path: root/src
diff options
authornutricato2008-06-04 08:58:15 +0000
committernutricato2008-06-04 08:58:15 +0000
commit9d4cbed90bf28487c52de84e7040ee78e60b4b5d (patch)
treeb2aefdb73ca2ae200c92e1847030db5a7f650adb /src
parent56805b2de8725a4169ba40d1acbda997ea2528aa (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
29 files changed, 0 insertions, 1597 deletions
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/ASTGenerator/%program_p.sci b/src/Scilab2C/ASTGenerator/%program_p.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e43a7a..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/ASTGenerator/%program_p.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-function %program_p(p)
- //overloading function for "program" type tlist display
- mprintf("%s\n",string(p))
-function txt=%program_string(p)
-//overloading function for "program" type tlist string function
-//main (root) node of the Abstract Formal Tree
-// name : string (the function name)
-// outputs : list of "variable" type tlist (the output arg names)
-// inputs : list of "variable" type tlist (the intput arg names)
-// statements: list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
-// instructions list)
-// nblines : number (the number of lines in the scilab function)
- txt=['Program'
- 'Name : '
- 'Outputs: '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.outputs),' ')
- 'Inputs : '+strcat(objectlist2string(p.inputs),' ')
- 'Statements '
- ' '+objectlist2string(p.statements)
- 'EndProgram'
- ]
-function txt=%equal_string(e)
-//overloading function for "equal" type tlist string function
-//this is a node of the AST
-// expression: "expression" type tlist (the right hand side)
-// lhs : list of "variable" type tlist and "operation" type tlist // (the assignment)
-// endsymbol : string (the orginal end-of-instruction symbol (, ; <CR>))
- txt=['Equal'
- ' Expression: '
- ' '+string(e.expression)
- ' Lhs : '
- ' '+objectlist2string(e.lhs)
- 'EndEqual'
- ]
-function txt=%for_string(F)
-//overloading function for "for" type tlist string function
-//this is a node of the AST
-// expression : "expression" type tlist (the loop expression)
-// statements : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
-// for instructions list)
- txt=['For'
- ' Expression:'
- ' '+string(F.expression)
- ' Statements:'
- ' '+objectlist2string(F.statements)
- 'EndFor']
-function txt=%ifthenel_string(I)
-//overloading function for "ifthenel" type tlist string function
-//this is a node of the AST
-// expression : "expression" type tlist (the if expression)
-// then : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
-// then instructions list)
-// elseifs : a list of tlists
-// else : list of "equal" type tlist and list('EOL') (the
-// else instructions list)
- txt=['If '
- ' Expression:'
- ' '+string(I.expression)
- ' If Statements'
- ' '+objectlist2string(I.then)]
- for e=I.elseifs
- txt=[txt;
- " Else If Expression'
- ' '+string(e.expression)
- ' Else If Statements'
- ' '+objectlist2string(e.then)]
- end
- txt=[txt;
- " Else Statements'
- ' '+objectlist2string(I.else)
- 'EndIf']
-function txt=%operatio_string(O)
-//overloading function for "operation" type tlist string function
-//this is a node of the AST
-// operands: a list
-// operator: a string
- txt=['Operation'
- ' Operands:'
- ' '+objectlist2string(O.operands)
- ' Operator: '+O.operator
- 'EndOperation'
- ]
-function txt=%funcall_string(F)
-//overloading function for "funcall" type tlist string function
-//this is a node of the AST
-// rhs : a list
-// name : string, the name of the function
-// lhsnb: number, the number of function lhs
-txt=['Funcall : '
- ' #lhs : '+string(F.lhsnb)
- ' Rhs : '
- ' '+objectlist2string(F.rhs)
- 'EndFuncall'
- ]
-function txt=%variable_string(v)
-//overloading function for "variable" type tlist string function
-//fields: name
-//this is a leaf of the AST
-function txt=%cste_string(c)
-//overloading function for "cste" type tlist string function
-//this is a leaf of the AST
-// value : a number or a string
- txt=string(c.value)
-function txt=%comment_string(e)
-//overloading function for "comment" type tlist string function
-// text: a string
-//this is a leaf of the AST
- txt=['Comment : '+e.text]
-function txt=objectlist2string(L)
-//auxiliary function for conversion of a list of objects
-//into a string vector
- txt=[];
- for o=L,
- if type(o)==15 then //EOL case
- txt=[txt;'<'+o(1)+'>'],
- else
- txt=[txt; string(o)],
- end
- end
- if txt==[] then txt='<empty>',end
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/ASTGenerator/GetASTFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/ASTGenerator/GetASTFile.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c9b4f48..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/ASTGenerator/GetASTFile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-function GetASTFile(FileInfoDatFile);
-// function GetASTFile(FileInfoDatFile);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Generates the AST file starting from the .sci file specified
-// in SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFileName.
-// Input data:
-// FileInfoDatFile: name of the .dat file containing the FileInfo structure.
-// SharedInfoDatFile: it is a buffer containing parameters that are exchanged by the
-// functions of the SCI2C tool.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 11-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------
-// --- Load File Info Structure. ---
-// ---------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------
-// --- Load Shared Info Structure. ---
-// -----------------------------------
-// Extraction of the function name and number.
