path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/sgrid.sci
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/cacsd/macros/sgrid.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/cacsd/macros/sgrid.sci')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/sgrid.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/sgrid.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f1ad08109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/sgrid.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - INRIA - Serge STEER
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function sgrid(varargin)
+ // sgrid(["new",] [,Z,Wn [,colors]])
+ // sgrid(Z,Wn [,"new"] [,colors])
+ defaultcolors=[4 12];
+ defaultbounds=[-1.6,-1.6;0,1.6];
+ rhs=argn(2)
+ new=%f
+ if rhs>=1 then
+ if type(varargin(1))==10 then
+ if varargin(1)<>"new" then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ''%s'' expected.\n"),"sgrid",1,"new"))
+ end
+ varargin(1)=null()
+ rhs=rhs-1
+ new=%t
+ end
+ end
+ if rhs>=3 then
+ if type(varargin(3))==10 then
+ if varargin(3)<>"new" then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: ''%s'' expected.\n"),"sgrid",3,"new"))
+ end
+ varargin(3)=null()
+ rhs=rhs-1
+ new=%t
+ end
+ end
+ defaultwn=%f;
+ defaultzeta=[0 0.16 0.34 0.5 0.64 0.76 0.86 0.94 0.985 1]
+ select rhs
+ case 0 then //sgrid() or sgrid("new")
+ defaultwn=%t
+ zeta = defaultzeta
+ colors = defaultcolors
+ case 2 then
+ zeta = varargin(1)
+ if type(zeta)<>1|~isreal(zeta) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : real floating point array expected\n"),"sgrid",1));
+ end
+ wn = varargin(2)
+ if type(wn)<>1|~isreal(wn) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : real floating point array expected\n"),"sgrid",2));
+ end
+ colors = defaultcolors
+ case 3 then
+ zeta = varargin(1)
+ if type(zeta)<>1|~isreal(zeta) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : real floating point array expected\n"),"sgrid",1));
+ end
+ wn = varargin(2)
+ if type(wn)<>1|~isreal(wn) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : real floating point array expected\n"),"sgrid",2));
+ end
+ colors = varargin(3)
+ if type(colors)<>1|~isreal(colors) then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : real floating point array expected\n"),"sgrid",3));
+ end
+ if size(colors,"*")==1 then colors=colors*ones(1,2),end
+ end
+ zeta=zeta(zeta>=0&zeta<=1)
+ fig=gcf();
+ immediate_drawing=fig.immediate_drawing;
+ fig.immediate_drawing="off";
+ axes=gca();
+ if new&axes.children<>[] then
+ delete(axes.children)
+ end
+ nc=size(axes.children,"*")
+ if nc==0 then
+ axes.data_bounds=defaultbounds
+ axes.axes_visible="on";
+ else
+ axes.data_bounds=[min(defaultbounds(1,:),axes.data_bounds(1,:));
+ max(defaultbounds(2,:),axes.data_bounds(2,:))];
+ end
+ if axes.tight_limits=="off"&axes.auto_ticks(1)=="on" then
+ xmin=axes.x_ticks.locations(1)
+ xmax=axes.x_ticks.locations($)
+ else
+ xmin=axes.data_bounds(1,1)
+ xmax=axes.data_bounds(2,1)
+ end
+ if axes.tight_limits=="off"&axes.auto_ticks(2)=="on" then
+ ymin=axes.y_ticks.locations(1)
+ ymax=axes.y_ticks.locations($)
+ else
+ ymin=axes.data_bounds(1,2)
+ ymax=axes.data_bounds(2,2)
+ end
+ //iso natural frequency curves
+ if defaultwn then
+ rmax=sqrt(min(xmin^2+ymin^2,xmin^2+ymax^2))
+ rmax=floor(10*rmax)/10;
+ [xi,xa,np]=graduate(0.2,rmax,8,12)
+ wn=linspace(xi,xa,np)
+ end
+ wn=wn(wn>=0)
+ t=linspace(%pi/2,1.5*%pi,200)
+ chart_handles=[]
+ for i=1:size(wn,"*")
+ xpoly(wn(i)*cos(t),wn(i)*sin(t))
+ ec=gce();
+ ec.display_function = "formatSgridFreqTip";
+ ec.display_function_data = wn(i);
+ ec.foreground=colors(1),
+ ec.line_style=7;
+ ec.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ lab=msprintf("%.2g",wn(i))
+ r=xstringl(0,wn(i),lab)
+ if %t then
+ xstring(-r(3),wn(i),lab)
+ es1=gce();
+ es1.font_foreground=colors(1),
+ es1.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ xstring(-r(3),-wn(i)-r(4),lab)
+ es2=gce();
+ es2.font_foreground=colors(1),
+ es2.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ e=glue([es2 es1 ec])
+ else
+ xstring(-wn(i)-r(3),0,lab)
+ es1=gce();
+ es1.font_foreground=colors(1),
+ es1.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ e=glue([es1 ec]);
+ end
+ chart_handles=[e chart_handles]
+ end
+ //iso damping factor curves
+ angl=acos(zeta)
+ for i=1:size(zeta,"*")
+ lab=string(zeta(i))
+ rect=xstringl(0,0,lab)
+ sa=sin(angl(i));ca=cos(angl(i))
+ if sa==0 then sa=%eps;end
+ if ca==0 then ca=%eps;end
+ r=min(-ymin/sa,-xmin/ca)
+ xpoly([0 -r*ca],[0 -r*sa])
+ ec=gce();
+ ec.display_function = "formatSgridDampingTip";
+ ec.display_function_data = zeta(i);
+ ec.foreground=colors(2),
+ ec.line_style=7;
+ ec.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ if -ymin/sa<-xmin/ca
+ r1=r-rect(4)/sa
+ xstring(-r1*ca-rect(3),-r1*sa,lab)
+ else
+ xstring(-r*ca+0.02*rect(3),-r*sa,lab)
+ end
+ es=gce();
+ es.font_foreground=colors(2),
+ es.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ chart_handles=[glue([es ec]),chart_handles]
+ r=min(ymax/sa,-xmin/ca)
+ xpoly([0 -r*ca],[0 r*sa])
+ ec=gce();
+ ec.display_function = "formatSgridDampingTip";
+ ec.display_function_data = zeta(i);
+ ec.foreground=colors(2),
+ ec.line_style=7;
+ ec.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ if ymax/sa<-xmin/ca then
+ xstring(-r*ca-rect(3),r*sa-rect(4),lab)
+ else
+ xstring(-r*ca,r*sa,lab)
+ end
+ es=gce();
+ es.font_foreground=colors(2),
+ es.clip_state="clipgrf";
+ chart_handles=[glue([es ec]),chart_handles]
+ end
+ chart_handles=glue(chart_handles)
+ //reorder axes children to make chart drawn before the black previously
+ // drawn curves if any
+ for k=1:nc
+ swap_handles(axes.children(k),axes.children(k+1))
+ end
+ fig.immediate_drawing=immediate_drawing;
+ show_window()