 = centerC + bound2 .* [width2,heigth2];
+ // get the minimum distance
+ dist = norm( bound1 - point ) ;
+ dist2 = norm( bound2 - point ) ;
+ if dist > dist2 then
+ diffClose = bound1 - point ;
+ else
+ dist = dist2 ;
+ diffClose = bound2 - point ;
+ end
+ //dist = min( norm( bound1 - point ), norm( bound2 - point ) ) ;
+ end
+// same as before but return the value in pixels
+function dist = pixDist2Arc( point, upperLeft, width, heigth, sector1, sector2 )
+ [dist, difference] = dist2Arc( point, upperLeft, width, heigth, sector1, sector2 ) ;
+ // convert to pixels
+ // get the length of the difference vector
+ // we construct it by getting two points
+ [origin(1),origin(2)] = xchange(0,0,"f2i");
+ [extremity(1),extremity(2)] = xchange(difference(1),difference(2),"f2i");
+ dist = norm( extremity - origin ) ;
+function [d,pt,ind]=Dist2polyline(xp,yp,pt)
+ // computes minimum distance from a point to a polyline
+ //d minimum distance to polyline
+ //pt coordinate of the polyline closest point
+ //ind
+ // if negative polyline closest point is a polyline corner:pt=[xp(-ind) yp(-ind)]
+ // if positive pt lies on segment [ind ind+1]
+ // Copyright INRIA
+ x=pt(1)
+ y=pt(2)
+ xp=xp(:);yp=yp(:)
+ cr=4*sign((xp(1:$-1)-x).*(xp(1:$-1)-xp(2:$))+..
+ (yp(1:$-1)-y).*(yp(1:$-1)-yp(2:$)))+..
+ sign((xp(2:$)-x).*(xp(2:$)-xp(1:$-1))+..
+ (yp(2:$)-y).*(yp(2:$)-yp(1:$-1)))
+ ki=find(cr==5) // index of segments for which projection fall inside
+ np=size(xp,"*")
+ if ki<>[] then
+ //projection on segments
+ x=[xp(ki) xp(ki+1)]
+ y=[yp(ki) yp(ki+1)]
+ dx=x(:,2)-x(:,1)
+ dy=y(:,2)-y(:,1)
+ d_d=dx.^2+dy.^2
+ d_x=( dy.*(-x(:,2).*y(:,1)+x(:,1).*y(:,2))+dx.*(dx*pt(1)+dy*pt(2)))./d_d
+ d_y=(-dx.*(-x(:,2).*y(:,1)+x(:,1).*y(:,2))+dy.*(dx*pt(1)+dy*pt(2)))./d_d
+ xp=[xp;d_x]
+ yp=[yp;d_y]
+ end
+ [d,k]=min(((xp-pt(1))).^2+((yp-pt(2))).^2) //distance with all points
+ d=sqrt(d)
+ pt(1)=xp(k)
+ pt(2)=yp(k)
+ if k>np then ind=ki(k-np),else ind=-k,end
+function ged_eventhandler(win,x,y,ibut)
+ //Copyright INRIA
+ //Author : Serge Steer 2002
+ if ibut==-1 then return,end //ignore move
+ if and(win<>winsid())| ibut==-1000 then
+ //window has been deleted by the user
+ return
+ end
+ cur=gcf(); //preserve current figure
+ fig=scf(win) //make the window associated to the event active
+ //disable the event handler not to execute new event before finishing this one
+ fig.event_handler_enable = "off";
+ global ged_handle;ged_handle=[]
+ ged_handle=ged_getobject([x,y])
+ if ged_handle~=[] then
+ if or(ibut==[0 3 10]) then //left button --> edit properties
+ tkged()
+ elseif or(ibut==[2 5 12]) then //right button -->move
+ [x,y]=xchange(x,y,"i2f")
+ pos=[x,y]
+ while %t then
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ if rep(3)>0 then break,end
+ move(ged_handle,rep(1:2)-pos)
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ fig.event_handler_enable = "on";
+ scf(cur) //reset current window
+function [ini,typs]=build_args(labels)
+ n=size(labels,"*")
+ ini=[]
+ typs=list()
+ for k=1:n
+ typ=type(h(labels(k)))
+ execstr(["if typ==10 then"
+ " w=h."+labels(k)
+ "else"
+ " w=sci2exp(h."+labels(k)+",0)"
+ "end"])
+ ini=[ini;w]
+ if typ==10 then
+ typs($+1)="str";typs($+1)=-1
+ else
+ typs($+1)="vec";typs($+1)=1
+ end
+ end
+function GetSetValue(h)
+ n=size(labels,"*")
+ lhs="[ok,"+strcat("x"+string(1:n),",")+"]"
+ execstr(lhs+"=getvalue(t,labels,typs,ini)")
+ if ok then
+ for k=1:n
+ execstr("if x"+string(k)+"<>h."+labels(k)+" then h."+..
