path: root/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem
diff options
authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem b/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7e99943a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/cacsd/demos/pid.dem
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) ????-2008 - INRIA
+// This file is distributed under the same license as the Scilab package.
+function demo_pid()
+ mode(-1);
+ lines(0);
+ //display the diagram
+ x=[5,10,20,40,50,70,80,90];xmin=-10;xmax=100;
+ y=[22,28,30,32];ymin=12;ymax=40;
+ xx=[xmin,xmin,x([1 2 2 7 4 6 3 4 5 6 3 3 5 5]);xmax,xmax,x([3,2,7,7,5,8,3,4,5,6,4,4,6,6])];
+ yy=[ymin,ymax,y([3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,4,2,4]);ymin,ymax,y([3,3,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,2,4,2,4])];
+ scf(100001);clf();show_window();
+ plot2d(xx,yy,ones(1,16),'022');
+ xstring(28,30,'K');xstring(56,30,'Plant');xstring(12,28.80,'-');
+ xtitle('PLANT and CONTROLLER')
+ mode(2);
+ path=get_absolute_file_path('pid.dem');
+ s=poly(0,'s');z=poly(0,'z');
+ messagebox(['Example of PID Design '
+ 'file: '+path+'pid.dem'],"modal");
+ n=x_choose(['Continuous time';'Discrete time'],'Select time domain');
+ select n
+ case 0
+ warning('Demo stops!');return;
+ case 1
+ mode(1)
+ dom='c';
+ s=poly(0,'s');
+ str='[(s-1)/(s^2+5*s+1)]';
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str);
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep);
+ Plant=syslin('c',Plant);
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2
+ mode(1)
+ dom='d'
+ z=poly(0,'z');
+ str='(z+1)/(z^2-5*z+2)'
+ rep=x_dialog('Nominal plant?',str);
+ if rep==[] then return,end
+ Plant=evstr(rep)
+ Plant=syslin('d',Plant);
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ //Nominal Plant
+ P22=tf2ss(Plant); // state-space form
+ [ny,nu,nx]=size(P22);
+ defv=['-1.2';'1';'0.1'];
+ if dom=='d' then defv=['-10';'1';'0.1'];end
+ while %t
+ mode(1)
+ if dom=='c' then
+ _title='Enter your PID controller K(s)=Kp*(1+T0/s+T1*s)';
+ end
+ if dom=='d' then
+ _title='Enter your PID controller K(z)=Kp*(1+T0/z+T1*z)';
+ end
+ defv=x_mdialog(_title,['Kp=';'T0=';'T1='],defv);
+ if defv==[] then warning('Demo stops!');return;end
+ Kp=evstr(defv(1));T0=evstr(defv(2));T1=evstr(defv(3));
+ if dom=='c' then
+ Kpid=tf2ss(Kp*(1+T0/s+T1*s));
+ end
+ if dom=='d' then
+ Kpid=tf2ss(Kp*(1+T0/z+T1*z));
+ end
+ W=[1, -P22;
+ Kpid,1];Winv=inv(W);
+ disp(spec(Winv(2)),'closed loop eigenvalues');//Check internal stability
+ if max(real(spec(Winv(2)))) > 0 then
+ messagebox('You lose: closed-loop is UNSTABLE!!!',"modal");
+ else
+ messagebox('Congratulations: closed-loop is STABLE !!!',"modal");
+ break;
+ end
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ mode(1)
+ [Spid,Rpid,Tpid]=sensi(P22,Kpid); //Sensitivity functions
+ Tpid(5)=clean(Tpid(5));
+ disp(clean(ss2tf(Spid)),'Sensitivity function');
+ disp(clean(ss2tf(Tpid)),'Complementary sensitivity function');
+ resp=['Frequency response';'Time response'];
+ while %t do
+ n=x_choose(resp,'Select response(s)');
+ if degree(Tpid(5))>0 then
+ warning('Improper transfer function! D(s) set to D(0)')
+ Tpid(5)=coeff(Tpid(5),0);
+ end
+ Tpid(5)=coeff(Tpid(5));
+ select n
+ case 0
+ break
+ case 1
+ mode(1)
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();bode(Tpid);
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2
+ if Plant(4)=='c' then
+ mode(1)
+ defv=['0.1';'50'];
+ _title='Enter Sampling period and Tmax';
+ rep=x_mdialog(_title,['Sampling period?';'Tmax?'],defv);
+ if rep==[] then break,end
+ dttmax=evstr(rep);
+ dt=evstr(dttmax(1));tmax=evstr(dttmax(2));
+ t=0:dt/5:tmax;
+ n1=x_choose(['Step response?';'Impulse response?'],'Simulation:');
+ if n1==0 then
+ warning('Demo stops!');return;
+ end
+ if n1==1 then
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d([t',t'],[(csim('step',t,Tpid))',ones(t')])
+ end
+ if n1==2 then
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d([t',t'],[(csim('impul',t,Tpid))',0*t'])
+ end
+ mode(-1)
+ elseif Plant(4)=='d' then
+ mode(1)
+ defv=['100'];
+ _title='Tmax?'
+ rep=x_mdialog(_title,['Tmax='],defv);
+ if rep==[] then break,end
+ Tmax=evstr(rep);
+ mode(-1)
+ while %t do
+ n=x_choose(['Step response?';'Impulse response?'],'Simulation:');
+ select n
+ case 0 then
+ break
+ case 1 then
+ mode(1)
+ u=ones(1,Tmax);u(1)=0;
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d([(1:Tmax)',(1:Tmax)'],[(dsimul(Tpid,u))',(ones(1:Tmax)')])
+ mode(-1)
+ case 2 then
+ mode(1)
+ u=zeros(1,Tmax);u(1)=1;
+ scf(100002);clf(100002);show_window();
+ plot2d((1:Tmax)',(dsimul(Tpid,u))')
+ mode(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+clear demo_pid;