-funname = SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFunName;
-funnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber;
-PrintStepInfo('Generate the AST in '+FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).ASTFileName,...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both');
-// --- Generation of the AST file. ---
- FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).ASTFileName);
-// --- Save File Info Structure. ---
-// save(FileInfoDatFile,FileInfo);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GenAnnotationFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GenAnnotationFile.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index cba33f53..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GenAnnotationFile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-function GenAnnotationFile(AnnStyle,FunName,OutDir)
-// function GenAnnotationFile(AnnStyle,FunName,OutDir)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Generates the annotation for the function "FunName" according to
-// the style specified by AnnStyle.
-// The annotation file will be stored into the OutDir.
-// Examples of annotation styles:
-// AnnStyle = 'I1O1' -> input and output have the same size and type.
-// AnnStyle = 'I2O1' -> inputs and output have the same size and type.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 17-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------
-// --- Open the .ann file. ---
-// ---------------------------
-annotationfilename = fullfile(OutDir,FunName+'.ann');
-[inannfid,inannerr] = mopen(annotationfilename,'w+');
-if (inannerr < 0)
- SCI2Cerror(['Cannot open: '+annotationfilename]);
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Write annotation file. ---
-// ------------------------------
-if (AnnStyle=='I1O1')
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_NOUT: 1\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type\n');
-elseif (AnnStyle=='I2O1')
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_NOUT: 1\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type\n');
-elseif (AnnStyle=='INON')
- // Cosa si puo' fare per la equal che puo' avere anche N input e N output?
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_NOUT: 1\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_NOUT: 2\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(2).Size = InArg(2).Size\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(2).Type = InArg(2).Type\n');
-elseif (AnnStyle=='DET')
- // Cosa si puo' fare per la equal che puo' avere anche N input e N output?
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_NOUT: 1\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = [1,1]\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type\n');
-elseif (AnnStyle=='TRANS')
- // Cosa si puo' fare per la equal che puo' avere anche N input e N output?
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_NOUT: 1\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size.''\n');
- fprintf(inannfid,'//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type\n');
- SCI2Cerror('Unknown Annotation style: '+AnnStyle);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetFunAnnotationsAnnFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetFunAnnotationsAnnFile.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index d1981ff3..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetFunAnnotationsAnnFile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-function [FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot] = ...
- GetFunAnnotationsAnnFile(SharedInfo_Annotations,NOut,AnnFileName,ReportFileName);
-// function [FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot] = ...
-// GetFunAnnotationsAnnFile(SharedInfo_Annotations,NOut,AnnFileName,ReportFileName);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function extracts the FUN TYPE and SIZE annotations from the
-// input .ann file.
-// Example of annotation:
-// //_SCI2C_NOUT: 1
-// //_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size
-// //_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type
-// No blank lines are allowed between function annotations.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 11-Jul-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Check input arguments. ---
-// ------------------------------
-if (argn(2) ~= 4)
- SCI2Cerror('Incorrect number of input arguments.');
-// ---------------------------------------
-// --- Open the .sci file (read only). ---
-// ---------------------------------------
-[inscifid,inscierr] = mopen(AnnFileName,'r');
-if (inscierr < 0)
- SCI2Cerror(['Cannot open: '+AnnFileName])
-// ----------------------------------------------
-// --- Loop over the lines of the input file. ---
-// ----------------------------------------------
-// Position file pointer to the desired NOUT section,
-// and read the NOUT annotation.
-FoundNout = 0;
-line_position = 0;
-while ((meof(inscifid) == 0) & (FoundNout == 0))
- check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inscifid,1));
- line_position = line_position + 1;
- if (~isempty(check_string))
- if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNNOUT,check_string))
- FunNOutAnnot = part(check_string,length(SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNNOUT)+1:length(check_string));
- if (eval(FunNOutAnnot) == NOut)
- PrintStringInfo('Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function NOut Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',...
- ReportFileName,'file','y');
- FoundNout = 1;
- end
- end
- end
-if (FoundNout == 0)
- disp('Please check file: '+AnnFileName);
- SCI2Cerror('Could not find ""'+SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNNOUT+' '+string(NOut)+'"" annotation.');
- for cntout = 1:NOut
- // Read the Fun size annotation.
- check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inscifid,1));
- line_position = line_position + 1;
- if (isempty(check_string) == %F)
- if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNSIZE,check_string))
- PrintStringInfo('Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function Size Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',...
- ReportFileName,'file','y');
- FunSizeAnnot(cntout) = ...
- stripblanks(part(check_string,length(SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNSIZE)+1:length(check_string)));
- else
- SCI2Cerror('Line '+string(line_position)+' Function type annotation (//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE:) not found in file: '+AnnFileName,...
- ReportFileName,'file','y');
- end
- // Read the Fun type annotation.
- check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inscifid,1));
- line_position = line_position + 1;
- if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNTYPE,check_string))
- PrintStringInfo('Line '+string(line_position)+' - Function Type Annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',...
- ReportFileName,'file','y');
- FunTypeAnnot(cntout) = ...
- stripblanks(part(check_string,length(SharedInfo_Annotations.FUNTYPE)+1:length(check_string)));
- else
- SCI2Cerror('Line '+string(line_position)+' Function type annotation (//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE:) not found in file: '+AnnFileName,...
- ReportFileName,'file','y');
- end
- end
- end
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// --- End loop over the lines of the input file. ---
-// --------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetVarAnnotationsSciFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetVarAnnotationsSciFile.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fafce8b..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetVarAnnotationsSciFile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-function GetVarAnnotationsSciFile(FileInfoDatFile);
-// function GetVarAnnotationsSciFile(FileInfoDatFile);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function reads the .sci input file and returns all the variable annotations
-// found in that file.
