path: root/src/signalProcessing/fft
diff options
authorsimon2008-09-03 08:25:00 +0000
committersimon2008-09-03 08:25:00 +0000
commit200330a47cc05b20985889839fcddc5d691c545c (patch)
tree79af9539ded43529728e2a15aa45c3c41c94a190 /src/signalProcessing/fft
parente2a18a57e384ec2405872847b032df052556ab87 (diff)
added fft functions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/signalProcessing/fft')
7 files changed, 1841 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfft2.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfft2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ba0159c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfft2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+void dfft2 ( double* a , double* b , int nseg , int n , int nspn , int isn , int ierr, int* iw , int lw )
+ iw[0] = 0 ;
+ iw[1] = 10 ;
+ iw[2] = 10 ;
+ iw[3] = lw ;
+ iw[4] = 10 ;
+ dfftbi ( a , b , nseg , n , nspn , isn , ierr , iw[0], iw[1], iw[2], iw[3], iw[4], iw, iw);
+ return ;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftbi.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftbi.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15e9c3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftbi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+void dfftbi ( double* a , double* b , int nseg , int n , int nspn , int isn , int ierr, int lout , int lnow , int lused , int lmax , int lbook , int* rstak , int* istak )
+ int nfac[15] ;
+ int i ;
+ int in ;
+ int j = 3 ;
+ int j2 = 3 ;
+ int j3 = 3 ;
+ int jj = 9;
+ int m = 0 ;
+ int k ;
+ int kt ;
+ int kkk ;
+ int nspan ;
+ int nitems ;
+ int ntot ;
+ int maxp ;
+ int maxf ;
+ int itype;
+ int istkgt ;
+ int isize[] = {1,1,1,2,2} ;
+ ierr = 0 ;
+ /*determine the factors of n */
+ int nf = fabs ( n ) ;
+ if ( nf == 1)
+ return ;
+ k = nf ;
+ nspan = fabs ( nf*nspn ) ;
+ ntot = fabs ( nspan*nseg) ;
+ if ( isn*ntot == 0 )
+ {
+ ierr = 1 ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ while ( (k & 15) == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = j ;
+ k = k >> 4 ;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ while ( k%jj == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = j ;
+ k /= jj ;
+ }
+ j+=2;
+ jj= j*j ;
+ }while ( jj <= k);
+ if ( k <= 4)
+ {
+ kt = m;
+ nfac[m+1] = k;
+ if ( k != 1 )
+ m++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( (k & 7) != 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = 2 ;
+ k = k >> 2 ;
+ }
+ /*all square factor out now but k >= 5 still */
+ kt = m ;
+ maxp = max ( (kt+1)*2 , k-1);
+ j=2;
+ do
+ {
+ if ( k%j == 0 )
+ {
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = j ;
+ k /= j ;
+ }
+ j = (j+1) | 1 ;
+ }while ( j <= k );
+ }
+ if ( m <= ( kt+1) )
+ maxp = m + kt + 1 ;
+ if ( m + kt > 15)
+ ierr = 2 ;
+ return ;
+ if ( kt != 0 )
+ {
+ j = kt ;
+ do{
+ m++;
+ nfac[m-1] = nfac[j-1];
+ j--;
+ }while ( j != 0) ;
+ }
+ maxf = nfac[m-kt-1] ;
+ if ( kt > 0 )
+ maxf = max ( nfac[kt-1] , maxf );
+ for ( kkk = 1 ; kkk < m ; kkk++ )
+ maxf = max ( maxf , nfac[kkk-1]);
+ nitems = maxf * 4 ;
+ itype = 4 ;
+ istkgt = ( lnow*isize[1] -1)/isize[itype-1] + 2;
+ i = ( (istkgt - 1 + nitems) * isize[itype-1] -1) / isize[1] + 3 ;
+ if ( i > lmax )
+ {
+ ierr = -i ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ istak[i-2] = itype ;
+ istak[i-1] = lnow ;
+ lout ++ ;
+ lnow = i ;
+ lused = max ( lused , lnow );
+ j = istkgt ;
+ jj = j + maxf ;
+ j2 = jj+ maxf ;
+ j3 = j2+ maxf ;
+ nitems = maxp ;
+ itype = 2 ;
+ istkgt = ( lnow*isize[1] -1)/isize[itype-1] + 2;
+ i = ( (istkgt - 1 + nitems) * isize[itype-1] -1) / isize[1] + 3 ;
+ if ( i > lmax )
+ {
+ ierr = -i ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ istak[i-2] = itype ;
+ istak[i-1] = lnow ;
+ lout ++ ;
+ lnow = i ;
+ lused = max ( lused , lnow );
+ k = istkgt ;
+c la carte suivante est a supprimer si simple precision
+c next instruction commented by FD&MG (simulog residue?)
