path: root/modules/graphics/demos/bezier
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/graphics/demos/bezier')
7 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/Macros.sci b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/Macros.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..28ebf02d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/Macros.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function [X,Y]=field(x,y)
+ // x and y are two vectors defining a grid
+ // X and Y are two matrices which gives the grid point coordinates
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ [rx,cx]=size(x);
+ [ry,cy]=size(y);
+ if rx<>1, write(%io(2),"x must be a row vector");return;end;
+ if ry<>1, write(%io(2),"y must be a row vector");return;end;
+ X=x.*.ones(cy,1);
+ Y=y'.*.ones(1,cx);
+function [z]=dup(x,n)
+ // utility
+ // x is a vector this function returns [x,x,x,x...] or [x;x;x;x;..]
+ // depending on x
+ [nr,nc]=size(x)
+ if nr==1 then
+ y=ones(n,1);
+ z= x.*.y ;
+ else
+ if nc<>1 then
+ error("dup : x must be a vector");
+ else
+ y=ones(1,n);
+ z= x.*.y ;
+ end
+ end
+function [z] = bezier(p,t)
+ //comment : Computes a Bezier curves.
+ //For a test try:
+ //beziertest; bezier3dtest; nurbstest; beziersurftest; c1test;
+ //Uses the following functions:
+ //bezier, bezier3d, nurbs, beziersurface
+ //endcomment
+ //reset();
+ // Evaluate sum p_i B_{i,n}(t) the easy and direct way.
+ // p must be a k x n+1 matrix (n+1) points, dimension k.
+ n=size(p,"c")-1;// i=nonzeros(t~=1);
+ t1=(1-t); t1z= find(t1==0.0); t1(t1z)= ones(t1z);
+ T=dup(t./t1,n)';
+ b=[((1-t').^n),(T.*dup((n-(1:n)+1)./(1:n),size(t,"c")))];
+ b=cumprod(b,"c");
+ if (size(t1z,"c")>0); b(t1z,:)= dup([ 0*ones(1,n),1],size(t1z,"c")); end;
+ z=p*b';
+function bezier3d (p)
+ // Shows a 3D Bezier curve and its polygon
+ t=linspace(0,1,300);
+ s=bezier(p,t);
+ dh=xget("dashes");
+ xset("dashes",3)
+ param3d(p(1,:),p(2,:),p(3,:),34,45)
+ xset("dashes",4);
+ param3d(s(1,:),s(2,:),s(3,:),34,45,"x@y@z",[0,0])
+ xset("dashes",dh);
+ xtitle("A 3d polygon and its Bezier curve");
+ current_axe = gca();current_axe.title.font_size = 3;
+function [X,Y,Z]=beziersurface (x,y,z,n)
+ // Compute a Bezier surface. Return {bx,by,bz}.
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0);
+ if rhs <= 3 ; n=20;end
+ t=linspace(0,1,n);
+ n=size(x,"r")-1; // i=nonzeros(t~=1);
+ t1=(1-t); t1z= find(t1==0.0); t1(t1z)= ones(t1z);
+ T=dup(t./t1,n)';
+ b1=[((1-t').^n),(T.*dup((n-(1:n)+1)./(1:n),size(t,"c")))];
+ b1=cumprod(b1,"c");
+ if (size(t1z,"c")>0);
+ b1(t1z,:)= dup([ 0*ones(1,n),1],size(t1z,"c"));
+ end
+ n=size(x,"c")-1; // i=nonzeros(t~=1);
+ t1=(1-t); t1z= find(t1==0.0); t1(t1z)= ones(t1z);
+ T=dup(t./t1,n)';
+ b2=[((1-t').^n),(T.*dup((n-(1:n)+1)./(1:n),size(t,"c")))];
+ b2=cumprod(b2,"c");
+ if (size(t1z,"c")>0);
+ b2(t1z,:)= dup([ 0*ones(1,n),1],size(t1z,"c"));
+ end
+ X=b1*x*b2';Y=b1*y*b2';Z=b1*z*b2';
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/bezier.dem.gateway.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/bezier.dem.gateway.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..985493b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/bezier.dem.gateway.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+demopath = get_absolute_file_path("bezier.dem.gateway.sce");
+"Gammatest" , "gammatest.sce";
+"2D curve Bezier test" , "beziertest.sce";
+"3D curve Bezier test" , "bezier3dtest.sce";
+"Bezier surface test" , "beziersurftest.sce"
+"Bezier surface test 2" , "c1test.sce"];
+subdemolist(:,2) = demopath + subdemolist(:,2);
+clear demopath;
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/bezier3dtest.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/bezier3dtest.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8d2c2bd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/bezier3dtest.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+// Show a Beziercurve of dimension 3
+function bezier3dtest ()
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ p=[-1,-1,-1;0,-1,-1;1,0,0;1,1,0;0,1,1;-1,1,0]'
+ bezier3d(p);
+ demo_viewCode("bezier3dtest.sce");
