path: root/modules/string/macros/sci2exp.sci
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/string/macros/sci2exp.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/string/macros/sci2exp.sci')
1 files changed, 818 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/string/macros/sci2exp.sci b/modules/string/macros/sci2exp.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..37378018e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/string/macros/sci2exp.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA -
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function t=sci2exp(a,nom,lmax)
+ // sci2exp - convert a variable to an expression
+ // t=sci2exp(a [,nam] [,lmax])
+ // a : matrix of scalar or polynomials
+ // nam: character string
+ // t : vector of string, contains the expression definition
+ // lmax : maximum line lengh (0 for no line length control)
+ //%Example
+ // a=[1 2;3 4]
+ // sci2exp(a,'aa')
+ //!
+ deff("x=String(a)",["x=string(a)"
+ "x=strsubst(x,''Nan'',''%nan'')"
+ "x=strsubst(x,''Inf'',''%inf'')"
+ ])
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ $ // import global variable $ in sci2exp context for efficiency
+ select rhs
+ case 1 then
+ named=%f
+ lmax=0
+ case 2 then
+ if type(nom)==1 then
+ lmax=nom
+ named=%f
+ else
+ named=%t
+ lmax=0
+ end
+ case 3 then
+ named=%t
+ if type(nom)==1 then
+ [lmax,nom]=(nom,lmax)
+ end
+ end
+ dots="..";
+ select type(a)
+ case 1 then
+ t=mat2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 2 then
+ t=pol2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 4 then
+ t=log2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 5 then
+ t=sp2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 6 then
+ t=sp2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 7 then
+ t=sp2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 8 then
+ t=int2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 9 then
+ t=h2exp(a, lmax)
+ case 10 then
+ t=str2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 13 then
+ if named then
+ t=fun2string(a,nom)
+ else
+ t=fun2string(a,"%fun")
+ end
+ t(1)=part(t(1),10:length(t(1)))
+ t($)=[]
+ t=sci2exp(t,lmax)
+ t(1)="createfun("+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+ case 15 then
+ t=list2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 16 then
+ t=tlist2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 17 then
+ t=mlist2exp(a,lmax)
+ case 11 then
+ t=func2exp(a,lmax)
+ named=%f
+ case 129 then
+ t=imp2exp(a,lmax)
+ else
+ // execstr('t='+typeof(a)+'2exp(a,lmax)')
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: This feature has not been implemented: Variable translation of type %s.\n"),"sci2exp",string(type(a))));
+ end,
+ if named&and(type(a)<>[11 13]) then
+ t(1)=nom+" = "+t(1)
+ end
+function t=str2exp(a,lmax)
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ [m,n]=size(a),
+ dots="."+"."
+ t=[];
+ quote="''"
+ a=strsubst(a,quote,quote+quote)
+ dquote=""""
+ a=strsubst(a,dquote,dquote+dquote)
+ a = strsubst(a, ascii(10), """+ascii(10)+""")
+ a=quote(ones(a))+a+quote(ones(a))
+ for i=1:m
+ x=emptystr();
+ for j=1:n,
+ y=a(i,j);
+ y=dquote+part(y,2:length(y))
+ y=part(y,1:length(y)-1)+dquote
+ if y=="''''" then y="emptystr()",end
+ if lmax==0|length(x($))+length(y)<lmax then
+ if j==1 then
+ x=y
+ else
+ x($)=x($)+","+y,
+ end
+ else
+ if j>1 then
+ x($)=x($)+","+dots;
+ x($+1)=y
+ else
+ x=y
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if i<m then x($)=x($)+";",end
+ if lmax>0 then
+ t=[t;x]
+ else
+ t=t+x
+ end
+ end,
+ if lmax>0&sum(length(t))<lmax then
+ t=strcat(t)
+ end
+ if m*n>1 then
+ t(1)="["+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+"]"
+ end
+function t=mat2exp(a,lmax)
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if size(a,"*")==0 then t="[]",return,end
+ [m,n]=size(a);
+ if m<0 then
+ t=mat2exp(a+0);
+ if t=="1" then
+ t="eye()";
+ else
+ t="("+t+")*eye()";
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ a=String(a);
+ dots="."+"."
