path: root/modules/cacsd/demos
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/cacsd/demos')
21 files changed, 3265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/cacsd.dem.gateway.sce b/modules/cacsd/demos/cacsd.dem.gateway.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..892470049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/cacsd.dem.gateway.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+function subdemolist = demo_gateway()
+ demopath = get_absolute_file_path("cacsd.dem.gateway.sce");
+ add_demo(gettext("CACSD"), demopath + "cacsd.dem.gateway.sce");
+ subdemolist = [_("LQG") , "lqg/lqg.dem"
+ _("Mixed-sensitivity") , "mixed.dem"
+ _("PID") , "pid.dem"
+ _("Inverted pendulum") , "pendulum/pendule.dem"
+ _("Flat systems") , "flat/flat.dem.gateway.sce"
+ _("Tracking") , "tracking/track.dem.sce"
+ _("Robust control") , "robust/rob.dem"]
+ subdemolist(:,2) = demopath + subdemolist(:,2);
+subdemolist = demo_gateway();
+clear demo_gateway;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/cont.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/cont.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9eb473784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/cont.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_cont()
+ deff('[]=demoexc(fil)','exec(''SCI/modules/cacsd/demos/''+fil)')
+ while %t do
+ n=x_choose(['LQG','Mixed-sensitivity','PID'],'Select a demo');
+ select n
+ case 0
+ break
+ case 1
+ demoexc('lqg/lqg.dem')
+ case 2
+ demoexc('mixed.dem')
+ case 3
+ demoexc('pid.dem')
+ end
+ end
+clear demo_cont;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.dem.sce b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.dem.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9889eca5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.dem.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+function demo_car()
+ exec("SCI/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.sci",-1);
+ initial =[3;3;0;0];
+ final =[0;0;0;0];
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ toolbar(my_handle.figure_id,"off");
+ state=car_solve(initial,final);
+ display_car_trajectory(state);
+clear demo_car;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.sci b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6ccf8757c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/car.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+function state=car_solve(initial,final)
+ //
+ //
+ // explicit computation and visualisation of the motions.
+ //
+ // February 1993
+ //
+ // ............................................................
+ // : pierre ROUCHON <> :
+ // : Centre Automatique et Systemes, Ecole des Mines de Paris :
+ // : 60, bd Saint Michel -- 75272 PARIS CEDEX 06, France :
+ // : Telephone: (1) 40 51 91 15 --- Fax: (1) 43 54 18 93 :
+ // :..........................................................:
+ //
+ // initial: initial position [x,y,theta,phi]
+ // final : final position [x,y,theta,phi]
+ // theta : the car angle
+ // phi : the front wheel angle
+ bigT = 1 ;//basic time interval for one smooth motion (s)
+ bigL = 1 ;// car length (m)
+ // computation of intermediate configuration
+ x0 = max(initial(1),final(2)) ....
+ + bigL*abs(tan(initial(3))) ...
+ + bigL*abs(tan(final(3))) ...
+ + bigL*(abs(initial(2)-final(2))/bigL)^(1/2) ;
+ y0 = (initial(2)+final(2))/2 ;
+ intermediate=[x0,y0,0,0]'
+ // first polynomial curve
+ state=[matrix(initial,1,-1);
+ car_polynomial_curve(initial,intermediate,"direct")]
+ //
+ // second polynomial curve
+ state = [ state;
+ matrix(intermediate,1,-1)
+ car_polynomial_curve(final,intermediate,"reverse")
+ matrix(final,1,-1)]
+function state=car_polynomial_curve(initial,final,orient)
+ nbpt = 40 ; // sampling of motion
+ theta1 = initial(3) ; phi1 = initial(4) ;
+ da = initial(1)-final(1)
+ M = [da^3 da^4 da^5
+ 3*da^2 4*da^3 5*da^4
+ 6*da 12*da^2 20*da^3 ] ;
+ q = [initial(2)-final(2)
+ tan(theta1)
+ tan(phi1)/(bigL*(cos(theta1)^3))] ;
+ p = inv(M)*q ;
+ tau=(0:nbpt)'/nbpt
+ phi=tau.*tau.*(3-2*tau) ;
+ if orient=="reverse" then
+ a = (1-phi)*final(1) + phi*initial(1) ;
+ else
+ a = (1-phi)*initial(1) + phi*final(1) ;
+ end
+ da=a-final(1)
+ f= final(2)+ p(1).*da.^3 + p(2).*da.^4 + p(3).*da.^5 ;
+ df = 3*p(1).*da.^2 + 4*p(2).*da.^3 + 5*p(3).*da.^4 ;
+ ddf = 6*p(1).*da + 12*p(2).*da.^2 + 20*p(3).*da.^3 ;
+ k = ddf ./ ((1+df.*df).^(3/2)) ;
+ state=[ a f atan(df) atan(k*bigL)]
+function display_car_trajectory(state)
+ bigL=1
+ set figure_style new;clf();show_window()
+ a=gca()
+ drawlater()
+ a.isoview="on"
+ a.data_bounds=[min(state(:,1))-0.5*bigL, min(state(:,2))-1.5*bigL
+ max(state(:,1))+1.5*bigL, max(state(:,2))+1.5*bigL]
+ rect=matrix(a.data_bounds',-1,1)
+ xpoly(rect([1 3 3 1]),rect([2,2,4,4]),"lines",1)
+ C=build_car()
+ Cinit=[];Cend=[];Cinter=[];
+ for k=1:size(C,"*")
+ Cinit=[Cinit copy(C(k))];
+ Cinter=[Cinter,copy(C(k))];
+ Cend=[Cend,copy(C(k))]
+ end
+ // starting configuration
+ draw_car(Cinit,state(1,:))
+ // end configuration
+ draw_car(Cend,state($,:))
+ // intermediate configuration (inversion of velocity)
+ draw_car(Cinter,state(ceil(size(state,1)/2),:)) ;
+ // trajectory of the linearizing output
+ t1=polyline([state(1,1) state(1,2);state(1,1) state(1,2)]) ;
+ t1.line_style=2;
+ realtimeinit(0.1)
+ for i=1:size(state,1)
+ realtime(i)
+ drawlater()
+ draw_car(C, state(i,:))
+[;state(i,1) state(i,2)];
+ drawnow()
+ end
+ for i=(1:30)+size(state,1),realtime(i),end
+function C=build_car()
+ //build the graphic object for the car
+ //
+ //the car
+ hcar=polyline([-2,7,8,8,7,-2,-2;-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,-2]'/6)
+ hcar.foreground=2
+ // rear wheels
+ hwheel1=polyline([[-1 1]/8; [1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel1.thickness=2
+ hwheel2=polyline([[-1 1]/8; -[1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel2.thickness=2
+ // front wheels
+ hwheel3=polyline([[7 9]/8;[1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel3.thickness=2
+ hwheel4=polyline([[7 9]/8;-[1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel4.thickness=2
+ //return vector of handle on the objects
+ C=[hcar,hwheel1,hwheel2,hwheel3,hwheel4]
+function draw_car(C,pos)
+ if is_handle_valid(C) then
+ drawlater()
+ [x,y,theta,phi]=(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),pos(4))
+ bigL=1
+ Rc=[cos(theta) sin(theta);-sin(theta) cos(theta)]
+ // the car
+ xy = [-2,-2;7,-2;8,-1;8,1;7,2;-2,2;-2,-2]/6
+ C(1).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ // rear wheels
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; [1 1]/6]'
+ C(2).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; -[1 1]/6]'
+ C(3).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ // front wheels
+ xy=[(1-cos(phi)/8) (1/6-sin(phi)/8)
+ (1+cos(phi)/8) (1/6+sin(phi)/8)]
+ C(4).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ xy=[(1-cos(phi)/8) (-1/6-sin(phi)/8)
+ (1+cos(phi)/8) (-1/6+sin(phi)/8)]
+ C(5).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ drawnow()
+ end
+function h=polyline(xy)
+ xpoly(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),"lines")
+ h=gce()
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/fcts.sci b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/fcts.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5a27fcacb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/fcts.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function [xdot]=car(t,x)
