path: root/modules/string/macros/expression2code.sci
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/string/macros/expression2code.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/string/macros/expression2code.sci')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/string/macros/expression2code.sci b/modules/string/macros/expression2code.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..977a02f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/string/macros/expression2code.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Vincent COUVERT
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function C=expression2code(e)
+ // Translate an expression tree to macro code (called by tree2code)
+ // Input:
+ // - e: expression 'tree'
+ // Output:
+ // - C: Scilab code corresponding to e
+ // V.C.
+ // Change format for constants
+ fmtsav=format();
+ format(16);
+ // Tables of symbols arranged by priority in computations
+ sumops=["+","-","&","|"] //1
+ prodops=["*","/",".*","./","\",".\","^",".^"] //2
+ othops=["==",">=","<=","~=",">","<","~",".''",".''",":"] //3
+ C=[]
+ select typeof(e)
+ // ---------
+ // ---------
+ case "operation" then
+ operator=e.operator
+ operands=[]
+ nb_op=size(e.operands)
+ if and(operator<>["cc","cceol"]) then
+ for i=1:nb_op
+ if e.operands(i)==list("EOL") then
+ continue
+ end
+ expression = expression2code(e.operands(i));
+ if expression == "eye()" then
+ expression = ":";
+ end
+ operands=[operands;expression]
+ end
+ end
+ // Row concatenation
+ if operator=="rc" then
+ for i=1:nb_op
+ if typeof(e.operands(i))=="operation" then
+ if e.operands(i).operator=="rc" then
+ operands(i)=part(operands(i),2:length(operands(i))-1)
+ elseif or(e.operands(i).operator==["cceol"]) then
+ operands(1)=part(operands(1),2:length(operands(1)))
+ operands($)=part(operands($),1:length(operands($))-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ C="["+strcat(operands,",")+"]"
+ // Multi-line column concatenation
+ elseif operator=="cceol" then
+ for i=1:nb_op
+ opi=expression2code(e.operands(i))
+ if typeof(e.operands(i))=="operation" then
+ if e.operands(i).operator=="rc" then
+ opi=part(opi,2:length(opi)-1)
+ elseif or(e.operands(i).operator==["cc","cceol"]) then
+ opi(1)=part(opi(1),2:length(opi(1)))
+ opi($)=part(opi($),1:length(opi($))-1)
+ end
+ end
+ if i==1 then
+ C="["
+ if size(opi,"*")>1 then
+ C = [C+opi(1);opi(2:$)]
+ else
+ C = C+opi
+ end
+ C($)=C($)+";"
+ C=[C;""]
+ else
+ if size(opi,"*")>1 then
+ C = [C(1:$-1);C($)+opi(1);opi(2:$)]
+ else
+ C = [C(1:$-1);C($)+opi]
+ end
+ C($)=C($)+"]"
+ end
+ end
+ // Column concatenation
+ elseif operator=="cc" then
+ C="["
+ for i=1:nb_op
+ opi=expression2code(e.operands(i))
+ // Delete [ and ] if there are...
+ if typeof(e.operands(i))=="operation" then
+ if e.operands(i).operator=="rc" then
+ opi=part(opi,2:length(opi)-1)
+ elseif or(e.operands(i).operator==["cc","cceol"]) then
+ opi(1)=part(opi(1),2:length(opi(1)))
+ opi($)=part(opi($),1:length(opi($))-1)
+ end
+ end
+ if i==1 then
+ if size(opi,"*")>1 then
+ C = [C+opi(1);opi(2:$)]
+ elseif opi=="(EOL)" then
+ C = [C;""];
+ else
+ C = C+opi
+ end
+ C($)=C($)+";"
+ else
+ if size(opi,"*")>1 then
+ C = [C(1:$-1);C($)+opi(1);opi(2:$)]
+ elseif opi=="(EOL)" then
+ C = [C;""]
+ else
+ C = [C(1:$-1);C($)+opi]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ C($)=C($)+"]"
+ // Extraction
+ elseif operator=="ext" then
+ if size(e.operands)==1 then
+ C=e.operands(1).name
+ return
+ end
+ if type(e.operands(2))==15 then // Recursive extraction
+ C=operands(1)+operands(2)
+ else
+ // Deal with :
+ for k=2:size(operands,"*")
+ if operands(k)==""":""" then
+ operands(k)=":"
+ elseif operands(k)=="""$""" then
+ operands(k)="$"
+ elseif operands(k)=="""*""" then // Only used for M2SCI
+ operands(k)="*"
+ end
+ end
+ val = part(operands(2),1)=="""" & part(operands(2),length(operands(2)))==""""
+ if val then // struct field
+ C=operands(1)+"."+evstr(operands(2))
+ if size(operands,"*")>=3 then
+ C=C+"("
+ end
+ for k=3:size(operands,"*")
+ C=C+","+operands(k)
+ end
+ if size(operands,"*")>=3 then
+ C=C+")"
+ end
+ else
+ C=operands(1)+"("+operands(2)
+ for k=3:size(operands,"*")
+ C=C+","+operands(k)
+ end
+ C=C+")"
+ end
+ end
+ // Insertion
+ elseif operator=="ins" then
+ if type(e.operands(2))==15 then // Recursive insertion
+ C=operands(1)+operands(2)
+ else
