path: root/macros/ASTManagement/GenOutArgNames.sci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/ASTManagement/GenOutArgNames.sci')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/GenOutArgNames.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/GenOutArgNames.sci
index 7b62c794..0e683835 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/GenOutArgNames.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/GenOutArgNames.sci
@@ -32,12 +32,6 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),9,9);
nxtscifunname = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunName;
nxtscifunnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber;
ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName;
-global SCI2CSTACK
-global StackPosition;
PrintStringInfo(' Generating Out Arg names.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
@@ -49,69 +43,47 @@ OutArg = OldOutArg;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// At this step only the name of the output arguments can be generated. ---
-if (FunctionName ~= 'OpLogGt' & FunctionName ~= 'OpLogLt' & FunctionName ~= 'OpLogGe' & FunctionName ~= 'OpLogLe' & FunctionName ~= 'OpLogNe' & FunctionName ~= 'OpLogEq')
- if (NLhsArg > 0)
- //#RNU_RES_B
- // Use the equal Lhs names.
- PrintStringInfo('Using Equal Lhs names.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- //#RNU_RES_E
- if (NLhsArg ~= NOutArg)
- error(9999, 'NLhsArg='+string(NLhsArg)+' must be equal to NOutArg='+string(NOutArg)+'.');
- end
- for counteroutputargs = 1:NOutArg
- OutArg(counteroutputargs).Name=LhsArg(counteroutputargs).Name;
- OutArg(counteroutputargs).Scope=LhsArg(counteroutputargs).Scope;
- end
- else
- //#RNU_RES_B
- // Generate temporary variables.
- PrintStringInfo('Generating temporary variables.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- //#RNU_RES_E
- if ((sum(mtlb_strcmp(FunctionName,SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec)) > 0) & ...
- (SharedInfo.SkipNextPrec == 1))
- //#RNU_RES_B
- PrintStringInfo(' Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- //#RNU_RES_E
- for counteroutputargs = 1:NOutArg
- OutArg(counteroutputargs).Name = InArg(counteroutputargs).Name;
- end
- elseif (mtlb_strcmp(FunctionName,'OpEqual'))
- // do nothing.
- //NUT: verifica questa parte di codice. e' sicuro che se ho equal gli oldoutarg contengono gia' il nome?
- else
- for counteroutputargs = 1:NOutArg
- if ((SharedInfo.ASTReader.EnableTempVarsReuse == 1) & ...
- (length(SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars) > 0))
- TmpOutArgName = strcat([SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempVarsName,string(SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars(1))]);
- SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars = SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars(2:$);
- else
- SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars = SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars + 1;
- TmpOutArgName = strcat([SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempVarsName,string(SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars)]);
- end
- OutArg(counteroutputargs).Name=TmpOutArgName;
- end
- end
- end
+if (NLhsArg > 0)
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // Use the equal Lhs names.
+ PrintStringInfo('Using Equal Lhs names.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ if (NLhsArg ~= NOutArg)
+ error(9999, 'NLhsArg='+string(NLhsArg)+' must be equal to NOutArg='+string(NOutArg)+'.');
+ end
+ for counteroutputargs = 1:NOutArg
+ OutArg(counteroutputargs).Name=LhsArg(counteroutputargs).Name;
+ OutArg(counteroutputargs).Scope=LhsArg(counteroutputargs).Scope;
+ end
- for counterinputargs = 1:NInArg
- tmppushstack=InArg(counterinputargs).Name;
- PrintStringInfo(' Pushing in the AST stack: ""'+tmppushstack+'"".',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- AST_PushASTStack(tmppushstack);
- if FunctionName=='OpLogGt'
- AST_PushASTStack('>');
- elseif FunctionName=='OpLogGe'
- AST_PushASTStack('>=');
- elseif FunctionName=='OpLogLt'
- AST_PushASTStack('<');
- elseif FunctionName=='OpLogLe'
- AST_PushASTStack('<=');
- elseif FunctionName=='OpLogEq'
- AST_PushASTStack('==');
- elseif FunctionName=='OpLogNe'
- AST_PushASTStack('!=');
- end
- end
- s = AST_PopASTStack();
- PrintStringInfo(' Pushing in the AST stack: ""'+s+'"".',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // Generate temporary variables.
+ PrintStringInfo('Generating temporary variables.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ if ((sum(mtlb_strcmp(FunctionName,SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec)) > 0) & ...
+ (SharedInfo.SkipNextPrec == 1))
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ PrintStringInfo(' Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function.',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ for counteroutputargs = 1:NOutArg
+ OutArg(counteroutputargs).Name = InArg(counteroutputargs).Name;
+ end
+ elseif (mtlb_strcmp(FunctionName,'OpEqual'))
+ // do nothing.
+ //NUT: verifica questa parte di codice. e' sicuro che se ho equal gli oldoutarg contengono gia' il nome?
+ else
+ for counteroutputargs = 1:NOutArg
+ if ((SharedInfo.ASTReader.EnableTempVarsReuse == 1) & ...
+ (length(SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars) > 0))
+ TmpOutArgName = strcat([SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempVarsName,string(SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars(1))]);
+ SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars = SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars(2:$);
+ else
+ SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars = SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars + 1;
+ TmpOutArgName = strcat([SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempVarsName,string(SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars)]);
+ end
+ OutArg(counteroutputargs).Name=TmpOutArgName;
+ end
+ end