+ //
+ //
+ xdot=zeros(1,4) ;
+ // car length for the control computation
+ LCpct = bigL * 1.;
+ // calcul de u1 et u2
+ //
+ if (t<0)
+ u1=0 ; u2=0 ;
+ elseif (t < bigT)
+ // motion 1
+ tau = t/bigT ;
+ phi=tau*tau*(3-2*tau) ;
+ dphi = 6*tau*(1-tau) ;
+ a = (1-phi)*a1 + phi*a0 ;
+ da = ((a0-a1)/bigT) * dphi ;
+ f = p(1).*(a-a0)^3 + p(2).*(a-a0)^4 + p(3).*(a-a0)^5 ;
+ df = 3*p(1).*(a-a0)^2 + 4*p(2).*(a-a0)^3 + 5*p(3).*(a-a0)^4 ;
+ ddf = 6*p(1).*(a-a0) + 12*p(2).*(a-a0)^2 + 20*p(3).*(a-a0)^3 ;
+ dddf= 6*p(1).*1 + 24*p(2).*(a-a0) + 60*p(3).*(a-a0)^2 ;
+ k = ddf / ((1+df*df)^(3/2)) ;
+ dk = ( dddf - 3*df*ddf*ddf/(1+df*df)) / ((1+df*df)^(3/2)) ;
+ u1 = ((1+df*df)^(1/2)) * da ;
+ u2 = (bigL*dk / (1+(bigL*k)^2) ) * da ;
+ elseif (t < (2*bigT) )
+ // motion 2
+ tau = t/bigT -1 ;
+ phi=tau*tau*(3-2*tau) ;
+ dphi = 6*tau*(1-tau) ;
+ a = (1-phi)*a0 + phi*a1 ;
+ da = ((a1-a0)/bigT) * dphi ;
+ f = p(1).*(a-a0)^3 + p(2).*(a-a0)^4 + p(3).*(a-a0)^5 ;
+ df = 3*p(1).*(a-a0)^2 + 4*p(2).*(a-a0)^3 + 5*p(3).*(a-a0)^4 ;
+ ddf = 6*p(1).*(a-a0) + 12*p(2).*(a-a0)^2 + 20*p(3).*(a-a0)^3 ;
+ dddf= 6*p(1).*1 + 24*p(2).*(a-a0) + 60*p(3).*(a-a0)^2 ;
+ k = ddf / ((1+df*df)^(3/2)) ;
+ dk = ( dddf - 3*df*ddf*ddf/(1+df*df)) / ((1+df*df)^(3/2)) ;
+ u1 = ((1+df*df)^(1/2)) * da ;
+ u2 = (LC*dk / (1+(LC*k)^2) ) * da ;
+ else
+ u1=0; u2=0;
+ end
+ xdot(1)= u1 * cos(x(1,3)) ;
+ xdot(2)= u1 * sin(x(1,3)) ;
+ xdot(3)= u1 * tan(x(1,4)) / bigL ;
+ xdot(4)= u2 ;
+ function [xdot]=car2T(t,x)
+ //
+ xdot=zeros(1,6) ;
+ // calcul de u1 et u2
+ //
+ if (t<0)
+ u1=0 ; u2=0 ;
+ elseif (t < bigT)
+ // motion
+ tau = t/bigT ;
+ phi=tau*tau*(3-2*tau) ;
+ dphi = 6*tau*(1-tau) ;
+ a = (1-phi)*a1 + phi*a0 ;
+ da = ((a0-a1)/bigT) * dphi ;
+ [ff df d2f d3f d4f d5f] = cr2Tfjt(a) ;
+ [k2 k1 k0 dk0]=cr2Tfk(df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f) ;
+ u1 = ( (1+(d2*k2)^2)*(1+(d1*k1)^2)*(1+df^2) )^(1/2) * da ;
+ u2 = da * bigL * dk0 / (1+(bigL*k0)^2) ;
+ else
+ u1=0; u2=0;
+ end
+ xdot(1)= u1 * cos(x(1,3)) ;
+ xdot(2)= u1 * sin(x(1,3)) ;
+ xdot(3)= u1 * tan(x(1,6)) / bigL ;
+ xdot(4)= u1 * sin(x(1,3)-x(1,4)) / d1 ;
+ xdot(5)= u1 * sin(x(1,4)-x(1,5)) * cos(x(1,3)-x(1,4)) / d2 ;
+ xdot(6)= u2 ;
+ function [ff,df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f]=cr2Tfjt(a)
+ //
+ //
+ M= [
+ (a-a0)^5 (a-a0)^6 (a-a0)^7 (a-a0)^8 (a-a0)^9
+ 5*(a-a0)^4 6*(a-a0)^5 7*(a-a0)^6 8*(a-a0)^7 9*(a-a0)^8
+ 20*(a-a0)^3 30*(a-a0)^4 42*(a-a0)^5 56*(a-a0)^6 72*(a-a0)^7
+ 60*(a-a0)^2 120*(a-a0)^3 210*(a-a0)^4 336*(a-a0)^5 504*(a-a0)^6
+ 120*(a-a0)^1 360*(a-a0)^2 840*(a-a0)^3 1680*(a-a0)^4 3024*(a-a0)^5
+ 120 720*(a-a0)^1 2520*(a-a0)^2 6720*(a-a0)^3 15120*(a-a0)^4
+ ]*p ;
+ ff = M(1) + b0 ;
+ df = M(2) ;
+ d2f = M(3) ;
+ d3f = M(4) ;
+ d4f = M(5) ;
+ d5f = M(6) ;
+ function [k2,k1,k0,dk0]=cr2Tfk(df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f)
+ //
+ //
+ // computation of curvatures from derivatives of b=f(a)
+ //
+ g = (1+df^2)^(-1/2);
+ dg = - df*d2f*g^3 ;
+ d2g = - g*g*(d2f^2*g+df*d3f*g+3*df*d2f*dg) ;
+ d3g = ....
+ - 2*g*dg*(d2f^2*g+df*d3f*g+3*df*d2f*dg) ....
+ - g^2*(3*d2f*d3f*g+df*d4f*g ....
+ + 4*d2f^2*dg+4*df*d3f*dg+3*df*d2f*d2g) ;
+ //
+ k2 = d2f * g^3 ;
+ dk2 = d3f*g^3 + 3*d2f*g^2*dg ;
+ d2k2 = g^2*(d4f*g+6*d3f*dg+3*d2f*d2g) + 6*g*dg^2*d2f ;
+ d3k2 = 2*g*dg*(d4f*g+6*d3f*dg+3*d2f*d2g) ....
+ + g^2*(d5f*g+7*d4f*dg+9*d3f*d2g+3*d2f*d3g) ....
+ +6*dg^3*d2f+12*g*dg*d2g*d2f+6*g*dg^2*d3f ;
+ //
+ g2 = (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(-1/2) ;
+ dg2 = -d2^2*k2*dk2*g2^3 ;
+ d2g2 = -d2^2*g2^2*(dk2^2*g2+k2*d2k2*g2+3*k2*dk2*dg2) ;
+ //
+ h2 = g2^3*g ;
+ dh2 = g2^2*(3*dg2*g+g2*dg);
+ d2h2 = 2*g2*dg2*(3*dg2*g+g2*dg) ....
+ + g2^2*(3*d2g2*g+4*dg2*dg+g2*d2g) ;
+ //
+ k1 = g2*k2 + d2*h2*dk2 ;
+ dk1 = dg2*k2 + g2*dk2 + d2 * (dh2*dk2+h2*d2k2) ;
+ d2k1 = d2g2*k2 + 2*dg2*dk2 + g2*d2k2 ....
+ + d2 * (d2h2*dk2+2*dh2*d2k2+h2*d3k2) ;
+ //
+ g1 = (1+(d1*k1)^2)^(-1/2) ;
+ dg1 = - d1^2*k1*dk1*g1^3 ;
+ //
+ k0 = g1*k1 + d1*g1^3*g2*g*dk1 ;
+ dk0 = dg1*k1 + g1*dk1 ....
+ + d1*g1^2*(3*dg1*g2*g*dk1+g1*dg2*g*dk1 ....
+ + g1*g2*dg*dk1+g1*g2*g*d2k1) ;
+ function coef=cr2Tkf(b,theta2,theta12,theta01,phi)
+ //
+ //
+ M = [
+ 1*(a1-a0)^5 1*(a1-a0)^6 1*(a1-a0)^7 1*(a1-a0)^8 1*(a1-a0)^9
+ 5*(a1-a0)^4 6*(a1-a0)^5 7*(a1-a0)^6 8*(a1-a0)^7 9*(a1-a0)^8
+ 20*(a1-a0)^3 30*(a1-a0)^4 42*(a1-a0)^5 56*(a1-a0)^6 72*(a1-a0)^7
+ 60*(a1-a0)^2 120*(a1-a0)^3 210*(a1-a0)^4 336*(a1-a0)^5 504*(a1-a0)^6
+ 120*(a1-a0)^1 360*(a1-a0)^2 840*(a1-a0)^3 1680*(a1-a0)^4 3024*(a1-a0)^5
+ ] ;
+ //
+ //
+ df = tan(theta2) ;
+ //
+ // curvatures
+ k2=tan(theta12)/d2;k1=tan(theta01)/d1;k0=tan(phi)/bigL;
+ //
+ ddf = k2*((1+df*df)^(3/2)) ;
+ //
+ // derivative of k2
+ dk2ds2 = ( (1+(d2*k2)^2)/d2 )*( (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(1/2)*k1 - k2 ) ;
+ dk2 = (1+df*df)^(1/2) * dk2ds2 ;
+ //
+ dddf = dk2 * (1+df*df)^(3/2) + 3*k2*df*ddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ;
+ //
+ // second derivative of k2
+ dk1ds1 = ( (1+(d1*k1)^2)/d1 )*( (1+(d1*k1)^2)^(1/2)*k0 - k1 ) ;
+ dk1ds2 = dk1ds1 * (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(1/2) ;
+ //
+ ddk2ds2 = ....
+ 3*d2*k2*dk2ds2*(1+(d2*k2)^2)^(1/2)*k1 ....
+ + (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(3/2)*dk1ds2/d2 ...
+ - (1/d2+3*d2*k2*k2)*dk2ds2 ;
+ //
+ ddk2 = ....
+ df*ddf*((1+df*df)^(-1/2))*dk2ds2 ....
+ + (1+df*df)*ddk2ds2 ;
+ //
+ ddddf = ....
+ ddk2 * (1+df*df)^(3/2) ....
+ + 6*dk2*df*ddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ....
+ + 3*k2*ddf*ddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ....
+ + 3*k2*df*dddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ....
+ + 3*k2*(df*ddf)^2*(1+df*df)^(-1/2) ;
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ coef =inv(M)* [b;df;ddf;dddf;ddddf] ;
+ function []=ptcr(state)
+ //
+ x=state(1);y=state(2);theta=state(3);phi=state(4);
+ //
+ // plot the car
+ //
+ // rear wheels
+ wheel1 = [ -1/8 1/8 ; 1/6 1/6 ] ;
+ wheel2 = [ -1/8 1/8 ; -1/6 -1/6 ] ;
+ // front wheels
+ wheel3 = [(1-cos(phi)/8) (1+cos(phi)/8);
+ (1/6-sin(phi)/8) (1/6+sin(phi)/8) ] ;
+ wheel4 = [(1-cos(phi)/8) (1+cos(phi)/8);
+ (-1/6-sin(phi)/8) (-1/6+sin(phi)/8) ] ;
+ //
+ // car + wheels
+ xy_car = [ [ -1/3 7/6 4/3 4/3 7/6 -1/3 -1/3;
+ -1/3 -1/3 -1/6 1/6 1/3 1/3 -1/3;
+ ] wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 ] ;
+ xy_car = ....
+ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x;
+ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ] + ....
+ bigL*[cos(theta) -sin(theta);sin(theta) cos(theta)]*xy_car ;
+ //
+ xpoly(xy_car(1,1:7),xy_car(2,1:7),"lines") ;
+ // The 4 wheels
+ xpolys(matrix(xy_car(1,8:15),2,4),matrix(xy_car(2,8:15),2,4),[1 1 1 1])
+ function ptcr2T(state)
+ // plot the car with two trailers
+ //
+ x0=state(1);y0=state(2);theta0=state(3);theta1=state(4);
+ theta2=state(5);phi=state(6);
+ theta = theta0 ; x=x0 ; y=y0 ;
+ // rear wheels
+ wheel1 = [ -1/8 1/8 ; 1/6 1/6 ] ;
+ wheel2 = [ -1/8 1/8 ; -1/6 -1/6 ] ;
+ // front wheels
+ wheel3 = [
+ (1-cos(phi)/8) (1+cos(phi)/8)
+ (1/6-sin(phi)/8) (1/6+sin(phi)/8)
+ ] ;
+ wheel4 = [
+ (1-cos(phi)/8) (1+cos(phi)/8)
+ (-1/6-sin(phi)/8) (-1/6+sin(phi)/8)
+ ] ;
+ //
+ // car + wheels
+ xy_car = [ [ -1/3 7/6 4/3 4/3 7/6 -1/3 -1/3
+ -1/3 -1/3 -1/6 1/6 1/3 1/3 -1/3 ] wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 ] ;
+ xy_car = diag([x,y])*ones(2,15) + ...
