path: root/CHANGES_5.5.X
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authorShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
committerShashank2017-05-29 12:40:26 +0530
commit0345245e860375a32c9a437c4a9d9cae807134e9 (patch)
treead51ecbfa7bcd3cc5f09834f1bb8c08feaa526a4 /CHANGES_5.5.X
CMSCOPE changed
Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGES_5.5.X')
1 files changed, 3961 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES_5.5.X b/CHANGES_5.5.X
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..469bf7cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGES_5.5.X
@@ -0,0 +1,3961 @@
+ Changes between version 5.5.1 and 5.5.2
+ =======================================
+Graphics Evolutions
+* fec function can now plot meshes based on any convex polygon type (not only triangles).
+* New datatips positions are now available: "left", "right", "upper", "lower".
+* New contour2dm function.
+Toolbox Skeleton
+* Modelica user-defined block has been added to xcos_toolbox_skeleton.
+Removed Functions
+* %asn removed. Please use delip instead.
+* chart removed. Please use nicholschart instead.
+* IsAScalar removed. Please use isscalar instead.
+* jmat removed. Please use flipdim instead.
+* mfft removed. Please use fft instead.
+* milk_drop removed.
+* msd removed. Please use stdev instead.
+* nfreq removed. Please use tabul instead.
+* pcg removed. Please use conjgrad instead.
+* regress removed. Please use reglin instead.
+* relocate_handle removed.
+* st_deviation removed. Please use stdev instead.
+* xmltochm removed.
+* xsetm removed. Please use ged instead.
+* Required version of JOGL updated to 2.2.4 (See bugs #12788 & #13586).
+Scilab Bug Fixes
+* Bug #8066 fixed - There was no OK button in x_choose window.
+* Bug #9890 fixed - xarrows demonstration was added to Graphics/Basic functions category.
+* Bug #12788 fixed - All graphics were displayed in red under some platforms.
+* Bug #12842 fixed - Scilab could not be launched under some platforms (ATOMS internal library loading problem).
+* Bug #13372 fixed - xsetm should have been removed in Scilab 5.5.0.
+* Bug #13437 fixed - axis drawn by drawaxis used different font than those drawn by plot.
+* Bug #13462 fixed - Low level functions modified bounds even with auto_scale="off".
+* Bug #13494 fixed - Wrong vertical range of plot3d and plot3d1 fixed.
+* Bug #13531 fixed - sylv help page fixed to include the real Sylvester equation.
+* Bug #13549 fixed - Slider uicontrols triggered three callbacks instead of one.
+* Bug #13551 fixed - Marks with null size were not correctly exported in vectorial formats.
+* Bug #13586 fixed - Scilab compilation failed with recent versions of JoGL package.
+* Bug #13605 fixed - harmean returned an inverted result when called with parameters "r" or "c".
+* Bug #13608 fixed - logm produced an error with complex values.
+* Bug #13619 fixed - xstringl returned wrong first point.
+* Bug #13640 fixed - Graphics in isoview mode were too small when they were in subplots.
+* Bug #13655 fixed - acos and asin returned wrong results when input argument was a matrix
+ of size greater than 1 and containing at least one NaN value.
+* Bug #13673 fixed - Anti-aliasing of xpoly marks had not a proper render.
+* Bug #13674 fixed - User .wgetrc configuration file is now by-passed when ATOMS does not use a proxy.
+* Bug #13676 fixed - An invisible figure could not be exported.
+* Bug #13677 fixed - Indentation of examples in assert_checkerror help page was not correct.
+* Bug #13679 fixed - There were invalid subticks in log scale after a copy.
+* Bug #13681 fixed - Calling cdfnor to get the X vector could produced a vector with some NaN values.
+* Bug #13684 fixed - SciNotes editor component did not fill all the window content pane when wrap-lines
+ option was set to false.
+* Bug #13685 fixed - LaTeX was not detected when specified in ticks_format.
+* Bug #13689 fixed - There were errors in reading enum from hdf5 files.
+* Bug #13690 fixed - tight_limits property can now manage X, Y and Z axes separately.
+* Bug #13692 fixed - group returned an error for a discrete dynamical system with a specified sample time.
+* Bug #13694 fixed - Calling wfir without input arguments produced an error instead of calling wfir_gui.
+* Bug #13695 fixed - Scilab used bash-specific features in scripts.
+* Bug #13702 fixed - Problems with * prefix for modified files in SciNotes fixed.
+* Bug #13706 fixed - plot3d([1 1 1]) randomly crashed.
+* Bug #13712 fixed - Details added in strcat help page for strcat(strings, "", "r") case.
+* Bug #13721 fixed - Writing in a file opened in r+ mode was not possible.
+* Bug #13723 fixed - It was not possible to insert a single double in double[][].
+* Bug #13725 fixed - Polyline was not correctly filled with big values.
+* Bug #13731 fixed - xmlDelete could be very slow.
+* Bug #13733 fixed - fmt could not be used as a singular optional argument in colorbar.
+* Bug #13735 fixed - There was no check of frameflag value in plot2d.
+* Bug #13741 fixed - An invisible figure could not be printed under Windows.
+* Bug #13742 fixed - Figure was not well-printed when there was a xstring with LaTeX.
+* Bug #13752 fixed - The 'Supported compilers' page was outdated.
+* Bug #13758 fixed - x_mdialog interpreted 'F' and 'T' as boolean values
+ whereas it should have interpreted '%F' and '%T' instead.
+* Bug #13766 fixed - Setting figure_size property led to wrong display and figure properties values.
+* Bug #13772 fixed - Xcos GUI was not locked while setting parameters.
+* Bug #13791 fixed - ricc no longer managed the 'invf' method.
+Known incompatibilities
+* Undocumented use of exec with "errcatch" as third input argument now returns an error:
+ exec(path, mode, 'errcatch') must be replaced by exec(path, 'errcatch', mode)
+ Changes between version 5.5.0 and 5.5.1
+ =======================================
+Removed Functions
+* datatipContextMenu and datatipEventhandler removed (See Bug #8646).
+* Second output argument of add_param removed (See SEP #132).
+* Required version of Arpack-ng updated to 3.1.5 (See Bug #13058).
+Scilab Bug Fixes
+* Bug #6979 fixed - rlist help page was not clear.
+* Bug #7203 fixed - titlepage help page was not clear.
+* Bug #7549 fixed - edit_curv did not disable standard plot menus.
+* Bug #7804 fixed - Small improvements added to struct help page.
+* Bug #8502 fixed - Axis labels wrongly used number with 3 digits in the exponent.
+* Bug #8646 fixed - The datatips contextual menu opened a selection list which
+ was not ergonomic.
+* Bug #8781 fixed - There was no error message when error was called with
+ a complex value.
+* Bug #8898 fixed - getdate help page improved.
+* Bug #9052 fixed - Some demonstrations in graphics were automatically closed at
+ the end of their execution.
+* Bug #9252 fixed - Some error calling sequences produced screwed display.
+* Bug #9381 fixed - parallel_run did not work under CentOS (GLIBC issue).
+* Bug #9783 fixed - Insertion overloading did not seem to work with mlists.
+* Bug #10168 fixed - kron produced a segfault in some cases.
+* Bug #10336 fixed - Default key of rand could change from "uniform" to "normal".
+* Bug #10555 fixed - Scilab failed to build with some configure options.
+* Bug #10583 fixed - ./configure --without-xcos did not work.
+* Bug #10646 fixed - ./configure ARPACK check linked `-larpack -lblas` instead
+ of `-larpack -llapack -lblas`.
+* Bug #10777 fixed - "Home" and "End" keys were not trapped in CLI mode.
+* Bug #10784 fixed - clc was not available in CLI & ADV-CLI modes.
+* Bug #11035 fixed - Scilab crashed when a file created with Matlab 7.12 was loaded.
+* Bug #11284 fixed - Calling sequences added in file help page.
+* Bug #11405 fixed - Hypermatrix support added for extraction.
+* Bug #12580 fixed - Demonstration GUI now displays an arrow if a selected item
+ has sub-categories.
+* Bug #12620 fixed - uicontextmenus size was wrong when children were created invisible.
+* Bug #12700 fixed - edit_curv (used by CURV_f) was broken.
+* Bug #12834 fixed - Graphics did not work under Fedora (GLIBC issue).
+* Bug #12918 fixed - OpenSUSE 12.3 x64 did not have gluegen2-rt in library path.
+* Bug #12986 fixed - Scilab did not start under CentOS 5.9 (GLIBC issue).
+* Bug #12987 fixed - Scilab did not start under Ubuntu 10.04 (GLIBC issue).
+* Bug #13058 fixed - eigs produced wrong results in some cases.
+ Arpack-ng library has been updated to fix this bug.
+* Bug #13180 fixed - surf did not handle degenerate cases.
+* Bug #13291 fixed - xmltojar([],[],'ja_JP') might lead to a crash when the
+ locale was not system-wide available.
+* Bug #13299 fixed - The pkgconfig file did not used the right Tcl/Tk version.
+* Bug #13313 fixed - Setting datatips orientation did not disable
+ auto_orientation mode.
+* Bug #13316 fixed - There were missing tooltips on File Browser buttons.
+* Bug #13321 fixed - Default figure "visible" property was ignored when creating
+ a new figure.
+* Bug #13324 fixed - Legends display were completely modified when an item was clicked
+ and modified.
+* Bug #13330 fixed - gtk2-oxygen theme engine (used by KDE) crashed Scilab.
+* Bug #13331 fixed - Users are no longer able to write inconsistent options to mopen.
+ mopen(file, "wr") now exits with a proper error.
+* Bug #13333 fixed - Selecting "Offline mode" in Scilab installer installed
+ Scilab in "Command line mode" (without GUI modules).
+* Bug #13336 fixed - In SciNotes, it was not possible to complete brackets only at the
+ end of a line.
+* Bug #13339 fixed - Kronecker tensor product now works on hypermatrices.
+* Bug #13343 fixed - In console popup menu, "help about a selected text" moved
+ from bottom to top for better consistency with SciNotes.
+* Bug #13344 fixed - User-defined ticks were not drawn at the right position.
+* Bug #13345 fixed - Scilab did not start under Debian Wheezy (GLIBC issue).
+* Bug #13346 fixed - filter did not work for simple delays.
+ filter help page improved.
+* Bug #13349 fixed - Double-clicking on a MAT-file in the file browser did not load it.
+* Bug #13350 fixed - There was a buffer overrun with call.
+* Bug #13351 fixed - xstringb failed with LaTeX code.
+* Bug #13358 fixed - intersect and unique were slow due to an issue in quicksort implementation.
+* Bug #13359 fixed - Nyquist datatip with symmetry now displays properly
+ negative frequencies.
+* Bug #13364 fixed - Scilab did not start under CentOS 6.5, RedHat 5.4, RedHat 5.5 (GLIBC issue).
+* Bug #13365 fixed - Data bounds were not correctly updated in 3-D.
+* Bug #13367 fixed - ATOMS default repository was 5.4 one instead of 5.5.
+* Bug #13369 fixed - samplef now works with 0 frequencies input values
+ and normalized frequencies. sample and samplef now consistently
+ return a row vector.
+* Bug #13377 fixed - showprofile now displays lines numbers.
+* Bug #13378 fixed - The "Console" handle display was not homogeneous with others.
+* Bug #13381 fixed - eigs was failing when using a function as first input argument.
+* Bug #13383 fixed - newaxes help page did not mention the call with a graphic
+ handle as input.
+* Bug #13384 fixed - uicontrol help page did not mention axes could be contained
+ in frame style uicontrols.
+* Bug #13386 fixed - An exception occurred when using entity picker on legends.
+* Bug #13388 fixed - Display of Waitbar and Progressionbar handles did not show
+ Tag and Userdata properties.
+* Bug #13397 fixed - saveGui() returned an undocumented boolean parameter (success/failure flag).
+* Bug #13401 fixed - Closing Scilab during halt() did not quit Scilab process.
+* Bug #13402 fixed - Bounding boxes of xarcs were not correct.
+* Bug #13403 fixed - Regression on axes labeling fixed.
+* Bug #13404 fixed - rect property was not taken into account in polarplot.
+* Bug #13409 fixed - permute(x, dims) failed when dims was greater than the dimensions of size(x).
+ It now treats extra dimensions as 1.
+* Bug #13418 fixed - crossover_ga_binary help page was not clear.
+ Mix to check the crossover positions also added.
+* Bug #13419 fixed - mutation_ga_binary help page was not clear and lacked examples.
+* Bug #13420 fixed - mutation_ga_binary did not calculate multiple mutations properly.
+* Bug #13421 fixed - Callback functions for genetic algorithms were missing.
+ Now the user can set functions to stop iterations and access the population.
+* Bug #13422 fixed - Genetic algorithms did not log the minimum and maximum values properly.
+* Bug #13424 fixed - crossover_ga_binary algorithm was not the classical point crossover one.
+ Binary length usage also fixed.
+* Bug #13425 fixed - optim_ga and optim_moga needed optimization.
+* Bug #13426 fixed - optim help page was written with bad indentation.
+* Bug #13432 fixed - xstringl help page was not clear about fonts and LaTeX-rendered text.
+* Bug #13435 fixed - Scilab under Windows crashed when calling xmlRemove on the first child.
+* Bug #13438 fixed - drawaxis did not return the handle of the created axis.
+* Bug #13441 fixed - Scilab crashed when uicontrol was called with a string for border property.
+* Bug #13459 fixed - A warning message about version was displayed at Scilab startup.
+* Bug #13471 fixed - ilib_build_jar entered an infinite loop when used on an empty directory.
+* Bug #13481 fixed - varn did not work on rational fractions.
+* Bug #13482 fixed - pfss changed the variable of the rational fractions.
+ varn was also modified to keep variable "dt" of rational fractions.
+* Bug #13491 fixed - intg now properly exits when the user function produces an error.
+* Bug #13501 fixed - Typos fixed in English help pages.
+* Bug #13503 fixed - xarrows made Scilab crashed in some cases.
+* Bug #13507 fixed - Imaginary part in result of a complex power was missing (Real^Complex).
+* Bug #13509 fixed - It was not possible to have an empty prefix with xmlNs.
+* Bug #13510 fixed - Datatip callback cleared 'd'.
+* Bug #13512 fixed - dae crashed if the evaluation function had wrong prototype.
+* Bug #13515 fixed - There were wrong results for matrix/hypermatrix with bitset.
+* Bug #13516 fixed - Russian and Japanese help pages were missing.
+* Bug #13524 fixed - strtod did not ignore the tabs and CR.
+* Bug #13527 fixed - hilb did not check properly the type of the first input argument.
+* Bug #13543 fixed - "slider" uicontrols did not work with the mouse wheel.
+* Bug #13554 fixed - rubberbox returned wrong values.
+* Bug #13579 fixed - bar displayed useless warnings.
+* Bug #13585 fixed - SuiteSparse 4.3.1 was not supported.
+* Bug #13588 fixed - Default values of "event_handler" and "event_handler_enable" properties
+ were not taken into account when creating a new figure.
+Xcos Bug Fixes
+* Bug #9996 fixed - The RELATION_OP box drawn in the workspace was not compliant with the programming.
+* Bug #11823 fixed - Ctrl+F2 shortcut did not work on a selected block.
+* Bug #12718 fixed - Modelica Generic block reshaped the output ports and the label was double-written.
+* Bug #12723 fixed - Loading a .scg file in CURVE block produced an error.
+* Bug #12751 fixed - cdummy_ entry point was not found when using Code Generation.
+* Bug #13285 fixed - There was no appropriate example of the syntax for scifunc_block_m GUI
+ on the help page.
+* Bug #13318 fixed - matrix * vector multiplication using MATMUL did not work properly.
+* Bug #13327 fixed - Sawtooth generator icon was not a Sawtooth.
+* Bug #13385 fixed - TOWS_c and FROMWSB Xcos blocks needed better examples on how
+ to get or write a Scilab variable.
+* Bug #13391 fixed - scifunc_block_m help page was not clear about the block use.
+ An example has been added.
+* Bug #13396 fixed - MBLOCK did not work with an external file containing Modelica class.
+* Bug #13436 fixed - STEP function was not delayed with the Continuous Fix Delay.
+* Bug #13443 fixed - There was no image on CSCOPXY3D block.
+* Bug #13513 fixed - EXPRESSION block with "u1" as expression failed with a
+ singularity error.
+* Bug #13514 fixed - External modules loader_pal.sce file contained absolute path.
+* Bug #13540 fixed - Tkscale block did not respect min and max value.
+* Bug #13553 fixed - "Export all diagrams" failed if the directory did not exist.
+Known issues
+* Under GNU/Linux with KDE and under some distributions, gtk2-oxygen theming engine
+ crashes Scilab. As a workaround, please consult:
+Besides these points, do not hesitate to report bugs on:
+ Changes between version 5.4.1 and 5.5.0
+ =======================================
+New Features
+* New special functions:
+ - erfi - The imaginary error function.
+ - dawson - Compute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error).
+* New functions introduced:
+ - getURL - Download a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
+ - splitURL - Split a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
+ - cov - Covariance matrix. Deprecates mvvacov. See bug #11896.
+ - ismatrix - Check if a variable is a matrix. See bug #10456.
+ - isrow - Check if a variable is a row vector. See bug #10456.
+ - iscolumn - Check if a variable is a column vector. See bug #10456.
+ - issquare - Check if a variable is a square matrix. See bug #10456.
+ - cross - Vector cross product. See bug #9941.
+ - members - Number of occurrences and linear indexes of common values between
+ two matrices of the same type. See bug #12705.
+ - jcreatejar - Creates a Java archive (JAR) from a set of files / directories
+ - ilib_build_jar - Builds Java packages from sources into a JAR file
+ - ifftshift - Inverses FFT shift
+ - unwrap - Unwraps/unfolds a Y(x) profile
+ - getPreferencesValue/setPreferencesValue - Get or set values in the preferences file.
+ - htmlDump/htmlRead/htmlReadStr/htmlWrite - Read and write data from/in HTML files.
