path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/ddp.sci
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1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/ddp.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/ddp.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3e8f7de4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/ddp.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - F. Delebecque
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [Closed,F,G]=ddp(Sys,zeroed,B1,D1,flag,Alfa,Beta)
+ //--------------Exact disturbance decoupling----------
+ // Given a linear system, and a subset of outputs, z, which are to
+ // be zeroed, characterize the inputs w of Sys such that the
+ // transfer function from w to z is zero.
+ //
+ // Sys = linear system {A,B2,C,D2} with one input and two outputs
+ // i.e Sys: u-->(z,y) in the following
+ //
+ // xdot = A x + B1 w + B2 u
+ // z = C1 x + D11 w + D12 u
+ // y = C2 x + D21 w + D22 u
+ //
+ // outputs of Sys are partitioned into (z,y) where z is to be zeroed,
+ // i.e. the matrices C and D2 are:
+ //
+ // C=[C1;C2] D2=[D12;D22]
+ // C1=C(zeroed,:) D12=D1(zeroed,:)
+ //
+ // The control is u=Fx+Gw and one
+ // looks for F,G such that the closed loop system: w-->z given by
+ //
+ // xdot= (A+B2*F) x + (B1 + B2*G) w
+ // z = (C1+D12F) x + (D11+D12*G) w
+ //
+ // has zero transfer transfer function.
+ //
+ // flag='ge' : no stability constraints
+ // ='st' : look for stable closed loop system (A+B2*F stable)
+ // ='pp' : eigenvalues of A+B2*F are assigned to Alfa and Beta
+ //
+ // Closed = w-->y closed loop system
+ //
+ // xdot= (A+B2*F) x + (B1 + B2*G) w
+ // y = (C2+D22*F) x + (D21+D22*G) w
+ //
+ // Stability (resp. pole placement) requires stabilizability
+ // (resp. controllability) of (A,B2).
+ //
+ [LHS,RHS]=argn(0);
+ if RHS==5 then Beta=-1;end
+ if RHS==4 then Beta=-1;Alfa=-1;end
+ if RHS==3 then Beta=-1;Alfa=-1;flag="st";end
+ if RHS==2 then Beta=-1;Alfa=-1;flag="st";D1=zeros(size(Sys("C"),1),size(B1,2));
+ end
+ if size(B1,1) ~= size(Sys("A"),1) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Incompatible input arguments #%d and #%d: Same row dimensions expected.\n"),"ddp",1,3))
+ end
+ if size(D1,2) ~= size(B1,2) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Incompatible input arguments #%d and #%d: Same row dimensions expected.\n"),"ddp",3,4))
+ end
+ Sys1=Sys(zeroed,:);
+ not_zeroed=1:size(Sys,1);not_zeroed(zeroed)=[];
+ [X,dims,F,U,k,Z]=abinv(Sys1,Alfa,Beta,flag);nv=dims(3);
+ Sys_new=ss2ss(Sys,X);Fnew=F*X;
+ B1new=X'*B1;B2new=Sys_new("B");
+ D11=D1(zeroed,:);D12=Sys1("D");
+ B21=B1new(nv+1:$,:);B22=B2new(nv+1:$,:);
+ // G s.t. B21+B22*G=0 D11+D12*G=0
+ G=lowlev();
+ [Anew,Bnew,Cnew,Dnew]=abcd(Sys_new);
+ Anew=Anew+B2new*Fnew;Cnew=Cnew+Dnew*Fnew;
+ B1new=B1new+B2new*G;
+ A11=Anew(1:nv,1:nv);C21=Cnew(not_zeroed,1:nv);
+ B11=B1new(1:nv,:);D21=D1(not_zeroed,:);
+ D22=Sys("D");D22=D22(not_zeroed,:);D21=D21+D22*G;
+ Closed=syslin(Sys("dt"),A11,B11,C21,D21);
+function G=lowlev()
+ ww=[B21 B22;D11 D12];
+ [xx,dd]=colcomp(ww);
+ K=kernel(ww);
+ rowG=size(B22,2);colG=size(B1,2);
+ if size(K,2) > colG then K=K(:,1:colG);end
+ Kup=K(1:size(K,2),:);
+ if rcond(Kup) <= 1.d-10 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Bad conditioning.\n"),"ddp"));
+ K1=K*pinv(Kup);G=K1(size(K,2)+1:$,:);return
+ end
+ K1=K*inv(Kup); //test conditioning here!
+ G=K1(size(K,2)+1:$,:);