+clear bezier3dtest;
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/beziersurftest.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/beziersurftest.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6ec8ac9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/beziersurftest.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+// Show a Bezier surface
+function beziersurftest
+ x=linspace(-%pi,%pi,5);
+ [x,y]=field(x,x);
+ z= 3*sin(x).*cos(y);
+ [xb,yb,zb]=beziersurface(x,y,z);
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ subplot(2,1,1);
+ drawlater();
+ plot3d3(x,y,z);
+ title("A first surface","fontsize",3);
+ subplot(2,1,2);
+ plot3d2(xb,yb,zb,-1,35,45," ",[4,2,3]);
+ title("The bezier interpolated surface (n=10)","fontsize",3);
+ drawnow();
+ demo_viewCode("beziersurftest.sce");
+clear beziersurftest;
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/beziertest.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/beziertest.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1becf853f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/beziertest.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+// a random polygon and a bezier curve
+function beziertest
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ plot2d(-0.2,-0.2,0,"011"," ",[-0.2,-0.2,1.2,1.2]);
+ title("Bezier Test : random polygon and bezier curve","fontsize",3);
+ rand("uniform");
+ p = rand(2,5);
+ t = linspace(0,1,300);
+ s = bezier(p,t);
+ plot2d(p(1,:),p(2,:),1);
+ plot2d(s(1,:),s(2,:),2);
+ demo_viewCode("beziertest.sce");
+clear beziertest;
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/c1test.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/c1test.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e786aa150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/c1test.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+// Show how two bezier surfaces can be joined.
+function c1test()
+ // first surface'
+ x1=dup(-0.5:0.25:0.5,5);
+ y1=dup([0,0,0,0,1],5);
+ z1=dup(2:0.25:3,5)';
+ [xb1,yb1,zb1]=beziersurface(x1,y1,z1,10);
+ // second surface
+ x2=dup(-0.5:0.25:0.5,5);
+ y2=[(ones(4,5));[0,0,0,0,0]];
+ z2=-dup(-1:0.25:0,5)';
+ [xb2,yb2,zb2]=beziersurface(x2,y2,z2,10);
+ // a surface to link the two previous ones'
+ x=zeros(5,5); y=x; z=x;
+ x(1,:)=x1(1,:); x(2,:)=x(1,:)-(x1(2,:)-x1(1,:));
+ x(5,:)=x2(1,:); x(4,:)=x(5,:)-(x2(2,:)-x2(1,:));
+ x(3,:)=(x(4,:)+x(2,:))/2;
+ y(1,:)=y1(1,:); y(2,:)=y(1,:)-(y1(2,:)-y1(1,:));
+ y(5,:)=y2(1,:); y(4,:)=y(5,:)-(y2(2,:)-y2(1,:));
+ y(3,:)=(y(4,:)+y(2,:))/2;
+ z(1,:)=z1(1,:); z(2,:)=z(1,:)-(z1(2,:)-z1(1,:));
+ z(5,:)=z2(1,:); z(4,:)=z(5,:)-(z2(2,:)-z2(1,:));
+ z(3,:)=(z(4,:)+z(2,:))/2;
+ A=35,T=50,L=" ",EB=[4,2,0];
+ [xb,yb,zb]=beziersurface(x,y,z,10);
+ //drawing
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ my_current_axis = gca();
+ drawlater();
+ subplot(2,1,1);
+ title("how two bezier surfaces can be joined","fontsize",3);
+ subplot(2,2,1);
+ plot3d2(xb1,yb1,zb1,-1,A,T,L,EB);
+ subplot(2,2,3);
+ plot3d2(xb2,yb2,zb2,-1,A,T,L,EB);
+ subplot(1,2,2);
+ [n1,p1]=size(xb1);
+ [n2,p2]=size(xb);
+ plot3d2([xb1;xb;xb2],[yb1;yb;yb2],[zb1;zb;zb2],-1,A,T,L,EB);
+ delete(my_current_axis);
+ drawnow();
+ demo_viewCode("c1test.sce");
+clear c1test;
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/gammatest.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/gammatest.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ba26992d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/bezier/gammatest.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+// Bezier curve approximating a circle
+function gammatest (N)
+ [lhs,rhs] =argn(0);
+ if rhs < 1 then
+ N=[10,20,50,100];
+ end
+ x = linspace(0,1,100);
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ plot2d(cos(2*%pi*x),sin(2*%pi*x));
+ ax = gca();
+ ax.isoview = "on";
+ title("Bezier curve approximating a circle","fontsize",3);
+ icol=2;
+ for n=N ;
+ t = sqrt(linspace(0,1,n));
+ p = [cos(2*%pi*t);sin(2*%pi*t)];
+ y = bezier(p,x);
+ plot2d(y(1,:),y(2,:),icol);
+ icol=icol+1;
+ end
+ demo_viewCode("gammatest.sce");
+clear gammatest;