+ t=[];
+ if n==1 then
+ x=strcat(a,";")
+ lx=length(x)
+ if lmax==0|lx<lmax then
+ t=x;
+ else
+ ind=strindex(x,";");
+ k1=1;l=0;I=[];
+ while %t
+ if lx-l<lmax|k1>length(ind) then,break,end
+ k2=k1-1+max(find(ind(k1:$)<l+lmax))
+ I=[I ind(k2)];
+ // t=[t;part(x,l+1:ind(k2))]
+ k1=k2+1
+ l=ind(k2)
+ end
+ t=[t;strsplit(x,I)];
+ end
+ elseif m==1 then
+ x=strcat(a,",")
+ lx=length(x)
+ if lmax==0|lx<lmax then
+ t=x;
+ else
+ ind=strindex(x,",");
+ k1=1;l=0;I=[];
+ while %t
+ if lx-l<lmax|k1>length(ind) then break,end
+ k2=k1-1+max(find(ind(k1:$)<l+lmax))
+ I=[I ind(k2)];
+ // t=[t;part(x,l+1:ind(k2))+dots]
+ k1=k2+1
+ l=ind(k2)
+ end
+ x=strsplit(x,I);x(1:$-1)=x(1:$-1)+dots;
+ t=[t;x]
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1:m
+ x=strcat(a(i,:),",")
+ if i<m then x=x+";",end
+ lx=length(x)
+ if lmax==0 then
+ t=t+x
+ elseif lx<lmax then
+ t=[t;x]
+ else
+ ind=strindex(x,",");
+ k1=1;l=0;I=[];
+ while %t
+ if lx-l<lmax|k1>length(ind) then break,end
+ k2=k1-1+max(find(ind(k1:$)<l+lmax))
+ I=[I ind(k2)];
+ // t=[t;part(x,l+1:ind(k2))+dots]
+ k1=k2+1
+ l=ind(k2)
+ end
+ x=strsplit(x,I);x(1:$-1)=x(1:$-1)+dots;x(2:$)=" "+x(2:$);
+ t=[t;x]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if m*n>1 then
+ t(1)="["+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+"]"
+ end
+function t=pol2exp(a,lmax)
+ $
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ [m,n]=size(a),var=" ";lvar=1
+ var=varn(a),lvar=length(var);
+ while part(var,lvar)==" " then lvar=lvar-1,end
+ var=part(var,1:lvar);
+ if m<0 then
+ t=pol2exp(a+0)
+ t="("+t+")*eye()"
+ return
+ end
+ t=[];
+ for i=1:m
+ x=emptystr(1)
+ for j=1:n,
+ v=a(i,j);d=degree(v);
+ v=coeff(v);
+ k0=1;while (k0<d+1)&(v(k0))==0 then k0=k0+1,end
+ y=emptystr(1)
+ nul=%t
+ for k=k0:(d+1),
+ s=String(v(k))
+ if s<>"0" then
+ nul=%f
+ if part(s,1)==" " then s=part(s,2:length(s)),end
+ mnm=emptystr(1)
+ if k>0 then
+ mnm=var
+ if k>2 then
+ mnm=mnm+"^"+string(k-1),
+ end
+ end
+ if k>1 then
+ if string(imag(v(k)))<>"0" then s="("+s+")",end
+ if s=="1" then
+ s=mnm
+ elseif s=="-1" then
+ s="-"+mnm
+ else
+ s=s+"*"+mnm
+ end
+ if k>k0&part(s,1)<>"-" then s="+"+s,end
+ end
+ if lmax==0|length(y($))+length(s) <lmax then
+ y($)=y($)+s
+ else
+ y($)=y($)+dots
+ y($+1)=s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if nul then y="0*"+var,end
+ [ny,my]=size(y)
+ if lmax==0|length(x($))+length(y(1))<lmax then
+ if j==1 then
+ x=y(1)
+ else
+ x($)=x($)+","+y(1),
+ end
+ if ny>1 then x($+1:$+ny-1)=y(2:ny),end
+ else
+ if length(x($))==0 then
+ x($:$+ny-1) = y;
+ else
+ x($)=x($)+","+dots;
+ x($+1:$+ny)=y
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if i<m then x($)=x($)+";",end
+ if lmax>0 then
+ t=[t;x]
+ else
+ t=t+x
+ end
+ end,
+ if lmax>0&sum(length(t))<lmax then
+ t=strcat(t)
+ end
+ if m*n>1 then
+ t(1)="["+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+"]"
+ end
+function t=list2exp(l,lmax)
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ dots="."+".";
+ t="list("
+ n=length(l)
+ for k=1:n
+ lk=l(k)
+ sep=",",if k==1 then sep=emptystr(),end
+ if type(lk)==9 then
+ t1=h2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==15 then
+ t1=list2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==16 then
+ t1=tlist2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==17 then
+ t1=mlist2exp(lk,lmax)
+ else
+ t1=sci2exp(lk,lmax)
+ end
+ if size(t1,"*")==1&(lmax==0|max(length(t1))+length(t($))<lmax) then
