path: root/modules/graphics/macros/surf.sci
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/graphics/macros/surf.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/graphics/macros/surf.sci')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/graphics/macros/surf.sci b/modules/graphics/macros/surf.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a52b9d6c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/macros/surf.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 - INRIA - Fabrice Leray
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function surf(varargin)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0);
+ if ~rhs
+ Z= [ 0.0001 0.0013 0.0053 -0.0299 -0.1809 -0.2465 -0.1100 -0.0168 -0.0008 -0.0000; ..
+ 0.0005 0.0089 0.0259 -0.3673 -1.8670 -2.4736 -1.0866 -0.1602 -0.0067 0.0000; ..
+ 0.0004 0.0214 0.1739 -0.3147 -4.0919 -6.4101 -2.7589 -0.2779 0.0131 0.0020; ..
+ -0.0088 -0.0871 0.0364 1.8559 1.4995 -2.2171 -0.2729 0.8368 0.2016 0.0130; ..
+ -0.0308 -0.4313 -1.7334 -0.1148 3.0731 0.4444 2.6145 2.4410 0.4877 0.0301; ..
+ -0.0336 -0.4990 -2.3552 -2.1722 0.8856 -0.0531 2.6416 2.4064 0.4771 0.0294; ..
+ -0.0137 -0.1967 -0.8083 0.2289 3.3983 3.1955 2.4338 1.2129 0.2108 0.0125; ..
+ -0.0014 -0.0017 0.3189 2.7414 7.1622 7.1361 3.1242 0.6633 0.0674 0.0030; ..
+ 0.0002 0.0104 0.1733 1.0852 2.6741 2.6725 1.1119 0.1973 0.0152 0.0005; ..
+ 0.0000 0.0012 0.0183 0.1099 0.2684 0.2683 0.1107 0.0190 0.0014 0.0000];
+ f=gcf();
+ f.color_map = jetcolormap(64);
+ surf(Z,"edgeco","b","marker","d","markersiz",9,"markeredg","red","markerfac","k");
+ return;
+ end
+ X=[];
+ Y=[];
+ Z=[];
+ C=[];
+ CurColor = 0; // current color used if no color specified via LineSpec
+ // nor PropertyName
+ ListArg = varargin;
+ //detect and set the current axes now:
+ if type(ListArg(1)) == 9
+ hdle = ListArg(1);
+ if (hdle.type == "Axes")
+ sca(ListArg(1));
+ ListArg(1) = null(); // remove this parameter from the list
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: An ''Axes'' handle expected.\n"), "surf", 1));
+ return;
+ end
+ end
+ nv = size(ListArg)
+ T=[];
+ d=[];
+ typeOfPlot = "surf";
+ //given_data = 2;
+ for k=1:nv
+ T(k,1) = type(ListArg(k))
+ end
+ given_data = 0;
+ P1 = 0;
+ for i=1:nv
+ if T(i) == 1
+ given_data = given_data +1;
+ else
+ P1 = i; // Position of the first PropertyName field
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ // delay the drawing commands
+ // smart drawlater
+ current_figure=gcf();
+ cur_draw_mode = current_figure.immediate_drawing;
+ current_figure.immediate_drawing = "off";
+ colormap_size = size(current_figure.color_map,1);
+ if given_data == 1 //surf(Z) with Z giving us data + color info.
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------- //
+ if or(size(ListArg(1))==1)
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A matrix of size greater than %d-by-%d expected.\n"), "surf", 1, 2, 2));
+ return;
+ end
+ X = 1:size(ListArg(1),2);
+ Y = 1:size(ListArg(1),1);
+ Z = ListArg(1)'; // here a transposition is needed
+ C = Z;
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = genfac3d(X,Y,Z);
+ CC = ZZ; // Add a color matrix based on Z values
+ elseif given_data == 2 //surf(Z,COLOR)
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------- //
+ if or(size(ListArg(1))==1)
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A matrix of size greater than %d-by-%d expected.\n"), "surf", 1, 2, 2));
+ return;
+ end
+ if ((size(ListArg(1)) <> size(ListArg(2))) & (size(ListArg(1))-1 <> size(ListArg(2))))
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A %d-by-%d or %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),..
