path: root/modules/fileio/macros
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/fileio/macros
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/fileio/macros')
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.binbin0 -> 185344 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.binbin0 -> 4940 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/dir.binbin0 -> 5644 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/dirname.binbin0 -> 3216 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.binbin0 -> 10580 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/fullfile.binbin0 -> 9140 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.binbin0 -> 1832 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.binbin0 -> 2420 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/libbin0 -> 620 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/listfiles.binbin0 -> 10876 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.binbin0 -> 4180 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/ls.binbin0 -> 2784 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/mdelete.binbin0 -> 5124 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/mkdir.binbin0 -> 13916 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/rmdir.binbin0 -> 5460 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xmodules/fileio/macros/scanf.binbin0 -> 2076 bytes
35 files changed, 2246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f8204d025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1dbc56305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/%_listvarinfile.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,1361 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2001 - INRIA - Serge Steer
+// Copyright (C) Enrico Segre
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// set of functions for getting information about variables saved in a Scilab
+// data file
+function varargout=%_listvarinfile(fil)
+ lhs=argn(1)
+ u=mopen(fil,"rb")
+ typenames=[ // in vector form, in order to cover the first 17
+ "constant";
+ "polynomial";
+ "???"
+ "boolean";
+ "sparse";
+ "boolean sparse";
+ "Matlab sparse";
+ "integer"
+ "graphic handle"; //not yet done
+ "string";
+ "function";
+ "???"
+ "function";
+ "library";
+ "list"
+ "tlist"
+ "mlist"]
+ nams=[]
+ dims=list()
+ typs=[];vols=[]
+ if lhs==1 then
+ //write the display header
+ write(%io(2),part("Name",1:25)+ part("Type",1:15)+part("Size",1:16)+..
+ part("Bytes",1:10))
+ write(%io(2),"---------------------------------------------------------------")
+ end
+ while %t
+ w=mget(6,"il",u)
+ if size(w,"*")<6|meof(u)<>0 then break,end
+ nam=code2var(w);
+ [typ,dim,vol]=listnextvar(u)
+ if typ<=17 then
+ typn=typenames(typ)
+ elseif typ==128 then
+ typn="pointer";
+ elseif typ==129 then
+ typn="size implicit";
+ elseif typ==130 then
+ typn="primitive";
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong variable type (%s) found in ''%s''. File may be wrong or corrupted.\n"), "listvarinfile", string(typ), fil))
+ end
+ if lhs==1 then
+ if typ <>128 & typ <> 130 then
+ write(%io(2),part(nam,1:25)+part(typn,1:15)+..
+ part(strcat(string(dim)," by "),1:16)+part(string(vol),1:10))
+ else //types 9, 128 and 130 are known in scilab, but their API is unpublished
+ write(%io(2),part(nam,1:25)+part(typn,1:15)+"unknown unknown")
+ warning(".... unknown structure, I''m forced to stop here (bug 2387)")
+ end
+ end
+ typs=[typs;typ]
+ dims($+1)=dim
+ nams=[nams;nam]
+ vols=[vols;vol]
+ if dim==-1 | vol==-1 then break; end // this for types with unknown API
+ end
+ mclose(u)
+ varargout=list(nams,typs,dims,vols)
+function [typ,dim,vol]=listnextvar(u)
+ typ=mget(1,"il",u) //The variable type
+ dim=-1;vol=-1; //flags to break the caller loop in unknown cases
+ select typ
+ case 1 then //matrix of numbers
+ w=mget(3,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);dim=[m,n]
+ N=m*n*(it+1)
+ mseek(8*N,u,"cur") //skip the values
+ //A=mget(N,"dl",u)
+ vol=4*4+8*N
+ case 2 then //polynomial
+ w=mget(3,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);dim=[m,n]
+ mseek(4*4,u,"cur") //skeep the formal variable name
+ w=mget(m*n+1,"il",u) //get the pointer table
+ //I=mget(m*n+1,"il",u)
+ N=(w(m*n+1)-1)*(it+1)
+ mseek(8*N,u,"cur") //skip the values
+ //A=mget(N,"dl",u)
+ vol=(4+4+(m*n+1))*4+8*N
+ case 4 then //boolean
+ w=mget(2,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);dim=[m,n]
+ N=m*n
+ mseek(4*N,u,"cur") // skip the values
+ //A=mget(N,"il",u)
+ vol=(4+N)*4
+ case 5 then //sparse
+ w=mget(4,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);nel=w(4);dim=[m,n]
+ mseek(4*(m+nel),u,"cur")// skip the index
+ mseek(8*nel*(it+1),u,"cur") // skip the non zero values
+ //I=mget(((m+nel),"il",u)
+ //A=mget((nel*(it+1)),"dl",u)
+ vol=(5+m+nel)*4+8*nel*(it+1)
+ case 6 then //boolean sparse
+ w=mget(4,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);nel=w(4);dim=[m,n]
+ mseek(4*(m+nel),u,"cur")// skip the index
+ //I=mget((m+nel),"il",u)
+ vol=(5+m+nel)*4
+ case 8 then //integer
+ w=mget(3,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);dim=[m,n]
+ select it
+ case 4 then
+ mseek(m*n*4,u,"cur")
+ //A=mget((m*n,"il",u)
+ vol=4*4+m*n*4
+ case 2 then
+ mseek(m*n*2,u,"cur")
+ //A=mget((m*n,"sl",u)
+ vol=4*4+m*n*2
+ case 1 then
+ mseek(m*n*1,u,"cur")
+ //A=mget((m*n,"c",u)
+ vol=4*4+m*n
+ case 14 then
+ mseek(m*n*4,u,"cur")
+ //A=mget((m*n,"uil",u)
+ vol=4*4+m*n*4
+ case 12 then
+ mseek(m*n*2,u,"cur")
+ //A=mget((m*n,"usl",u)
+ vol=4*4+m*n*2
+ case 11 then
+ mseek(m*n*1,u,"cur")
+ //A=mget((m*n,"uc",u)
+ vol=4*4+m*n
+ end
+ case 9 then //graphic handle: API??
