path: root/tools/localization
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /tools/localization
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/localization')
9 files changed, 2130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/localization/ b/tools/localization/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6d1d7b759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+# Copyright (C) INRIA - 2007-2008 - Sylvestre Ledru
+# Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2009-2010 - Sylvestre Ledru
+# Copyright (C) 2010 - Calixte DENIZET
+# This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+# This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at
+# This script takes a list of localization files dumped by launchpad
+# here
+# and dispatch them into Scilab source tree
+if test $# -ne 1; then
+ echo "This script takes a list of localization files dumped by launchpad"
+ echo "here "
+ echo "and dispatch them into Scilab source tree"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Syntax : $0 <path_to_launchpad_localization_file>"
+ exit 1
+if test -z "$SCI"; then
+ echo "Please define the variable SCI"
+ exit 2
+if test ! -d $LAUNCHPAD_DIRECTORY; then
+ echo "Could not find $LAUNCHPAD_DIRECTORY."
+ echo "Exiting..."
+ exit 3
+# Don't know why but launchpad is placing some files in some sub dirs
+FILES=$(find $LAUNCHPAD_DIRECTORY/ -mindepth 2 -iname '*.po' -type f)
+for file in $LAUNCHPAD_DIRECTORY/*.po; do
+ file=`echo $file|awk -F / '{print $NF}'` # get only the filename
+ LOC=`echo $file|cut -d. -f1|awk -F - '{print $NF}'` # Get the locale (fr_FR, en_US ...)
+ if test "$LOC" = "fr"; then LOC="fr_FR"; fi # Retrieve real format
+ if test "$LOC" = "ru"; then LOC="ru_RU"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "de"; then LOC="de_DE"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "ca"; then LOC="ca_ES"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "es"; then LOC="es_ES"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "ja"; then LOC="ja_JP"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "it"; then LOC="it_IT"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "uk"; then LOC="uk_UA"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "pl"; then LOC="pl_PL"; fi
+ if test "$LOC" = "cs"; then LOC="cs_CZ"; fi
+ # check that it is the right format
+ echo "$LOC"|grep -E "(.*_.*)" > /dev/null # it is a real localization name xx_YY
+ if test $? -eq 0; then
+ MODULE=`echo $file|sed -e "s|macros-||"|sed -e "s|\(.*\)-.*|\1|"|sed -e "s|-|_|g"` # Get the module name (for example signal_processing)
+ if test "$MODULE" = "pvm" -o "$MODULE" = "shell"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo $file|grep "macros-" > /dev/null
+ if test "$IS_MACRO" -eq 0; then
+ TARGETFILE=$SCI/modules/$MODULE/locales_macros/$LOC.po
+ else
+ TARGETFILE=$SCI/modules/$MODULE/locales/$LOC.po
+ fi
+ # Do not copy empty files
+ if test -n "$(msgcat $LAUNCHPAD_DIRECTORY/$file)"; then
+ # Before the copy, strip the line with the date. It is only making
+ # diff too big for a little gain.
+ # See bug #7059
+ sed -i -e "/X-Launchpad-Export-Date/d" $LAUNCHPAD_DIRECTORY/$file
+ if test $? -ne 0; then
+ echo "Error detected in the copy"
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Ignore locale $LOC"
+ fi
+# Remove english variants
+rm -f modules/*/locales/en_*.po
diff --git a/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce b/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58e1b40f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2007 - INRIA - Allan CORNET
+// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function generatePoFile(LANGUAGE)
+ if getos() <> "Windows" then
+ error(999, "Used only under Windows");
+ end
+ if ~isdef("%c_a_c") then
+ exec("SCI/modules/overloading/macros/%c_a_c.sci");
+ end
+ DEST_PATH_MO = SCI + filesep() + "locale" + filesep() + LANGUAGE + filesep() + LC + filesep();
+ DEST_FILE_MO = "";
+ DEST_FILE_PO = "scilab.po";
+ PATH_GETTEXT_TOOLS = SCI + filesep() + "tools/gettext";
+ // make destination directories
+ if ~isdir(SCI + filesep() + "locale") then
+ createdir(SCI + filesep() + "locale");
+ end
+ if ~isdir(SCI + filesep() + "locale" + filesep() + LANGUAGE) then
+ createdir(SCI + filesep() + "locale" + filesep() + LANGUAGE);
+ end
+ if ~isdir(SCI + filesep() + "locale" + filesep() + LANGUAGE + filesep() + LC) then
+ createdir(SCI + filesep() + "locale" + filesep() + LANGUAGE + filesep() + LC);
+ end
+ Modules = getmodules();
+ PATH_PO = SCI + filesep() + "modules" + filesep() + Modules + filesep() + "locales" + filesep();
+ if LANGUAGE == "en_US" then
+ FILENAME_PO = Modules + ".pot";
+ else
+ end
+ List_files = [];
+ for k = 1:size(PATH_PO, "*")
+ if LANGUAGE == "en_US" then
+ if findfiles(PATH_PO(k), FILENAME_PO(k)) <> [] then
+ List_files = [List_files ; getrelativefilename(DEST_PATH_MO, fullpath(PATH_PO(k) + FILENAME_PO(k)))];
+ end
+ else
+ if findfiles(PATH_PO(k), FILENAME_PO) <> [] then
+ List_files = [List_files ; getrelativefilename(DEST_PATH_MO, fullpath(PATH_PO(k) + FILENAME_PO))];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (List_files <> []) then
+ if newest([DEST_PATH_MO + DEST_FILE_MO; DEST_PATH_MO + List_files]) <> 1 then
+ curPath = pwd();
+ cmdline_msgcat = PATH_GETTEXT_TOOLS + filesep() + "msgcat --use-first -o " + DEST_FILE_PO + " " + strcat("""" + List_files + """", " ");
+ unix(cmdline_msgcat);
+ cmline_msgfmt = PATH_GETTEXT_TOOLS + filesep() + "msgfmt --statistics -o " + DEST_FILE_MO + " " + DEST_FILE_PO;
+ unix(cmline_msgfmt);
+ cd(curPath)
+ end
+ end
+// ======================================
+function languages = findLanguagesToBuild()
+ languages = [];
+ f1 = findfiles("SCI/modules/core/locales/", "*.pot");
+ f2 = findfiles("SCI/modules/core/locales/", "*.po");
+ if f1 <> [] then
+ languages = ["en_US"];
+ end
+ if f2 <> [] then
+ f2 = strsubst(f2, ".po", "");
+ languages = [languages, f2'];
+ end
+// ======================================
+// Main
+LANGUAGES = findLanguagesToBuild();
+mprintf("-- Build localization (.mo from .po) --\n");
+ mprintf(" -- Building for ""%s"" --\n", L);
+ generatePoFile(L);
+// ======================================
diff --git a/tools/localization/generatePoFile.vcxproj b/tools/localization/generatePoFile.vcxproj
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ee60cdb82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/generatePoFile.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+ </ImportGroup>
+ <ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" Label="PropertySheets">
+ <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
+ </ImportGroup>
+ <ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="PropertySheets">
+ <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
+ </ImportGroup>
+ <ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="PropertySheets">
+ <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
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+ <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1</_ProjectFileVersion>
+ <OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">$(ProjectDir)locales\</OutDir>
+ <IntDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)\</IntDir>
+ <NMakeBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeReBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">IF EXIST "$(SolutionDir)locale" rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"
+"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
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+ <OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">$(ProjectDir)locales\</OutDir>
+ <IntDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)\</IntDir>
+ <NMakeBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeReBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">IF EXIST "$(SolutionDir)locale" rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"
+"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeCleanCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"</NMakeCleanCommandLine>
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+ <OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">$(ProjectDir)locales\</OutDir>
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+ <NMakeBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeReBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">IF EXIST "$(SolutionDir)locale" rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"
+"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeCleanCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"</NMakeCleanCommandLine>
+ <NMakeOutput Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'" />
+ <NMakePreprocessorDefinitions Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">WIN32;NDEBUG;$(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions)</NMakePreprocessorDefinitions>
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+ <NMakeAssemblySearchPath Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">$(NMakeAssemblySearchPath)</NMakeAssemblySearchPath>
+ <NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">$(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies)</NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies>
+ <OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">$(ProjectDir)locales\</OutDir>
+ <IntDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)\</IntDir>
+ <NMakeBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeReBuildCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">IF EXIST "$(SolutionDir)locale" rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"
+"$(SolutionDir)bin\scilex.exe" -ns -nwni -e exec(SCI+%27/tools/localization/generatePoFile.sce%27);quit
+exit /B 0
+ <NMakeCleanCommandLine Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">rmdir /s /q "$(SolutionDir)locale"</NMakeCleanCommandLine>
+ <NMakeOutput Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" />
+ <NMakePreprocessorDefinitions Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">WIN32;NDEBUG;$(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions)</NMakePreprocessorDefinitions>
+ <NMakeIncludeSearchPath Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">$(NMakeIncludeSearchPath)</NMakeIncludeSearchPath>
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+ <NMakeAssemblySearchPath Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">$(NMakeAssemblySearchPath)</NMakeAssemblySearchPath>
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+ <ItemDefinitionGroup>
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+ <ItemGroup>
+ <None Include="generatePoFile.sce" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\functions\scripts\buildmacros\BuildMacros.vcxproj">
+ <Project>{66f2fb48-5d68-4445-a856-119f685a371b}</Project>
+ <ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly>
+ </ProjectReference>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
+ <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
+ </ImportGroup>
+</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/localization/generatePoFile.vcxproj.filters b/tools/localization/generatePoFile.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..65f1cbe60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/generatePoFile.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Filter Include="Source Files">
+ <UniqueIdentifier>{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}</UniqueIdentifier>
+ <Extensions>cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx</Extensions>
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+ <Extensions>h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd</Extensions>
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+ </Filter>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <None Include="generatePoFile.sce" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/localization/ b/tools/localization/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6dc62b9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# file
+# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
+# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The GNU General Public License version 2 is included below for your reference.