+ bigL*[cos(theta0) -sin(theta0);sin(theta0) cos(theta0)]*xy_car ;
+ //
+ //
+ // Trailer 1
+ x = x - d1*cos(theta1) ;
+ y = y - d1*sin(theta1) ;
+ //
+ // shift + rotation
+ xy_T1 =diag([x,y])*ones(2,11) + ...
+ [cos(theta1) -sin(theta1);sin(theta1) cos(theta1)]*xy_T1 ;
+ //
+ // Trailer 2
+ x = x - d2*cos(theta2) ;
+ y = y - d2*sin(theta2) ;
+ //
+ // shift + rotation
+ xy_T2 = diag([x,y])*ones(2,11)+ ...
+ [cos(theta2) -sin(theta2);sin(theta2) cos(theta2)]*xy_T2 ;
+ //
+ // plots
+ //
+ // Car
+ xpoly(xy_car(1,1:7),xy_car(2,1:7),"lines") ;
+ // The 4 wheels
+ xpolys(matrix(xy_car(1,8:15),2,4),matrix(xy_car(2,8:15),2,4),[1 1 1 1])
+ // trailer 1
+ xpoly(xy_T1(1,1:5),xy_T1(2,1:5),"lines") ;
+ // hitch and wheels
+ xpolys(matrix(xy_T1(1,6:11),2,3),matrix(xy_T1(2,6:11),2,3),[1 1 1 1]);
+ //
+ // trailer 2
+ xpoly(xy_T2(1,1:5),xy_T2(2,1:5),"lines") ;
+ // hitch and wheels
+ xpolys(matrix(xy_T2(1,6:11),2,3),matrix(xy_T2(2,6:11),2,3),[1 1 1 1]);
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/flat.dem.gateway.sce b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/flat.dem.gateway.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b61b5f072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/flat.dem.gateway.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+demopath = get_absolute_file_path("flat.dem.gateway.sce");
+subdemolist = ["Car" ,"car.dem.sce" ; ..
+"Two trailers truck" ,"truck.dem.sce" ]
+subdemolist(:,2) = demopath + subdemolist(:,2);
+clear demopath; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.dem.sce b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.dem.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dedc7b4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.dem.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+// Clear the functions defined in truck.sci to avoid warnings
+function demo_truck()
+ exec("SCI/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.sci",-1);
+ initial = [-2;3;0.5235988;0;0;1];
+ final = [0;0;0;0;0;0];
+ state = truck_solve(initial,final);
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ toolbar(my_handle.figure_id,"off") ;
+ display_truck_trajectory(state);
+clear demo_truck;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.sci b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..43f948302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/flat/truck.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+function state=truck_solve(initial,final)
+ //
+ //
+ // explicit computation and visualisation of the motions.
+ //
+ // February 1993
+ //
+ // ............................................................
+ // : pierre ROUCHON <> :
+ // : Centre Automatique et Systemes, Ecole des Mines de Paris :
+ // : 60, bd Saint Michel -- 75272 PARIS CEDEX 06, France :
+ // : Telephone: (1) 40 51 91 15 --- Fax: (1) 43 54 18 93 :
+ // :..........................................................:
+ //
+ // initial: initial position [x,y,theta1,theta2,theta3,phi]
+ // final : final position [x,y,theta1,theta2,theta3,phi]
+ // theta1,theta2,theta3 : the car and the trailers angles
+ // phi : the front wheel angle
+ bigT = 1 ;//basic time interval for one smooth motion (s)
+ bigL = 1 ;// car length (m)
+ d1 = 1.5 ; d2 = 1 ; //trailers length
+ // computation of intermediate configuration
+ LL=bigL+d1+d2
+ x0 = max(initial(1),final(2)) ....
+ + LL*abs(tan(initial(3))) ...
+ + LL*abs(tan(initial(4))) ...
+ + LL*abs(tan(initial(5))) ...
+ + LL*(abs(initial(2)-final(2))/(d1+d2+bigL))^(1/2) ;
+ y0 = (initial(2)+final(2))/2 ;
+ intermediate=[x0,y0,0,0,0,0]'
+ // first polynomial curve
+ state=truck_polynomial_curve(initial,intermediate,"direct")
+ //
+ // second polynomial curve
+ state = [ state;
+ truck_polynomial_curve(final,intermediate,"reverse") ]
+function state=truck_polynomial_curve(initial,final,orient)
+ nbpt = 40 ; // sampling of motion
+ phi = initial(6) ;
+ theta2 = initial(3) ;
+ theta1 = initial(4)+theta2
+ theta0 = initial(5)+theta1
+ x0=initial(1)+d2*cos(theta2)+d1*cos(theta1) ;
+ y0=initial(2)+d2*sin(theta2)+d1*sin(theta1) ;
+ if orient<>"reverse" then
+ state = [x0 y0 theta0 theta1 theta2 phi] ;
+ else
+ state=[]
+ end
+ a0=final(1);a1=initial(1);b0=final(2)
+ db = initial(2)-final(2)
+ p = cr2Tkf(db,initial(3),initial(4),initial(5),phi) ;
+ tau=(0:nbpt)'/nbpt
+ phi=tau.*tau.*(3-2*tau) ;
+ if orient=="reverse" then
+ aa = (1-phi)*final(1) + phi*initial(1) ;
+ else
+ aa = (1-phi)*initial(1) + phi*final(1) ;
+ end
+ for i=1:(nbpt+1)
+ [bb,df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f] = cr2Tfjt(aa(i)) ;
+ [k2,k1,k0,dk0]=cr2Tfk(df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f) ;
+ theta2 = atan(df);
+ theta1 = atan(k2*d2)+theta2;
+ theta0 = atan(k1*d1) + theta1 ;
+ phi = atan(k0*bigL) ;
+ x0=aa(i)+d2*cos(theta2)+d1*cos(theta1) ;
+ y0=bb+d2*sin(theta2)+d1*sin(theta1) ;
+ state= [ state;
+ x0 y0 theta0 theta1 theta2 phi] ;
+ end
+function [ff,df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f]=cr2Tfjt(a)
+ //
+ //
+ da = a-a0
+ M= [ da^5 da^6 da^7 da^8 da^9
+ 5*da^4 6*da^5 7*da^6 8*da^7 9*da^8
+ 20*da^3 30*da^4 42*da^5 56*da^6 72*da^7
+ 60*da^2 120*da^3 210*da^4 336*da^5 504*da^6
+ 120*da^1 360*da^2 840*da^3 1680*da^4 3024*da^5
+ 120 720*da^1 2520*da^2 6720*da^3 15120*da^4]*p ;
+ ff = M(1) + b0 ;
+ df = M(2) ;
+ d2f = M(3) ;
+ d3f = M(4) ;
+ d4f = M(5) ;
+ d5f = M(6) ;
+function coef=cr2Tkf(b,theta2,theta12,theta01,phi)
+ //
+ //
+ da = a1-a0
+ M = [1*da^5 1*da^6 1*da^7 1*da^8 1*da^9
+ 5*da^4 6*da^5 7*da^6 8*da^7 9*da^8
+ 20*da^3 30*da^4 42*da^5 56*da^6 72*da^7
+ 60*da^2 120*da^3 210*da^4 336*da^5 504*da^6
+ 120*da^1 360*da^2 840*da^3 1680*da^4 3024*da^5] ;
+ //
+ //
+ df = tan(theta2) ;
+ //
+ // curvatures
+ k2=tan(theta12)/d2;k1=tan(theta01)/d1;k0=tan(phi)/bigL;
+ //
+ ddf = k2*((1+df*df)^(3/2)) ;
+ //
+ // derivative of k2
+ dk2ds2 = ( (1+(d2*k2)^2)/d2 )*( (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(1/2)*k1 - k2 ) ;
+ dk2 = (1+df*df)^(1/2) * dk2ds2 ;
+ //
+ dddf = dk2 * (1+df*df)^(3/2) + 3*k2*df*ddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ;
+ //
+ // second derivative of k2
+ dk1ds1 = ( (1+(d1*k1)^2)/d1 )*( (1+(d1*k1)^2)^(1/2)*k0 - k1 ) ;
+ dk1ds2 = dk1ds1 * (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(1/2) ;
+ //
+ ddk2ds2 = ....
+ 3*d2*k2*dk2ds2*(1+(d2*k2)^2)^(1/2)*k1 ....
+ + (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(3/2)*dk1ds2/d2 ...
+ - (1/d2+3*d2*k2*k2)*dk2ds2 ;
+ //
+ ddk2 = ....
+ df*ddf*((1+df*df)^(-1/2))*dk2ds2 ....
+ + (1+df*df)*ddk2ds2 ;
+ //
+ ddddf = ....
+ ddk2 * (1+df*df)^(3/2) ....
+ + 6*dk2*df*ddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ....
+ + 3*k2*ddf*ddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ....
+ + 3*k2*df*dddf*(1+df*df)^(1/2) ....
+ + 3*k2*(df*ddf)^2*(1+df*df)^(-1/2) ;
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ coef =inv(M)* [b;df;ddf;dddf;ddddf] ;
+function [k2,k1,k0,dk0]=cr2Tfk(df,d2f,d3f,d4f,d5f)
+ //
+ //
+ // computation of curvatures from derivatives of b=f(a)
+ //
+ g = (1+df^2)^(-1/2);
+ dg = - df*d2f*g^3 ;
+ d2g = - g*g*(d2f^2*g+df*d3f*g+3*df*d2f*dg) ;
+ d3g = ....
+ - 2*g*dg*(d2f^2*g+df*d3f*g+3*df*d2f*dg) ....
+ - g^2*(3*d2f*d3f*g+df*d4f*g ....
+ + 4*d2f^2*dg+4*df*d3f*dg+3*df*d2f*d2g) ;
+ //
+ k2 = d2f * g^3 ;
+ dk2 = d3f*g^3 + 3*d2f*g^2*dg ;
+ d2k2 = g^2*(d4f*g+6*d3f*dg+3*d2f*d2g) + 6*g*dg^2*d2f ;
+ d3k2 = 2*g*dg*(d4f*g+6*d3f*dg+3*d2f*d2g) ....
+ + g^2*(d5f*g+7*d4f*dg+9*d3f*d2g+3*d2f*d3g) ....
