path: root/modules/arnoldi/demos/dssimp.sce
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diff --git a/modules/arnoldi/demos/dssimp.sce b/modules/arnoldi/demos/dssimp.sce
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index 000000000..93bdeaaa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/arnoldi/demos/dssimp.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// Example converted from dssimp.f from the EXAMPLE/SIMPLE ARPACK directory
+// This example program is intended to illustrate the simplest case of using the ARNOLDI module in considerable detail.
+// This code shows how to use ARNOLDI to find a few eigenvalues (lambda) and corresponding eigenvectors (x) for the standard
+// eigenvalue problem:
+// A*x = lambda*x
+// where A is a n by n real symmetric matrix.
+// The main points illustrated here are
+// 1) How to declare sufficient memory to find NEV eigenvalues of largest magnitude. Other options are available.
+// 2) Illustration of the reverse communication interface needed to utilize the top level ARPACK routine DSAUPD
+// that computes the quantities needed to construct the desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors(if requested).
+// 3) How to extract the desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the ARPACK routine DSEUPD.
+// The only thing that must be supplied in order to use this routine on your problem is to change the array dimensions
+// appropriately, to specify WHICH eigenvalues you want to compute and to supply a matrix-vector product
+// w <- Av
+// in place of the call to AV( ) below.
+// Once usage of this routine is understood, you may wish to explore the other available options to improve convergence, to solve generalized
+// problems, etc. Look at the file ex-nonsym.doc in DOCUMENTS directory.
+// Storage Declarations:
+// The maximum dimensions for all arrays are set here to accommodate a problem size of N <= MAXN
+// NEV is the number of eigenvalues requested. See specifications for ARPACK usage below.
+// NCV is the largest number of basis vectors that will be used in the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi
+// Process. Work per major iteration is proportional to N*NCV*NCV.
+// You must set:
+// MAXN: Maximum dimension of the A allowed.
+// MAXNEV: Maximum NEV allowed.
+// MAXNCV: Maximum NCV allowed.
+maxn = 256;
+maxnev = 12;
+maxncv = 30;
+maxiter = 10;
+// The following sets dimensions for this problem.
+nx = 10;
+// Specifications for ARPACK usage are set below:
+// 1) NEV = 4 asks for 4 eigenvalues to be computed.
+// 2) NCV = 20 sets the length of the Arnoldi factorization.
+// 3) This is a standard problem. (indicated by bmat = 'I')
+// 4) Ask for the NEV eigenvalues of largest magnitude. (indicated by which = 'LM')
+// See documentation in DSAUPD for the other options SM, LR, SR, LI, SI.
+// Note: NEV and NCV must satisfy the following conditions:
+// NEV + 2 <= NCV <= MAXNCV
+nev = 3;
+ncv = 6;
+bmat = "I";
+which = "LM";
+// Local Arrays
+iparam = zeros(11,1);
+ipntr = zeros(14,1);
+_select = zeros(ncv,1);
+d = zeros(nev+1,1);
+resid = zeros(nx,1);
+v = zeros(nx,ncv);
+workd = zeros(3*nx+1,1);
+workl = zeros(ncv*ncv+8*ncv,1);
+if (nx > maxn) then
+ printf("Error with DSSIMP: N is greater than MAXN.\n");
+ break;
+elseif (nev > maxnev) then
+ printf("Error with DSSIMP: NEV is greater than MAXNEV.\n");
+ break;
+elseif (ncv > maxncv) then
+ printf("Error with DSSIMP: NCV is greater than MAXNCV.\n");
+ break;
+// Build the symmetric test matrix
+A = diag(10*ones(nx,1));
+A(1:$-1,2:$) = A(1:$-1,2:$) + diag(6*ones(nx-1,1));
+A(2:$,1:$-1) = A(2:$,1:$-1) + diag(6*ones(nx-1,1));
+// Specification of stopping rules and initial conditions before calling DSAUPD
+// TOL determines the stopping criterion.
+// Expect
+// abs(lambdaC - lambdaT) < TOL*abs(lambdaC)
+// computed true |
+// If TOL <= 0, then TOL <- macheps (machine precision) is used.
+// IDO is the REVERSE COMMUNICATION parameter used to specify actions to be taken on return
+// from DSAUPD. (see usage below)
+// It MUST initially be set to 0 before the first call to DSAUPD.
+// INFO on entry specifies starting vector information and on return indicates error codes
+// Initially, setting INFO=0 indicates that a random starting vector is requested to
+// start the ARNOLDI iteration. Setting INFO to a nonzero value on the initial call is used
+// if you want to specify your own starting vector (This vector must be placed in RESID).