-// Input data:
-// FileInfoDatFile: name of the .dat file containing the FileInfo structure.
-// SharedInfoDatFile: it is a buffer containing parameters that are exchanged by the
-// functions of the SCI2C tool.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 21-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------
-// --- Load section. ---
-// ---------------------
-// --- Load File Info Structure. ---
-// --- Load Shared Info Structure. ---
-// --- Extraction of the function name and number. ---
-funname = SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFunName;
-funnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber;
-// --- Load GlobalVars Structure. ---
-// --- Load LocalVars Structure. ---
-// -------------------------
-// --- End load section. ---
-// -------------------------
-SciFileName = FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).SCIFileName;
-PrintStepInfo('Get annotations from '+SciFileName,...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both');
-// ---------------------------------------
-// --- Open the .sci file (read only). ---
-// ---------------------------------------
-[inscifid,inscierr] = mopen(SciFileName,'r');
-if (inscierr < 0)
- SCI2Cerror(['Cannot open: '+SciFileName])
-// --- Loop Initialization. ---
-GlobalVarNames = [];
-// ----------------------------------------------
-// --- Loop over the lines of the input file. ---
-// ----------------------------------------------
-line_position = 0;
-while (meof(inscifid) == 0)
- check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inscifid,1));
- line_position = line_position + 1;
- if (length(check_string) >= 1)
- if (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.GBLVAR,check_string))
- PrintStringInfo('Line '+string(line_position)+' - Global Variables: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
- TmpGlobalAnn = stripblanks(tokens(check_string,' '));
- GlobalVarNames = [GlobalVarNames,TmpGlobalAnn(2:max(size(TmpGlobalAnn)))];
- clear TmpGlobalAnn
- elseif (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.VARTYPE,check_string))
- // Assuming the following annotation:
- // //_SCI2C_VARTYPE: name | type | size
- // Ex.:
- // //_SCI2C_VARTYPE: myvar | z | [10,4]
- TmpVarAnn = GetVarTypeAnnotation(check_string);
- PrintStringInfo('Line '+string(line_position)+' - VARTYPE annotation: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'file','y');
- // Check if the variable is global or local
- if length(find(GlobalVarNames==TmpVarAnn(2))) > 0
- //RN Qui manca un check per verificare se sto ridefinendo una global gia definita
- GlobalVarsNum = size(GlobalVars,1) + 1;
- GlobalVars(GlobalVarsNum).Name = TmpVarAnn(2);
- GlobalVars(GlobalVarsNum).CName = TmpVarAnn(2);
- GlobalVars(GlobalVarsNum).Type = TmpVarAnn(3);
- GlobalVars(GlobalVarsNum).Size = eval(TmpVarAnn(4));
- else
- //RN Qui manca un check per verificare se sto ridefinendo una local gia definita
- LocalVarsNum = size(LocalVars,1) + 1;
- LocalVars(LocalVarsNum).Name = TmpVarAnn(2);
- LocalVars(LocalVarsNum).CName = TmpVarAnn(2);
- LocalVars(LocalVarsNum).Type = TmpVarAnn(3);
- LocalVars(LocalVarsNum).Size = eval(TmpVarAnn(4));
- end
- clear TmpVarAnn
- end
- end
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// --- End loop over the lines of the input file. ---
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------
-// --- Save section. ---
-// ---------------------
-// --- Save File Info Structure. ---
-// Save Global and Local variables info into .dat files.
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetVarTypeAnnotation.sci b/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetVarTypeAnnotation.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index b362fdfd..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/GetVarTypeAnnotation.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-function VarTypeAnnotation = GetVarTypeAnnotation(InputString);
-// function VarTypeAnnotation = GetVarTypeAnnotation(InputString);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function extracts the VAR TYPE annotation from the input string.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 11-Jul-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-tmp1 = stripblanks(tokens(InputString,'|'));
-tmp2 = stripblanks(tokens(tmp1(1),' '));
-tmp1(1) = [];
-VarTypeAnnotation = [tmp2; tmp1];
-if ((max(size(VarTypeAnnotation))) ~= 4)
- SCI2Cerror('Incorrect VARTYPE ANNOTATION in string ""'+InputString+'"".');
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/InitializeLibraryAnnotations.sci b/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/InitializeLibraryAnnotations.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 742bf5e0..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/InitializeLibraryAnnotations.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-function InitializeLibraryAnnotations(FileInfoDatFile)
-// function InitializeLibraryAnnotations(FileInfoDatFile)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function initializes the SCI2C and USER library annotation
-// files.
-// For each Scilab function a .ann file is created where the function
-// annotations are listed into it.
-// Input data:
-// FileInfoDatFile: name of the .dat file containing the FileInfo structure.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 12-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------
-// --- Load section. ---
-// ---------------------
-// --- Load File Info Structure. ---
-// --- Load Shared Info Structure. ---
-// -------------------------
-// --- End load section. ---
-// -------------------------
-PrintStepInfo('Initialize Library Annotation Files.',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both');
-OutDir = FileInfo.SCI2CLibAnnDirName;
-// ------------------------------------------------------
-// --- Add elementary functions to the SCI2C library. ---
-// ------------------------------------------------------
-PrintStringInfo('Adding elementary functions to the SCI2C library.',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-//RN non so comet trattare la equal
-AnnStyle = 'INON';
-//RN equal funziona come le sin ma occorre fare diversi controlli per capire se l'output
-//e' compatibile con l'input. Per ora la lascio cosi'.