+ +6*dg^3*d2f+12*g*dg*d2g*d2f+6*g*dg^2*d3f ;
+ //
+ g2 = (1+(d2*k2)^2)^(-1/2) ;
+ dg2 = -d2^2*k2*dk2*g2^3 ;
+ d2g2 = -d2^2*g2^2*(dk2^2*g2+k2*d2k2*g2+3*k2*dk2*dg2) ;
+ //
+ h2 = g2^3*g ;
+ dh2 = g2^2*(3*dg2*g+g2*dg);
+ d2h2 = 2*g2*dg2*(3*dg2*g+g2*dg) ....
+ + g2^2*(3*d2g2*g+4*dg2*dg+g2*d2g) ;
+ //
+ k1 = g2*k2 + d2*h2*dk2 ;
+ dk1 = dg2*k2 + g2*dk2 + d2 * (dh2*dk2+h2*d2k2) ;
+ d2k1 = d2g2*k2 + 2*dg2*dk2 + g2*d2k2 ....
+ + d2 * (d2h2*dk2+2*dh2*d2k2+h2*d3k2) ;
+ //
+ g1 = (1+(d1*k1)^2)^(-1/2) ;
+ dg1 = - d1^2*k1*dk1*g1^3 ;
+ //
+ k0 = g1*k1 + d1*g1^3*g2*g*dk1 ;
+ dk0 = dg1*k1 + g1*dk1 ....
+ + d1*g1^2*(3*dg1*g2*g*dk1+g1*dg2*g*dk1 ....
+ + g1*g2*dg*dk1+g1*g2*g*d2k1) ;
+function display_truck_trajectory(state)
+ bigL = 1 ; d1 = 1.5 ; d2 = 1;
+ a=gca();
+ drawlater();
+ a.isoview="on"
+ a.data_bounds=[min(state(:,1))-1.5*(d1+d2), min(state(:,2))-bigL
+ max(state(:,1))+1.5*bigL, max(state(:,2))+bigL]
+ rect=matrix(a.data_bounds',-1,1)
+ xpoly(rect([1 3 3 1]),rect([2,2,4,4]),"lines",1)
+ C=build_truck()
+ Cinit=[];
+ Cend=[];
+ Cinter=[];
+ for k=1:size(C,"*")
+ Cinit=[Cinit copy(C(k))];
+ Cinter=[Cinter,copy(C(k))];
+ Cend=[Cend,copy(C(k))]
+ end
+ // starting configuration
+ draw_truck(Cinit,state(1,:))
+ // end configuration
+ draw_truck(Cend,state($,:))
+ // intermediate configuration (inversion of velocity)
+ draw_truck(Cinter,state(ceil(size(state,1)/2),:)) ;
+ // trajectory of the linearizing output
+ x_lin = state(:,1)-d1*cos(state(:,4))-d2*cos(state(:,5)) ;
+ y_lin = state(:,2)-d1*sin(state(:,4))-d2*sin(state(:,5)) ;
+ t1=polyline([x_lin(1) y_lin(1);x_lin(1) y_lin(1)]) ;
+ t2=polyline([state(1,1) state(1,2);state(1,1) state(1,2)]) ;
+ t1.line_style=2;
+ t2.line_style=2;t2.foreground=5
+ realtimeinit(0.2)
+ for i=1:size(state,1)
+ realtime(i)
+ drawlater()
+ draw_truck(C, state(i,:))
+[;x_lin(i), y_lin(i)];
+[;state(i,1), state(i,2)];
+ drawnow()
+ end
+ for i=(1:30)+size(state,1),realtime(i),end
+function C=build_truck()
+ //build the graphic object for the truck
+ //
+ //the car
+ hcar=polyline([-2,7,8,8,7,-2,-2;-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,-2]'/6)
+ hcar.foreground=2
+ // rear wheels
+ hwheel1=polyline([[-1 1]/8; [1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel1.thickness=2
+ hwheel2=polyline([[-1 1]/8; -[1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel2.thickness=2
+ // front wheels
+ hwheel3=polyline([[7 9]/8;[1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel3.thickness=2
+ hwheel4=polyline([[7 9]/8;-[1 1]/6]')
+ hwheel4.thickness=2
+ //Trailer 1
+ ht1=polyline([-1,1,1,-1,-1;-1,-1,1,1,-1]'*bigL/3)
+ ht1.foreground=2
+ hwheel5=polyline([[-1 1]/8;[1 1]/6]'*bigL)
+ hwheel5.thickness=2
+ hwheel6=polyline([[-1 1]/8;-[1 1]/6]'*bigL)
+ hwheel6.thickness=2
+ hhitch1=polyline([bigL/3 d1;0 0]')
+ hhitch1.foreground=2
+ //Trailer 2
+ ht2=polyline([-1,1,1,-1,-1;-1,-1,1,1,-1]'*bigL/3)
+ ht2.foreground=2
+ hwheel7=polyline([[-1 1]/8;[1 1]/6]'*bigL)
+ hwheel7.thickness=2
+ hwheel8=polyline([[-1 1]/8;-[1 1]/6]'*bigL)
+ hwheel8.thickness=2
+ hhitch2=polyline([bigL/3 d2;0 0]')
+ hhitch2.foreground=2
+ //return vector of handle on the objects
+ C=[hcar,hwheel1,hwheel2,hwheel3,hwheel4,..
+ ht1,hwheel5, hwheel6,hhitch1,..
+ ht2, hwheel7,hwheel8,hhitch2]
+function draw_truck(C,pos)
+ drawlater()
+ [x,y,theta1,theta2,theta3,phi]=(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),pos(4),pos(5),pos(6))
+ bigL = 1 ; d1 = 1.5 ; d2 = 1;
+ Rc=[cos(theta1) sin(theta1);-sin(theta1) cos(theta1)]
+ // the car
+ xy = [-2,-2;7,-2;8,-1;8,1;7,2;-2,2;-2,-2]/6
+ C(1).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ // rear wheels
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; [1 1]/6]'
+ C(2).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; -[1 1]/6]'
+ C(3).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ // front wheels
+ xy=[(1-cos(phi)/8) (1/6-sin(phi)/8)
+ (1+cos(phi)/8) (1/6+sin(phi)/8)]
+ C(4).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ xy=[(1-cos(phi)/8) (-1/6-sin(phi)/8)
+ (1+cos(phi)/8) (-1/6+sin(phi)/8)]
+ C(5).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ //Trailer 1
+ Rc=[cos(theta2) sin(theta2);-sin(theta2) cos(theta2)]
+ x = x - d1*cos(theta2) ;
+ y = y - d1*sin(theta2) ;
+ xy = [-1,1,1,-1,-1;-1,-1,1,1,-1]'*bigL/3;
+ C(6).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ //wheels
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; [1 1]/6]'
+ C(7).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; -[1 1]/6]'
+ C(8).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ //hitch
+ xy=[bigL/3 d1;0 0]'
+ C(9).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ //Trailer 2
+ Rc=[cos(theta3) sin(theta3);-sin(theta3) cos(theta3)]
+ x = x - d2*cos(theta3) ;
+ y = y - d2*sin(theta3) ;
+ xy = [-1,1,1,-1,-1;-1,-1,1,1,-1]'*bigL/3;
+ C(10).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ //wheels
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; [1 1]/6]'
+ C(11).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ xy=[[-1 1]/8; -[1 1]/6]'
+ C(12).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ //hitch
+ xy=[bigL/3 d2;0 0]'
+ C(13).data=ones(xy)*diag([x;y])+bigL*xy*Rc
+ drawnow()
+function h=polyline(xy)
+ xpoly(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),"lines")
+ h=gce()
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/lqg.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/lqg.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..52efc765b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/lqg.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_lqg()
+ mode(-1);
+ oldln=lines();
+ lines(0);
+ //display the diagram
+ x=[5,10,20,40,50,70,80,90];xmin=-10;xmax=100;
+ y=[22,28,30,32];ymin=12;ymax=40;
+ xx=[x([1 2 2 7 4 6 3 4 5 6 3 3 5 5]);x([3,2,7,7,5,8,3,4,5,6,4,4,6,6])];
+ yy=[y([3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,4,2,4]);y([3,3,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4])];
+ scf(100001);
+ clf();
+ show_window();
+ a=gca();
+ a.data_bounds=[xmin ymin;xmax ymax];
+ xpolys(xx,yy)
+ xstring(28,30,'K');
+ xstring(56,30,'Plant');
+ xstring(12,28.80,'-');
+ xtitle('PLANT and CONTROLLER')
+ path=get_absolute_file_path('lqg.dem');
+ s=poly(0,'s');z=poly(0,'z');
+ messagebox(['Simple example of SISO LQG Design';
+ 'Demo is in file '+path+'lqg.dem';
+ 'Computes the LQG compensator and plots response'],"modal");
+ n=x_choose(['Continuous time';'Discrete time'],'Select time domain');
+ select n
+ case 0
+ return
+ case 1
+ mode(1)
+ s=poly(0,'s');
+ str='(s-1)/(s^2-5*s+1)';
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str)
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep);
+ Plant=syslin('c',Plant);
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2
+ mode(1)
+ z=poly(0,'z');
+ str='(z+1)/(z^2-5*z+2)'
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str)
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep);
+ Plant=syslin('d',Plant);
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ mode(1)
+ //Nominal Plant
+ P22=tf2ss(Plant); // state-space form
+ [ny,nu,nx]=size(P22);
+ messagebox('Now enter weighting matrices',"modal");
+ rep=x_matrix('x-weighting matrix',eye(nx,nx))
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Qx=evstr(rep);
+ rep=x_matrix('u-weighting matrix',eye(nu,nu));
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Qu=evstr(rep);
+ bigQ=sysdiag(Qx,Qu);
+ rep=x_matrix('x-noise covariance matrix',eye(nx,nx))
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Rx=evstr(rep);
+ rep=x_matrix('y-noise covariance matrix',eye(ny,ny))
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Ry=evstr(rep);
+ bigR=sysdiag(Rx,Ry);
