path: root/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions')
14 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/FunName2SciFileName.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/FunName2SciFileName.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2f6db34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/FunName2SciFileName.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+function ScilabFileName = FunName2SciFileName(DirList,InFunName);
+// function ScilabFileName = FunName2SciFileName(DirList,InFunName);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function generates the full path of the scilab file
+// related to the function name (InFunName) specified.
+// In more detail the file "eval(InFunName).sci" file is searched
+// in the directories specified in DirList.
+// Input data:
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 16-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+if (prod(size(DirList)) == 0)
+ SCI2Cerror('Incorrect DirList parameter.');
+if (prod(size(InFunName)) == 0)
+ SCI2Cerror('Incorrect InFunName parameter.');
+// --- Generate the PathList. ---
+for tmpcounter = 1:max(size(DirList))
+ PathList(tmpcounter) = fullfile(DirList(tmpcounter),(InFunName+'.sci'));
+// --- Search the .sci file. ---
+ScilabFileName = listfiles(PathList);
+// --- Check on the number of .sci files found. ---
+if ((prod(size(ScilabFileName))) > 1)
+ disp(ScilabFileName);
+ SCI2Cerror('Found more than one scilab file.');
+if ((prod(size(ScilabFileName))) < 1)
+ disp(ScilabFileName);
+ SCI2Cerror('Scilab file ""'+InFunName+'.sci"", not found');
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/PrintStringInfo.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/PrintStringInfo.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36377bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/PrintStringInfo.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+function PrintStringInfo(str, filename, outputtype, ennewline);
+// function PrintStringInfo(str,filename,outputtype,ennewline);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Prints a string into a file or on the stdout or on both.
+// Input data:
+// filename: optional parameter, that specifies the output file.
+// If filename is '' or it is not provided to the function,
+// the string will be printed on the stdout.
+// outputtype: 'file' -> prints only on file.
+// 'stdout' -> prints only on the stdout.
+// 'both' -> prints on both file and stdout.
+// Default is 'stdout'.
+// ennewline: optional (default = 'y'); If y adds a newline character
+// at the end of the input string.
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 02-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// 02-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
+// 02-May-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Added ennewline.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if argn(2) < 4
+ ennewline = 'y';
+ if argn(2) < 3
+ outputtype = 'stdout';
+ if argn(2) < 2
+ filename = '';
+ if argn(2) < 1
+ str = '';
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else if argn(2) > 4
+ SCI2CSCI2Cerror('Incorrect number of input arguments.');
+ end
+ end
+ if (length(filename) == 0) then
+ outputtype = 'stdout'; // Prints only on the stdout.
+ end
+ if (outputtype=='both') | (outputtype=='stdout')
+ disp(str)
+ end
+ if (outputtype=='both') | (outputtype=='file')
+ if (ennewline=='y')
+ filenamefprintf(filename,'y',str);
+ else
+ filenamefprintf(filename,'n',str);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/ReadStringCard.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/ReadStringCard.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6abfcb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/ReadStringCard.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+function cardvalue = ReadStringCard(filename,cardname,commentdelim,enableerror);
+// function cardvalue = ReadStringCard(filename,cardname,commentdelim,enableerror);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Reads the string associated to the card cardname placed
+// in filename.
+// The value of cardname is assumed to be a string.
+// If the card is not found an error will occur.
+// Input data:
+// filename: full path + name of the file where the card
+// is being searched.
+// cardname: string with the name of the card.
+// commentdelim: specifies a character for an eventual comment
+// (to be discarded) after the card value.
+// enableerror: 'y' enable error message.
+// 'n' enable warning message.
+// Output data:
+// cardvalue: string associated to the card. Blanks characters
+// are discarded.
+// Status:
+// 06-Feb-2004 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// 06-Feb-2004 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
+// 25-Jun-2004 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Added Comment delimiter
+// and enableerror as input parameter.
+// 13-Apr-2007 -- Intelligente Fabio: Rewritten from Matlab to Scilab.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+if argn(2) == 2 then
+ commentdelim = ' ';
+ enableerror = 'y';
+elseif argn(2) == 3 then
+ enableerror = 'y';
+[flag_found,requested_line,dummy2] = ...
+ KeyString2FileStringPos(filename,cardname,'cut');
+cardvalue = stripblanks(strtok(requested_line,commentdelim));
+clear requested_line dummy2
+if (flag_found == 0) then
+ if (enableerror == 'y') then
+ SCI2Cerror([cardname,' not found']);
+ else
+ warning([cardname,' not found']);
+ end
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2CCreateDir.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2CCreateDir.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..606c662a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2CCreateDir.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function SCI2CCreateDir(OutDir);
+// function SCI2CCreateDir(OutDir);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create the dir OutDir.
+// Input data:
+// OutDir:
+// Output data:
+// ---
+// Status:
+// 25-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+status_dir = mkdir(OutDir) ;
+if (status_dir == 0)
+ SCI2Cerror('Cannot create: '+OutDir);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cerror.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cerror.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..444dcff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cerror.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function SCI2Cerror(errorstring);
+// function SCI2Cerror(errorstring);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// It is the error function but before issuing the error, perorms
+// the mclose('all');
+// 02-May-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+error('###########SCI2C_ERROR: '+errorstring);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cfileexist.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cfileexist.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87cc1777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cfileexist.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function ExistTest = SCI2Cfileexist(InDir,FileName)
+// function ExistTest = SCI2Cfileexist(InDir,FileName)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Searches for the file FileName in the directory InDir.
