path: root/usr/include/spqr.hpp
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authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /usr/include/spqr.hpp
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/include/spqr.hpp')
1 files changed, 1111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr/include/spqr.hpp b/usr/include/spqr.hpp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c88c8c28a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/include/spqr.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr.hpp ================================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// Internal definitions and non-user-callable routines. This should not be
+// included in the user's code.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// include files
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "SuiteSparseQR.hpp"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <complex>
+typedef std::complex<double> Complex ;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// debugging and printing control
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// force debugging off
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#define NDEBUG
+// force printing off
+#ifndef NPRINT
+#define NPRINT
+// uncomment the following line to turn on debugging (SPQR will be slow!)
+#undef NDEBUG
+// uncomment the following line to turn on printing (LOTS of output!)
+#undef NPRINT
+// uncomment the following line to turn on expensive debugging (very slow!)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Long is defined at SuiteSparse_long, from SuiteSparse_config.h
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define Long SuiteSparse_long
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// basic macros
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define EMPTY (-1)
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define IMPLIES(p,q) (!(p) || (q))
+// NULL should already be defined, but ensure it is here.
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void *) 0)
+// column-major indexing; A[i,j] is A (INDEX (i,j,lda))
+#define INDEX(i,j,lda) ((i) + ((j)*(lda)))
+// FLIP is a "negation about -1", and is used to mark an integer i that is
+// normally non-negative. FLIP (EMPTY) is EMPTY. FLIP of a number > EMPTY
+// is negative, and FLIP of a number < EMTPY is positive. FLIP (FLIP (i)) = i
+// for all integers i. UNFLIP (i) is >= EMPTY.
+#define EMPTY (-1)
+#define FLIP(i) (-(i)-2)
+#define UNFLIP(i) (((i) < EMPTY) ? FLIP (i) : (i))
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// additional include files
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "mex.h"
+#define ID SuiteSparse_long_id
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define ERROR(status,msg) \
+ cholmod_l_error (status, __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, cc)
+// Check a pointer and return if null. Set status to invalid, unless the
+// status is already "out of memory"
+#define RETURN_IF_NULL(A,result) \
+{ \
+ if ((A) == NULL) \
+ { \
+ if (cc->status != CHOLMOD_OUT_OF_MEMORY) \
+ { \
+ } \
+ return (result) ; \
+ } \
+// Return if Common is NULL or invalid
+#define RETURN_IF_NULL_COMMON(result) \
+{ \
+ if (cc == NULL) \
+ { \
+ return (result) ; \
+ } \
+ if (cc->itype != ITYPE || cc->dtype != DTYPE) \
+ { \
+ cc->status = CHOLMOD_INVALID ; \
+ return (result) ; \
+ } \
+#define RETURN_IF_XTYPE_INVALID(A,result) \
+{ \
+ if (A->xtype != xtype) \
+ { \
+ ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "invalid xtype") ; \
+ return (result) ; \
+ } \
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// debugging and printing macros
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // #define ASSERT(e) mxAssert (e, "error: ")
+ extern char spqr_mx_debug_string [200] ;
+ char *spqr_mx_id (int line) ;
+ #define ASSERT(e) \
+ ((e) ? (void) 0 : \
+ mexErrMsgIdAndTxt (spqr_mx_id (__LINE__), \
+ "assert: (" #e ") file:" __FILE__ ))
+ #else
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #define ASSERT(e) assert (e)
+ #endif
+ #define DEBUG(e) e
+ #define DEBUG2(e) e
+ #define ASSERT2(e) ASSERT(e)
+ #else
+ #define DEBUG2(e)
+ #define ASSERT2(e)
+ #endif
+ #define ASSERT(e)
+ #define ASSERT2(e)
+ #define DEBUG(e)
+ #define DEBUG2(e)
+#ifndef NPRINT
+ #define PR(e) mexPrintf e
+ #else
+ #define PR(e) printf e
+ #endif
+ #define PRVAL(e) spqrDebug_print (e)
+ #define PR(e)
+ #define PRVAL(e)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// For counting flops; disabled if TBB is used
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define FLOP_COUNT(f) { if (cc->SPQR_grain <= 1) cc->other1 [0] += (f) ; }
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_work ===============================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// workspace required for each stack in spqr_factorize and spqr_kernel
+template <typename Entry> struct spqr_work
+ Long *Stair1 ; // size maxfn if H not kept
+ Long *Cmap ; // size maxfn
+ Long *Fmap ; // size n
+ Entry *WTwork ; // size (fchunk + (keepH ? 0:1)) * maxfn
+ Entry *Stack_head ; // head of Stack
+ Entry *Stack_top ; // top of Stack
+ Long sumfrank ; // sum of ranks of the fronts in this stack
+ Long maxfrank ; // largest rank of fronts in this stack
+ // for computing the 2-norm of w, the vector of the dead column norms
+ double wscale ; // scale factor for norm (w (of this stack))
+ double wssq ; // sum-of-squares for norm (w (of this stack))
+} ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_blob ===============================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// The spqr_blob is a collection of objects that the spqr_kernel requires.