+ [Plqg,r]=lqg2stan(P22,bigQ,bigR); //LQG pb as a standard problem
+ Klqg=lqg(Plqg,r); //LQG compensator
+ disp(spec(h_cl(Plqg,r,Klqg)),'closed loop eigenvalues:'); //Check internal stability
+ [Slqg,Rlqg,Tlqg]=sensi(P22,Klqg); //Sensitivity functions
+ disp(clean(ss2tf(Slqg)),'Sensitivity function');
+ disp(clean(ss2tf(Tlqg)),'Complementary sensitivity function');
+ mode(-1);
+ messagebox('Closed-loop response',"modal");
+ resp=['Frequency response';'Time response'];
+ while %t do
+ n=x_choose(resp,'Select response(s)');
+ select n
+ case 0
+ disp("LQG demo stops!");break;
+ case 1 then
+ mode(1)
+ scf(100001);
+ clf();
+ show_window();
+ bode(Tlqg);
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2
+ if Plant(4)=='c' then
+ mode(1)
+ defv=['0.1';'20'];
+ _title='Enter Sampling period and Tmax';
+ rep=x_mdialog(_title,['Sampling period?';'Tmax?'],defv)
+ if rep==[] then break,end
+ dttmax=evstr(rep)
+ dt=evstr(dttmax(1));
+ tmax=evstr(dttmax(2));
+ t=0:dt/5:tmax;
+ n1=x_choose(['Step response?';'Impulse response?'],'Simulation:');
+ select n1
+ case 1 then
+ scf(100002);
+ clf();
+ show_window();
+ plot2d([t',t'],[(csim('step',t,Tlqg))',ones(t')]);
+ case 2 then
+ scf(100002);
+ clf();
+ show_window();
+ plot2d([t',t'],[(csim('impul',t,Tlqg))',0*t']);
+ end
+ mode(-1)
+ elseif Plant(4)=='d' then
+ mode(1)
+ defv=['30'];
+ _title='Tmax?';
+ rep=x_mdialog(_title,['Tmax='],defv)
+ if rep==[] then break,end
+ Tmax=evstr(rep);
+ mode(-1)
+ n2=x_choose(['Step response?';'Impulse response?'],'Simulation:');
+ select n2
+ case 0 then
+ break;
+ case 1 then
+ mode(1)
+ u=ones(1,Tmax);u(1)=0;
+ scf(100002);clf();show_window();
+ plot2d([(1:Tmax)',(1:Tmax)'],[(dsimul(Tlqg,u))',(ones(1:Tmax)')])
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2 then
+ mode(1)
+ u=zeros(1,Tmax);u(1)=1;
+ scf(100002);clf();show_window();
+ plot2d((1:Tmax)',(dsimul(Tlqg,u))')
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ lines(oldln(2))
+clear demo_lqg;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/lqg2.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/lqg2.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1f13001f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/lqg2.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_lqg2()
+ s=poly(0,'s');
+ Plant=[1/(s+1),s/(s-1)^2;(s-1)*s/(s^2-3*s+2),2/s];
+ Plant=syslin('c',[1/(s+1)*s/(s-1)^2]); //Nominal Plant
+ P22=tf2ss(Plant); // state-space form
+ [ny,nu,nx]=size(P22);
+ rand('seed',0);rand('normal');
+ bigQ=rand(nx+nu,nx+nu);bigQ=bigQ*bigQ';
+ bigR=rand(nx+ny,nx+ny);bigR=bigR*bigR'; //random weighting matrices
+ [Plqg,r]=lqg2stan(P22,bigQ,bigR); //LQG pb as a standard problem
+ Klqg=lqg(Plqg,r); //Controller
+ spec(h_cl(Plqg,r,Klqg)) //Check internal stability
+ [Slqg,Rlqg,Tlqg]=sensi(P22,Klqg); //Sensitivity functions
+ frq=logspace(-3,3); //10^-3 to 10^3
+ y=svplot(Slqg); //Computes singular values;
+ clf();
+ scf(100001);
+ gainplot(frq,y) //Plot sing. values
+ w1=1/(s+1);
+ w2=100;
+ [Ptmp,r]=augment(P22,'SR'); //"S/KS" problem
+ Pinf=sysdiag(w1,w2,1)*Ptmp; //Weighting functions
+ [Kinf,ro]=h_inf(Pinf,r,0,0.1,50);
+ [Sinf,Rinf,Tinf]=sensi(P22,Kinf); //Sensitivity functions
+ y=svplot(Sinf); //Computes singular values;
+ scf(100002);
+ show_window();
+ gainplot(frq,y) //Plot sing. values
+ clf();t=0:0.01:30;u=sin(t);
+ plot2d([t',t'],[u',(flts(u,dscr(Tlqg,0.1))')])
+clear demo_lqg2 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/scheme.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/scheme.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..aa6481927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/lqg/scheme.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_scheme()
+ x=[5,10,20,40,50,70,80,90];xmin=-10;xmax=100;
+ y=[22,28,30,32];ymin=12;ymax=40;
+ xx=[xmin,xmin,x([1 2 2 7 4 6 3 4 5 6 3 3 5 5]);xmax,xmax,x([3,2,7,7,5,8,3,4,5,6,4,4,6,6])];
+ yy=[ymin,ymax,y([3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,4,2,4]);ymin,ymax,y([3,3,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4])];
+ scf(100001);
+ clf();
+ show_window();
+ a=gca();
+ a.data_bounds=[xmin ymin;xmax ymax];
+ xpolys(xx,yy)
+ xstring(28,30,'K');xstring(56,30,'Plant');xstring(12,28.80,'-');
+ xtitle('PLANT and CONTROLLER')
+clear demo_scheme;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/mixed.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/mixed.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..26db4f7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/mixed.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_mixed()
+ mode(-1)
+ lines(0);
+ //display the diagram
+ x=[5,10,20,40,50,70,80,90];xmin=-10;xmax=100;
+ y=[22,28,30,32];ymin=12;ymax=40;
+ xx=[xmin,xmin,x([1 2 2 7 4 6 3 4 5 6 3 3 5 5]);xmax,xmax,x([3,2,7,7,5,8,3,4,5,6,4,4,6,6])];
+ yy=[ymin,ymax,y([3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,4,2,4]);ymin,ymax,y([3,3,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4])];
+ scf(100001);clf();show_window();
+ plot2d(xx,yy,ones(1,16),'022');
+ xstring(28,30,'K');xstring(56,30,'Plant');xstring(12,28.80,'-');
+ xtitle('PLANT and CONTROLLER')
+ mode(2)
+ path=get_absolute_file_path('mixed.dem');
+ messagebox(['Mixed Sensitivity Controller Design';
+ 'file: '+path+'mixed.dem'],"modal");
+ mode(1)
+ s=poly(0,'s');
+ str='[(s-1)/((s-1)^2*(s+2))]';
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str)
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep);Plant=syslin('c',Plant);
+ //Nominal Plant
+ P22=tf2ss(Plant); // state-space form
+ [ny,nu,nx]=size(P22);
+ [Pms,r]=augment(P22);
+ txt=['W1 (sensitivity function S)';'W2 (K*S)';'W3 (complementary sensitivity T)'];
+ default=['s';'1';'1'];
+ while %t
+ rep=x_mdialog('Set weighting functions',txt,default);
+ if rep==[] then return;end
+ W1=evstr(rep(1));W2=evstr(rep(2));W3=evstr(rep(3));
+ default=rep;
+ Pms=sysdiag(W1,W2,W3,eye(P22))*Pms;
+ gms=['gamma min= ';'gamma max= ';'# iterations'];
+ vals=['0.01';'1000';'50'];
+ reps=x_mdialog('Set interval for gamma and #iterations',gms,vals);
+ if reps==[] then return;end
+ mumin=1/evstr(reps(2))^2;
+ mumax=1/evstr(reps(1))^2;
+ iter=evstr(reps(3));
+ [K,mu]=h_inf(Pms,r,mumin,mumax,iter);
+ if K~=[] then break;end
+ end
+ disp(spec(h_cl(Pms,r,K)),'closed loop eigenvalues') //Check internal stability
+ [Ssens,Rsens,Tsens]=sensi(P22,K); //Sensitivity functions
+ messagebox('Singular values plot',"modal");
+ fcts=['S function';'R (=K*S) function';'T function'];
+ www=x_mdialog('Select sensitivity function',fcts,['Yes';'No';'Yes']);
+ if www==[] then return,end
+ ww1=part(www(1),1)=='Y';
+ if ww1 then
+ scf(100002);clf();show_window();
+ gainplot(Ssens);
+ xtitle('S = Sensitivity function');
+ end
+ ww2=part(www(2),1)=='Y';
+ if ww2 then
+ scf(100003);clf();show_window();
+ gainplot(Rsens);
+ xtitle('R (=G*S) Sensitivity function');
+ end
+ ww3=part(www(3),1)=='Y';
+ if ww3 then
+ scf(100004);clf();show_window();
+ gainplot(Tsens);
+ xtitle('T = Complementary Sensitivity function');
+ end
+clear demo_mixed;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/graphics.sci b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/graphics.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cf0bab7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/graphics.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function P=initialize_display(xg,teta)
+ clf();a=gca();a.isoview="on";
+ drawlater();//f=gcf();
+ a.data_bounds=[-0.4 -0.2;0.4 0.3];
+ a.margins=zeros(1,4);
+ y1=0;lb=l;hc=0.05;lc=0.1;teta=.25;r=0.013
+ P=build_pendulum([xg,y1],[lc,hc,lb,teta,r])
+ xsegs([-0.4 0.4],[y1-2*r y1-2*r]);
+ drawnow();
+function [P]=dpnd()
+ //dpnd() scheme of experiment
+ //!