+ t($)=t($)+sep+t1
+ else
+ t($)=t($)+sep+dots
+ t=[t;t1]
+ end
+ lk=null()
+ end
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+function t=tlist2exp(l,lmax)
+ $;
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ dots="."+".";
+ t="tlist("
+ n=length(l)
+ for k=1:n
+ lk=l(k)
+ sep=",",if k==1 then sep=emptystr(),end
+ if type(lk)==15 then
+ t1=list2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==16 then
+ t1=tlist2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==17 then
+ t1=mlist2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==9 then
+ t1=h2exp(lk,lmax,1)
+ else
+ t1=sci2exp(lk,lmax)
+ end
+ if size(t1,"*")==1&(lmax==0|max(length(t1))+length(t($))<lmax) then
+ t($)=t($)+sep+t1
+ else
+ t($)=t($)+sep+dots
+ t=[t;t1]
+ end
+ end
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+function t=mlist2exp(l,lmax)
+ $;
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ dots="."+".";
+ t="mlist("
+ n=size(definedfields(l),"*")
+ for k=1:n
+ lk=getfield(k,l)
+ sep=",",if k==1 then sep=emptystr(),end
+ if type(lk)==15 then
+ t1=list2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==16 then
+ t1=tlist2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==17 then
+ t1=mlist2exp(lk,lmax)
+ elseif type(lk)==9 then
+ t1=h2exp(lk,lmax)
+ else
+ t1=sci2exp(lk,lmax)
+ end
+ if size(t1,"*")==1&(lmax==0|max(length(t1))+length(t($))<lmax) then
+ t($)=t($)+sep+t1
+ else
+ t($)=t($)+sep+dots
+ t=[t;t1]
+ end
+ end
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+function t=log2exp(a,lmax)
+ $;
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ [m,n]=size(a),
+ a1=matrix(a,m*n,1)
+ F="%f"
+ T="%t"
+ a=F(ones(m*n,1))
+ k=find(a1);
+ if k<>[] then
+ a(k)=T(ones(size(k,"*"),1));
+ end
+ a=matrix(a,m,n);
+ dots="."+"."
+ t=[];
+ for i=1:m
+ x=emptystr()
+ for j=1:n,
+ y=a(i,j);
+ if lmax==0|length(x($))+length(y)<lmax then
+ if j==1 then
+ x=y
+ else
+ x($)=x($)+","+y,
+ end
+ else
+ x($)=x($)+","+dots;
+ x($+1)=y
+ end
+ end
+ t=[t;x]
+ end,
+ if lmax==0|lmax>0&sum(length(t))<lmax then
+ t=strcat(t,";")
+ end
+ if m*n>1 then
+ t(1)="["+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+"]"
+ end
+function t=func2exp(a,lmax)
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ [out,in,text]=string(a)
+ if out==[] then out=emptystr(),end
+ text=str2exp(text,lmax)
+ nt=size(text,"*")
+ if named then mac=nom,else mac="mac",end
+ if nt==1 then
+ t="deff(''["+strcat(out,",")+"]="+mac+"("+strcat(in,",")+")'',"+text+")"
+ else
+ text($)=text($)+")"
+ semi=";"
+ text(1:$-1)=text(1:$-1)+semi(ones(nt-1,1))'
+ t=["deff(''["+strcat(out,",")+"]="+mac+"("+strcat(in,",")+")'',"+text(1)
+ text(2:$)]
+ end
+function t=imp2exp(a,lmax)
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ v=[a(1),a(2),a(3)]
+ if a(2)==1 then
+ t=sci2exp(a(1))+":"+sci2exp(a(3))
+ else
+ t=sci2exp(a(1))+":"+sci2exp(a(2))+":"+sci2exp(a(3))
+ end
+function t=sp2exp(a,lmax)
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0,end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ dots="..";
+ [ij,v,mn]=spget(a)
+ t=sci2exp(ij,lmax)
+ v=sci2exp(v,lmax)
+ mn=sci2exp(mn,lmax)
+ t(1)="sparse("+t(1)
+ if lmax==0|length(t($))+length(v(1))+1<lmax then
+ t($)=t($)+","+v(1)
+ t=[t;v(2:$)]
+ else
+ t($)=t($)+","+dots
+ t=[t;v]
+ end
+ if lmax==0|length(t($))+length(mn(1))+1<lmax then
+ t($)=t($)+","+mn(1)
+ t=[t;mn(2:$)]
+ else
+ t($)=t($)+","+dots
+ t=[t;mn]
+ end