+template <typename Entry> struct spqr_blob
+ double tol ;
+ spqr_symbolic *QRsym ;
+ spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum ;
+ spqr_work <Entry> *Work ;
+ Long *Cm ;
+ Entry **Cblock ;
+ Entry *Sx ;
+ Long ntol ;
+ Long fchunk ;
+ cholmod_common *cc ;
+} ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === SuiteSparseQR non-user-callable functions ===============================
+// =============================================================================
+spqr_symbolic *spqr_analyze
+ // inputs, not modified
+ cholmod_sparse *A,
+ int ordering, // all ordering options available
+ Long *Quser, // user provided ordering, if given (may be NULL)
+ int do_rank_detection, // if TRUE, then rank deficient matrices may be
+ // considered during numerical factorization,
+ // with tol >= 0 (tol < 0 is also allowed). If FALSE, then the tol
+ // parameter is ignored by the numerical factorization, and no rank
+ // detection is performed.
+ int keepH, // if nonzero, H is kept
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> spqr_numeric <Entry> *spqr_factorize
+ // input, optionally freed on output
+ cholmod_sparse **Ahandle,
+ // inputs, not modified
+ Long freeA, // if TRUE, free A on output
+ double tol, // for rank detection
+ Long ntol, // apply tol only to first ntol columns
+ spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+// returns tol (-1 if error)
+template <typename Entry> double spqr_tol
+ // inputs, not modified
+ cholmod_sparse *A,
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> double spqr_maxcolnorm
+ // inputs, not modified
+ cholmod_sparse *A,
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_kernel
+ Long task,
+ spqr_blob <Entry> *Blob
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_parallel
+ Long ntasks,
+ int nthreads,
+ spqr_blob <Entry> *Blob
+) ;
+void spqr_freesym
+ spqr_symbolic **QRsym_handle,
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_freenum
+ spqr_numeric <Entry> **QRnum_handle,
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_freefac
+ SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> **QR_handle,
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+void spqr_stranspose1
+ // input, not modified
+ cholmod_sparse *A, // m-by-n
+ Long *Qfill, // size n, fill-reducing column permutation;
+ // Qfill [k] = j if the kth column of S is the jth
+ // column of A. Identity permutation is used if
+ // Qfill is NULL.
+ // output, contents not defined on input
+ Long *Sp, // size m+1, row pointers of S
+ Long *Sj, // size nz, column indices of S
+ Long *PLinv, // size m, inverse row permutation, PLinv [i] = k
+ Long *Sleft, // size n+2, Sleft [j] ... Sleft [j+1]-1 is the list of
+ // rows of S whose leftmost column index is j. The list
+ // can be empty (that is, Sleft [j] == Sleft [j+1]).
+ // Sleft [n] is the number of non-empty rows of S, and
+ // Sleft [n+1] is always m. That is, Sleft [n] ...
+ // Sleft [n+1]-1 gives the empty rows of S.
+ // workspace, not defined on input or output
+ Long *W // size m
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_stranspose2
+ // input, not modified
+ cholmod_sparse *A, // m-by-n
+ Long *Qfill, // size n, fill-reducing column permutation;
+ // Qfill [k] = j
+ // if the kth column of S is the jth column of A.
+ // Identity permutation is used if Qfill is NULL.