+ "surf", 2, size(ListArg(1),1), size(ListArg(1),2), size(ListArg(1),1) - 1, size(ListArg(1),2) -1 ));
+ return;
+ end
+ X = 1:size(ListArg(1),2);
+ Y = 1:size(ListArg(1),1);
+ Z = ListArg(1)'; // here a transposition is needed
+ C = ListArg(2)';
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = genfac3d(X,Y,Z);
+ if (size(ListArg(2)) == size(ListArg(1))) // color number == zdata number
+ [XX,YY,CC] = genfac3d(X,Y,C); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ elseif ((size(ListArg(2))) == size(ListArg(1))-1) // color number -1 == zdata number => ONLY flat mode can be enabled
+ Ctmp=[];
+ Ctmp = [C [C(:,$)]] ;
+ Ctmp = [Ctmp; Ctmp($,:)];
+ [XX,YY,CC] = genfac3d(X,Y,Ctmp); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ end
+ elseif given_data == 3 //surf(X,Y,Z) with Z giving us data + color info.
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------- //
+ X = ListArg(1)
+ Y = ListArg(2);
+ Z = ListArg(3);
+ // check if the call is OK
+ err = execstr("[XX,YY,ZZ,CC] = CreateFacetsFromXYZ(X,Y,Z,current_figure, cur_draw_mode)","errcatch","n");
+ if (err <> 0) then
+ // reset data
+ processSurfError(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ end
+ elseif given_data == 4 //surf(X,Y,Z,COLOR)
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------- //
+ if ((size(ListArg(3)) <> size(ListArg(4))) & (size(ListArg(3))-1 <> size(ListArg(4))))
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A %d-by-%d or %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"),..
+ "surf", 4, size(ListArg(3),1), size(ListArg(3),2), size(ListArg(3),1) - 1, size(ListArg(3),2) -1 ));
+ return;
+ end
+ X = ListArg(1)
+ Y = ListArg(2);
+ Z = ListArg(3);
+ C = ListArg(4);
+ // check if the call is OK
+ err = execstr("[XX,YY,ZZ,CC] = CreateFacetsFromXYZColor(X,Y,Z,C,current_figure, cur_draw_mode)","errcatch","n");
+ if (err <> 0) then
+ // reset data
+ processSurfError(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ end
+ end
+ // P1 is the position of the first PropertyName field.
+ Property = P1;
+ while ((Property <> 0) & (Property <= nv-1))
+ PropertyName = ListArg(Property);
+ PropertyValue = ListArg(Property+1);
+ // Xdata
+ PName = getSurfPropertyName(PropertyName);
+ if (PName == "xdata")
+ if (type(PropertyValue)<>1)
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ''%s'': A Real matrix expected.\n"), "surf", "xdata"));
+ return;
+ end
+ X = PropertyValue;
+ [XX,tmp2,tmp3] = CreateFacetsFromXYZ(PropertyValue,Y,Z,current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ // Ydata
+ elseif (PName == "ydata")
+ if (type(PropertyValue)<>1)
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ''%s'': A Real matrix expected.\n"), "surf", "ydata"));
+ return;
+ end
+ Y = PropertyValue;
+ [tmp1,YY,tmp3] = CreateFacetsFromXYZ(X,PropertyValue,Z,current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ // Zdata
+ elseif (PName == "zdata")
+ if (type(PropertyValue)<>1) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument ''%s'': A Real matrix expected.\n"), "surf", "zdata"));
+ return;
+ end
+ if (or(size(PropertyValue)==1)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A matrix of size greater than %d-by-%d expected.\n"), "surf", "zdata", 2, 2));
+ return;
+ end
+ Z = PropertyValue;
+ [tmp1,tmp2,ZZ] = CreateFacetsFromXYZ(X,Y,PropertyValue,current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ end
+ Property = Property+2;
+ end
+ if isempty(XX) | isempty(YY) | isempty(ZZ) then
+ // Nothing will be drawn so return (see )
+ return
+ end
+ // surf is made now !
+ // with default option to simulate the Matlab mode
+ err = execstr("plot3d(XX,YY,list(ZZ,CC))","errcatch","n");
+ if err <> 0
+ processSurfError(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ end
+ a=gca();
+ a.cube_scaling = "on";
+ a.rotation_angles = [51 -125];
+ e=gce();
+ e.hiddencolor=0; // to avoid painting the hidden facets
+ e.color_flag=4; // Matlab special flat mode by default (different from mode 2)
+ e.cdata_mapping = "scaled"
+ // F.Leray
+ // Today: 17.03.05
+ // XYZ-DataMode under Matlab seems really bugged (see following samples and read Matlab doc.):
+ //
+ // surf(X,Y,Z,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X,Y,Z,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XDataMode','man')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'Xdata',X-100,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'Xdata',X-100,'XDataMode','man')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XData',X-100,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XData',X-100,'XDataMode','man')
+ // surf(Z,'XData',X-100,'XDataMode','man')
+ // surf(Z,'XData',X-100,'XDataMode','auto')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XDataMode','man')
+ // surf(X+20,Y,Z,'XDataMode','auto')
+ //
+ // That is why I do not support those properties.