-NewFunctionName = 'Equal';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding function ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
- // ----------------------
- // --- Style: 'I1O1'. ---
- // ----------------------
-AnnStyle = 'I1O1';
-NewFunctionName = 'sin';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding function ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-NewFunctionName = 'cos';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding function ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("tan",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("cotg",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("asin",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("acos",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("sinh",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("cosh",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("tanh",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("asinh",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("acosh",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("atanh",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("exp",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("log",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("log10",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("abs",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("inv",SCI2CLib);
-// SCI2CLib = AddElementaryFunction("sqrtR",SCI2CLib);
- // ----------------------
- // --- Style: 'DET'. ---
- // ----------------------
-AnnStyle = 'DET';
-NewFunctionName = 'det';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding function ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// --- End add elementary functions to the SCI2C library. ---
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-// --- Add operator functions to the SCI2C library. ---
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-PrintStringInfo('Adding operator functions to the SCI2C library.',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
- // ----------------------
- // --- Style: 'I2O1'. ---
- // ----------------------
-AnnStyle = 'I2O1';
-NewFunctionName = 'OpPlus';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding operator ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-NewFunctionName = 'OpMinus';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding operator ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-NewFunctionName = 'OpMul';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding operator ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-NewFunctionName = 'OpDiv';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding operator ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
- // -----------------------
- // --- Style: 'TRANS'. ---
- // -----------------------
-AnnStyle = 'TRANS';
-NewFunctionName = 'OpTrans';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding operator ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-NewFunctionName = 'OpTransConj';
-PrintStringInfo(' Adding operator ""'+NewFunctionName+'"".',FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both','y');
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-// --- End add operator functions to the SCI2C library. ---
-// --------------------------------------------------------
-if (1==2)
-// determinant function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDet("det");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// sqrt function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafSqrt("sqrt");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// I add the function with 2 Input
-// dot function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("DotAdd");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("DotSub");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("DotMul");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("DotDiv");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// op function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("OpAdd");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("OpSub");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("OpMul");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafDotOp("OpDiv");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// atan function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafAtan("atan");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// convol function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafConvol("convol");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// fft function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafFFT("fft");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-// ifft function
- [FuncStruct, CINFO, NumFunc] = AddLeafIFFT("ifft");
- for ind = 1 : NumFunc,
- SCI2CLib = AddBranch(SCI2CLib, FuncStruct(ind), CINFO(ind) );
- end
-end // end if (1==2)
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/Sci2AnnotationFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/Sci2AnnotationFile.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index a7046543..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/Annotations/Sci2AnnotationFile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-function Sci2AnnotationFile(FileInfoDatFile,SciFileName)
-// function Sci2AnnotationFile(FileInfoDatFile,SciFileName)
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function reads the .sci input file and generates the correspondig .ann
-// file.
-// Input data:
-// FileInfoDatFile: name of the .dat file containing the FileInfo structure.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 25-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------
-// --- Load section. ---
-// ---------------------
-// --- Load File Info Structure. ---
-// --- Load Shared Info Structure. ---
-// --- Extraction of the function name and number. ---
-funname = SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFunName;
-funnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber;
-// -------------------------
-// --- End load section. ---
-// -------------------------
-// --- File names initialization. ---
-[tmppath,tmpname,tmpext] = fileparts(SciFileName);
-AnnFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.USER2CLibAnnDirName,tmpname+'.ann');
-PrintStepInfo('Generate annotations file: '+AnnFileName,...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both');
-// ---------------------------------------
-// --- Open the .sci file (read only). ---
-// ---------------------------------------
-[inscifid,inscierr] = mopen(SciFileName,'r');
-if (inscierr < 0)
- SCI2Cerror(['Cannot open (in read mode): '+SciFileName]);
-// ----------------------------------------------
-// --- Loop over the lines of the input file. ---
-// ----------------------------------------------
-line_position = 0;
-while (meof(inscifid) == 0)
- check_string = stripblanks(mgetl(inscifid,1));
- line_position = line_position + 1;
- if (length(check_string) >= 1)
- if ((SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.GBLVAR,check_string)) | ...
- (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.VARTYPE,check_string)) | ...
- (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNOUT,check_string)) | ...
- (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNSIZE,check_string)) | ...
- (SCI2Cstrncmps1size(SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNTYPE,check_string)))
- PrintStringInfo('Line '+string(line_position)+' - Found Annotation:: '+' ""'+check_string+' ""',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(check_string,...
- AnnFileName,'file','y');
- end
- end
-// --------------------------------------------------
-// --- End loop over the lines of the input file. ---
-// --------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/FunAnnotationExample.sci b/src/Scilab2C/FunAnnotationExample.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c950650..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/FunAnnotationExample.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-//_SCI2C_NOUT: 1
-//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size*3
-//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type
-//_SCI2C_NOUT: 2
-//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size*2
-//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type
-//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE: OutArg(2).Size = InArg(1).Size+InArg(2).Size
-//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE: OutArg(2).Type = InArg(2).Type
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/FunName2SciFileName.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/FunName2SciFileName.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f6db34..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/FunName2SciFileName.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-function ScilabFileName = FunName2SciFileName(DirList,InFunName);
-// function ScilabFileName = FunName2SciFileName(DirList,InFunName);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function generates the full path of the scilab file
-// related to the function name (InFunName) specified.
