path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/calfrq.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/cacsd/macros/calfrq.sci')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/calfrq.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/calfrq.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..524bf49c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/calfrq.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA -
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [frq, bnds, splitf] = calfrq(h, fmin, fmax)
+ //!
+ eps = 1.d-14 //minimum absolute lower frequency
+ k = 0.001 // Minimum relative prediction error in the nyquist plan
+ epss = 0.002 // minimum frequency distance with a singularity
+ nptmax = 5000 //maximum number of discretization points
+ tol = 0.01 // Tolerance for testing pure imaginary numbers
+ // Check inputs
+ // ------------
+ if and(typeof(h) <> ["state-space" "rational"])
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Linear state space or a transfer function expected.\n"), "calfrq", 1))
+ end
+ if typeof(h) == "state-space" then
+ h = ss2tf(h)
+ end
+ [m, n] = size(h.num)
+ dom = h("dt")
+ select dom
+ case "d" then
+ dom = 1
+ case [] then
+ error(96, 1)
+ case 0 then
+ error(96, 1)
+ end;
+ if type(dom) == 1 then
+ nyq_frq = 1/2/dom;
+ if fmax > nyq_frq then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Frequencies beyond Nyquist frequency are ignored.\n"), "calfrq"));
+ fmax = min(fmax, nyq_frq)
+ end
+ if fmin < -nyq_frq then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Negative frequencies below Nyquist frequency are ignored.\n"), "calfrq"));
+ fmin = max(fmin, -nyq_frq)
+ end
+ end
+ // Use symmetry to reduce the range
+ // --------------------------------
+ if fmin < 0 & fmax >= 0 then
+ [frq, bnds, splitf] = calfrq(h, eps, -fmin)
+ ns1 = size(splitf, "*")-1;
+ nsp = size(frq, "*");
+ bnds = [bnds(1), bnds(2), -bnds(4), -bnds(3)];
+ if fmax > eps then
+ if fmax == -fmin then
+ splitf = [1, (nsp+2)*ones(1,ns1)-splitf($:-1:2), nsp*ones(ns1)+splitf(2:$)];
+ bnds = [bnds(1), bnds(2), min(bnds(3), -bnds(3)), max(bnds(4), -bnds(4))];
+ frq = [-frq($:-1:1), frq]
+ else
+ [frq2, bnds2, splitf2] = calfrq(h, eps, fmax);
+ ns2 = size(splitf2,"*")-1
+ splitf = [1, (nsp+2)*ones(1,ns1)-splitf($:-1:2), nsp*ones(ns2)+splitf2(2:$)];
+ bnds = [min(bnds(1), bnds2(1)), max(bnds(2), bnds2(2)),...
+ min(bnds(3), bnds2(3)), max(bnds(4), bnds2(4))];
+ frq = [-frq($:-1:1), frq2]
+ end
+ return
+ else
+ frq = -frq($:-1:1);
+ nsp = size(frq, "*");
+ splitf = [1, (nsp+2)*ones(1, ns1)-splitf($:-1:2)]
+ bnds = bnds;
+ return;
+ end
+ elseif fmin < 0 & fmax <= 0 then
+ [frq, bnds, splitf] = calfrq(h, -fmax, -fmin)
+ ns1 = size(splitf, "*")-1;
+ frq = -frq($:-1:1);
+ nsp = size(frq, "*");
+ splitf = [1, (nsp+2)*ones(1, ns1)-splitf($:-1:2)]
+ bnds = [bnds(1), bnds(2), -bnds(4), -bnds(3)];
+ return;
+ elseif fmin >= fmax then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input arguments #%d and #%d: %s < %s expected.\n"),..
+ "calfrq", 2, 3, "fmin", "fmax"));
+ end
+ // Compute dicretisation over a given range
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ splitf = []
+ if fmin == 0 then fmin = min(1d-14, fmax/10);end
+ //
+ denh = h("den"); numh = h("num")
+ l10 = log(10)
+ // Locate singularities to avoid them
+ // ----------------------------------
+ if dom == "c" then
+ c = 2*%pi;
+ // selection function for singularities in the frequency range
+ deff("f=%sel(r, fmin, fmax, tol)",["f = [],";
+ "if prod(size(r)) == 0 then return, end";
+ "f = imag(r(find((abs(real(r))<=tol*abs(r))&(imag(r)>=0))))";
+ "if f <> [] then f = f(find((f>fmin-tol)&(f<fmax+tol))); end"]);
+ else
+ c = 2*%pi*dom
+ // selection function for singularities in the frequency range
+ deff("[f] = %sel(r, fmin, fmax, dom, tol)",["f = [],";
+ "if prod(size(r)) == 0 then return, end";
+ "f = r(find( ((abs(abs(r)-ones(r)))<=tol)&(imag(r)>=0)))";
+ "if f <> [] then ";
