path: root/src/matrixOperations/inversion
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-27change precision for tests : put it to 3e-16 for double and 3e-6 for floattorset
2009-02-05Add free(to free the malloc) when missingtorset
2008-12-11Updates changes due to insertion of determtorset
2008-12-03Generated Makefile.injofret
2008-12-03Correct HEADjofret
2008-12-03Adding stdlibjofret
2008-12-02Add Levin functiontorset
2008-09-10added functions to create matrix full of one simon
2008-08-28delete a what-the-hell-is-thated binsimon
2008-08-28added matrix inverse computation functions and updated some commentssimon