+c ********************************************
+c k=2*k-1
+c *********************************************
+ dfftmx( a , b , ntot , nf , nspan , isn , m , kt , rstak[j-1] , rstak[jj-1] , rstak[j2-1] , rstak[j3-1] , istak[k-1] , nfac);
+ k =2 ;
+ in = 2 ;
+ if (!( lbook <= lnow && lnow <= lused && lused <= lmax ))
+ {
+ ierr = 3 ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ while ( in > 0)
+ {
+ if ( lbook > istak[lnow-1] || istak[lnow-1] >= lnow-1)
+ {
+ ierr = 4 ;
+ }
+ lout-- ;
+ lnow = istak[lnow-1] ;
+ in-- ;
+ }
+ return ;
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..196839ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+/*c'est moche je sais */
+static double* a ;
+static double* b ;
+static int ntot ;
+static int n ;
+static int nspan ;
+static int isn ;
+static int m ;
+static int kt ;
+static int* wt ;
+static int* ck ;
+static int* bt ;
+static int* sk ;
+static int* np ;
+static int* nfac ;
+static int inc ;
+static int nt ;
+static int ks ;
+static double rad ;
+static double c72 ;
+static double s72 ;
+static double s120 ;
+static double aa ;
+static double ak ;
+static double akm ;
+static double akp ;
+static double aj ;
+static double ajp ;
+static double ajm ;
+static double bb ;
+static double bk ;
+static double bkm ;
+static double bkp ;
+static double bj ;
+static double bjp ;
+static double bjm ;
+static double dr ;
+static double cd ;
+static double c1 ;
+static double c2 ;
+static double c3 ;
+static double sd ;
+static double s1 ;
+static double s2 ;
+static double s3 ;
+static int kspan ;
+static int nn ;
+static int jc ;
+static int klim ;
+static int jf ;
+static int maxf ;
+static int kk ;
+static int k ;
+static int k1 ;
+static int k2 ;
+static int k3 ;
+static int k4 ;
+static int mm ;
+static int kspnn ;
+static int i ;
+static int j ;
+static int jj;
+int dfftmx ( double* _pdblA , double* _pdblB , int _iNtot, int _iN, int _iNspan,
+ int _iIsn, int _iM, int _iKt, int* _piWt, int* _piCk,
+ int* _piBt, int* _piSk , int* _piNp, int* _piNfac)
+ a = _pdblA ;
+ b = _pdblB ;
+ ntot = _iNtot ;
+ n = _iN ;
+ nspan= _iNspan ;
+ isn = _iIsn;
+ m = _iM ;
+ kt = _iKt ;
+ wt = _piWt ;
+ ck = _piCk;
+ bt = _piBt;
+ sk = _piSk;
+ np = _piNp;
+ nfac = _piNfac;
+ int retVal = 0 ;
+ inc = abs ( isn ) ;
+ nt = inc*ntot ;
+ ks = inc*nspan;
+ rad = atan ( 1 );
+ c72 = cos (rad/0.6250);
+ s72 = sin (rad/0.6250);
+ s120= sqrt(0.750);
+ preliminaryWork () ;
+ while ( retVal == 0 )
+ {
+ retVal = factorTransform ( ) ;
+ }
+ np[0] = ks ;
+ if ( kt != 0)
+ permute_stage1 ( ) ;
