path: root/CHANGES_4.X
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Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGES_4.X')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES_4.X b/CHANGES_4.X
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b9b477a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGES_4.X
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ Main Changes Scilab 3.0 -> 4.0
+ ==============================
+ - Graphical entities (objects) have been extended with a particular effort on:
+ + The Axes entity with respect to change of coordinates (logscale enable,
+ axes inversion in 2D and 3D) and graduation display.
+ + Versatile Title and labels entities in 2D and 3D.
+ + 3D object merge and zoom.
+ + Rotation of text entities.
+ + Save and load of all graphical entities.
+ - New functions have been defined to mimic their Matlab equivalent:
+ + plot.
+ + surf.
+ + mesh.
+ + bar, barh and barhomogenize.
+ + pie.
+ - Graphical Environment improved and extended:
+ + Manipulation of the hierachy of the entities has been made easier thanks
+ to a hierachy browser.
+ + Annotation edition is now possible with the Insert menu and toolbar.
+ Text, polylines, arrows, rectangles, circles, lines can be added.
+ + Copy/Paste/Delete/Move Menus allow to customize graphics and Annotations.
+ - Graphic window Events (mouse, keyboard,...) handling have been improved and
+ extended:
+ + click, double_click, press, release ,move.
+ + key press and release, with or without Shift and Ctrl modifiers.
+ - xs2bmp xs2emf functions added to export graphics under bmp and EMF
+ (Enhanced Meta File) formats. These functions are only available under
+ Windows.
+ - Colorbar function added. Thanks to Bruno Pincon.
+ - Under Windows a toolbar has been added to the graphic windows, the
+ function toolbar can be used to set or unset it.
+Numerical computation:
+ - Sparse operations and functions like real, imag, matrix, spones revisited to
+ improve efficiency. Thanks to Bruno Pincon.
+ - Bessel functions extended to work in the complex case (using Slatec routines)
+ Incompatibilities: The semantics of besseli, besselj, besselk and bessely
+ functions has been changed and extended.
+ The oldbesseli, oldbesselj, oldbesselk and oldbessely correspond to the old
+ obsolete semantics.
+ - New version of linpro and quapro. Thanks to Cecilia Pola.
+ - bvodeS function added to solve differential equation with boundary value.
+ Thanks to Rainer Von Seggern.
+ - detrend function added to remove constant, linear or piecewise linear trend
+ from a vector. Thanks to Bruno Pincon.
+ - Interface with Excel (Functions to read Excel files).
+Matlab to Scilab converter:
+ - translatepaths function improved to allow conversion on an entire toolbox
+ agating inference throught toolbox functions.
+ - The set of translated function has been extented in particular with the
+ basic graphic functions.
+ - Scilab function sum, prod,... extented to the "first non singleton" matlab
+ semantics to improve readability and efficiency of translated code.
+ - Try catch construct added to Scilab for a better translation.
+Scipad editor:
+ - A debugging tool is now available.
+ - Drag'n'drop is now supported.
+ - Split a Scipad window.
+ - Print file from Scipad is now available.
+ - Scipad is easily localized (See "Adding translations..." in the Scipad Help
+ Menu). Today English, German, French, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian and Italian
+ languages are supported.
+ - User settings and text colors are now configurable and save across editing
+ sessions.
+ - Colorization of strings rewritten - now supports strings on continued lines.
+ - Colorization of files launched in the background, with progressbar.
+ - Miscellaneous file management improvements: readonly flag,
+ absolute pathnames to files, pruned pathnames display, revert to
+ saved feature, MRU (Most Recently Used) list.
+ - Quick access in the file menu for recently opened/saved files.
+ - Identification of Scilab predefined variables and library functions in
+ scilab scripts.
+ - Keyword completion added, keyword list now completely dynamical.
+ - Undo/Redo rewritten.
+ - Go to... functions rewritten and expanded.
+ - Find/Replace rewritten, includes find files, find in files, find in multiple
+ buffers, find in selection only, find full word.
+ - Creation of XML help page templates and xmltohtml compilation available from
+ within Scipad.
+ - try-catch instruction added to improve programming with error control.
+Other Improvements:
+ - Configure adapted to linux 64bit architectures.
+ - Use tcltk 8.4.12 - TCL interface has been totally rewritten (for better
+ error detection and better data transfert). ScilabEval improve to handle
+ synchronism.
+ - Memory improvements under Windows platforms (particularly the management
+ of virtual memory or swap file).
+ - Exception management added under Windows version.
+ - Windows platforms with:
+ + Intel C Compiler 9.0.
+ + Intel Fortran 9.0.
+ - The source files have been updated to optimise the compiled version built
+ with VC6 tool. Please note that the Windows binary version provided on
+ our Web site is built with .NET
+ - Improvement of the integration of Visual Studio Compiler to the dynamic
+ links: findmsvccompiler() and configure_msvc() macros have been added.
+ - Integration of the ATLAS library (specific Windows version).
+ During the installation of Scilab, dynamic library (Atlas.dll) is
+ automatically chosen according to the CPU detected.
+ See details in the Atlas.spec file under scilab\bin directory.
+ Scilab can be used with Atlas library on all platforms by:
+ + downloading Atlas library sources.
+ + compiling Atlas sources.
+ + compiling scilab sources with the following configure option :
+ --with-atlas-library=ATLAS_LIB_DIRECTORY
+ (see <SCI>/configure --help).
+ - Java interface written to allow calling Scilab computational engine from Java.
+ - Font rotation is now possible under Xwindow.
+ - SCI and HOME are redefined if not correct ( Bug 1488 Only for Windows ).
+ - HOME variable (%HOME%) defined under Windows: c:/Documents and Setting/USER.
+ - New environment variable SCIHOME:
+ + Under Windows: %HOME%\scilab\SCILAB_VERSION
+ + Under Linux: $HOME/USER/.scilab/SCILAB_VERSION
+ - Function what() has been rewritten : alphabetical sort, print modified.
+ - mkdir, rmdir, copyfile, toprint functions added for handling files and
+ directories from Scilab.
+ - getshortpathname, getlongpathname, winqueryreg (Registers), console,
+ mcisendstring (MCI device), clipboard, functions added for a better
+ interaction with Windows environment.
+ - getos, setenv, getmemory, sleep, functions added for a better interaction
+ with the operating system (Unix and Windows).
+ - The perl function as been added to allow execution of Perl scripts from
+ Scilab.
+ - The calendar function has been added.
+New primitives:
+ - clipboard (specific Windows)
+ - perl
+ - calendar
+ - mkdir
+ - rmdir
+ - copyfile
+ - sleep
+ - getos
+ - setenv
+ - toprint("file")
+ - getmemory()
+ - getshortpathname (specific Windows)
+ - getlongpathname (specific Windows)
+ - toolbar (specific Windows)
+ - hidetoolbar (specific Windows)
+ - console (specific Windows)
+ - mcisendstring (specific Windows)
+ - banner
+ - winqueryreg (specific Windows)
+ - xls_open
+ - xls_read
+ - scicos_debug_count
+Please note:
+ - "xgetmouse", "eventhandler" event set extended to click, double-click, <Ctrl> Key.
+ See more details in xclick and xgetmouse on line help.
+ Warning: Because of distinction of click events, some users' scripts can
+ have a different behavior.
+ To make it work as before please check and modified test on events as follow:
+ supposing that button contains the value returned by xclick (left most argument)
+ or xgetmouse (third componant of returned vector) then replace test like:
+ button==0 by or(button==[0,3])
+ button==1 by or(button==[1,4])
+ button==2 by or(button==[2,5])