path: root/src/auxiliaryFunctions
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-13add/modify teststorset
2009-02-13modify isempty headers which make the c files usselesstorset
2009-02-10Add some interfaces, not testedtorset
2009-02-10Add lev files end linked filestorset
2009-02-06Add type headertorset
2009-02-06Add and modify sign filestorset
2009-02-05Adapt find2d for generationtorset
2009-02-05Add free(to free the malloc) when missingtorset
2009-02-04Update : make check seems oktorset
2009-02-04Update isempty to avoid error message once againtorset
2009-02-04Update isempty to avoid error messagetorset
2009-02-04Without malloc ?jofret
2009-02-04Modify (d/z)rand(s/a) and the teststorset
2009-01-21adjusting some functionstorset
2009-01-21change commentstorset
2009-01-21adjusting some functionstorset
2009-01-20it seems all modifications are oktorset
2009-01-16Update with Scilab2C modifs (maybe some errors)torset
2009-01-15add interfacestorset
2009-01-13this is missingtorset
2009-01-13add find2dtorset
2009-01-09Updates isnan (tests on arrays not done)torset
2009-01-09Updates Interfacestorset
2009-01-09Change in isempty because of the change of findtorset
2009-01-09Change in isempty because of the change of findtorset
2009-01-09Change find prototype and function (output is one dimention indexation)torset
2008-12-11Updates changes due to insertion of determtorset
2008-12-03Adding missing prototypesjofret
2008-11-13change repertory for the multiplication and division and made the modifs in t...torset
2008-11-12First generation, need improvementjofret
2008-11-12Conj SCI2C Interfacejofret
2008-11-12Update to match SCI2C Generated codejofret
2008-11-12Header updatejofret
2008-10-14corrected assert on testsign simon
2008-09-09oups... forgot that onejofret
2008-09-09conj -> auxiliaryFunctionsjofret
2008-09-09conj -> Auxiliary Functionsjofret
2008-09-09Moving Conjugate to auxiliaryjofret
2008-09-09Moving Addition and Subtractionjofret
2008-09-09Bad include in pythag / Moving addition and Subtractionjofret
2008-09-09Moving addition and subtraction / correct svn:ignore propjofret
2008-08-19added the test simon
2008-08-07added matrixExponential and all related sub functions simon