-// In more detail the file "eval(InFunName).sci" file is searched
-// in the directories specified in DirList.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 16-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-if (prod(size(DirList)) == 0)
- SCI2Cerror('Incorrect DirList parameter.');
-if (prod(size(InFunName)) == 0)
- SCI2Cerror('Incorrect InFunName parameter.');
-// --- Generate the PathList. ---
-for tmpcounter = 1:max(size(DirList))
- PathList(tmpcounter) = fullfile(DirList(tmpcounter),(InFunName+'.sci'));
-// --- Search the .sci file. ---
-ScilabFileName = listfiles(PathList);
-// --- Check on the number of .sci files found. ---
-if ((prod(size(ScilabFileName))) > 1)
- disp(ScilabFileName);
- SCI2Cerror('Found more than one scilab file.');
-if ((prod(size(ScilabFileName))) < 1)
- disp(ScilabFileName);
- SCI2Cerror('Scilab file ""'+InFunName+'.sci"", not found');
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/PrintStringInfo.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/PrintStringInfo.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 36377bdc..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/PrintStringInfo.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-function PrintStringInfo(str, filename, outputtype, ennewline);
-// function PrintStringInfo(str,filename,outputtype,ennewline);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Prints a string into a file or on the stdout or on both.
-// Input data:
-// filename: optional parameter, that specifies the output file.
-// If filename is '' or it is not provided to the function,
-// the string will be printed on the stdout.
-// outputtype: 'file' -> prints only on file.
-// 'stdout' -> prints only on the stdout.
-// 'both' -> prints on both file and stdout.
-// Default is 'stdout'.
-// ennewline: optional (default = 'y'); If y adds a newline character
-// at the end of the input string.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 02-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// 02-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
-// 02-May-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Added ennewline.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
- if argn(2) < 4
- ennewline = 'y';
- if argn(2) < 3
- outputtype = 'stdout';
- if argn(2) < 2
- filename = '';
- if argn(2) < 1
- str = '';
- end
- end
- end
- else if argn(2) > 4
- SCI2CSCI2Cerror('Incorrect number of input arguments.');
- end
- end
- if (length(filename) == 0) then
- outputtype = 'stdout'; // Prints only on the stdout.
- end
- if (outputtype=='both') | (outputtype=='stdout')
- disp(str)
- end
- if (outputtype=='both') | (outputtype=='file')
- if (ennewline=='y')
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',str);
- else
- filenamefprintf(filename,'n',str);
- end
- end
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/ReadStringCard.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/ReadStringCard.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index a6abfcb7..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/ReadStringCard.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-function cardvalue = ReadStringCard(filename,cardname,commentdelim,enableerror);
-// function cardvalue = ReadStringCard(filename,cardname,commentdelim,enableerror);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Reads the string associated to the card cardname placed
-// in filename.
-// The value of cardname is assumed to be a string.
-// If the card is not found an error will occur.
-// Input data:
-// filename: full path + name of the file where the card
-// is being searched.
-// cardname: string with the name of the card.
-// commentdelim: specifies a character for an eventual comment
-// (to be discarded) after the card value.
-// enableerror: 'y' enable error message.
-// 'n' enable warning message.
-// Output data:
-// cardvalue: string associated to the card. Blanks characters
-// are discarded.
-// Status:
-// 06-Feb-2004 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// 06-Feb-2004 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
-// 25-Jun-2004 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Added Comment delimiter
-// and enableerror as input parameter.
-// 13-Apr-2007 -- Intelligente Fabio: Rewritten from Matlab to Scilab.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-if argn(2) == 2 then
- commentdelim = ' ';
- enableerror = 'y';
-elseif argn(2) == 3 then
- enableerror = 'y';
-[flag_found,requested_line,dummy2] = ...
- KeyString2FileStringPos(filename,cardname,'cut');
-cardvalue = stripblanks(strtok(requested_line,commentdelim));
-clear requested_line dummy2
-if (flag_found == 0) then
- if (enableerror == 'y') then
- SCI2Cerror([cardname,' not found']);
- else
- warning([cardname,' not found']);
- end
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2CCreateDir.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2CCreateDir.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 606c662a..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2CCreateDir.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function SCI2CCreateDir(OutDir);
-// function SCI2CCreateDir(OutDir);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Create the dir OutDir.
-// Input data:
-// OutDir:
-// Output data:
-// ---
-// Status:
-// 25-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-status_dir = mkdir(OutDir) ;
-if (status_dir == 0)
- SCI2Cerror('Cannot create: '+OutDir);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cerror.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cerror.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 444dcff5..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cerror.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-function SCI2Cerror(errorstring);
-// function SCI2Cerror(errorstring);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// It is the error function but before issuing the error, perorms
-// the mclose('all');
-// 02-May-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-error('###########SCI2C_ERROR: '+errorstring);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cfileexist.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cfileexist.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 87cc1777..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cfileexist.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-function ExistTest = SCI2Cfileexist(InDir,FileName)
-// function ExistTest = SCI2Cfileexist(InDir,FileName)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Searches for the file FileName in the directory InDir.
