path: root/modules/time/macros/weekday.sci
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authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/time/macros/weekday.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/time/macros/weekday.sci')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/time/macros/weekday.sci b/modules/time/macros/weekday.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1855c1f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/time/macros/weekday.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2005 - INRIA - Pierre MARECHAL
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// Return day of week
+// Maurice Kraitchik Algorithm
+function [N,S] = weekday(D,form)
+ lhs=argn(1);
+ rhs=argn(2);
+ // checkings
+ if rhs < 1 | rhs > 2 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n"),"weekday",1,2));
+ end
+ if type(D) <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real constant matrix expected.\n"),"weekday",1));
+ end
+ if (rhs==2) & (form <> "long") & (form <> "short") then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ''%s'' or ''%s'' expected.\n"),"weekday",2,"long","short"));
+ end
+ // some definitions
+ common_year = [0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365];
+ leap_year = [0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,366];
+ week_numbers = [7,1,2,3,4,5,6];
+ week_strings_short = [gettext("Sat"), ..
+ gettext("Sun"), ..
+ gettext("Mon"), ..
+ gettext("Tue"), ..
+ gettext("Wed"), ..
+ gettext("Thu"), ..
+ gettext("Fri")];
+ week_strings_long = [gettext("Saturday"), ..
+ gettext("Sunday") , ..
+ gettext("Monday") , ..
+ gettext("Tuesday") , ..
+ gettext("Wednesday") , ..
+ gettext("Thursday") , ..
+ gettext("Friday") , ..
+ gettext("Jan")];
+ if rhs==2 then
+ if form == "long" then
+ week_strings = week_strings_long;
+ else
+ week_strings = week_strings_short;
+ end
+ else
+ week_strings = week_strings_short;
+ end
+ // Algorithm
+ [nr,nc] = size(D);
+ if nc == 1 then
+ common_year = common_year';
+ leap_year = leap_year';
+ end
+ month_day_mat = ones(nr,nc);
+ m = ones(nr,nc);
+ y = ones(nr,nc);
+ d = ones(nr,nc);
+ Y = floor(D/365.2425);
+ temp = D - (365.0*Y + ceil(0.25*Y)- ceil(0.01*Y) + ceil(0.0025*Y));
+ mask = (temp <= 0);
+ Y(mask) = Y(mask) - 1;
+ D(mask) = D(mask) - (365.0*Y(mask) + ceil(0.25*Y(mask)) - ceil(0.01*Y(mask)) + ceil(0.0025*Y(mask)));
+ D(~mask) = temp(~mask)
+ M = int(D/29);
+ month_day_mat(isLeapYear(Y)) = leap_year(M(isLeapYear(Y))+1);
+ month_day_mat(~isLeapYear(Y)) = common_year(M(~isLeapYear(Y))+1);
+ M( D>month_day_mat ) = M( D>month_day_mat )+1;
+ month_day_mat(isLeapYear(Y)) = leap_year(M(isLeapYear(Y)));
+ month_day_mat(~isLeapYear(Y)) = common_year(M(~isLeapYear(Y)));
+ d = D - month_day_mat;
+ m(M==1) = 13;
+ m(M==2) = 14;
+ y( M==1 | M==2 ) = Y( M==1 | M==2 ) - 1;
+ m( M<>1 & M<>2 ) = M( M<>1 & M<>2 );
+ y( M<>1 & M<>2 ) = Y( M<>1 & M<>2 );
+ n = modulo( (d + floor(2*m) + floor(3*(m+1)/5) + y + floor(y/4) - floor(y/100) + floor(y/400) + 2) , 7 );
+ N = matrix( week_numbers(n+1) , nr, nc );
+ S = matrix( week_strings(n+1) , nr, nc );