path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/gamitg.sci
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diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/gamitg.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/gamitg.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4dc19bf92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/gamitg.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - P. Gahinet
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [gopt]=gamitg(g,r,PREC,options)
+ //[gopt]=gamitg(G,r,PREC,options);
+ //
+ // On input:
+ // ---------
+ // * G contains the parameters of plant realization (syslin list)
+ // b = ( b1 , b2 ) , c = ( c1 ) , d = ( d11 d12)
+ // ( c2 ) ( d21 d22)
+ // * r(1) and r(2) are the dimensions of d22 (rows x columns)
+ // * PREC is the desired relative accuracy on the norm
+ // * available options are
+ // - 't': traces each bisection step, i.e., displays the lower
+ // and upper bounds and the current test point.
+ //
+ // On output:
+ // ---------
+ // * gopt: optimal Hinf gain
+ //
+ //!
+ // History:
+ // -------
+ // author: P. Gahinet, INRIA
+ // last modification:
+ //****************************************************************************
+ // Copyright INRIA
+ if and(typeof(g)<>["rational","state-space"]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Linear state space or a transfer function expected.\n"),"gamitg",1))
+ end
+ if g.dt<>"c" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Continuous time system expected.\n"),"gamitg",1))
+ end
+ //user interface. The default values are:
+ // PREC=1.0e-3; options='nul';
+ //************************************************
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0);
+ select rhs,
+ case 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: At least %d expected.\n"),"gamitg",2))
+ case 2 then
+ PREC=1.0e-3; options="nul";
+ case 3 then
+ if type(PREC)==10 then
+ iopt=3
+ options=PREC; PREC=1.0e-3;
+ else
+ options="nul";
+ end,
+ case 4 then
+ iopt=4
+ end
+ if typeof(r)<>"constant"|~isreal(r) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real vector expected.\n"),"gamitg",2))
+ end
+ if size(r,"*")<>2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d expected.\n"),"gamitg",2,2))
+ end
+ r=int(r);
+ if or(r<=0) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong values for input argument #%d: Elements must be positive.\n"),"gamitg",2))
+ end
+ if type(options)<>10|and(options<>["t","nul"]) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"),"gamitg",iopt,"""t"",""nul"""))
+ end
+ if type(PREC)<>1|size(PREC,"*")<>1|~isreal(PREC)|PREC<=0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be a positive scalar.\n"),"gamitg",3))
+ end
+ //constants
+ //*********
+ INIT_LOW=1.0e-3; INIT_UPP=1.0e6; INFTY=10e10;
+ RELACCU=1.0e-10; //relative accuracy on generalized eigenvalue computations
+ gopt=-1;
+ //parameter recovery
+ [a,b1,b2,c1,c2,d11,d12,d21,d22]=smga(g,r);
+ //dimensions
+ [na,na]=size(a); twona=2*na;
+ [p1,m2]=size(d12),
+ [p2,m1]=size(d21),
+ //****************
+ if m2 > p1 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Dimensions of %s are inadequate.\n"),"gamitg","D12"));
+ end
+ if p2 > m1 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Dimensions of %s are inadequate.\n"),"gamitg","D21"));
+ end
+ [u12,s12,v12]=svd(d12); s12=s12(1:m2,:);
+ [u21,s21,v21]=svd(d21); s21=s21(:,1:p2);
+ u12=u12(:,1:m2); //d12 = u12 s12 v12' with s12 square diagonal
+ v21=v21(:,1:p2); //d21 = u21 s21 v21'
+ //rank condition on D12 and D21
+ //-----------------------------