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+function t=int2exp(a,lmax)
+ it=inttype(a)
+ if it>10 then f="uint",else f="int",end
+ f=f+string(8*modulo(it,10))
+ t=mat2exp(double(a),lmax)
+ t(1)=f+"("+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+function t=h2exp(a,lmax) //Only for figure and uicontrol
+ $;
+ if rhs<2 then lmax=0
+ end
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0);
+ f1="''parent'', ";
+ f2="''children'', ";
+ f3="''BackgroundColor'', ";
+ f4="''Enable'', ";
+ f5="''fontAngle'', ";
+ f6="''fontName'', ";
+ f7="''fontSize'', ";
+ f8="''fontUnits'', ";
+ f9="''fontWeight'', ";
+ f10="''ForegroundColor'', ";
+ f11="''HorizontalAlignment'', ";
+ f12="''ListboxTop'', ";
+ f13="''Max'', ";
+ f14="''Min'', ";
+ f15="''Position'', ";
+ f16="''Relief'', ";
+ f17="''SliderStep'', ";
+ f18="''String'', ";
+ f19="''Style'', ";
+ f20="''TooltipString'', ";
+ f21="''Units'', ";
+ f22="''Value'', ";
+ f23="''VerticalAlignment'', ";
+ f24="''Visible'', ";
+ f25="''Callback'', ";
+ f26="''Callback_Type'', ";
+ f27="''Handle_Visible'', ";
+ f28="''Userdata'', ";
+ f29="''Tag'', ";
+ f30="''figure_position'', ";
+ f31="''figure_size'', ";
+ f32="''axes_size'', ";
+ f33="''auto_resize'', ";
+ f34="''viewport'', ";
+ f35="''figure_name'', ";
+ f36="''figure_id'', ";
+ f37="''info_message'', ";
+ f38="''color_map'', ";
+ f40="''pixel_drawing_mode'', ";
+ f41="''anti_aliasing'', ";
+ f42="''immediate_drawing'', ";
+ f43="''background'', ";
+ f44="''rotation_style'', ";
+ f45="''event_handler'', ";
+ f46="''event_handler_enable'', ";
+ f47="''resizefcn'', ";
+ f48="''closerequestfcn'', ";
+ x=[];
+ if a.type=="uicontrol"
+ f="uicontrol";
+ if a.BackgroundColor <> [0.8 0.8 0.8] then
+ if type(a.BackgroundColor)==1 then
+ f3_strg=String(a.Backgroundcolor);
+ f3_strg="["+f3_strg(1)+" "+f3_strg(2)+" "+f3_strg(3)+"]";
+ x=x+f3+f3_strg+", ";
+ else
+ f3_strg=a.BackgroundColor;
+ x=x+f3+"''"+f3_strg+"''"+", ";
+ end
+ end
+ if a.Enable <> "on" then x=x+f4+"''"+a.Enable+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.fontAngle <> "normal" then x=x+f5+"''"+a.fontAngle+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.fontName <> "helvetica" then x=x+f6+"''"+a.fontName+"''"+", "; end
+ f7_strg=String(a.fontSize);
+ if a.fontSize <> 10 then x=x+f7+f7_strg+", "; end
+ if a.fontUnits <> "points" then x=x+f8+"''"+a.fontUnits+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.fontWeight <> "normal" then x=x+f9+"''"+a.fontWeight+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.foregroundColor <>[0 0 0] then
+ if type(a.ForegroundColor)==1 then
+ f10_strg=String(a.foregroundColor);
+ f10_strg="["+f10_strg(1)+" "+f10_strg(2)+" "+f10_strg(3)+"]";
+ x=x+f10+f10_strg+" ,";
+ else
+ f10_strg=a.ForegroundColor;
+ x=x+f10+"''"+f10_strg+"''"+", ";
+ end
+ end
+ if a.HorizontalAlignment <> "center" then x=x+f11+"''"+a.horizontalAlignment+"''"+", "; end
+ f12_strg=String(a.ListBoxTop);
+ if a.ListBoxTop <>[] then x=x+f12+f12_strg+", "; end
+ f13_strg=String(a.Max);
+ if a.max<> 1 then x=x+f13+f13_strg+", "; end
+ f14_strg=String(a.Min);
+ if a.min<> 0 then x=x+f14+f14_strg+", "; end
+ if a.Position <>[20 40 40 20] then
+ if type(a.Position)==1 then
+ f15_strg=String(a.Position);
+ f15_strg="["+f15_strg(1)+" "+f15_strg(2)+" "+f15_strg(3)+" "+f15_strg(4)+"]";
+ x=x+f15+f15_strg+", ";
+ else
+ f15_strg=a.Position;
+ x=x+f15+"''"+f15_strg+"''"+", ";
+ end
+ end
+ x=x+f16+"''"+a.Relief+"''"+", ";
