path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/frep2tf.sci
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1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/frep2tf.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/frep2tf.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9108bf599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/frep2tf.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Serge Steer
+// Copyright (C) ENPC -
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [best_h,best_w]=frep2tf(frq,repf,dg,dom,tols,weight)
+ // iterative use of frep2tf_b jpc fd 1997
+ // Copyright INRIA
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0);
+ if rhs <= 3 then dom="c" ; end
+ if rhs <= 4 then
+ rtol=1.e-2; atol=1.e-4, N=10;
+ else
+ rtol=tols(1);atol=tols(2);N=tols(3);
+ end
+ if dom==[] then dom="c";end
+ if dom=="d" then dom=1;end
+ if rhs <=5 then
+ [h,err]=frep2tf_b(frq,repf,dg,dom);
+ best_w = [];
+ else
+ [h,err]=frep2tf_b(frq,repf,dg,dom,weight);
+ best_w = weight;
+ end
+ best_h = h ;
+ for k=1:N
+ if dom=="c" then
+ // weight=(1)./abs(freq(h('den'),1,%i*frq*2*%pi));
+ weight=(1)./horner(h("den"),%i*frq*2*%pi);
+ else
+ weight=(1)./horner(h("den"),exp(dom*%i*frq*2*%pi));
+ end
+ [h,err1]=frep2tf_b(frq,repf,dg,dom,weight);
+ if ( (abs(err-err1) < rtol *err & err > err1 )| err1 < atol) then break;end;
+ if err1 < err then best_err = err1 ; best_h = h; end
+ err=err1;
+ mprintf(gettext("%s: Iteration %s, error=%s.\n"), "frep2tf", part(string(k+1),1:5), string(err1));
+ end
+function [h,err]=frep2tf_b(frq,repf,dg,dom,weight)
+ // steer, jpc, fd 1997 (Nov)
+ //============================
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0);
+ // test the system type 'c' 'd' or dt
+ if rhs <= 3 then dom="c" ; end
+ if rhs <= 4 then weight=[];end
+ if dom==[] then dom="c";end
+ if dom=="d" then dom=1;end
+ n=size(frq,"*");
+ if dom=="c" then
+ w=2*%i*%pi*matrix(frq,n,1);
+ else
+ w=exp(2*%i*%pi*dom*matrix(frq,n,1));
+ end
+ //initialization
+ m=2*dg
+ //We compute the linear system to be solved:
+ //w(k)=%i* frq(k)*2pi
+ //for k=1,n sum(a_i*(w(k))^i,i=1,dg)
+ // -repf(k)*sum(b_i*(w(k))^i,i=1,dg) = 0
+ //with sum x_i = 1
+ //building Van der monde matrix ( w_i^j ) i=1,n j=0:dg-1
+ a1=w.*.[ones(1,dg)];
+ //0.^0 is not accepted in Scilab....
+ a1=[ones(n,1),a1.^(ones(n,1).*.[1:(dg)])];
+ a2=a1; for k=1:n; a2(k,:)= -repf(k)*a2(k,:);end
+ a=[a1,a2];
+ // Computing constraints
+ // We impose N(i wk) - repfk D(i wk) =0 for k=imax
+ // as follows:
+ // N(i wk) = repfk*(1+%i*b)
+ // D(i wk) = 1+%i*b
+ // L*[x;b]=[repfk;1]
+ // Least squ. pb is min norm of [A,0] [x;b]
+ // under constraint L*[x;b]=[repfk;1]
+ [rmax,imax]=max(abs(repf))
+ L2=a(imax,1:dg+1);
+ L=[zeros(L2),L2,%i;
+ L2,zeros(L2),repf(imax)*%i];
+ BigL=[real(L);imag(L)]
+ c=[1;repf(imax)];
+ Bigc=[real(c);imag(c)];
+ [ww,dim]=rowcomp(BigL);
+ BigL=ww*BigL;Bigc=ww*Bigc;
+ BigL=BigL(1:dim,:);Bigc=Bigc(1:dim,:);
+ a=[a,zeros(size(a,1),1)];
+ // auto renormalization : if weight is not given
+ if dom == "c" then
+ if weight==[] then
+ nn= sqrt(sum(abs(a).^2,"c"))+ones(n,1);
+ a=a./(nn*ones(1,size(a,2)));
+ end
+ end
+ // user given renormalization
+ if weight<>[] then
+ if size(frq,"*")<>size(weight,"*") then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Incompatible input arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of elements expected.\n"),"frep2tf",1,5))
+ end
+ w1=weight(:)*ones(1,size(a,2));
+ a= w1.*a;
+ end
+ BigA=[real(a);imag(a)];
+ // Constraints BigL x =Bigc
+ //
+ x=LSC(BigA,BigL,Bigc);
+ x=x(1:$-1);
+ h=syslin(dom,poly(x(1:dg+1),"s","c"),poly([x((dg+2):$)],"s","c"))
+ if lhs==2 then
+ repf1=repfreq(h,frq);
+ err = sum(abs(repf1(:)-repf(:)))/n;
+ end
+function [x]=LSC(A,L,c)
+ // Ax=0 Least sq. + Lx = c
+ [W,rk]=colcomp(L);
+ LW=L*W;
+ Anew=A*W
+ A1=Anew(:,1:($-rk))
+ A2=Anew(:,($-rk+1:$));
+ x2=inv(LW(:,$-rk+1:$))*c
+ b= -A2*x2
+ x1=A1\b
+ x=W*[x1;x2]