path: root/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder')
-rw-r--r--SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.datbin0 -> 22624 bytes
-rw-r--r--SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.datbin0 -> 2152 bytes
12 files changed, 794 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder.ast b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder.ast
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b452681e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder.ast
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Name : lengthfinder
+Outputs: <empty>
+Inputs : <empty>
+ <EOL>
+ Equal
+ Expression:
+ Operation
+ Operands:
+ Number_x: 1
+ Number_x: 5
+ Operator: :
+ EndOperation
+ Lhs :
+ Variable: x
+ EndEqual
+ <EOL>
+ Equal
+ Expression:
+ Funcall : length
+ #lhs : 1
+ Rhs :
+ Variable: x
+ EndFuncall
+ Lhs :
+ Variable: y
+ EndEqual
+ <EOL>
+ Equal
+ Expression:
+ Funcall : disp
+ #lhs : 1
+ Rhs :
+ Variable: y
+ EndFuncall
+ Lhs :
+ Variable: ans1
+ EndEqual
+ <EOL>
+ <EOL>
+ Funcall : return
+ #lhs : 0
+ Rhs :
+ <empty>
+ EndFuncall
+ <EOL>
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f25cf64f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+function lengthfinder()
+ x=1:5;
+ y=length(x);
+ disp(y)
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main.h b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..243f2b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+** ************************************************
+** This file has been generated using
+** Scilab2C (Version 2.3)
+** Please visit following links for more informations:
+** Atoms Module:
+** Scilab2C Forge:
+** Scilab2C ML:
+** ************************************************
+#ifndef main_h
+#define main_h
+** -------------------
+** ----- Target ------
+** -------------------
+#define StandAlone1 1
+** -----------------------
+** --- SCI2C Includes. ---
+** -----------------------
+#include "sci2clib.h"
+** ---------------------------
+** --- End SCI2C Includes. ---
+** ---------------------------
+** -------------------
+** --- Prototypes. ---
+** -------------------
+int main();
+** -----------------------
+** --- End Prototypes. ---
+** -----------------------
+** ------------------------
+** --- USER2C Includes. ---
+** ------------------------
+** ----------------------------
+** --- End USER2C Includes. ---
+** ----------------------------
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main.rpt b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main.rpt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e484720c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main.rpt
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+***Get default precision from: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci
+Annotation for default precision not found.
+Using the "DOUBLE" default precision.
+***Get resize approach from: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci
+Annotation for resize approach not found.
+Using the 'NO_RESIZE' resize approach.
+***Putting Input and Output arguments in the local symbol table***
+***Generating C code***
+ C call after output scalar args check: int main(
+ C call after input args analysis: int main(
+ C call after output args analysis: int main(
+ int main()
+ {
+ ==> Handling EOL
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Operation Parameters from AST***
+***Reading AST***
+Operation Name: OpColon
+N Intput Arguments: 2
+N Output Arguments: 1
+Input Argument Number 1: 1
+ Scope: Number_x
+Input Argument Number 2: 5
+ Scope: Number_x
+***Reading function annotations***
+ Function belongs to class: OpColon.
+ Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 2 "
+ Line 2 - Function NOutArg Annotation: "NOUT= 1 "
+ Line 3 - Function Type Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_MIN_REAL(IN(1).TP,IN(2).TP) "
+ Line 4 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_MIN_REAL(IN(1).TP,IN(2).TP) "
+ Line 5 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(1)= '1' "
+ Line 6 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(2)= FA_SZ_FROM_VAL(FA_ADD(FA_SUB(FA_REAL(IN(2).VAL,IN(2).TP),FA_REAL(IN(1).VAL,IN(1).TP)),'1'),FA_TP_REAL(IN(2).TP)) "
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+ Checking presence of Equal after the current function...
+...Found Equal.
+OutArg Names will be replaced with Lhs Names of the Equal.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+Input Argument 1 is a number: 1.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: 1
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Number
+Input Argument 2 is a number: 5.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: 5
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Number
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Using Equal Lhs names.
+ Pushing in the AST stack: "Variable: x".