+ clf();
+ drawlater()
+ a=gca();
+ a.isoview="on";
+ f = gcf() ;
+ f.axes_size = [640,480];
+ a.data_bounds=[0 0;100 100];
+ a.margins(3:4)=[0 0.2];
+ xg=40;
+ y1=25;
+ lb=40;
+ hc=10;
+ lc=20;
+ teta=.25;
+ r=2.5;
+ P=build_pendulum([xg,y1],[lc,hc,lb,teta,r])
+ //the floor
+ xarrows([10 90],[y1-5 y1-5],0);
+ xstring(90,y1,"x")
+ // the force
+ yg=y1+hc/2,
+ x2=xg+lc/2;
+ xarrows([x2 x2+10],[yg yg],2);
+ xstring(x2+20,yg,"u (force)",0,0);
+ // the vertical
+ y2=y1+hc;
+ xsegs([xg xg],[y2 y2+lb]);e=gce();e.line_style=2;e.segs_color=-1;
+ // the angle teta
+ xstring(xg+lb*sin(teta)/2,y2+lb*cos(teta),"a",0,0);
+ e=gce();e.font_size=3;
+ //the differential equations
+ xstring(5,-9,["a'''' = (-sin(a)*cos(a)*(m/(m+M))*a''^2 + 2/(mb*l)*(sin(a)*m*g - qm*cos(a)*u))/d"
+ "x'''' = (u+m*(l/2)*(sin(a)a''^2-cos(a)*a''''))/(m+M);"
+ "m: weight of the pendulum"
+ "M: weight of the cart"
+ "l: length of the pendulum"])
+ drawnow()
+function P=build_pendulum(o,params)
+ xg=o(1)
+ y1=o(2)
+ lc=params(1) //width of the cart
+ hc=params(2) //height of the cart
+ lb=params(3) //length of the pendulum
+ teta=params(4) //angle of the pendulum
+ r=params(5) //radius of wires
+ y2=y1+hc;
+ x2=xg+lc/2;
+ x1=xg-lc/2;
+ //cart
+ xrect([xg-lc/2,y1+hc,lc,hc]);e1=gce();
+ xfarcs([x1+lc/10-r;y1;2*r;2*r;0;360*64],1);e2=gce();
+ xfarcs([x2-2*r+lc/10-r;y1;2*r;2*r;0;360*64],1);e3=gce();
+ //pendulum
+ xsegs([xg,xg+lb*sin(teta)],[y2,y2+lb*cos(teta)]),
+ e4=gce();e4.thickness=2;e4.segs_color=-1;
+ P=glue([e4 e3 e2 e1])
+ P.user_data=[xg,lb]
+function P=set_pendulum(P,x,theta)
+ p=P.user_data
+ xg=p(1);lb=p(2);
+ //translation
+ drawlater();
+ e=P.children(1);;
+ e=P.children(2).children;;
+ e=P.children(3).children;;
+ e=P.children(4);,1),1)+x-xg;
+ //change the pendulum angle
+,:),:)+[lb*sin(theta) lb*cos(theta)];
+ P.user_data(1)=x
+ drawnow();
+function draw1()
+ f=gcf();f.figure_position=[10 10];show_window()
+ clf();
+ drawlater();
+ f.background=color("gray");
+ f.figure_size=[850,650];
+ y=y(:,1:70); n=size(y,2);
+ a1=gca();sca(a1);
+ a1.axes_bounds=[0 0 0.5 0.5];
+ a1.data_bounds=[1,min(y(1,:));n max(y(1,:))];
+ a1.margins(1)=0.2;
+ a1.axes_visible="on";
+ a1.x_label.text="time";
+ a1.y_label.text="position";
+ = "on";
+ p1=xpoly(1,y(1,1));p1=gce();
+ a2=newaxes();sca(a2);
+ a2.axes_bounds=[0.5,0,0.5,0.5];
+ a2.data_bounds=[1,min(y(2,:));n max(y(2,:))];
+ a2.margins(1)=0.2;
+ a2.axes_visible="on";
+ a2.x_label.text="time";
+ a2.y_label.text="theta";
+ = "on";
+ xpoly(1,y(2,1));;p2=gce();
+ a3=newaxes();
+ a3.axes_bounds= [0,0.5,1,0.5];
+ a3.isoview="on";
+ a3.data_bounds=[-0.4 -0.1;0.4 0.4];
+ = "on";
+ y1=0;lb=l;hc=0.05;lc=0.1;teta=100*y(2,1);r=0.013;xg=100*y(1,1);
+ sca(a3);
+ P=build_pendulum([xg,y1],[lc,hc,lb,teta,r])
+ xsegs([-0.4 0.4],[y1-2*r y1-2*r]);
+ drawnow()
+ for k=1:size(y,2)
+ drawlater();
+ xx=100*y(1,k);tt=100*y(2,k);
+ // contains draw now
+ P=set_pendulum(P,xx,tt);
+ end
+function draw2()
+ f=gcf();f.figure_position=[10 10];show_window()
+ clf();
+ drawlater()
+ f.figure_size=[850,650];
+ f.background=color("gray");
+ yd=yd(:,1:100); n=size(yd,2);
+ c = kr*yd(5:8,:) //control
+ theta = yd(3,:) //angle
+ thetaE= yd(7,:) // estimated angle
+ x = yd(1,:)
+ a1=gca();sca(a1);
+ a1.axes_bounds=[0 0 0.5 0.5];
+ a1.data_bounds=[min(t1),min(c);t1(n) max(c)];
+ a1.margins(1)=0.2;
+ a1.axes_visible="on";
+ a1.x_label.text="time";
+ a1.y_label.text="Control (u)";
+ = "on";
+ p1=xpoly(t1(1),c(1));p1=gce();
+ a2=newaxes();sca(a2);
+ a2.axes_bounds=[0.5,0,0.5,0.5];
+ a2.data_bounds=[t1(1),min([theta thetaE]);t1(n) max([theta thetaE])];
+ a2.margins(1)=0.2;
+ a2.axes_visible="on";
+ a2.x_label.text="time";
+ a2.y_label.text="theta";
+ = "on";
+ xpoly(t1(1),theta(1));p2=gce();
+ xpoly(t1(1),thetaE(1));p3=gce();p3.line_style=2;
+ a3=newaxes();
+ a3.axes_bounds= [0,0.5,1,0.5];
+ a3.isoview="on";
+ a3.data_bounds=[-0.4 -0.1;0.4 0.4];
+ = "on";
+ y1=0;lb=l;hc=0.05;lc=0.1;;r=0.013;
+ sca(a3);
+ P=build_pendulum([100*x(1),y1],[lc,hc,lb,100*theta(1),r])
+ xsegs([-0.4 0.4],[y1-2*r y1-2*r]);
+ drawnow()
+ for k=1:n
+ drawlater();
+ xx=x(k);tt=theta(k);
+ // contains draw now
+ P=set_pendulum(P,xx,tt);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/pendule.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/pendule.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ddec6c606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/pendule.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_pendule()
+ mode(-1)
+ exec("SCI/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/simulation.sci", -1);
+ exec("SCI/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/graphics.sci", -1);
+ //disable displayed lines control
+ display_props=lines(); lines(0)
+ my_handle = scf(100001);
+ clf(my_handle,"reset");
+ show_window();
+ wdim=xget('wdim')
+ //mode(1)
+ dpnd()
+ //
+ // equations
+ //----------
+ //state =[x x' theta theta']
+ //
+ mb=0.1;mc=1;l=0.3;m=4*mc+mb; //constants
+ //
+ messagebox(['Open loop simulation'
+ ' '
+ ' y0 = [0;0;0.1;0]; //initial state [x x'' theta theta'']'
+ ' t = 0.03*(1:180); //observation dates'
+ ' y = ode(y0,0,0.03*(1:180),ivpd); //differential equation integration'
+ ' //Display'
+ ' P = initialize_display(y0(1),y0(3))'
+ ' for k=1:size(y,2), set_pendulum(P,y(1,k),y(3,k));end'],"modal");
+ //
+ y0=[0;0;0.1;0];
+ y=ode(y0,0,0.03*(1:180),ivpd);
+ P=initialize_display(y0(1),y0(3));
+ for k=1:size(y,2), set_pendulum(P,y(1,k),y(3,k));end
+ //
+ messagebox(['Linearization'
+ ' '
+ ' x0=[0;0;0;0];u0=0;'
+ ' [f,g,h,j]=lin(pendu,x0,u0);'
+ ' pe=syslin(''c'',f,g,h,j);'
+ ' // display of the linear system'
+ ' ssprint(pe)'],"modal")
+ //
+ mode(1)
+ x0=[0;0;0;0];u0=0;
+ [f,g,h,j]=lin(pendu,x0,u0);
+ pe=syslin('c',f,g,h,j);
+ ssprint(pe)
+ mode(-1)
+ //
+ messagebox(['Checking the result'
+ ' //comparison with linear model computed by hand';
+ ''
+ ' f1=[0 1 0 0'
+ ' 0 0 -3*mb*9.81/m 0'
+ ' 0 0 0 1'
+ ' 0 0 6*(mb+mc)*9.81/(m*l) 0];'
+ ' '
+ ' g1=[0 ; 4/m ; 0 ; -6/(m*l)];'
+ ' '
+ ' h1=[1 0 0 0'
+ ' 0 0 1 0];'
+ ' '
+ ' err=norm(f-f1,1)+norm(g-g1,1)+norm(h-h1,1)+norm(j,1)'],"modal")
+ //
+ mode(1)
+ f1=[0 1 0 0
+ 0 0 -3*mb*9.81/m 0
+ 0 0 0 1
+ 0 0 6*(mb+mc)*9.81/(m*l) 0];
+ g1=[0 ; 4/m ; 0 ; -6/(m*l)];
+ h1=[1 0 0 0
+ 0 0 1 0];
+ err=norm(f-f1,1)+norm(g-g1,1)+norm(h-h1,1)+norm(j,1)
+ mode(-1)
+ messagebox(['Linear system properties analysis'
+ ' spec(f) //stability (unstable system !)'
+ ' n=contr(f,g) //controlability'
+ ' '
+ ' //observability'
+ ' m1=contr(f'',h(1,:)'') '
+ ' [m2,t]=contr(f'',h(2,:)'')'],"modal");
+ //---------
+ mode(1)
+ spec(f) //stability (unstable system !)