+ [dim, vol] = getMatrixHandleInfo(u);
+ case 10 then //string
+ w=mget(3,"il",u)
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);dim=[m,n]
+ w=mget(m*n+1,"il",u) //get the pointer table
+ N=w($)-1 //total number of chars
+ mseek(4*N,u,"cur") //skip the values, N characters coded in N integers
+ vol=(4*m*n+1)*4+4*N
+ case 11 then // function (not compiled)
+ dim=[]
+ nout=mget(1,"il",u)
+ mseek(nout*6*4,u,"cur") //skip lhs names, nout names coded over 6 integers
+ nin=mget(1,"il",u)
+ mseek(nin*6*4,u,"cur") //skip rhs names, nin names coded over 6 integers
+ N=mget(1,"il",u) //code length
+ mseek(N*4,u,"cur") //skip code (N characters coded in N integers)
+ vol=(3+(nin+nout)*6+N)*4
+ case 13 then // compiled function
+ dim=[]
+ nout=mget(1,"il",u)
+ mseek(nout*6*4,u,"cur") //skip lhs names, nout names coded over 6 integers
+ nin=mget(1,"il",u)
+ mseek(nin*6*4,u,"cur") //skip rhs names, nin names coded over 6 integers
+ N=mget(1,"il",u) //code length
+ mseek(N*4,u,"cur") //skip pseudo-code N integers
+ vol=(3+(nin+nout)*6+N)*4
+ case 14 then //library
+ np=mget(1,"il",u) //path length
+ mseek(np*4,u,"cur") //skeep the path
+ nclas=29
+ nn=mget(1,"il",u) //number of names
+ dim=nn
+ mseek((nclas+1)*4,u,"cur") //skeep the class pointers
+ mseek(nn*6*4,u,"cur") //skip the names
+ vol=(2+np+1+nclas+1+nn*6)*4
+ case 15 then //list
+ [dim, vol] = getListInfo(u);
+ case 16 then //tlist
+ [dim, vol] = getListInfo(u);
+ case 17 then //mlist
+ [dim, vol] = getListInfo(u);
+ case 128 then //pointer: API??
+ case 129 then //size implicit index (same as polynomial)
+ w=mget(3,"il",u) //header of the variable
+ m=w(1);n=w(2);it=w(3);dim=[m,n]
+ mseek(4*4,u,"cur") //skeep the formal variable name
+ w=mget(m*n+1,"il",u) //get the pointer table
+ //I=mget(m*n+1,"il",u)
+ N=(w(m*n+1)-1)*(it+1)
+ mseek(8*N,u,"cur") //skip the values
+ //A=mget(N,"dl",u)
+ vol=(4+4+(m*n+1))*4+8*N
+ case 130 then //scilab primitive: API??
+ else //unknown type, or file content plainly wrong
+ end
+function [items, totalSize] = getListInfo(file_descriptor)
+ items = mget(1, "il", file_descriptor);//read item count
+ offset = mget(1 + items, "il", file_descriptor);//read offset between vars
+ totalSize = (2 + (items + 1)) * 4;
+ for i = 1:items
+ //bypass Undefined item
+ if offset(i) <> offset(i + 1) then
+ [t, d, v] = listnextvar(file_descriptor);
+ totalSize = totalSize + v;
+ end
+ end
+function [hsize, totalSize] = getMatrixHandleInfo(fd)
+ totalSize = 4 + 4;
+ version=mget(4, "uc", fd);
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then // case 3 1 0 2 and after
+ hsize = mget(2, "uc", fd)
+ totalSize = totalSize + 2;
+ for i=1:hsize(1)
+ for j=1:hsize(2)
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ // a single handle only can be loaded before 3 1 0 2
+ hsize = [1,1];
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+function totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize)
+ [totalSize, handleType] = readString(fd, totalSize); // Type
+ select handleType
+ case "Figure"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // Visible
+ totalSize = seekShortCount(fd, 2, totalSize); //figure_position
+ totalSize = seekShortCount(fd, 2, totalSize); //figure_size
+ totalSize = seekShortCount(fd, 2, totalSize); //axes_size
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekShortCount(fd, 2, totalSize); //viewport
+ if is_higher_than([5 4 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // info_message
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // info_message
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // tag
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_resize
+ if is_higher_than([5 4 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // figure_name
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // figure_name
+ end
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); //figure_id
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // color_map
+ if ~is_higher_than([5 4 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // pixmap
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // pixel_drawing_mode
+ if (is_higher_than([5 1 0 0])) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // anti_aliasing
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // immediate_drawing
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // rotation_style
+ if ( is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) ) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // event_handler
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // event_handler_enable
+ end
+ if ( is_higher_than([5 2 0 0]) ) then // Added in 5.4.0 version
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // resizefcn
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // closerequestfcn
+ end
+ [totalSize, axesCount] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // children
+ for i = 1 : axesCount
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Axes"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if and(version==[3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // axes_visible
+ else
+ totalSize = seekBoolMatrix(fd, totalSize); // axes_visible
+ end
+ if is_higher_than( [3 1 0 1] ) then
+ totalSize = seekBoolMatrix(fd, totalSize); // axes_reverse
+ end
+ totalSize = seekIntMatrix(fd, totalSize); // grid
+ if (is_higher_than([5 0 3 0])) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // grid_position
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // x_location
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // y_location
+ [totalSize, view] = readStringCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // view
+ //title
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize); // text
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // text
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_rotation
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // font_angle
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_position
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 1
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 2
+ end
+ //x_label
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize); // text
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // text
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_rotation
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // font_angle
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_position
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 1
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 2
+ end
+ //y_label
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize); // text
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // text
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_rotation
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // font_angle
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_position
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 1
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 2
+ end
+ if view == "3d" then
+ //z_label
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize); // text
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // text
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_rotation
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // font_angle
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_position
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 1
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // position 2
+ end
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBoolMatrix(fd, totalSize); // auto_ticks
+ //x_ticks
+ [totalSize, ticksX] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // ticks count
+ if ticksX > 0 then
+ totalSize = seekMatrixCount(fd, ticksX, totalSize); // locations
+ [totalSize, labels] = readBoolCount(fd, ticksX, totalSize); // label
+ for i = 1:ticksX
+ totalSize = seekStringCount(fd, labels(i), totalSize);
+ end
+ end
+ //y_ticks
+ [totalSize, ticksY] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // ticks count
+ if ticksY > 0 then
+ totalSize = seekMatrixCount(fd, ticksY, totalSize); // locations
+ [totalSize, labels] = readBoolCount(fd, ticksY, totalSize); // label
+ for i = 1:ticksY
+ totalSize = seekStringCount(fd, labels(i), totalSize);
+ end
+ end
+ //z_ticks
+ [totalSize, ticksZ] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // ticks count
+ if ticksZ > 0 then
+ totalSize = seekMatrixCount(fd, ticksZ, totalSize); // locations
+ [totalSize, labels] = readBoolCount(fd, ticksZ, totalSize); // label
+ for i = 1:ticksZ
+ totalSize = seekStringCount(fd, labels(i), totalSize);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // box
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // filled
+ else
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // sub_ticks
+ if ~(is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) ) then
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // ticks_color
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_color
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // isoview
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // cube_scaling