+ labels(k)+"=x"+string(k)+",end")
+ end
+ end
+function tkged()
+ global ged_handle
+ global ged_cur_fig_handle
+ h=ged_handle
+ // hierarchical viewer
+ TK_send_handles_list(ged_cur_fig_handle)
+ TCL_SetVar("curgedindex",string(Get_handle_pos_in_list(h)))
+ //color_map array for color sample display
+ f=getparfig(h);
+ for i=1:size(f.color_map,1)
+ redname= "RED("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+redname+" "+string(f.color_map(i,1)));
+ grename= "GREEN("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+grename+" "+string(f.color_map(i,2)));
+ bluname= "BLUE("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+bluname+" "+string(f.color_map(i,3)));
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("msdos",string(getos() == "Windows")) // to know the OS
+ // get the number of the window associated with ged
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGedIsAlive",string(ged_cur_fig_handle.figure_id)) ;
+ TCL_SetVar("SCIHOME", SCIHOME) // to know the home directory to put temporary files
+ select h.type
+ case "Polyline"
+ ged_polyline(h)
+ case "Rectangle"
+ ged_rectangle(h)
+ case "Axes"
+ ged_axes(h)
+ case "Label" // for now the labels are inside the axes (F.Leray 06.12.05)
+ ged_axes(h.parent)
+ if (h == h.parent.x_label)
+ TCL_EvalStr("Notebook:raise $uf.n X");
+ elseif (h == h.parent.y_label)
+ TCL_EvalStr("Notebook:raise $uf.n Y");
+ elseif (h == h.parent.z_label)
+ TCL_EvalStr("Notebook:raise $uf.n Z");
+ elseif (h == h.parent.title)
+ TCL_EvalStr("Notebook:raise $uf.n Title");
+ end
+ case "Figure"
+ ged_figure(h)
+ case "Compound"
+ ged_Compound(h)
+ case "Plot3d"
+ ged_plot3d(h)
+ case "Fac3d"
+ ged_fac3d(h)
+ case "Text"
+ ged_text(h)
+ case "Legend"
+ ged_legend(h)
+ case "Arc"
+ ged_arc(h)
+ case "Segs"
+ ged_segs(h)
+ case "Champ"
+ ged_champ(h)
+ case "Fec"
+ ged_fec(h)
+ case "Grayplot"
+ ged_grayplot(h)
+ case "Matplot"
+ ged_matplot(h)
+ case "Axis"
+ ged_axis(h)
+ end
+function setStyle(sty)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.polyline_style=find(sty==["interpolated","staircase", ...
+ "barplot","arrowed","filled" "bar"])
+function setLineStyle(sty)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.line_style=find(sty==[ "solid" "dash" "dash dot" "longdash dot" ..
+ "bigdash dot" "bigdash longdash" "dot" "double dot"])
+function setMarkStyle(sty)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.mark_style=find(sty==["dot" "plus" "cross" "star" "filled diamond" ..
+ "diamond" "triangle up" "triangle down" "diamond plus" "circle" ..