+ - numderivative - Approximate derivatives of a function (Jacobian or Hessian).
+* Complete set of functions to read and write any HDF5 file from Scilab added.
+* New Solver:
+ - daskr - differential-algebraic system solver with rootfinding 'daskr', using
+BDF methods with direct and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers, based on ODEPACK.
+* Based on JIMS external module, Scilab provides functions to interact
+ with Java objects.
+* erf, erfc, erfcx and calerf functions now support complex arguments.
+* isnum has been redesigned in native code. Performance improvements up to 130x.
+ See bug #10404
+* Usage of the '$' keyword in part function allowed.
+* The histplot command can now be used with the option polygon=%t/%f to add the
+ frequency polygon chart (Thanks to Mehran Khorshidi).
+* Multi level completion on mlist, struct, XML structures...
+* Variable browser improvements:
+ - The variable browser also shows the size of integers and the user type of
+ the tlist/mlist.
+ See bugs #12523 and #10409.
+ - It is now possible to delete variables from the variable browser.
+ See bug #9447.
+ - A user can now plot variables from the variable browser (this functionality was
+ already available in the variable editor).
+* Added lighting effect for plot of surfaces. Lighting can be enabled
+ creating light objects or disabled by deleting them. The following function
+ was introduced:
+ - light - Creates a light graphic object.
+* Localization:
+ - Multiple domains in localization managed.
+ - addlocalizationdomain function added for a new domain creation.
+ - Optional parameter added to gettext to manage domains.
+ - tbx_generate_pofile and tbx_build_localization added to create localization files for
+ modules.
+* Windows Solution updated to Visual Studio 2012.
+* -keepconsole option added for Scilab Windows to facilitate debugging.
+ Calling Scilab with this option will leave the console box window opened at startup.
+* License update: switch to the CeCILL 2.1.
+* New calling sequence allowed for nicholschart: nicholschart(gains, phases, colors).
+ See bug #7828.
+* qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an error flag,
+ if it is present, then the function will display a warning instead of an error.
+ See bug #10269.
+* graypolarplot has been improved in terms of performances and rendering.
+ See bug #12641.
+* nthroot is now vectorizable.
+ See bug #12678.
+* New optional output argument for routh_t.
+ See bug #12829.
+* modulo and pmodulo now support integers & hypermatrices (See bug #13002).
+* test_run can now separate 32-bit systems from 64-bit ones.
+* pol2str: now handles polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices (See bug #13109).
+* nanreglin: reglin with arguments containing NaNs (See bug #13208).
+* New optional input argument added to matfile2sci (append or write the output file).
+GUI Refactoring and Improvements
+* New uicontrols styles:
+ - tab: component which enables the user to switch between sets of uicontrols by
+ clicking on a tab.
+ The children components are "frame" uicontrols.
+ Two dedicated properties have been added to configure this component:
+ - title_position: Position of the tabs
+ - title_scroll: Indicates if tabs must all be displayed at a time or
+ managed with scroll features.
+ - layer: Component which enables the user to make parts of a GUI visible/invisible
+ programmatically.
+ - spinner: Component which enables the user to select/edit a value between bounds
+ with a fixed step.
+* New uicontrols properties:
+ - border: Used to set some decoration properties on "frame" uicontrols.
+ These decorations can be created and initialized with the createBorder
+ and the createBorderFont functions.
+ - scrollable: Used to add scrolling capabilities on "frame" uicontrols.
+ - groupname: Used to group "radiobutton" and "checkbox" uicontrols for an easier
+ management.
+ - icon: Add an icon to "pushbutton", "text" and "frame" uicontrols.
+ - margin: Empty space around uicontrols.
+* New uimenu properties:
+ - icon: add an icon on the left of the menu label.
+* "listbox" and "popupmenu" style uicontrols can now manage colors selection, icons, background
+ and foreground colors when the "String" property is set to a matrix matching the format:
+ ["#color1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "#color2", "Item2", ..., ...]
+ ["icon1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "icon2", "Item2", ..., ...]
+ with "#color1", "#background1" and "#foreground1" in HTML format #XXXXXX.
+ Then the component will display a colored box or icon on the left of the associated string,
+ and different background/foreground colors for items.
+* New management of uicontrols positioning:
+ In previous versions, uicontrols position was managed in an absolute way through
+ their "Position" property and the "Resizefcn" property of their parent figure.
+ Using the new layout management in figures and "frame" style uicontrols, position
+ is now managed in an automatic way based on Java layouts.
+ New dedicated properties have been added in figure and uicontrols:
+ - layout: layout type.
+ - layout_options: configuration of the layout.
+ Options can be initialized with the createLayoutOptions function.
+ Type "help layouts" in Scilab for more information about available types and options.
+ Uicontrols position is then managed through the "constraints" property.
+ A new createConstraints function has been added to managed these contraints.
+* New figures properties:
+ - icon: Allows to customize the figure icon.
+ - menubar: allows to create windows without any menu bar (default menus will not be created).
+ - menubar_visible: Manages menu bar visibility.
+ - toolbar: Allows to create windows without any toolbar.
+ - toolbar_visible: Manages toolbar visibility.
+ - infobar_visible: Manages infobar visibility.
+ - resize: Allows to lock window size.
+ - dockable: Allows to create dockable/standard figures.
+ - default_axes: Allows to manage default axes creation in figures.
+* The figure "visible" property management has evolved and offers new possibilities:
+ - When the figure is docked, this property manages the visibility
+ of components inside the figure (uicontrols, axes, ...).
+ In previous releases, this same property setting only managed axes.
+ - When the figure is not docked, this property manages the visibility
+ of the whole figure including its decorations.
+* New way to create GUI using XML files:
+ - Created GUI using the figure/uicontrol/uimenu functions can now be saved in
+ this new format using saveGui function.
+ - XML files in this format can be loaded in Scilab using the loadGui function.
+ This function aims at creating GUI in a more efficient way.
+* New rendering for GUI/uicontrols:
+ In this version, uicontrols use the defaults of the OS Look & Feel.
+ Some properties default values are not set by Scilab and then can be different from an
+ OS to another.
+ To come back to the previous and deprecated behavior, you can use the related
+ property on the "Console" handle:
+ set(get(0), "UseDeprecatedSkin", "on");
+ Note that this deprecated behavior will be removed in future versions.
+* New way to access uicontrols using a path containing their "Tag" and their parent(s) "Tag" property.
+ See the set and get functions help page for more details.
+* New display for uicontrols handles properties. Only properties used for Java rendering are displayed.
+ To display all available properties, use the "ShowHiddenProperties" "Console" property.
+Graphics Evolutions
+* set function prototype has been modified to allow the user to set multiple
+ properties at once: set(h, "Property1", Value1, "Property2", Value2, ...)
+* newaxes function now allows to create axes in "frame" uicontrols.
+* clf function now also works with "frame" uicontrols.
+* New axes properties:
+ - ticks_format: Format of the ticks labels.
+ - ticks_st: Scales and translates factors applied to ticks position when formatting
+ the ticks labels.
+ - auto_margins: Activated by default, this property lets Scilab compute margins
+ needed to display axes decorations (titles, labels, ...).
+ - grid_thickness: Thickness of the grid plotting.
+ - grid_style: Style of the grid plotting.
+ - label_font_style: Font style used to draw the labels.
+* New legends properties:
+ - line_width: Width of the drawn line.
+ - mark_count: Number of the drawn marks.
+* New polyline properties:
+ - mark_offset: Offset before the first mark.
+ - mark_stride: Step between consecutive marks.
+ - display_function: Name of the function used to customize the information
+ displayed in all the datatips of this polyline.
+ This function can be overloaded by setting a display
+ function on each datatip handle.
+ - display_function_data: Additional data needed for datatips display function.
+ - datatips: Handles of the datatips of the polyline.
+* New Matplot property added :
+ - rect: specifies the rectangle where the Matplot will be drawn.
+* Datatips properties have been renamed for better readability:
+ - tip_data --> data
+ - tip_box_mode --> box_mode
+ - tip_label_mode --> label_mode
+ - tip_orientation --> orientation
+ - tip_3component --> z_component
+ - tip_auto_orientation --> auto_orientation
+ - tip_interp_mode --> interp_mode
+ - tip_disp_function --> display_function
+Differential Equations
+* Netlib's Quadpack, used for definite integration, has been updated to match the upstream.
+* Autosave feature can now use %date to append the current date to the backup filename
+ (See bug #12712).
+* New DAE solver: DDaskr, using BDF methods with direct Newton and preconditioned Krylov
+ linear solvers, which includes rootfinding.
+ It is available from dae function.
+* In Modelica initialization GUI, inputs (eg. sensor) were not handled.
+* Sundials updated to the "2.5.0" version, keeping our modifications.
+* JGraphX updated to the "" version, updating our hooks performance.
+* API changed in the scicos_block4 interface: the uid value is not available
+ inside the simulation function.
+* API change: In scicos_block4.h, "Residute" renamed to "Jacobian".
+* xcosAddToolsMenu added to let the user perform some actions on the graph.
+* CBLOCK4 block added to the "User-Defined Functions"
+* xcos_debug_gui function added for a simple use of the Debug block.
+* tbx_build_pal_loader function added to ease external module creation (See SEP #120).
+* Event management demonstrations added.
+Toolbox Skeleton
+* Some Xcos specific content added to xcos_toolbox_skeleton help pages.
+* Minimal version of Flexdock (1.2.4) enforced.
+* Minimal version of JoGL (2.1.4) enforced.
+* Minimal version of JLaTeXMath (1.0.3) enforced.
+* New dependencies to manage EMF export:
+ - freehep-graphics2d.jar
+ - freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar
+ - freehep-graphicsio.jar
+ - freehep-io.jar
+ - freehep-util.jar
+Note: --without-emf can be used to disable this feature.
+Obsolete & Removed Functions
+* Scilab 5.5.X family will be the latest family working under Windows XP/2003.
+* Vector ^ scalar syntax declared as obsolete. See bug #11524
+* The third argument of poly function will be more strict.
+ Only the following strings are allowed: "roots", "coeff", "c", "r".
+* Option and direction arguments of gsort will be more strict in all cases.
+ Only the following strings are allowed:
+ - option: "r" "c" "g" "lr" "lc"
+ - direction : "d" "i"
+* nfreq tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use tabul instead.
+* IsAScalar tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use isscalar instead.
+* chart tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use nicholschart instead.
+* Second output argument of add_param tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* mvvacov tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0.
+ Please use cov instead.
+* mfft tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use fft instead.
+* relocate_handle tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* msd and st_deviation tagged as obsolete (See bug #7593). Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use stdev instead.
+* pcg tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use conjgrad instead.
+* milk_drop tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* datatipGetStruct tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use 'datatips' property instead.
+* regress tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use reglin instead.
+* %asn tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use delip instead.
+* jmat tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use flipdim instead.
+* perl tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0.
+* numdiff and derivative tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0.
+ Please use numderivative instead.
+* xmltochm tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* dft removed, please use fft instead.
+* sscanf removed, please use msscanf instead.
+* fscanf removed, please use mfscanf for files opened with mopen or read for files opened
+ with file instead.
+* fprintf removed, please use mfprintf for files opened with mopen or write for files
+ opened with file instead.
+* clear_pixmap removed, please use drawlater/drawnow instead.
+* pixmap property removed for figures, please use drawlater/drawnow instead.
+* demo_message and demo_mdialog removed.
+* with_embedded_jre removed.
+* draw removed.
+* fit_dat removed. Please use datafit instead.
+* winclose removed. Please use close instead.
+* datatipInitStruct and datatipRedraw removed.
+* getfont, getmark, getlinestyle and getsymbol removed. Please use ged instead.
+Known incompatibilities
+* Using => or =< now returns an error. See bug #2345.
+* or/and functions now fix reals value before working on them. See bug #7666.
+* a*b*-c+d is now interpreted as (a*b*(-c))+d instead of a*b*(-c+d). See bug #13168.
+* Extracting children from an empty matrix of handles now returns an error.
+ For example: f=gcf(); f.children(1).children.children returns an error.
+* Figure anti_aliasing property behavior changed:
+ - "off": No anti-aliasing activated on the figure.
+ - "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x": anti-aliasing activation will have no effect on most plateforms.
+Scilab Bug Fixes
+* paramfplot2d: When theta input argument was a column vector, an error occurred.
+* Bug #1253 fixed - There was no possibility to draw only few marks on a polyline which
+ contained a lot of points.
+* Bug #1751 fixed - Margins were not computed according to contents.
+* Bug #2067 fixed - Scilab crashed when plot was called with a large numerical value.
+* Bug #2267 fixed - Wrong error message when ticks locations and labels did not have the
+ same sizes.
+* Bug #2345 fixed - Use of operators => and =< did not lead to an error.
+* Bug #2416 fixed - Particular case (string([]) returns []) has been added in string help
+ page.
+* Bug #2802 fixed - convstr did not convert non ascii chars.
+* Bug #3511 fixed - strindex did not return all occurrences in regexp mode.
+* Bug #3928 fixed - An error was returned when a matrix was flipped along the third
+ dimension.
+* Bug #4042 fixed - squeeze returned a hypermatrix instead of a matrix when at least one
+ dimension was equal to 1.
+* Bug #4083 fixed - The numdiff and derivative functions were duplicates and are
+ now tagged as obsolete and replaced by numderivative. See SEP #130.
+* Bug #4085 fixed - num2cell help page added.
+* Bug #4177 fixed - find function moved to the "elementary_functions" module.
+* Bug #4229 fixed - delip did not return an error if one element of its first input
+ argument was negative.
+* Bug #4383 fixed - csim with "step" and "impuls" now works with direct feedthrough.
+* Bug #4401 fixed - isnum did not recognize all constants or some complex numbers.
+* Bug #4481 fixed - iir help page updated to precise that frq can be a scalar.
+* Bug #4490 fixed - Input argument of sinc function moved to rad.
+* Bug #4649 fixed - License issue in xs2ppm help page fixed.
+* Bug #4677 fixed - xclick did not return correct mouse position on keyboard event.
+* Bug #4692 fixed - Export did not work while xgetmouse was waiting.
+* Bug #4731 fixed - lqr failed when the time domain of an input was a number.
+* Bug #4743 fixed - Graphics with too big or too small values did not work.
+* Bug #4858 fixed - libintl.h was missing in binary versions but included in localization.h.
+* Bug #4965 fixed - Setting links property for a handle of type legend did not work.
+* Bug #5016 fixed - condestsp could return different results when repeated calls were performed.
+* Bug #5017 fixed - norm rewritten to take benefit from the Lapack package performance.
+* Bug #5073 fixed - New parameter added in strtod function (decimal separator).
+* Bug #5205 fixed - permute was slow for large hypermatrices.
+* Bug #5207 fixed - grand can now return a hypermatrix.
+* Bug #5232 fixed - 'frame' uicontrols children now follow the frame displacement.
+* Bug #5365 fixed - makecell help page was in the "compatibility functions" directory
+ instead of being in "data_structures".
+* Bug #5539 fixed - sylv help page was wrong in the discrete-time case.
+* Bug #5616 fixed - typeof(uiCreateTree(...)) returned "Tree" instead of "uitree".
+* Bug #5694 fixed - numdiff help page clarified.
+* Bug #5779 fixed - xnumb number format was too small (+ unit test added).
+* Bug #5826 fixed - Graphic windows did not redirect key events in console.
+* Bug #5844 fixed - grayplot did not have a logflag option.
+* Bug #5886 fixed - There was no property labels_font_style on axis.
+* Bug #6037 fixed - macrovar help page improved.
+* Bug #6168 fixed - zpbutt, zpch1, zpch2 and zpell help pages were unclear.
+* Bug #6191 fixed - It was not possible to set thickness and line_style properties for a grid.
+* Bug #6305 fixed - dsearch function did not work with integers, strings and hypermatrices.
+* Bug #6306 fixed - It is now possible to compute an histogram instead of plotting it
+ with new function histc(). Besides, histplot can now return the computed data.
+* Bug #6363 fixed - It was not possible to create figures without menubar/toolbar.
+* Bug #6390 fixed - The "external" argument of odedc was not well documented and
+ not tested.
+* Bug #6404 fixed - xrects help page was not clear about argument specification.
+* Bug #6427 fixed - full([%T %F]) returned an error message.
+* Bug #6466 fixed - Example with vectorized input added in mprintf and msprintf help pages.
+* Bug #6476 fixed - Matplot help did not indicate that the data field should be used to update data.
+* Bug #6512 fixed - %asn function tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #6584 fixed - mfft tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #6615 fixed - ui(get|put)file did not center the file dialog on the last focused window.
+* Bug #6638 fixed - The profiler output was incorrect by a factor of 1000 under Windows.
+* Bug #6689 & #6690 fixed - grand now works with complexes, polynomials, booleans, integers, sparses and strings,
+ and can handle row vectors, matrices and hypermatrices of thoses types.
+* Bug #6693 fixed - modulo did not accept polynomial inputs. Help page was not updated.
+* Bug #6752 fixed - unit test scilab.tst has been split in different tests.
+* Bug #6824 fixed - resize_matrix did not manage hypermatrices.
+* Bug #6832 fixed - Matrices of rationals can now be transposed via the " .' " operator.
+* Bug #6840 fixed - New line_style added.
+* Bug #6859 fixed - xlabel and xtitle could overlapped.
+* Bug #6930 fixed - Matplot handle had no rect property.
+* Bug #6988 fixed - Error messages in modules/data_structures/src/c/hmops.c were not
+ standard.
+* Bug #7026 fixed - There was no unit test for plot2d.
+* Bug #7038 fixed - A toggle button now manages datatip mode.
+* Bug #7040 fixed - Example and description for getMatrixOfIntegerPrecision modified in help page.
+* Bug #7047 fixed - milk_drop is now obsolete. It will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1, but will be kept as a demonstration.
+* Bug #7051 fixed - fieldnames help page updated.
+* Bug #7080 fixed - Some graphic macros did not use standard error messages.
+* Bug #7084 fixed - Old, not documented and deprecated gr_menu function removed.