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // rotation_angles 1
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // rotation_angles 2
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekStringCount(fd, 3, totalSize); // log_flags
+ else
+ totalSize = seekStringCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // log_flags
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([5 5 0 0]) then // tight_limits
+ totalSize = seekBoolMatrix(fd, totalSize);
+ else
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+ [totalSize, bounds] = readBool(fd, totalSize); // data_bounds count
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, bounds, totalSize); // data_bounds
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ [totalSize, zooms] = readBool(fd, totalSize); // zoom_box_size
+ if zooms <> 0 then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, zooms, totalSize); // zoom_box
+ end
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); // margins
+ end
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); // axes_bounds
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_clear
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // auto_scale
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // hidden_axis_color
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // arc_drawing_method
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // hidden_color
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_style
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size_unit
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ [totalSize, clip] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if clip == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); // clip_box
+ end
+ global parentAxesView;
+ parentAxesView = view;
+ [totalSize, axesCount] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // children
+ for i = 1 : axesCount
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+ clearglobal parentAxesView;
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Polyline"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ [totalSize, dataCount] = readIntCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // data count
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, prod(dataCount), totalSize); // data
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // closed
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_style
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // arrow_size_factor
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // polyline_style
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1] ) then
+ [totalSize, count] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // interp_color_vector size
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, count, totalSize); // interp_color_vector
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // interp_color_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size_unit
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ [totalSize, count] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // x_shift count
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, count, totalSize); // x_shift
+ [totalSize, count] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // y_shift count
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, count, totalSize); // y_shift
+ [totalSize, count] = readShort(fd, totalSize); // z_shift count
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, count, totalSize); // z_shift
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // bar_width
+ end
+ //totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // datatips
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Plot3d"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // surface_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size_unit
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([5 1 1 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // color_mode
+ [totalSize, flag] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // color_flag
+ else
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // color_mode
+ [totalSize, flag] = readBool(fd, totalSize); // color_flag
+ end
+ //data
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // x
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // y
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // z
+ if or(flag == [2,5]) then
+ [totalSize, count] = readIntCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // color size
+ totalSize = seekIntCount(fd, prod(count), totalSize); // color
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // hidden_color
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0])
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Fac3d"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // surface_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size_unit
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([5 1 1 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // color_mode
+ [totalSize, flag] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // color_flag
+ else
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // color_mode
+ [totalSize, flag] = readBool(fd, totalSize); // color_flag
+ end
+ //data
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // x
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // y
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // z
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) & flag >= 2 then
+ [totalSize, count] = readIntCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // color size
+ totalSize = seekIntCount(fd, prod(count), totalSize); // color
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // cdata_mapping
+ elseif or(flag==[2 5]) then
+ [totalSize, count] = readIntCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // color size
+ totalSize = seekIntCount(fd, prod(count), totalSize); // color
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // color_mode
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0])
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Compound"
+ [totalSize, count] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // children count
+ for i = 1 : count
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize); // children
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = readBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Agregation"
+ [totalSize, count] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // children count
+ for i = 1 : count
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize); // children
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = readBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Rectangle"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size_unit
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ end
+ if (is_higher_than([5 0 3 0])) then
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // data
+ else
+ global parentAxesView;
+ if parentAxesView == [] | parentAxesView == "2d" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //data
+ else
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 5, totalSize); //data
+ end
+ end
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Arc"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_style
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1])
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ end
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([5 0 3 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // data
+ else
+ global parentAxesView;
+ if parentAxesView == [] | parentAxesView == "2d" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 6, totalSize); //data
+ else
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 7, totalSize); //data
+ end
+ end
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // data_mapping
+ end
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Champ"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // x
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // y
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // fx
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // fy
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_style
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // colored
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // arrow_size
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Segs"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // data
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_style
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // arrow_size
+ totalSize = seekIntInt(fd, totalSize); // segs_color
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_size_unit
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Grayplot"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if is_higher_than([3 0 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // x
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // y
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // z
+ else
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // x,y,z