+ "asterisk" "square" "triangle right" "triangle left" "pentagram"])-1
+function setFontStyle(ftn)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.font_style=find(ftn==["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"])-1;
+function setLabelsFontStyle(label,ftn)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ select label
+ case "t"
+ TCL_EvalStr("Notebook:raise $uf.n Z");
+ h.title.font_style=find(ftn==["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"])-1;
+ case "x"
+ h.x_label.font_style=find(ftn==["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"])-1;
+ case "y"
+ h.y_label.font_style=find(ftn==["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"])-1;
+ case "z"
+ h.z_label.font_style=find(ftn==["Monospaced" "Symbol" "Serif",..
+ "Serif Italic" "Serif Bold" "Serif Bold Italic" ,..
+ "SansSerif" "SansSerif Italic" "SansSerif Bold",..
+ "SansSerif Bold Italic"])-1;
+ end;
+// Axes data (data_bounds)
+function setXdb(xmin, xmax)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ tmp=h.data_bounds;
+ tmp(1,1)=xmin;
+ tmp(2,1)=xmax;
+ h.data_bounds=tmp;
+ // tst=execstr('h.data_bounds=tmp','errcatch','n');
+ // if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: X data_bounds must contain double'
+ // end
+function setYdb(ymin, ymax)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ tmp=h.data_bounds;
+ tmp(1,2)=ymin;
+ tmp(2,2)=ymax;
+ h.data_bounds=tmp;
+ // tst=execstr('h.data_bounds=tmp','errcatch','n');
+ // if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: Y data_bounds must contain double'
+ // end
+function setZdb(zmin, zmax)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ select h.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ h.view="3d";
+ tmp=h.data_bounds;
+ tmp(1,3)=zmin;
+ tmp(2,3)=zmax;
+ h.data_bounds=tmp;
+ h.view="2d";
+ drawnow();
+ // tst=execstr('h.data_bounds=tmp','errcatch','n');
+ // h.view='2d';
+ // if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: Z data_bounds must contain double'
+ // end
+ case "3d"
+ tmp=h.data_bounds;
+ tmp(1,3)=zmin;
+ tmp(2,3)=zmax;
+ h.data_bounds=tmp;
+ // tst=execstr('h.data_bounds=tmp','errcatch','n');
+ // if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: Z data_bounds must contain double'
+ // end
+ end
+function LogtoggleX( tog)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.log_flags=tog+part(h.log_flags,2);
+ //tst=execstr("global h;h.log_flags=tog+part(h.log_flags,2)",'errcatch','n');
+ //if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: X bounds must be strictly positive'
+ //end
+function LogtoggleY( tog)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.log_flags=part(h.log_flags,1)+tog;
+ //tst=execstr("global h;h.log_flags=part(h.log_flags,1)+tog",'errcatch','n');
+ //if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: Y bounds must be strictly positive'
+ //end
+function LogtoggleZ( tog)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ h.log_flags=part(h.log_flags,1)+part(h.log_flags,2)+tog;
+ //tst=execstr("global h;h.log_flags=part(h.log_flags,1)+tog",'errcatch','n');
+ //if tst<>0 then
+ // disp 'Warning: Z bounds must be strictly positive'
+ //end
+function [haxe] = getparaxe( h )
+ htmp = h;
+ haxe = [];
+ while htmp.type<>"Axes" do
+ htmp = htmp.parent
+ end
+ haxe = htmp;
+// Rectangle data
+function setXval(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ tmp(1)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Y data must contain double"
+ end
+function setYval(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ tmp(2)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Y data must contain double"
+ end
+function setZval(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ax=getparaxe(h);
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d";
+ tmp(3)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ ax.view="2d";
+ drawnow();
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Z data must contain double"
+ end
+ case "3d"
+ tmp(3)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Z data must contain double"
+ end
+ end
+function setWval(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ax=getparaxe(h);
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d";
+ tmp(4)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ ax.view="2d";
+ drawnow();
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Width data must contain double"
+ end
+ case "3d"
+ tmp(4)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Width data must contain double"