+ f17_strg=String(a.sliderStep); f17_strg="["+f17_strg(1)+" "+f17_strg(2)+"]";
+ if a.sliderStep <> [0.01 0.1] then x=x+f17+f17_strg+", "; end
+ if a.String <>"" then x=x+f18+"''"+a.String+"''"+" ,"; end
+ if a.Style <> "pushbutton" then x=x+f19+"''"+a.Style+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.TooltipString <> "" then x=x+f20+"''"+a.TooltipString+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.Units <> "pixels" then x=x+f21+"''"+a.Units+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.Value<>[] then
+ f22_strg=String(a.value);
+ f22l=length(a.value);
+ for i=1:f22l
+ f22_strg=strcat(f22_strg, ",");
+ f22_strg="["+f22_strg+"]";
+ end
+ x=x+f22+", "+f22_strg+", ";
+ end
+ if a.VerticalAlignment <> "middle" then x=x+f23+"''"+a.VerticalAlignment+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.Visible <> "on" then x=x+f24+"''"+a.Visible+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.Callback <>"" then x=x+f25+"''"+a.Callback+"''"+" ,"; end
+ f26_strg=String(a.Callback_Type);
+ if a.Callback_Type <> -1 then x=x+f26+f26_strg+", "; end
+ if a.Handle_Visible <> "on" then x=x+f27+"''"+a.Handle_Visible+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.Userdata <>[] then
+ if type(a.userdata) == 1 then
+ f28_strg=mat2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 2 then
+ f28_strg=pol2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 4 then
+ f28_strg=log2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 5 | type(a.userdata) == 6 | type(a.userdata) == 7 then
+ f28_strg=sp2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 8 then
+ f28_strg=int2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 9 then
+ f28_strg=h2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 10 then
+ f28_strg=str2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 11 then
+ f28_strg=func2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ named=%f
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 13 then
+ if named then
+ t=fun2string(a,nom)
+ else
+ t=fun2string(a,"%fun")
+ end
+ t(1)=part(t(1),10:length(t(1)))
+ t($)=[]
+ t=sci2exp(t,lmax)
+ t(1)="createfun("+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 15 then
+ f28_strg=list2exp(a.userdata);
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 16 then
+ f28_strg=tlist2exp(a.userdata,0);
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 17 then
+ f28_strg=mlist2exp(a.userdata,0);
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 129 then
+ f28_strg=imp2exp(a.userdata,0);
+ end
+ x=x+f28+f28_strg+", ";
+ end
+ if a.Tag<>"" then x=x+f29+"''"+a.Tag+"''"+", "; end
+ lx=length(x);
+ x=part(x,1:lx-2);
+ t(1)=f+"("+x;
+ t(1)=t(1)+")";
+ dots="."+".";
+ lt=length(t(1))
+ if lt>lmax & lmax<>0 then
+ ind=strindex(x,",");
+ k1=1;l=0;I=[];
+ while %t
+ if lt-l<lmax|k1>length(ind) then break,end
+ k2=k1-1+max(find(ind(k1:$)<l+lmax))
+ I=[I ind(k2)];
+ k1=k2+1
+ l=ind(k2)
+ end
+ t=strsplit(t(1),I);
+ t(1:$-1)=t(1:$-1)+dots;
+ end
+ elseif a.type == "Figure" then
+ f="figure";
+ f30_strg=String(a.figure_position);
+ f30_strg="["+f30_strg(1)+" "+f30_strg(2)+"]";
+ if a.figure_position <> [] then x=f30+f30_strg+", "; end
+ f31_strg=String(a.figure_size);
+ f31_strg="["+f31_strg(1)+" "+f31_strg(2)+"]";
+ if a.figure_size <> [] then x=x+f31+f31_strg+", "; end
+ f32_strg=String(a.axes_size);
+ f32_strg="["+f32_strg(1)+" "+f32_strg(2)+"]";
+ if a.axes_size <> [] then x=x+f32+f32_strg+", "; end