+// Return %F if it doesn't exist.
+// Input data:
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 12-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+tmppwd = pwd();
+allfiles = ls(FileName);
+if (size(allfiles,1) == 0)
+ ExistTest = %F;
+elseif (size(allfiles,1) == 1)
+ ExistTest = %T;
+ SCI2Cerror('Very Strange! Found more than one file with the same name.');
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cmdelete.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cmdelete.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..772cff98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cmdelete.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function SCI2Cmdelete(InFile);
+// function SCI2Cmdelete(InFile);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Deletes the input files only if the file really exists.
+// This avoids the issuing of the error generated by mdelete.
+// Input data:
+// InFile: full path of the file to be deleted.
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+if Inierr == 0
+ mdelete(InFile);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmp.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmp.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81bc2f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmp.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+function res = SCI2Cstrncmp(s1,s2,n);
+// function res = SCI2Cstrncmp(s1,s2,n);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function compares first n characters of strings s1 and s2.
+// SCI2Cstrncmp(s1,s2,n) returns logical T (true) if the first n characters of
+// the strings s1 and s2 are the same and logical 0 (false) otherwise.
+// Input data:
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 16-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+res = (part(s1,1:n) == part(s2,1:n));
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmps1size.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmps1size.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d560b850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmps1size.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function res = SCI2Cstrncmps1size(s1,s2);
+// function res = SCI2Cstrncmps1size(s1,s2);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function compares first n characters of strings s1 and s2.
+// n is the size of the string s1.
+// SCI2Cstrncmps1size returns logical T (true) if the first n characters of
+// the strings s1 and s2 are the same and logical 0 (false) otherwise.
+// Input data:
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 16-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+n = length(s1);
+res = (part(s1,1:n) == part(s2,1:n));
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SciFile2ASTFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SciFile2ASTFile.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8930564d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SciFile2ASTFile.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+function SciFile2ASTFile(SciFile,ASTFile);
+// function SciFile2ASTFile(SciFile,ASTFile);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// This function makes use of the macr2tree function to generate
+// the ASTFile containing the AST (Abstract Syntactic Tree) of the
+// input Scilab function (SciFile).
+// Input data:
+// SciFile: full path of the input function.
+// ASTFile: full path of the file that will store the AST.
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+[tmppath,ScilabFunName,tmpext] = fileparts(SciFile);
+if ASTierr == 0
+ mdelete(ASTFile);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SizeInByte.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SizeInByte.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fcf4e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SizeInByte.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+function SizeIn = SizeInByte(InDataType);
+// function SizeIn = SizeInByte(InDataType);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns the size in bytes of the input data type.
+// Input data:
+// InDataType: input data type. It can be:
+// 'float'
+// 'double'
+// 'floatComplex*'
+// 'doubleComplex*'
+// Output data:
+// SizeIn: size in bytes of the input data type.
+// Status:
+// 12-May-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+if (InDataType == 'float')
+ SizeIn = 4;
+elseif (InDataType == 'double')
+ SizeIn = 8;
+elseif (InDataType == 'floatComplex*')
+ SizeIn = 8;
+elseif (InDataType == 'doubleComplex*')
+ SizeIn = 16;
+ error('Unknown data type: '+InDataType);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/dispina.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/dispina.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1d85a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/dispina.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+function dispina(instring);
+// function dispina(instring);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Quista sacciu sulu iou comu funziona e a ce me server.
+// Input data:
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/filenamefprintf.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/filenamefprintf.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98a0cba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/filenamefprintf.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+function filenamefprintf(filename,ennewline,str)
+// function filenamefprintf(filename,ennewline,str)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Uses the printf to print the string specified by varargin. filenamefprintf
+// uses the filename instead of the fid parameter used by fprintf.
+// Everytime filenamefprintf is called it
+// opens the file, prints the string in it and then closes it.
+// Opening is performed in read/append mode (at+).
+// Input data:
+// filename: string that specifies the name of the file.
+// varargin are the input arguments for the printf.
+// Output data:
+// Status:
+// 31-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// 31-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if argn(2) < 3 then
+ SCI2Cerror('Incorrect number of input arguments.');
+ end
+// [FidReportFile, mess] = mopen(deblank(filename),'at+');
+ [FidReportFile, mess] = mopen(filename,'a+');
+ if (FidReportFile == -1) then
+ SCI2Cerror(mess);
+ end
+ if ennewline=='y' then
+ mfprintf(FidReportFile,'%s\n',str);
+ else
+ mfprintf(FidReportFile,'%s',str);
+ end
+ mclose(FidReportFile);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/squeezestrings.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/squeezestrings.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97e8f9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/squeezestrings.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function OutString = squeezestrings(InStringArray);
+// function OutString = squeezestrings(InStringArray);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Converts an array of strings into a single string.
+// Input data:
+// InStringArray: Array of strings.
+// Output data:
+// OutString: Output string.
+// Status:
+// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------
+OutString = [];
+for counterstrings = 1:max(size(InStringArray))
+ OutString = OutString+InStringArray(counterstrings);