+# author: Michael Gerz,
+# update by Sylvestre Ledru <> 2011 - Integration
+# of Scilab string + automatic correction of the missing quotes.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Copy;
+my $usage = <<EOT; [-acmpqstzx] po_file [po_file] ...
+This script performs some consistency checks on po files.
+We check for everything listed here, unless one or more of these
+options is given, in which case we checks only for those requested.
+-a: Check arguments, like %1\$s
+-c: Check for colons at end
+-m: Check for menu shortcuts
+-p: Check for period at end
+-q: Check Qt shortcuts
+-s: Check for space at end
+-t: Check for uniform translation
+-n: Check for Scilab macros error
+-x: Automagically fix Scilab macros quote errors
+These options can be given with or without other options.
+-f: Ignore fuzzy translations
+-w: Only report summary total of errors
+-i: Silent mode, report only errors
+my %options;
+getopts(":hacfmpqstnwix", \%options);
+if (defined($options{h})) {
+ print $usage;
+ exit 0;
+my $only_total = defined($options{w});
+delete $options{w} if $only_total;
+my $ignore_fuzzy = defined($options{f});
+delete $options{f} if $ignore_fuzzy;
+my $silent_mode = defined($options{i});
+delete $options{i} if $silent_mode;
+my $check_args = (!%options or defined($options{a}));
+my $check_colons = (!%options or defined($options{c}));
+my $check_spaces = (!%options or defined($options{m}));
+my $check_periods = (!%options or defined($options{p}));
+my $check_qt = (!%options or defined($options{q}));
+my $check_menu = (!%options or defined($options{s}));
+my $check_trans = (!%options or defined($options{t}));
+# Fix Scilab code implies the detection
+my $check_scilab_macros = (!%options or defined($options{n}) or defined($options{x}));
+my $fix_scilab_quote = (!%options or defined($options{x}));
+my %trans;
+my $global_warn = 0;
+sub replaceInFile {
+ my $pofilename=$_[0];
+ my $kindofreplace=$_[1];
+ open( INPUT, "<$pofilename" )
+ || die "Cannot read po file '$pofilename'";
+ open(OUTPUTFILE, ">$pofilename.tmp" );
+ while (<INPUT>) {
+ if ($kindofreplace eq "single") {
+ $_ =~ s/^msgstr "(.*)([^'])'([^'])(.*)"/msgstr "$1$2''$3$4"/g;
+ $_ =~ s/^"(.*)([^'])'([^'])(.*)"/"$1$2''$3$4"/g;
+ } else {
+ if ($kindofreplace eq "double") {
+ $_ =~ s/^msgstr "(.*)([^"])"([^"])(.*)"/msgstr "$1$2""$3$4"/g;
+ $_ =~ s/^"(.*)([^"])"([^"])(.*)"/"$1$2""$3$4"/g;
+ #$_ =~ s/^msgstr "([^"])"([^"])"/msgstr "$1""$2"/g;
+# $_ =~ s/^"([^"])"([^"])"/"$1""$2"/g;
+ } else {
+ $_ =~ s/^msgstr "(.*)\\"(.*)"/msgstr "$1"$2"/g;
+ $_ =~ s/^"(.*)\\"(.*)"/"$1"$2"/g;
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUTFILE $_;
+ }
+ close( INPUT );
+ close( OUTPUTFILE );
+ copy("$pofilename.tmp",$pofilename);
+ unlink("$pofilename.tmp");
+foreach my $pofilename ( @ARGV ) {
+ my %bad;
+ if (!$silent_mode) {
+ print "Processing po file '$pofilename'...\n";
+ }
+ open( INPUT, "<$pofilename" )
+ || die "Cannot read po file '$pofilename'";
+ my @pofile = <INPUT>;
+ close( INPUT );
+ undef( %trans );
+ keys( %trans ) = 10000;
+ my $noOfLines = $#pofile;
+ my $warn = 0;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my ($msgid, $msgstr, $more);
+ while ($i <= $noOfLines) {
+ my $linenum = $i;
+ ( $msgid ) = ( $pofile[$i] =~ m/^msgid "(.*)"/ );
+ $i++;
+ next unless $msgid;
+ if ($ignore_fuzzy) {
+ my $previous = $pofile[$i - 2];
+ next if $previous =~ m/#,.*fuzzy/;
+ }
+ # some msgid's are more than one line long, so add those.
+ while ( ( $more ) = $pofile[$i] =~ m/^"(.*)"/ ) {
+ $msgid = $msgid . $more;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # now look for the associated msgstr.
+ until ( ( $msgstr ) = ( $pofile[$i] =~ m/^msgstr "(.*)"/ ) ) { $i++; };
+ $i++;
+ # again collect any extra lines.
+ while ( ( $i <= $noOfLines ) &&
+ ( ( $more ) = $pofile[$i] =~ m/^"(.*)"/ ) ) {
+ $msgstr = $msgstr . $more;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # nothing to do if one of them is empty.
+ # (surely that is always $msgstr?)
+ next if ($msgid eq "" or $msgstr eq "");
+ # Check for matching %1$s, etc.
