path: root/modules/cacsd/macros/evans.sci
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authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/cacsd/macros/evans.sci
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/cacsd/macros/evans.sci')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/macros/evans.sci b/modules/cacsd/macros/evans.sci
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ab667bcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/macros/evans.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - INRIA - Serge STEER
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function evans(n,d,kmax)
+ // Seuil maxi et mini (relatifs) de discretisation en espace
+ // Copyright INRIA
+ smax=0.002;smin=smax/3;
+ nptmax=2000 //nbre maxi de pt de discretisation en k
+ //Check calling sequence
+ [lhs,rhs]=argn(0)
+ if rhs <= 0 then // demonstration
+ n=real(poly([0.1-%i 0.1+%i,-10],"s"));
+ d=real(poly([-1 -2 -%i %i],"s"));
+ evans(n,d,80);
+ return
+ end
+ select typeof(n)
+ case "polynomial" then
+ if rhs==2 then kmax=0,end
+ case "rational" then
+ if rhs==2 then kmax=d,else kmax=0,end
+ [n,d]=n(2:3)
+ case "state-space" then
+ if rhs==2 then kmax=d,else kmax=0,end
+ n=ss2tf(n);
+ [n,d]=n(2:3);n=clean(n);d=clean(d);
+ else
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A linear dynamical system or a polynomial expected.\n"),"evans",1));
+ end
+ if prod(size(n))<>1 then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Single input, single output system expected.\n"),"evans",1));
+ end
+ if degree(n)==0&degree(d)==0 then
+ error(msprintf(_("%s: The given system has no poles and no zeros.\n"),"evans"));
+ end
+ if kmax<=0 then
+ nm=min([degree(n),degree(d)])
+ fact=norm(coeff(d),2)/norm(coeff(n),2)
+ kmax=round(500*fact),
+ end
+ //
+ //Compute the discretization for "k" and the associated roots
+ nroots=roots(n);racines=roots(d);
+ if nroots==[] then
+ nrm=max([norm(racines,1),norm(roots(d+kmax*n),1)])
+ else
+ nrm=max([norm(racines,1),norm(nroots,1),norm(roots(d+kmax*n),1)])
+ end
+ md=degree(d)
+ //
+ ord=1:md;kk=0;nr=1;k=0;pas=0.99;fin="no";
+ klim=gsort(krac2(rlist(n,d,"c")),"g","i")
+ ilim=1
+ while fin=="no" then
+ k=k+pas
+ r=roots(d+k*n);r=r(ord)
+ dist=max(abs(racines(:,nr)-r))/nrm
+ //
+ point=%f
+ if dist <smax then //pas correct
+ if k-pas<klim(ilim)& k>klim(ilim) then,
+ k=klim(ilim);
+ r=roots(d+k*n);r=r(ord)
+ end
+ if k>klim(ilim) then ilim=min(ilim+1,size(klim,"*"));end
+ point=%t
+ else //Too big step or incorrect root order
+ // look for a root order that minimize the distance
+ ix=1:md
+ ord1=[]
+ for ky=1:md
+ yy=r(ky)
+ mn=10*dist*nrm
+ for kx=1:md
+ if ix(kx)>0 then
+ if abs(yy-racines(kx,nr)) < mn then
+ mn=abs(yy-racines(kx,nr))
+ kmn=kx
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ix(kmn)=0
+ ord1=[ord1 kmn]
+ end
+ r(ord1)=r
+ dist=max(abs(racines(:,nr)-r))/nrm
+ if dist <smax then
+ point=%t,
+ ord(ord1)=ord
+ else
+ k=k-pas,pas=pas/2.5
+ end
+ end
+ if dist<smin then
+ //KToo small step
+ pas=2*pas;
+ end
+ if point then
+ racines=[racines,r];kk=[kk,k];nr=nr+1
+ if k>kmax then fin="kmax",end
