path: root/src/matrixOperations/division/srdiva.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/matrixOperations/division/srdiva.c')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/matrixOperations/division/srdiva.c b/src/matrixOperations/division/srdiva.c
index f5b21eaa..f6ae4a9d 100644
--- a/src/matrixOperations/division/srdiva.c
+++ b/src/matrixOperations/division/srdiva.c
@@ -15,150 +15,145 @@
/**** Because of problem of conversion float-> double ****/
#include "matrixDivision.h"
#include "lapack.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
void srdiva ( float* in1, int lines1, int columns1 ,
float* in2, int lines2, int columns2 ,
float* out ){
+ char cNorm = 0;
+ int iExit = 0;
+ int i = 0 ,j = 0 ,ij = 0 ,ji = 0;
+ /*temporary variables*/
+ int iWork = 0;
+ int iInfo = 0;
+ int iMax = 0;
+ double dblRcond = 0;
+ double dblEps = 0;
+ double dblAnorm = 0;
-/* creation of all temp variable , maybe some of them are not accurate and could be deleted
- int iexit = 0 ;
- int iwork = 0 ;
- int info = 0 ;
- int imax = 0 ;
- /*int rank = 0 ;*/
- int tMinLinCol1 = 0 ;
- int temp = 0;
+ /* these 3 variable are created to permit to use the value in the fortran functions
+ because they need double matrix as arguments and we can't cast directly the pointers
+ without having problems , i know that's ugly */
+ double *dblin1 = NULL;
+ double *dblin2 = NULL;
+ double *dblout = NULL;
+ double *pAf = NULL;
+ double *pAt = NULL;
+ double *pBt = NULL;
+ double *pDwork = NULL;
+ int *pRank = NULL;
+ int *pIpiv = NULL;
+ int *pJpvt = NULL;
+ int *pIwork = NULL;
- int i = 0 , j = 0 ,ij = 0 ,ji = 0;
- int* pIpiv = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int) * (unsigned int) columns1);
- int* pIwork = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int) * (unsigned int) columns1);
- /*int* pJpvt = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int) * (unsigned int) lines1);*/
- double* work = NULL;
- double anorm = 0;
- double rcond = 0 ;
- double epsilon = getRelativeMachinePrecision() ;
+ iWork = Max(4 * columns2, Max(Min(lines2, columns2) + 3 * lines2 + 1, 2 * Min(lines2, columns2) + lines1));
+ /* Array allocations*/
+ dblin1 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)columns2 * (unsigned int)lines2);
+ dblin2 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)columns1 * (unsigned int)lines1);
+ dblout = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)Max(lines2,columns2) * (unsigned int)lines1);
- float* transpOfIn1 = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * (unsigned int) lines1 * (unsigned int) columns1);
- float* transpOfIn2 = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * (unsigned int) lines2 * (unsigned int) columns2);
- float* copyOfTransIn1 = (float*) malloc( sizeof(float) * (unsigned int) lines1 * (unsigned int) columns1);
+ pAf = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)columns2 * (unsigned int)lines2);
+ pAt = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)columns2 *(unsigned int) lines2);
+ pBt = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)Max(lines2,columns2) * (unsigned int)lines1);
- if (lines1 > columns1)
- tMinLinCol1 = columns1 ;
- else
- tMinLinCol1 = lines1;
- if ( (tMinLinCol1 + 3 * lines1 + 1) > (2*tMinLinCol1 + lines2))
- temp = tMinLinCol1 + 3 * lines1 + 1;
- else
- temp = 2*tMinLinCol1 + lines2;
- if ( 4* columns1 > temp )
- iwork = 4* columns1 ;
- else
- iwork = temp ;
- work = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) *(unsigned int) iwork );
+ pRank = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
+ pIpiv = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (unsigned int)columns2);
+ pJpvt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (unsigned int)lines2);
+ pIwork = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (unsigned int)columns2);
- anorm = getOneNorm( &lines1, &columns1 , (double* ) in1 , work);
-/* end of allocation area*/
+ cNorm = '1';