+* Bug #7085 fixed - 'edit' uicontrols did not support multiple line edition.
+* Bug #7133 fixed - help_from_sci with no input argument now launches a full demonstration.
+* Bug #7169 fixed - It was not possible to specify different option value (thickness, style, ...) for X and Y grids.
+* Bug #7204 fixed - geomean applied to a hypermatrix gave wrong results.
+* Bug #7205 fixed - length(H) applied to a non-string hypermat returned 3 instead of size(H,"*").
+* Bug #7206 fixed - If the second input argument of meanf function was a hypermatrix,
+ this function returned an error.
+* Bug #7244 fixed - Extraction from a struct array with a boolean vector had a strange behavior.
+* Bug #7296 fixed - %nan, %inf and -%inf enabled for the cdf* functions.
+* Bug #7304 fixed - exportUI did not switch filename extension when filter was changed.
+* Bug #7411 fixed - clf forgot to turn off the datatip mode.
+* Bug #7417 fixed - Auto-positioning of datatips did not take the curvature into account.
+* Bug #7486 fixed - LAPACK versions of DGELSY and ZGELSY now used.
+* Bug #7561 fixed - roots help page now explains that coefficients are used in the contrary order of poly.
+* Bug #7570 fixed - The switch criterion on x and y is now explained in beta() help page.
+* Bug #7585 fixed - psi.f moved from "elementary functions" to "special functions" module.
+* Bug #7593 fixed - stdev now encompasses msd and st_deviation thanks to a new optional input argument.
+* Bug #7596 fixed - A same error happening in different places now displays the same
+ error message.
+* Bug #7648 fixed - CDF functions now display a warning for non integer
+ "degrees of freedom" argument.
+* Bug #7650 fixed - isempty(tlist(...)) always returned false, even when all defined fields were empty.
+* Bug #7655 fixed - An example added in type help page, for type(X)=11 and type(X)=13.
+* Bug #7666 fixed - Inconsistencies between and/or and &/| fixed.
+* Bug #7684 fixed - Introduction demonstration splitted into subsections.
+* Bug #7705 fixed - "dimension", "minbounds" and "maxbounds" fields have been documented in Genetic algorithms help pages.
+* Bug #7739 fixed - Axis position was invalid in log modes.
+* Bug #7771 fixed - There was no item about arrow_size in champ_properties help page.
+* Bug #7772 fixed - There was no description, no example about line_style property in polyline help page.
+* Bug #7781 fixed - The second parameter of iqr function had no effect.
+* Bug #7782 fixed - lcm and gcd help pages improved to tell the user how to use both
+ functions.
+* Bug #7824 fixed - title function properties did not support an indexed color.
+* Bug #7826 fixed - chart tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #7828 fixed - Slight improvements in nicholschart.
+* Bug #7848 fixed - The third argument of correl function is now optional.
+* Bug #7858 fixed - variance and variancef can now return the mean of the input
+ in a new output argument and take the a priori mean as input.
+* Bug #7877 fixed - iirgroup function fixed.
+* Bug #7879 fixed - string now accepts plist type, and printing a plist displays that string.
+* Bug #7905 fixed - Figure icon can now be changed using dedicated property.
+* Bug #7916 fixed - nansum([]) returned NaN value while this function had to ignore it.
+* Bug #7927 fixed - Output "flag" in qmr function was not well documented.
+* Bug #7960 fixed - plzr could not produce pole zero plot for a simple transfer function.
+* Bug #7986 fixed - spec gateway renamed from sci_eig.c to sci_spec.c.
+* Bug #7999 fixed - SwingScilabFileChooser.getFilterIndex() was unusable.
+* Bug #8031 fixed - cdfgam error message fixed.
+* Bug #8058 fixed - The user can now set the tolerances of intc function.
+* Bug #8060 fixed - Improved list display in the variable browser.
+* Bug #8098 fixed - cumsum could not be applied to rational matrices.
+* Bug #8131 fixed - It was not possible to choose the number of marks and the line width in legends.
+* Bug #8133 fixed - Ticks disappeared in planar 3-D view.
+* Bug #8162 fixed - Area of stability of plzr was wrong for continuous systems
+ (+unit test added).
+* Bug #8196 fixed - Error messages dealing with negative thickness were not standard.
+* Bug #8211 fixed - Parameters module demonstration finalized.
+* Bug #8231 fixed - xrect help page did not say that clipping property was inherited.
+* Bug #8234 fixed - strtod did not return an empty matrix when the input argument was an
+ empty matrix.
+* Bug #8247 fixed - regress tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #8264 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for atan2.
+* Bug #8290 fixed - DELAYV_f block documentation fixed.
+* Bug #8319 fixed - dbphi(hypermat) and phasemag(hypermat) returned a matrix instead of
+ a hypermatrix.
+* Bug #8323 fixed - Scilab "About Box" did not hide Scilab main window.
+* Bug #8337 fixed - mtlb_rand now uses the "uniform" rule, whatever the random rule set is.
+* Bug #8373 fixed - clear can now handle a matrix of strings argument.
+* Bug #8379 fixed - It was not possible to delete the selected datatip with DELETE or BACKSPACE.
+* Bug #8415 fixed - optim_moga, optim_nsga, optim_nsga2 can now take list as input
+ arguments, as explained in their help pages.
+ (and others) added.
+* Bug #8462 fixed - bvodeS could make Scilab unstable.
+* Bug #8470 fixed - bvode displayed some output in terminal window and not in
+ Scilab console.
+* Bug #8479 fixed - The latest Saxon version was not supported.
+* Bug #8511 fixed - sprand now uses grand instead of rand and grand functions. Internal
+ state of the random generator is no more changed.
+* Bug #8561 fixed - ddassl, ddasrt, ddaskr: abs and rel tolerance sizes are now checked.
+* Bug #8597 fixed - grand/clcg4 could display uncontrolled messages as warning.
+* Bug #8607 fixed - Some error messages in modules/overloading/macros were not standard
+ and not localized.
+* Bug #8614 fixed - Unit test for barhomogenize added.
+* Bug #8636 fixed - roots help page updated (default algorithm value was wrong).
+* Bug #8667 fixed - The handling of %nan in min, max, median functions was not properly
+ documented.
+* Bug #8680 fixed - "end" output argument of regexp function has been changed.
+* Bug #8687 fixed - typeof function failed on uint8, depending on the format
+ (+ unit test added).
+* Bug #8695 fixed - optim_ga used old (initial) values instead of newly-computed ones.
+* Bug #8745 fixed - Extracting from an empty matrix automatically returned an empty matrix.
+* Bug #8778 fixed - Call_ScilabOpen, TerminateScilab could not be called more
+ than 80 times in a loop.
+* Bug #8779 fixed - gsort did not preserve the order of equal elements, in
+ lexicographic sort.
+* Bug #8820 fixed - squeeze did not return a matrix when the number of dimensions
+ of the result was less or equal to 2.
+* Bug #8824 fixed - taucs_chfact returned a segfault (not the case in nwni mode).
+* Bug #8840 fixed - fileparts did not manage matrix of strings.
+* Bug #8856 fixed - Non regression test added for [k,l,m,...]=find(a==5).
+ Non regression test of bug #476 updated.
+* Bug #8857 fixed - Non regression test of bug #477 updated.
+* Bug #8858 fixed - Non regression test of bug #480 updated.
+* Bug #8862 fixed - mget and mput could not read and write 64 bit data from
+ binary files.
+* Bug #8956 fixed - xpoly, xfpoly, xrect, xsegs and xarc did not update data_bounds property.
+* Bug #9004 fixed - bitcmp function called with one input argument returned an error.
+* Bug #9020 fixed - exists function did not accept matrix as first input argument.
+* Bug #9031 fixed - Misalignment of text when using xstring with a matrix fixed.
+* Bug #9033 fixed - auto_dimensioning property for text handles was not documented.
+* Bug #9059 fixed - tbx_build_macros and genlib did not stop even if an error occurred.
+* Bug #9109 fixed - nfreq tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #9110 fixed - Examples and references to other functions added in Statistics help pages.
+* Bug #9158 fixed - zeros called with a big number returned an empty matrix instead
+ of an error.
+* Bug #9208 fixed - Added three optional output arguments to optim,
+ to retrieve #iterations, #evaluations and a termination indicator.
+* Bug #9309 fixed - comparison help page updated to document issue with empty matrix.
+* Bug #9319 fixed - Huge polylines could not be exported in PS/EPS.
+* Bug #9385 fixed - The type checking in trigonometric functions has been added.
+* Bug #9394 fixed - is_param recognized "plist" as an existing field.
+* Bug #9395 fixed - add_param did not check its input arguments.
+* Bug #9396 fixed - add_param accepted duplicate keys.
+* Bug #9444 fixed - with_embedded_jre function removed.
+* Bug #9459 fixed - Default values of the optional plot3d arguments were not documented.
+* Bug #9493 fixed - Title is now correctly set when starting Scilab and focus is set on Console.
+* Bug #9537 fixed - optimbase_configure only allowed row vectors as initial value.
+ Column vectors now allowed by transposing them.
+* Bug #9538 fixed - optimbase_checkshape only allowed row vectors as output arguments of
+ cost function. Column vectors are now allowed by transposing them.
+* Bug #9577 fixed - Setting neldermead_configure("-numberofvariables") is now optional,
+ setting neldermead_configure("-x0") initializes -numberofvariables
+ implicitly.
+* Bug #9601 fixed - Cylinder demonstration fixed.
+* Bug #9627 fixed - Arguments checking added in optimsimplex_* functions.
+* Bug #9688 fixed - optim could crash when "imp" option was < 0. It is now set to 0 in
+ that case.
+* Bug #9690 fixed - The "imp" option for optim could crash Scilab and was not consistent
+ with the help page.
+* Bug #9691 fixed - "imp" option in optim help page was poorly documented.
+* Bug #9694 fixed - Example in optim help page fixed to display correct counters.
+* Bug #9697 fixed - Displayed information for optim "qn" and "gc" with bounds and imp=1 fixed.
+* Bug #9701 fixed - optim with "qn" option was failing for large problems.
+* Bug #9702 fixed - Contrary to what optim help page stated, the "gc" algorithm does use
+ the "epsx" parameter.
+* Bug #9780 fixed - gmres solver did not run with complex systems.
+* Bug #9788 fixed - neldermead can now produce a warning when it fails to converge,
+ thanks to a new input argument "warn".
+* Bug #9819 fixed - unwrap function did not exist in Scilab.
+* Bug #9821 fixed - getrelativefilename did not manage matrix of strings.
+* Bug #9840 fixed - Default G tolerance in lsqrsolve was too large.
+* Bug #9851 fixed - Error message occurred because of a cut-off frequency of 0.25Hz
+ with irr.
+* Bug #9859 fixed - It was not possible to draw arrows in 3-D using xarrows.
+* Bug #10012 fixed - lmisolver and lmitool called with no input now produce errors.
+* Bug #10083 fixed - plot3d could not be used with only one input argument.
+* Bug #10122 fixed - replot could not be used in 3-D.
+* Bug #10146 fixed - In SciNotes, 'help on keyword' moved from bottom to top in the popup
+ menu.
+* Bug #10175 fixed - Clearer example added for sp2adj to adj2sp conversion (and backwards conversion).
+* Bug #10180 fixed - det was not defined for sparse matrices.
+* Bug #10213 fixed - sci2exp help page updated to document the impact of format function.
+* Bug #10214 fixed - evstr help page updated to mention that input argument must not be composed of
+ continuation marks (..).
+* Bug #10216 fixed - Invalid syntaxes for zeros, ones, eye, rand, like zeros(2,:).
+* Bug #10221 fixed - ifftshift function did not exist in Scilab.
+* Bug #10226 fixed - When a // <empty session> line was deleted, all sessions
+ histories were folded.
+* Bug #10234 fixed - reglin function moved from CACSD to Statistics module.
+* Bug #10243 fixed - fun2string(X) called X before returning its code.
+* Bug #10254 fixed - Slight improvements in ones help page.
+* Bug #10269 fixed - qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an
+ error flag, if it is present, then the function will issue a warning
+ instead of an error.
+* Bug #10271 fixed - ordmmd now checks the consistency of the third input argument with the
+ input matrix defined by the first two input arguments.
+* Bug #10273 fixed - spchol help page now displays an example showing how to use its output arguments.
+* Bug #10276 fixed - qp_solve segfaulted with large matrices.
+* Bug #10287 fixed - Error message added for complex expression as input argument of
+ integrate function.
+* Bug #10305 fixed - Comparison of lists with empty items returned an error message.
+* Bug #10391 fixed - Error when using completion after a global variable clear fixed.
+* Bug #10428 fixed - Java based components of Scilab showed a library load error in CLI mode.
+* Bug #10445 fixed - In SciNotes, CTRL+Drag&Drop moved text rather than copying it.
+* Bug #10470 fixed - In SciNotes, split "Horizontally" or "Vertically" was meaningless.
+* Bug #10596 fixed - exit(xxx) from Scilab failed.
+* Bug #10621 fixed - Figure without docking/undocking capabilities can now be created.
+* Bug #10645 fixed - File encoding could not be given as argument in xmlRead.
+* Bug #10718 fixed - New "Resize" property added to figures.
+* Bug #10805 fixed - Documentation on left bracket was superfluous and is now removed.
+ Refer to brackets for information on "[" and "]".
+* Bug #10816 fixed - Typo in part error message fixed.
+* Bug #10818 fixed - home, %e, %t, %f, %z and %s help pages added.
+* Bug #10823 fixed - fullpath returned different results under Windows and Linux for
+ non-existent file.
+* Bug #10830 fixed - Hypermatrix insertion with a negative index returned a wrong error message.
+* Bug #10833 fixed - exists help page updated.
+* Bug #10840 fixed - Keyboard arrows were disabled on 'slider' type uicontrols.
+* Bug #10856 fixed - analpf did not return the right result.
+* Bug #10862 fixed - Add a without Internet connection installation
+ global configuration in the installer.
+* Bug #10866 fixed - det was not equivalent to detr for rational matrices.
+* Bug #10906 fixed - Typo fixed in cls2dls help page.
+* Bug #10930 fixed - The comments in armax function were in French.
+* Bug #10932 fixed - Startup directory was not saved/restored in preferences.
+* Bug #10936 fixed - Scilab hung with invalid strf in plot2d.
+* Bug #10942 fixed - Function soundsec revised. Now soundsec can be used for non integer values of time.
+* Bug #10995 fixed - Typo fixed in grand help page for Gamma law argument.
+* Bug #10998 fixed - matrix*hypermatrix and hypermatrix*matrix operations failed.
+* Bug #11001 fixed - exists and isdef did not work with primitives.
+* Bug #11007, #11008 & #11009 fixed - New conjgrad function (Conjugate Gradient methods "pcg", "cgs", "bicg" and "bicgstab").
+* Bug #11065 fixed - The second output argument of unique function contained a wrong result.
+* Bug #11067 fixed - Display of ticks labels with closed associated values was wrong.
+* Bug #11139 fixed - conj was not defined for sparse matrices (+ unit test added).
+* Bug #11303 fixed - Exception while searching with multiple tabs in SciNotes fixed.
+ already existing in SCI/contrib/archives in "offline" mode.
+* Bug #11305 fixed - Performances improved with a better way to update data in Graphics.
+* Bug #11308 fixed - Calling sequences in dsearch help page were wrong.
+* Bug #11343 fixed - The "isoview" figure property did not work when the axes
+ margins had been modified.
+* Bug #11523 fixed - In SciNotes, 'whereami line numbering' was not clear enough.
+* Bug #11571 fixed - x_mdialog did not let the Look&Feel select the window size.
+* Bug #11575 fixed - There was no preview of GIF files in exportUI dialog.
+* Bug #11576 fixed - exportUI did not propose gcf().figure_name as default file name.
+* Bug #11616 fixed - Figure menubar could not be made invisible.
+* Bug #11629 fixed - Interactive zoom did not work properly in datatip mode.
+* Bug #11648 fixed - Copying graphic via the clipboard did not work.
+* Bug #11680 fixed - GUI functions in Scilab 5.4.X were much slower than in Scilab 5.3.3.
+* Bug #11714 fixed - help_from_sci sometimes failed when input function had "<imagedata>" comments.
+* Bug #11766 fixed - nthroot has been added to m2sci help page.
+* Bug #11779 fixed - Wrong variable type in the documentation of getNbInputArgument and getNbOutputArgument fixed.
+* Bug #11789 fixed - Documentation was missing for nbInputArgument.
+* Bug #11792 fixed - Lists can be accessed with non integer indexes (list help page
+ updated).
+* Bug #11814 fixed - Typo in CACSD help chapter fixed.
+* Bug #11869 fixed - "Environment" was not localized in preferences.
+* Bug #11876 fixed - ilib_include_flag now returns a string when called with a string column vector as input.
+* Bug #11885 fixed - Each rand has been changed to grand in genetic algorithms and
+ simulated annealing functions.
+* Bug #11891 fixed - Fisher ratio could be inaccurate for one-way ANOVA.
+* Bug #11953 fixed - Scilab crashed when global("") was typed.
+* Bug #11964 fixed - uicontrol coordinates system did not take figure resize into account.
+* Bug #11996 fixed - eye extended to hypermatrix.
+* Bug #11997 fixed - In case of invalid variable name, save function now returns an error
+ instead of a compatibility warning.
+* Bug #12012 fixed - Misleading perl function should not be part of Scilab (tagged as obsolete).
+* Bug #12034 fixed - max function did not manage empty matrices.
+* Bug #12037 fixed - Simplified Chinese version of SciNotes displayed warnings at startup.
+* Bug #12045 fixed - repmat returned wrong results if the values of an input matrix were
+ not double.
+* Bug #12070 fixed - Removing a module can now be done in an on-line mode even if
+ it has been installed in an off-line mode.
+* Bug #12073 fixed - Width of code examples has been decreased in XML help pages.
+* Bug #12080 fixed - lsqrsolve always printed messages.
+* Bug #12082 fixed - convstr function did not work with non-ASCII symbols.
