path: root/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftbi.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-10-27added comment on code simon
2008-10-22added missing filesimon
2008-10-21corrected some mistakes ( mainly c++ style comments)simon
2008-10-15fft work with an 7-elements' vector , still not working with a 6-elementssimon
2008-10-14added the problematic test , make check should failed simon
2008-10-09a new test passed , still some others to dosimon
2008-09-22added zfftma and the tests related to , but one of them fails ( zffmaTest16)simon
2008-09-03they shall compile now simon
2008-09-03Enable fft compilationjofret
2008-09-03added header for fftsimon
2008-09-03added fft functions simon