+ // Deal with :
+ for k=2:size(operands,"*")
+ if operands(k)==""":""" then
+ operands(k)=":"
+ elseif operands(k)=="""$""" then
+ operands(k)="$"
+ elseif operands(k)=="""*""" then // Only used in M2SCI
+ operands(k)="*"
+ end
+ end
+ val = part(operands(2),1)=="""" & part(operands(2),length(operands(2)))==""""
+ if val then // struct field
+ C=operands(1)+"."+evstr(operands(2))
+ if size(operands,"*")>=3 then
+ C=C+"("
+ end
+ for k=3:size(operands,"*")
+ C=C+","+operands(k)
+ end
+ if size(operands,"*")>=3 then
+ C=C+")"
+ end
+ else
+ C=operands(1)+"("+operands(2)
+ for k=3:size(operands,"*")
+ C=C+","+operands(k)
+ end
+ C=C+")"
+ end
+ end
+ // Unary Operators
+ elseif size(operands,"*")==1 then
+ if or(operator==["''",".''"]) then
+ if typeof(e.operands(1))=="operation" then
+ if and(e.operands(1).operator<>["rc","cc","-","+"]) then
+ operands="("+operands+")"
+ end
+ end
+ C=operands+operator
+ elseif or(operator==["+","-"]) then
+ if typeof(e.operands(1))=="operation" then
+ if or(e.operands(1).operator==["-","+"]) then
+ operands="("+operands+")"
+ end
+ end
+ C=operator+operands
+ else
+ C=operator+operands
+ end
+ // Other operators
+ else
+ // Parenthesize
+ if or(operator==["+","-"]) then
+ for i=1:nb_op
+ if typeof(e.operands(i))=="operation" then
+ if or(e.operands(i).operator==othops) then
+ operands=[operands(1:i-1) "("+operands(i)+")" operands(i+1:$)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i=2:nb_op
+ if typeof(e.operands(i))=="operation" then
+ if or(e.operands(i).operator==sumops) then
+ operands=[operands(1:i-1) "("+operands(i)+")" operands(i+1:$)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if or(operator==[prodops,othops]) & (operator<>":") then
+ if typeof(e.operands(1))=="operation" then
+ if or(e.operands(1).operator==[sumops,prodops,othops]) then
+ operands(1)="("+operands(1)+")"
+ end
+ end
+ if typeof(e.operands(2))=="operation" then
+ if or(e.operands(2).operator==[sumops,prodops,othops]) then
+ operands(2)="("+operands(2)+")"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if part(operator,1)=="." & part(operator,length(operator))=="." | or(operator==["&","|"]) then
+ C=strcat(operands," "+operator+" ")
+ elseif part(operator,1)=="." then
+ C=strcat(operands," "+operator)
+ elseif part(operator,length(operator))=="." then
+ C=strcat(operands,operator+" ")
+ else
+ C=strcat(operands,operator)
+ end
+ end
+ // --------
+ // --------
+ case "cste" then
+ C=sci2exp(e.value)
+ if C==""":""" then
+ //C=":"
+ elseif C=="""$""" then
+ C="$"
+ elseif C=="""*""" then // Only used in M2SCI
+ C="""*"""
+ // C="*"
+ end
+ // --------
+ // --------
+ case "variable" then
+ // ----------------
+ // ----------------
+ case "string" then
+ C=e
+ // -------
+ // -------
+ case "funcall" then
+ if size(e.rhs)==0 then
+ I=I; // I is defined in instruction2code
+ [l,mac]=where()
+ if size(grep(mac,"expression2code"),"*")>1 then
+ C=C+"()"
+ elseif typeof(I)=="equal" & ( (typeof(I.lhs(1))=="variable" & I.lhs(1).name<>"ans") | typeof(I.lhs(1))=="operation") then
+ C=C+"()"
+ end
+ else
+ rhscode = rhs2code(e.rhs);
+ if size(rhscode,"*")==1 then
+ C=["("+rhscode+")"]
+ else
+ C=["("+rhscode(1);rhscode(2:($-1));rhscode($)+")"]
+ end
+ end
+ // ----
+ // LIST
+ // ----
+ case "list"
+ // Recursive extraction
+ C=[]
+ for k=1:lstsize(e)
+ ind=expression2code(e(k))
+ if type(e(k))==15 then // Recursive extraction in recursive extraction
+ ind=strsubst(ind,")(",",")
+ if part(ind, 1)=="(" then
+ ind = part(ind, 2:length(ind))
+ end
+ if part(ind, length(ind))==")" then
+ ind = part(ind, 1:(length(ind)-1))
+ end
+ end
+ if ind==""":""" then
+ ind=":"
+ elseif ind=="""$""" then
+ ind="$"
+ elseif ind=="""*""" then // Only used in M2SCI
+ ind="*"
+ end
+ val = part(ind,1)=="""" & part(ind,length(ind))==""""
+ if val then
+ C=C+"."+evstr(ind)
+ else
+ C=C+"("+ind+")"
+ end
+ end
+ C=strsubst(C,")(",",")
+ // -----
+ // EQUAL (can occur fir disp(a=1) for example)
+ // -----
+ case "equal"
+ C=instruction2code(e)
+ // -------
+ // COMMENT (inside a matrix declaration for example)
+ // -------
+ case "comment"
+ C=instruction2code(e)
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: This feature has not been implemented: %s.\n"),"expression2code",typeof(e)));
+ end
+ // Restore format
+ if fmtsav(1)==1 then
+ format("v",fmtsav(2));
+ else
+ format("e",fmtsav(2));
+ end