path: root/modules/graphics/demos/misc
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/graphics/demos/misc
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/graphics/demos/misc')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/graphics/demos/misc/misc.dem.sce b/modules/graphics/demos/misc/misc.dem.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..795ef671c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/graphics/demos/misc/misc.dem.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Pierre MARECHAL
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+function demo_misc()
+ global margin_x;
+ global margin_y;
+ global padding_x;
+ global padding_y;
+ global frame_w;
+ global frame_h;
+ global plot_w;
+ global plot_h;
+ // Parameters
+ // =========================================================================
+ frame_w = 200; // Frame width
+ frame_h = 330; // Frame height
+ plot_w = 600; // Plot width
+ plot_h = 550; // Plot height
+ margin_x = 15; // Horizontal margin between each elements
+ margin_y = 15; // Vertical margin between each elements
+ padding_x = 10; // Horizontal padding between each elements
+ padding_y = 10; // Vertical padding between each elements
+ defaultfont = "arial"; // Default Font
+ frametitle_font_size = 16; // Title font size
+ text_font_size = 13; // Text font size
+ // Figure creation
+ // =========================================================================
+ axes_w = 3*margin_x + frame_w + plot_w; // axes width
+ axes_h = 2*margin_y + max(frame_h,plot_h); // axes height
+ demo_plot3d = figure(100001);
+ clf(demo_plot3d,"reset");
+ demo_plot3d.background = -2;
+ demo_plot3d.color_map = jetcolormap(128);
+ demo_plot3d.axes_size = [axes_w axes_h];
+ demo_plot3d.figure_name = gettext("Misc");
+ my_frame_pos_x = margin_x;
+ my_frame_pos_y = (axes_h/2-frame_h/2);
+ // Frames creation [Control Panel]
+ // =========================================================================
+ my_frame = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "relief" , "groove",...
+ "style" , "frame",...
+ "units" , "pixels",...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x my_frame_pos_y frame_w frame_h],...
+ "horizontalalignment" , "center", ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "tag" , "frame_control" ...
+ );
+ // Frame title
+ my_frame_title = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "text",...
+ "string" , "Colormap",...
+ "units" , "pixels",...
+ "position" , [ 30+my_frame_pos_x my_frame_pos_y+frame_h-10 frame_w-60 20 ],...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , frametitle_font_size,...
+ "horizontalalignment" , "center", ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "tag" , "title_frame_control" ...
+ );
+ // Colormap frame creation
+ // =========================================================================
+ my_cmap_frame_w = frame_w;
+ my_cmap_frame_h = frame_h;
+ // Colormap : Jetcolormap
+ jetcolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Jet"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-50 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 1, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "jetcolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : HSVcolormap
+ HSVcolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("HSV"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-70 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "HSVcolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Hotcolormap
+ hotcolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Hot"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-90 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "hotcolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Graycolormap
+ graycolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Gray"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-110 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "graycolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Wintercolormap
+ wintercolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Winter"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-130 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "wintercolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Springcolormap
+ springcolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Spring"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-150 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "springcolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Summercolormap
+ summercolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Summer"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-170 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "summercolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Autumncolormap
+ autumncolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Autumn"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-190 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "autumncolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Bonecolormap
+ bonecolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Bone"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-210 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "bonecolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Coppercolormap
+ coppercolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Copper"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-230 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "coppercolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Pinkcolormap
+ pinkcolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Pink"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-250 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "pinkcolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Rainbowcolormap
+ rainbowcolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Rainbow"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-270 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "rainbowcolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Oceancolormap
+ oceancolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("Ocean"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-290 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "oceancolormap_radio");
+ // Colormap : Whitecolormap
+ whitecolormap_radio = uicontrol( ...
+ "parent" , demo_plot3d,...
+ "style" , "radiobutton",...
+ "string" , gettext("White"),...
+ "position" , [ my_frame_pos_x+10 my_frame_pos_y+my_cmap_frame_h-310 my_cmap_frame_w-25 15],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname" , defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits" , "points",...
+ "fontsize" , text_font_size,...
+ "value" , 0, ...
+ "background" , [1 1 1], ...
+ "callback" , "demo_update_misc",...