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // data_mapping
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Matplot"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // data
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Fec"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // data
+ totalSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, totalSize); // triangles
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // z_bounds
+ if is_higher_than( [5 0 3 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // color_range
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // outside_colors
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ end
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Legend"
+ if is_higher_than( [5 0 0 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // text
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_color
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ [totalSize, count] = readBool(fd, totalSize); // legends size
+ for i = 1 : count
+ totalSize = seekIntInt(fd, totalSize); // legends
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // legend_location
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // position
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekShort(fd, totalSize); // thickness
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ else
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // mark_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // mark_background
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // text
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ end
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ end
+ case "Text"
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ if is_higher_than([4 1 2 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize);
+ else
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+ [totalSize, count] = readBoolCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // data size
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, prod(count), totalSize); // data
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 2, totalSize); // text_box
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // text_box_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // foreground
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_style
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // font_size
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // font_angle
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // box
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // line_mode
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fill_mode
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // font_foreground
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // background
+ end
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // alignment
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ case "Axis"
+ if is_higher_than([3 1 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // visible
+ totalSize = seekBoolInt(fd, totalSize); // tics_direction
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // xtics_coord
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // ytics_coord
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // tics_color
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // tics_segment
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // tics_style
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // sub_tics
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // tics_label
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // label_font_size
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // labels_font_color
+ if is_higher_than([5 4 0 1]) then
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // labels_font_style
+ end
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // fractional_font
+ end
+ [totalSize, state] = readString(fd, totalSize); // clip_state
+ if state == "on" then
+ totalSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, 4, totalSize); //clip_box
+ end
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ end
+ case "uimenu"
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // Enable
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // Foregroundcolor
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Label
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // Visible
+ if is_higher_than([5 4 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // Callback
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Callback
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // Callback Type
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Tag
+ end
+ if is_higher_than( [5 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // Checked
+ end
+ if is_higher_than( [5 1 1 0] ) then
+ [totalSize, axesCount] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // children
+ for i = 1 : axesCount
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+ end
+ case "uicontextmenu"
+ [totalSize, axesCount] = readInt(fd, totalSize); // children
+ for i = 1 : axesCount
+ totalSize = getSingleHandleInfo(fd, totalSize);
+ end
+ case "uicontrol"
+ if is_higher_than( [4 1 2 0] ) then
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Style
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // BackgroundColor
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // Enable
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // FontAngle
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // FontName
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // FontSize
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // FontUnits
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // FontWeight
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // ForegroundColor
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // HorizontalAlignment
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // ListboxTop
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // Max
+ totalSize = seekDouble(fd, totalSize); // Min
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // Position
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Relief
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // SliderStep
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize); // String
+ if is_higher_than( [5 2 0 0] ) then // Added in 5.4.0 version
+ totalSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, totalSize); // TooltipString
+ end
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Units
+ totalSize = seekMatrix(fd, totalSize); // Value
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // VerticalAlignment
+ totalSize = seekBool(fd, totalSize); // Visible
+ if is_higher_than([5 4 0 0]) then
+ totalSize = seekStringInt(fd, totalSize); // Callback
+ else
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Callback
+ end
+ totalSize = seekInt(fd, totalSize); // Callback Type
+ totalSize = seekUserdata(fd, totalSize); // Userdata
+ totalSize = seekString(fd, totalSize); // Tag
+ end
+ else
+ warning("type " +typ+" unhandled");
+ end
+//read 1 "il" value
+function newSize = seekInt(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ //disp("int : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 4;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function newSize = seekIntCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "il", fd);
+ //disp("int : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 4 * len;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function newSize = seekIntMatrix(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "c", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "il", fd);
+ //disp("int[] : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 4 * offset + 1;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function newSize = seekIntInt(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "il", fd);
+ //disp("int[] : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 4 * offset + 4;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function [newSize, data] = readInt(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ //disp("int : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 4;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function [newSize, data] = readIntCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "il", fd);
+ //disp("int : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 4 * len;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function newSize = seekBool(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "c", fd);
+ //disp("bool : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 1;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function [newSize, data] = readBool(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "c", fd);
+ //disp("bool : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 1;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function newSize = seekBoolMatrix(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "c", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "c", fd);