+ if ($check_args) {
+ my @argstrs = ( $msgid =~ m/%(\d)\$s/g );
+ if (@argstrs) {
+ my $n = 0;
+ foreach my $arg (@argstrs) { $n = $arg if $arg > $n; }
+ if ($n <= 0) {
+ print "$pofilename, line $linenum: Problem finding arguments in:\n $msgid!\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Missing arguments"};
+ $warn++;
+ } else {
+ foreach my $i (1..$n) {
+ my $arg = "%$i\\\$s";
+ if ( $msgstr !~ m/$arg/ ) {
+ print "$pofilename, line $linenum: Missing argument `$arg'\n '$msgid' ==> '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Missing arguments"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_colons) {
+ # Check colon at the end of a message
+ if ( ( $msgid =~ m/: *(\|.*)?$/ ) != ( $msgstr =~ m/: *(\|.*)?$/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing or unexpected colon:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Bad colons"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_periods) {
+ # Check period at the end of a message; uncomment code if you are paranoid
+ if ( ( $msgid =~ m/\. *(\|.*)?$/ ) != ( $msgstr =~ m/\. *(\|.*)?$/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing or unexpected period:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Bad periods"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_spaces) {
+ # Check space at the end of a message
+ if ( ( $msgid =~ m/ *?(\|.*)?$/ ) != ( $msgstr =~ m/ *?(\|.*)?$/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing or unexpected space:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Bad spaces"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_qt) {
+ # Check for "&" shortcuts
+ if ( ( $msgid =~ m/&[^ ]/ ) != ( $msgstr =~ m/&[^ ]/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing or unexpected Qt shortcut:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Bad Qt shortcuts"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_scilab_macros) {
+ if ( ( $msgstr =~ /\\"/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Useless \\\":\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Scilab error in \\\" (should be a double quote instead)"};
+ $warn++;
+ if ($fix_scilab_quote) {
+ replaceInFile($pofilename,"backslash");
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for single single/double quote in the string
+ if ( ( $msgstr =~ m/[^']'[^']/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing single quote:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Scilab error in single quote (should be doubled)"};
+ $warn++;
+ if ($fix_scilab_quote) {
+ replaceInFile($pofilename,"single");
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( $msgstr =~ m/[^"]"[^"]/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing double quote:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Scilab error in double quote (should be doubled)"};
+ $warn++;
+ if ($fix_scilab_quote) {
+ replaceInFile($pofilename,"double");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($check_menu) {
+ # Check for "|..." shortcuts
+ if ( ( $msgid =~ m/\|[^ ]/ ) != ( $msgstr =~ m/\|[^ ]/ ) ) {
+ print "Line $linenum: Missing or unexpected menu shortcut:\n '$msgid' => '$msgstr'\n"
+ unless $only_total;
+ ++$bad{"Bad menu shortcuts"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ next unless $check_trans;
+ # we now collect these translations in a hash.
+ # this will allow us to check below if we have translated
+ # anything more than one way.
+ my $msgid_clean = lc($msgid);
+ my $msgstr_clean = lc($msgstr);
+ $msgid_clean =~ s/(.*)\|.*?$/$1/; # strip menu shortcuts
+ $msgstr_clean =~ s/(.*)\|.*?$/$1/;
+ $msgid_clean =~ s/&([^ ])/$1/; # strip Qt shortcuts
+ $msgstr_clean =~ s/&([^ ])/$1/;
+ # this is a hash of hashes. the keys of the outer hash are
+ # cleaned versions of ORIGINAL strings. the keys of the inner hash
+ # are the cleaned versions of their TRANSLATIONS. The value for the
+ # inner hash is an array of the orignal string and translation.
+ $trans{$msgid_clean}{$msgstr_clean} = [ $msgid, $msgstr, $linenum ];
+ }
+ if ($check_trans) {
+ foreach $msgid ( keys %trans ) {
+ # so $ref is a reference to the inner hash.
+ my $ref = $trans{$msgid};
+ # @msgstrkeys is an array of the keys of that inner hash.
+ my @msgstrkeys = keys %$ref;
+ # do we have more than one such key?
+ if ( $#msgstrkeys > 0 ) {
+ if (!$only_total) {
+ print "Different translations for '$msgid':\n";
+ foreach $msgstr ( @msgstrkeys ) {
+ print "Line $ref->{$msgstr}[2]: '" .
+ $ref->{$msgstr}[0] . "' => '" .
+ $ref->{$msgstr}[1] . "'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ++$bad{"Inconsistent translations"};
+ $warn++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$silent_mode) {
+ if ($warn) {
+ $global_warn += $warn;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %bad) { print "$k: $v\n"; }
+ if (scalar(keys %bad) > 1) {
+ print "Total warnings: $warn\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "No warnings!\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+print "Warnings on all files: $global_warn\n";
diff --git a/tools/localization/revcheck.php b/tools/localization/revcheck.php
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0a0bc0cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/revcheck.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+#!/usr/bin/php -q
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 4 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
+ | |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Authors: Thomas Sch�fbeck <> |
+ | Gabor Hojtsy <> |
+ | Mark Kronsbein <> |
+ | Jan Fabry <>
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id: revcheck.php 308406 2011-02-16 22:27:57Z yannick $
+if ($argc < 2 || $argc > 4) {
+Check the revision of translated files against
+the actual english xml files, and print statistics
+ Usage:
+ <?php echo $argv[0]; ?> <language-code> [<maintainer>] [--show-uptodate]
+ <language-code> must be a valid language code used
+ in the repository
+ If you specify <maintainer>, the script only checks
+ the files maintained by the person you add here
+ If you specify --show-uptodate option, the script will
+ also show uptodate files in the common file list
+ Read more about Revision comments and related
+ functionality in the PHP Documentation Howto:
+ exit;
+// Long runtime
+// A file is criticaly "outdated' if
+define("ALERT_REV", 10); // translation is 10 or more revisions behind the en_US one
+define("ALERT_SIZE", 3); // translation is 3 or more kB smaller than the en_US one
+define("ALERT_DATE", -30); // translation is 30 or more days older than the en_US one
+// Revision marks used to flag files
+define("REV_UPTODATE", 1); // actual file
+define("REV_NOREV", 2); // file with revision comment without revision
+define("REV_CRITICAL", 3); // criticaly old / small / outdated
+define("REV_OLD", 4); // outdated file
+define("REV_NOTAG", 5); // file without revision comment
+define("REV_NOTRANS", 6); // file without translation
+define("REV_CREDIT", 7); // only used in translators list
+define("REV_WIP", 8); // only used in translators list
+$gitOptions="--no-color -n 1";
+// Colors used to mark files by status (colors for the above types)
+$CSS = array(
+ REV_UPTODATE => "act",
+ REV_NOREV => "norev",
+ REV_CRITICAL => "crit",
+ REV_OLD => "old",
+ REV_NOTAG => "wip",
+ REV_NOTRANS => "wip",
+ REV_CREDIT => "wip",
+ REV_WIP => "wip",
+function init_revisions() {
+ global $CSS;
+ return array_fill_keys(array_keys($CSS), 0);
+function init_files_by_maint($persons) {
+ $result = array();
+ foreach($persons as $item) {
+ $result[$item['name']] = init_revisions();
+ }
+ return $result;
+$file_sizes_by_mark = $files_by_mark = init_revisions();
+// Initializing variables from parameters
+$LANG = $argv[1];
+$MAINT = "";
+if ($argc == 3) {
+ if ($argv[2] == '--show-uptodate') {
+ } else {
+ $MAINT = $argv[2];
+ }
+} elseif ($argc == 4) {
+ $MAINT = $argv[2];
+ $SHOW_UPTODATE = ($argv[3] == '--show-uptodate');
+if (!is_dir($DOCDIR)) {
+ echo "Could not find $DOCDIR\n";
+ die();
+// =========================================================================
+// Functions to get revision info and credits from a file
+// =========================================================================
+function get_last_commit_from_git($file) {
+ global $gitOptions;
+ $cmd="cd `dirname $file` > /dev/null; git log $gitOptions $file|head -1|cut -d' ' -f2; cd - > /dev/null";
