path: root/modules/differential_equations/examples
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/differential_equations/examples
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/differential_equations/examples')
6 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/differential_equations/examples/Makefile.mak b/modules/differential_equations/examples/Makefile.mak
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..31f9b9c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/differential_equations/examples/Makefile.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+all:: tests
+ @del *.dia
+distclean:: clean
+tests :
+ @"$(SCIDIR1)\bin\scilex.exe" -nwni -nb -e scitest('odedc.sce',%t);quit;
+ @"$(SCIDIR1)\bin\scilex.exe" -nwni -nb -e scitest('odeoptions.sce',%t);quit;
diff --git a/modules/differential_equations/examples/odedc.dia.ref b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odedc.dia.ref
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ca543ca1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odedc.dia.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+//Copyright INRIA
+ Eps =
+ 0.001
+ ['if iflag==0 then '
+ ' xcd=fc(t,xc,e(t)-hd(t,xd));'
+ 'else '
+ ' xcd=fd(xd,hc(t,xc));'
+ 'end']);
+deff('xp=fd(x,y)','xp=Ad*x + Bd*y')
+if norm(xcd-odedc([x0c;x0d],nd,h,t0,t,'fcd'),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//(see default directory)
+if norm(xcd-odedc([x0c;x0d],nd,h,t0,t,'fcd1'),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+ ['if iflag==0 then '
+ ' xcd=A*xc+B*xd;'
+ 'else '
+ ' xcd=1-xd;'
+ 'end']);
+if norm(xcd-xcd2,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+ ['if iflag==0 then '
+ ' xcd=[A*xc(1:3,:)+B*xc(4);xd];'
+ 'else '
+ ' xcd=-xd;'
+ 'end']);
+if norm(xcdt-xcdt2,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm(xcdt3-xcdt2,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm(xcdt4-xcdt2,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm(xcdt5-xcdt2,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
diff --git a/modules/differential_equations/examples/odedc.sce b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odedc.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0e6fd57fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odedc.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+//Copyright INRIA
+["if iflag==0 then "
+" xcd=fc(t,xc,e(t)-hd(t,xd));"
+"else "
+" xcd=fd(xd,hc(t,xc));"
+deff("xp=fd(x,y)","xp=Ad*x + Bd*y")
+if norm(xcd-odedc([x0c;x0d],nd,h,t0,t,"fcd"),1) > Eps then pause,end
+//(see default directory)
+if norm(xcd-odedc([x0c;x0d],nd,h,t0,t,"fcd1"),1) > Eps then pause,end
+["if iflag==0 then "
+" xcd=A*xc+B*xd;"
+"else "
+" xcd=1-xd;"
+if norm(xcd-xcd2,1) > Eps then pause,end
+["if iflag==0 then "
+" xcd=[A*xc(1:3,:)+B*xc(4);xd];"
+"else "
+" xcd=-xd;"
+if norm(xcdt-xcdt2,1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm(xcdt3-xcdt2,1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm(xcdt4-xcdt2,1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm(xcdt5-xcdt2,1) > Eps then pause,end
diff --git a/modules/differential_equations/examples/odeoptions.dia.ref b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odeoptions.dia.ref
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..37ac5cc55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odeoptions.dia.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+//Copyright INRIA
+ Eps =
+ 0.00001
+// Test itask=%ODEOPTIONS(1)
+//itask=1 ---> usual call (t=vector of instants, solution at all t)
+xf=ode(x0,t0,t,f); //lsoda
+if norm(xf(:,nt)-eAt*x0) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+xfj=ode(x0,t0,t,f,j); //lsoda with jacobian
+ Warning: Jacobian external is given, but
+ not used!, see %ODEOPTIONS(6)
+if norm(xfj(:,nt)-eAt*x0) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//itask=2; ---> solution at mesh points ---> t=tmax
+if xft(1,q)<tmax then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm(xlast-expm(A*xft(1,q))*x0) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//itask=3; ---> solution at first mesh point beyond t=tmax
+if norm(x3(2:nx+1)-xlast,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//itask=4; test with %ODEOPTIONS(2)=tcrit
+%ODEOPTIONS(1)=4; //---> computation at all t and t>tcrit are not called
+deff('y=fcrit(t,x)',['if t<=tcrit then'
+ ' y=A*x;'
+ 'else'
+ ' y=A*x;chk=resume(1);end'])
+ Warning: integration up to tcrit
+if chk==1 then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm(x42(:,q)-ode(x0,t0,tcrit,f),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//itask=5; test with %ODEOPTIONS(2)=tcrit
+%ODEOPTIONS(1)=5; //---> computation at mesh points and t>tcrit are not called
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=2; // Estimated jacobian
+if chk==1 then bugmes();quit;end
+if x52(1,q)>tcrit then bugmes();quit;end
+//test of %ODEOPTIONS(3:5)=[h0,hmax,hmin]
+if norm(x35-xf,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//test of %ODEOPTIONS(6)=jacflag
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//Jacobian given
+%ODEOPTIONS(3:5)=[0 0 0];
+x61=ode('st',x0,t0,t,f,j); //with Jacobian
+if norm (x61-xf,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=0; // jacobian nor called nor estimated
+x60=ode('st',x0,t0,t,f,j); //Jacobian not used (warning)
+ Warning: Jacobian external is given, but
+ not used!, see %ODEOPTIONS(6)
+x60=ode('st',x0,t0,t,f); //Jacobian not used
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//Jacobian estimated
+x60=ode('st',x0,t0,t,f) ;
+ Warning: No Jacobian external given but
+ one is required by %ODEOPTIONS(6) value!