+ if a.auto_resize<>"on" then x=x+f33+"''"+a.auto_resize+"''"+", "; end
+ f34_strg=String(a.viewport);
+ f34_strg="["+f34_strg(1)+" "+f34_strg(2)+"]";
+ if a.viewport <>[0 0] then x=x+f34+f34_strg+", "; end
+ if a.figure_name<>"Figure n°%d" then x=x+f35+"''"+a.figure_name+"''"+", ";
+ end
+ f36_strg=String(a.figure_id);
+ x=x+f36+f36_strg+", ";
+ if a.info_message<>"" then x=x+f37+"''"+a.info_message+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.pixel_drawing_mode <> "copy" then x=x+f40+"''"+a.pixel_drawing_mode+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.anti_aliasing <> "off" then x=x+f41+"''"+a.anti_aliasing+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.immediate_drawing <>"on" then x=x+f42+"''"+a.immediate_drawing+"''"+", "; end
+ f43_strg=String(f43);
+ if a.background <> 33 then x=x+f43+f43_strg+", "; end
+ if a.visible <> "on" then x=x+f24+"''"+a.visible+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.rotation_style <> "unary" then x=x+f44+"''"+a.rotation_style+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.event_handler <> "" then x=x+f45+"''"+a.event_handler+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.event_handler_enable <> "off" then x=x+f46+"''"+a.event_handler_enable+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.userdata <> [] then
+ if type(a.userdata) == 1 then
+ f47_strg=mat2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 2 then
+ f47_strg=pol2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 4 then
+ f47_strg=log2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 5 | type(a.userdata) == 6 | type(a.userdata) == 7 then
+ f47_strg=sp2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 8 then
+ f47_strg=int2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 9 then
+ f47_strg=h2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 10 then
+ f47_strg=str2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 11 then
+ f47_strg=func2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ named=%f
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 13 then
+ if named then
+ t=fun2string(a,nom)
+ else
+ t=fun2string(a,"%fun")
+ end
+ t(1)=part(t(1),10:length(t(1)))
+ t($)=[]
+ t=sci2exp(t,lmax)
+ t(1)="createfun("+t(1)
+ t($)=t($)+")"
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 15 then
+ f47_strg=list2exp(a.userdata);
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 16 then
+ f47_strg=tlist2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 17 then
+ f47_strg=mlist2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ elseif type(a.userdata) == 129 then
+ f47_strg=imp2exp(a.userdata,0)
+ end
+ x=x+f28+f47_strg+", ";
+ end
+ if a.resizefcn <> "" then x=x+f47+"''"+a.resizefcn+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.closerequestfcn <> "" then x=x+f48+"''"+a.closerequestfcn+"''"+", "; end
+ if a.tag <> "" then x=x+f27+"''"+a.tag+"''"+", "; end
+ lx=length(x);
+ x=part(x,1:lx-2);
+ t(1)=f+"("+x;
+ t(1)=t(1)+")";
+ dots="."+".";
+ lt=length(t(1))
+ if lt>lmax & lmax<>0 then
+ ind=strindex(x,",");
+ k1=1;l=0;I=[];
+ while %t
+ if lt-l<lmax|k1>length(ind) then break,end
+ k2=k1-1+max(find(ind(k1:$)<l+lmax))
+ I=[I ind(k2)];
+ k1=k2+1
+ l=ind(k2)
+ end
+ t=strsplit(t(1),I);
+ t(1:$-1)=t(1:$-1)+dots;
+ end
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: This feature has not been implemented: Variable translation of type %s.\n"),"sci2exp",string(a.type)));
+ end