+ //disp("bool : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + offset + 1;
+function newSize = seekBoolInt(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "c", fd);
+ //disp("bool : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + offset + 4;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function [newSize, data] = readBoolCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "c", fd);
+ //disp("bool : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + len;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function newSize = seekDouble(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "dl", fd);
+ //disp("double : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 8;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function newSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, len ,currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "dl", fd);
+ //disp("bool : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + len * 8;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function newSize = seekShort(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "sl", fd);
+ //disp("short : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 2;
+//read 1 "c" value
+function [newSize, data] = readShort(fd, currentSize)
+ data = mget(1, "sl", fd);
+ //disp("short : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + 2;
+//read 2 "c" value
+function newSize = seekShortCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "sl", fd);
+ //disp("short : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + len * 2;
+//read 1 "c" size + size * "c" value
+function newSize = seekString(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "c", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "c", fd);
+ //disp("string : " + ascii(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + offset + 1;
+//read 1 "c" size + size * "c" value
+function newSize = seekStringInt(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "c", fd);
+ //disp("string : " + ascii(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + offset + 4;
+//read 1 "c" size + size * "c" value
+function newSize = seekStringCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "c", fd);
+ //disp("string : " + ascii(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + len;
+//read 1 "c" size + size * "c" value
+function newSize = seekStringMatrix(fd, currentSize)
+ row = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ col = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ for i = 1 : row * col
+ if is_higher_than([5 4 0 0])
+ currentSize = seekStringInt(fd, currentSize); // String
+ else
+ currentSize = seekString(fd, currentSize); // String
+ end
+ end
+ newSize = currentSize + 4 * 2;
+//read 1 "il" size + size * "dl" value
+function newSize = seekMatrix(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ data = mget(offset, "dl", fd);
+ //disp("double : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + offset * 8 + 4;
+//read 1 "il" size + size * "dl" value
+function newSize = seekMatrixCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = mget(len, "dl", fd);
+ //disp("double : " + string(data));
+ newSize = currentSize + len * 8;
+//read 1 "c" size + size * "c" value
+function newSize = seekDoubleMatrix(fd, currentSize)
+ row = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ col = mget(1, "il", fd);
+ currentSize = seekDoubleCount(fd, row * col, currentSize);
+ newSize = currentSize + 4 * 2;
+//read user_data
+function newSize = seekUserdata(fd, currentSize)
+ mget(24, "c", fd);
+ newSize = currentSize + 24;
+ [typ,dim,vol] = listnextvar(fd); // Userdata
+ newSize = newSize + vol;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function [newSize, data] = readString(fd, currentSize)
+ offset = mget(1, "c", fd);
+ data = ascii(mget(offset, "c", fd));
+ //disp("string : " + data);
+ newSize = currentSize + offset + 1;
+//read 1 "il" value
+function [newSize, data] = readStringCount(fd, len, currentSize)
+ data = ascii(mget(len, "c", fd));
+ //disp("string : " + data);
+ newSize = currentSize + len;
+function v=code2var(id)
+ nsiz=6
+ i1=1
+ for l=1:nsiz
+ idl=id(l)
+ for i=i1:i1+3
+ k=int((idl+128)/256)
+ if k<0 then k=k-1,end
+ ch=idl-256*k
+ if ch==40 then
+ n=i-1
+ v=_code2str(str)
+ return
+ end
+ idl=k
+ str(i)=ch
+ end
+ i1=i1+4
+ v=_code2str(str)
+ end
+function r=is_higher_than(v)
+ //check if current version is strictly higher than the given one
+ r=%f
+ for k=1:4
+ if version(k)>v(k) then r=%t,break,end
+ if version(k)<v(k) then r=%f,break,end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1d8386444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bd5b718d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/%dir_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2011 - Allan CORNET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function %dir_p(L)
+ ll = lines();
+ ll = max(ll(1), 20);
+ name =;
+ if name == [] then
+ mprintf("%s \n", "[]");
+ return
+ end
+ // If it is a directory, add a trailing "/"
+ tmp = find(L.isdir);
+ name(tmp) = name(tmp) + filesep();
+ nc = 6;
+ l1 = length(name);
+ while %t
+ l2 = l1;
+ n = ceil(size(l1, "*") / nc);
+ if n*nc > size(name, "*") then
+ l2(n * nc) = 0;
+ l1(n * nc) = 0;
+ end
+ l = max(matrix(l2, -1, nc), "r");
+ if (sum(l) < ll)| (nc == 1) then
+ break
+ end
+ nc = nc - 1;
+ end
+ if n * nc > size(name, "*") then
+ name(n*nc) = "";
+ end
+ name = matrix(name, -1, nc);
+ txt = emptystr(n, 1);
+ for k = 1:nc
+ txt = txt + part(name(:, k), 1 : l(k) + 1);
+ end
+ txt = stripblanks(txt);
+ txt(txt == "") = [];
+ mprintf("%s \n",txt);
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/buildmacros.bat b/modules/fileio/macros/buildmacros.bat
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4e35ec40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/buildmacros.bat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@..\..\..\bin\scilex -nwni -ns -e exec('buildmacros.sce');quit; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/buildmacros.sce b/modules/fileio/macros/buildmacros.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d48ac9b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/buildmacros.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2006 - INRIA - Allan Cornet
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+if (isdef("genlib") == %f) then
+ exec(SCI+"/modules/functions/scripts/buildmacros/loadgenlib.sce");
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/cleanmacros.bat b/modules/fileio/macros/cleanmacros.bat
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5079dfd71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/cleanmacros.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@del *.bin 2>NUL
+@del lib 2>NUL
+@del names 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/dir.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/dir.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c3fc4675c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/dir.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/dir.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/dir.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7d2f4a907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/dir.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function L=dir(str)
+ mask = int32(61440);
+ dirtype = 16384;
+ if argn(2) == 1 then
+ if type(str) <> 10 then
+ error(999, msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "dir", 1));
+ end
+ files = listfiles(str);
+ basepath = str;
+ else
+ files = listfiles();
+ basepath = "";
+ end
+ n = size(files, "*");
+ if n==0 then
+ files = [];
+ dt = [];
+ bytes = [];
+ isd = [];
+ else
+ if getos() == "Windows" then
+ [tmp,k] = gsort(convstr(files, "l"), "lr", "i")
+ files = files(k)
+ else
+ files = gsort(files, "lr", "i");
+ end
+ dt = zeros(n, 1);
+ bytes = zeros(n, 1);
+ isd(n, 1) = %f;
+ for k=1:n
+ if (basepath == "") then
+ [x,ierr] = fileinfo(files(k));
+ else
+ [x,ierr] = fileinfo(basepath + "/" + files(k));
+ end
+ if x == [] & ierr== -1 then
+ [x,ierr] = fileinfo(files(k));
+ end
+ if x <> [] then
+ dt(k) = x(6);
+ bytes(k) = x(1);
+ isd(k) = (double(int32(x(2)) & mask) == dirtype);
+ end
+ end //for
+ end //if n==0
+ L = tlist(["dir", "name", "date", "bytes", "isdir"], files, dt, bytes, isd);
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/dirname.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/dirname.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2776d5288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/dirname.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/dirname.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/dirname.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9206fadb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/dirname.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ENPC
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [files]= dirname(files,flag,flagexpand)
+ // return the dirnames of files
+ // if flag == %t files are first converted
+ // according to getos() == 'Windows'. if flagexpand is also true
+ // HOME SCI or ~ are also expanded.