+ end
+ end
+function setHval(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ax=getparaxe(h);
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d";
+ tmp(5)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ ax.view="2d";
+ drawnow();
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Height data must contain double"
+ end
+ case "3d"
+ tmp(5)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Height data must contain double"
+ end
+ end
+// complement for Arc entity
+function setA1val(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ax=getparaxe(h);
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d";
+ tmp(6)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ ax.view="2d";
+ drawnow();
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Width data must contain double"
+ end
+ case "3d"
+ tmp(6)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: a1 data must contain double"
+ end
+ end
+function setA2val(val)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ax=getparaxe(h);
+ select ax.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ ax.view="3d";
+ tmp(7)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ ax.view="2d";
+ drawnow();
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: Width data must contain double"
+ end
+ case "3d"
+ tmp(7)=val;
+ tst=execstr("","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: a2 data must contain double"
+ end
+ end
+function setZb(min, max)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ tmp=h.z_bounds;
+ tmp(1,1)=min;
+ tmp(1,2)=max;
+ tst=execstr("h.z_bounds=tmp","errcatch","n");
+ if tst<>0 then
+ disp "Warning: X data_bounds must contain double"
+ end
+// Scilab Command Interface ////
+function set3dtlistXYZ (X,Y,Z)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ged_tmp_tlist = tlist(["3d","x","y","z"],X,Y,Z)
+ clear ged_tmp_tlist;
+function set3dtlistXYZC (X,Y,Z,COLOR)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ged_tmp_tlist = tlist(["3d","x","y","z","color"],X,Y,Z,COLOR)
+ clear ged_tmp_tlist;
+function setGrayplottlist(X,Y,Z)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ged_tmp_tlist = tlist(["grayplotdata","x","y","z"],X,Y,Z)
+ clear ged_tmp_tlist;
+function setchamptlistXYFXFY (X,Y,FX,FY)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ ged_tmp_tlist = tlist(["champdata","x","y","fx","fy"],X,Y,FX,FY)
+ clear ged_tmp_tlist;
+// Edit Data using sciGUI /////
+function EditData(TheData,datastring)
+ // TheData must be a real scalar or matrix
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ // I declare ged_tmp ged_tmp_string WINDOW as global
+ global ged_tmp;
+ global ged_tmp_string;
+ global WINDOW;
+ ged_tmp_string = datastring;
+ ged_tmp=TheData;
+ WINDOW = GEDeditvar("ged_tmp")
+function CloseEditorSaveData()
+ // Called when closing data editor
+ global ged_handle; // To leave here because used when doing execstr(ged_tmp_string...
+ global ged_tmp;
+ global ged_tmp_string;
+ global WINDOW;
+ Nan = %nan // to avoid error message because of special Nan display
+ ged_tmp=GEDeditvar_get(WINDOW);
+ execstr(ged_tmp_string+"= ged_tmp");
+ clearglobal ged_tmp ged_tmp_string WINDOW
+ clear ged_tmp ged_tmp_string WINDOW
+function outvar=GEDeditvar_get(winId)
+ // Simple variable editor - import data
+ // This file is part of sciGUI toolbox
+ // Copyright (C) 2004 Jaime Urzua Grez
+ //
+ // rev. 0.1
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ //it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ //the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ //(at your option) any later version.
+ //disp("Please wait...");
+ outvar=[];
+ base="sciGUITable(win,"+string(winId)+",data";
+ varType=evstr(TCL_GetVar(base+",type)"));
+ varni=evstr(TCL_GetVar(base+",ni)"));
+ varnj=evstr(TCL_GetVar(base+",nj)"));
+ for j=1:varnj,
+ ww=[];
+ for i=1:varni,
+ q=TCL_GetVar(base+","+string(i)+","+string(j)+")");
+ if (varType~=10) then
+ if (varType==4) then
+ if ((q=="T")|(q=="t")) then
+ ww=[ww;%t];
+ else
+ ww=[ww;%f];
+ end
+ else
+ ww=[ww;evstr(q)];
+ end
+ else
+ ww=[ww;q];
+ end
+ end
+ outvar=[outvar ww];
+ end
+function [WINID] = GEDeditvar(varargin)
+ // Simple Variable Editor
+ // This file is part of sciGUI toolbox
+ // Copyright (C) 2004 Jaime Urzua Grez
+ //
+ // rev. 0.2 2004/06/24
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ //it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ //the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ //(at your option) any later version.
