path: root/modules/graphics/macros/Sfgrayplot.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/graphics/macros/Sfgrayplot.sci')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/graphics/macros/Sfgrayplot.sci b/modules/graphics/macros/Sfgrayplot.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d283299ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/macros/Sfgrayplot.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+function []=Sfgrayplot(x, y, f, strf, rect, nax, zminmax, colminmax, mesh, colout)
+ // Like fgrayplot but the function fec is used to smooth the
+ // result assuming that the underlying function is linear on
+ // a set of triangles built from the grid (here with n1=5, n2=3):
+ // _____________
+ // | /| /| /| /|
+ // |/_|/_|/_|/_|
+ // | /| /| /| /|
+ // |/_|/_|/_|/_|
+ //
+ // Copyright INRIA
+ // rewritten by Bruno Pincon (17 april 05) (based of my modifs of Sgrayplot)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn()
+ if rhs == 0 then // demo
+ deff("[z]=Surf(x,y)","z=x.^3+y");
+ f=gcf();
+ f.color_map = jetcolormap(64);
+ f.immediate_drawing = "off";
+ colorbar(-2,2);
+ Sfgrayplot(-1:0.1:1,-1:0.1:1,Surf,strf="031",rect=[-1,-1,1,1]);
+ xtitle("$\Large f(x,y)=x^3+y$");
+ f.immediate_drawing = "on";
+ return
+ elseif rhs < 3 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"), "Sfgrayplot", 3, 10));
+ end
+ // some checks
+ if ~(type(x)==1 & isreal(x)) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Input argument #%d must be real.\n"), "Sfgrayplot", 1))
+ end
+ if ~(type(y)==1 & isreal(y)) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Input argument #%d must be real.\n"), "Sfgrayplot", 2))
+ end
+ if type(f)~=11 & type(f)~=13 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: function expected.\n"), "Sfgrayplot", 3));
+ end
+ p = length(x); q = length(y);
+ // parsing the optional args
+ opt_arg_list = ["strf", "rect","nax","zminmax", "colminmax", "mesh", "colout"];
+ opt_arg_seq = [];
+ for opt_arg = opt_arg_list
+ if exists(opt_arg,"local") then
+ opt_arg_seq = opt_arg_seq +","+ opt_arg + "=" + opt_arg;
+ end
+ end
+ // build the data for fec
+ z = feval(x,y,f);
+ [noe_x,noe_y] = ndgrid(x,y)
+ nbtri = 2*(p-1)*(q-1)
+ num = (1:p*(q-1))'; num(p*(1:q-1)) = []; num1 = num+1
+ connect =[(1:nbtri)' , [num num1 num+p;...
+ num1 num1+p num+p] , zeros(nbtri,1)]
+ // then plot
+ if opt_arg_seq == [] then
+ fec(noe_x,noe_y,connect,z);
+ else
+ execstr("fec(noe_x,noe_y,connect,z"+opt_arg_seq+")");
+ end