+ // Below and in comment is the code we could add to treat those properties.
+ // by giving XYZ-DataModeVal to setSurfProperty (to better treat XYZ-Data input).
+ //
+ //
+ //XdataModeVal=1;
+ //YdataModeVal=1;
+ //ZdataModeVal=1;
+ //
+ //if Property <> 0
+ // XdataMode = getIndexInStringTable('xdatam',ListArg([Property nv]))
+ // if XdataMode <> []
+ // XdataModeVal = getIndexInStringTable(ListArg(XdataMode+1),['auto','manual'])
+ // if size(XdataModeVal,'*') <> 1
+ // disp("Error: Bad XdataMode selected");
+ // return;
+ // end
+ // end
+ //
+ // YdataMode = getIndexInStringTable('ydatam',ListArg([Property nv]))
+ // if YdataMode <> []
+ // YdataModeVal = getIndexInStringTable(ListArg(YdataMode+1),['auto','manual'])
+ // if size(YdataModeVal,'*') <> 1
+ // disp("Error: Bad YdataMode selected");
+ // return;
+ // end
+ // end
+ //
+ // ZdataMode = getIndexInStringTable('zdatam',ListArg([Property nv]))
+ // if ZdataMode <> []
+ // ZdataModeVal = getIndexInStringTable(ListArg(ZdataMode+1),['auto','manual'])
+ // if size(ZdataModeVal,'*') <> 1
+ // disp("Error: Bad ZdataMode selected");
+ // return;
+ // end
+ // end
+ //end
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //Global Property treatment //
+ //PropertyName and PropertyValue //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // P1 is the position of the first PropertyName field.
+ Property = P1;
+ current_surface = gce(); // get the newly created fac3d
+ current_surface.mark_size_unit="point";
+ while ((Property <> 0) & (Property <= nv-1))
+ setSurfProperty(ListArg(Property),ListArg(Property+1),current_surface,X,Y,Z,C,current_figure,cur_draw_mode)
+ Property = Property+2;
+ end
+ //postponed drawings are done now !
+ // smart drawnow
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+//function [C] = build_interp_color(C,colormap_size)
+//// C is considered as a data value in Matlab
+//MIN = min(C);
+//MAX = max(C);
+//NCOLMIN = 1;
+//NCOLMAX = colormap_size;
+//if MIN <> MAX
+// C = round(C);
+// C = ones(C) * (NCOLMIN+NCOLMAX)/2;
+function k=getIndexInStringTable(pattern,table)
+ str = convstr(pattern);
+ k=find(part(table,1:length(str))==str);
+function [XX,YY,ZZ,CC] = CreateFacetsFromXYZ(X,Y,Z,current_figure, cur_draw_mode)
+ if or(size(X)==1) & or(size(Y)==1) // X and Y are vector
+ tmp = X;
+ X = Y;
+ Y = tmp;
+ if size(X,"*") ~= size(Z,1) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "Y", size(Z,1)));
+ return;
+ end
+ if size(Y,"*") ~= size(Z,2) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "X", size(Z,2)));
+ return;
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = genfac3d(Y,X,Z');
+ // COLOR treatment
+ CC = ZZ;
+ elseif and(size(X)>1) & and(size(Y)>1) // X and Y are matrix
+ if or(size(X) ~= size(Y)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Y"));
+ return;
+ end
+ if or(size(X) ~= size(Z)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Z"));
+ return;
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = nf3d(X,Y,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ CC = ZZ;
+ elseif or(size(X)==1) & and(size(Y)>1) // X is a vector and Y is a matrix
+ if size(X,"*") ~= size(Z,2) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "X", size(Z,2)));
+ return;
+ end
+ if or(size(Y) ~= size(Z)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "Y", "Z"));
+ return;
+ end
+ // X vector
+ // Y matrix
+ // Z matrix
+ X=X(:)'; // X is forced to be a row vector
+ XMAT=[];
+ for i=1:size(Z,2)
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = nf3d(XMAT,Y,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ CC = ZZ;
+ elseif or(size(Y)==1) & and(size(X)>1) // Y is a vector and X is a matrix
+ if or(size(X) ~= size(Z)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Z"));
+ return;
+ end
+ if size(Y,"*") ~= size(Z,2) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "Y", size(Z,2)));
+ return;
+ end
+ // Y vector
+ // X matrix
+ // Z matrix
+ Y=Y(:); // Y is forced to be a column vector
+ YMAT=[];
+ for i=1:size(Z,1)
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = nf3d(X,YMAT,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ CC = ZZ;
+ else
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Y"));
+ return;
+ end
+function [XX,YY,ZZ,CC] = CreateFacetsFromXYZColor(X,Y,Z,C,current_figure, cur_draw_mode)
