path: root/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
index d8c2f73c..79fb516d 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ global SCI2CSTACK
global StackPosition;
-IfCondArg = [];
-NIfCondArg = 0;
// ------------------------------
// --- Check input arguments. ---
@@ -72,40 +70,36 @@ PrintStringInfo(' Redirecting C code to: '+FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CPa
// --- Generate C code. ---
// ------------------------
-flagendpop = 0;
-IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack();
-while (flagendpop == 0)
- if (IfExprField~='<EOL>')
- if (IfExprField=='WhileExpression:')
- flagendpop = 1;
- // Pop Again the If tag from the AST.
- IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack();
- elseif (IfExprField=='Operands:')
- flagendpop = 0;
- g = AST_PopASTStack();
- else
- if (IfExprField=='&&' | IfExprField=='||')
- NOp = NOp + 1;
- Op(NOp) = IfExprField;
- //PrintStringInfo('operators are '+Op(NOp),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- else
- NIfCondArg = NIfCondArg + 1;
- IfCondArg(NIfCondArg) = IfExprField;
- end
- //[IfCondArg(NIfCondArg),tmpscope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(IfExprField);
- //[IfCondArg(NIfCondArg),tmpscope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(IfExprField);
- end
+if(SharedInfo.WhileExpr.CondVar == '')
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // It means that we are handling something like while(a) or while(1)
+ // The while condition variable is generated by the HandleEndGenFun.
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ // --- Pop the name of the condition variable or number. ---
+ Pop1 = AST_PopASTStack();
+ [ArgName,ArgScope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(Pop1);
+ if (length(ArgName) == 0)
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Expected while(variable) or while(number).','','stdout','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Expected a variable or number in the AST while expression.','','stdout','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Report this error to','','stdout','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ error(9999, 'Expected a conditional variable in the while expression');
- IfExprField = AST_PopASTStack();
- PrintStringInfo('operators are '+IfExprField,ReportFileName,'file','y');
-IfCondArg = SCI2Cflipud(IfCondArg);
+ SharedInfo.WhileExpr.CondVar = ArgName;
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Repush strings into the AST stack. ---
+ //#RNU_RES_E
-SharedInfo = C_WhileExpression(IfCondArg,NIfCondArg,Op,NOp,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ AST_PushASTStack(Pop1);
+elseif (SharedInfo.WhileExpr.DimCondVar > 0)
+ error(9999, 'Cannot manage while with matrix conditions');
+SharedInfo = C_WhileExpression(FileInfo,SharedInfo);
// --------------------------
// --- Update SharedInfo. ---