+ "tag" , "whitecolormap_radio");
+ // Plots creation
+ // =========================================================================
+ drawlater();
+ my_plot_region_pos_x = ((2*margin_x+frame_w)/axes_w);
+ my_plot_region_pos_y = 0;
+ my_plot_region_w = 1-my_plot_region_pos_x;
+ my_plot_region_h = 1;
+ // First plot : grayplot(); top - left
+ my_plot_1_axes = newaxes();
+ my_plot_1_pos_x = ((2*margin_x+frame_w)/axes_w);
+ my_plot_1_pos_y = 0;
+ my_plot_1_w = (1-my_plot_region_pos_x)/2;
+ my_plot_1_h = 1/2;
+ my_plot_1_axes.axes_bounds = [ my_plot_1_pos_x my_plot_1_pos_y my_plot_1_w my_plot_1_h ];
+ grayplot();
+ // Second plot : plot3d1(); top right
+ my_plot_2_axes = newaxes();
+ my_plot_2_pos_x = ((2*margin_x+frame_w)/axes_w) + my_plot_region_w/2;
+ my_plot_2_pos_y = 0;
+ my_plot_2_w = (1-my_plot_region_pos_x)/2;
+ my_plot_2_h = 1/2;
+ my_plot_2_axes.axes_bounds = [ my_plot_2_pos_x my_plot_2_pos_y my_plot_2_w my_plot_2_h ];
+ plot3d1();
+ // Third plot : grayplot(); bottom - left
+ my_plot_3_axes = newaxes();
+ my_plot_3_pos_x = ((2*margin_x+frame_w)/axes_w);
+ my_plot_3_pos_y = 1/2;
+ my_plot_3_w = (1-my_plot_region_pos_x)/2;
+ my_plot_3_h = 1/2;
+ my_plot_3_axes.axes_bounds = [ my_plot_3_pos_x my_plot_3_pos_y my_plot_3_w my_plot_3_h ];
+ grayplot();
+ // Fourth plot : knot(); bottom - right
+ my_plot_4_axes = newaxes();
+ my_plot_4_pos_x = ((2*margin_x+frame_w)/axes_w) + my_plot_region_w/2;
+ my_plot_4_pos_y = 1/2;
+ my_plot_4_w = (1-my_plot_region_pos_x)/2;
+ my_plot_4_h = 1/2;
+ my_plot_4_axes.axes_bounds = [ my_plot_4_pos_x my_plot_4_pos_y my_plot_4_w my_plot_4_h ];
+ deff("[x,y,z]=knot(u,v)",["vv=ones(v)";"uu=ones(u);";
+ "x=(5.*cos(u)+cos(u).*cos(v))";
+ "y=(5.*sin(u)+sin(u).*cos(v))";
+ "z=(uu.*sin(v))";])
+ nx=60;
+ Nx=(0:nx)/nx;
+ ny=20;
+ Ny=(0:ny)/ny;
+ [xx,yy,zz]=eval3dp(knot,2*%pi*Nx,2*%pi*Ny);
+ XXX=[-xx xx];
+ YYY=[-yy zz];
+ ZZZ=[-zz yy];
+ kk1=[1:size(zz,2)];
+ kk1=modulo(kk1,60);
+ kk2=kk1;
+ KKK=list(ZZZ,[kk1 kk2]);
+ plot3d(XXX,YYY,KKK,35,70," @ @ ",[2,1,4],[-6,6,-6,6,-6,6]);
+ // define colormap
+ colormapSize = 128;
+ f = gcf();
+ f.color_map = jetcolormap(128);
+ my_plot_2_axes.background = color(240,240,240);
+ my_plot_4_axes.background = color(240,240,240);
+ drawnow();
+ demo_viewCode("misc.dem.sce");
+function demo_update_misc()
+ my_figure = gcf();
+ my_figure.immediate_drawing = "off";
+ set(findobj("tag", "jetcolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "hotcolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "graycolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "wintercolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "springcolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "summercolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "autumncolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "bonecolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "coppercolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "pinkcolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "HSVcolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "rainbowcolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "oceancolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(findobj("tag", "whitecolormap_radio") , "value", 0);
+ set(gcbo, "value", 1);
+ my_wanted_colormap = get(gcbo,"tag");
+ if get(gcbo, "tag") == "jetcolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = jetcolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "hotcolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = hotcolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "graycolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = graycolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "wintercolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = wintercolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "springcolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = springcolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "summercolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = summercolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "autumncolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = autumncolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "bonecolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = bonecolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "coppercolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = coppercolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "pinkcolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = pinkcolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "HSVcolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = hsvcolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "rainbowcolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = rainbowcolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "oceancolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = oceancolormap(128);
+ elseif get(gcbo, "tag") == "whitecolormap_radio" then
+ my_figure.color_map = whitecolormap(128);
+ end
+ // Gray background for 3d axes
+ for i = 1:size(my_figure.children,"*"),
+ child = my_figure.children(i);
+ if child.type=="Axes" then
+ if child.view=="3d" then
+ child.background = color(240,240,240);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Plot
+ my_figure.immediate_drawing = "on";
+clear demo_misc;