+ if s12(m2,m2)/s12(1,1) <= 100*%eps then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: %s is not full rank at the machine precision.\n"),"gamitg","D12"));
+ end
+ if s21(p2,p2)/s21(1,1) <= 100*%eps then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: %s is not full rank at the machine precision.\n"),"gamitg","D21"));
+ end
+ //(A,B2,C2) stabilizable + detectable
+ //-------------------------------------
+ noa=max(abs(a)); nob2=max(abs(b2)); noc2=max(abs(c2));
+ ns=st_ility(syslin("c",a,b2,c2),1.0e-10*max(noa,nob2));
+ if ns<na then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: %s is nearly unstabilizable.\n"),"gamitg","(A,B2)"));
+ end
+ nd=dt_ility(syslin("c",a,b2,c2),1.0e-10*max(noa,noc2));
+ if nd>0 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: %s is nearly unstabilizable.\n"),"gamitg","(C2,A)"));
+ end
+ //Imaginary axis zeros: test the Hamiltonian spectra at gamma=infinity
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ah=a-b2*v12/s12*u12'*c1; bh=b2*v12; ch=u12'*c1;
+ hg=[ah,-bh/(s12**2)*bh';ch'*ch-c1'*c1,-ah'];
+ spech=spec(hg);
+ if min(abs(real(spech))) < 1.0e-9*max(abs(hg)) then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: %s has zero(s) near the imaginary axis.\n"),"gamitg","G12"));
+ end
+ ah=a-b1*v21/s21*u21'*c2; ch=u21'*c2; bh=b1*v21;
+ jg=[ah',-ch'/(s21**2)*ch;bh*bh'-b1*b1',-ah];
+ specj=spec(jg);
+ if min(abs(real(specj))) < 1.0e-9*max(abs(jg)) then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: %s has zero(s) near the imaginary axis.\n"),"gamitg","G21"));
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if m2 < p1 then
+ sig12=norm((eye(p1,p1)-u12*u12')*d11);
+ else
+ sig12=0;
+ end
+ if p2 < m1 then
+ sig21=norm(d11*(eye(m1,m1)-v21*v21'));
+ else
+ sig21=0;
+ end
+ sigd=max(sig12,sig21);
+ //****************************
+ // Initialize the search window [lower,upper] where `lower' and `upper'
+ // are lower and upper bounds on the Linf norm of G. When no such
+ // bounds are available, the window is arbitrarily set to [INIT_LOW,INIT_UPP]
+ // and the variables LOW and UPP keep record of these initial values so that
+ // the window can be extended if necessary.
+ if sigd==0 then
+ else
+ lower=sigd; LOW=0;
+ end
+ //------------------
+ sh22=m1+m2;
+ h11=[a,0*eye(a);-c1'*c1,-a'];
+ h12=[-b1,-b2;c1'*d11,c1'*d12];
+ h21=[d11'*c1,b1';d12'*c1,b2'];
+ h22=eye(m1,m1); h22(sh22,sh22)=0;
+ sj22=p1+p2;
+ j11=[a',0*eye(a);-b1*b1',-a];
+ j12=[-c1',-c2';b1*d11',b1*d21']
+ j21=[d11*b1',c1;d21*b1',c2];
+ j22=eye(p1,p1); j22(sj22,sj22)=0;
+ d1112s=[d11,d12]'*[d11,d12];
+ d1121s=[d11;d21]*[d11;d21]';
+ T_EVALH=1; //while 1, Hamiltonian spectrum of H must be tested
+ T_EVALJ=1; //while 1, Hamiltonian spectrum of J must be tested
+ T_POSX=1; //while 1, the nonnegativity of X must be tested
+ T_POSY=1; //while 1, the nonnegativity of Y must be tested
+ //********************************************************
+ //********************************************************
+ for iterations=1:30, //max iterations=30
+ ga=sqrt(lower*upper); //test point gamma = log middle of [lower,upper]
+ gs=ga*ga;
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ write(%io(2),[lower,ga,upper],"(''min,cur,max = '',3e20.10)");
+ end
+ // Search window management:
+ //--------------------------
+ // If the gamma-iteration runs into one of the initial arbitrary bounds
+ // LOW or UPP, extend the search window to allow for continuation
+ if ga<10*LOW then lower=LOW/10; LOW=lower; end
+ // expand search window toward gamma<<1
+ if ga>UPP/10 then upper=UPP*10; UPP=upper; end