+ Long *Sp, // size m+1, row pointers of S
+ Long *PLinv, // size m, inverse row permutation, PLinv [i] = k
+ // output, contents not defined on input
+ Entry *Sx, // size nz, numerical values of S
+ // workspace, not defined on input or output
+ Long *W // size m
+) ;
+// =============================================================================
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+// #ifndef NPRINT
+template <typename Entry> void spqrDebug_dumpdense
+ Entry *A,
+ Long m,
+ Long n,
+ Long lda,
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqrDebug_dumpsparse
+ Long *Ap,
+ Long *Ai,
+ Entry *Ax,
+ Long m,
+ Long n,
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+void spqrDebug_print (double x, cholmod_common *cc) ;
+void spqrDebug_print (Complex x, cholmod_common *cc) ;
+void spqrDebug_printf (double x, cholmod_common *cc) ;
+void spqrDebug_printf (Complex x, cholmod_common *cc) ;
+// #endif
+void spqrDebug_dump_Parent (Long n, Long *Parent, const char *filename) ;
+Long spqrDebug_rhsize // returns # of entries in R+H block
+ // input, not modified
+ Long m, // # of rows in F
+ Long n, // # of columns in F
+ Long npiv, // number of pivotal columns in F
+ Long *Stair, // size n; column j is dead if Stair [j] == 0.
+ // Only the first npiv columns can be dead.
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+Long spqrDebug_listcount
+ Long x, Long *List, Long len, Long what,
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+// =============================================================================
+Long spqr_fsize // returns # of rows of F
+ // inputs, not modified
+ Long f,
+ Long *Super, // size nf, from QRsym
+ Long *Rp, // size nf, from QRsym
+ Long *Rj, // size rjsize, from QRsym
+ Long *Sleft, // size n+2, from QRsym
+ Long *Child, // size nf, from QRsym
+ Long *Childp, // size nf+1, from QRsym
+ Long *Cm, // size nf, from QRwork
+ // outputs, not defined on input
+ Long *Fmap, // size n, from QRwork
+ Long *Stair // size fn, from QRwork
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_assemble
+ // inputs, not modified
+ Long f, // front to assemble F
+ Long fm, // number of rows of F
+ int keepH, // if TRUE, then construct row pattern of H
+ Long *Super,
+ Long *Rp,
+ Long *Rj,
+ Long *Sp,
+ Long *Sj,
+ Long *Sleft,
+ Long *Child,
+ Long *Childp,
+ Entry *Sx,
+ Long *Fmap,
+ Long *Cm,
+ Entry **Cblock,
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ char *Rdead,
+ Long *Hr,
+ // input/output
+ Long *Stair,
+ Long *Hii, // if keepH, construct list of row indices for F
+ // input only
+ Long *Hip,
+ // outputs, not defined on input
+ Entry *F,
+ // workspace, not defined on input or output
+ Long *Cmap
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> Long spqr_cpack // returns # of rows in C
+ // input, not modified
+ Long m, // # of rows in F
+ Long n, // # of columns in F
+ Long npiv, // number of pivotal columns in F
+ Long g, // the C block starts at F (g,npiv)
+ // input, not modified unless the pack occurs in-place
+ Entry *F, // m-by-n frontal matrix in column-major order
+ // output, contents not defined on input
+ Entry *C // packed columns of C, of size cm-by-cn in upper
+ // trapezoidal form.
+) ;
+Long spqr_fcsize // returns # of entries in C of current front F
+ // input, not modified
+ Long m, // # of rows in F
+ Long n, // # of columns in F
+ Long npiv, // number of pivotal columns in F
+ Long g // the C block starts at F (g,npiv)
+) ;
+Long spqr_csize // returns # of entries in C of a child
+ // input, not modified
+ Long c, // child c
+ Long *Rp, // size nf+1, pointers for pattern of R
+ Long *Cm, // size nf, Cm [c] = # of rows in child C
+ Long *Super // size nf, pivotal columns in each front
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_rcount
+ // inputs, not modified
+ spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
+ spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum,
+ Long n1rows, // added to each row index of Ra and Rb
+ Long econ, // only get entries in rows n1rows to econ-1
+ Long n2, // Ra = R (:,0:n2-1), Rb = R (:,n2:n-1)
+ int getT, // if true, count Rb' instead of Rb
+ // input/output
+ Long *Ra, // size n2; Ra [j] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j < n2
+ Long *Rb, // If getT is false: size n-n2 and
+ // Rb [j-n2] += nnz (R (:,j)) if j >= n2.