+// The work array WORKL is used in DSAUPD as workspace.
+tol = 0;
+ido = 0;
+// Specification of Algorithm Mode:
+// This program uses the exact shift strategy (indicated by setting IPARAM(1) = 1).
+// IPARAM(3) specifies the maximum number of Arnoldi iterations allowed. Mode 1 of DSAUPD is used
+// (IPARAM(7) = 1). All these options can be changed by the user. For details see the documentation in DSAUPD.
+ishfts = 1;
+maxitr = 300;
+mode1 = 1;
+iparam(1) = ishfts;
+iparam(3) = maxitr;
+iparam(7) = mode1;
+sigma = 0; // the real part of the shift
+// M A I N L O O P (Reverse communication)
+iter = 0;
+ info_dsaupd = 0;
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ // Repeatedly call the routine DSAUPD and take actions indicated by parameter IDO until
+ // either convergence is indicated or maxitr has been exceeded.
+ [ido,resid,v,iparam,ipntr,workd,workl,info_dsaupd] = dsaupd(ido,bmat,nx,which,nev,tol,resid,ncv,v,iparam,ipntr,workd,workl,info_dsaupd);
+ if (ido==99) then
+ // BE CAREFUL: DON'T CALL dseupd IF ido == 99 !!
+ break;
+ end
+ if (ido==-1 | ido==1) then
+ // Perform matrix vector multiplication
+ // y <--- Op*x
+ // The user should supply his/her own matrix vector multiplication routine here
+ // that takes workd(ipntr(1)) as the input vector, and return the matrix vector
+ // product to workd(ipntr(2)).
+ workd(ipntr(2)+1:ipntr(2)+nx) = A*workd(ipntr(1)+1:ipntr(1)+nx);
+ // L O O P B A C K to call DSAUPD again.
+ continue
+ end
+ // Either we have convergence or there is an error.
+ if (info_dsaupd < 0) then
+ // Error message, check the documentation in DSAUPD.
+ printf("\nError with dsaupd, info = %d\n",info_dsaupd);
+ printf("Check the documentation of dsaupd\n\n");
+ else
+ // No fatal errors occurred.
+ // Post-Process using DSEUPD.
+ //
+ // Computed eigenvalues may be extracted.
+ //
+ // Eigenvectors may be also computed now if desired. (indicated by rvec = %T)
+ //
+ // The routine DSEUPD now called to do this post processing (Other modes may require
+ // more complicated post processing than mode1,)
+ rvec = 1;
+ howmany = "A";
+ info_dseupd = 0;
+ [d,d(1,2),v,resid,v,iparam,ipntr,workd,workl,info_dseupd] = dseupd(rvec,howmany,_select,d,d(1,2),v,sigma, ...
+ bmat,nx,which,nev,tol,resid,ncv,v, ...
+ iparam,ipntr,workd,workl,info_dseupd);
+ // The real parts of the eigenvalues are returned in the first column of the two dimensional
+ // array D, and the IMAGINARY part are returned in the second column of D. The corresponding
+ // eigenvectors are returned in the first NCONV (= IPARAM(5)) columns of the two
+ // dimensional array V if requested. Otherwise, an orthogonal basis for the invariant subspace
+ // corresponding to the eigenvalues in D is returned in V.
+ if (info_dseupd~=0) then
+ // Error condition:
+ // Check the documentation of DSEUPD.
+ printf("\nError with dseupd, info = %d\n", info_dseupd);
+ printf("Check the documentation of dseupd.\n\n");
+ end
+ // Print additional convergence information.
+ if (info_dseupd==1) then
+ printf("\nMaximum number of iterations reached.\n\n");
+ elseif (info_dseupd==3) then
+ printf("\nNo shifts could be applied during implicit Arnoldi update, try increasing NCV.\n\n");
+ end
+ end
+// Done with program dssimp.
+printf("Iterations is %d\n", iter);
+printf("Size of the matrix is %d\n", nx);
+printf("The number of Ritz values requested is %d\n", nev);
+printf("The number of Arnoldi vectors generated (NCV) is %d\n", ncv);
+printf("What portion of the spectrum: %s\n", which);
+printf("The number of Implicit Arnoldi update iterations taken is %d\n", iparam(3));
+printf("The number of OP*x is %d\n", iparam(9));
+printf("The convergence criterion is %d\n", tol);