-// Return %F if it doesn't exist.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 12-Jun-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-tmppwd = pwd();
-allfiles = ls(FileName);
-if (size(allfiles,1) == 0)
- ExistTest = %F;
-elseif (size(allfiles,1) == 1)
- ExistTest = %T;
- SCI2Cerror('Very Strange! Found more than one file with the same name.');
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cmdelete.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cmdelete.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 772cff98..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cmdelete.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function SCI2Cmdelete(InFile);
-// function SCI2Cmdelete(InFile);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Deletes the input files only if the file really exists.
-// This avoids the issuing of the error generated by mdelete.
-// Input data:
-// InFile: full path of the file to be deleted.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-if Inierr == 0
- mdelete(InFile);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmp.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmp.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 81bc2f5b..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmp.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-function res = SCI2Cstrncmp(s1,s2,n);
-// function res = SCI2Cstrncmp(s1,s2,n);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function compares first n characters of strings s1 and s2.
-// SCI2Cstrncmp(s1,s2,n) returns logical T (true) if the first n characters of
-// the strings s1 and s2 are the same and logical 0 (false) otherwise.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 16-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-res = (part(s1,1:n) == part(s2,1:n));
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmps1size.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmps1size.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index d560b850..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SCI2Cstrncmps1size.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function res = SCI2Cstrncmps1size(s1,s2);
-// function res = SCI2Cstrncmps1size(s1,s2);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function compares first n characters of strings s1 and s2.
-// n is the size of the string s1.
-// SCI2Cstrncmps1size returns logical T (true) if the first n characters of
-// the strings s1 and s2 are the same and logical 0 (false) otherwise.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 16-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-n = length(s1);
-res = (part(s1,1:n) == part(s2,1:n));
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SciFile2ASTFile.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SciFile2ASTFile.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 8930564d..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SciFile2ASTFile.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-function SciFile2ASTFile(SciFile,ASTFile);
-// function SciFile2ASTFile(SciFile,ASTFile);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function makes use of the macr2tree function to generate
-// the ASTFile containing the AST (Abstract Syntactic Tree) of the
-// input Scilab function (SciFile).
-// Input data:
-// SciFile: full path of the input function.
-// ASTFile: full path of the file that will store the AST.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-[tmppath,ScilabFunName,tmpext] = fileparts(SciFile);
-if ASTierr == 0
- mdelete(ASTFile);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SizeInByte.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SizeInByte.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fcf4e08..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/SizeInByte.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-function SizeIn = SizeInByte(InDataType);
-// function SizeIn = SizeInByte(InDataType);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns the size in bytes of the input data type.
-// Input data:
-// InDataType: input data type. It can be:
-// 'float'
-// 'double'
-// 'floatComplex*'
-// 'doubleComplex*'
-// Output data:
-// SizeIn: size in bytes of the input data type.
-// Status:
-// 12-May-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-if (InDataType == 'float')
- SizeIn = 4;
-elseif (InDataType == 'double')
- SizeIn = 8;
-elseif (InDataType == 'floatComplex*')
- SizeIn = 8;
-elseif (InDataType == 'doubleComplex*')
- SizeIn = 16;
- error('Unknown data type: '+InDataType);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/dispina.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/dispina.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d85a68..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/dispina.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-function dispina(instring);
-// function dispina(instring);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Quista sacciu sulu iou comu funziona e a ce me server.
-// Input data:
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/filenamefprintf.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/filenamefprintf.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a0cba2..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/filenamefprintf.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-function filenamefprintf(filename,ennewline,str)
-// function filenamefprintf(filename,ennewline,str)
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Uses the printf to print the string specified by varargin. filenamefprintf
-// uses the filename instead of the fid parameter used by fprintf.
-// Everytime filenamefprintf is called it
-// opens the file, prints the string in it and then closes it.
-// Opening is performed in read/append mode (at+).
-// Input data:
-// filename: string that specifies the name of the file.
-// varargin are the input arguments for the printf.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 31-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// 31-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if argn(2) < 3 then
- SCI2Cerror('Incorrect number of input arguments.');
- end
-// [FidReportFile, mess] = mopen(deblank(filename),'at+');
- [FidReportFile, mess] = mopen(filename,'a+');
- if (FidReportFile == -1) then
- SCI2Cerror(mess);
- end
- if ennewline=='y' then
- mfprintf(FidReportFile,'%s\n',str);
- else
- mfprintf(FidReportFile,'%s',str);
- end
- mclose(FidReportFile);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/squeezestrings.sci b/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/squeezestrings.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e8f9a1..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/GeneralFunctions/squeezestrings.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function OutString = squeezestrings(InStringArray);
-// function OutString = squeezestrings(InStringArray);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Converts an array of strings into a single string.
-// Input data:
-// InStringArray: Array of strings.
-// Output data:
-// OutString: Output string.
-// Status:
-// 12-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-OutString = [];
-for counterstrings = 1:max(size(InStringArray))
- OutString = OutString+InStringArray(counterstrings);
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/Array2String.sci b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/Array2String.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd15f66..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/Array2String.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-function [StringArray] = Array2String(InArray);
-// function [StringArray] = Array2String(InArray);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Converts an input array into a string. Maximum 2D array are allowed.
-// Ex.: InArray = [10, 4];
-// StringArray = "[10, 4]";
-// Input data:
-// InArray: Input array.
-// Output data:
-// StringArray: array converted into a string.