+* Bug #12085 fixed - Under Windows, csvWrite wrote wrong EOL.
+* Bug #12114 fixed - libstdc++ is now compiled as static instead of using the
+ library from thirdparty.
+* Bug #12118 fixed - ode could take complex externals.
+* Bug #12121 fixed - inv function did not work for complex sparse matrices.
+* Bug #12130 fixed - flipdim can now flip blocks, thus making jmat obsolete.
+* Bug #12143 fixed - "stop entity picker" (ged(11)) returned an error message.
+* Bug #12145 fixed - demo_mdialog internal function removed.
+* Bug #12150 fixed - datatipCreate failed with one single point.
+* Bug #12156 fixed - Closing a Scilab session in Javasci could led to a HDF5 error message.
+* Bug #12163 fixed - unzoom did not work with a single input argument.
+* Bug #12170 fixed - Calling matfile_listvar on an empty file returned an error.
+* Bug #12212 fixed - Export of a polyline in 2-D broke it into several segments.
+* Bug #12306 fixed - Invalid memory free on completion in NWNI mode fixed.
+* Bug #12308 fixed - create_palette help page removed (function removed).
+* Bug #12326 fixed - There was no way to set LaTeX font size in preview.
+* Bug #12334 fixed - Mark color in legend was invalid.
+* Bug #12349 fixed - In SciNotes, when the view was splitted, removing a char made the
+ other view jump.
+* Bug #12376 fixed - Exec & edit buttons in the help pages examples were sometimes
+ misplaced.
+* Bug #12412 fixed - Typo fixed in some error messages.
+* Bug #12413 fixed - ATOMS packages could not be removed if ATOMS had never been on-line.
+* Bug #12415 fixed - PATH environment variable grew when using call_scilab in a loop.
+* Bug #12426 fixed - By using addErrorMessage, a random string error could be displayed.
+* Bug #12433 fixed - show_pixmap function was removed from Scilab but still used in some
+ functions.
+* Bug #12439 fixed - edit_error returned a wrong message when there was no recorded error.
+* Bug #12440 fixed - Unitary test added for bitxor.
+* Bug #12443 fixed - The behavior of mopen in text file mode has been documented
+ under Windows.
+* Bug #12463 fixed - Wrong specification for rect=[x,y,w,h] argument in xstringb
+ French help page.
+* Bug #12465 fixed - ATOMS Default categories names were not localized.
+* Bug #12470 fixed - Variable browser was not refreshed after loading an environment.
+* Bug #12472 fixed - grand and link error messages fixed.
+* Bug #12473 fixed - Problems with "é" in mkdir French help page.
+* Bug #12475 fixed - csvRead did not support double quoted fields.
+* Bug #12481 fixed - xlabel could not be used with Scilab property names.
+* Bug #12485 fixed - xchange returned bad values with log scale.
+* Bug #12490 fixed - plot did not call clf; in its help page example producing a
+ wrong behavior.
+* Bug #12492 fixed - Exported EPS files were invalid when dash patterns were too long.
+* Bug #12496 fixed - zoom_rect could led to a crash in log scale.
+* Bug #12506 fixed - In SciNotes, a miscolorization could occurred when returned values
+ list was broken.
+* Bug #12508 fixed - Wrong error message in rand function fixed.
+* Bug #12518 fixed - Polynoms were not displayed by default in the variable browser.
+ and a new function bode_asymp() to draw the system asymptotes.
+* Bug #12520 fixed - Improve the description of the size in the variable browser.
+* Bug #12527 fixed - Scilab user functions were not listed in the variable browser.
+* Bug #12535 fixed - In a French localized Scilab, comma was used as decimal separator when zooming (rather than point).
+* Bug #12547 fixed - In SciNotes, lines were wrongly numbered with splitted function
+ declarations.
+* Bug #12548 fixed - Duplicated code in xmltoformat removed.
+* Bug #12550 fixed - optimbase and optimsimplex help pages were not standard.
+* Bug #12551 fixed - Stack problem with diary([],"pause") and diary([],"resume") fixed.
+* Bug #12556 fixed - A fatal error occurred when calling set with wrong instructions.
+* Bug #12557 fixed - Valid function names were not specified in function and functions
+ help pages.
+* Bug #12564 fixed - Compile and run javasci help page was not clear about needed packages.
+* Bug #12567 fixed - Error messages fixed in ricc.
+* Bug #12581 fixed - isfield could not support mlist or tlist.
+* Bug #12589 fixed - Call sequence for spzeros & spones were missing in French
+ help pages.
+* Bug #12592 fixed - Scilab hung with plot(-0).
+* Bug #12593 fixed - A wrong error message was returned when running genlib with an
+ error in the sci file.
+* Bug #12594 fixed - Invalid SciNotes configuration file avoided SciNotes startup.
+* Bug #12600 fixed - mput did not manage unsigned integer.
+* Bug #12606 fixed - Overloads for grand were not standard.
+* Bug #12613 fixed - gsort did not return correct results with %nan.
+* Bug #12614 fixed - Helpbrowser was not launched in EDT.
+* Bug #12615 fixed - Graphics seemed to be freezed after a call to plot/bar/barh with
+ a bad LineSpec argument.
+* Bug #12622 fixed - Various typos fixed in error messages.
+* Bug #12624 fixed - In case of errors in Scilab macros, "make check-TESTS" did not fail
+ as expected.
+* Bug #12627 fixed - At restoration, a window could be out of the screen.
+* Bug #12629 fixed - The last example of csim help page defined a function called
+ input (overwriting the Scilab one).
+* Bug #12631 fixed - A "see also" link has been added from progressionbar to waitbar
+ and vice versa.
+* Bug #12634 fixed - ATOMS modules could not be installed from an archive file
+ already existing in SCI/contrib/archives in "offline" mode.
+* Bug #12637 fixed - In some help pages, some signal processing functions were not in
+ the correct section.
+* Bug #12639 fixed - justify([], position) returned an error instead of [].
+* Bug #12641 fixed - graypolarplot has been fully vectorized as it was too slow.
+* Bug #12657 fixed - Computation of v1.^v2 is now done without any memory allocation,
+ when v1 and v2 are real arrays, v1 >= 0 and v2 integer.
+* Bug #12668 fixed - Undocking SciNotes led to an exception.
+* Bug #12672 fixed - Ticks part of axes_property help page updated.
+* Bug #12673 fixed - Ticks were drawn outside of axes area.
+* Bug #12678 fixed - nthroot now accepts vector/matrix as second argument.
+* Bug #12679 fixed - Argument type check added in gcd and lcm.
+* Bug #12682 fixed - Key events were disabled after zooming.
+* Bug #12683 fixed - proc_name(k, gwin) callback was badly managed depending on
+ input arguments of addmenu function.
+* Bug #12686 fixed - Error returned by diff fixed.
+* Bug #12702 fixed - When no extra parameters were needed in the cost function,
+ NDcost did not work.
+* Bug #12703 fixed - In SciNotes, common shortcuts 'SHIFT DELETE', 'SHIFT INSERT'
+ (and others) added.
+* Bug #12705 fixed - members function added. It allows to find the number of occurrences
+ and linear indexes for common values between two matrices of the
+* Bug #12706 fixed - A wrong size of a matrix as input argument of cross function was
+ not detected.
+* Bug #12708 fixed - Incorrect display in SciNotes preferences fixed (onmouseover styles).
+* Bug #12712 fixed - In SciNotes, autosaving can now use %date to append the current
+ date to the backup filename.
+* Bug #12714 fixed - csvDefault("decimal", ",") returned %f while this value was valid.
+* Bug #12715 fixed - Variable cross in pspect and cspect has been renamed because of
+ conflicts with cross function.
+* Bug #12716 fixed - In SciNotes, RTL languages were not correctly displayed.
+* Bug #12725 fixed - Datatips did not work in logarithmic scale.
+* Bug #12733 fixed - There was no way to direct graphs to nothing with driver function.
+* Bug #12736 fixed - In SciNotes, the Completion window appeared only in first tab.
+* Bug #12737 fixed - In SciNotes, autosave did not create directory if it did not exist.
+* Bug #12747 fixed - legendre now accepts the -1 and 1 values for third argument.
+* Bug #12749 fixed - fscanfMat help page updated.
+* Bug #12758 fixed - Focus issue with plot3d fixed.
+* Bug #12761 fixed - The https:// protocol was not supported on ATOMS.
+* Bug #12763 fixed - Value of "listbox" style uicontrols was not updated when using arrow keys.
+* Bug #12769 fixed - xset("window", 1) did not set the current axes.
+* Bug #12772 fixed - eigs failed when trying to solve a sparse matrix eigen value problem.
+* Bug #12774 fixed - Various typos fixed.
+* Bug #12775 fixed - Some related functions were not listed in "See also" section of
+ routh_t help page.
+* Bug #12778 fixed - Insertion of an empty matrix in an integer matrix led to a
+ wrong result.
+* Bug #12779 fixed - savewave had a miscoding in the internal function write_wavedat.
+* Bug #12783 fixed - There were some inconsistent error messages in dsearch.
+* Bug #12784 fixed - Misleading error message in many functions when passing an integer
+ argument instead of double argument fixed.
+* Bug #12785 fixed - plot did not allow int data as first argument.
+* Bug #12790 fixed - Links to ZCOS files in documentation were broken.
+* Bug #12791 fixed - More information is now given in case of failure during the ATOMS
+ autoload step.
+* Bug #12793 fixed - Improved the bode() plots with a new option "rad" to convert plot into rad/s
+ and a new function bode_asymp() to draw the system asymptotes.
+* Bug #12794 fixed - calfrq.sci code did not follow Scilab standard.
+* Bug #12795 fixed - Typos fixed in CACSD help page.
+* Bug #12800 fixed - Typo fixed in Polynomials help page.
+* Bug #12803 fixed - warning(['foo','bar']) printed two 'WARNING: '.
+* Bug #12804 fixed - Typos fixed in routh_t help page.
+* Bug #12807 fixed - Display of showprofile improved.
+* Bug #12808 fixed - Add missing </td> in documentation generation (note, warning, ...).
+* Bug #12813 fixed - flipdim function extended to any type of input data.
+* Bug #12814 fixed - Improvements of pertrans help page.
+* Bug #12815 fixed - levin redefined cov as a variable.
+ menu.
+* Bug #12816 fixed - Numbers pasted in editvar were not parsed according to locale.
+* Bug #12818 fixed - Segfault in set function with invalid property values dimension.
+* Bug #12819 fixed - Link to contributors website page fixed in the documentation.
+* Bug #12823 fixed - In help generation (toolbox) links were not correctly handled.
+* Bug #12826 fixed - <warning> and <note> tags were not managed in the documentation.
+* Bug #12827 fixed - noisegen help page improved.
+* Bug #12828 fixed - routh_t gave a wrong result if the first element of a row was zero.
+* Bug #12829 fixed - New optional output argument added for routh_t function.
+* Bug #12830 fixed - In SciNotes, it was not possible to execute a replace action
+ from the caret position.
+* Bug #12831 fixed - In SciNotes toolbar, there was no button to open code navigator.
+* Bug #12833 fixed - In SciNotes, there was no autoscroll when searching a pattern.
+* Bug #12836 fixed - Error fixed in strcmpi help page.
+* Bug #12839 fixed - Typo fixed in getVariablesOnStack help page.
+* Bug #12840 fixed - Typo fixed in number_properties.xml help page.
+* Bug #12852 fixed - Visual Studio 2012 SDK configuration was incorrect.
+* Bug #12854 fixed - configure failed to detect custom installation of docbook.
+* Bug #12858 fixed - Typo fixed in debug and pause French help pages.
+* Bug #12859 fixed - Fixed optional argument in isdef help page.
+* Bug #12860 fixed - Missing semicolon in style.css added.
+* Bug #12863 fixed - size(state-space, "r") returned an error.
+* Bug #12875 fixed - phasemag returned an error for input vector containing zeros.
+* Bug #12880 fixed - A warning is displayed when transposing arguments of plot.
+* Bug #12882 fixed - Some help pages were not clear.
+* Bug #12887 fixed - Scilab hung with auto_clear set to on and log_flags set to true.
+* Bug #12888 fixed - sysdiag was not documented about block diagonal matrices build.
+* Bug #12896 fixed - Typos fixed in XML module error messages.
+* Bug #12900 fixed - It is now possible to set proxy options in Preferences.
+* Bug #12906 fixed - champ and champ1 help pages updated
+* Bug #12909 fixed - Completion on (mt)list led to a crash.
+* Bug #12910 fixed - Typos fixed in several help pages.
+* Bug #12911 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for eig.
+* Bug #12913 fixed - linspace returned an error if the third argument was an integer type
+ variable.
+* Bug #12916 fixed - power help page improved.
+* Bug #12919 fixed - Rotation on plots was disabled after using menus.
+* Bug #12927 fixed - ones function could not take integer type input.
+* Bug #12931 fixed - ATOMS redefined "message" keyword.
+* Bug #12938 fixed - No Java compiler was available in Linux binary version.
+* Bug #12943 fixed - Datatips did not work properly when 2-D plots were rotated.
+* Bug #12945 fixed - Datatips could not be dragged properly in zoomed axes.
+* Bug #12948 fixed - When host was not found, getURL caused a crash to desktop.
+* Bug #12950 fixed - getURL ignored the proxy settings under Windows.
+* Bug #12951 fixed - Interactive zoom was broken.
+* Bug #12952 fixed - It was not always possible to search a word in a file with SciNotes.
+* Bug #12956 fixed - splitURL with no protocol in URL provoked an access
+ violation exception.
+* Bug #12957 fixed - splitURL and getURL were not declared as new 5.5 functions.
+* Bug #12962 fixed - xinfo documentation was not clear.
+* Bug #12963 fixed - drawaxis did not place the axis properly.
+* Bug #12966 fixed - Rotation, tool tip and other Xcos plot actions were
+ disabled by default.
+* Bug #12967 fixed - Data editor icon was not 16x16.
+* Bug #12968 fixed - A variable named 'temp' could not be saved.
+* Bug #12971 fixed - getURL downloaded file name was wrong.
+* Bug #12973 fixed - Exception occurring when clicking on a figure at creation fixed.
+* Bug #12976 fixed - getURL returned a file name instead of a file path.
+* Bug #12978 fixed - exportUI returned an error when input argument was a figure handle.
+* Bug #12979 fixed - exportUI did not work with vectorial export.
+* Bug #12990 fixed - GED features conflicted with figure events.
+* Bug #12992 fixed - The sigma value was always equal to "LM" in eigs.
+* Bug #12993 fixed - stdev returned value depended on 'x' being defined in the environment.
+* Bug #13000 fixed - []./int8(3) and on int8(3)./[] led to an endless recursive.
+* Bug #13002 fixed - modulo and pmodulo did not support integers & hypermatrices.
+* Bug #13003 fixed - String to enum converter added to Java external objects.
+* Bug #13004 fixed - Debug infos were displayed in case of an error with eoj.
+* Bug #13005 fixed - jcompile did not use the classpath to compile.
+* Bug #13007 fixed - Compilation errors were not returned by jcompile.
+* Bug #13008 fixed - 'help $' now opens the 'Symbols' help page.
+* Bug #13010 fixed - Wrong class was returned by jcompile (with ecj).
+* Bug #13011 fixed - ilib_compile failed under Mac OS X 10.9.
+* Bug #13012 fixed - Vectorial export of rotated strings was wrong.
+* Bug #13013 fixed - In SciNotes, the first proposed directory to save a file was not current working directory.
+* Bug #13014 fixed - Update of the efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga.
+* Bug #13015 fixed - Computation of efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga.
+* Bug #13022 fixed - Vectorial export did not clip large segments.
+* Bug #13023 fixed - xs2pdf crashed under Windows when the target file was already opened.
+ (and others) added.
+* Bug #13027 fixed - There was no autowrap into array in JIMS.
+* Bug #13031 fixed - Lorentz Butterfly demonstration fixed.
+* Bug #13032 fixed - CMATVIEW help page example fixed and CMAT3D help page example created.
+* Bug #13033 fixed - -1 could not be used as nax argument in plot2d.
+* Bug #13036 fixed - The help page associated to the history browser was wrong.
+* Bug #13041 fixed - Wrong result was returned for "integer scalar" minus "integer vector".
+* Bug #13042 fixed - Texts in graphics were not properly centered.
+* Bug #13047 fixed - jcompile did not allow class reloading.
+* Bug #13049 fixed - New handled protocols added in links in SciNotes.
+* Bug #13050 fixed - The result of mvvacov was not symmetric.
+* Bug #13051 fixed - SciNotes restoration could block desktop one.
+* Bug #13053 fixed - datatipCreate did not return datatip handle.
+* Bug #13055 fixed - Array indexing did not follow Scilab convention in JIMS.
+* Bug #13061 fixed - hdf5 demonstration failed with a read-only file.
+* Bug #13063 fixed - Color selection in SciNotes preferences threw exceptions.
+* Bug #13064 fixed - Deleting a link connected to a split led to a translated link.
+* Bug #13066 fixed - data_bounds was not fully documented in axes_properties.
+* Bug #13069 fixed - Documentation for %MODELICA_USER_LIBS updated.
+* Bug #13080 fixed - Contextual menu was unavailable for datatips management.
+* Bug #13082 fixed - Datatip mark style was not inherited from the parent polyline.
+* Bug #13083 fixed - Datatip marks did not inherit colors from the parent polyline.
+* Bug #13084 fixed - interp_mode property could not be set on all datatips of the same polyline.
+* Bug #13085 fixed - A datatip could not be moved on a circle.
+* Bug #13092 fixed - Optimizations now check the user function output (must be real).
+* Bug #13093 fixed - Removed trailing "\n" in the head_comments error message.
+* Bug #13101 fixed - When x-axis was in reverse position x_location='origin' failed.
+* Bug #13102 fixed - savematfile did not support "-v7.3" option.
+* Bug #13108 fixed - Time between ATOMS database updates is now a month (was a day) and is configurable.