+ pDwork = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * (unsigned int)iWork);
+ dblEps = getRelativeMachinePrecision() ;
+ dblAnorm = dlange_(&cNorm, &lines2, &columns1, dblin2, &lines2, pDwork);
- stransposea ( in1, lines1, columns1, transpOfIn1);
- stransposea ( in2, lines2, columns2, transpOfIn2) ;
- if ( lines1 == columns1 )
- {
- srowcata ( in1, lines1, columns1, NULL, 0 , 0 , copyOfTransIn1 ) ;
- /*/ put here algo of LU fact of in1 dgetrf ( &columns1 , &columns1 , in1 , &columns1 , pIpiv , &info )
- //return value in pIpiv*/
- dgetrf_ ( &columns1 , &columns1 , (double*) in1 , &columns1 , pIpiv , &info );
- if ( info == 0 )
+ /*copy and cast all the float value into double value */
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < lines2 * columns2 ; i ++ )
- /*/to get 1-norm of in1 put here algo dgecon which return rcond*/
- dgecon_("1" , &columns1, (double*) copyOfTransIn1 , &columns1, &anorm,
- &rcond, work, pIwork, &info);
- if ( rcond > sqrt(epsilon ))
- {/* put here algo to resolv linear equation in1 * X = in2 , the return value go in in2
- // put here algo to copy in2 in out */
- resolveSystemLinear (&columns1, &lines2,(double*) copyOfTransIn1, pIpiv,
- (double* )transpOfIn2, &info) ;
- stransposea ( transpOfIn2 , columns2 , lines2 , out) ;
- iexit = 1;
- }
+ dblin1[i] = (double) in1[i] ;
+ printf ( "dbl in1 = %e \n" , dblin1 [i] );
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < lines1 * columns1 ; i ++ )
+ dblin2[i] = (double) in2[i] ;
+ /*tranpose A and B*/
+ dtransposea(dblin1, lines2, columns2, pAt);
+ dtransposea(dblin2, lines1, columns2, pBt);
+ if(lines2 == columns2)
+ {
+ cNorm = 'F';
+ dlacpy_(&cNorm, &columns2, &columns2, pAt, &columns2, pAf, &columns2);
+ dgetrf_(&columns2, &columns2, pAf, &columns2, pIpiv, &iInfo);
+ if(iInfo == 0)
+ {
+ cNorm = '1';
+ dgecon_(&cNorm, &columns2, pAf, &columns2, &dblAnorm, &dblRcond, pDwork, pIwork, &iInfo);
+ if(dblRcond > sqrt(dblEps))
+ {
+ cNorm = 'N';
+ dgetrs_(&cNorm, &columns2, &lines1, pAf, &columns2, pIpiv, pBt, &columns2, &iInfo);
+ dtransposea(pBt, columns2, lines1, dblout);
+ iExit = 1;
+ }
- if ( iexit== 0)
+ if(iExit == 0)
- rcond = sqrt(epsilon );
- if (lines1 < columns1)
- imax = columns1 ;
- else
- imax = lines1;
-/* if you uncomment this function you will get a fabulous random number generator
- actually the problem come from the convertion from float* to double*
- that also cause the free() of these cast variables to crash * */
- /* dgelsy_ (&columns1, &lines1, &lines2, (double*) transpOfIn1 , &columns1,
- (double*) transpOfIn2, &imax, pJpvt, &rcond, &rank, work,
- &iwork, &info);*/
- for(j = 0 ; j < lines1 ; j++)
- {
- for(i = 0 ; i < lines2 ; i++)
- {
- ij = i + j * lines2;
- if ( lines1 > columns1 )
- ji = j + i *lines1 ;
- else
- ji = j + i *columns1;
- out[ij] = transpOfIn2[ji];
- }
- }
+ dblRcond = sqrt(dblEps);
+ cNorm = 'F';
+ iMax = Max(lines2, columns2);
+ memset(pJpvt, 0x00, (unsigned int)sizeof(int) * (unsigned int)lines2);
+ dgelsy_(&columns2, &lines2, &lines1, pAt, &columns2, pBt, &iMax,
+ pJpvt, &dblRcond, &pRank[0], pDwork, &iWork, &iInfo);
+ if(iInfo == 0)
+ {
+ /* TransposeRealMatrix(pBt, lines1, lines2, out, Max(lines1,columns1), lines2);*/
+ /*Mega caca de la mort qui tue des ours a mains nues
+ mais je ne sais pas comment le rendre "beau" :(*/
+ {
+ for(j = 0 ; j < lines2 ; j++)
+ {
+ for(i = 0 ; i < lines1 ; i++)
+ {
+ ij = i + j * lines1;
+ ji = j + i * Max(lines2, columns2);
+ dblout[ij] = pBt[ji];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /* then we free all the allocated memory */
- free ( pIpiv ) ;
- free ( pIwork) ;
- free ( work ) ;
- /* the cast from float* to double* make these 3 functions crashing */
- free (transpOfIn1) ;
- free (transpOfIn2) ;
- free (copyOfTransIn1);
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < Max(lines2,columns2) * lines1 ; i++ )
+ out[i] = (float) dblout[i] ;
+ free(pAf);
+ free(pAt);
+ free(pBt);
+ free(pRank);
+ free(pIpiv);
+ free(pJpvt);
+ free(pIwork);
+ free(pDwork);