+ n=contr(f,g) //controlability
+ //observability
+ m1=contr(f',h(1,:)')
+ [m2,t]=contr(f',h(2,:)')
+ mode(-1)
+ //
+ messagebox(['Synthesis of a stabilizing controller using poles placement'
+ ' '
+ '// only x and theta are observed : contruction of an observer'
+ '// to estimate the state : z''=(f-k*h)*z+k*y+g*u'
+ ' to=0.1; '
+ ' k=ppol(f'',h'',-ones(4,1)/to)'' //observer gain'
+ '// compute the compensator gain'
+ ' kr=ppol(f,g,-ones(4,1)/to)'],"modal");
+ //-------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //pole placement technique
+ //only x and theta are observed : contruction of an observer
+ //to estimate the state : z'=(f-k*h)*z+k*y+g*u
+ //
+ to=0.1; //
+ k=ppol(f',h',-ones(4,1)/to)' //observer gain
+ //
+ //verification
+ //
+ // norm( poly(f-k*h,'z')-poly(-ones(4,1)/to,'z'))
+ //
+ kr=ppol(f,g,-ones(4,1)/to) //compensator gain
+ //
+ messagebox(['Build full linear system pendulum-observer-compensator'
+ ' '
+ ' ft=[f-g*kr -g*kr'
+ ' 0*f f-k*h]'
+ ' '
+ ' gt=[g;0*g];'
+ ' ht=[h,0*h];'
+ ''
+ ' pr=syslin(''c'',ft,gt,ht);'
+ ''
+ '//Check the closed loop dynamic'
+ ' spec(pr.A)'
+ ' '
+ '//transfer matrix representation'
+ ' hr=clean(ss2tf(pr),1.d-10)'
+ ' '
+ '//frequency analysis'
+ ' black(pr,0.01,100,[''position'',''theta''])'
+ ' g_margin(pr(1,1))'],"modal");
+ //---------------------------------------------
+ //
+ //state: [x x-z]
+ //
+ mode(1)
+ ft=[f-g*kr -g*kr
+ 0*f f-k*h];
+ gt=[g;0*g];
+ ht=[h,0*h];
+ pr=syslin('c',ft,gt,ht);
+ // closed loop dynamics:
+ spec(pr(2))
+ //transfer matrix representation
+ hr=clean(ss2tf(pr),1.d-10)
+ //frequency analysis
+ clf()
+ black(pr,0.01,100,['position','theta'])
+ g_margin(pr(1,1))
+ mode(-1)
+ //
+ messagebox(['Sampled system'
+ ' '
+ ' t=to/5; //sampling period'
+ ' prd=dscr(pr,t); //discrete model'
+ ' spec(prd.A) //poles of the discrete model'],"modal");
+ //---------------
+ //
+ mode(1)
+ t=to/5;
+ prd=dscr(pr,t);
+ spec(prd(2))
+ mode(-1)
+ //
+ messagebox(['Impulse response'
+ ' '
+ ' x0=[0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0]; //initial state'
+ ' u(1,180)=0;u(1,1)=1; //impulse'
+ ' y=flts(u,prd,x0); //siscrete system simulation'
+ ' draw1()'],"modal");
+ //-----------------
+ //
+ mode(1)
+ x0=[0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0];
+ u(1,180)=0;u(1,1)=1;
+ y=flts(u,prd,x0);
+ draw1()
+ mode(-1)
+ //
+ messagebox(['Compensation of the non linear system with'
+ 'linear regulator'
+ ''
+ ' t0=0;t1=t*(1:125);'
+ ' x0=[0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0]''; // initial state'
+ ' yd=ode(x0,t0,t1,regu); //integration of differential equation'
+ ' draw2()'],"modal");
+ ;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ //
+ //simulation
+ //
+ mode(1)
+ t0=0;t1=t*(1:125);
+ x0=[0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0]'; //
+ yd=ode(x0,t0,t1,regu);
+ draw2()
+ mode(-1)
+ lines(display_props(2))
+ messagebox('The end',"modal");
+clear demo_pendule; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/simulation.sci b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/simulation.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4b07e016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/simulation.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function [xdot]=ivpd(t,x)
+ //ydot=ivpd(t,y) non linear equations of the pendulum
+ // y=[x;d(x)/dt,teta,d(teta)/dt].
+ // mb, mc, l must be predefined
+ //!
+ g=9.81;
+ u=0
+ qm=mb/(mb+mc)
+ cx3=cos(x(3))
+ sx3=sin(x(3))
+ d=4/3-qm*cx3*cx3
+ xd4=(-sx3*cx3*qm*x(4)**2+2/(mb*l)*(sx3*mb*g-qm*cx3*u))/d
+ //
+ xdot=[x(2);
+ (u+mb*(l/2)*(sx3*x(4)**2-cx3*xd4))/(mb+mc);
+ x(4);
+ xd4]
+function [y,xdot]=pendu(x,u)
+ //[y,xdot]=pendu(x,u) input (u) - output (y) function of the pendulum
+ //!
+ g=9.81;
+ qm=mb/(mb+mc)
+ cx3=cos(x(3))
+ sx3=sin(x(3))
+ d=4/3-qm*cx3*cx3
+ xd4=(-sx3*cx3*qm*x(4)**2+2/(mb*l)*(sx3*mb*g-qm*cx3*u))/d
+ //
+ xdot=[x(2);
+ (u+mb*(l/2)*(sx3*x(4)**2-cx3*xd4))/(mb+mc);
+ x(4);
+ xd4]
+ //
+ y=[x(1);
+ x(3)]
+function [xdot]=regu(t,x)
+ //xdot=regu(t,x) simulation of the compound system
+ // pendulum - observer - compensator
+ //!
+ xp=x(1:4);xo=x(5:8);
+ u =-kr*xo //control
+ [y,xpd]=pendu(xp,u)
+ xod=(f-k*h)*xo+k*y+g*u
+ xdot=[xpd;xod]
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/yy b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/yy
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2b06014de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/pendulum/yy
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7e99943a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_pid()
+ mode(-1);
+ lines(0);
+ //display the diagram
+ x=[5,10,20,40,50,70,80,90];xmin=-10;xmax=100;
+ y=[22,28,30,32];ymin=12;ymax=40;
+ xx=[xmin,xmin,x([1 2 2 7 4 6 3 4 5 6 3 3 5 5]);xmax,xmax,x([3,2,7,7,5,8,3,4,5,6,4,4,6,6])];
+ yy=[ymin,ymax,y([3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,4,2,4]);ymin,ymax,y([3,3,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4])];
+ scf(100001);clf();show_window();
+ plot2d(xx,yy,ones(1,16),'022');
+ xstring(28,30,'K');xstring(56,30,'Plant');xstring(12,28.80,'-');
+ xtitle('PLANT and CONTROLLER')
+ mode(2);
+ path=get_absolute_file_path('pid.dem');
+ s=poly(0,'s');z=poly(0,'z');
+ messagebox(['Example of PID Design '
+ 'file: '+path+'pid.dem'],"modal");
+ n=x_choose(['Continuous time';'Discrete time'],'Select time domain');
+ select n
+ case 0
+ warning('Demo stops!');return;
+ case 1
+ mode(1)
+ dom='c';
+ s=poly(0,'s');
+ str='[(s-1)/(s^2+5*s+1)]';
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str);
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep);
+ Plant=syslin('c',Plant);
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2
+ mode(1)
+ dom='d'
+ z=poly(0,'z');
+ str='(z+1)/(z^2-5*z+2)'
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str);
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep)
+ Plant=syslin('d',Plant);
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ //Nominal Plant
+ P22=tf2ss(Plant); // state-space form
+ [ny,nu,nx]=size(P22);
+ defv=['-1.2';'1';'0.1'];
+ if dom=='d' then defv=['-10';'1';'0.1'];end
+ while %t
+ mode(1)
+ if dom=='c' then
+ _title='Enter your PID controller K(s)=Kp*(1+T0/s+T1*s)';
+ end
+ if dom=='d' then
+ _title='Enter your PID controller K(z)=Kp*(1+T0/z+T1*z)';
+ end
+ defv=x_mdialog(_title,['Kp=';'T0=';'T1='],defv);
+ if defv==[] then warning('Demo stops!');return;end
+ Kp=evstr(defv(1));T0=evstr(defv(2));T1=evstr(defv(3));
+ if dom=='c' then
+ Kpid=tf2ss(Kp*(1+T0/s+T1*s));
+ end
+ if dom=='d' then
+ Kpid=tf2ss(Kp*(1+T0/z+T1*z));
+ end
+ W=[1, -P22;
+ Kpid,1];Winv=inv(W);
+ disp(spec(Winv(2)),'closed loop eigenvalues');//Check internal stability
+ if max(real(spec(Winv(2)))) > 0 then
+ messagebox('You lose: closed-loop is UNSTABLE!!!',"modal");
+ else
+ messagebox('Congratulations: closed-loop is STABLE !!!',"modal");
+ break;
+ end
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ mode(1)
+ [Spid,Rpid,Tpid]=sensi(P22,Kpid); //Sensitivity functions
+ Tpid(5)=clean(Tpid(5));
+ disp(clean(ss2tf(Spid)),'Sensitivity function');
+ disp(clean(ss2tf(Tpid)),'Complementary sensitivity function');
+ resp=['Frequency response';'Time response'];
+ while %t do
+ n=x_choose(resp,'Select response(s)');
+ if degree(Tpid(5))>0 then
+ warning('Improper transfer function! D(s) set to D(0)')
+ Tpid(5)=coeff(Tpid(5),0);
+ end
+ Tpid(5)=coeff(Tpid(5));
+ select n
+ case 0
+ break
+ case 1
+ mode(1)
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();bode(Tpid);
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2
+ if Plant(4)=='c' then
+ mode(1)
+ defv=['0.1';'50'];
+ _title='Enter Sampling period and Tmax';
+ rep=x_mdialog(_title,['Sampling period?';'Tmax?'],defv);
+ if rep==[] then break,end
+ dttmax=evstr(rep);
+ dt=evstr(dttmax(1));tmax=evstr(dttmax(2));
+ t=0:dt/5:tmax;
+ n1=x_choose(['Step response?';'Impulse response?'],'Simulation:');
+ if n1==0 then
+ warning('Demo stops!');return;
+ end
+ if n1==1 then
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d([t',t'],[(csim('step',t,Tpid))',ones(t')])
+ end
+ if n1==2 then
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d([t',t'],[(csim('impul',t,Tpid))',0*t'])
+ end
+ mode(-1)
+ elseif Plant(4)=='d' then
+ mode(1)
+ defv=['100'];
+ _title='Tmax?'
+ rep=x_mdialog(_title,['Tmax='],defv);
+ if rep==[] then break,end
+ Tmax=evstr(rep);
+ mode(-1)
+ while %t do
+ n=x_choose(['Step response?';'Impulse response?'],'Simulation:');
+ select n
+ case 0 then
+ break
+ case 1 then
+ mode(1)
+ u=ones(1,Tmax);u(1)=0;
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d([(1:Tmax)',(1:Tmax)'],[(dsimul(Tpid,u))',(ones(1:Tmax)')])
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2 then
+ mode(1)
+ u=zeros(1,Tmax);u(1)=1;
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d((1:Tmax)',(dsimul(Tpid,u))')
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+clear demo_pid;
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/como.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/como.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cd83d96eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/como.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+// Examples of Standard plants (mostly from Kwakernak)
+// Define the polynomial s by typing "s=poly(0,'s')"
+// Most examples are in transfer representation but computations
+// are done in state space form
+//2.4.1 (Kwakernaak)
+H=[1 (s-1)/((s-2)*(s-3));
+ 1 (s-1)/((s-2)*(s-3))];
+r=[1 1];
+//Transform to get d12 full rank
+//transform back
+H=[(1+sqrt(2)*s+s**2)/(s*s) 1/(s*s);
+0 c+c*r*s;
+(1+sqrt(2)*s+s**2)/(s*s) 1/(s*s)];
+r=[1 1];
+//compare (185) in como notes
+H=[(1+sqrt(2)*s+s**2)/(s*s) 1/(s*s);...
+ 0 c+c*r*s;..
+ (1+sqrt(2)*s+s**2)/(s*s) 1/(s*s)];
+r=[1 1];
+// divide 2nd column of h by (s+2) for properness
+// Remove parasitic root introduced above :
+//vv=roots(sk(2)) //vv(2) = -2 approximately
+//compare (186) como notes
+H=[(s+1)/s 1/s;
+ 0 c;
+ (s+1)/s 1/s];
+r=[1 1];
+//compare (228)
+H=[(s*s+sqrt(2)*s+1)/(s*s) 1/(s*s);
+ 0 1;
+(s*s+sqrt(2)*s+1)/(s*s) 1/(s*s)];
+r=[1 1];
+//compare (422) which is misprinted !