+ // the returned directory names are not terminated by sep
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if rhs <= 1 then flag = %t ; end
+ if rhs <= 2 then flagexpand = %t ; end
+ if flag == %t then
+ files = pathconvert(files,%f,flagexpand);
+ end
+ sep = filesep();
+ for i=1:size(files,"*")
+ fname = files(i)
+ pref_pos = strindex(fname,sep);
+ if pref_pos <> [] then
+ fname = part(fname,1:pref_pos($)-1);
+ else
+ fname = "."; //emptystr();
+ end
+ files(i)= fname;
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b894f13ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9b2322ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/dispfiles.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function dispfiles(unit)
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn()
+ if rhs==0 then
+ [units,typ,nams,mod,swap]=file()
+ else
+ units=[],typ=[],nams=[],mod=[],swap=[]
+ for k=1:size(unit,"*")
+ [uk,tk,nk,mk,sk]=file(unit(k))
+ units=[units;uk],
+ typ=[typ;tk],
+ nams=[nams;nk],
+ mod=[mod;mk],
+ swap=[swap;sk]
+ end
+ end
+ n=size(units,"*")
+ info=emptystr(n,1)
+ for k=1:n
+ if units(k)==5 then nams(k)="Input",end
+ if units(k)==6 then nams(k)="Output",end
+ a=int(mod(k)/100)
+ b=int((mod(k)-100*a)/10)
+ c=int((mod(k)-100*a-10*b))
+ if typ(k)=="F" then //fortran file
+ typ(k)="F77"
+ select c
+ case 0 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"new "
+ case 1 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"old "
+ case 2 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"scratch "
+ case 3 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"unknown "
+ end
+ if a==0 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"formatted "
+ else
+ info(k)=info(k)+"unformatted "
+ end
+ if b==0 then
+ //info(k)=info(k)+' '
+ else
+ info(k)=info(k)+"direct "
+ end
+ else //C file
+ select a
+ case 1 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"r "
+ case 2 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"w "
+ case 3 then
+ info(k)=info(k)+"a "
+ end
+ if b==1 then info(k)=info(k)+"+ ",end
+ if c==1 then info(k)=info(k)+"b ";end
+ if swap(k)<>0 then info(k)=info(k)+"swap=on";end
+ end
+ end
+ tab=["File name" "Unit" "Type" "Options";
+ nams(:) string(units(:)) typ(:) info]
+ t=emptystr(n+1,1)+"|"
+ for k=1:size(tab,2)
+ t=t+part(tab(:,k),1:max(length(tab(:,k))))+"|"
+ end
+ t=[t(1);"|"+part("-",ones(1,max(length(t))-2))+"|";t(2:$)]
+ write(%io(2),t,"(a)")
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/fullfile.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/fullfile.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f72d560b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/fullfile.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/fullfile.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/fullfile.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6462377a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/fullfile.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Vincent COUVERT
+// Copyright (C) DIGITEO - 2010-2012 - Allan CORNET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function f = fullfile(varargin)
+ // Build a full filename from parts
+ if lstsize(varargin) < 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): At least %d expected.\n"), "fullfile",1));
+ end
+ fs = ["/" "\"];
+ f = varargin(1);
+ if ~isempty(f) then
+ if type(f) <> 10 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: a string expected.\n"), "fullfile", 1));
+ end
+ if size(f,"*") <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: a string expected.\n"), "fullfile", 1));
+ end
+ f = stripblanks(f);
+ end
+ nbParameters = lstsize(varargin)
+ for k = 2 : nbParameters
+ arg = varargin(k);
+ if isempty(f) | isempty(arg)
+ if ~isempty(arg) then
+ if type(arg) <> 10 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: a string expected.\n"), "fullfile", k));
+ end
+ if (size(arg,"*") <> 1) & (k <> nbParameters) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: a string expected.\n"), "fullfile", k));
+ end
+ end
+ f = f + arg;
+ else
+ if type(arg) <> 10 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: a string expected.\n"), "fullfile", k));
+ end
+ if (size(arg,"*") <> 1) & (k <> nbParameters) then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: a string expected.\n"), "fullfile", k));
+ end
+ if or(part(f, length(f)) == fs) & or(part(arg, 1) == fs)
+ f = f + stripblanks(part(arg, 2:length(arg)));
+ elseif or(part(f, length(f))==fs) | or(part(arg, 1)==fs)
+ f = f + stripblanks(arg);
+ else
+ f = f + pathconvert("/") + stripblanks(arg);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f = pathconvert(f, %f, %f);
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dde72b7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a8d1a9f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/get_file_path.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function path = get_file_path(name)
+ //-------------------------------
+ // returns loader full path
+ path ="./";
+ [units,typs,nams]=file();
+ clear units typs
+ for k=size(nams,"*"):-1:1
+ l=strindex(nams(k),name);
+ if l<>[] then
+ path=part(nams(k),1:l($)-1);
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if path == "" then path = pwd() ; end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..86b188b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8ef4a5978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/is_absolute_path.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2007 - INRIA - Pierre MARECHAL
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// =============================================================================
+// Date : 28/11/2007
+// Determines if the path is an absolute name.
+// =============================================================================
+function status = is_absolute_path(pathname)
+ status = %F;
+ // Strips leading and trailing blanks and tabs of the path
+ pathname = stripblanks(pathname,%T);
+ if getos() == "Windows" then
+ // Windows Case
+ if isletter(part(pathname,1)) & (part(pathname,2) == ":") then
+ status = %T;
+ end
+ if (part(pathname,[1:7])=="file:") ..
+ | (part(pathname,[1:2])=="\\") ..
+ | (part(pathname,[1:2])=="//") then
+ status = %T;
+ end
+ else
+ // Unix case
+ status = (part(pathname,1)=="/") | (part(pathname,1)=="~");
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/lib b/modules/fileio/macros/lib
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c1caa9f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/lib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/listfiles.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/listfiles.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7cb196be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/listfiles.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/listfiles.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/listfiles.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1c563a400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/listfiles.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2007 - INRIA - Allan CORNET
+// Copyright (C) 2012 - Scilab Enterprises - Antoine ELIAS
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function files= listfiles(paths,flag,flagexpand)
+ // list the files in a set of directories
+ // files= listfiles(paths [,flag,flagexpand])
+ // paths : a string matrix giving a set of pathnames (eventually ended by a pattern built with * )
+ // flag,flagexpand : boolean optional parameters. (default value %t ).