+ if ( 2*kt + 1 < m ){
+ permute_stage2 ( ) ;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+/** **************************************
+void preliminaryWork (void)
+ int j = 1 ;
+ int lim ;
+ int i = 1 ;
+ if ( isn <= 0 )
+ {
+ s72 = -s72 ;
+ s120= -s120;
+ rad = -rad ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ak = 1/n ;
+ /*scale by 1/n for isn > 0 */
+ for ( j = 1 ; j < nt ; i += inc )
+ {
+ a[j-1] *= ak ;
+ b[j-1] *= ak ;
+ }
+ }
+ kspan = ks ;
+ nn = nt -inc ;
+ jc = ks/n ;
+ /* sin , cos values are re-initialized each lim steps */
+ lim = 32 ;
+ klim = lim*jc ;
+ i = 0;
+ jf = 0 ;
+ maxf = m -kt ;
+ maxf = nfac[maxf-1] ;
+ if ( kt > 0 )
+ maxf = max ( nfac[kt-1] , maxf );
+int factorTransform (void)
+ int retVal = 42 ;
+ dr = 8 * jc/kspan ;
+ cd = 2 * pow ( sin(0.5*dr*rad) , 2 );
+ sd = sin(dr*rad) ;
+ kk = 1 ;
+ i++ ;
+switch ( nfac[i-1] )
+ {
+ case 2 :
+ /*transform for factor of 2 (including rotation factor)*/
+ retVal = pre_fOf2Trans( ) ;
+ if ( retVal == 0 )
+ factorOf2Transform ( ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 4 :
+ /*transform for factor of 4 */
+ kspnn = kspan ;
+ kspan = kspan >> 2 ; /*kspan /= 4 */
+ retVal = factorOf4Transform ( ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 3 :
+ factorOf3Transform ( ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 5 :
+ factorOf5Transform ( ) ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ if ( nfac[i-1] != jf)
+ preFOtherTransform ( ) ;
+ factorOfOtherTransform ( ) ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if ( retVal == 42 )
+ retVal = mulByRotationFactor ( ) ;
+ if ( retVal == 1 )
+ return 1 ; /*goto permute */
+ else
+ return 0 ; /*goto factor_transform */
+void permute_stage1 (void)
+ int retVal = 0 ;
+ pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
+ if ( n == ntot )
+ /*permutation for single-variate transform (optional code)*/
+ while ( retVal == 0)
+ retVal = single_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
+ else
+ /*permutation for multivariate transform*/
+ while ( retVal == 0)
+ retVal = multi_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( );
+void permute_stage2 (void)
+ int retVal ;
+ kspnn = np[kt] ;
+ /*permutation for square-free facotrs of n */
+ nonSqFactor2NormOrder ( ) ;
+ /*determine the permutation cycles of length greater than 1*/
+ detPermutCycles ( );
+ retVal = end ( ) ;
+ while ( retVal == 1)
+ {
+ reorderMatrix ( ) ;
+ retVal = end ( ) ;
+ }
+/** **************************************
+int pre_fOf2Trans (void)