+ // If getT is true: size econ, and
+ // Rb [i] += nnz (R (i, n2:n-1))
+ Long *Hp, // size rjsize+1. Column pointers for H.
+ // Only computed if H was kept during factorization.
+ // Only Hp [0..nh] is used.
+ Long *p_nh // number of Householder vectors (nh <= rjsize)
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_rconvert
+ // inputs, not modified
+ spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
+ spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum,
+ Long n1rows, // added to each row index of Ra, Rb, and H
+ Long econ, // only get entries in rows n1rows to econ-1
+ Long n2, // Ra = R (:,0:n2-1), Rb = R (:,n2:n-1)
+ int getT, // if true, get Rb' instead of Rb
+ // input/output
+ Long *Rap, // size n2+1; on input, Rap [j] is the column pointer
+ // for Ra. Incremented on output by the number of
+ // entries added to column j of Ra.
+ // output, not defined on input
+ Long *Rai, // size rnz1 = nnz(Ra); row indices of Ra
+ Entry *Rax, // size rnz; numerical values of Ra
+ // input/output
+ Long *Rbp, // if getT is false:
+ // size (n-n2)+1; on input, Rbp [j] is the column
+ // pointer for Rb. Incremented on output by the number
+ // of entries added to column j of Rb.
+ // if getT is true:
+ // size econ+1; on input, Rbp [i] is the row
+ // pointer for Rb. Incremented on output by the number
+ // of entries added to row i of Rb.
+ // output, not defined on input
+ Long *Rbi, // size rnz2 = nnz(Rb); indices of Rb
+ Entry *Rbx, // size rnz2; numerical values of Rb
+ // input
+ Long *H2p, // size nh+1; H2p [j] is the column pointer for H.
+ // H2p, H2i, and H2x are ignored if H was not kept
+ // during factorization. nh computed by rcount
+ // output, not defined on input
+ Long *H2i, // size hnz = nnz(H); indices of H
+ Entry *H2x, // size hnz; numerical values of H
+ Entry *H2Tau // size nh; Householder coefficients
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> Long spqr_rhpack // returns # of entries in R+H
+ // input, not modified
+ int keepH, // if true, then H is packed
+ Long m, // # of rows in F
+ Long n, // # of columns in F
+ Long npiv, // number of pivotal columns in F
+ Long *Stair, // size npiv; column j is dead if Stair [j] == 0.
+ // Only the first npiv columns can be dead.
+ // input, not modified (unless the pack occurs in-place)
+ Entry *F, // m-by-n frontal matrix in column-major order
+ // output, contents not defined on input
+ Entry *R, // packed columns of R+H
+ Long *p_rm // number of rows in R block
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_hpinv
+ // input
+ spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
+ // input/output
+ spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum,
+ // workspace
+ Long *W // size QRnum->m
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> int spqr_1colamd
+ // inputs, not modified
+ int ordering, // all available, except 0:fixed and 3:given
+ // treated as 1:natural
+ double tol, // only accept singletons above tol
+ Long bncols, // number of columns of B
+ cholmod_sparse *A, // m-by-n sparse matrix
+ // output arrays, neither allocated nor defined on input.
+ Long **p_Q1fill, // size n+bncols, fill-reducing
+ // or natural ordering
+ Long **p_R1p, // size n1rows+1, R1p [k] = # of nonzeros in kth
+ // row of R1. NULL if n1cols == 0.
+ Long **p_P1inv, // size m, singleton row inverse permutation.
+ // If row i of A is the kth singleton row, then
+ // P1inv [i] = k. NULL if n1cols is zero.
+ cholmod_sparse **p_Y, // on output, only the first n-n1cols+1 entries of
+ // Y->p are defined (if Y is not NULL), where
+ // Y = [A B] or Y = [A2 B2]. If B is empty and
+ // there are no column singletons, Y is NULL
+ Long *p_n1cols, // number of column singletons found
+ Long *p_n1rows, // number of corresponding rows found
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> int spqr_1fixed
+ // inputs, not modified
+ double tol, // only accept singletons above tol
+ Long bncols, // number of columns of B
+ cholmod_sparse *A, // m-by-n sparse matrix
+ // output arrays, neither allocated nor defined on input.
+ Long **p_R1p, // size n1rows+1, R1p [k] = # of nonzeros in kth
+ // row of R1. NULL if n1cols == 0.