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+ Symbol "x"
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/GBLVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 5
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 2
+ Scope: Local
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ Symbol "x"
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 5
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 2
+ Scope: Local
+ Setting symbol "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+***Generating C declaration***
+ double x[1 * 5];
+ int __xSize[2] = {1, 5};;
+ Writing C declaration in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c
+***Allocating memory for temp variables***
+ C Function Name: d0d0OpColond2
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: d0d0OpColond2
+ Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat
+***Generating C code***
+ C call after output scalar args check: d0d0OpColond2(
+ C call after input args analysis: d0d0OpColond2(1,5,
+ C call after output args analysis: d0d0OpColond2(1,5,x,
+ d0d0OpColond2(1,5,x);
+***Reading Equal Rhs Names***
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Equal Parameters from AST***
+***Reading AST***
+Function Name: OpEqual
+N Intput Arguments: 1
+N Output Arguments: 1
+Input Argument Number 1: x
+ Scope: Variable
+Output Argument Number 1: x
+ Scope: Variable
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+...Equal not found.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+Input Argument 1 is a symbol: x.
+Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 5
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 2
+ Scope: Local
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Generating temporary variables.
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+ Symbol "x"
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+ ...found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 5
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 2
+ Scope: Local
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ Symbol "x"
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 5
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 2
+ Scope: Local
+ Setting symbol "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ C Function Name: d2OpEquald2
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: d2OpEquald2
+ Current function will not be inserted in the Function List.
+***Generating C code***
+ Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function.
+ ==> Handling EOL
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Funcall Parameters from AST***
+ Parsing Funcall structure
+Function Name: length
+N Intput Arguments: 1
+N Output Arguments: 1
+Input Argument Number 1: x
+ Scope: Variable
+***Reading function annotations***
+ Function belongs to class: Length.
+ Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 1 "
+ Line 2 - Function NOutArg Annotation: "NOUT= 1 "
+ Line 3 - Function Type Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_USER "
+ Line 4 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= FA_TP_USER "
+ Line 5 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(1)= '1' "
+ Line 6 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(2)= '1' "
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+ Checking presence of precision specifier
+Function is not annotated
+The "d" default precision will be used.
+ Checking presence of Equal after the current function...
+...Found Equal.
+OutArg Names will be replaced with Lhs Names of the Equal.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+Input Argument 1 is a symbol: x.
+Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+Searching "x" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 5
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 2
+ Scope: Local
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Using Equal Lhs names.
+ Pushing in the AST stack: "Variable: y".
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+ Symbol "y"
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/GBLVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ Symbol "y"
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Setting symbol "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+***Generating C declaration***
+ double y;
+ Writing C declaration in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c
+***Allocating memory for temp variables***
+ C Function Name: d2lengthd0
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: d2lengthd0
+ Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat
+***Generating C code***
+ C call after output scalar args check: y = d2lengthd0(
+ C call after input args analysis: y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize,
+ C call after output args analysis: y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize,
+ y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize);
+***Reading Equal Rhs Names***
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Equal Parameters from AST***
+***Reading AST***
+Function Name: OpEqual
+N Intput Arguments: 1
+N Output Arguments: 1
+Input Argument Number 1: y
+ Scope: Variable
+Output Argument Number 1: y
+ Scope: Variable
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+...Equal not found.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+Input Argument 1 is a symbol: y.
+Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Generating temporary variables.
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+ Symbol "y"
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+ ...found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ Symbol "y"
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Setting symbol "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ C Function Name: d0OpEquald0
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: d0OpEquald0
+ Current function will not be inserted in the Function List.
+***Generating C code***
+ Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function.
+ ==> Handling EOL
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Funcall Parameters from AST***
+ Parsing Funcall structure
+Function Name: disp
+N Intput Arguments: 1
+N Output Arguments: 1
+Input Argument Number 1: y
+ Scope: Variable
+***Reading function annotations***
+ Function belongs to class: Disp.
+ Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 1 "
+ Line 3 - Function Type Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= 'd' "
+ Line 4 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).TP= 'd' "
+ Line 5 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(1)= '1' "
+ Line 6 - Function Size Annotation: "OUT(1).SZ(2)= '1' "
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+ Checking presence of Equal after the current function...
+...Found Equal.
+OutArg Names will be replaced with Lhs Names of the Equal.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+Input Argument 1 is a symbol: y.
+Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+Searching "y" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Using Equal Lhs names.
+ Pushing in the AST stack: "Variable: ans1".
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+ Symbol "ans1"
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/GBLVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ Symbol "ans1"
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Setting symbol "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+***Generating C declaration***
+ double ans1;
+ Writing C declaration in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c
+***Allocating memory for temp variables***
+ C Function Name: d0disp
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: d0disp
+ Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat
+***Generating C code***
+ C call after output scalar args check: d0disp(
+ C call after input args analysis: d0disp(y,
+ C call after output args analysis: d0disp(y,
+ d0disp(y);
+***Reading Equal Rhs Names***
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Equal Parameters from AST***
+***Reading AST***
+Function Name: OpEqual
+N Intput Arguments: 1
+N Output Arguments: 1
+Input Argument Number 1: ans1
+ Scope: Variable
+Output Argument Number 1: ans1
+ Scope: Variable
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+...Equal not found.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+Input Argument 1 is a symbol: ans1.
