path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/findBDK.sci
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diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/findBDK.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/findBDK.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85730d0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/findBDK.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+function [B,D,K,Q,Ry,S,rcnd]=findBDK(s,n,l,R,A,C,meth,job,nsmpl,tol,printw)
+ B=[];D=[];K=[];Q=[];Ry=[];S=[];rcnd=[];
+ [nargout,nargin] = argn(0)
+ //FINDBDK Finds the system matrices B and D and the Kalman gain of a discrete-time
+ // system, given the system order, the matrices A and C, and the relevant
+ // part of the R factor of the concatenated block-Hankel matrices, using
+ // subspace identification techniques (MOESP or N4SID).
+ //
+ // [B,D,K] = FINDBDK(S,N,L,R,A,C,METH,JOB,NSMPL,TOL,PRINTW) computes the
+ // system matrices B (if JOB = 1), B and D (if JOB = 2), and the Kalman
+ // predictor gain K (if NSMPL > 0). The model structure is:
+ //
+ // x(k+1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + Ke(k), k >= 1,
+ // y(k) = Cx(k) + Du(k) + e(k),
+ //
+ // where x(k) and y(k) are vectors of length N and L, respectively.
+ //
+ // [B,D,RCND] = FINDBDK(S,N,L,R,A,C,METH,JOB) also returns the vector
+ // RCND of length 4 containing the reciprocal condition numbers of the
+ // matrices involved in rank decisions.
+ //
+ // returns the state, output, and state-output (cross-)covariance
+ // matrices Q, Ry, and S (used for computing the Kalman gain), as well as
+ // the vector RCND of length 12 containing the reciprocal condition numbers
+ // of the matrices involved in rank decisions, least squares or Riccati
+ // equation solutions.
+ //
+ // S is the number of block rows in the block-Hankel matrices.
+ //
+ // METH is an option for the method to use:
+ // METH = 1 : MOESP method with past inputs and outputs;
+ // = 2 : N4SID method.
+ // Default: METH = 2.
+ // Matrix R, computed by FINDR, should be determined with suitable arguments
+ // METH and JOBD. METH = 1 and JOBD = 1 must be used in FINDR, for METH = 1
+ // in FINDBDK. Using METH = 1 in FINDR and METH = 2 in FINDBDK is allowed.
+ //
+ // JOB is an option specifying which system matrices should be computed:
+ // JOB = 1 : compute the matrix B;
+ // = 2 : compute the matrices B and D.
+ // Default: JOB = 2.
+ //
+ // NSMPL is the total number of samples used for calculating the covariance
+ // matrices and the Kalman predictor gain. This parameter is not needed if
+ // the covariance matrices and/or the Kalman predictor gain matrix are not
+ // desired. If NSMPL = 0, then K, Q, Ry, and S are not computed.
+ // Default: NSMPL = 0.
+ //
+ // TOL is the tolerance used for estimating the rank of matrices.
+ // If TOL > 0, then the given value of TOL is used as a lower bound
+ // for the reciprocal condition number.
+ // Default: prod(size(matrix))*epsilon_machine where epsilon_machine
+ // is the relative machine precision.
+ //
+ // PRINTW is a select for printing the warning messages.
+ // PRINTW = 1: print warning messages;
+ // = 0: do not print warning messages.
+ // Default: PRINTW = 0.
+ //
+ // The number of output arguments may vary, but should correspond to the
+ // input arguments, e.g.,
+ // B = FINDBDK(S,N,L,R,A,C,METH,1) or
+ // [B,D] = FINDBDK(S,N,L,R,A,C,METH,2) or
+ // return B, or B and D, or B, D, and RCND, respectively.
+ //
+ //
+ // V. Sima 18-01-2000.
+ //
+ // Revisions:
+ // V. Sima, July 2000.
+ //
+ nin = nargin;
+ nout = nargout;
+ //
+ if nin<11 then printw = 0;end
+ if nin<10 then tol = 0;end
+ if tol==[] then tol = 0,end
+ if nin<9 then nsmpl = 0;end
+ if nsmpl==[] then nsmpl = 0;end
+ if nin<8 then job = 2;end
+ if job==[] then job = 2;end
+ if nin<7 then meth = 2;end
+ if meth == [] then meth = 2;end
+ if nin<6 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"),"findBDK",6,11));
+ end
+ //
+ jobl = job+2;
+ //
+ // Compute system matrices B and D.
+ if nout==1 then
+ B = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ elseif nout==2 then
+ // If job = 1 and nsmpl > 0, D means K.
+ // If job = 1 and nsmpl = 0, D means rcnd.
+ [B,D] = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ elseif nout==3 then
+ // If below, job = 1 and nsmpl = 0, D means rcnd, K is not assigned.
+ // If job = 1 and nsmpl > 0, D means K, K means Q.
+ [B,D,K] = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ elseif nout==4 then
+ // If job = 1 and nsmpl > 0, D means K, K means Q, Q means Ry.
+ [B,D,K,Q] = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ elseif nout==5 then
+ // If job = 1 and nsmpl > 0, D means K, K means Q, Q means Ry, Ry means S.
+ [B,D,K,Q,Ry] = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ elseif nout==6 then
+ // If job = 1 and nsmpl > 0, D means K, K means Q, Q means Ry,
+ // Ry means S, S means rcnd.
+ [B,D,K,Q,Ry,S] = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ elseif nout==7 then
+ [B,D,K,Q,Ry,S,rcnd] = sident(meth,jobl,s,n,l,R,tol,nsmpl,A,C,printw);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"),"findBDK",1,7));
+ end
+ //
+ // end findBDK