+ $lastcommit=exec($cmd);
+ if (!$lastcommit) {
+ die("Error: Could not retrieve the last commit from git: ".$cmd);
+ }
+ return $lastcommit;
+function get_last_revision_from_git($file) {
+ global $DOCDIR;
+ $commit=get_last_commit_from_git($file);
+ if (!$commit) {
+ die("Error: empty commit");
+ }
+ $tempFile="/tmp/git_rev-list.txt";
+ if (!is_file($tempFile)) {
+ exec("cd `dirname $DOCDIR` > /dev/null; git rev-list --reverse HEAD > $tempFile; cd - > /dev/null");
+ }
+ return exec("cd `dirname $file` > /dev/null; grep -n $commit $tempFile | cut -d: -f1; cd - > /dev/null");
+function get_author_from_git($file) {
+ global $gitOptions;
+ return ucwords(strtolower(exec("cd `dirname $file` > /dev/null; git log $gitOptions $file|head -2|grep 'Author:'|sed -e 's|Author: \(.*\) <.*|\\1|g'; cd - > /dev/null")));
+// Grabs the revision tag and stores credits from the file given
+function get_tags($file, $val = "en-rev") {
+ // Read the first 500 chars. The comment should be at
+ // the begining of the file
+ $fp = @fopen($file, "r") or die ("Unable to read $file.");
+ $line = fread($fp, 500);
+ fclose($fp);
+ // Return if this was needed (it should be there)
+ if ($val == "en-rev") {
+ return get_last_revision_from_git($file);
+// preg_match("/<!-- .Revision: (\d+) . -->/", $line, $match);
+// return $match[1];
+ }
+ // Handle credits (only if no maintainer is specified)
+ if ($val == "\\S*") {
+ global $files_by_maint;
+ // Find credits info, let more credits then one,
+ // using commas as list separator
+ if (preg_match("'<!--\s*CREDITS:\s*(.+)\s*-->'U", $line, $match_credit)) {
+ // Explode with commas a separators
+ $credits = explode(",", $match_credit[1]);
+ // Store all elements
+ foreach ($credits as $num => $credit) {
+ $files_by_maint[trim($credit)][REV_CREDIT]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ global $LANG;
+ // No match before the preg
+ $match = array();
+ $match[0]="";
+ $match[1]=get_last_revision_from_git($file);//str_replace($LANG,"en_US",$file));
+ $match[2]=get_author_from_git($file);
+ $match[3]="";
+ return $match;
+ // Check for the translations "revision tag"
+ preg_match ("/<!--\s*EN-Revision:\s*(\d+)\s*Maintainer:\s*("
+ . $val . ")\s*Status:\s*(.+)\s*-->/U",
+ $line,
+ $match
+ );
+ // The tag with revision number is not found so search
+ // for n/a revision comment (comment where revision is not known)
+ if (count($match) == 0) {
+ preg_match ("'<!--\s*EN-Revision:\s*(n/a)\s*Maintainer:\s*("
+ . $val . ")\s*Status:\s*(.+)\s*-->'U",
+ $line,
+ $match
+ );
+ }
+ // Return with found revision info (number, maint, status)
+ return $match;
+} // get_tags() function end
+function detect_date_from_git($file) {
+ global $gitOptions;
+ $en_date=strtotime(trim(exec("cd `dirname $file` > /dev/null; git log $gitOptions --date=iso $file|grep Date:|sed -e \"s|Date:||g\"; cd - > /dev/null")));
+ return $en_date;
+// =========================================================================
+// Functions to check file status in translated directory, and store info
+// =========================================================================
+// Checks a file, and gather status info
+function get_file_status($file) {
+ // The information is contained in these global arrays and vars
+ global $DOCDIR, $LANG, $MAINT, $SHOW_UPTODATE, $files_by_mark, $files_by_maint;
+ global $file_sizes_by_mark;
+ global $missing_files, $missing_tags, $using_rev;
+ // Transform english file name to translated file name
+ $trans_file = str_replace("en_US", $LANG, $file);
+ // If we cannot find the file, we push it into the missing files list
+ if (!@file_exists($trans_file)) {
+ $files_by_mark[REV_NOTRANS]++;
+ $trans_name = substr($trans_file, strlen($DOCDIR));
+ $size = intval(filesize($file)/1024);
+ $missing_files[substr($file, strlen($DOCDIR))] = array( $size );
+ $file_sizes_by_mark[REV_NOTRANS] += $size;
+ // compute en-tags just if they're needed in the WIP-Table
+ if($using_rev) {
+ $missing_files[$trans_name][] = get_tags($file);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // No specific maintainer, check for a revision tag
+ if (empty($MAINT)) {
+ $trans_tag = get_tags($trans_file, "\\S*");
+ }
+ // If we need to check for a specific translator
+ else {
+ // Get translated files tag, with maintainer
+ $trans_tag = get_tags($trans_file, $MAINT);
+ // If this is a file belonging to another
+ // maintainer, than we would not like to
+ // deal with it anymore
+ if (count($trans_tag) == 0) {
+ $trans_tag = get_tags($trans_file, "\\S*");
+ // We found a tag for another maintainer
+ if (count($trans_tag) > 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute sizes and diffs
+ $en_size = intval(filesize($file) / 1024);
+ $trans_size = intval(mb_strlen(file_get_contents($trans_file), 'UTF-8') / 1024);
+ $size_diff = intval($en_size) - intval($trans_size);
+ // If we found no revision tag, then collect this
+ // file in the missing tags list
+ if (count($trans_tag) == 0) {
+ $files_by_mark[REV_NOTAG]++;
+ $file_sizes_by_mark[REV_NOTAG] += $en_size;
+ $missing_tags[] = array(substr($trans_file, strlen($DOCDIR)), $en_size, $trans_size, $size_diff);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Distribute values in separate vars for further processing
+ list(, $this_rev, $this_maint, $this_status) = $trans_tag;
+ // Get English file revision
+ $en_rev = get_tags($file);
+ // If we have a numeric revision number (not n/a), compute rev. diff
+ if (is_numeric($this_rev)) {
+ $rev_diff = intval($en_rev) - intval($this_rev);
+ $trans_rev = $this_rev;
+ $en_rev = $en_rev;
+ $en_commit = get_last_commit_from_git($file);
+ $trans_commit = get_last_commit_from_git($trans_file);
+ } else {
+ // If we have no numeric revision, make all revision
+ // columns hold the rev from the translated file
+ $rev_diff = $trans_rev = $this_rev;
+ $en_rev = $en_rev;
+ }
+ // Compute times and diffs
+// $en_date = intval((time() - filemtime($file)) / 86400);
+ $en_date=detect_date_from_git($file);
+ if (!$en_date) {
+ die("Could not detect date");
+ }
+ $en_date = intval((time() - $en_date) / 86400);
+ $trans_date=detect_date_from_git($trans_file);
+ $trans_date = intval((time() - $trans_date) / 86400);
+ $date_diff = $en_date - $trans_date;
+ // If the file is up-to-date
+ if ($rev_diff === 0 && trim($this_status) === "ready") {
+ $status_mark = REV_UPTODATE;
+ } elseif ($en_rev < $this_rev && $date_diff > 0) {
+ $status_mark = REV_UPTODATE;
+ }
+ // Or make decision on file category by revision, date and size
+ elseif ($rev_diff >= ALERT_REV || $size_diff >= ALERT_SIZE || $date_diff <= ALERT_DATE) {
+ $status_mark = REV_CRITICAL;
+ } elseif ($rev_diff === "n/a") {
+ $status_mark = REV_NOREV;
+ } elseif ($rev_diff === 0) {
+ $status_mark = REV_WIP;
+ } else {
+ $status_mark = REV_OLD;
+ }
+ // Store files by status, and by maintainer too
+ $files_by_mark[$status_mark]++;
+ if (!isset($files_by_maint[$this_maint])) {
+ $files_by_maint[$this_maint]=Array();
+ }
+ if (!isset($files_by_maint[$this_maint][$status_mark])) {
+ $files_by_maint[$this_maint][$status_mark]=Array();
+ }
+ $files_by_maint[$this_maint][$status_mark]++;
+ $file_sizes_by_mark[$status_mark] += $en_size;
+ if (REV_UPTODATE === $status_mark && !$SHOW_UPTODATE) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return array(
+ "full_name" => $file,
+ "short_name" => basename($trans_file),
+ "revision" => array($en_rev, $trans_rev, $rev_diff),
+ "commit" => array($en_commit, $trans_commit),
+ "size" => array($en_size, $trans_size, $size_diff),
+ "date" => array($en_date, $trans_date, $date_diff),
+ "maintainer" => $this_maint,
+ "status" => $this_status,
+ "mark" => $status_mark
+ );
+} // get_file_status() function end
+// =========================================================================
+// A function to check directory status in translated directory
+// =========================================================================
+// Check the status of files in a diretory of phpdoc XML files
+// The English directory is passed to this function to check
+function get_dir_status($dir,$lang) {
+ global $DOCDIR;
+ // Collect files and diretcories in these arrays
+ $directories = array();
+ $files = array();
+ // Open the directory
+ $handle = @opendir($dir);
+ // Walk through all names in the directory
+ while ($file = @readdir($handle)) {
+ if (
