path: root/macros/ASTManagement/%program_p.sci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/ASTManagement/%program_p.sci')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/%program_p.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/%program_p.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..931f1f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/%program_p.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+function %program_p(p)
+ //overloading function for "program" type tlist display
+ mprintf("%s\n",string(p))
+function txt=%program_string(p)
+//overloading function for "program" type tlist string function
+//main (root) node of the Abstract Formal Tree
+// name : string (the function name)
+// outputs : list of "variable" type tlist (the output arg names)
+// inputs : list of "variable" type tlist (the intput arg names)
+// statements: list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
+// instructions list)
+// nblines : number (the number of lines in the scilab function)
+ txt=['Program'
+ 'Name : '
+ 'Outputs: '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.outputs),' ')
+ 'Inputs : '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.inputs),' ')
+ 'Statements '
+ ' '+objectlist2string(p.statements)
+ 'EndProgram'
+ ]
+function txt=%equal_string(e)
+//overloading function for "equal" type tlist string function
+//this is a node of the AST
+// expression: "expression" type tlist (the right hand side)
+// lhs : list of "variable" type tlist and "operation" type tlist // (the assignment)
+// endsymbol : string (the orginal end-of-instruction symbol (, ; <CR>))
+ txt=['Equal'
+ ' Expression: '
+ ' '+string(e.expression)
+ ' Lhs : '
+ ' '+objectlist2string(e.lhs)
+ 'EndEqual'
+ ]
+function txt=%for_string(F)
+//overloading function for "for" type tlist string function
+//this is a node of the AST
+// expression : "expression" type tlist (the loop expression)
+// statements : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
+// for instructions list)
+//NUT: raf cambiato ForExpression e ForStatements
+ txt=['For'
+ ' ForExpression:'
+ ' '+string(F.expression)
+ ' ForStatements:'
+ ' '+objectlist2string(F.statements)
+ 'EndFor']
+function txt=%while_string(W)
+//overloading function for "while" type tlist string function
+//this is a node of the AST
+// expression : "expression" type tlist (the loop expression)
+// statements : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
+// while instructions list)
+ txt=['While'
+ ' WhileExpression:'
+ ' '+string(W.expression)
+ ' WhileStatements:'
+ ' '+objectlist2string(W.statements)
+ 'EndWhile']
+function txt=%ifthenel_string(I)
+//overloading function for "ifthenel" type tlist string function
+//this is a node of the AST
+// expression : "expression" type tlist (the if expression)
+// then : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
+// then instructions list)
+// elseifs : a list of tlists
+// else : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
+// else instructions list)
+ txt=['If '
+ ' Expression:'
+ ' '+string(I.expression)
+ ' If Statements'
+ ' '+objectlist2string(I.then)]
+ for e=I.elseifs
+ txt=[txt;
+ ' Else If Expression'
+ ' '+string(e.expression)
+ ' Else If Statements'
+ ' '+objectlist2string(e.then)]
+ end
+ txt=[txt;
+ ' Else Statements'
+ ' '+objectlist2string(I.else)
+ 'EndIf']
+function txt=%operatio_string(O)
+//overloading function for "operation" type tlist string function
+//this is a node of the AST
+// operands: a list
+// operator: a string
+ txt=['Operation'
+ ' Operands:'
+ ' '+objectlist2string(O.operands)
+ ' Operator: '+O.operator
+ 'EndOperation'
+ ]
+function txt=%funcall_string(F)
+//overloading function for "funcall" type tlist string function
+//this is a node of the AST
+// rhs : a list
+// name : string, the name of the function
+// lhsnb: number, the number of function lhs
+txt=['Funcall : '
+ ' #lhs : '+string(F.lhsnb)
+ ' Rhs : '
+ ' '+objectlist2string(F.rhs)
+ 'EndFuncall'
+ ]
+function txt=%variable_string(v)
+ global anscounter; //NUT: just to fix problem with ans variables.
+//overloading function for "variable" type tlist string function
+//fields: name
+//this is a leaf of the AST
+//NUT: changed here. For me %i is a number not a variable.
+ if ( == "%T" | ...
+ == "%F"| ...
+ == "%nan"| ...
+ == "%inf"| ...
+ == "%pi")
+ txt=['Number_x: '];
+ elseif ( == "%i")
+ txt=['Number_X: '];
+ else
+ if ( == 'ans')
+ anscounter = anscounter + 1;
+ txt=['Variable: '];
+ else
+ txt=['Variable: '];
+ end
+ end
+function txt=%cste_string(c)
+//overloading function for "cste" type tlist string function
+//this is a leaf of the AST
+// value : a number or a string
+//NUT: added cste I also need "" for strings in order to be sure that the blanks are
+//NUT: correctly considered and not mistaken with additional blanks present in the ast text file.
+ stringcvalue = string(c.value);
+ if (stringcvalue == "%T" | ...
+ stringcvalue == "%F" | ...
+ stringcvalue == "%nan" | ...
+ stringcvalue == "%inf" | ...
+ stringcvalue == "%pi")
+ txt=['Number_x: '+stringcvalue];
+ elseif (SCI2Cisnum(stringcvalue))
+ //NUT needed to convert format 1D-14 into 1d-14
+ txt=['Number_x: '+strsubst(stringcvalue,'D','e')];
+ elseif (stringcvalue == "%i")
+ txt=['Number_X: '+stringcvalue];
+ else
+ txt=['String: ""'+stringcvalue+'""'];
+ end
+function txt=%comment_string(e)
+//overloading function for "comment" type tlist string function
+// text: a string
+//this is a leaf of the AST
+ txt=['Comment : '+e.text]
+function txt=objectlist2string(L)
+//auxiliary function for conversion of a list of objects
+//into a string vector
+ txt=[];
+ for o=L,
+ if type(o)==15 then //EOL case
+ txt=[txt;'<'+o(1)+'>'],
+ else
+ txt=[txt; string(o)],
+ end
+ end
+ if txt==[] then txt='<empty>',end