path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/csim.sci
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1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/csim.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/csim.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d14fe4e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/csim.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA -
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [y,x]=csim(u,dt,sl,x0,tol)
+ //Syntax:
+ // [y [,x]]=csim(u,dt,sl,[x0])
+ // simulation of the controlled linear system sl.
+ // sl is assumed to be a continuous-time system.
+ // u is the control and x0 the initial state.
+ //
+ //u can be:
+ // - a function
+ // [inputs]=u(t)
+ // - a list
+ // list(ut,parameter1,....,parametern) such that
+ // inputs=ut(t,parameter1,....,parametern)
+ // - the character string 'impuls' for impulse response calculation
+ // (here sl is assumed SISO without direct feedthrough and x0=0)
+ // - the character string 'step' for step response calculation
+ // (here sl is assumed SISO without direct feedthrough and x0=0)
+ //dt is a vector of instants with dt(1) = initial time
+ // that is: x0=x
+ // dt(1)
+ //
+ //y matrix such that:
+ // y=[y y ... y ]
+ // dt(1) dt(2) dt(n)
+ //x matrix such that:
+ // x=[x x ... x ]
+ // dt(1) dt(2) dt(n)
+ //
+ //See also:
+ // dsimul flts ltitr rtitr ode impl
+ //!
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ //
+ if rhs<3 then error(39),end
+ sltyp=typeof(sl)
+ if and(sltyp<>["state-space" "rational"]) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: %s data structure expected.\n"),"csim",3,"syslin"))
+ end
+ if sltyp=="rational" then sl=tf2ss(sl),end
+ if sl.dt<>"c" then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Input argument #%d is assumed continuous time.\n"),"csim",1));
+ end
+ //
+ [a,b,c,d]=sl(2:5);
+ if degree(d)>0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A proper system expected\n"),"csim",1));
+ end
+ [ma,mb]=size(b);
+ //
+ imp=0;step=0
+ text="if t==0 then y=0, else y=1,end"
+ //
+ select type(u)
+ case 10 then //input given by its type (step or impuls)
+ if mb<>1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A SIMO expected.\n"),"csim",1));
+ end;
+ if part(u,1)=="i" then
+ //impulse response
+ imp=1;
+ dt(dt==0)=%eps^2;
+ elseif part(u,1)=="s" then
+ step=1
+ if norm(d,1)<>0 then
+ dt(dt==0)=%eps^2;
+ end;
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"),"csim",1,"""step"",""impuls"""))
+ end;
+ deff("[y]=u(t)",text);
+ case 11 then //input given by a function of time
+ comp(u)
+ case 13 then //input given by a function of time
+ case 1 then //input given by a vector of data
+ [mbu,ntu]=size(u);
+ if mbu<>mb | ntu<>size(dt,"*") then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Incompatible input arguments #%d and #%d: Same column dimensions expected.\n"),"csim",1,2))
+ end
+ case 15 then //input given by a list: function of time with parameters
+ uu=u(1),
+ if type(uu)==11 then
+ comp(uu),
+ u(1)=uu,
+ end
+ else error(44,2)
+ end;
+ //
+ if rhs==3 then x0=sl(6),end
+ if imp==1|step==1 then x0=0*x0,end
+ nt=size(dt,"*");x=0*ones(ma,nt);
+ [a,v]=balanc(a);
+ v1=v;//save for backward transformation
+ //apply transformation u without matrix inversion
+ [k,l]=find(v<>0) //get the permutation
+ //apply right transformation
+ v=v(k,l);//diagonal matrix
+ c=c(:,k)*v;
+ //apply left transformation
+ v=diag(1 ./diag(v));b=v*b(k,:);x0=v*x0(k)
+ [a,v2,bs]=bdiag(a,1);b=v2\b;c=c*v2;x0=v2\x0;
+ //form the differential equation function
+ if type(u)==1 then
+ //form a continuous time interpolation of the given data
+ ut=u;
+ if min(size(ut))==1 then ut=matrix(ut,1,-1),end
+ deff("[y]=u(t)",["ind=find(dt<=t);nn=ind($)"
+ "if (t==dt(nn)|nn==nt) then "
+ " y=ut(:,nn)"
+ "else "
+ " y=ut(:,nn)+(t-dt(nn))/(dt(nn+1)-dt(nn))*(ut(:,nn+1)-ut(:,nn))"
+ "end"]);
+ deff("[ydot]=%sim2(%tt,%y)","ydot=ak*%y+bk*u(%tt)");
+ elseif type(u)<>15 then
+ deff("[ydot]=%sim2(%tt,%y)","ydot=ak*%y+bk*u(%tt)");
+ ut=ones(mb,nt);for k=1:nt, ut(:,k)=u(dt(k)),end
+ else
+ %sim2=u
+ tx=" ";for l=2:size(u), tx=tx+",%"+string(l-1);end;
+ deff("[ydot]=sk(%tt,%y,u"+tx+")","ydot=ak*%y+bk*u(%tt"+tx+")");
+ %sim2(0)=sk;u=u(1)
+ deff("[ut]=uu(t)",...
+ ["["+part(tx,3:length(tx))+"]=%sim2(3:"+string(size(%sim2))+")";
+ "ut=ones(mb,nt);for k=1:nt, ut(:,k)=u(t(k)"+tx+"),end"])
+ ut=uu(dt);
+ end;
+ //simulation
+ k=1;
+ for n=bs',
+ kk=k:k+n-1;
+ ak=a(kk,kk);
+ bk=b(kk,:);
+ nrmu=max([norm(bk*ut,1),norm(x0(kk))]);
+ if nrmu > 0 then
+ if rhs<5 then
+ atol=1.d-12*nrmu;rtol=atol/100;
+ else
+ atol=tol(1);rtol=tol(2);
+ end
+ xkk=ode("adams",x0(kk),0,dt,rtol,atol,%sim2);
+ if size(xkk,2)<>size(x,2) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Simulation failed before final time is reached.\n"),"csim"))
+ end
+ x(kk,:)=xkk;
+ if imp==1 then x(kk,:)=ak*x(kk,:)+bk*ut,end
+ end;
+ k=k+n
+ end;
+ y=c*x+d*ut
+ if lhs==2 then x=v1*v2*x,end