+ (!is_dir($dir.'/' .$file) && !in_array(substr($file, -3), array('xml','ent')) && substr($file, -13) != 'PHPEditBackup' )
+ || strpos($file, 'entities.') === 0
+ || $dir == $DOCDIR.'en/chmonly/' || $dir == $DOCDIR.'en/internals/' || $dir == $DOCDIR.'en/internals2/'
+ || $file == 'contributors.ent' || $file == 'contributors.xml'
+ || ($dir == $DOCDIR.'en/appendices/' && ($file == 'reserved.constants.xml' || $file == 'extensions.xml'))
+ || $file == 'README'
+ || $file == 'DO_NOT_TRANSLATE'
+ || $file == 'rsusi.txt'
+ || $file == 'missing-ids.xml'
+ || $file == 'license.xml'
+ || $file == 'master_help.xml'
+ || preg_grep("/scilab_.*_help/",Array($dir))
+ || $file == 'versions.xml'
+ ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $dir != '/functions') {
+ if (is_dir($dir.'/' .$file)) {
+ $directories[] = $file;
+ } elseif (is_file($dir.'/' .$file)) {
+ if (strpos($dir,"help/$lang")) {
+ $files[] = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Close the directory
+ @closedir($handle);
+ // Sort files and directories
+ sort($directories);
+ sort($files);
+ // Go through files first
+ $dir_status = array();
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ // If the file status is OK, append the status info
+ if ($file_status = get_file_status($dir.$file)) {
+ $dir_status[] = $file_status;
+ }
+ }
+ // Then go through subdirectories, merging all the info
+ // coming from subdirs to one array
+ foreach ($directories as $file) {
+// if (sizeof($dir_status) < 1) {
+// echo $dir.$file;
+ $dir_status = array_merge(
+ $dir_status,
+ get_dir_status($dir.$file.'/',$lang)
+ );
+// }
+ }
+ // Return with collected file info in
+ // this dir and subdirectories [if any]
+ return $dir_status;
+} // get_dir_status() function end
+// Check for files removed in the EN tree, but still living in the translation
+function get_old_files($dir) {
+ global $DOCDIR, $LANG;
+ // Collect files and diretcories in these arrays
+ $directories = array();
+ $files = array();
+ $special_files = array(
+ // french
+ 'LISEZ_MOI.txt',
+ 'Translators',
+ 'translation.xml'
+ // todo: add all missing languages
+ );
+ // Open the directory
+ $handle = @opendir($dir);
+ // Walk through all names in the directory
+ while ($file = @readdir($handle)) {
+ // If we found a file with one or two point as a name,
+ // a SVN directory, or an editor backup file skip the file
+ if (preg_match("/^\.{1,2}/", $file)
+ || substr($file, -1) == '~' // Emacs backup file
+ || substr($file, -4) == '.new'
+ ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // skip this files
+ if (in_array($file, $special_files)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Collect files and directories
+ if (is_dir($dir.$file)) {
+ $directories[] = $file;
+ } else {
+ $files[] = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ // Close the directory
+ @closedir($handle);
+ // Sort files and directories
+ sort($directories);
+ sort($files);
+ // Go through files first
+ $old_files_status = array();
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ $en_dir = preg_replace("'^".$DOCDIR.$LANG."/'", $DOCDIR."en/", $dir);
+ if (!@file_exists($en_dir.$file) ) {
+ $old_files_status[$dir.$file] = array(0=>intval(filesize($dir.$file)/1024));
+ }
+ }
+ // Then go through subdirectories, merging all the info
+ // coming from subdirs to one array
+ foreach ($directories as $file) {
+ $old_files_status = array_merge(
+ $old_files_status,
+ get_old_files($dir.$file.'/')
+ );
+ }
+ return $old_files_status;
+} // get_old_files() function end
+// =========================================================================
+// Functions to read in the translation.xml file and process contents
+// =========================================================================
+// Get a multidimensional array with tag attributes
+function parse_attr_string ($tags_attrs) {
+ $tag_attrs_processed = array();
+ // Go through the tag attributes
+ foreach($tags_attrs as $attrib_list) {
+ // Get attr name and values
+ preg_match_all("!(.+)=\\s*([\"'])\\s*(.+)\\2!U", $attrib_list, $attribs);
+ // Assign all attributes to one associative array
+ $attrib_array = array();
+ foreach ($attribs[1] as $num => $attrname) {
+ $attrib_array[trim($attrname)] = trim($attribs[3][$num]);
+ }
+ // Collect in order of tags received
+ $tag_attrs_processed[] = $attrib_array;
+ }
+ // Retrun with collected attributes
+ return $tag_attrs_processed;
+} // parse_attr_string() end
+// Parse the translation.xml file for
+// translation related meta information
+function parse_translation($DOCDIR, $LANG, $MAINT) {
+ global $files_by_mark;
+ // Path to find translation.xml file, set default values,
+ // in case we can't find the translation file
+ $translation_xml = "tools/localization/translation-$LANG.xml";
+ $output_charset = 'iso-8859-1';
+ $translation = array(
+ "intro" => "",
+ "persons" => array(),
+ "files" => array(),
+ "allfiles" => array(),
+ );
+ // Check for file availability, return with default
+ // values, if we cannot find the file
+ if (!@file_exists($translation_xml)) {
+ return array($output_charset, $translation);
+ }
+ // Else go on, and load in the file, replacing all
+ // space type chars with one space
+ $txml = join("", file($translation_xml));
+ $txml = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $txml);
+ // Get intro text (different for a persons info and
+ // for a whole group info page)
+ if (empty($MAINT)) {
+ preg_match("!<intro>(.+)</intro>!s", $txml, $match);
+ $translation["intro"] = trim($match[1]);
+ } else {
+ $translation["intro"] = "Personal Statistics for ".$MAINT;
+ }
+ // Get encoding for the output, from the translation.xml
+ // file encoding (should be the same as the used encoding
+ // in HTML)
+ preg_match("!<\?xml(.+)\?>!U", $txml, $match);
+ $xmlinfo = parse_attr_string($match);
+ $output_charset = $xmlinfo[1]["encoding"];
+ // Get persons list preg pattern, only check for a specific
+ // maintainer, if the users asked for it
+ if (empty($MAINT)) {
+ $pattern = "!<person(.+)/\\s?>!U";
+ } else {
+ $pattern = "!<person([^<]+nick=\"".$MAINT."\".+)/\\s?>!U";
+ }
+ // Find all persons matching the pattern
+ preg_match_all($pattern, $txml, $matches);
+ $translation['persons'] = parse_attr_string($matches[1]);
+ // Get list of work in progress files
+ if (empty($MAINT)) {
+ // Get all wip files
+ preg_match_all("!<file(.+)/\\s?>!U", $txml, $matches);
+ $translation['files'] = parse_attr_string($matches[1]);
+ // Provide info about number of WIP files
+ $files_by_mark[REV_WIP] += count($translation['files']);
+ } else {
+ // Only check for a specific maintainer, if we were asked to
+ preg_match_all("!<file([^<]+person=\"".$MAINT."\".+)/\\s?>!U", $txml, $matches);
+ $translation['files'] = parse_attr_string($matches[1]);
+ // Other maintainers wip files need to be cleared from
+ // available files list in the future, so store that info too.
+ preg_match_all("!<file(.+)/\\s?>!U", $txml, $matches);
+ $translation['allfiles'] = parse_attr_string($matches[1]);
+ // Provide info about number of WIP files
+ $files_by_mark[REV_WIP] += count($translation['allfiles']);
+ }
+ // Return with collected info in two vars
+ return array($output_charset, $translation);
+} // parse_translation() function end()
+// =========================================================================
+// Start of the program execution
+// =========================================================================
+// Check for directory validity
+if (!@is_dir($DOCDIR . $LANG)) {
+// die("The $LANG language code is not valid");
+// Parse translation.xml file for more information
+list($charset, $translation) = parse_translation($DOCDIR, $LANG, $MAINT);
+// Add WIP files to maintainers file count and figure out,
+// if we need to use optional date and revision columns
+$using_date = FALSE; $using_rev = FALSE;
+$files_by_maint = init_files_by_maint($translation['persons']);
+foreach ($translation["files"] as $num => $fileinfo) {
+ $files_by_maint[$fileinfo["person"]][REV_WIP]++;
+ if (isset($fileinfo["date"])) { $using_date = TRUE; }
+ if (isset($fileinfo["revision"])) { $using_rev = TRUE; }
+// Get all files status
+//$files_status = get_dir_status($DOCDIR."/modules/core/","en_US");//."en/");
+$files_status = get_dir_status($DOCDIR,"en_US");//."en/");
+// Get all old files in <lang> directory
+$old_files = get_old_files($DOCDIR.$LANG."/");
+$navbar = "<p class=c><a href=\"#intro\">Introduction</a> | " .