+ // files : a string matrix
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if rhs < 1 then paths="./" ; end
+ if rhs <= 1 then flag = %t ; end
+ if rhs <= 2 then flagexpand = %t ; end
+ files=[];
+ // Stripblanks paths
+ paths = stripblanks(paths);
+ // list files of the current directory
+ paths(find(paths=="")) = "./";
+ if flag == %t then
+ paths = pathconvert(paths,%f,flagexpand);
+ end
+ // list files of the root directory
+ if getos() <> "Windows" then
+ paths(find(paths=="")) = "/";
+ end
+ DIR_SEPARATOR=filesep();
+ bMulti = %f;
+ if size(paths,"*") > 1 then
+ bMulti = %t;
+ end
+ for i=1:size(paths,"*") // Loop on the file/path list
+ [path,fname,extension]=fileparts(paths(i)); // Retrieve the information
+ // about the file
+ if isdir(paths(i)) then // It is a directory then returns all the file in the dir
+ path = paths(i) + filesep();
+ fname="*";
+ if bMulti then
+ if getos() == "Windows" // Don't want this case under Linux/Unix
+ // Windows will return the file toto even if you provided toto.*
+ extension=".*";
+ end
+ else
+ extension="";
+ end
+ else
+ // It is a file
+ if path == "" then path="./",end;
+ if getos() == "Windows" // Don't want this case under Linux/Unix
+ // Windows will return the file toto even if you provided toto.*
+ if extension == "" then extension=".*",end;
+ end
+ if fname == "" then fname="*",end;
+ end
+ filesi=findfiles(path,fname+extension);
+ if filesi<>[] then
+ filesi=filesi($:-1:1);
+ // prepend with the path, if required
+ // when listing a full directory, path is not prepended
+ dirs=paths(i);
+ if part(dirs,length(dirs))<>DIR_SEPARATOR then
+ if isdir(dirs) then
+ if bMulti then //yes
+ with_dir=%t;
+ dirs = dirs + filesep();
+ else
+ with_dir=%f;
+ end
+ else //no
+ k=strindex(dirs,DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ if k==[] then
+ with_dir=%f;
+ else
+ dirs=part(dirs,1:k($));
+ with_dir=%t;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ with_dir=%f;
+ end // if part(dirs,length(dirs) ...
+ if with_dir then
+ filesi = dirs+filesi;
+ end
+ files=[files;filesi];
+ end // if filesi<>[] then
+ end // for i=1:size(paths,'*')
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0d76c95ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a0021ae74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/listvarinfile.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2012 - DIGITEO - Antoine ELIAS
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function varargout = listvarinfile(filename)
+ [lhs, rhs] = argn();
+ if rhs <> 1 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d expected.\n"), "listvarinfile", 1));
+ end
+ if typeof(filename) <> "string" | size(filename, "*") <> 1 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"), "listvarinfile", 1));
+ end
+ if isfile(filename) & is_hdf5_file(filename) then
+ listvarFunction = listvar_in_hdf5;
+ else
+ listvarFunction = %_listvarinfile;
+ end
+ //check output argument count
+ if lhs == 1 then
+ a = listvarFunction(filename);
+ varargout = list(a);
+ elseif lhs == 2 then
+ [a,b] = listvarFunction(filename);
+ varargout = list(a,b);
+ elseif lhs == 3 then
+ [a,b,c] = listvarFunction(filename);
+ varargout = list(a,b,c);
+ elseif lhs == 4 then
+ [a,b,c,d] = listvarFunction(filename);
+ varargout = list(a,b,c,d);
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/ls.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/ls.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b97224293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/ls.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/ls.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/ls.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7d6dcdfc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/ls.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Serge STEER
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Allan CORNET
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Sylvestre LEDRU
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function files=ls(varargin)
+ // interface to ls
+ opts=[];
+ if size(varargin)==0 then
+ path = "./";
+ else
+ path = varargin(1);
+ if type(path) <> 10 then
+ error(999,msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"),"ls",1));
+ end
+ for k=2:size(varargin)
+ opts = [opts varargin(k)];
+ end
+ end
+ if size(opts,"*")<>0 then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Options ignored.\n"),"ls"));
+ end
+ if or(path=="PWD") then path=evstr(path),end
+ // dir returns names without the dirname
+ files = listfiles(path);
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/mdelete.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/mdelete.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..da0315ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/mdelete.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/mdelete.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/mdelete.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e5dafd547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/mdelete.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Vincent COUVERT
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - Pierre MARECHAL
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function mdelete(filename)
+ // Scilab Project - V. Couvert
+ // Delete a file given by filename (or a set of files if meta-characters used in filename)
+ // Modified by Pierre MARECHAL
+ // Scilab Team
+ // Date : 2006-06-29
+ // Fix the bug2041
+ // Date : 2007-01-16
+ // Fix the bug2288 (Thanks to M. Dubois, )
+ rhs = argn(2);
+ if rhs <> 1 then
+ error(77);
+ end
+ if type(filename) <> 10 | size(filename,"*") <> 1 then
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument: String expected.\n"),"mdelete"));
+ end
+ // Handle file path
+ if getos() == "Windows" then
+ filename = strsubst(filename,filesep(),"/");
+ end
+ // File path
+ k = strindex(filename,"/");
+ if k == [] then
+ file_path = "./";
+ else
+ file_path = part(filename,1:k($));
+ filename = part(filename,k($)+1:length(filename));
+ end
+ if getos() == "Windows" then
+ fullfilename = strsubst(file_path+filename,"/","\");
+ lst_files = listfiles(fullfilename);
+ else
+ lst_files = listfiles(file_path+filename);
+ end
+ if lst_files<>[] then
+ for i=1:size(lst_files,"*")
+ deletefile(lst_files(i));