+ if or(size(X)==1) & or(size(Y)==1) // X and Y are vector
+ Z = Z'; // here a transposition is needed
+ C = C'; // here a transposition is needed
+ if size(X,"*") ~= size(Z,1) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "X", size(Z,1)));
+ return;
+ end
+ if size(Y,"*") ~= size(Z,2) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "Y", size(Z,2)));
+ return;
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = genfac3d(X,Y,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ if (size(C) == size(Z)) // color number == zdata number
+ [XX,YY,CC] = genfac3d(X,Y,C); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ elseif (size(C) == size(Z)-1) // color number -1 == zdata number => ONLY flat mode can be enabled
+ Ctmp=[];
+ Ctmp = [C [C(:,$)]] ;
+ Ctmp = [Ctmp; Ctmp($,:)];
+ [XX,YY,CC] = genfac3d(X,Y,Ctmp); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ end
+ elseif and(size(X)>1) & and(size(Y)>1) // X and Y are matrices
+ if or(size(X) ~= size(Y)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Y"));
+ return;
+ end
+ if or(size(X) ~= size(Z)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Z"));
+ return;
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = nf3d(X,Y,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ if (size(C) == size(Z)) // color number == zdata number
+ [XX,YY,CC] = nf3d(X,Y,C); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ elseif (size(C) == size(Z)-1) // color number -1 == zdata number => ONLY flat mode can be enabled
+ Ctmp=[];
+ Ctmp = [C [C(:,$)]] ;
+ Ctmp = [Ctmp; Ctmp($,:)];
+ [XX,YY,CC] = nf3d(X,Y,Ctmp); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ end
+ elseif or(size(X)==1) & and(size(Y)>1) // X is a vector and Y is a matrix
+ if size(X,"*") ~= size(Z,2) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "X", size(Z,2)));
+ return;
+ end
+ if or(size(Y) ~= size(Z)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "Y", "Z"));
+ return;
+ end
+ // X vector
+ // Y matrix
+ // Z matrix
+ X=X(:)'; // X is forced to be a row vector
+ XMAT=[];
+ for i=1:size(Z,2)
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = nf3d(XMAT,Y,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ if (size(C) == size(Z)) // color number == zdata number
+ [XX,YY,CC] = nf3d(XMAT,Y,C); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ elseif (size(C) == size(Z)-1) // color number -1 == zdata number => ONLY flat mode can be enabled
+ Ctmp=[];
+ Ctmp = [C [C(:,$)]] ;
+ Ctmp = [Ctmp; Ctmp($,:)];
+ [XX,YY,CC] = nf3d(XMAT,Y,Ctmp); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ end
+ elseif or(size(Y)==1) & and(size(X)>1) // Y is a vector and X is a matrix
+ if or(size(X) ~= size(Z)) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Z"));
+ return;
+ end
+ if size(Y,"*") ~= size(Z,2) then
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument ''%s'': A vector of size %d expected.\n"), "surf", "Y", size(Z,2)));
+ return;
+ end
+ // Y vector
+ // X matrix
+ // Z matrix
+ Y=Y(:); // Y is forced to be a column vector
+ YMAT=[];
+ for i=1:size(Z,1)
+ end
+ [XX,YY,ZZ] = nf3d(X,YMAT,Z);
+ // COLOR treatment
+ if (size(C) == size(Z)) // color number == zdata number
+ [XX,YY,CC] = nf3d(X,YMAT,C); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ elseif (size(C) == size(Z)-1) // color number -1 == zdata number => ONLY flat mode can be enabled
+ Ctmp=[];
+ Ctmp = [C [C(:,$)]] ;
+ Ctmp = [Ctmp; Ctmp($,:)];
+ [XX,YY,CC] = nf3d(X,YMAT,Ctmp); // CC must be a color matrix of size nf x n
+ end
+ else
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input arguments ''%s'' and ''%s'': Matrices of same size expected.\n"), "surf", "X", "Y"));
+ return;
+ end
+// If an error occurs in the surf code, we need to catch it
+// order to reset some default values
+function processSurfError(cur_figure, cur_draw_mode)
+ // reset data
+ ResetFigureDDM(current_figure, cur_draw_mode);
+ // get the error
+ [err_message, err_number, err_line, err_func] = lasterror(%t);
+ // rethrow it
+ // for now error can only have a single string as input.
+ // If there are several lines we need to concatane them.
+ err_message_nbLines = size(err_message, "*");
+ if (err_message_nbLines > 1) then
+ // put a \n betwee, each string
+ err_message(1) = strcat(err_message, "\n");
+ end
+ error(err_message(1), err_number);