+ "<a href=\"#translators\">Translators</a> | " .
+ "<a href=\"#filesummary\">File summary by type</a> | " .
+ "<a href=\"#files\">Files</a> | ";
+if ( count($translation["files"]) != 0 ) {
+ $navbar .= "<a href=\"#wip\">Work in progress</a> | ";
+$navbar .= "<a href=\"#missfiles\">Untranslated files</a> | " .
+ "<a href=\"#oldfiles\">Old files</a></p>\n";
+// Figure out generation date
+$date = date("r");
+// =========================================================================
+// Start of HTML page
+// =========================================================================
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+<title>Scilab documentation Revision-check</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={$charset}">
+<style type="text/css">
+h2,td,a,p,a.ref,th { font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:14px; }
+h2,th,a.ref { color:#FFFFFF; }
+td,a,p { color:#000000; }
+h2 { font-size:28px; }
+th { font-weight:bold; } { background-color:#666699; }
+.act { background-color:#68D888; }
+.norev { background-color:#f4a460; }
+.old { background-color:#eee8aa; }
+.crit { background-color:#ff6347; }
+.wip { background-color:#dcdcdc; }
+.r { text-align:right }
+.rb { text-align:right; font-weight:bold; }
+.c { text-align:center }
+body { margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; background-color:#F0F0F0; }
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#666699">
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#9999CC">
+<tr><td><h2 class=c>Status of the translated Scilab Manual</h2><p class=c style="font-size:12px;">Generated: {$date} &nbsp; / &nbsp; Language: $LANG<br></p></td></tr>
+print ($navbar);
+// =========================================================================
+// Intro block goes here
+// =========================================================================
+// If we have an introduction text, print it out, with an anchor
+if (!empty($translation["intro"])) {
+ echo '<a name="intro"></a>';
+ echo '<table width="800" align="center"><tr><td class=c>' .
+ $translation['intro'] . '</td></tr></table>';
+// =========================================================================
+// Files summary table goes here
+// =========================================================================
+// Do not print out file summary table, if we are printing out a page
+// for only one maintainer (his personal summary is in the table above)
+if (empty($MAINT)) {
+<a name="filesummary"></a>
+<table width="450" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" align="center">
+<tr class=blue>
+<th>File status type</th>
+<th>Number of files</th>
+<th>Percent of files</th>
+<th>Size of files (kB)</th>
+<th>Percent of size</th>
+ $files_sum = array_sum($files_by_mark);
+ $file_sizes_sum = array_sum($file_sizes_by_mark);
+ $file_types = array(
+ array (REV_UPTODATE, "Up to date files"),
+ array (REV_OLD, "Old files"),
+ array (REV_CRITICAL, "Critical files"),
+ array (REV_WIP, "Work in progress"),
+// array (REV_NOREV, "Files without revision number"),
+// array (REV_NOTAG, "Files without revision tag"),
+ array (REV_NOTRANS, "Files available for translation")
+ );
+ foreach ($file_types as $num => $type) {
+ echo "<tr class=".$CSS[$type[0]].">".
+ "<td>".$type[1]."</td>".
+ "<td class=c>".intval($files_by_mark[$type[0]])."</td>".
+ "<td class=c>".number_format($files_by_mark[$type[0]] * 100 / $files_sum, 2 ).
+ "%</td>".
+ "<td class=c>".intval($file_sizes_by_mark[$type[0]])."</td>".
+ "<td class=c>".number_format($file_sizes_by_mark[$type[0]] * 100 / $file_sizes_sum, 2).
+ "%</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "<tr class=blue><th>Files total</th><th>$files_sum</th><th>100%</th><th>$file_sizes_sum</th><th>100%</th></tr>\n".
+ "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+echo $navbar."<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// =========================================================================
+// Files table goes here
+// =========================================================================
+if (count($files_status) != 0) {
+<a name="files"></a>
+<table width="820" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" align="center">
+<tr class=blue>
+<th rowspan=2>Translated file</th>
+<th colspan=2>Revision</th>
+<th colspan=3>Size in kB</th>
+<th colspan=3>Age in days</th>
+<th rowspan=2>Maintainer</th>
+<th rowspan=2>Status</th>
+<tr class=blue>
+ // This was the previous directory [first]
+ $prev_dir = false;
+ // Go through all files collected
+ foreach ($files_status as $num => $file) {
+// print_r($file);
+// die();
+ // Make the maintainer a link, if we have that maintainer in the list
+ if (isset($maint_by_nick[$file["maintainer"]])) {
+ $file["maintainer"] = '<a href="#maint' . $maint_by_nick[$file["maintainer"]] .
+ '">' . $file["maintainer"] . '</a>';
+ }
+ // If we have a 'numeric' revision diff and it is not zero,
+ // make a link to the git repository's diff script
+ if ($file["revision"][2] != "n/a" && $file["revision"][2] !== 0) {
+ $url=""
+ .$file['commit'][0]."d2=".$file['commit'][1];
+ $file['short_name'] = '<a href="' . $url . '">'. $file["short_name"] . '</a> ';
+// '<a href="' . $url_ws . '">[NoWS]</a>';--
+ }
+ // Guess the new directory from the full name of the file
+ $new_dir = dirname($file["full_name"]);
+ // If this is a new directory, put out old dir lines
+ if ($new_dir !== $prev_dir) {
+ if (isset($lines)) {
+ echo $prev_diplay_dir;
+ echo " ($line_number)</th></tr>";
+ echo $lines;
+ }
+ $lines = '';
+ $line_number = 0;
+ // Store the new actual directory
+ $prev_dir = $new_dir;
+ }
+ // Drop out the unneeded parts from the dirname, special case for root dir...
+ $display_dir = str_replace(array($DOCDIR), array("", '/'), dirname($file["full_name"]));
+ $prev_diplay_dir = "<tr class=blue><th colspan=12>$display_dir";
+ // Save the line for the current file (get file name shorter)
+ $lines .= "<tr class={$CSS[$file['mark']]}><td>{$file['short_name']}</td>".
+ "<td> {$file['revision'][0]}</td>" .
+ "<td> {$file['revision'][1]}</td>".
+ "<td class=r>{$file['size'][0]} </td>".
+ "<td class=r>{$file['size'][1]} </td>".
+ "<td class=rb>{$file['size'][2]} </td>".
+ "<td class=r>{$file['date'][0]} </td>".
+ "<td class=r>{$file['date'][1]} </td>".
+ "<td class=rb>{$file['date'][2]} </td>".
+ "<td class=c>{$file['maintainer']}</td>".
+ "<td class=c>".trim($file['status'])."</td></tr>\n";
+ $line_number++;
+ }
+ // echo the last dir and $lines
+ echo "$prev_diplay_dir ($line_number)</th></tr>";
+ echo $lines;
+ echo "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n$navbar<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// =========================================================================
+// Translators table goes here
+// =========================================================================
+// If person list available (valid translation.xml file in lang), print out
+// the person list, with respect to the maintainer parameter specified
+if (!empty($translation["persons"])) {
+<a name="translators"></a>
+<table width="820" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" align="center">
+<tr class=blue>
+<th rowspan=2>Translator's name</th>
+<th rowspan=2>Contact email</th>
+<th colspan=7>Files maintained</th>
+<th class="{$CSS[REV_CREDIT]}" style="color:#000000">cre-<br>dits</th>
+<th class="{$CSS[REV_UPTODATE]}" style="color:#000000">upto-<br>date</th>
+<th class="{$CSS[REV_OLD]}" style="color:#000000">old</th>
+<th class="{$CSS[REV_CRITICAL]}" style="color:#000000">cri-<br>tical</th>
+<th class="{$CSS[REV_NOREV]}" style="color:#000000">no<br>rev</th>
+<th class="{$CSS[REV_WIP]}" style="color:#000000">wip</th>
+<th class="blue">sum</th>
+ // ' Please leave this comment here
+ // We will collect the maintainers by nick here
+ $maint_by_nick = array();
+ // Print out a line for each maintainer (with respect to
+ // maintainer setting provided in command line)
+ foreach($translation["persons"] as $num => $person) {
+ // Do not print out this person, if a
+ // specific maintainer info is asked for
+ if (!empty($MAINT) && $person["name"] != $MAINT) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Put maintaner number into associative array
+ // [Used in further tables for referencing]
+ $maint_by_nick[$person["name"]] = $num;
+ // Decide on the SVN text and the color of the line
+ if (isset($person["vcs"]) && $person["vcs"] === "yes") {
+ $svnu = "x";
+ $col = "old";
+ } else {
+ $svnu = "&nbsp;";
+ $col = "wip";
+ }
+ // Try to do some antispam actions
+ $person["email"] = str_replace(
+ "@",
+ "<small>:at:</small>",
+ $person["email"]
+ );
+ // Get file info for this person
+ if (isset($files_by_maint[$person["name"]])) {
+ $pi = $files_by_maint[$person["name"]];
+ } else {
+ $pi = array();
+ }
+ echo "<tr class=$col>" .