+* Bug #13109 fixed - pol2str now supports polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices.
+* Bug #13111 fixed - sqrt returned different results when imaginary part was -0 versus 0.
+* Bug #13114 fixed - clear_pixmap/pixmap property should have been removed in Scilab 5.4.1.
+* Bug #13116 fixed - qpsolve now respects upper-bounds constraints.
+* Bug #13119 fixed - mget and mgetl now return an error when called with decimal values as number of lines.
+* Bug #13121 fixed - ode "rk" option crashed Scilab when the user derivative function failed.
+* Bug #13127 fixed - There were no subticks with user defined ticks.
+* Bug #13132 fixed - There were missing graduations when data_bounds interval was too small.
+* Bug #13134 fixed - User-defined ticks in log scale were invisible.
+* Bug #13136 fixed - exists and isdef failed for input arguments longer than 1.
+* Bug #13139 fixed - fft help page fixed.
+* Bug #13140 fixed - Various typos fixed in help pages.
+* Bug #13144 fixed - csvRead can now ignore header comments thanks to a new input argument.
+* Bug #13146 fixed - profile failed when a comment was on the same line as a function declaration.
+* Bug #13150 fixed - Vectorial export used too much memory for grayplot.
+* Bug #13152 fixed - Typo fixed in syslin French help page.
+* Bug #13164 fixed - Miscolorization in SciNotes colors preferences fixed.
+* Bug #13165 fixed - Preferences reset did not show a confirmation pop-up.
+* Bug #13168 fixed - Wrong interpretation of star followed by minus fixed.
+* Bug #13170 fixed - Legends for plzr plots fixed.
+* Bug #13174 fixed - Scilab crashed after XML element removal.
+* Bug #13175 fixed - argn help page updated with specific cases.
+* Bug #13177 fixed - Error when changing x_ticks.locations on axes fixed.
+* Bug #13185 fixed - When the "checked" option of a uimenu was set to "on" for
+ the first time, the display order of other uimenus was changed.
+* Bug #13186 fixed - csvRead freezed Scilab if separator was an empty string.
+* Bug #13187 fixed - xmltoformat did not include "imageobjects" in output.
+* Bug #13188 fixed - The output argument of eomday function was not pre-dimensioned.
+* Bug #13191 fixed - isempty(rational) returned an error message.
+* Bug #13192 fixed - horner returned an error message when the input arguments did not have the same size.
+* Bug #13194 fixed - part help page improved.
+* Bug #13199 fixed - There was a thin blue line around acknowledgements button in about box.
+* Bug #13200 fixed - about() ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS did not render utf-8 characters.
+* Bug #13201 fixed - x_mdialog entries had no margin.
+* Bug #13202 fixed - kernel help page improved.
+* Bug #13203 fixed - Typos fixed in some error messages.
+* Bug #13205 fixed - group accepted continuous transfer functions.
+* Bug #13208 fixed - New nanreglin function to handle NaNs for reglin().
+* Bug #13210 fixed - Incorrect argument description in mseek help page.
+* Bug #13213 fixed - User-defined margins were reset by auto computation of the margins.
+* Bug #13215 fixed - clf(1001) returned an error.
+* Bug #13218 fixed - Typos fixed in core module help pages.
+* Bug #13226 fixed - Completion with accented chars could led to a crash.
+* Bug #13227 fixed - Invalid windowsConfiguration.xml file could avoid Scilab startup.
+* Bug #13233 fixed - Wrong simulation result of step response csim('step',t,H) fixed.
+* Bug #13234 fixed - lmitool calling sequence clarified.
+* Bug #13236 fixed - "parents" help page has been renamed to "parentheses".
+* Bug #13238 fixed - Wrong legends display fixed.
+* Bug #13243 fixed - optim with "gc" option failed when imp<0.
+* Bug #13247 fixed - Hypermatrix in structure definition did not work properly.
+* Bug #13252 fixed - Minor typos fixed in Graphics messages.
+* Bug #13258 fixed - Bad number display in datatips fixed.
+* Bug #13267 fixed - Implicit typecasts in scicos.c fixed.
+* Bug #13271 fixed - plot2d with logarithmic scale and %nan value froze Scilab.
+* Bug #13272 fixed - Error occurring when reading CSV files with comment option on a CSV file without comment fixed.
+* Bug #13280 fixed - Axes were not always displayed properly after figure resize.
+Xcos Bug Fixes
+* Bug #7350 fixed - The I/O ports numbering of a superblock was not updated
+ when a new port was dropped.
+* Bug #8570 fixed - "Region to superblock" has been renamed to
+ "Selection to superblock".
+* Bug #9995 fixed - LOGICAL_OP drew the parameters over the block.
+* Bug #11518 fixed - CLR block-text was displayed out of the bounding box
+ when zooming.
+* Bug #11776 fixed - CMSCOPE did not take into account label&Id parameter.
+* Bug #11975 fixed - Inverted Pendulum demonstration did not compile.
+* Bug #12359 fixed - Xcos files have been converted to ZCOS to gain some space.
+* Bug #12384 fixed - Using a Modelica part linked with an explicit link to
+ another Modelica part led to an algebraic loop error.
+* Bug #12387 fixed - The "Modelica initialize" setup menu option did not blur
+ during simulation.
+* Bug #12414 fixed - SWITCH_m block had different behaviors
+ for different types of inputs.
+* Bug #12423 fixed - Data types of SWITCH2_m were not documented.
+* Bug #12424 fixed - Calling lincos on a derivative block made Scilab crash.
+* Bug #12449 fixed - QUANT_f was not rounding/truncating/flooring/ceiling properly input signal.
+* Bug #12460 fixed - xcosPalGenerateAllIcons sometimes crashed Scilab.
+* Bug #12461 fixed - Cancelling zoom out by zooming in did not fully work.
+* Bug #12561 fixed - SELECT_m and RELAY_f did not behave as expected.
+* Bug #12568 fixed - "Recent files" menu entry is now below the "Open" one.
+* Bug #12590 fixed - Block shape style was removed on file loading.
+* Bug #12603 fixed - ZCOS files could contain blocks with modified (eg. invalid)
+ parameters.
+* Bug #12619 fixed - DLR discrete block did not display LaTeX formula
+ like CLR continuous block.
+* Bug #12651 fixed - The 'nw' scicos_simulate option did not work while
+ passing a previous Info simulation status.
+* Bug #12664 fixed - Inverted pendulum French localization in the Xcos demonstrations was
+ inaccurate.
+* Bug #12667 fixed - 'Recent Files' menu was not localized.
+* Bug #12685 fixed - The lincos and steadycos functions did not load
+ the XcosLibs so all the blocks were unknown.
+* Bug #12731 fixed - Code generation produced erroneous block.
+* Bug #12732 fixed - Improper Copyright comments in the files were generated by the code
+ generation tool.
+* Bug #12796 fixed - There was some mismatches between implicit
+ and explicit ports of superblocks.
+* Bug #12797 fixed - I/O blocks generated by "Selection to Superblocks" had
+ wrong size.
+* Bug #12868 fixed - There were several problems with PULSE_SC block.
+* Bug #12869 fixed - min and max were not defined but used in Xcos generated code.
+* Bug #12873 fixed - scicos_flat produced an unexpected error after a diagram
+ load.
+* Bug #12874 fixed - CSCOPE marks sizes were too small.
+* Bug #12877 fixed - Incorrect output port dimensions and types in GENSIN_f, GENSQR_f,
+ STEP_FUNCTION and STEP blocks fixed.
+* Bug #12924 fixed - Blocks type 2004 was not handled as a valid block type.
+* Bug #12934 fixed - Separate compilation of a superblock could fail due to under
+ determined signal sizes.
+* Bug #12998 fixed - 'ans' was not ignored in the context results.
+* Bug #13006 fixed - Selection to superblock (in_f and out_f) failed.
+* Bug #13030 fixed - Selection to superblock did not reset the origin.
+* Bug #13059 fixed - NaN propagated at startup made the simulation fail.
+* Bug #13071 fixed - Three unused functions in Xcos macros now specified as not mandatory
+ to write new blocks.
+* Bug #13172 fixed - Logic block help file had some typo errors.
+* Bug #13239 fixed - Grid was not shown in zoomed log scale.
+* Bug #13250 fixed - CLSS wrongly handled scalar values.
+ Changes between version 5.5.0-beta-1 and 5.5.0
+ ==============================================
+GUI Refactoring and Improvements
+* New uicontrols styles:
+ - tab: component which enables the user to switch between sets of uicontrols by
+ clicking on a tab.
+ The children components are "frame" uicontrols.
+ Two dedicated properties have been added to configure this component:
+ - title_position: Position of the tabs
+ - title_scroll: Indicates if tabs must all be displayed at a time or
+ managed with scroll features.
+ - layer: Component which enables the user to make parts of a GUI visible/invisible
+ programmatically.
+ - spinner: Component which enables the user to select/edit a value between bounds
+ with a fixed step.
+* New uicontrols properties:
+ - border: Used to set some decoration properties on "frame" uicontrols.
+ These decorations can be created and initialized with the createBorder
+ and the createBorderFont functions.
+ - scrollable: Used to add scrolling capabilities on "frame" uicontrols.
+ - groupname: Used to group "radiobutton" and "checkbox" uicontrols for an easier
+ management.
+ - icon: Add an icon to "pushbutton", "text" and "frame" uicontrols.
+ - margin: Empty space around uicontrols.
+* New uimenu properties:
+ - icon: add an icon on the left of the menu label.
+* "listbox" and "popupmenu" style uicontrols can now manage colors selection, icons, background
+ and foreground colors when the "String" property is set to a matrix matching the format:
+ ["#color1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "#color2", "Item2", ..., ...]
+ ["icon1", "Item1", "#background1", "#foreground1"; "icon2", "Item2", ..., ...]
+ with "#color1", "#background1" and "#foreground1" in HTML format #XXXXXX.
+ Then the component will display a colored box or icon on the left of the associated string,
+ and different background/foreground colors for items.
+* New management of uicontrols positioning:
+ In previous versions, uicontrols position was managed in an absolute way through
+ their "Position" property and the "Resizefcn" property of their parent figure.
+ Using the new layout management in figures and "frame" style uicontrols, position
+ is now managed in an automatic way based on Java layouts.
+ New dedicated properties have been added in figure and uicontrols:
+ - layout: layout type.
+ - layout_options: configuration of the layout.
+ Options can be initialized with the createLayoutOptions function.
+ Type "help layouts" in Scilab for more information about available types and options.
+ Uicontrols position is then managed through the "constraints" property.
+ A new createConstraints function has been added to managed these contraints.
+* New figures properties:
+ - icon: Allows to customize the figure icon.
+ - menubar: allows to create windows without any menu bar (default menus will not be created).
+ - menubar_visible: Manages menu bar visibility.
+ - toolbar: Allows to create windows without any toolbar.
+ - toolbar_visible: Manages toolbar visibility.
+ - infobar_visible: Manages infobar visibility.
+ - resize: Allows to lock window size.
+ - dockable: Allows to create dockable/standard figures.
+ - default_axes: Allows to manage default axes creation in figures.
+* The figure "visible" property management has evolved and offers new possibilities:
+ - When the figure is docked, this property manages the visibility
+ of components inside the figure (uicontrols, axes, ...).
+ In previous releases, this same property setting only managed axes.
+ - When the figure is not docked, this property manages the visibility
+ of the whole figure including its decorations.
+* New way to create GUI using XML files:
+ - Created GUI using the figure/uicontrol/uimenu functions can now be saved in
+ this new format using saveGui function.
+ - XML files in this format can be loaded in Scilab using the loadGui function.
+ This function aims at creating GUI in a more efficient way.
+* New rendering for GUI/uicontrols:
+ In this version, uicontrols use the defaults of the OS Look & Feel.
+ Some properties default values are not set by Scilab and then can be different from an
+ OS to another.
+ To come back to the previous and deprecated behavior, you can use the related
+ property on the "Console" handle:
+ set(get(0), "UseDeprecatedSkin", "on");
+ Note that this deprecated behavior will be removed in future versions.
+* New way to access uicontrols using a path containing their "Tag" and their parent(s) "Tag" property.
+ See the set and get functions help page for more details.
+* New display for uicontrols handles properties. Only properties used for Java rendering are displayed.
+ To display all available properties, use the "ShowHiddenProperties" "Console" property.
+Graphics Evolutions
+* set function prototype has been modified to allow the user to set multiple
+ properties at once: set(h, "Property1", Value1, "Property2", Value2, ...)
+* newaxes function now allows to create axes in "frame" uicontrols.
+* clf function now also works with "frame" uicontrols.
+* New axes properties:
+ - ticks_format: Format of the ticks labels.
+ - ticks_st: Scales and translates factors applied to ticks position when formatting
+ the ticks labels.
+ - auto_margins: Activated by default, this property lets Scilab compute margins
+ needed to display axes decorations (titles, labels, ...).
+ - grid_thickness: Thickness of the grid plotting.
+ - grid_style: Style of the grid plotting.
+ - label_font_style: Font style used to draw the labels.
+* New legends properties:
+ - line_width: Width of the drawn line.
+ - mark_count: Number of the drawn marks.
+* New polyline properties:
+ - mark_offset: Offset before the first mark.
+ - mark_stride: Step between consecutive marks.
+ - display_function: Name of the function used to customize the information
+ displayed in all the datatips of this polyline.
+ This function can be overloaded by setting a display
+ function on each datatip handle.
+ - display_function_data: Additional data needed for datatips display function.
+ - datatips: Handles of the datatips of the polyline.
+* New Matplot property added :
+ - rect: specifies the rectangle where the Matplot will be drawn.
+* Datatips properties have been renamed for better readability:
+ - tip_data --> data
+ - tip_box_mode --> box_mode
+ - tip_label_mode --> label_mode
+ - tip_orientation --> orientation
+ - tip_3component --> z_component
+ - tip_auto_orientation --> auto_orientation
+ - tip_interp_mode --> interp_mode
+ - tip_disp_function --> display_function
+* New functions introduced:
+ - jcreatejar - Creates a Java archive (JAR) from a set of files / directories
+ - ilib_build_jar - Builds Java packages from sources into a JAR file
+ - ifftshift - Inverses FFT shift
+ - unwrap - Unwraps/unfolds a Y(x) profile
+ - getPreferencesValue/setPreferencesValue - Get or set values in the preferences file.
+ - htmlDump/htmlRead/htmlReadStr/htmlWrite - Read and write data from/in HTML files.
+ - numderivative - Approximate derivatives of a function (Jacobian or Hessian).
+* modulo and pmodulo now support integers & hypermatrices (See bug #13002).
+* test_run can now separate 32-bit systems from 64-bit ones.
+* pol2str: now handles polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices (See bug #13109).
+* nanreglin: reglin with arguments containing NaNs (See bug #13208).
+* New optional input argument added to matfile2sci (append or write the output file).
+* xcos_debug_gui function added for a simple use of the Debug block.
+* tbx_build_pal_loader function added to ease external module creation (See SEP #120).
+* Event management demonstrations added.
+* API change: In scicos_block4.h, "Residute" renamed to "Jacobian".
+Obsolete & Removed Functions
+* relocate_handle tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* msd and st_deviation tagged as obsolete (See bug #7593). Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use stdev instead.
+* pcg tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use conjgrad instead.
+* milk_drop tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* datatipGetStruct tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use 'datatips' property instead.
+* regress tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use reglin instead.
+* %asn tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use delip instead.
+* jmat tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use flipdim instead.
+* perl tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0.
+* numdiff and derivative tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0.
+ Please use numderivative instead.
+* xmltochm tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* clear_pixmap removed, please use drawlater/drawnow instead.
+* pixmap property removed for figures, please use drawlater/drawnow instead.
+* demo_message and demo_mdialog removed.
+* with_embedded_jre removed.
+* draw removed.
+* fit_dat removed. Please use datafit instead.
+* winclose removed. Please use close instead.
+* datatipInitStruct and datatipRedraw removed.
+* getfont, getmark, getlinestyle and getsymbol removed. Please use ged instead.
+* Minimal version of JoGL (2.1.4) enforced.
+* Minimal version of JLaTeXMath (1.0.3) enforced.
+* New dependencies to manage EMF export:
+ - freehep-graphics2d.jar
+ - freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar
+ - freehep-graphicsio.jar
+ - freehep-io.jar
+ - freehep-util.jar
+ Note: --without-emf can be used to disable this feature.
+Known incompatibilities
+* Using => or =< now returns an error. See bug #2345.
+* or/and functions now fix reals value before working on them. See bug #7666.
+* a*b*-c+d is now interpreted as (a*b*(-c))+d instead of a*b*(-c+d). See bug #13168.
+* Extracting children from an empty matrix of handles now returns an error.
+ For example: f=gcf(); f.children(1).children.children returns an error.
+* Figure anti_aliasing property behavior changed:
+ - "off": No anti-aliasing activated on the figure.
+ - "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x": anti-aliasing activation will have no effect on most plateforms.
+Scilab Bug Fixes
+* Bug #1253 fixed - There was no possibility to draw only few marks on a polyline which
+ contained a lot of points.
+* Bug #1751 fixed - Margins were not computed according to contents.
+* Bug #2067 fixed - Scilab crashed when plot was called with a large numerical value.
+* Bug #2345 fixed - Use of operators => and =< did not lead to an error.
+* Bug #2802 fixed - convstr did not convert non ascii chars.
+* Bug #4083 fixed - The numdiff and derivative functions were duplicates and are
+ now tagged as obsolete and replaced by numderivative. See SEP #130.
+* Bug #4177 fixed - find function moved to the "elementary_functions" module.
+* Bug #4401 fixed - isnum did not recognize all constants or some complex numbers.
+* Bug #4490 fixed - Input argument of sinc function moved to rad.
+* Bug #4649 fixed - License issue in xs2ppm help page fixed.
+* Bug #4677 fixed - xclick did not return correct mouse position on keyboard event.
+* Bug #4692 fixed - Export did not work while xgetmouse was waiting.
+* Bug #4858 fixed - libintl.h was missing in binary versions but included in localization.h.