+ if nr>nptmax then fin="nptmax",end
+ end
+ end
+ //draw the axis
+ x1 =[nroots;matrix(racines,md*nr,1)];
+ xmin=min(real(x1));xmax=max(real(x1))
+ ymin=min(imag(x1));ymax=max(imag(x1))
+ dx=abs(xmax-xmin)*0.05
+ dy=abs(ymax-ymin)*0.05
+ if dx<1d-10, dx=0.01,end
+ if dy<1d-10, dy=0.01,end
+ legs=[],lstyle=[];lhandle=[]
+ rect=[xmin-dx;ymin-dy;xmax+dx;ymax+dy];
+ f=gcf();
+ immediate_drawing= f.immediate_drawing;
+ f.immediate_drawing = "off";
+ a=gca();
+ if a.children==[]
+ a.data_bounds=[rect(1) rect(2);rect(3) rect(4)];
+ a.axes_visible="on";
+ a.title.text=_("Evans root locus");
+ a.x_label.text=_("Real axis");
+ a.y_label.text=_("Imaginary axis");
+ axes.clip_state = "clipgrf";
+ else //enlarge the boundaries
+ a.data_bounds=[min(a.data_bounds(1,:),[rect(1) rect(2)]);
+ max(a.data_bounds(2,:),[rect(3) rect(4)])];
+ end
+ if nroots<>[] then
+ xpoly(real(nroots),imag(nroots))
+ e=gce();e.line_mode="off";e.mark_mode="on";
+ e.mark_size_unit="point";e.mark_size=7;e.mark_style=5;
+ legs=[legs; _("open loop zeroes")]
+ lhandle=[lhandle; e];
+ end
+ if racines<>[] then
+ xpoly(real(racines(:,1)),imag(racines(:,1)))
+ e=gce();e.line_mode="off";e.mark_mode="on";
+ e.mark_size_unit="point";e.mark_size=7;e.mark_style=2;
+ legs=[legs;_("open loop poles")]
+ lhandle=[lhandle; e];
+ end
+ dx=max(abs(xmax-xmin),abs(ymax-ymin));
+ //plot the zeros locations
+ //computes and draw the asymptotic lines
+ m=degree(n);q=md-m
+ if q>0 then
+ la=0:q-1;
+ so=(sum(racines(:,1))-sum(nroots))/q
+ i1=real(so);i2=imag(so);
+ if prod(size(la))<>1 then
+ ang1=%pi/q*(ones(la)+2*la)
+ x1=dx*cos(ang1),y1=dx*sin(ang1)
+ else
+ x1=0,y1=0,
+ end
+ if md==2,
+ if coeff(d,md)<0 then
+ x1=0*ones(2),y1=0*ones(2)
+ end,
+ end;
+ if max(k)>0 then
+ xpoly(i1,i2);
+ e=gce();
+ legs=[legs;_("asymptotic directions")]
+ lhandle=[lhandle; e];
+ a.clip_state = "clipgrf";
+ for i=1:q,xsegs([i1,x1(i)+i1],[i2,y1(i)+i2]),end,
+ // a.clip_state = "off";
+ end
+ end;
+ [n1,n2]=size(racines);
+ // assign the colors for each root locus
+ cmap=f.color_map;cols=1:size(cmap,1);
+ if a.background==-2 then
+ cols(and(cmap==1,2))=[]; //remove white
+ elseif a.background==-1 then
+ cols(and(cmap==0,2))=[]; //remove black
+ else
+ cols(a.background)=[];
+ end
+ cols=cols(modulo(0:n1-1,size(cols,"*"))+1);
+ //draw the root locus
+ xpolys(real(racines)',imag(racines)',cols)
+ //set info for datatips
+ E=gce();
+ for k=1:size(E.children,"*")
+ E.children(k).display_function = "formatEvansTip";
+ E.children(k).display_function_data = kk;
+ end
+ c=captions(lhandle,legs($:-1:1),"in_upper_right")
+ c.background=a.background;
+ f.immediate_drawing = immediate_drawing;
+ if fin=="nptmax" then
+ warning(msprintf(gettext("%s: Curve truncated to the first %d discretization points.\n"),"evans",nptmax))
+ end
+function str=formatEvansTip(curve)
+ //this function is called by the datatip mechanism to format the tip
+ //string for the evans root loci curves
+ ud = curve.parent.display_function_data;
+ pt =;
+ [d,ptp,i,c]=orthProj(, pt);
+ K=ud(i)+(ud(i+1)-ud(i))*c;
+ str=msprintf("r: %.4g %+.4g i\nK: %.4g", pt,K);