path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/bloc2ss.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/cacsd/macros/bloc2ss.sci')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/bloc2ss.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/bloc2ss.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9297be9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/bloc2ss.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA -
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [sl,name]=bloc2ss(syst)
+ //
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if type(syst)<>15 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A list expected.\n"),"bloc2ss",1))
+ end;
+ syst1=syst(1);
+ if syst1(1)<>"blocd" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A list expected.\n"),"bloc2ss",1))
+ end;
+ nsyst=size(syst)
+ dom=[]
+ for l=2:nsyst
+ sys=syst(l)
+ typ=part(sys(1),1)
+ if typ<>"l" then
+ if typ=="b" then
+ //recursion pour traiter les description bloc imbriquees
+ sys=list("transfert",bloc2ss(sys))
+ syst(l)=sys
+ end
+ transfert=sys(2)
+ if type(transfert)==10 then transfert=evstr(transfert);end
+ tr1=transfert(1);
+ if tr1(1)=="r" then transfert=tf2ss(transfert);end
+ syst(l)=list("transfert",transfert)
+ if type(transfert)==16 then
+ d=transfert(7)
+ if d<>[] then
+ if dom==[] then
+ dom=d
+ elseif dom<>d then
+ if dom=="c" then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Hybrid system not implemented.\n"),"bloc2ss"))
+ elseif dom=="d"&type(d)==1 then
+ dom=d
+ elseif type(dom)==1&type(d)==1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Multi rate discrete system not implemented.\n"),"bloc2ss"))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ [lboites,lliens,lentrees,lsorties]=blocdext(syst)
+ nio=[prod(size(lentrees)),prod(size(lsorties))]
+ //
+ lliens=[lliens lentrees lsorties]
+ if lhs==2 then
+ in_names=[]
+ for kvar=lentrees
+ obj=syst(kvar)
+ in_names=[in_names;obj(2)]
+ end
+ out_names=[]
+ for kvar=lsorties
+ obj=syst(kvar)
+ out_names=[out_names;obj(2)]
+ end
+ name=list(in_names,out_names)
+ end
+ //on ecrit le systeme bloc diagonal constitue de l'ensemble des sous systemes
+ a=[];ms=0;b=[];mi=0;c=[];mo=0;d=[];lgain=[]
+ insize=1;outsize=1;inn=1;outn=1;
+ in=[];out=[];
+ corresp=[];l=0
+ for numero=lboites
+ l=l+1
+ corresp(numero)=l
+ bloc=syst(numero);transfert=bloc(2)
+ if type(transfert)==1 then //c'est un gain
+ [mok,mik]=size(transfert)
+ [msk,msk]=size([])
+ if ms>0 then
+ b(ms,mi+1:mi+mik)=0*ones(1,mik)
+ c(mo+1:mo+mok,ms)=0*ones(mok,1)
+ end
+ d(mo+1:mo+mok,mi+1:mi+mik)=transfert
+ mo=mo+mok;mi=mi+mik;ms=ms+msk
+ insize=[insize insize(inn)+mik];inn=inn+1
+ outsize=[outsize outsize(outn)+mok];outn=outn+1
+ else // un bloc dynamique
+ [mok,mik]=size(transfert(5))
+ [msk,msk]=size(transfert(2))
+ a(ms+1:ms+msk,ms+1:ms+msk)=transfert(2)
+ b(ms+1:ms+msk,mi+1:mi+mik)=transfert(3)
+ c(mo+1:mo+mok,ms+1:ms+msk)=transfert(4)
+ d(mo+1:mo+mok,mi+1:mi+mik)=transfert(5)
+ mo=mo+mok;mi=mi+mik;ms=ms+msk
+ insize=[insize insize(inn)+mik];inn=inn+1
+ outsize=[outsize outsize(outn)+mok];outn=outn+1
+ end
+ end
+ //on ecrit la matrice de feedback K
+ k=0*ones(insize(inn)-1,outsize(outn)-1)
+ for numero=lliens
+ fil=syst(numero)
+ nnum=size(fil)-3
+ if nnum<=0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Incorrect link: %s"),"bloc2ss",string(numero)))
+ end
+ debut=fil(3)