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/mkdir.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/mkdir.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c899ea628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/mkdir.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/mkdir.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/mkdir.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a1d60929c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/mkdir.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2007 - INRIA - Allan CORNET
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan CORNET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [status, msg]=mkdir(varargin)
+ // mkdir Make a directory
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lhs = argn(1);
+ rhs = argn(2);
+ DirName = "";
+ NewDirName = "";
+ status = 0 ;
+ msg = "";
+ select rhs
+ case 0
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"), "mkdir"));
+ break
+ case 1
+ NewDirName = varargin(1);
+ if type(NewDirName) <> 10 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"), "mkdir", 1));
+ end
+ if size(NewDirName, "*") <> 1 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "mkdir", 1));
+ end
+ NewDirName = stripblanks(NewDirName, %T);
+ if is_absolute_path(NewDirName) then
+ NewDirectory = NewDirName;
+ else
+ NewDirectory = fullfile(pwd(),NewDirName);
+ end
+ break
+ case 2
+ DirName = varargin(1);
+ if type(DirName) <> 10 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String expected.\n"), "mkdir", 1));
+ end
+ if size(DirName, "*") <> 1 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "mkdir", 1));
+ end
+ NewDirName = varargin(2);
+ if type(NewDirName) <> 10 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "mkdir", 2));
+ end
+ if size(NewDirName, "*") <> 1 then
+ error(999, msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A string expected.\n"), "mkdir", 2));
+ end
+ NewDirName = stripblanks(NewDirName, %T);
+ DirName = stripblanks(DirName, %T);
+ NewDirectory = fullfile(DirName, NewDirName);
+ break
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"), "mkdir"));
+ end
+ NewDirectory = fullpath(NewDirectory);
+ if ~isdir(NewDirectory) & ~isfile(NewDirectory) then
+ // The directory does not exist
+ status = 1;
+ else
+ // The directory or file exists
+ if isfile(NewDirectory) then
+ // it is a file
+ status = -2;
+ else
+ // it is a directory
+ status = 2;
+ end
+ end
+ select status
+ case 0
+ break
+ case 1
+ bAddFirstDirSep = %f;
+ subdirs = strsplit(NewDirectory, ["/" "\"]);
+ if subdirs(1) == "" then
+ subdirs(1) = [];
+ bAddFirstDirSep = %t;
+ end
+ for i = 1:size(subdirs, "*")
+ currentsubdir = strcat(subdirs(1:i), filesep());
+ if bAddFirstDirSep then
+ currentsubdir = filesep() + currentsubdir;
+ end
+ if ~isfile(currentsubdir) & ~isdir(currentsubdir) then
+ status = createdir(currentsubdir);
+ if ~status then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ~isdir(NewDirectory) & ~isfile(NewDirectory) then
+ status = createdir(NewDirectory);
+ end
+ if (~status) then
+ msg = msprintf(gettext("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"),"mkdir",gettext("Impossible to create directory ")) + NewDirectory;
+ status = 0;
+ else
+ msg = "";
+ status = 1;
+ end
+ break
+ case 2
+ msg = msprintf(gettext("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"),"mkdir",gettext("This directory already exists in ")) + NewDirectory;
+ break
+ case -2
+ msg = msprintf(gettext("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"),"mkdir",gettext("A file with the same name already exists in ")) + DirName;
+ break
+ else
+ msg = msprintf(gettext("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"),"mkdir",gettext("Impossible to create directory ")) + NewDirectory;
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/names b/modules/fileio/macros/names
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..14e52e213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/names
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/rmdir.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/rmdir.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..29e52be1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/rmdir.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/rmdir.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/rmdir.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8204ab3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/rmdir.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2007 - INRIA - Allan CORNET
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+// rmdir remove a directory
+function [status,msg]=rmdir(varargin)
+ lhs=argn(1);
+ rhs=argn(2);
+ DirName = "";
+ status = 0;
+ msg = "";
+ SubDirMode = %F;
+ select rhs
+ case 0
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"),"rmdir"));
+ break
+ case 1
+ DirName = varargin(1);
+ break
+ case 2
+ DirName = varargin(1) ;
+ SubDir = convstr(varargin(2),"u");
+ if (SubDir == "S") then
+ SubDirMode = %T;
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be ''%s''.\n"),"rmdir",2,"s"));
+ end
+ break
+ else
+ error(msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"),"rmdir"));
+ end
+ if ~SubDirMode then
+ if findfiles(DirName)<>[] then
+ status = 0
+ msg = gettext("Error: The directory is not empty.")
+ else
+ [status,msg] = hidden_rmdir(DirName);
+ end
+ else
+ [status,msg] = hidden_rmdir(DirName);
+ end
+function [status,msg]=hidden_rmdir(DirName)
+ status = 0;
+ msg = "";
+ if isdir(DirName) then
+ bOK = removedir(DirName);
+ if bOK then
+ msg = "";
+ status = 1;
+ else
+ msg = msprintf(gettext("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"),"rmdir", gettext("Undefined"));
+ status = 0;
+ end
+ else
+ msg = msprintf(gettext("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"),"rmdir", gettext("The system cannot find the file specified."));
+ status = 0;
+ end
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/scanf.bin b/modules/fileio/macros/scanf.bin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b46897b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/scanf.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/modules/fileio/macros/scanf.sci b/modules/fileio/macros/scanf.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f9abef910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fileio/macros/scanf.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) INRIA
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function [v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,..
+ v17,v18,v19,v20,v21,v22,v23,v24,v25,v26,v27,v28,v29,v30]= scanf(frmt)
+ // scanf - Emulator of C language scanf
+ //!
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ v="v"
+ args=strcat(v(ones(lhs,1))+string(1:lhs)',",")
+ buf=read(%io(1),1,1,"(a)")
+ execstr("["+args+"]=msscanf(buf,frmt)")