+//1990 IFAC (Kwakernaak)
+H=[-(1+s/4)/(1+2*s) (s+1)/(s-2) 0 1/(s-2) 0;
+ 0 0 0 1 0;
+ 0 0 0 0 1;
+(1+s/4)/(1+2*s) 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 (s+1)/(s-2) 1 1/(s-2) 0];
+r=[2 2];
+//compare (33) in Matlab report
+//Mc-Farlane Glover for 1/s^2
+G=[(1+s*sqrt(2)+s*s)/(s*s) 1/(s*s);
+ 0 1;
+ (1+s*sqrT(2)+s*s)/(s*s) 1/(s*s)]
+//compare (25) in Matlab report
+//Mc Farlane Glover for 1/s^3
+G=[(1+2*s+2*s*s+s**3)/(s**3) 1/(s**3);
+ 0 1;
+ (1+2*s+2*s*s+s**3)/(s**3) 1/(s**3)]
+r=[1 1];
+//compare (27) in Matlab report
+//SISO Model matching
+G=[6*(s-1)/((s-2)*(s-3)) 1;
+ -1 0];
+r=[1 1];
+//multiply first row by all-pass transfer to have stabilizability
+//and detectability
+//compare (42) in Matlab report
+//Mimo Model matching
+G=[0.5/(s-1) 0 1 0;
+ 1/(s*s-s+1) 2/(s-1) 0 1;
+ -1 0 0 0;
+ 0 -1 0 0];
+r=[2 2]
+H=[q 0;
+ 0 q]
+//multiplication from the left by inner H
+//Stabilizability and detectability assumptions are now verified
+// the parasitic (?) root -83.60 (Kwakernaak) or -84.53 (Francis) is not
+// in the poles of sk :
+// one finds the roots -0.6920857 + or -0.7932064i and -1.1030557
+//Mixed sensitivity (ex 11 in matlab notes)
+G=[(s+1)/s 0 1/s 0;
+ 0 (s+0.5)/(s-1) 0 1/(s-1);
+ 0 0 1 0;
+ 0 0 0 1;
+(s+1)/s 0 1/s 0;
+0 (s+0.5)/(s-1) 0 1/(s-1)];
+r=[2 2]
+//compare (40) in Matlab notes
+//Laub's ex (CDC 90)
+A=[0.0904 0.8465;
+ 0.6888 0.7152];
+B=[0.7092 0.3017 0.7001;
+ 0.1814 0.9525 0.1593];
+C=[0.3088 0.7350;
+ 0.5735 0.9820;
+ 0.6644 0.5627];
+D=[0.7357 0.4156 0.0;
+ 0.2588 0.1544 1.0;
+ 0.0 1.0 0.0];
+r=[1 1];
+//Mustafa's ex
+A=[20 -100;1 0];
+[Pss,r]=normlqg(Gss); //The standard plant
+//Maciejowski's example
+At=[-0.001 0 1.1320 0 -1;
+ 0 -0.0538 -0.1712 0 0.0705;
+ 0 0 0 1 0;
+ 0 0.0485 0 -0.8556 -1.013;
+ 0 -0.2909 0 1.0532 -0.6859];
+B=[0 0 0;
+ -0.120 1 0;
+ 0 0 0;
+4.4190 0 -1.665;
+1.575 0 -0.0732];
+C=[1 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 1 0 0 0;
+ 0 0 1 0 0];
+//Ptf=[W1, W1*Gtf;
+// 0*eye(3,3), W2*Gtf;
+// eye(3,3), -Gtf];
+ B1*C,A1,0*eye(6,6);
+ B2*C,0*eye(6,6),A2];
+ -B1,B1*D;
+ 0*eye(6,3),B2*D];
+ D2*C,0*eye(3,6),C2;
+ -C,0*eye(3,6),0*eye(3,6)];
+ 0*eye(3,3),D2*Dt;
+ eye(3,3),-D];
+A=[-2.2567e-02 -36.617 -18.897 -32.090 3.2509 -7.6257e-1;
+ 9.2572e-05 -1.8997 9.8312e-01 -7.2562e-04 -1.7080e-01 -4.9652e-03;
+ 1.2338e-02 11.720 -2.6316 8.7582e-04 -31.604 22.396;
+ 0 0 1 0 0 0 ;
+ 0 0 0 0 -30 0 ;
+ 0 0 0 0 0 -30 ];
+W1=[(s+0.01)/(1+0.01*s) 0;0 (s+0.01)/(0.01*s+1)],
+W2=[1000/(s*s) 0;0 1000/(s*s*(s*tau+1))],
+P=[w1, -w1*G;
+ 0 , w3*G
+ 1 , -G];
+detr(sm) //Poles of G --> Transmission zeros of P21
+[sk,mu]=h_inf(P,r,0,1,20); //Fails
+[sk,mu]=h_inf(Ptmp,r,0,1,10); //---> sk=0 mu=1 OK
+// Random example...
+A =[1,2,3,0,1;4,5,6,1,0;7,8,9,1,1;0,1,0,1,1;5,4,3,2,1];
+B2=[1,2;2,1;1,1;1,0;2,0]; //(nx,nu)
+C2=[1,1,0,1,0;0,1,1,2,1;2,3,1,0,1]; //(ny,nx)
+D12=[0,1;2,1;3,0]; //%(nz,nu)
+D21=[1,2,1,1;2,1,1,2;0,2,1,1]; //%(ny,nw);
+C1=[1,1,0,1,1;2,1,1,0,1;1,0,0,1,1]; //%(nz,nx)
+B1=[1,0,1,0;2,3,3,1;3,1,1,0;1,2,1,0;0,1,1,0]; //%(nx,nw)
+//%Q#=[C1 D12]'*[C1 D12];
+D11=2*[1,2,1,0;2,2,1,1;0,0,2,1]; //%(nz,nw)
+D22=0*[1,2;2,1;3,1]; //%(ny,nu)
+// Difficult example gamma between 1.6 and 1.8
+// h_inf finds 1.671244... and
+// K=[(9.7574+0.2790*s)/(0.023419+s), 0.1346]
+// with P1=minreal(P) (state dimension 5 instead of 8 for P)
+// get same gamma but a controller of order (4,3)
+w=[-1.05033595281261e+00 1 0 -2.72165256144227e+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ -1.39973553704802e+02 0 0 -2.94468368703638e+06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 0 -2.100e+02 -2.250e+04 0 0 0 0 0 3.80748204520352e-01 0 0 0 1;
+ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 0,0,0,0, -4.89284164859002e+03, -7.98004338394794e+06,...
+ -4.33839479392625e+09,0 , 4.49639998582548e-02,0,0,0,0,0;
+ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 1.80466256786985e+00 0 0 4.58687395748091e+03 0 0 0,...
+ -2.34192037470726e-02 0 0 1 -1 0 0;
+ 0 0 0 1.25100080458419e+04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.000e-01 0 0 0 1.57584459460774e+00;
+ 6.31631898754447e-01 0 0 1.60540588511832e+03 0 0 0,...
+ 4.67564402810304e+00 0 0 3.500e-01 -3.500e-01 0 0;
+ 1.80466256786985e+00 0 0 4.58687395748091e+03 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0;
+ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.79855999433019e+00 0 0 0 1 0];
+//Automotive fuel control
+ 0 ,w2*P;
+ 1, -P];
+//calcul de cw2;
+ 0 , w2;
+ 1, -g];
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/mu.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/mu.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e65ab5aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/mu.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+//test of musolve
+M1 = [ ..
+ 5.2829 5.7683 -2.4004 1.2205 -6.4148
+ 9.7769e-01 2.9786 -3.0408 5.0257e-01 -2.6504
+ 7.0819 9.6324 -3.5750 3.3016 -6.7030
+ -1.6261 -2.9763 1.6870 -1.0603 1.2211
+ 2.3056 4.3712 -2.4785 2.6152 -1.9832 ];
+M2 = [ ..
+ -1.1308 -1.7785 8.7974e-01 -7.5206e-01 1.2089
+ -3.5255e-01 -5.7002e-01 2.9305e-01 -2.5442e-01 3.7691e-01
+ -1.3724 -2.1501 1.0741 -9.1188e-01 1.4669
+ 3.5839e-01 5.5101e-01 -2.7290e-01 2.3565e-01 -3.7663e-01
+ -4.9015e-01 -7.8706e-01 4.0215e-01 -3.3617e-01 5.3261e-01];
+M=M1 +%i*M2;
+// Let the structure be all scalar blocks
+K = [1 1 1 1 1]';
+// Let the first, the third and the fifth blocks be real,
+// and let the rest of blocks be complex
+T = [1 2 1 2 1]';
+[D,g,mu] = musolve(M,K,T);
+// Now, we compute it again with respect to all complex blocks
+T = [2 2 2 2 2]';
+[D,g,mu] = musolve(M,K,T);
+T = 3*[1 1 1 1 1]';
+[D,g,mu] = musolve(M,K,T;
+K = [2 3]';
+T = [2 2]';
+[D,g,mu] = musolve(M,K,T);
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/rob.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/rob.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6c43adae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/robust/rob.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+//Optimal controller K:
+halt(_("Press Return to continue ... \n"));
+//K Optimal controller , ro = gamaopt^-2;
+// Check internal stability:
+halt(_("Press Return to continue ... \n"));
+[Acl,Bcl,Ccl,Dcl]=abcd(Tzw); spec(Acl)
+//Optimal gain:
+halt(_("Press Return to continue ... \n"));
+//Compare with gamaopt
+//Compare with theory
+halt(_("Press Return to continue ... \n"));
+[N,M]=lcf(tf2ss(G)); //Left coprime factorization of G.
+ro-( 1-nk(1) )
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/tracking/track.dem.sce b/modules/cacsd/demos/tracking/track.dem.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5d4535450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/tracking/track.dem.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+rand("seed", 0)
+// Define the plant
+// define state space model of the Signal to track
+// Input to Model (t is a vector), nuu components
+// Compute Signal to track
+totrack=flts(uu(instants),dscr(Model,dt)); //Signal
+my_handle = scf(100001);
+halt(_("Press Return to continue ... \n"));
+// Stabilizing the plant
+// Bigsyst= closed loop system: um --> [yplant;ymodel].
+// full state gain is [K, L - K*T] * (xplant, xmodel) + M * umodel
+[totrack(1,:)',z(1,:)'], axesflag=1);
+curves = gce();
+captions(curves.children,["Signal to track","Computed signal"],"upper_caption");