+ kspan /= 2;
+ k1 = kspan + 2 ;
+ do
+ {
+ k2 = kk + kspan ;
+ ak = a[k2-1] ;
+ bk = b[k2-1] ;
+ a[k2-1] = a[kk-1] - ak;
+ b[k2-1] = b[kk-1] - bk;
+ a[kk-1] = a[kk-1] + ak;
+ b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + bk;
+ kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ if ( kk > nn )
+ {
+ kk -= nn ;
+ }
+ }while ( kk <= jc || kk <= nn );
+ if ( kk > kspan )
+ return 1 ; /*goto350*/
+ else
+ return 0 ;/*goto60*/
+int factorOf2Transform (void)
+int doOnceAgain = 1 ;
+ /*60*/
+ do
+ {
+ c1 = 1 - cd ;
+ s1 = sd ;
+ mm = min( k1/2 , klim);
+ {
+ k2 = kk + kspan ;
+ ak = a[kk-1] - a[k2-1] ;
+ bk = b[kk-1] - b[k2-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] += a[k2-1] ;
+ b[kk-1] += b[k2-1] ;
+ a[k2-1] = c1*ak - s1*bk ;
+ b[k2-1] = c1*bk + s1*ak ;
+ kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ if ( kk >= nt )
+ {
+ k2 = kk - nt ;
+ c1 = -c1 ;
+ kk = k1 - k2;
+ if ( kk <= k2)
+ {
+ kk += jc ;
+ if ( kk <= mm )
+ {
+ ak = c1 - ( cd*c1*sd*s1) ;
+ s1 += (sd*c1-cd*s1) ;
+ /*c the following three statements compensate for truncation
+ c error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
+ c c1=ak*/
+ c1 = 0.5/(ak*ak+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
+ s1 *= c1 ;
+ c1 *= ak ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( kk < k2 )
+ {
+ s1 = (double) ((kk-1)/jc)*dr*rad;
+ c1 = cos (s1);
+ s1 = cos (s1);
+ mm = min ( (k1 >> 1 ) , mm+klim );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*on sort de la boucle */
+ doOnceAgain = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }while ( doOnceAgain == 0 ) ;
+ k1 += (inc+inc) ;
+ kk = (k1-kspan)/2 + jc;
+ }while ( kk <= jc+jc );
+ return 0 ; /*goto40*/
+int factorOf4Transform (void)
+ int return_value = 0 ;
+ /*120*/
+ do
+ {
+ c1 = 1 ;
+ s1 = 0 ;
+ mm = min ( kspan , klim ) ;
+ do
+ {
+ f4t_150 () ;
+ return_value = f4t_170 () ;
+ } while ( return_value == 0 );
+ kk += ( inc - kspan ) ;
+ } while ( kk <= jc ) ;
+ if ( kspan == jc )
+ return 1 ; /*goto350*/
+ else
+ return 0 ;/*goto40*/
+void f4t_150 (void)
+ int sign = 1 ;
+ do{
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = k1 + kspan ;
+ k3 = k2 + kspan ;
+ akp = a[kk-1] + a[k2-1] ;
+ akm = a[kk-1] - a[k2-1] ;
+ ajp = a[k1-1] + a[k3-1] ;
+ ajm = a[k1-1] - a[k3-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = akp + ajp ;
+ ajp = akp - ajp ;
+ bkp = b[kk-1] + b[k2-1] ;
+ bkm = b[kk-1] - b[k2-1] ;
+ bjp = b[k1-1] + b[k3-1] ;
+ bjm = b[k1-1] - b[k3-1] ;
+ b[kk-1] = bkp + bjp ;
+ bjp = bkp - bjp ;
+ if ( isn < 0 )
+ sign = 1 ;
