path: root/src/c/signalProcessing/ifft/difftbi.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/c/signalProcessing/ifft/difftbi.c')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/ifft/difftbi.c b/src/c/signalProcessing/ifft/difftbi.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b60ef27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/ifft/difftbi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "max.h"
+#include "ifft_internal.h"
+c arrays a and b originally hold the real and imaginary
+c components of the data, and return the real and
+c imaginary components of the resulting fourier coefficients.
+c multivariate data is indexed according to the fortran
+c array element successor function, without limit
+c on the number of implied multiple subscripts.
+c the subroutine is called once for each variate.
+c the calls for a multivariate transform may be in any order.
+c n is the dimension of the current variable.
+c nspn is the spacing of consecutive data values
+c while indexing the current variable.
+c nseg*n*nspn is the total number of complex data values.
+c the sign of isn determines the sign of the complex
+c exponential, and the magnitude of isn is normally one.
+c the magnitude of isn determines the indexing increment for a&b.
+c if fft is called twice, with opposite signs on isn, an
+c identity transformation is done...calls can be in either order.
+c the results are scaled by 1/n when the sign of isn is positive.
+c a tri-variate transform with a(n1,n2,n3), b(n1,n2,n3)
+c is computed by
+c call fft(a,b,n2*n3,n1,1,-1)
+c call fft(a,b,n3,n2,n1,-1)
+c call fft(a,b,1,n3,n1*n2,-1)
+c a single-variate transform of n complex data values is computed by
+c call fft(a,b,1,n,1,-1)
+c the data may alternatively be stored in a single complex
+c array a, then the magnitude of isn changed to two to
+c give the correct indexing increment and a(2) used to
+c pass the initial address for the sequence of imaginary
+c values, e.g.
+c array nfac is working storage for factoring n. the smallest
+c number exceeding the 15 locations provided is 12,754,584.
+void difftbi ( double* a , double* b , int nseg , int n , int nspn ,
+ int isn , int ierr)
+ double* rstak ;
+ int* istak ;
+ int lout = 0 ;
+ int lnow = 10;
+ int lused= 10;
+ int lbook = 10 ;
+ int nfac[15] ;
+ int i ;
+ int in ;
+ int j = 3 ;
+ int j2 = 3 ;
+ int j3 = 3 ;
+ int jj = 9;
+ int m = 0 ;
+ int k ;
+ int kt ;
+ int kkk ;
+ int nspan ;
+ int nitems ;
+ int ntot ;
+ int maxp = 0;
+ int maxf ;
+ int itype;
+ int istkgt ;
+ int isize[] = {1,1,1,2,2} ;
+ int nf = abs ( n ) ;
+ ierr = 0 ;
+ /*determine the factors of n */
+ if ( nf == 1)
+ return ;
+ k = nf ;
+ nspan = abs ( nf*nspn ) ;
+ ntot = abs ( nspan*nseg) ;
+ if ( isn*ntot == 0 )
+ {
+ ierr = 1 ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ while ( (k- (int)(k/16)*16 ) == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = 4 ;
+ k = k >> 4 ;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ while ( k%jj == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = j ;
+ k /= jj ;
+ }
+ j+=2;
+ jj= j*j ;
+ }while ( jj <= k);
+ if ( k <= 4)
+ {
+ kt = m;
+ nfac[m] = k;
+ if ( k != 1 )
+ m++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( (k & 3) == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = 2 ;
+ k = k >> 2 ;
+ }
+ /*all square factor out now but k >= 5 still */
+ kt = m ;
+ maxp = max ( (kt+1)*2 , k-1);
+ j=2;
+ do
+ {
+ if ( k%j == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = j ;
+ k /= j ;
+ }
+ j = (j+1) | 1 ;
+ }while ( j <= k );
+ }
+ if ( m <= ( kt+1) )
+ maxp = m + kt + 1 ;
+ if ( m + kt > 15)
+ {
+ ierr = 2 ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( kt != 0 )
+ {
+ j = kt ;
+ do{
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = nfac[j-1];
+ j--;
+ }while ( j != 0) ;
+ }
+ maxf = nfac[m-kt-1] ;
+ if ( kt > 0 )
+ maxf = max ( nfac[kt-1] , maxf );
+ for ( kkk = 1 ; kkk <= m ; kkk++ )
+ {
+ maxf = max ( maxf , nfac[kkk-1]);
+ }
+ nitems = maxf * 4 ;
+ itype = 4 ;
+ istkgt = 2 + ((lnow-1)/2) ;/*lnow = 10*/
+ istkgt = 6;
+ /*i = ( (istkgt - 1 + nitems) * isize[3] -1) + 3 ;*/
+ i = 12 + nitems*2;
+ istak = (int*) malloc ( sizeof (int) * (unsigned int) i);
+ istak[i-2] = itype ;
+ istak[i-1] = lnow ;
+ lout ++ ;
+ lnow = i ;
+ lused = max ( lused , lnow );
+ j = istkgt ;
+ jj = j + maxf ;
+ j2 = jj+ maxf ;
+ j3 = j2+ maxf ;
+ nitems = maxp ;
+ itype = 2 ;
+ /*istkgt = ( lnow*isize[1] -1)/isize[1] + 2;*/
+ istkgt = lnow + 1 ;
+ /*i = ( (istkgt - 1 + nitems) * isize[1] -1) / isize[1] + 3 ;*/
+ i = ( ( lnow + nitems) * isize[1] -1) / isize[1] + 3 ;
+ istak = (int*) realloc ( istak ,sizeof (int) * (unsigned int) i);
+ rstak = (double*) malloc ( sizeof (double) * (unsigned int) i);
+ istak[i-2] = itype ;
+ istak[i-1] = lnow ;
+ lout ++ ;
+ lnow = i ;
+ lused = max ( lused , lnow );
+ k = istkgt ;
+c la carte suivante est a supprimer si simple precision
+c next instruction commented by FD&MG (simulog residue?)
+c ********************************************
+c k=2*k-1
+c *********************************************
+ difftmx( a , b , ntot , nf , nspan , isn , m , kt , &rstak[j-1] , &rstak[jj-1] , &rstak[j2-1] , &rstak[j3-1] , &istak[k-1] , nfac);
+ k =2 ;
+ in = 2 ;
+ if (!( lbook <= lnow && lnow <= lused ))
+ {
+ ierr = 3 ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ while ( in > 0)
+ {
+ if ( lbook > istak[lnow-1] || istak[lnow-1] >= lnow-1)
+ {
+ ierr = 4 ;
+ }
+ lout-- ;
+ lnow = istak[lnow-1] ;
+ in-- ;
+ }
+ free(istak);
+ free(rstak);
+ return ;