+ Long **p_P1inv, // size m, singleton row inverse permutation.
+ // If row i of A is the kth singleton row, then
+ // P1inv [i] = k. NULL if n1cols is zero.
+ cholmod_sparse **p_Y, // on output, only the first n-n1cols+1 entries of
+ // Y->p are defined (if Y is not NULL), where
+ // Y = [A B] or Y = [A2 B2]. If B is empty and
+ // there are no column singletons, Y is NULL
+ Long *p_n1cols, // number of column singletons found
+ Long *p_n1rows, // number of corresponding rows found
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *spqr_1factor
+ // inputs, not modified
+ int ordering, // all ordering options available
+ double tol, // only accept singletons above tol
+ Long bncols, // number of columns of B
+ int keepH, // if TRUE, keep the Householder vectors
+ cholmod_sparse *A, // m-by-n sparse matrix
+ Long ldb, // leading dimension of B, if dense
+ Long *Bp, // size bncols+1, column pointers of B
+ Long *Bi, // size bnz = Bp [bncols], row indices of B
+ Entry *Bx, // size bnz, numerical values of B
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+Long spqr_cumsum // returns total sum
+ // input, not modified
+ Long n,
+ // input/output
+ Long *X // size n+1. X = cumsum ([0 X])
+) ;
+void spqr_shift
+ // input, not modified
+ Long n,
+ // input/output
+ Long *X // size n+1
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_larftb
+ // inputs, not modified (V is modified and then restored on output)
+ int method, // 0,1,2,3
+ Long m, // C is m-by-n
+ Long n,
+ Long k, // V is v-by-k
+ // for methods 0 and 1, v = m,
+ // for methods 2 and 3, v = n
+ Long ldc, // leading dimension of C
+ Long ldv, // leading dimension of V
+ Entry *V, // V is v-by-k, unit lower triangular (diag not stored)
+ Entry *Tau, // size k, the k Householder coefficients
+ // input/output
+ Entry *C, // C is m-by-n, with leading dimension ldc
+ // workspace, not defined on input or output
+ Entry *W, // for methods 0,1: size k*k + n*k
+ // for methods 2,3: size k*k + m*k
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+int spqr_happly_work
+ // input
+ int method, // 0,1,2,3
+ Long m, // X is m-by-n
+ Long n,
+ // FUTURE : make H cholmod_sparse:
+ Long nh, // number of Householder vectors
+ Long *Hp, // size nh+1, column pointers for H
+ Long hchunk,
+ // outputs; sizes of workspaces needed
+ Long *p_vmax,
+ Long *p_vsize,
+ Long *p_csize
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_happly
+ // input
+ int method, // 0,1,2,3
+ Long m, // X is m-by-n
+ Long n,
+ Long nh, // number of Householder vectors
+ Long *Hp, // size nh+1, column pointers for H
+ Long *Hi, // size hnz = Hp [nh], row indices of H
+ Entry *Hx, // size hnz, Householder values. Note that the first
+ // entry in each column must be equal to 1.0
+ Entry *Tau, // size nh
+ // input/output
+ Entry *X, // size m-by-n with leading dimension m
+ // workspace
+ Long vmax,
+ Long hchunk,
+ Long *Wi, // size vmax
+ Long *Wmap, // size MAX(mh,1) where H is mh-by-nh
+ Entry *C, // size csize
+ Entry *V, // size vsize
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_panel
+ // input
+ int method,
+ Long m,
+ Long n,
+ Long v,
+ Long h, // number of Householder vectors in the panel
+ Long *Vi, // Vi [0:v-1] defines the pattern of the panel
+ Entry *V, // v-by-h, panel of Householder vectors
+ Entry *Tau, // size h, Householder coefficients for the panel
+ Long ldx,
+ // input/output
+ Entry *X, // m-by-n with leading dimension ldx
+ // workspace
+ Entry *C, // method 0,1: v-by-n; method 2,3: m-by-v
+ Entry *W, // method 0,1: k*k+n*k; method 2,3: k*k+m*k
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> int spqr_append // TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise
+ // inputs, not modified
+ Entry *X, // size m-by-1
+ Long *P, // size m, or NULL; permutation to apply to X.