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//test of %ODEOPTIONS(6)=jacflag (adams)
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//with given Jacobian
+x60=ode('ad',x0,t0,t,f,j) ;
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=0;// jacobian nor called nor estimated
+x60=ode('ad',x0,t0,t,f,j); //Jacobian not used (warning)
+ Warning: Jacobian external is given, but
+ not used!, see %ODEOPTIONS(6)
+x60=ode('ad',x0,t0,t,f); //Jacobian not used
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+// test lsoda
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=2;// jacobian estimated
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//Jacobian estimated
+ Warning: No Jacobian external given but
+ one is required by %ODEOPTIONS(6) value!
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+// Banded Jacobian
+//provisional values as default
+jacflag=2;%ODEOPTIONS(6)=jacflag; //Banded Jacobian, given
+for k=1:nx-1, A(k,k+1)=1;end
+for k=1:nx-2, A(k,k+2)=-2;end
+for k=1:nx-1, A(k+1,k)=-1;end
+for k=1:nx-2, A(k+2,k)=2;end
+for k=1:nx-3, A(k+3,k)=-3;end
+clear f;
+for i=1:nx;
+ for j=1:nx;
+if A(i,j)<>0 then J(i-j+mu+1,j)=A(i,j);end
+Warning :redefining function: j
+// J is a ml+mu+1 x ny matrix.
+// Column 1 of J is made of mu zeros followed by df1/dx1, df2/dx1, df3/dx1,
+// i.e. 1 + ml possibly nonzeros entries.
+// Column 2 of J is made of mu-1 zeros followed by df1/dx2, df2/dx2,0...
+// etc...
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=4;//banded jacobian external given
+if norm (xnotband-xband,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=5;//banded jacobian evaluated
+ Warning: Jacobian external is given, but
+ not used!, see %ODEOPTIONS(6)
+if norm (xnotband-xband,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+// Test of %ODEOPTIONS(7)
+//%ODEOPTIONS(7)=mxstep ---> maximum number od steps allowed
+//provisional values as default
+//ode(x0,t0,t,f); // ---> Non convergence
+// Test of %ODEOPTIONS(8:9)
+//%ODEOPTIONS(8:9)=[maxordn,maxords] ---> maximum order for nonstiff and stiff
+//provisional values as default
+%ODEOPTIONS(8:9)=[0,0]; //---> default values
+wref=ode(x0,t0,t,f); //just for computing reference
+if norm (wref-ww,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm (wref-ode(x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//using stiff method
+if norm (wref-ode('st',x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm (wref-ode('st',x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+//using nonstiff method
+if norm (wref-ode('ad',x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm (wref-ode('ad',x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+if norm (ode(x0,t0,t,f)-wref,1) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
+Warning :redefining function: f
+clear f;
+clear j;
+if norm (y12(:,2)-y2p) > Eps then bugmes();quit;end
diff --git a/modules/differential_equations/examples/odeoptions.sce b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odeoptions.sce
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8190a21e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/differential_equations/examples/odeoptions.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+//Copyright INRIA
+// Test itask=%ODEOPTIONS(1)
+//itask=1 ---> usual call (t=vector of instants, solution at all t)
+xf=ode(x0,t0,t,f); //lsoda
+if norm(xf(:,nt)-eAt*x0) > Eps then pause,end
+xfj=ode(x0,t0,t,f,j); //lsoda with jacobian
+if norm(xfj(:,nt)-eAt*x0) > Eps then pause,end
+//itask=2; ---> solution at mesh points ---> t=tmax
+if xft(1,q)<tmax then pause,end
+if norm(xlast-expm(A*xft(1,q))*x0) > Eps then pause,end
+//itask=3; ---> solution at first mesh point beyond t=tmax
+if norm(x3(2:nx+1)-xlast,1) > Eps then pause,end
+//itask=4; test with %ODEOPTIONS(2)=tcrit
+%ODEOPTIONS(1)=4; //---> computation at all t and t>tcrit are not called
+deff("y=fcrit(t,x)",["if t<=tcrit then"
+" y=A*x;"
+" y=A*x;chk=resume(1);end"])
+if chk==1 then pause,end