-// Status:
-// 13-May-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-[Nrows,Ncols] = size(InArray);
-StringArray = '[';
-for counterrows = 1:Nrows
- for countercols = 1:Ncols
- StringArray = StringArray + string(InArray(counterrows,countercols)) + ',';
- end
- StringArray = part(StringArray,1:(length(StringArray)-1)); // Remove the last ','
- StringArray = StringArray+';';
-StringArray = part(StringArray,1:(length(StringArray)-1)); // Remove the last ';'
-StringArray = StringArray+']';
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/InitializeSCI2C.sci b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/InitializeSCI2C.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index db3a459c..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/InitializeSCI2C.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-function [FileInfoDatFile,SharedInfoDatFile] = InitializeSCI2C(SCI2CInputPrmFile);
-// function [FileInfoDatFile,SharedInfoDatFile] = InitializeSCI2C(SCI2CInputPrmFile);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// This function initializes the SCI2C tool according
-// to the input parameters recorded in the SCI2CParameters.
-// All info will be stored into FileInfoDatFile.
-// Input data:
-// SCI2CInputPrmFile: name of the .sce file containing input parameters.
-// Output data:
-// FileInfoDatFile: name of the .dat file containing the FileInfo structure.
-// SharedInfoDatFile: it is a buffer containing parameters that are exchanged by the
-// functions of the SCI2C tool.
-// Status:
-// 13-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- Read Input Parameters. ---
-FileInfoDatFile = fullfile(ResultDir,'FileInfo.dat');
-SharedInfoDatFile = fullfile(ResultDir,'SharedInfo.dat');
-// ----------------------------
-// --- Initialize FileInfo. ---
-// ----------------------------
-FileInfo.FileInfoDatFile = FileInfoDatFile;
-FileInfo.SharedInfoDatFile = SharedInfoDatFile;
-FileInfo.ResultDir = ResultDir;
-FileInfo.SCI2CLibAnnDirName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,'SCI2CLibAnnotations');
-FileInfo.USER2CLibAnnDirName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,'USER2CLibAnnotations');
-FileInfo.SCI2CLibTreeFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,'SCI2CLibTree.dat');
-FileInfo.USER2CLibTreeFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,'USER2CLibTree.dat');
-FileInfo.GeneralReport = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,'SCI2CGeneralReport.txt');
-FileInfo.GlobalVarFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,'GBLVAR.dat');
-FileInfo.UserSciFilesPaths = UserSciFilesPaths;
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Initialize SharedInfo. ---
-// ------------------------------
-// File names of the next .sci files to be converted in AST and
-// successively into C.
-SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFileName = ScilabMainFile;
-[scipath,funname,sciext] = fileparts(ScilabMainFile);
-SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFunName = funname; //RN per ora no so cosa metter
-SharedInfo.Next(1).CFunName = funname; //RN per ora no so cosa metter
-SharedInfo.Next(1).InArg = 1; //RN per ora non so che mettere.
-SharedInfo.Next(1).OutArg = 1; //RN per ora non so che mettere.
-SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber = 1;
-SharedInfo.Annotations.GBLVAR = 'global';
-SharedInfo.Annotations.VARTYPE = '//_SCI2C_VARTYPE:';
-SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNNOUT = '//_SCI2C_NOUT:';
-SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNSIZE = '//_SCI2C_FUNSIZE:';
-SharedInfo.Annotations.FUNTYPE = '//_SCI2C_FUNTYPE:'; // Type includes also precision.
-// Info related to temp variables used in the C code.
-SharedInfo.WorkAreaSizeBytes = WorkAreaSizeBytes;
-SharedInfo.WorkAreaUsedBytes = 0;
-SharedInfo.WorkAreaName = '__WorkAreaPtr';
-SharedInfo.TotTempScalarVars = TotTempScalarVars;
-SharedInfo.UsedTempScalarVars = 0;
-SharedInfo.TempScalarVarsName = '__Scalar';
-// Info related to temp variables used in the AST reading phase.
-SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars = 0;
-SharedInfo.ASTReader.TempVarsName = '__temp';
-SharedInfo.ASTReader.ReusableTempVars = [];//RN to be removed
-// ------------------------------
-// --- Initialize GlobalVars. ---
-// ------------------------------
-GlobalVars = [];
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-// --- Remove previous versions of SCI2C files/dir. ---
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-disp('Removing directory: '+FileInfo.ResultDir);
-yesno=input('Are you sure [y/n]?','string');
-if (yesno=='y')
- rmdir(FileInfo.ResultDir,'s');
- SCI2Cerror('Cannot continue, because you don''t want to delete: '+FileInfo.ResultDir);
-// ---------------------------
-// --- Create Directories. ---
-// ---------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------
-// --- Generate new versions of SCI2C files. ---
-// ---------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/PrintStepInfo.sci b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/PrintStepInfo.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 66d0653e..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/PrintStepInfo.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-function PrintStepInfo(inputstring,filename,outputtype);
-// function PrintStepInfo(inputstring,filename,outputtype);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Prints a string by using a predefined format into a file or on
-// the stdout.
-// Input data:
-// filename: optional parameter, that specifies the output file.
-// If filename is '' or it is not provided to the function,
-// the string will be printed on the stdout.
-// outputtype: 'file' -> prints only on file.
-// 'stdout' -> prints only on the stdout.
-// 'both' -> prints on both file and stdoud.
-// Default is 'stdout'.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 02-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// 02-Jan-2006 -- Nutricato Raffaele: TEST OK.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-if argn(2) < 3
- bothout = 'n';
- if argn(2) < 2
- filename = '';
- else
- SCI2Cerror('Incorrect number of input arguments.');
- end
-if (length(filename) == 0)
- outputtype = 'stdout'; // Prints only on the stdout.