+ // P [k] = i if row k of A is row i of X
+ // input/output
+ cholmod_sparse *A, // size m-by-n2 where n2 > n
+ Long *p_n, // number of columns of A; increased by one
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> Long spqr_trapezoidal // rank of R, or EMPTY
+ // inputs, not modified
+ Long n, // R is m-by-n (m is not needed here; can be economy R)
+ Long *Rp, // size n+1, column pointers of R
+ Long *Ri, // size rnz = Rp [n], row indices of R
+ Entry *Rx, // size rnz, numerical values of R
+ Long bncols, // number of columns of B
+ Long *Qfill, // size n+bncols, fill-reducing ordering. Qfill [k] = j if
+ // the jth column of A is the kth column of R. If Qfill is
+ // NULL, then it is assumed to be the identity
+ // permutation.
+ int skip_if_trapezoidal, // if R is already in trapezoidal form,
+ // and skip_if_trapezoidal is TRUE, then
+ // the matrix T is not created.
+ // outputs, not allocated on input
+ Long **p_Tp, // size n+1, column pointers of T
+ Long **p_Ti, // size rnz, row indices of T
+ Entry **p_Tx, // size rnz, numerical values of T
+ Long **p_Qtrap, // size n+bncols, modified Qfill
+ // workspace and parameters
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> int spqr_type (void) ;
+template <typename Entry> void spqr_rsolve
+ // inputs
+ SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR,
+ int use_Q1fill,
+ Long nrhs, // number of columns of B
+ Long ldb, // leading dimension of B
+ Entry *B, // size m-by-nrhs with leading dimesion ldb
+ // output
+ Entry *X, // size n-by-nrhs with leading dimension n
+ // workspace
+ Entry **Rcolp,
+ Long *Rlive,
+ Entry *W,
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+// returns rank of F, or 0 on error
+template <typename Entry> Long spqr_front
+ // input, not modified
+ Long m, // F is m-by-n with leading dimension m
+ Long n,
+ Long npiv, // number of pivot columns
+ double tol, // a column is flagged as dead if its norm is <= tol
+ Long ntol, // apply tol only to first ntol pivot columns
+ Long fchunk, // block size for compact WY Householder reflections,
+ // treated as 1 if fchunk <= 1
+ // input/output
+ Entry *F, // frontal matrix F of size m-by-n
+ Long *Stair, // size n, entries F (Stair[k]:m-1, k) are all zero,
+ // and remain zero on output.
+ char *Rdead, // size npiv; all zero on input. If k is dead,
+ // Rdead [k] is set to 1
+ // output, not defined on input
+ Entry *Tau, // size n, Householder coefficients
+ // workspace, undefined on input and output
+ Entry *W, // size b*(n+b), where b = min (fchunk,n,m)
+ // input/output
+ double *wscale,
+ double *wssq,
+ cholmod_common *cc // for cc->hypotenuse function
+) ;
+template <typename Entry> int spqr_rmap
+ SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR,
+ cholmod_common *cc
+) ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_conj ===============================================================
+// =============================================================================
+inline double spqr_conj (double x)
+ return (x) ;
+inline Complex spqr_conj (Complex x)
+ return (std::conj (x)) ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_abs ================================================================
+// =============================================================================
+inline double spqr_abs (double x, cholmod_common *cc) // cc is unused
+ return (fabs (x)) ;
+inline double spqr_abs (Complex x, cholmod_common *cc)
+ return (cc->hypotenuse (x.real ( ), x.imag ( ))) ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_divide =============================================================
+// =============================================================================
+inline double spqr_divide (double a, double b, cholmod_common *cc) // cc unused
+ return (a/b) ;
+inline Complex spqr_divide (Complex a, Complex b, cholmod_common *cc)
+ double creal, cimag ;
+ cc->complex_divide (a.real(), a.imag(), b.real(), b.imag(), &creal, &cimag);
+ return (Complex (creal, cimag)) ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_add ================================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// Add two non-negative Long's, and return the result. Checks for Long overflow
+// and sets ok to FALSE if it occurs.
+inline Long spqr_add (Long a, Long b, int *ok)
+ Long c = a + b ;
+ if (c < 0)
+ {
+ (*ok) = FALSE ;
+ return (EMPTY) ;
+ }
+ return (c) ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === spqr_mult ===============================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// Multiply two positive Long's, and return the result. Checks for Long
+// overflow and sets ok to FALSE if it occurs.