+ // expand search window toward gamma>>1
+ DONE=0
+ //DONE=1 indicates that the current gamma has been classified and
+ //the next iteration can start
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ hg=h11-(h12/(gs*h22-d1112s))*h21;
+ if T_EVALH==1 then
+ hev=spec(hg);
+ if min(abs(real(hev))) <= RELACCU*max(abs(hev)) then
+ lower=ga; DONE=1; //Hg HAS EVAL ON iR -> NEXT LOOP
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: %s has pure imaginary eigenvalue(s).\n"),"gamitg","H");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if DONE==0 then
+ jg=j11-(j12/(gs*j22-d1121s))*j21;
+ if T_EVALJ==1 then
+ jev=spec(jg);
+ if min(abs(real(jev))) <= RELACCU*max(abs(jev)) then
+ lower=ga; DONE=1; //Jg HAS EVAL ON iR -> NEXT LOOP
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: %s has pure imaginary eigenvalue(s).\n"),"gamitg","J");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ //---------------------------------------------------------
+ if DONE==0 then
+ //compute orthon. bases of the negative invariant subspace of H
+ [uh,d]=schur(hg,"c");
+ px=uh(1:na,1:na); qx=uh(na+1:twona,1:na);
+ //nonnegativity test for X (or Y):
+ //--------------------------------
+ // * if |f(i)| < RELACCU then discard this eval (this corresponds
+ // to ||X||-> infty and the sign is ill-defined
+ // * if |e(i)| < RELACCU then X is nearly singular in this direction.
+ // We then consider X is actually singular and that the eval can be
+ // discarded
+ // * For the remaining entries, if e(i)/f(i) < - RELACC/100 then X is
+ // diagnosed as indefinite. Otherwise X is nonnegative.
+ if T_POSX==1 then
+ [e,f]=spec(qx,px);
+ i=1;
+ while i<=na,
+ if min(abs([e(i),f(i)])) >= RELACCU & real(e(i)/f(i)) <= 0 then
+ lower=ga; DONE=1; T_EVALH=0; i=na+1;
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: %s is indefinite.\n"),"gamitg","X");
+ end
+ else
+ i=i+1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if DONE==0 then
+ //compute orthon. bases of the negative inv. subspace of J
+ [uj,d]=schur(jg,"c");
+ py=uj(1:na,1:na); qy=uj(na+1:twona,1:na);
+ if T_POSY==1 then
+ [e,f]=spec(qy,py);
+ i=1;
+ while i<=na,
+ if min(abs([e(i),f(i)])) >= RELACCU & real(e(i)/f(i)) <= 0 then
+ lower=ga; DONE=1; T_EVALJ=0; i=na+1;
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: %s is indefinite.\n"),"gamitg","Y");end;
+ else
+ i=i+1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------
+ if DONE==0 then
+ [e,f]=spec(qy'*qx,py'*px);
+ if max(real(e-gs*f)) <= 0 then
+ upper=ga;
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ write(%io(2),"rho(XY) <= gamma**2"); end
+ else
+ lower=ga; T_POSX=0; T_POSY=0; T_EVALH=0; T_EVALJ=0;
+ if str_member("t",options) then
+ write(%io(2),"rho(XY) > gamma**2"); end
+ end
+ end
+ //------------------
+ //------------------
+ if lower > INFTY then
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: Controllable & observable mode(s) of %s near the imaginary axis.\n"),"gamitg","A");
+ gopt=lower;
+ return;
+ else
+ if upper < 1.0e-10 then
+ gopt=upper;
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: All modes of %s are nearly nonminimal so that %s is almost %d.\n"),"gamitg","A","|| G ||",0);
+ return;
+ else
+ if 1-lower/upper < PREC,
+ gopt=sqrt(lower*upper);
+ return;
+ end,
+ end,
+ end
+ end//end while
+ gopt=sqrt(lower*upper);
+function [bool]=str_member(c,s)
+ //**********************
+ // tests whether the character c occurs in the string s
+ // returns %T (true) if it does, %F (false) otherwise.
+ for i=1:length(s),
+ if part(s,i)==c then bool=%t; return; end
+ end
+ bool=%f;