+ sciGUI_init()
+ [%_nams]=who("get");
+ %_loc_type=type(varargin(1))
+ if (%_loc_type~=10) then error(42), end
+ %_in_list=find(%_nams==varargin(1));
+ if (%_in_list==[]) then error(42), end
+ execstr("%_loc_var="+varargin(1));
+ %_loc_type=type(%_loc_var);
+ %_allo=find([1;4;10]==%_loc_type);
+ if (%_allo==[]) then error(42), end
+ //disp("Please wait...");
+ %_loc_nam=varargin(1);
+ %_loc_ni=size(%_loc_var,1);
+ %_loc_nj=size(%_loc_var,2);
+ %_loc_type=string(%_loc_type);
+ TCL_EvalStr("set EdVarLoc [GEDsciGUIEditVar -1]");
+ %_winId=TCL_GetVar("EdVarLoc");
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGUITable(win,"+%_winId+",data,name)",%_loc_nam);
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGUITable(win,"+%_winId+",data,type)",string(%_loc_type));
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGUITable(win,"+%_winId+",data,ni)",string(%_loc_ni));
+ TCL_SetVar("sciGUITable(win,"+%_winId+",data,nj)",string(%_loc_nj));
+ //
+ // This is a slow manner to move the data ...
+ // Anyone have a faster method than TCL_SetVar
+ // I would like set some tcl variable like varname(pos_i,pos_j)
+ //
+ Nb_data=(%_loc_nj)*(%_loc_ni)
+ // disp("Nb_data=")
+ // disp(Nb_data);
+ // winWB=waitbar('Loading data...');
+ // tmp = 0;
+ // waitbar(tmp,winWB);
+ for %_j=1:%_loc_nj,
+ for %_i=1:%_loc_ni,
+ %_value=string(%_loc_var(%_i,%_j));
+ %_varname="sciGUITable(win,"+%_winId+",data,"+string(%_i)+","+string(%_j)+")";
+ TCL_SetVar(%_varname,%_value);
+ end
+ //tmp = ((%_j)*(%_loc_ni)) / Nb_data;
+ //tmp = tmp *100; tmp = int(tmp); tmp = tmp /100;
+ //disp("tmp dans for=")
+ //disp(tmp)
+ //waitbar(tmp,winWB);
+ end
+ // disp("%_winId=");
+ // disp(%_winId);
+ // disp("type(%_winId)=");
+ // disp(type(%_winId));
+ // disp("winWB=");
+ // disp(winWB);
+ // disp("type(winWB)=");
+ // disp(type(winWB));
+ // disp("AVANT DrawGrid");
+ TCL_EvalStr("GEDsciGUIEditVarDrawGrid "+%_winId)
+ WINID = %_winId;
+// for the ticks arrays Locations and Labels (inside TLIST)
+function ged_tablo=GetTab(val,index)
+ //disp("ICI")
+ ged_tablo(index) =val
+function ged_tablo=GetTab2(val,index,ged_tablo)
+ //disp("ICI")
+ ged_tablo(index) =val
+function setTicksTList(XYZ,locations,labels)
+ global ged_handle;h= ged_handle;
+ TL=tlist(["ticks","locations","labels"],locations,labels);
+ if XYZ=="X"
+ h.x_ticks=TL;
+ elseif XYZ=="Y"
+ h.y_ticks=TL;
+ elseif XYZ=="Z"
+ h.z_ticks=TL;
+ end
+// Is called by ged_axes
+function LoadTicks2TCL(h)
+ global ged_handle;ged_handle=h;
+ TCL_SetVar("Xaxes_visibleToggle",h.axes_visible(1))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yaxes_visibleToggle",h.axes_visible(2))
+ TCL_SetVar("Zaxes_visibleToggle",h.axes_visible(3))
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryX",string(h.sub_ticks(1)))
+ TCL_GetVar("SubticksEntryX")
+ // disp("h.sub_ticks(1) =")
+ // disp(h.sub_ticks(1));
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryY",string(h.sub_ticks(2)))
+ select h.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater(); // postpon the drawings due to switching from 2d to 3d mode (for example)
+ // in order to know the complete data set (z data for axes...)