+ else
+ sign = -1 ;
+ akp = akm +(sign * bjm );
+ akm = akm -(sign * bjm );
+ bkp = bkm +(sign * ajm) ;
+ bkm = bkm -(sign * ajm) ;
+ if ( s1 == 0 )/*190*/
+ {
+ a[k1-1] = akp ;
+ a[k2-1] = ajp ;
+ a[k3-1] = akm ;
+ b[k1-1] = bkp ;
+ b[k2-1] = bjp ;
+ b[k3-1] = bkm ;
+ }
+ else /*160*/
+ {
+ a[k1-1] = akp*c1 - bkp*s1 ;
+ a[k2-1] = ajp*c2 - bjp*s2 ;
+ a[k3-1] = akm*c3 - bkm*s3 ;
+ a[k1-1] = bkp*c1 + akp*s1 ;
+ a[k2-1] = bjp*c2 + ajp*s2 ;
+ a[k3-1] = bkm*c3 + akm*s3 ;
+ }
+ }while ( kk < nt ) ;
+int f4t_170 (void)
+ kk += ( jc - nt ) ;
+ if ( kk <= mm )
+ {
+ c2 = c1 - (cd*c1 + sd*s1);
+ s1 = s1 + (sd*c1 - cd*s1);
+ /*
+ the following three statements compensate for truncation
+ error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
+ c1=c2
+ */
+ c1 = 0.5/(c2*c2+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
+ s1 *= c1 ;
+ c2 *= c1 ;
+ /*140*/
+ c2 = c1*c1 - s1*s1 ;
+ s2 = c1*s1*2 ;
+ s3 = c2*s1 + s2*c1 ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( kk <= kspan )
+ {
+ s1 = dr*rad * (kk-1)/jc ;
+ c2 = cos (s1) ;
+ s1 = sin (s1) ;
+ mm = min ( kspan , mm + klim );
+ /*140*/
+ c2 = c1*c1 - s1*s1 ;
+ s2 = c1*s1*2 ;
+ s3 = c2*s1 + s2*c1 ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1 ;
+void factorOf3Transform (void)
+ {
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = k1 + kspan ;
+ ak = a[kk-1] ;
+ bk = b[kk-1] ;
+ aj = a[k1-1] + a[k2-1] ;
+ bj = b[k1-1] + b[k2-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = ak + aj ;
+ b[kk-1] = bk + bj ;
+ ak = -0.5*aj + ak ;
+ bk = -0.5*bj + bk ;
+ aj = (a[k1-1] - a[k2-1])*s120 ;
+ bj = (b[k1-1] - b[k2-1])*s120 ;
+ a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
+ b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
+ a[k2-1] = ak + bj ;
+ kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ if ( kk >= nn )
+ kk -= nn ;
+ }while ( kk <= kspan || kk < nn);
+void factorOf5Transform (void)
+ do
+ {
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = k1 + kspan ;
+ k3 = k2 + kspan ;
+ k4 = k3 + kspan ;
+ akp = a[k1-1] + a[k4-1] ;
+ akm = a[k1-1] - a[k4-1] ;
+ bkp = b[k1-1] + b[k4-1] ;
+ bkm = b[k1-1] - b[k4-1] ;
+ ajp = a[k2-1] + a[k3-1] ;
+ ajm = a[k3-1] - a[k3-1] ;
+ bjp = a[k2-1] + b[k3-1] ;
+ ajm = a[k2-1] - b[k3-1] ;
+ aa = a[kk-1] ;
+ bb = b[kk-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = aa + akp + ajp;
+ b[kk-1] = bb + bkp + bjp;
+ ak = akp*c72 + ajp*c2 + aa ;
+ bk = bkp*c72 + bjp*c2 + bb ;
+ aj = akm*s72 + ajm*s2 ;
+ bj = bkm*s72 + bjm*s2 ;
+ a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