+* Bug #4965 fixed - Setting links property for a handle of type legend did not work.
+* Bug #5016 fixed - condestsp could return different results when repeated calls were performed.
+* Bug #5232 fixed - 'frame' uicontrols children now follow the frame displacement.
+* Bug #5826 fixed - Graphic windows did not redirect key events in console.
+* Bug #5844 fixed - grayplot did not have a logflag option.
+* Bug #5886 fixed - There was no property labels_font_style on axis.
+* Bug #6191 fixed - It was not possible to set thickness and line_style properties for a grid.
+* Bug #6305 fixed - dsearch function did not work with integers, strings and hypermatrices.
+* Bug #6306 fixed - It is now possible to compute an histogram instead of plotting it
+ with new function histc(). Besides, histplot can now return the computed data.
+* Bug #6363 fixed - It was not possible to create figures without menubar/toolbar.
+* Bug #6404 fixed - xrects help page was not clear about argument specification.
+* Bug #6476 fixed - Matplot help did not indicate that the data field should be used to update data.
+* Bug #6512 fixed - %asn function tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #6615 fixed - ui(get|put)file did not center the file dialog on the last focused window.
+* Bug #6689 & #6690 fixed - grand now works with complexes, polynomials, booleans, integers, sparses and strings,
+ and can handle row vectors, matrices and hypermatrices of thoses types.
+* Bug #6824 fixed - resize_matrix did not manage hypermatrices.
+* Bug #6832 fixed - Matrices of rationals can now be transposed via the " .' " operator.
+* Bug #6859 fixed - xlabel and xtitle could overlapped.
+* Bug #6930 fixed - Matplot handle had no rect property.
+* Bug #7038 fixed - A toggle button now manages datatip mode.
+* Bug #7040 fixed - Example and description for getMatrixOfIntegerPrecision modified in help page.
+* Bug #7047 fixed - milk_drop is now obsolete. It will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1, but will be kept as a demonstration.
+* Bug #7051 fixed - fieldnames help page updated.
+* Bug #7084 fixed - Old, not documented and deprecated gr_menu function removed.
+* Bug #7085 fixed - 'edit' uicontrols did not support multiple line edition.
+* Bug #7133 fixed - help_from_sci with no input argument now launches a full demonstration.
+* Bug #7169 fixed - It was not possible to specify different option value (thickness, style, ...) for X and Y grids.
+* Bug #7205 fixed - length(H) applied to a non-string hypermat returned 3 instead of size(H,"*").
+* Bug #7244 fixed - Extraction from a struct array with a boolean vector had a strange behavior.
+* Bug #7304 fixed - exportUI did not switch filename extension when filter was changed.
+* Bug #7417 fixed - Auto-positioning of datatips did not take the curvature into account.
+* Bug #7561 fixed - roots help page now explains that coefficients are used in the contrary order of poly.
+* Bug #7570 fixed - The switch criterion on x and y is now explained in beta() help page.
+* Bug #7585 fixed - psi.f moved from "elementary functions" to "special functions" module.
+* Bug #7593 fixed - stdev now encompasses msd and st_deviation thanks to a new optional input argument.
+* Bug #7650 fixed - isempty(tlist(...)) always returned false, even when all defined fields were empty.
+* Bug #7666 fixed - Inconsistencies between and/or and &/| fixed.
+* Bug #7705 fixed - "dimension", "minbounds" and "maxbounds" fields have been documented in Genetic algorithms help pages.
+* Bug #7739 fixed - Axis position was invalid in log modes.
+* Bug #7771 fixed - There was no item about arrow_size in champ_properties help page.
+* Bug #7772 fixed - There was no description, no example about line_style property in polyline help page.
+* Bug #7858 fixed - variance and variancef can now return the mean of the input
+ in a new output argument and take the a priori mean as input.
+* Bug #7879 fixed - string now accepts plist type, and printing a plist displays that string.
+* Bug #7905 fixed - Figure icon can now be changed using dedicated property.
+* Bug #7916 fixed - nansum([]) returned NaN value while this function had to ignore it.
+* Bug #7986 fixed - spec gateway renamed from sci_eig.c to sci_spec.c.
+* Bug #7999 fixed - SwingScilabFileChooser.getFilterIndex() was unusable.
+* Bug #8031 fixed - cdfgam error message fixed.
+* Bug #8060 fixed - Improved list display in the variable browser.
+* Bug #8131 fixed - It was not possible to choose the number of marks and the line width in legends.
+* Bug #8133 fixed - Ticks disappeared in planar 3-D view.
+* Bug #8196 fixed - Error messages dealing with negative thickness were not standard.
+* Bug #8231 fixed - xrect help page did not say that clipping property was inherited.
+* Bug #8247 fixed - regress tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #8290 fixed - DELAYV_f block documentation fixed.
+* Bug #8323 fixed - Scilab "About Box" did not hide Scilab main window.
+* Bug #8337 fixed - mtlb_rand now uses the "uniform" rule, whatever the random rule set is.
+* Bug #8379 fixed - It was not possible to delete the selected datatip with DELETE or BACKSPACE.
+* Bug #8745 fixed - Extracting from an empty matrix automatically returned an empty matrix.
+* Bug #8956 fixed - xpoly, xfpoly, xrect, xsegs and xarc did not update data_bounds property.
+* Bug #9031 fixed - Misalignment of text when using xstring with a matrix fixed.
+* Bug #9033 fixed - auto_dimensioning property for text handles was not documented.
+* Bug #9110 fixed - Examples and references to other functions added in Statistics help pages.
+* Bug #9309 fixed - comparison help page updated to document issue with empty matrix.
+* Bug #9319 fixed - Huge polylines could not be exported in PS/EPS.
+* Bug #9444 fixed - with_embedded_jre function removed.
+* Bug #9493 fixed - Title is now correctly set when starting Scilab and focus is set on Console.
+* Bug #9627 fixed - Arguments checking added in optimsimplex_* functions.
+* Bug #9697 fixed - Displayed information for optim "qn" and "gc" with bounds and imp=1 fixed.
+* Bug #9701 fixed - optim with "qn" option was failing for large problems.
+* Bug #9819 fixed - unwrap function did not exist in Scilab.
+* Bug #9840 fixed - Default G tolerance in lsqrsolve was too large.
+* Bug #10012 fixed - lmisolver and lmitool called with no input now produce errors.
+* Bug #10083 fixed - plot3d could not be used with only one input argument.
+* Bug #10122 fixed - replot could not be used in 3-D.
+* Bug #10175 fixed - Clearer example added for sp2adj to adj2sp conversion (and backwards conversion).
+* Bug #10214 fixed - evstr help page updated to mention that input argument must not be composed of
+ continuation marks (..).
+* Bug #10221 fixed - ifftshift function did not exist in Scilab.
+* Bug #10234 fixed - reglin function moved from CACSD to Statistics module.
+* Bug #10243 fixed - fun2string(X) called X before returning its code.
+* Bug #10271 fixed - ordmmd now checks the consistency of the third input argument with the
+ input matrix defined by the first two input arguments.
+* Bug #10273 fixed - spchol help page now displays an example showing how to use its output arguments.
+* Bug #10391 fixed - Error when using completion after a global variable clear fixed.
+* Bug #10428 fixed - Java based components of Scilab showed a library load error in CLI mode.
+* Bug #10445 fixed - In SciNotes, CTRL+Drag&Drop moved text rather than copying it.
+* Bug #10470 fixed - In SciNotes, split "Horizontally" or "Vertically" was meaningless.
+* Bug #10621 fixed - Figure without docking/undocking capabilities can now be created.
+* Bug #10645 fixed - File encoding could not be given as argument in xmlRead.
+* Bug #10718 fixed - New "Resize" property added to figures.
+* Bug #10805 fixed - Documentation on left bracket was superfluous and is now removed.
+ Refer to brackets for information on "[" and "]".
+* Bug #10816 fixed - Typo in part error message fixed.
+* Bug #10830 fixed - Hypermatrix insertion with a negative index returned a wrong error message.
+* Bug #10833 fixed - exists help page updated.
+* Bug #10840 fixed - Keyboard arrows were disabled on 'slider' type uicontrols.
+* Bug #10856 fixed - analpf did not return the right result.
+* Bug #10932 fixed - Startup directory was not saved/restored in preferences.
+* Bug #10936 fixed - Scilab hung with invalid strf in plot2d.
+* Bug #10942 fixed - Function soundsec revised. Now soundsec can be used for non integer values of time.
+* Bug #10998 fixed - matrix*hypermatrix and hypermatrix*matrix operations failed.
+* Bug #11001 fixed - exists and isdef did not work with primitives.
+* Bug #11007, #11008 & #11009 fixed - New conjgrad function (Conjugate Gradient methods "pcg", "cgs", "bicg" and "bicgstab").
+* Bug #11303 fixed - Exception while searching with multiple tabs in SciNotes fixed.
+* Bug #11305 fixed - Performances improved with a better way to update data in Graphics.
+* Bug #11523 fixed - In SciNotes, 'whereami line numbering' was not clear enough.
+* Bug #11571 fixed - x_mdialog did not let the Look&Feel select the window size.
+* Bug #11575 fixed - There was no preview of GIF files in exportUI dialog.
+* Bug #11576 fixed - exportUI did not propose gcf().figure_name as default file name.
+* Bug #11616 fixed - Figure menubar could not be made invisible.
+* Bug #11629 fixed - Interactive zoom did not work properly in datatip mode.
+* Bug #11680 fixed - GUI functions in Scilab 5.4.X were much slower than in Scilab 5.3.3.
+* Bug #11714 fixed - help_from_sci sometimes failed when input function had "<imagedata>" comments.
+* Bug #11779 fixed - Wrong variable type in the documentation of getNbInputArgument and getNbOutputArgument fixed.
+* Bug #11789 fixed - Documentation was missing for nbInputArgument.
+* Bug #11814 fixed - Typo in CACSD help chapter fixed.
+* Bug #11876 fixed - ilib_include_flag now returns a string when called with a string column vector as input.
+* Bug #11953 fixed - Scilab crashed when global("") was typed.
+* Bug #11964 fixed - uicontrol coordinates system did not take figure resize into account.
+* Bug #11996 fixed - eye extended to hypermatrix.
+* Bug #12012 fixed - Misleading perl function should not be part of Scilab (tagged as obsolete).
+* Bug #12037 fixed - Simplified Chinese version of SciNotes displayed warnings at startup.
+* Bug #12073 fixed - Width of code examples has been decreased in XML help pages.
+* Bug #12082 fixed - convstr function did not work with non-ASCII symbols.
+* Bug #12121 fixed - inv function did not work for complex sparse matrices.
+* Bug #12130 fixed - flipdim can now flip blocks, thus making jmat obsolete.
+* Bug #12145 fixed - demo_mdialog internal function removed.
+* Bug #12156 fixed - Closing a Scilab session in Javasci could led to a HDF5 error message.
+* Bug #12170 fixed - Calling matfile_listvar on an empty file returned an error.
+* Bug #12306 fixed - Invalid memory free on completion in NWNI mode fixed.
+* Bug #12308 fixed - create_palette help page removed (function removed).
+* Bug #12334 fixed - Mark color in legend was invalid.
+* Bug #12412 fixed - Typo fixed in some error messages.
+* Bug #12439 fixed - edit_error returned a wrong message when there was no recorded error.
+* Bug #12440 fixed - Unitary test added for bitxor.
+* Bug #12465 fixed - ATOMS Default categories names were not localized.
+* Bug #12472 fixed - grand and link error messages fixed.
+* Bug #12481 fixed - xlabel could not be used with Scilab property names.
+* Bug #12485 fixed - xchange returned bad values with log scale.
+* Bug #12492 fixed - Exported EPS files were invalid when dash patterns were too long.
+* Bug #12496 fixed - zoom_rect could led to a crash in log scale.
+* Bug #12535 fixed - In a French localized Scilab, comma was used as decimal separator when zooming (rather than point).
+* Bug #12567 fixed - Error messages fixed in ricc.
+* Bug #12622 fixed - Various typos fixed in error messages.
+* Bug #12672 fixed - Ticks part of axes_property help page updated.
+* Bug #12673 fixed - Ticks were drawn outside of axes area.
+* Bug #12682 fixed - Key events were disabled after zooming.
+* Bug #12683 fixed - proc_name(k, gwin) callback was badly managed depending on
+ input arguments of addmenu function.
+* Bug #12714 fixed - csvDefault("decimal", ",") returned %f while this value was valid.
+* Bug #12716 fixed - In SciNotes, RTL languages were not correctly displayed.
+* Bug #12725 fixed - Datatips did not work in logarithmic scale.
+* Bug #12733 fixed - There was no way to direct graphs to nothing with driver function.
+* Bug #12737 fixed - In SciNotes, autosave did not create directory if it did not exist.
+* Bug #12763 fixed - Value of "listbox" style uicontrols was not updated when using arrow keys.
+* Bug #12769 fixed - xset("window", 1) did not set the current axes.
+* Bug #12784 fixed - Misleading error message in many functions when passing an integer
+ argument instead of double argument fixed.
+* Bug #12785 fixed - plot did not allow int data as first argument.
+* Bug #12803 fixed - warning(['foo','bar']) printed two 'WARNING: '.
+* Bug #12819 fixed - Link to contributors website page fixed in the documentation.
+* Bug #12826 fixed - <warning> and <note> tags were not managed in the documentation.
+* Bug #12854 fixed - configure failed to detect custom installation of docbook.
+* Bug #12860 fixed - Missing semicolon in style.css added.
+* Bug #12880 fixed - A warning is displayed when transposing arguments of plot.
+* Bug #12882 fixed - Some help pages were not clear.
+* Bug #12896 fixed - Typos fixed in XML module error messages.
+* Bug #12900 fixed - It is now possible to set proxy options in Preferences.
+* Bug #12910 fixed - Typos fixed in several help pages.
+* Bug #12938 fixed - No Java compiler was available in Linux binary version.
+* Bug #12943 fixed - Datatips did not work properly when 2-D plots were rotated.
+* Bug #12945 fixed - Datatips could not be dragged properly in zoomed axes.
+* Bug #12948 fixed - When host was not found, getURL caused a crash to desktop.
+* Bug #12950 fixed - getURL ignored the proxy settings under Windows.
+* Bug #12951 fixed - Interactive zoom was broken.
+* Bug #12952 fixed - It was not always possible to search a word in a file with SciNotes.
+* Bug #12956 fixed - splitURL with no protocol in URL provoked an access
+ violation exception.
+* Bug #12957 fixed - splitURL and getURL were not declared as new 5.5 functions.
+* Bug #12962 fixed - xinfo documentation was not clear.
+* Bug #12967 fixed - Data editor icon was not 16x16.
+* Bug #12963 fixed - drawaxis did not place the axis properly.
+* Bug #12966 fixed - Rotation, tool tip and other Xcos plot actions were
+ disabled by default.
+* Bug #12968 fixed - A variable named 'temp' could not be saved.
+* Bug #12971 fixed - getURL downloaded file name was wrong.
+* Bug #12973 fixed - Exception occurring when clicking on a figure at creation fixed.
+* Bug #12976 fixed - getURL returned a file name instead of a file path.
+* Bug #12978 fixed - exportUI returned an error when input argument was a figure handle.
+* Bug #12979 fixed - exportUI did not work with vectorial export.
+* Bug #12990 fixed - GED features conflicted with figure events.
+* Bug #12992 fixed - The sigma value was always equal to "LM" in eigs.
+* Bug #12993 fixed - stdev returned value depended on 'x' being defined in the environment.
+* Bug #13000 fixed - []./int8(3) and on int8(3)./[] led to an endless recursive.
+* Bug #13002 fixed - modulo and pmodulo did not support integers & hypermatrices.
+* Bug #13003 fixed - String to enum converter added to Java external objects.
+* Bug #13004 fixed - Debug infos were displayed in case of an error with eoj.
+* Bug #13005 fixed - jcompile did not use the classpath to compile.
+* Bug #13007 fixed - Compilation errors were not returned by jcompile.
+* Bug #13008 fixed - 'help $' now opens the 'Symbols' help page.
+* Bug #13010 fixed - Wrong class was returned by jcompile (with ecj).
+* Bug #13011 fixed - ilib_compile failed under Mac OS X 10.9.
+* Bug #13012 fixed - Vectorial export of rotated strings was wrong.
+* Bug #13013 fixed - In SciNotes, the first proposed directory to save a file was not current working directory.
+* Bug #13014 fixed - Update of the efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga.
+* Bug #13015 fixed - Computation of efficiency inner variable improved in optim_ga.
+* Bug #13022 fixed - Vectorial export did not clip large segments.
+* Bug #13023 fixed - xs2pdf crashed under Windows when the target file was already opened.
+* Bug #13027 fixed - There was no autowrap into array in JIMS.
+* Bug #13031 fixed - Lorentz Butterfly demonstration fixed.
+* Bug #13032 fixed - CMATVIEW help page example fixed and CMAT3D help page example created.
+* Bug #13033 fixed - -1 could not be used as nax argument in plot2d.
+* Bug #13036 fixed - The help page associated to the history browser was wrong.
+* Bug #13041 fixed - Wrong result was returned for "integer scalar" minus "integer vector".
+* Bug #13042 fixed - Texts in graphics were not properly centered.
+* Bug #13047 fixed - jcompile did not allow class reloading.
+* Bug #13049 fixed - New handled protocols added in links in SciNotes.
+* Bug #13050 fixed - The result of mvvacov was not symmetric.
+* Bug #13051 fixed - SciNotes restoration could block desktop one.
+* Bug #13053 fixed - datatipCreate did not return datatip handle.
+* Bug #13055 fixed - Array indexing did not follow Scilab convention in JIMS.
+* Bug #13061 fixed - hdf5 demonstration failed with a read-only file.
+* Bug #13063 fixed - Color selection in SciNotes preferences threw exceptions.
+* Bug #13064 fixed - Deleting a link connected to a split led to a translated link.