+ " f = atan(imag(f), real(f)); nf = prod(size(f))";
+ " for k=1:nf,";
+ " kk = int((fmax-f(k))/(2*%pi))+1;";
+ " f = [f; f(1:nf)+2*%pi*kk*ones(nf, 1)];";
+ " end;"
+ " f = f(find((f>fmin-tol)&(f<fmax+tol)))";
+ "end"]);
+ end
+ sing = [];zers = [];
+ fmin = c*fmin, fmax = c*fmax;
+ for i=1:m
+ sing = [sing; %sel(roots(denh(i), "e"), fmin, fmax, tol)];
+ end
+ pp = gsort(sing', "g", "i"); npp = size(pp, "*");//'
+ // singularities just on the left of the range
+ kinf = find(pp<fmin)
+ if kinf <> [] then
+ fmin = fmin+tol
+ pp(kinf) = []
+ end
+ // singularities just on the right of the range
+ ksup = find(pp>=fmax)
+ if ksup <> [] then
+ fmax = fmax-tol
+ pp(ksup) = []
+ end
+ // check for nearly multiple singularities
+ if pp <> [] then
+ dpp = pp(2:$)-pp(1:$-1)
+ keq = find(abs(dpp)<2*epss)
+ if keq <> [] then pp(keq) = [], end
+ end
+ if pp <> [] then
+ frqs = [fmin real(matrix([(1-epss)*pp; (1+epss)*pp], 2*size(pp, "*"), 1)') fmax]
+ //'
+ else
+ frqs = [fmin fmax]
+ end
+ nfrq = size(frqs, "*");
+ // Evaluate bounds of nyquist plot
+ //-------------------------------
+ xt = []; Pas = []
+ for i=1:2:nfrq-1
+ w = logspace(log(frqs(i))/log(10), log(frqs(i+1))/log(10), 100);
+ xt = [xt, w]
+ Pas = [Pas w(2)-w(1)]
+ end
+ if dom == "c" then
+ rf = freq(h("num"), h("den"), %i*xt);
+ else
+ rf = freq(h("num"), h("den"), exp(%i*xt));
+ end
+ //
+ xmin = min(real(rf)); xmax = max(real(rf));
+ ymin = min(imag(rf)); ymax = max(imag(rf));
+ bnds = [xmin xmax ymin ymax];
+ dx = max([xmax-xmin, 1]); dy = max([ymax-ymin, 1]);
+ // Compute discretization with a step adaptation method
+ // ----------------------------------------------------
+ frq = [];
+ i = 1;
+ nptr = nptmax; // number of unused discretization points
+ l10last = log10(frqs($));
+ while i<nfrq
+ f0 = frqs(i); fmax = frqs(i+1);
+ while f0==fmax do
+ i = i+2;
+ f = frqs(i); fmax = frqs(i+1);
+ end
+ frq = [frq, f0];
+ pas = Pas(floor(i/2)+1)
+ splitf = [splitf size(frq, "*")];
+ f = min(f0+pas, fmax);
+ if dom == "c" then // Continuous case
+ while f0<fmax
+ rf0 = freq(h("num"), h("den"), (%i*f0));
+ rfc = freq(h("num"), h("den"), %i*f);
+ // compute prediction error
+ epsd = pas/100; // epsd = 1.d-8
+ rfd = (freq(h("num"), h("den"), %i*(f0+epsd))-rf0)/(epsd);
+ rfp = rf0+pas*rfd;
+ e = max([abs(imag(rfp-rfc))/dy; abs(real(rfp-rfc))/dx])
+ if e > k then rf0 = freq(h("num"), h("den"), (%i*f0));
+ rfc = freq(h("num"), h("den"), %i*f);
+ // compute prediction error
+ epsd = pas/100; // epsd = 1.d-8
+ rfd = (freq(h("num"), h("den"), %i*(f0+epsd))-rf0)/(epsd);
+ rfp = rf0+pas*rfd;
+ e = max([abs(imag(rfp-rfc))/dy; abs(real(rfp-rfc))/dx])
+ // compute minimum frequency logarithmic step to ensure a maximum
+ //of nptmax points to discretize
+ pasmin = f0*(10^((l10last-log10(f0))/(nptr+1))-1)
+ pas = pas/2
+ if pas < pasmin then
+ pas = pasmin
+ frq = [frq, f]; nptr = max([1, nptr-1])
+ f0 = f; f = min(f0+pas, fmax)
+ else
+ f = min(f0+pas, fmax)
+ end
+ elseif e < k/2 then
+ pas = 2*pas
+ frq = [frq, f]; nptr = max([1, nptr-1])
+ f0 = f; f = min(f0+pas, fmax),
+ else
+ frq = [frq, f];nptr = max([1, nptr-1])
+ f0 = f; f = min(f0+pas, fmax),
+ end
+ end
+ else // Discrete case
+ pas = pas/dom
+ while f0<fmax
+ rf0 = freq(h("num"), h("den"), exp(%i*f0))
+ rfd = dom*(freq(h("num"), h("den"), exp(%i*(f0+pas/100)))-rf0)/(pas/100);
+ rfp = rf0+pas*rfd
+ rfc = freq(h("num"), h("den"), exp(%i*f));
+ e = max([abs(imag(rfp-rfc))/dy; abs(real(rfp-rfc))/dx])
+ if e > k then
+ pasmin = f0*(10^((l10last-log10(f0))/(nptr+1))-1)
+ pas = pas/2
+ if pas < pasmin then
+ pas = pasmin
+ frq = [frq, f]; nptr = max([1, nptr-1])
+ f0 = f; f = min(f0+pas, fmax)
+ else
+ f = min(f0+pas, fmax)
+ end
+ elseif e < k/2 then
+ pas = 2*pas
+ frq = [frq, f]; nptr = max([1, nptr-1])
+ f0 = f; f = min(f0+pas, fmax),
+ else
+ frq = [frq, f]; nptr = max([1, nptr-1])
+ f0 = f; f = min(f0+pas, fmax),
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ i = i+2
+ end
+ frq(size(frq, "*")) = fmax
+ frq = frq/c;