+ "<td><a name=\"maint$num\">$person[name]</a></td>" .
+ "<td>$person[email]</td>" .
+ "<td class=c>" . $pi[REV_CREDIT] . "</td>" .
+ "<td class=c>" . $pi[REV_UPTODATE] . "</td>" .
+ "<td class=c>" . $pi[REV_OLD] . "</td>" .
+ "<td class=c>" . $pi[REV_CRITICAL] . "</td>" .
+ "<td class=c>" . $pi[REV_NOREV] . "</td>" .
+ "<td class=c>" . $pi[REV_WIP] . "</td>" .
+ "<th class=blue>" . array_sum($pi) . "</th>" .
+ "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// =========================================================================
+// Work in progress table goes here
+// =========================================================================
+// If work-in-progress list is available (valid translation.xml file in lang)
+if (count($translation["files"]) != 0) {
+ // Print out files table header
+ echo "<a name=\"wip\"></a>\n" .
+ "<table width=\"820\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n" .
+ "<tr class=blue>".
+ "<th>Work in progress files</th>".
+ "<th>Translator</th>".
+ "<th>Type</th>";
+ // Print out date and revision columns if needed
+ if ($using_date) {
+ echo '<th>Date</th>';
+ }
+ if ($using_rev) {
+ echo '<th>CO-Revision</th>' .
+ '<th>EN-Revision</th>';
+ }
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ // Go through files, and print out lines for them
+ foreach($translation["files"] as $num => $finfo) {
+ // If we have a valid maintainer, link to the summary
+ if (isset($maint_by_nick[$finfo["person"]])) {
+ $finfo["person"] = '<a href="#maint' . $maint_by_nick[$finfo["person"]] .
+ '">' . $finfo["person"] . '</a>';
+ }
+ // Print out the line with the first columns
+ echo "<tr class=wip><td>$finfo[name]</td>" .
+ "<td>$finfo[person]</td><td>$finfo[type]</td>";
+ // If we need the date column, print it out
+ if ($using_date) {
+ echo "<td>$finfo[date]</td>";
+ }
+ // If we need the revision column, print it out
+ if ($using_rev) {
+ echo "<td>$finfo[revision]</td><td>" .
+ $missing_files[$finfo["name"]][1] .
+ "</td>";
+ }
+ // End the line
+ echo "</tr>\n";
+ // Collect files in WIP list
+ $wip_files[$finfo["name"]] = TRUE;
+ }
+ echo "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n$navbar<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// Files translated, but without a revision comment
+$count = count($missing_tags);
+if ($count > 0) {
+ echo "<a name=\"misstags\"></a>" .
+ "<table width=\"400\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n".
+ "<tr class=blue><th rowspan=2>Files without Revision-comment ($count files):</th>".
+ "<th colspan=3>Sizes in kB</th></tr>\n".
+ "<tr class=blue><th>en_US</th><th>$LANG</th><th>diff</th></tr>\n";
+ foreach($missing_tags as $val) {
+ // Shorten the filename (we have directory headers)
+ $short_file = basename($val[0]);
+ // Guess the new directory from the full name of the file
+ $new_dir = dirname($val[0]);
+ // If this is a new directory, put out dir headline
+ if ($new_dir != $prev_dir) {
+ // Print out directory header
+ echo "<tr class=blue><th colspan=4>$new_dir</th></tr>\n";
+ // Store the new actual directory
+ $prev_dir = $new_dir;
+ }
+ echo "<tr class=wip><td>$short_file</td><td class=r>$val[1]</td>".
+ "<td class=r>$val[2]</td><td class=r>$val[3]</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n$navbar<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// Merge all work in progress files collected
+$wip_files = array_merge(
+ $translation["files"], // Files for this translator
+ $translation["allfiles"] // Files for all the translators
+// Delete wip entires from available files list
+foreach ($wip_files as $file) {
+ if (isset($missing_files[$file['name']])) {
+ unset($missing_files[$file['name']]);
+ }
+// Files not translated and not "wip"
+$count = count($missing_files);
+if ($count > 0) {
+ echo "<a name=\"missfiles\"></a>" .
+ "<table width=\"400\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n" .
+ "<tr class=blue><th><a name=\"avail\" class=\"ref\">" .
+ " Available for translation</a> ($count files):</th><th>kB</th></tr>\n";
+ foreach($missing_files as $file => $info) {
+ // Shorten the filename (we have directory headers)
+ $short_file = basename($file);
+ // Guess the new directory from the full name of the file
+ $new_dir = dirname($file);
+ // If this is a new directory, put out dir headline
+ if ($new_dir != $prev_dir) {
+ // Print out directory header if not "."
+ echo "<tr class=blue><th colspan=2>$new_dir</th></tr>\n";
+ // Store the new actual directory
+ $prev_dir = $new_dir;
+ }
+ echo "<tr class=wip><td><a href=\"$file\">$short_file</a></td>" .
+ "<td class=r>$info[0]</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n$navbar<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// Files not in EN tree
+$count = count($old_files);
+if ($count > 0) {
+ print "<a name=\"oldfiles\"></a>" .
+ "<table width=\"400\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n" .
+ "<tr class=blue><th><a name=\"notEn\" class=\"ref\">" .
+ " Not in EN Tree</a> ($count files):</th><th>kB</th></tr>\n";
+ foreach($old_files as $file => $info) {
+ // Shorten the filename (we have directory headers)
+ $short_file = basename($file);
+ // Guess the new directory from the full name of the file
+ $new_dir = dirname($file);
+ // If this is a new directory, put out dir headline
+ if ($new_dir != $prev_dir) {
+ // Print out directory header if not "."
+ echo "<tr class=blue><th colspan=2>$new_dir</th></tr>\n";
+ // Store the new actual directory
+ $prev_dir = $new_dir;
+ }
+ echo "<tr class=wip><td>$short_file</td>" .
+ "<td class=r>$info[0]</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo "</table>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n$navbar<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
+// All OK, end the file
+echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
diff --git a/tools/localization/translation-fr_FR.xml b/tools/localization/translation-fr_FR.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6413027fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/translation-fr_FR.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!-- Reviewed: yes -->
+<!DOCTYPE translation SYSTEM "../dtds/translation.dtd">
+<translation xmlns="">
+ <intro>Système de traduction Scilab.<br/>
+ Ceci est le fichier généré par tools/localization/revcheck.php.
+ Il vous permet de voir rapidement quels sont les fichiers qui
+ doivent être mis à jour ainsi que la personne qui s'en occupe.
+ </intro>
+ <translators>
+ <person name="Sylvestre Ledru" email="" vcs="yes" editor="yes"/>
+ <person name="Calixte Denizet" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Vincent Liard" email="n/a" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Yann Collette" email="n/a" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Allan Cornet" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Pierre Marechal" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Bernard Dujardin" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Serge Steer" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Vincent Couvert" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Michael Baudin" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Pierre Lando" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Clément David" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ </translators>
+ <work-in-progress>
+ </work-in-progress>
diff --git a/tools/localization/translation-ja_JP.xml b/tools/localization/translation-ja_JP.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9dda6f084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/translation-ja_JP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!-- Reviewed: yes -->
+<!DOCTYPE translation SYSTEM "../dtds/translation.dtd">
+<translation xmlns="">
+ <intro>Système de traduction Scilab.<br/>
+ Ceci est le fichier généré par tools/localization/revcheck.php.