+* Bug #13069 fixed - Documentation for %MODELICA_USER_LIBS updated.
+* Bug #13066 fixed - data_bounds was not fully documented in axes_properties.
+* Bug #13080 fixed - Contextual menu was unavailable for datatips management.
+* Bug #13082 fixed - Datatip mark style was not inherited from the parent polyline.
+* Bug #13083 fixed - Datatip marks did not inherit colors from the parent polyline.
+* Bug #13084 fixed - interp_mode property could not be set on all datatips of the same polyline.
+* Bug #13085 fixed - A datatip could not be moved on a circle.
+* Bug #13092 fixed - Optimizations now check the user function output (must be real).
+* Bug #13093 fixed - Removed trailing "\n" in the head_comments error message.
+* Bug #13101 fixed - When x-axis was in reverse position x_location='origin' failed.
+* Bug #13102 fixed - savematfile did not support "-v7.3" option.
+* Bug #13108 fixed - Time between ATOMS database updates is now a month (was a day) and is configurable.
+* Bug #13109 fixed - pol2str now supports polynomials with complex coefficients and hypermatrices.
+* Bug #13111 fixed - sqrt returned different results when imaginary part was -0 versus 0.
+* Bug #13114 fixed - clear_pixmap/pixmap property should have been removed in Scilab 5.4.1.
+* Bug #13116 fixed - qpsolve now respects upper-bounds constraints.
+* Bug #13119 fixed - mget and mgetl now return an error when called with decimal values as number of lines.
+* Bug #13121 fixed - ode "rk" option crashed Scilab when the user derivative function failed.
+* Bug #13127 fixed - There were no subticks with user defined ticks.
+* Bug #13132 fixed - There were missing graduations when data_bounds interval was too small.
+* Bug #13134 fixed - User-defined ticks in log scale were invisible.
+* Bug #13136 fixed - exists and isdef failed for input arguments longer than 1.
+* Bug #13139 fixed - fft help page fixed.
+* Bug #13140 fixed - Various typos fixed in help pages.
+* Bug #13144 fixed - csvRead can now ignore header comments thanks to a new input argument.
+* Bug #13146 fixed - profile failed when a comment was on the same line as a function declaration.
+* Bug #13150 fixed - Vectorial export used too much memory for grayplot.
+* Bug #13152 fixed - Typo fixed in syslin French help page.
+* Bug #13164 fixed - Miscolorization in SciNotes colors preferences fixed.
+* Bug #13165 fixed - Preferences reset did not show a confirmation pop-up.
+* Bug #13168 fixed - Wrong interpretation of star followed by minus fixed.
+* Bug #13170 fixed - Legends for plzr plots fixed.
+* Bug #13174 fixed - Scilab crashed after XML element removal.
+* Bug #13175 fixed - argn help page updated with specific cases.
+* Bug #13177 fixed - Error when changing x_ticks.locations on axes fixed.
+* Bug #13185 fixed - When the "checked" option of a uimenu was set to "on" for
+ the first time, the display order of other uimenus was changed.
+* Bug #13186 fixed - csvRead freezed Scilab if separator was an empty string.
+* Bug #13187 fixed - xmltoformat did not include "imageobjects" in output.
+* Bug #13188 fixed - The output argument of eomday function was not pre-dimensioned.
+* Bug #13191 fixed - isempty(rational) returned an error message.
+* Bug #13192 fixed - horner returned an error message when the input arguments did not have the same size.
+* Bug #13194 fixed - part help page improved.
+* Bug #13199 fixed - There was a thin blue line around acknowledgements button in about box.
+* Bug #13200 fixed - about() ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS did not render utf-8 characters.
+* Bug #13201 fixed - x_mdialog entries had no margin.
+* Bug #13202 fixed - kernel help page improved.
+* Bug #13203 fixed - Typos fixed in some error messages.
+* Bug #13205 fixed - group accepted continuous transfer functions.
+* Bug #13208 fixed - New nanreglin function to handle NaNs for reglin().
+* Bug #13210 fixed - Incorrect argument description in mseek help page.
+* Bug #13213 fixed - User-defined margins were reset by auto computation of the margins.
+* Bug #13215 fixed - clf(1001) returned an error.
+* Bug #13218 fixed - Typos fixed in core module help pages.
+* Bug #13226 fixed - Completion with accented chars could led to a crash.
+* Bug #13227 fixed - Invalid windowsConfiguration.xml file could avoid Scilab startup.
+* Bug #13233 fixed - Wrong simulation result of step response csim('step',t,H) fixed.
+* Bug #13234 fixed - lmitool calling sequence clarified.
+* Bug #13236 fixed - "parents" help page has been renamed to "parentheses".
+* Bug #13238 fixed - Wrong legends display fixed.
+* Bug #13243 fixed - optim with "gc" option failed when imp<0.
+* Bug #13247 fixed - Hypermatrix in structure definition did not work properly.
+* Bug #13252 fixed - Minor typos fixed in Graphics messages.
+* Bug #13258 fixed - Bad number display in datatips fixed.
+* Bug #13267 fixed - Implicit typecasts in scicos.c fixed.
+* Bug #13271 fixed - plot2d with logarithmic scale and %nan value froze Scilab.
+* Bug #13272 fixed - Error occurring when reading CSV files with comment option on a CSV file without comment fixed.
+* Bug #13280 fixed - Axes were not always displayed properly after figure resize.
+Xcos Bug Fixes
+* Bug #9995 fixed - LOGICAL_OP drew the parameters over the block.
+* Bug #11975 fixed - Inverted Pendulum demonstration did not compile.
+* Bug #12423 fixed - Data types of SWITCH2_m were not documented.
+* Bug #12685 fixed - The lincos and steadycos functions did not load
+ the XcosLibs so all the blocks were unknown.
+* Bug #12998 fixed - 'ans' was not ignored in the context results.
+* Bug #13006 fixed - Selection to superblock (in_f and out_f) failed.
+* Bug #13030 fixed - Selection to superblock did not reset the origin.
+* Bug #13059 fixed - NaN propagated at startup made the simulation fail.
+* Bug #13071 fixed - Three unused functions in Xcos macros now specified as not mandatory
+ to write new blocks.
+* Bug #13172 fixed - Logic block help file had some typo errors.
+* Bug #13239 fixed - Grid was not shown in zoomed log scale.
+* Bug #13250 fixed - CLSS wrongly handled scalar values.
+ Changes between version 5.4.1 and 5.5.0-beta-1
+ ==============================================
+New Features
+* New special functions:
+ - erfi - The imaginary error function.
+ - dawson - Compute the Dawson function (scaled imaginary error).
+* New functions introduced:
+ - getURL - Download a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
+ - splitURL - Split a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
+ - cov - Covariance matrix. Deprecates mvvacov. See bug #11896.
+ - ismatrix - Check if a variable is a matrix. See bug #10456.
+ - isrow - Check if a variable is a row vector. See bug #10456.
+ - iscolumn - Check if a variable is a column vector. See bug #10456.
+ - issquare - Check if a variable is a square matrix. See bug #10456.
+ - cross - Vector cross product. See bug #9941.
+ - members - Number of occurrences and linear indexes of common values between
+ two matrices of the same type.See bug #12705.
+* Complete set of functions to read and write any HDF5 file from Scilab added.
+* New Solver:
+ - daskr - differential-algebraic system solver with rootfinding 'daskr', using
+BDF methods with direct and preconditioned Krylov linear solvers, based on ODEPACK.
+* Based on JIMS external module, Scilab provides functions to interact
+ with Java objects.
+* erf, erfc, erfcx and calerf functions now support complex arguments.
+* isnum has been redesigned in native code. Performance improvements up to 130x.
+ See bug #10404.
+* Usage of the '$' keyword in part function allowed.
+* The histplot command can now be used with the option polygon=%t/%f to add the
+ frequency polygon chart (Thanks to Mehran Khorshidi).
+* Multi level completion on mlist, struct, XML structures...
+* Variable browser improvements:
+ - The variable browser also shows the size of integers and the user type of
+ the tlist/mlist.
+ See bugs #12523 and #10409.
+ - It is now possible to delete variables from the variable browser.
+ See bug #9447.
+ - A user can now plot variables from the variable browser (this functionality was
+ already available in the variable editor).
+* Added lighting effect for plot of surfaces. Lighting can be enabled
+ creating light objects or disabled by deleting them. The following function
+ was introduced:
+ - light - Creates a light graphic object.
+* Localization:
+ - Multiple domains in localization managed.
+ - addlocalizationdomain function added for a new domain creation.
+ - Optional parameter added to gettext to manage domains.
+ - tbx_generate_pofile and tbx_build_localization added to create localization files for
+ modules.
+* Windows Solution updated to Visual Studio 2012.
+* -keepconsole option added for Scilab Windows to facilitate debugging.
+ Calling Scilab with this option will leave the console box window opened at startup.
+* License update: switch to the CeCILL 2.1.
+* New calling sequence allowed for nicholschart: nicholschart(gains, phases, colors).
+ See bug #7828.
+* qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an error flag,
+ if it is present, then the function will display a warning instead of an error.
+ See bug #10269.
+* graypolarplot has been improved in terms of performances and rendering.
+ See bug #12641.
+* nthroot is now vectorizable.
+ See bug #12678.
+* New optional output argument for routh_t.
+ See bug #12829.
+Differential Equations
+* Netlib's Quadpack, used for definite integration, has been updated to match the upstream.
+* Autosave feature can now use %date to append the current date to the backup filename
+ (See bug #12712).
+* New DAE solver: DDaskr, using BDF methods with direct Newton and preconditioned Krylov
+ linear solvers, which includes rootfinding.
+ It is available from dae function.
+* In Modelica initialization GUI, inputs (eg. sensor) were not handled.
+* Sundials updated to the "2.5.0" version, keeping our modifications.
+* JGraphX updated to the "" version, updating our hooks performance.
+* API changed in the scicos_block4 interface: the uid value is not available
+ inside the simulation function.
+* xcosAddToolsMenu added to let the user perform some actions on the graph.
+* CBLOCK4 block added to the "User-Defined Functions"
+Toolbox Skeleton
+* Some Xcos specific content added to xcos_toolbox_skeleton help pages.
+* Minimal version of Flexdock (1.2.4) enforced.
+Obsolete & Removed Functions
+* Scilab 5.5.X family will be the latest family working under Windows XP/2003.
+* Vector ^ scalar syntax declared as obsolete. See bug #11524
+* The third argument of poly function will be more strict.
+ Only the following strings are allowed: "roots", "coeff", "c", "r".
+* Option and direction arguments of gsort will be more strict in all cases.
+ Only the following strings are allowed:
+ - option: "r" "c" "g" "lr" "lc"
+ - direction : "d" "i"
+* nfreq tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use tabul instead.
+* IsAScalar tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use isscalar instead.
+* chart tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use nicholschart instead.
+* Second output argument of add_param tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+* mvvacov tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 6.0.0.
+ Please use cov instead.
+* dft removed, please use fft instead.
+* sscanf removed, please use msscanf instead.
+* fscanf removed, please use mfscanf for files opened with mopen or read for files opened
+ with file instead.
+* fprintf removed, please use mfprintf for files opened with mopen or write for files
+ opened with file instead.
+* mfft tagged as obsolete. Will be removed in Scilab 5.5.1.
+ Please use fft instead.
+Scilab Bug Fixes
+* paramfplot2d: When theta input argument was a column vector, an error occurred.
+* Bug #2267 fixed - Wrong error message when ticks locations and labels did not have the
+ same sizes.
+* Bug #2416 fixed - Particular case (string([]) returns []) has been added in string help
+ page.
+* Bug #3511 fixed - strindex did not return all occurrences in regexp mode.
+* Bug #3928 fixed - An error was returned when a matrix was flipped along the third
+ dimension.
+* Bug #4042 fixed - squeeze returned a hypermatrix instead of a matrix when at least one
+ dimension was equal to 1.
+* Bug #4085 fixed - num2cell help page added.
+* Bug #4229 fixed - delip did not return an error if one element of its first input
+ argument was negative.
+* Bug #4383 fixed - csim with "step" and "impuls" now works with direct feedthrough.
+* Bug #4481 fixed - iir help page updated to precise that frq can be a scalar.
+* Bug #4731 fixed - lqr failed when the time domain of an input was a number.
+* Bug #4743 fixed - Graphics with too big or too small values did not work.
+* Bug #5017 fixed - norm rewritten to take benefit from the Lapack package performance.
+* Bug #5073 fixed - New parameter added in strtod function (decimal separator).
+* Bug #5205 fixed - permute was slow for large hypermatrices.
+* Bug #5207 fixed - grand can now return a hypermatrix.
+* Bug #5365 fixed - makecell help page was in the "compatibility functions" directory
+ instead of being in "data_structures".
+* Bug #5539 fixed - sylv help page was wrong in the discrete-time case.
+* Bug #5616 fixed - typeof(uiCreateTree(...)) returned "Tree" instead of "uitree".
+* Bug #5694 fixed - numdiff help page clarified.
+* Bug #5779 fixed - xnumb number format was too small (+ unit test added).
+* Bug #6037 fixed - macrovar help page improved.
+* Bug #6168 fixed - zpbutt, zpch1, zpch2 and zpell help pages were unclear.
+* Bug #6390 fixed - The "external" argument of odedc was not well documented and
+ not tested.
+* Bug #6427 fixed - full([%T %F]) returned an error message.
+* Bug #6466 fixed - Example with vectorized input added in mprintf and msprintf help pages.
+* Bug #6584 fixed - mfft tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #6638 fixed - The profiler output was incorrect by a factor of 1000 under Windows.
+* Bug #6693 fixed - modulo did not accept polynomial inputs. Help page was not updated.
+* Bug #6752 fixed - unit test scilab.tst has been split in different tests.
+* Bug #6840 fixed - New line_style added.
+* Bug #6988 fixed - Error messages in modules/data_structures/src/c/hmops.c were not
+ standard.
+* Bug #7026 fixed - There was no unit test for plot2d.
+* Bug #7080 fixed - Some graphic macros did not use standard error messages.
+* Bug #7204 fixed - geomean applied to a hypermatrix gave wrong results.
+* Bug #7206 fixed - If the second input argument of meanf function was a hypermatrix,
+ this function returned an error.
+* Bug #7296 fixed - %nan, %inf and -%inf enabled for the cdf* functions.
+* Bug #7411 fixed - clf forgot to turn off the datatip mode.
+* Bug #7486 fixed - LAPACK versions of DGELSY and ZGELSY now used.
+* Bug #7596 fixed - A same error happening in different places now displays the same
+ error message.
+* Bug #7648 fixed - CDF functions now display a warning for non integer
+ "degrees of freedom" argument.
+* Bug #7655 fixed - An example added in type help page, for type(X)=11 and type(X)=13.
+* Bug #7684 fixed - Introduction demonstration splitted into subsections.
+* Bug #7781 fixed - The second parameter of iqr function had no effect.
+* Bug #7782 fixed - lcm and gcd help pages improved to tell the user how to use both
+ functions.
+* Bug #7824 fixed - title function properties did not support an indexed color.
+* Bug #7826 fixed - chart tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #7828 fixed - Slight improvements in nicholschart.
+* Bug #7848 fixed - The third argument of correl function is now optional.
+* Bug #7877 fixed - iirgroup function fixed.
+* Bug #7927 fixed - Output "flag" in qmr function was not well documented.
+* Bug #7960 fixed - plzr could not produce pole zero plot for a simple transfer function.
+* Bug #8058 fixed - The user can now set the tolerances of intc function.
+* Bug #8098 fixed - cumsum could not be applied to rational matrices.
+* Bug #8162 fixed - Area of stability of plzr was wrong for continuous systems
+ (+unit test added).
+* Bug #8211 fixed - Parameters module demonstration finalized.
+* Bug #8234 fixed - strtod did not return an empty matrix when the input argument was an
+ empty matrix.
+* Bug #8264 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for atan2.
+* Bug #8319 fixed - dbphi(hypermat) and phasemag(hypermat) returned a matrix instead of
+ a hypermatrix.
+* Bug #8373 fixed - clear can now handle a matrix of strings argument.
+* Bug #8415 fixed - optim_moga, optim_nsga, optim_nsga2 can now take list as input
+ arguments, as explained in their help pages.
+* Bug #8462 fixed - bvodeS could make Scilab unstable.
+* Bug #8470 fixed - bvode displayed some output in terminal window and not in
+ Scilab console.
+* Bug #8479 fixed - The latest Saxon version was not supported.
+* Bug #8511 fixed - sprand now uses grand instead of rand and grand functions. Internal
+ state of the random generator is no more changed.
+* Bug #8561 fixed - ddassl, ddasrt, ddaskr: abs and rel tolerance sizes are now checked.
+* Bug #8597 fixed - grand/clcg4 could display uncontrolled messages as warning.
+* Bug #8607 fixed - Some error messages in modules/overloading/macros were not standard
+ and not localized.
+* Bug #8614 fixed - Unit test for barhomogenize added.
+* Bug #8636 fixed - roots help page updated (default algorithm value was wrong).
+* Bug #8667 fixed - The handling of %nan in min, max, median functions was not properly
+ documented.
+* Bug #8680 fixed - "end" output argument of regexp function has been changed.
+* Bug #8687 fixed - typeof function failed on uint8, depending on the format
+ (+ unit test added).
+* Bug #8695 fixed - optim_ga used old (initial) values instead of newly-computed ones.
+* Bug #8778 fixed - Call_ScilabOpen, TerminateScilab could not be called more
+ than 80 times in a loop.
+* Bug #8779 fixed - gsort did not preserve the order of equal elements, in
+ lexicographic sort.
+* Bug #8820 fixed - squeeze did not return a matrix when the number of dimensions
+ of the result was less or equal to 2.
+* Bug #8824 fixed - taucs_chfact returned a segfault (not the case in nwni mode).
+* Bug #8840 fixed - fileparts did not manage matrix of strings.
+* Bug #8856 fixed - Non regression test added for [k,l,m,...]=find(a==5).
+ Non regression test of bug #476 updated.