+ h.view="3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryZ",string(h.sub_ticks(3)))
+ h.view="2d"
+ drawnow();
+ case "3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryZ",string(h.sub_ticks(3)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("XautoticksToggle",h.auto_ticks(1))
+ TCL_SetVar("YautoticksToggle",h.auto_ticks(2))
+ TCL_SetVar("ZautoticksToggle",h.auto_ticks(3))
+ //ticks value: X axis
+ ticks = h.x_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbticks_x",string(sizeticks));
+ for i=1:sizeticks
+ val= "LOCATIONS_X("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(ticks.locations(i)));
+ val= "LABELS_X("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" {"+ticks.labels(i)+"}");
+ end
+ //ticks value: Y axis
+ ticks = h.y_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbticks_y",string(sizeticks));
+ for i=1:sizeticks
+ val= "LOCATIONS_Y("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(ticks.locations(i)));
+ val= "LABELS_Y("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" {"+ticks.labels(i)+"}");
+ end
+ //ticks value: Z axis
+ ticks = h.z_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbticks_z",string(sizeticks));
+ for i=1:sizeticks
+ val= "LOCATIONS_Z("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(ticks.locations(i)));
+ val= "LABELS_Z("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" {"+ticks.labels(i)+"}");
+ end
+function Subtickstoggle( tog, index)
+ global ged_handle; h=ged_handle
+ subticks=h.sub_ticks;
+ subticks(index)=tog;
+ //disp("subticks vaut:")
+ //disp(subticks)
+ h.sub_ticks = subticks;
+// when clicking on Ticks button : REload ticks is called
+function ReLoadTicks2TCL(h)
+ global ged_handle;ged_handle=h;
+ TCL_SetVar("Xaxes_visibleToggle",h.axes_visible(1))
+ TCL_SetVar("Yaxes_visibleToggle",h.axes_visible(2))
+ TCL_SetVar("Zaxes_visibleToggle",h.axes_visible(3))
+ ticks = h.x_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ if (sizeticks <> 0)
+ TCL_EvalStr("unset LOCATIONS_X");
+ TCL_EvalStr("unset LABELS_X");
+ end
+ ticks = h.y_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ if (sizeticks <> 0)
+ TCL_EvalStr("unset LOCATIONS_Y");
+ TCL_EvalStr("unset LABELS_Y");
+ end
+ ticks = h.z_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ if (sizeticks <> 0)
+ TCL_EvalStr("unset LOCATIONS_Z");
+ TCL_EvalStr("unset LABELS_Z");
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryX",string(h.sub_ticks(1)))
+ // TCL_GetVar("SubticksEntryX")
+ // disp("h.sub_ticks(1) =")
+ // disp(h.sub_ticks(1));
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryY",string(h.sub_ticks(2)))
+ select h.view
+ case "2d"
+ drawlater();
+ h.view="3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryZ",string(h.sub_ticks(3)))
+ h.view="2d"
+ drawnow();
+ case "3d"
+ TCL_SetVar("SubticksEntryZ",string(h.sub_ticks(3)))
+ end
+ TCL_SetVar("XautoticksToggle",h.auto_ticks(1))
+ TCL_SetVar("YautoticksToggle",h.auto_ticks(2))
+ TCL_SetVar("ZautoticksToggle",h.auto_ticks(3))
+ //ticks value: X axis
+ ticks = h.x_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbticks_x",string(sizeticks));
+ for i=1:sizeticks
+ val= "LOCATIONS_X("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(ticks.locations(i)));
+ // disp("i vaut:");
+ // disp(i);
+ val= "LABELS_X("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" {"+ticks.labels(i)+"}");