+inline Long spqr_mult (Long a, Long b, int *ok)
+ Long c = a * b ;
+ if (((double) c) != ((double) a) * ((double) b))
+ {
+ (*ok) = FALSE ;
+ return (EMPTY) ;
+ }
+ return (c) ;
+// =============================================================================
+// === BLAS interface ==========================================================
+// =============================================================================
+// To compile SuiteSparseQR with 64-bit BLAS, use -DBLAS64. See also
+// CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_blas.h
+extern "C" {
+#include "cholmod_blas.h"
+#undef EQ
+#define CHECK_BLAS_INT (sizeof (BLAS_INT) < sizeof (Long))
+#define EQ(K,k) (((BLAS_INT) K) == ((Long) k))
+#ifdef SUN64
+#define BLAS_DNRM2 dnrm2_64_
+#define LAPACK_DLARF dlarf_64_
+#define LAPACK_DLARFG dlarfg_64_
+#define LAPACK_DLARFT dlarft_64_
+#define LAPACK_DLARFB dlarfb_64_
+#define BLAS_DZNRM2 dznrm2_64_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARF zlarf_64_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFG zlarfg_64_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFT zlarft_64_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFB zlarfb_64_
+#elif defined (BLAS_NO_UNDERSCORE)
+#define BLAS_DNRM2 dnrm2
+#define LAPACK_DLARF dlarf
+#define LAPACK_DLARFG dlarfg
+#define LAPACK_DLARFT dlarft
+#define LAPACK_DLARFB dlarfb
+#define BLAS_DZNRM2 dznrm2
+#define LAPACK_ZLARF zlarf
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFG zlarfg
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFT zlarft
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFB zlarfb
+#define BLAS_DNRM2 dnrm2_
+#define LAPACK_DLARF dlarf_
+#define LAPACK_DLARFG dlarfg_
+#define LAPACK_DLARFT dlarft_
+#define LAPACK_DLARFB dlarfb_
+#define BLAS_DZNRM2 dznrm2_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARF zlarf_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFG zlarfg_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFT zlarft_
+#define LAPACK_ZLARFB zlarfb_
+// =============================================================================
+// === BLAS and LAPACK prototypes ==============================================
+// =============================================================================
+extern "C"
+void LAPACK_DLARFT (char *direct, char *storev, BLAS_INT *n, BLAS_INT *k,
+ double *V, BLAS_INT *ldv, double *Tau, double *T, BLAS_INT *ldt) ;
+void LAPACK_ZLARFT (char *direct, char *storev, BLAS_INT *n, BLAS_INT *k,
+ Complex *V, BLAS_INT *ldv, Complex *Tau, Complex *T, BLAS_INT *ldt) ;
+void LAPACK_DLARFB (char *side, char *trans, char *direct, char *storev,
+ BLAS_INT *m, BLAS_INT *n, BLAS_INT *k, double *V, BLAS_INT *ldv,
+ double *T, BLAS_INT *ldt, double *C, BLAS_INT *ldc, double *Work,
+ BLAS_INT *ldwork) ;
+void LAPACK_ZLARFB (char *side, char *trans, char *direct, char *storev,
+ BLAS_INT *m, BLAS_INT *n, BLAS_INT *k, Complex *V, BLAS_INT *ldv,
+ Complex *T, BLAS_INT *ldt, Complex *C, BLAS_INT *ldc, Complex *Work,
+ BLAS_INT *ldwork) ;
+double BLAS_DNRM2 (BLAS_INT *n, double *X, BLAS_INT *incx) ;
+double BLAS_DZNRM2 (BLAS_INT *n, Complex *X, BLAS_INT *incx) ;
+void LAPACK_DLARFG (BLAS_INT *n, double *alpha, double *X, BLAS_INT *incx,
+ double *tau) ;
+void LAPACK_ZLARFG (BLAS_INT *n, Complex *alpha, Complex *X, BLAS_INT *incx,
+ Complex *tau) ;
+void LAPACK_DLARF (char *side, BLAS_INT *m, BLAS_INT *n, double *V,
+ BLAS_INT *incv, double *tau, double *C, BLAS_INT *ldc, double *Work) ;
+void LAPACK_ZLARF (char *side, BLAS_INT *m, BLAS_INT *n, Complex *V,
+ BLAS_INT *incv, Complex *tau, Complex *C, BLAS_INT *ldc, Complex *Work) ;