-Nstars = length(inputstring);
-starstring = [];
-for counterstars = 1:Nstars
- starstring = starstring+'*';
-blankstring = [' '];
-if ((outputtype=='both') | (outputtype=='stdout'))
- // disp(' ')
- // disp(' ')
- disp(blankstring+' '+starstring);
- disp(blankstring+'==> '+inputstring);
- disp(blankstring+' '+starstring);
- // disp(' ')
-if ((outputtype=='both') | (outputtype=='file'))
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',' ');
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',' ');
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',blankstring+' '+starstring);
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',blankstring+'==> '+inputstring);
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',blankstring+' '+starstring);
- filenamefprintf(filename,'y',' ');
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/SCI2CInputParameters.sce b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/SCI2CInputParameters.sce
deleted file mode 100644
index b8771326..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/SCI2CInputParameters.sce
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// This script contains all the input parameters needed by the SCI2C tool.
-ScilabMainFile = 'C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C\Tests\foo.sci'; // Input Parameter.
-// Directory where all the products of SCI2C tool will be written.
-ResultDir = 'Results';
-// Memory allocation.
-WorkAreaSizeBytes = 2000*8; // 2000 locations of double
-TotTempScalarVars = 20; // maximum number of temporary scalar variables that can be used.
-// Paths that contain the .sci files written by the user.
-UserSciFilesPaths = ...
- ['C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C\Tests';...
- 'C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C\'];
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/Scilab2CLoader.sce b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/Scilab2CLoader.sce
deleted file mode 100644
index 92fdb20a..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/Scilab2CLoader.sce
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-exec full_reset.sce
-// -------------------------
-// --- Input Parameters. ---
-// -------------------------
-// root directory.
-maindir = 'C:\Nutricato\Projects\FP6_hArtes\Software\SVNScilab2C\src\Scilab2C';
-// -----------------------------
-// --- End Input Parameters. ---
-// -----------------------------
-// -------------
-// --- exec. ---
-// -------------
-// -----------------
-// --- End exec. ---
-// -----------------
-// ---------------------------
-// --- Define Directories. ---
-// ---------------------------
-// Directory containing functions that perform general tasks.
-GeneralFunctions = 'GeneralFunctions';
-// Directory containing functions that perform general tasks for the SCI2C tool.
-SCI2CGeneral = 'SCI2CGeneral';
-// Directory containing functions that perform the C code generation for the SCI2C tool.
-Translation = 'Translation';
-// Directory containing functions related to the generation of the Abstract Syntactic tree.
-ASTGenerator = 'ASTGenerator'
-// Directory containing functions to read/generate SCI2C annotations.
-Annotations = 'Annotations';
-// Directory containing functions to read the AST and to generate the corresponding C code.
-AST_reader = 'ASTReader';
-// -------------------------------
-// --- End Define Directories. ---
-// -------------------------------
-// -------------
-// --- getd. ---
-// -------------
-// -----------------
-// --- End getd. ---
-// -----------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/UpdateSCI2CInfo.sci b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/UpdateSCI2CInfo.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index d697907c..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CGeneral/UpdateSCI2CInfo.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-function UpdateSCI2CInfo(FileInfoDatFile);
-// function UpdateSCI2CInfo(FileInfoDatFile);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Updates the FileInfo struct according to the new scilab function
-// to be converted in C.
-// Input data:
-// FileInfoDatFile: name of the .dat file containing the FileInfo structure.
-// SharedInfoDatFile: it is a buffer containing parameters that are exchanged by the
-// functions of the SCI2C tool.
-// Output data:
-// Status:
-// 13-Apr-2007 -- Nutricato Raffaele: Author.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------
-// --- Load File Info Structure. ---
-// ---------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------
-// --- Load Shared Info Structure. ---
-// -----------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-// --- Extraction of the function name and number. ---
-// ---------------------------------------------------
-funname = SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFunName;
-funnumber = SharedInfo.NextSCIFunNumber;
-PrintStepInfo('Translate function '+funname,...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both');
-PrintStepInfo('Update the File Info Struct.',...
- FileInfo.GeneralReport,'both');
-// -----------------------------------
-// --- Update File Info structure. ---
-// -----------------------------------
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).Name = funname;
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).SCIFileName = SharedInfo.Next(1).SCIFileName;
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).ASTFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,funname,funname+'.ast');
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).CPass1V1FileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,funname,funname+'_pass1V1.c');
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).CPass1V2FileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,funname,funname+'_pass1V2.c');
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).ReportFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,funname,funname+'.rpt');
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).LocalVarFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,funname,funname+'_LOCVAR.dat');
-FileInfo.Funct(funnumber).TempVarFileName = fullfile(FileInfo.ResultDir,funname,funname+'_TMPVAR.dat');
-// --------------------------------------
-// --- Create the function directory. ---
-// --------------------------------------
-// -------------------------
-// --- Delete old files. ---
-// -------------------------
-// -----------------------------------
-// --- Initialize Local/Temp Vars. ---
-// -----------------------------------
-LocalVars = [];
-TempVars = [];
-// ---------------------
-// --- Save section. ---
-// ---------------------
-// --- Save File Info Structure. ---
-// --- Save Local/Temp Vars. ---
-// -------------------------
-// --- End save section. ---
-// -------------------------