+if norm(x42(:,q)-ode(x0,t0,tcrit,f),1) > Eps then pause,end
+//itask=5; test with %ODEOPTIONS(2)=tcrit
+%ODEOPTIONS(1)=5; //---> computation at mesh points and t>tcrit are not called
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=2; // Estimated jacobian
+if chk==1 then pause,end
+if x52(1,q)>tcrit then pause,end
+//test of %ODEOPTIONS(3:5)=[h0,hmax,hmin]
+if norm(x35-xf,1) > Eps then pause,end
+//test of %ODEOPTIONS(6)=jacflag
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//Jacobian given
+%ODEOPTIONS(3:5)=[0 0 0];
+x61=ode("st",x0,t0,t,f,j); //with Jacobian
+if norm (x61-xf,1) > Eps then pause,end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=0; // jacobian nor called nor estimated
+x60=ode("st",x0,t0,t,f,j); //Jacobian not used (warning)
+x60=ode("st",x0,t0,t,f); //Jacobian not used
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then pause,end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//Jacobian estimated
+x60=ode("st",x0,t0,t,f) ;
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then pause,end
+//test of %ODEOPTIONS(6)=jacflag (adams)
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//with given Jacobian
+x60=ode("ad",x0,t0,t,f,j) ;
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then pause,end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=0;// jacobian nor called nor estimated
+x60=ode("ad",x0,t0,t,f,j); //Jacobian not used (warning)
+x60=ode("ad",x0,t0,t,f); //Jacobian not used
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then pause,end
+// test lsoda
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=2;// jacobian estimated
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then pause,end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=1;//Jacobian estimated
+if norm (x60-x61,1) > Eps then pause,end
+// Banded Jacobian
+//provisional values as default
+jacflag=2;%ODEOPTIONS(6)=jacflag; //Banded Jacobian, given
+for k=1:nx-1, A(k,k+1)=1;end
+for k=1:nx-2, A(k,k+2)=-2;end
+for k=1:nx-1, A(k+1,k)=-1;end
+for k=1:nx-2, A(k+2,k)=2;end
+for k=1:nx-3, A(k+3,k)=-3;end
+clear f;
+for i=1:nx;
+ for j=1:nx;
+ if A(i,j)<>0 then J(i-j+mu+1,j)=A(i,j);end
+// J is a ml+mu+1 x ny matrix.
+// Column 1 of J is made of mu zeros followed by df1/dx1, df2/dx1, df3/dx1,
+// i.e. 1 + ml possibly nonzeros entries.
+// Column 2 of J is made of mu-1 zeros followed by df1/dx2, df2/dx2, ...
+// etc...
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=4;//banded jacobian external given
+if norm (xnotband-xband,1) > Eps then pause,end
+%ODEOPTIONS(6)=5;//banded jacobian evaluated
+if norm (xnotband-xband,1) > Eps then pause,end
+// Test of %ODEOPTIONS(7)
+//%ODEOPTIONS(7)=mxstep ---> maximum number od steps allowed
+//provisional values as default
+//ode(x0,t0,t,f); // ---> Non convergence
+// Test of %ODEOPTIONS(8:9)
+//%ODEOPTIONS(8:9)=[maxordn,maxords] ---> maximum order for nonstiff and stiff
+//provisional values as default
+%ODEOPTIONS(8:9)=[0,0]; //---> default values
+wref=ode(x0,t0,t,f); //just for computing reference
+if norm (wref-ww,1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm (wref-ode(x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then pause,end
+//using stiff method
+if norm (wref-ode("st",x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm (wref-ode("st",x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then pause,end
+//using nonstiff method
+if norm (wref-ode("ad",x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm (wref-ode("ad",x0,t0,t,f),1) > Eps then pause,end
+if norm (ode(x0,t0,t,f)-wref,1) > Eps then pause,end
+clear f;
+clear j;
+if norm (y12(:,2)-y2p) > Eps then pause,end
diff --git a/modules/differential_equations/examples/readme.txt b/modules/differential_equations/examples/readme.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d0995bdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/differential_equations/examples/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+How to use ODE with Scilab
+INRIA 2007
+A.C \ No newline at end of file