+Searching "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+Searching "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+...Found in: "/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Generating temporary variables.
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+ Symbol "ans1"
+ ...not found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat.
+ ...found in: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ Symbol "ans1"
+ Type: d
+ Size(1): 1
+ Size(2): 1
+ Value: Nan
+ FindLike: 0
+ Dimension: 0
+ Scope: Local
+ Setting symbol "ans1" in /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat.
+ C Function Name: d0OpEquald0
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: d0OpEquald0
+ Current function will not be inserted in the Function List.
+***Generating C code***
+ Skipping code generating because already generated in the previous function.
+ ==> Handling EOL
+ ==> Handling EOL
+ ==> Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal
+***Retrieving Funcall Parameters from AST***
+ Parsing Funcall structure
+Function Name: return
+N Intput Arguments: 0
+N Output Arguments: 0
+***Reading function annotations***
+ Function belongs to class: Return.
+ Line 1 - Function NInArg Annotation: "NIN= 0 "
+ Line 2 - Function NOutArg Annotation: "NOUT= 0 "
+***Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function.***
+...Equal not found.
+***Analyzing Input Arguments***
+ Generating Out Arg names.
+Generating temporary variables.
+***Getting output arguments info from the symbol table***
+***Checking if the current function is handling for counter variables.***
+***Checking if the current function is handling while counter variables.***
+***Putting output arguments in the symbol table***
+ C Function Name: return
+***Updating C Function List***
+ C Function Name: return
+ Found C Function Name in : /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/FunctionList/SCI2CAvailableC.dat
+***Generating C code***
+ C call after output scalar args check: return(
+ C call after input args analysis: return(
+ C call after output args analysis: return(
+ return function of the AST is skipped.
+ return(0);
+ ==> Handling EOL
+ ==> Handling EndProgram
+ }
+ Closing: /home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/lengthfinder_copy.sci
+ ==> Joining declaration and C-call files
+Generating the final C code in:/home/ankitraj1996/Documents/Scilab2C/2.3-1/main.c
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d459257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_LOCVAR.dat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43202522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_TMPVAR.dat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f13612fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_declarations.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ double x[1 * 5];
+ int __xSize[2] = {1, 5};;
+ double y;
+ double ans1;
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_globaldeclarations.c b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_globaldeclarations.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1c8b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_globaldeclarations.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_initvars.c b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_initvars.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1c8b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_initvars.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass1.c b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass1.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f776db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ SCI2C: ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SCI2C: function lengthfinder()
+ SCI2C: ------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main()
+ d0d0OpColond2(1,5,x);
+ y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize);
+ d0disp(y);
+ /*
+ ** ---------------------
+ ** --- Free Section. ---
+ ** ---------------------
+ */
+ /*
+ ** -------------------------
+ ** --- End Free Section. ---
+ ** -------------------------
+ */
+ return(0);
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass1free.c b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass1free.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c8d248a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass1free.c
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /*
+ ** ---------------------
+ ** --- Free Section. ---
+ ** ---------------------
+ */
+ /*
+ ** -------------------------
+ ** --- End Free Section. ---
+ ** -------------------------
+ */
diff --git a/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass2.c b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7eef151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SCI2CTmpResultsReports/lengthfinder/main_pass2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+** -------------------------------------
+** --- Global Variables Declaration. ---
+** -------------------------------------
+** -----------------------------------------
+** --- End Global Variables Declaration. ---
+** -----------------------------------------
+ SCI2C: ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SCI2C: function lengthfinder()
+ SCI2C: ------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main()
+** -----------------------------
+** --- Variable Declaration. ---
+** -----------------------------
+ double x[1 * 5];
+ int __xSize[2] = {1, 5};;
+ double y;
+ double ans1;
+** ---------------------------------
+** --- End Variable Declaration. ---
+** ---------------------------------
+** ---------------
+** --- C code. ---
+** ---------------
+ d0d0OpColond2(1,5,x);
+ y = d2lengthd0(x, __xSize);
+ d0disp(y);
+ /*
+ ** ---------------------
+ ** --- Free Section. ---
+ ** ---------------------
+ */
+ /*
+ ** -------------------------
+ ** --- End Free Section. ---
+ ** -------------------------
+ */
+ return(0);