+* Bug #8857 fixed - Non regression test of bug #477 updated.
+* Bug #8858 fixed - Non regression test of bug #480 updated.
+* Bug #8862 fixed - mget and mput could not read and write 64 bit data from
+ binary files.
+* Bug #9004 fixed - bitcmp function called with one input argument returned an error.
+* Bug #9020 fixed - exists function did not accept matrix as first input argument.
+* Bug #9059 fixed - tbx_build_macros and genlib did not stop even if an error occurred.
+* Bug #9109 fixed - nfreq tagged as obsolete.
+* Bug #9158 fixed - zeros called with a big number returned an empty matrix instead
+ of an error.
+* Bug #9208 fixed - Added three optional output arguments to optim,
+ to retrieve #iterations, #evaluations and a termination indicator.
+* Bug #9385 fixed - The type checking in trigonometric functions has been added.
+* Bug #9394 fixed - is_param recognized "plist" as an existing field.
+* Bug #9395 fixed - add_param did not check its input arguments.
+* Bug #9396 fixed - add_param accepted duplicate keys.
+* Bug #9459 fixed - Default values of the optional plot3d arguments were not documented.
+* Bug #9537 fixed - optimbase_configure only allowed row vectors as initial value.
+ Column vectors now allowed by transposing them.
+* Bug #9538 fixed - optimbase_checkshape only allowed row vectors as output arguments of
+ cost function. Column vectors are now allowed by transposing them.
+* Bug #9577 fixed - Setting neldermead_configure("-numberofvariables") is now optional,
+ setting neldermead_configure("-x0") initializes -numberofvariables
+ implicitly.
+* Bug #9601 fixed - Cylinder demonstration fixed.
+* Bug #9688 fixed - optim could crash when "imp" option was < 0. It is now set to 0 in
+ that case.
+* Bug #9690 fixed - The "imp" option for optim could crash Scilab and was not consistent
+ with the help page.
+* Bug #9691 fixed - "imp" option in optim help page was poorly documented.
+* Bug #9694 fixed - Example in optim help page fixed to display correct counters.
+* Bug #9702 fixed - Contrary to what optim help page stated, the "gc" algorithm does use
+ the "epsx" parameter.
+* Bug #9780 fixed - gmres solver did not run with complex systems.
+* Bug #9788 fixed - neldermead can now produce a warning when it fails to converge,
+ thanks to a new input argument "warn".
+* Bug #9821 fixed - getrelativefilename did not manage matrix of strings.
+* Bug #9851 fixed - Error message occurred because of a cut-off frequency of 0.25Hz
+ with irr.
+* Bug #9859 fixed - It was not possible to draw arrows in 3-D using xarrows.
+* Bug #10146 fixed - In SciNotes, 'help on keyword' moved from bottom to top in the popup
+ menu.
+* Bug #10180 fixed - det was not defined for sparse matrices.
+* Bug #10213 fixed - sci2exp help page updated to document the impact of format function.
+* Bug #10216 fixed - Invalid syntaxes for zeros, ones, eye, rand, like zeros(2,:).
+* Bug #10226 fixed - When a // <empty session> line was deleted, all sessions
+ histories were folded.
+* Bug #10254 fixed - Slight improvements in ones help page.
+* Bug #10269 fixed - qp_solve can now take up to 5 output arguments. The last one is an
+ error flag, if it is present, then the function will issue a warning
+ instead of an error.
+* Bug #10276 fixed - qp_solve segfaulted with large matrices.
+* Bug #10287 fixed - Error message added for complex expression as input argument of
+ integrate function.
+* Bug #10305 fixed - Comparison of lists with empty items returned an error message.
+* Bug #10596 fixed - exit(xxx) from Scilab failed.
+* Bug #10818 fixed - home, %e, %t, %f, %z and %s help pages added.
+* Bug #10823 fixed - fullpath returned different results under Windows and Linux for
+ non-existent file.
+* Bug #10862 fixed - Add a without Internet connection installation
+ global configuration in the installer.
+* Bug #10866 fixed - det was not equivalent to detr for rational matrices.
+* Bug #10906 fixed - Typo fixed in cls2dls help page.
+* Bug #10930 fixed - The comments in armax function were in French.
+* Bug #10995 fixed - Typo fixed in grand help page for Gamma law argument.
+* Bug #11065 fixed - The second output argument of unique function contained a wrong result.
+* Bug #11067 fixed - Display of ticks labels with closed associated values was wrong.
+* Bug #11139 fixed - conj was not defined for sparse matrices (+ unit test added).
+* Bug #11308 fixed - Calling sequences in dsearch help page were wrong.
+* Bug #11343 fixed - The "isoview" figure property did not work when the axes
+ margins had been modified.
+* Bug #11648 fixed - Copying graphic via the clipboard did not work.
+* Bug #11766 fixed - nthroot has been added to m2sci help page.
+* Bug #11792 fixed - Lists can be accessed with non integer indexes (list help page
+ updated).
+* Bug #11869 fixed - "Environment" was not localized in preferences.
+* Bug #11885 fixed - Each rand has been changed to grand in genetic algorithms and
+ simulated annealing functions.
+* Bug #11891 fixed - Fisher ratio could be inaccurate for one-way ANOVA.
+* Bug #11997 fixed - In case of invalid variable name, save function now returns an error
+ instead of a compatibility warning.
+* Bug #12034 fixed - max function did not manage empty matrices.
+* Bug #12045 fixed - repmat returned wrong results if the values of an input matrix were
+ not double.
+* Bug #12070 fixed - Removing a module can now be done in an on-line mode even if
+ it has been installed in an off-line mode.
+* Bug #12080 fixed - lsqrsolve always printed messages.
+* Bug #12085 fixed - Under Windows, csvWrite wrote wrong EOL.
+* Bug #12114 fixed - libstdc++ is now compiled as static instead of using the
+ library from thirdparty.
+* Bug #12118 fixed - ode could take complex externals.
+* Bug #12143 fixed - "stop entity picker" (ged(11)) returned an error message.
+* Bug #12150 fixed - datatipCreate failed with one single point.
+* Bug #12163 fixed - unzoom did not work with a single input argument.
+* Bug #12212 fixed - Export of a polyline in 2-D broke it into several segments.
+* Bug #12326 fixed - There was no way to set LaTeX font size in preview.
+* Bug #12349 fixed - In SciNotes, when the view was splitted, removing a char made the
+ other view jump.
+* Bug #12376 fixed - Exec & edit buttons in the help pages examples were sometimes
+ misplaced.
+* Bug #12413 fixed - ATOMS packages could not be removed if ATOMS had never been on-line.
+* Bug #12415 fixed - PATH environment variable grew when using call_scilab in a loop.
+* Bug #12426 fixed - By using addErrorMessage, a random string error could be displayed.
+* Bug #12433 fixed - show_pixmap function was removed from Scilab but still used in some
+ functions.
+* Bug #12443 fixed - The behavior of mopen in text file mode has been documented
+ under Windows.
+* Bug #12463 fixed - Wrong specification for rect=[x,y,w,h] argument in xstringb
+ French help page.
+* Bug #12470 fixed - Variable browser was not refreshed after loading an environment.
+* Bug #12473 fixed - Problems with "é" in mkdir French help page.
+* Bug #12475 fixed - csvRead did not support double quoted fields.
+* Bug #12490 fixed - plot did not call clf; in its help page example producing a
+ wrong behavior.
+* Bug #12506 fixed - In SciNotes, a miscolorization could occurred when returned values
+ list was broken.
+* Bug #12508 fixed - Wrong error message in rand function fixed.
+* Bug #12518 fixed - Polynoms were not displayed by default in the variable browser.
+* Bug #12520 fixed - Improve the description of the size in the variable browser.
+* Bug #12527 fixed - Scilab user functions were not listed in the variable browser.
+* Bug #12547 fixed - In SciNotes, lines were wrongly numbered with splitted function
+ declarations.
+* Bug #12548 fixed - Duplicated code in xmltoformat removed.
+* Bug #12550 fixed - optimbase and optimsimplex help pages were not standard.
+* Bug #12551 fixed - Stack problem with diary([],"pause") and diary([],"resume") fixed.
+* Bug #12556 fixed - A fatal error occurred when calling set with wrong instructions.
+* Bug #12557 fixed - Valid function names were not specified in function and functions
+ help pages.
+* Bug #12564 fixed - Compile and run javasci help page was not clear about needed packages.
+* Bug #12581 fixed - isfield could not support mlist or tlist.
+* Bug #12589 fixed - Call sequence for spzeros & spones were missing in French
+ help pages.
+* Bug #12592 fixed - Scilab hung with plot(-0).
+* Bug #12593 fixed - A wrong error message was returned when running genlib with an
+ error in the sci file.
+* Bug #12594 fixed - Invalid SciNotes configuration file avoided SciNotes startup.
+* Bug #12600 fixed - mput did not manage unsigned integer.
+* Bug #12606 fixed - Overloads for grand were not standard.
+* Bug #12613 fixed - gsort did not return correct results with %nan.
+* Bug #12614 fixed - Helpbrowser was not launched in EDT.
+* Bug #12615 fixed - Graphics seemed to be freezed after a call to plot/bar/barh with
+ a bad LineSpec argument.
+* Bug #12624 fixed - In case of errors in Scilab macros, "make check-TESTS" did not fail
+ as expected.
+* Bug #12627 fixed - At restoration, a window could be out of the screen.
+* Bug #12629 fixed - The last example of csim help page defined a function called
+ input (overwriting the Scilab one).
+* Bug #12631 fixed - A "see also" link has been added from progressionbar to waitbar
+ and vice versa.
+* Bug #12634 fixed - ATOMS modules could not be installed from an archive file
+ already existing in SCI/contrib/archives in "offline" mode.
+* Bug #12637 fixed - In some help pages, some signal processing functions were not in
+ the correct section.
+* Bug #12639 fixed - justify([], position) returned an error instead of [].
+* Bug #12641 fixed - graypolarplot has been fully vectorized as it was too slow.
+* Bug #12657 fixed - Computation of v1.^v2 is now done without any memory allocation,
+ when v1 and v2 are real arrays, v1 >= 0 and v2 integer.
+* Bug #12668 fixed - Undocking SciNotes led to an exception.
+* Bug #12678 fixed - nthroot now accepts vector/matrix as second argument.
+* Bug #12679 fixed - Argument type check added in gcd and lcm.
+* Bug #12686 fixed - Error returned by diff fixed.
+* Bug #12702 fixed - When no extra parameters were needed in the cost function,
+ NDcost did not work.
+* Bug #12703 fixed - In SciNotes, common shortcuts 'SHIFT DELETE', 'SHIFT INSERT'
+ (and others) added.
+* Bug #12705 fixed - members function added. It allows to find the number of occurrences
+ and linear indexes for common values between two matrices of the
+ same type.
+* Bug #12706 fixed - A wrong size of a matrix as input argument of cross function was
+ not detected.
+* Bug #12708 fixed - Incorrect display in SciNotes preferences fixed (onmouseover styles).
+* Bug #12712 fixed - In SciNotes, autosaving can now use %date to append the current
+ date to the backup filename.
+* Bug #12715 fixed - Variable cross in pspect and cspect has been renamed because of
+ conflicts with cross function.
+* Bug #12736 fixed - In SciNotes, the Completion window appeared only in first tab.
+* Bug #12747 fixed - legendre now accepts the -1 and 1 values for third argument.
+* Bug #12749 fixed - fscanfMat help page updated.
+* Bug #12758 fixed - Focus issue with plot3d fixed.
+* Bug #12761 fixed - The https:// protocol was not supported on ATOMS.
+* Bug #12772 fixed - eigs failed when trying to solve a sparse matrix eigen value problem.
+* Bug #12774 fixed - Various typos fixed.
+* Bug #12775 fixed - Some related functions were not listed in "See also" section of
+ routh_t help page.
+* Bug #12778 fixed - Insertion of an empty matrix in an integer matrix led to a
+ wrong result.
+* Bug #12779 fixed - savewave had a miscoding in the internal function write_wavedat.
+* Bug #12783 fixed - There were some inconsistent error messages in dsearch.
+* Bug #12790 fixed - Links to ZCOS files in documentation were broken.
+* Bug #12791 fixed - More information is now given in case of failure during the ATOMS
+ autoload step.
+* Bug #12793 fixed - Improved the bode() plots with a new option "rad" to convert plot into rad/s
+ and a new function bode_asymp() to draw the system asymptotes.
+* Bug #12794 fixed - calfrq.sci code did not follow Scilab standard.
+* Bug #12795 fixed - Typos fixed in CACSD help page.
+* Bug #12800 fixed - Typo fixed in Polynomials help page.
+* Bug #12804 fixed - Typos fixed in routh_t help page.
+* Bug #12807 fixed - Display of showprofile improved.
+* Bug #12808 fixed - Add missing </td> in documentation generation (note, warning, ...).
+* Bug #12813 fixed - flipdim function extended to any type of input data.
+* Bug #12814 fixed - Improvements of pertrans help page.
+* Bug #12815 fixed - levin redefined cov as a variable.
+* Bug #12816 fixed - Numbers pasted in editvar were not parsed according to locale.
+* Bug #12818 fixed - Segfault in set function with invalid property values dimension.
+* Bug #12823 fixed - In help generation (toolbox) links were not correctly handled.
+* Bug #12827 fixed - noisegen help page improved.
+* Bug #12828 fixed - routh_t gave a wrong result if the first element of a row was zero.
+* Bug #12829 fixed - New optional output argument added for routh_t function.
+* Bug #12830 fixed - In SciNotes, it was not possible to execute a replace action
+ from the caret position.
+* Bug #12831 fixed - In SciNotes toolbar, there was no button to open code navigator.
+* Bug #12833 fixed - In SciNotes, there was no autoscroll when searching a pattern.
+* Bug #12836 fixed - Error fixed in strcmpi help page.
+* Bug #12839 fixed - Typo fixed in getVariablesOnStack help page.
+* Bug #12840 fixed - Typo fixed in number_properties.xml help page.
+* Bug #12852 fixed - Visual Studio 2012 SDK configuration was incorrect.
+* Bug #12858 fixed - Typo fixed in debug and pause French help pages.
+* Bug #12859 fixed - Fixed optional argument in isdef help page.
+* Bug #12863 fixed - size(state-space, "r") returned an error.
+* Bug #12875 fixed - phasemag returned an error for input vector containing zeros.
+* Bug #12887 fixed - Scilab hung with auto_clear set to on and log_flags set to true.
+* Bug #12888 fixed - sysdiag was not documented about block diagonal matrices build.
+* Bug #12906 fixed - champ and champ1 help pages updated
+* Bug #12909 fixed - Completion on (mt)list led to a crash.
+* Bug #12911 fixed - Matlab to Scilab dictionary help page updated for eig.
+* Bug #12913 fixed - linspace returned an error if the third argument was an integer type
+ variable.
+* Bug #12916 fixed - power help page improved.
+* Bug #12919 fixed - Rotation on plots was disabled after using menus.
+* Bug #12927 fixed - ones function could not take integer type input.
+* Bug #12931 fixed - ATOMS redefined "message" keyword.
+Xcos Bug Fixes
+* Bug #7350 fixed - The I/O ports numbering of a superblock was not updated
+ when a new port was dropped.
+* Bug #8570 fixed - "Region to superblock" has been renamed to
+ "Selection to superblock".
+* Bug #11518 fixed - CLR block-text was displayed out of the bounding box
+ when zooming.
+* Bug #11776 fixed - CMSCOPE did not take into account label&Id parameter.
+* Bug #12359 fixed - Xcos files have been converted to ZCOS to gain some space.
+* Bug #12384 fixed - Using a Modelica part linked with an explicit link to
+ another Modelica part led to an algebraic loop error.
+* Bug #12387 fixed - The "Modelica initialize" setup menu option did not blur
+ during simulation.
+* Bug #12414 fixed - SWITCH_m block had different behaviors
+ for different types of inputs.
+* Bug #12424 fixed - Calling lincos on a derivative block made Scilab crash.
+* Bug #12449 fixed - QUANT_f was not rounding/truncating/flooring/ceiling properly input signal.
+* Bug #12460 fixed - xcosPalGenerateAllIcons sometimes crashed Scilab.
+* Bug #12461 fixed - Cancelling zoom out by zooming in did not fully work.
+* Bug #12561 fixed - SELECT_m and RELAY_f did not behave as expected.
+* Bug #12568 fixed - "Recent files" menu entry is now below the "Open" one.
+* Bug #12590 fixed - Block shape style was removed on file loading.
+* Bug #12603 fixed - ZCOS files could contain blocks with modified (eg. invalid)
+ parameters.
+* Bug #12619 fixed - DLR discrete block did not display LaTeX formula
+ like CLR continuous block.
+* Bug #12651 fixed - The 'nw' scicos_simulate option did not work while
+ passing a previous Info simulation status.
+* Bug #12664 fixed - Inverted pendulum French localization in the Xcos demonstrations was
+ inaccurate.
+* Bug #12667 fixed - 'Recent Files' menu was not localized.
+* Bug #12731 fixed - Code generation produced erroneous block.
+* Bug #12732 fixed - Improper Copyright comments in the files were generated by the code
+ generation tool.
+* Bug #12796 fixed - There was some mismatches between implicit
+ and explicit ports of superblocks.
+* Bug #12797 fixed - I/O blocks generated by "Selection to Superblocks" had
+ wrong size.
+* Bug #12868 fixed - There were several problems with PULSE_SC block.
+* Bug #12869 fixed - min and max were not defined but used in Xcos generated code.
+* Bug #12873 fixed - scicos_flat produced an unexpected error after a diagram
+ load.
+* Bug #12874 fixed - CSCOPE marks sizes were too small.
+* Bug #12877 fixed - Incorrect output port dimensions and types in GENSIN_f, GENSQR_f,
+ STEP_FUNCTION and STEP blocks fixed.
+* Bug #12924 fixed - Blocks type 2004 was not handled as a valid block type.
+* Bug #12934 fixed - Separate compilation of a superblock could fail due to under
+ determined signal sizes.