+ bdebut=debut(1) //numero de la boite origine du lien ou de l'entree
+ pdebut=debut(2:prod(size(debut))) // ports origines
+ if pdebut==[] then // dimension implicite
+ fin=fil(4);pfin=fin(2:prod(size(fin)))
+ if pfin<>[] then
+ //meme dimension que le port d'entree du premier bloc connecte
+ pdebut=1:prod(size(pfin))
+ else
+ if fin(1)>0 then // dimension d'entree du premier bloc aval
+ bfin=corresp(fin(1))
+ pdebut=1:(insize(bfin+1)-insize(bfin))
+ else // dimension de sortie du bloc amont
+ bd=corresp(bdebut)
+ pdebut=1:(outsize(bd+1)-outsize(bd))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if bdebut>0 then, //le lien est issu d'un bloc
+ bdebut=corresp(bdebut)
+ ll0=1
+ else // le lien correspond a une entree
+ if nnum>1 then, //l'entree attaque plusieurs blocs,on rajoute un gain
+ np=prod(size(pdebut))
+ d(mo+np,mi+np)=eye(np,np)
+ if ms>0 then b(ms,mi+np)=0;c(mo+np,ms)=0;end
+ mo=mo+np
+ mi=mi+np
+ in=[in mi]
+ insize=[insize insize(inn)+np];inn=inn+1
+ outsize=[outsize outsize(outn)+np];outn=outn+1
+ bdebut=outn-1
+ k(mi,mo)=0
+ else
+ fin=fil(4)
+ bfin=corresp(fin(1))
+ fin=fin(2:prod(size(fin)))
+ if fin==[] then //dimension implicite
+ fin=1:(insize(bfin+1)-insize(bfin))
+ end
+ in=[in, (insize(bfin)-1)*ones(fin)+fin]
+ ll0=2
+ end
+ end
+ for ll=ll0:nnum
+ fin=fil(ll+3)
+ bfin=fin(1)
+ if bfin >0 then
+ bfin=corresp(bfin)
+ pfin=fin(2:prod(size(fin)))
+ if pfin==[] then //dimension implicite
+ pfin=1:(insize(bfin+1)-insize(bfin))
+ end
+ iin=(insize(bfin)-1)*ones(pfin)+pfin
+ iou=(outsize(bdebut)-1)*ones(pdebut)+pdebut
+ k(iin,iou)=eye(prod(size(iin)),prod(size(iou)))
+ else // le lien fournit une sortie
+ pfin=fin(2:prod(size(fin)))
+ if pfin==[] then //dimension implicite
+ pfin=1:prod(size(pdebut))
+ end
+ if prod(size(pfin))<>prod(size(pdebut)) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for link from block %s.\n"),"bloc2ss",string(bdebut)))
+ end
+ out=[out, (outsize(bdebut)-1)*ones(pfin)+pdebut(pfin)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if or(size(d')<>size(k)) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Invalid sizes found during the process.\n"),"bloc2ss"))
+ end
+ sl=syslin([],a,b,c,d)/.(-k)
+ sl=sl(out,in)
+ sl(7)=dom
+function [lboites,lliens,lentrees,lsorties]=blocdext(syst)
+ //!
+ //
+ lboites=[]
+ lliens=[]
+ lentrees=[]
+ lsorties=[]
+ nsyst=size(syst)
+ for k=2:nsyst
+ obj=syst(k)
+ if type(obj)==15, if size(obj)>1 then
+ select part(obj(1),1)
+ case "t",
+ lboites=[lboites,k]
+ case "l"
+ obj2=obj(3)
+ if obj2(1)>0 then
+ nobj=size(obj)
+ is_sortie=[]
+ for ko=3:nobj
+ objk=obj(ko)
+ if objk(1)<0 then is_sortie=[is_sortie,-objk(1)],end
+ end;
+ if is_sortie==[] then lliens=[lliens,k],
+ else lsorties(1,is_sortie)=k
+ end;
+ else lentrees(1,-obj2(1))=k,
+ end;
+ else error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Undefined type ''%s''.\n"),"bloc2ss",part(obj(1),1)))
+ end;
+ end,end
+ end;
+ if lsorties==[] then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: No output found.\n"),"bloc2ss")),
+ end
+ if lentrees==[] then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: No input found.\n"),"bloc2ss")),
+ end
+ if min(lsorties)==0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Some output(s) are undefined.\n"),"bloc2ss")),
+ end
+ if min(lentrees)==0 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Some input(s) are undefined.\n"),"bloc2ss")),
+ end