+ Il vous permet de voir rapidement quels sont les fichiers qui
+ doivent être mis à jour ainsi que la personne qui s'en occupe.
+ </intro>
+ <translators>
+ <person name="Sylvestre Ledru" email="" vcs="yes" editor="yes"/>
+ <person name="Rui Hirokawa" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Allan Cornet" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Calixte Denizet" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Michael Baudin" email="" vcs="yes"/>
+ <person name="Samuel Gougeon" email="n/a" vcs="yes"/>
+ </translators>
+ <work-in-progress>
+ </work-in-progress>
diff --git a/tools/localization/ b/tools/localization/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..37af7bc8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/localization/
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+# Copyright (C) INRIA - 2007-2008 - Sylvestre Ledru
+# Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2009-2011 - Sylvestre Ledru
+# Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2011-2011 - Bruno JOFRET
+# This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+# This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at
+# This script goes into a module and updates the localization file by checking
+# the _( and gettext( calls in the code
+# TODO :
+# * Write Small documentation
+if test $# -ne 1; then
+ echo "This script goes into a module and updates the localization file "
+ echo "by checking the _(xxx) and gettext(xxx) calls in the code"
+ echo "It creates the locales directory for C, C++ and Java and"
+ echo "locales_macros for Scilab code"
+ echo
+ echo "Syntax : $0 <module>"
+ echo "If <module> is equal to 'process_all', it will parse all Scilab module"
+ echo "per module"
+ exit 42
+if test -z "$SCI"; then
+ echo "Please define the variable SCI"
+ exit 42
+if test "$MODULES" = "process_all"; then
+ echo ".. Process all the modules one by one"
+EXTENSIONS=( 'c' 'h' 'cpp' 'hxx' 'java' )
+EXTENSIONS_MACROS=( sci sce start quit )
+# Gettext arg
+XGETTEXT_OPTIONS="--add-location --strict --keyword=_ --from-code $FROM_CODE --omit-header --no-wrap --sort-by-file"
+process_XML_files() {
+# First expression => remove line which does NOT contain label
+# Second expression => extract the content of the label and switch it to a gettext fake instruction
+# Third expression => remove empty lines
+# Please note that it will only extract string from the label tag
+ if test -n "$(ls $GUI_FILES 2>/dev/null)"; then
+ COMMON_SED='s/&amp;/\&/g'
+ sed -e '/label/!s/.*//' -e 's/.*label="\([^"]*\)".*/gettext("\1")/' -e '/^$/d' -e $COMMON_SED $GUI_FILES > $FAKE_C_FILE
+ sed -e '/tooltiptext/!s/.*//' -e 's/.*tooltiptext="\([^"]*\)".*/gettext("\1")/' -e '/^$/d' -e $COMMON_SED $GUI_FILES >> $FAKE_C_FILE
+ sed -e 's/.*_(\([^"]*\)).*/gettext("\1")/' $GUI_FILES >> $FAKE_C_FILE
+ fi
+ if test -n "$(ls $PREFERENCE_FILES 2>/dev/null)"; then
+ sed -e 's/.*_(\([^"]*\)).*/gettext("\1")/' $PREFERENCE_FILES >> $FAKE_C_FILE
+ fi
+function generate_find_command {
+ # Setting the shell's Internal Field Separator to null
+ IFS=''
+ # Create a string containing "colors[*]"
+ local array_string="$1[*]"
+ # assign loc_array value to ${colors[*]} using indirect variable reference
+ local EXT=(${!array_string})
+# Retrieve all the sources files
+ FILESCMD='find . -type f '
+ i=0
+ while [ "$i" -lt "$NB_ELEMENT" ]; do
+ ext=${EXT[$i]}
+ FILESCMD="$FILESCMD -name '*.$ext'"
+ if test "$NB_ELEMENT" -ne `expr $i + 1`; then # because we don't want a trailing -o
+ fi
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+ # Resetting IFS to default
+# Process all the modules ... then, build the list
+if test $PROCESS_ALL -eq 1; then
+ cd $SCI/modules/
+ MODULES=`find . -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name ".*" ! -name 'javasci'`
+function process_module {
+ if test "$1" == "macros"; then
+ fi
+# Extract label from xml files
+ process_XML_files
+ if test $IS_MACROS -eq 1; then
+ generate_find_command EXTENSIONS_MACROS
+ else
+ generate_find_command EXTENSIONS
+ fi
+ if test ! -d $TARGETDIR; then mkdir $TARGETDIR; fi
+ FILES=`eval $FILESCMD|tr "\n" " "`
+ if test "$MODULE" = "core" -o "$MODULE" = "./core"; then
+ # We want some strings from the ROOTDIR when it is the core module
+ FILES="$FILES `ls $SCI/etc/scilab.*`"
+ fi
+ # Also extract string straight from the XML because we have some gettext calls in it
+ if test -n "$(ls $GUI_FILES 2>/dev/null)" -a $IS_MACROS -ne 1; then
+ fi
+ FILES=$(echo $FILES|sort)
+ MODULE_NAME=`echo $MODULE|sed -e 's|./||'` # avoid to have ./module_name
+ if test $IS_MACROS -eq 1; then
+ echo "..... Parsing all Scilab macros in $PATHTOPROCESS"
+ else
+ echo "..... Parsing all sources in $PATHTOPROCESS"
+ fi
+# Parse all the sources and get the string which should be localized
+ if test $IS_MACROS -eq 1; then
+ fi
+ if test -f $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US; then
+ # Localization file already existing. Retrieve POT-Creation-Date
+ CreationDate=`grep POT-Creation-Date: $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US|sed -e 's|\"POT-Creation-Date: \(.*\)\\\n\"|\1|'`
+ fi
+ echo "........ Generate the English localization file by parsing the code"
+ if test $IS_MACROS -eq 1; then
+ # It is Scilab code... xgettext does not how to process it
+ fi
+ if test ! -f $MODULE_NAME.pot.tmp -a $IS_MACROS -eq 1; then
+ # Empty file => no string found
+ # We are modifing on the fly Scilab localization files
+ #
+ # We need C strings format to be used as gettext key
+ # "" -> \"
+ # '' -> '
+ # '" -> \"
+ # "' -> ' -e "s/\"'/'/g"
+ sed -i -e "s/\"\"/\\\"/g" -e "s/''/'/g" -e "s/'\"/\\\"/g" $TARGETDIR/$MODULE_NAME.pot.tmp
+ # We introduced invalid tag [msgstr "] and [msgid "]
+ # restore them [msgstr ""] and [msgid ""]
+ sed -i -e "s/msgstr \"$/msgstr \"\"/" -e "s/msgid \"$/msgid \"\"/" $TARGETDIR/$MODULE_NAME.pot.tmp
+ fi
+ if test -z "$CreationDate"; then
+ # File not existing before ... Set the current date a POT-Creation-Date
+ else
+ fi
+ msguniq -u $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US.tmp >> $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US 2> /dev/null
+ rm $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US.tmp 2> /dev/null
+ if test $? -ne 0; then
+ echo "Badly formated localization files"
+ exit 32
+ fi
+ if test -z "$(msgcat $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US)"; then
+ # empty template. Kill it!
+ fi
+ if test $IS_MACROS -eq 1; then
+ LOCALIZATION_FILE_NATIVE=$(echo $LOCALIZATION_FILE_US|sed -e "s|-macros||g" -e "s|_macros||g")
+ if test ! -f $LOCALIZATION_FILE_NATIVE; then
+ # no native code. Copy the macro one
+ else
+ # merge locale macros => native code
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Remove fake file used to extract string from XML
+ rm $FAKE_C_FILE 2> /dev/null
+for MODULE in $MODULES; do
+ if test ! -d $PATHTOPROCESS; then
+ echo "... Cannot find module $PATHTOPROCESS"
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "... Processing module $MODULE"
+ process_module "src"
+ process_module "macros"
+ cd $SCI/
+done # Browse modules