+ end
+ //ticks value: Y axis
+ ticks = h.y_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbticks_y",string(sizeticks));
+ for i=1:sizeticks
+ val= "LOCATIONS_Y("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(ticks.locations(i)));
+ val= "LABELS_Y("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" {"+ticks.labels(i)+"}");
+ end
+ //ticks value: Z axis
+ ticks = h.z_ticks;
+ sizeticks = size(ticks.locations,1);
+ TCL_SetVar("nbticks_z",string(sizeticks));
+ for i=1:sizeticks
+ val= "LOCATIONS_Z("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" "+string(ticks.locations(i)));
+ val= "LABELS_Z("+string(i)+")";
+ TCL_EvalStr("set "+val+" {"+ticks.labels(i)+"}");
+ end
+function DestroyGlobals()
+ global ged_current_figure
+ if ~isempty(winsid()) & ~isempty(find(ged_current_figure==winsid())) then
+ scf(ged_current_figure)
+ end
+ // ged is closed
+ TCL_UnsetVar("sciGedIsAlive");
+ clearglobal ged_current_figure
+ clear ged_current_figure
+ // disp("PASSE PAR DestroyGlobals Scilab");
+function ged_delete_entity()
+ [btn,xc,yc]=xclick()
+ [xc,yc]=xchange(xc,yc,"f2i")
+ h=ged_getobject([xc,yc])
+ if h<>[] then delete(h),end
+function ged_move_entity()
+ [btn,xc,yc]=xclick()
+ pos=[xc,yc]
+ [xc,yc]=xchange(xc,yc,"f2i")
+ [r,ax]=ged_getobject([xc,yc])
+ cur_ax=gca(),sca(ax)
+ [xc,yc]=xchange(xc,yc,"i2f");pos=[xc,yc]
+ if r==[] return,end
+ drawlater();
+ rep(3)=-1
+ select r.type
+ case "Rectangle" then
+ while rep(3)==-1 do
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ drawnow();
+ end
+ case "Segs" then //Segment
+ while rep(3)==-1 do
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ drawnow();
+ end
+ case "Polyline" then //Polyline
+ while rep(3)==-1 do
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ drawnow();
+ end
+ case "Arc" then //Circle
+ while rep(3)==-1 do
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ drawnow();
+ end
+ case "Text" then
+ while rep(3)==-1 do
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ drawnow();
+ end
+ case "Label" then
+ while rep(3)==-1 do
+ rep=xgetmouse([%t %t])
+ r.position= r.position+(rep(1:2)-pos)
+ r.auto_position = "off"
+ pos=rep(1:2)
+ drawnow();
+ end
+ end
+ sca(cur_ax)
+function ged_copy_entity()
+ [btn,xc,yc]=xclick()
+ [xc,yc]=xchange(xc,yc,"f2i")
+ r=ged_getobject([xc,yc])
+ if r==[] return,end
+ twinkle(r,1);
+ save(TMPDIR+"/G_Clipboard",r)
+ //make the axes containning the clicked point the current one
+ sca(ged_select_axes(xc,yc))
+function ged_paste_entity()
+ // check the file
+ [info,err] = fileinfo(TMPDIR + "/G_Clipboard" ) ;
+ if err <> 0 then
+ return ;
+ end
+ // create the saved object
+ load(TMPDIR+"/G_Clipboard") ;
+ // a=gca();b=a.data_bounds;
+ // move(r,[-1 1]*a.data_bounds/20)
+function axes = ged_select_axes(x,y)
+ // x and y are pixel coord.
+ f=gcf()
+ nb_axes = size(f.children,"*") // for now Iconsider that children of a figure are of type Axes
+ axes_size = f.axes_size // given in pixels
+ axes_size = [axes_size axes_size];
+ for i=1:nb_axes
+ axes = f.children(i);
+ cur_axes_bounds = axes.axes_bounds;
+ rect = cur_axes_bounds.*axes_size; // rectangle in pixels (margins inside)
+ rect(3) = rect(3) + rect(1);
+ rect(4) = rect(4) + rect(2);
+ if (x>rect(1) & x<rect(3) & y>rect(2) & y<rect(4)) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ axes=[]