+ a[k4-1] = ak + bj ;
+ b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
+ b[k4-1] = bk - bj ;
+ ak = akp*c2 + ajp*c72 + aa ;
+ bk = bkp*c2 + bjp*c72 + bb ;
+ aj = akm*s2 - ajm*s72 ;
+ bj = bkm*s2 - bjm*s72 ;
+ a[k2-1] = ak - bj ;
+ a[k3-1] = ak + bj ;
+ b[k2-1] = bk + aj ;
+ b[k3-1] = bk - aj ;
+ if ( kk >= nn )
+ {
+ kk -= nn ;
+ }
+ }while ( kk <= kspan ) ;
+void preFOtherTransform (void)
+ jf = k ;
+ s1 = (rad*8)/k ;
+ c1 = cos (s1) ;
+ ck[jf-1] = 1 ;
+ sk[jf-1] = 0 ;
+ j = 1 ;
+ do
+ {
+ ck[j-1] = ck[k-1] * c1 + sk[k-1]*s1 ;
+ sk[j-1] = ck[k-1] * c1 + sk[k-1]*s1 ;
+ k -- ;
+ ck[k-1] = ck[j-1] ;
+ sk[k-1] = - sk[j-1] ;
+ j++ ;
+ }while ( j < k );
+void factorOfOtherTransform (void)
+ {
+ k1 = kk ;
+ k2 = kk + kspnn ;
+ aa = a[kk-1] ;
+ bb = b[kk-1] ;
+ ak = aa ;
+ j = 1 ;
+ k1 += kspan ;
+ do
+ {
+ k2 -= kspan ;
+ j++ ;
+ wt[j-1] = a[k1-1] + a[k2-1] ;
+ ak = wt[j-1] + ak ;
+ bt[j-1] = b[k1-1] + bk ;
+ j++ ;
+ wt[j-1] = a[k1-1] - a[k2-1] ;
+ bt[j-1] = b[k1-1] - b[k2-1] ;
+ k1 += kspan;
+ }while ( k1 < k2 ) ;
+ a[kk-1] = ak ;
+ b[kk-1] = bk ;
+ k1 = kk ;
+ k2 = kk + kspnn ;
+ j = 1 ;
+ do
+ {
+ k1 += kspan ;
+ k2 -= kspan ;
+ jj = j ;
+ ak = aa ;
+ bk = bb ;
+ aj = 0 ;
+ bj = 0 ;
+ k = 1 ;
+ do
+ {
+ k++ ;
+ ak += ( wt[k-1] * ck[jj-1] ) ;
+ bk += ( bt[k-1] * ck[jj-1] ) ;
+ k++ ;
+ aj += wt[k-1] * sk[jj] ;
+ bj += bt[k-1] * sk[jj] ;
+ jj += j ;
+ if ( jj > jf )
+ jj -= jf ;
+ } while ( k < jf ) ;
+ k = jf - j ;
+ a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
+ b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
+ a[k2-1] = ak + bj ;
+ b[k2-1] = bk - aj ;
+ j++ ;
+ }while ( j < k ) ;
+ kk += kspnn ;
+ if ( kk > nn )
+ {
+ kk -= n;
+ }
+}while ( kk < kspan || kk <= nn) ;
+int mulByRotationFactor (void )
+ if ( i != m )
+ {
+ kk = jc + 1 ;
+ /*300*/
+ do
+ {
+ c2 = 1 - cd ;
+ s1 = sd ;
+ mm = min ( kspan , klim ) ;
+ /*320 */
+ do
+ {
+ c1 = c2 ;
+ s2 = s1 ;
+ kk += kspan ;
+ do
+ {
+ ak = a[kk-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = c2*ak - s2*b[kk-1] ;
+ b[kk-1] = s2*ak + c2*b[kk-1] ;
+ kk += kspnn ;
+ if ( kk > nt )
+ {
+ ak = s1*s2 ;
+ s2 = s1*c2 + s1*c1 ;
+ c2 = c1*c2 - ak ;
+ kk += (kspan - nt ) ;
+ }
+ }while ( kk <= kspnn ) ;
+ kk += ( jc - kspnn );
+ if ( kk <= mm )
+ {
+ /* 310*/
+ c2 = c1 - ( cd*c1 + sd*s1 ) ;
+ s1 += (sd*c1 - cd*s1 ) ;
+ /*
+ the following three statements compensate for truncation
+ error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
+ c1=c2
+ */
+ c1 = 0.5/(c2*c2+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
+ s1 *= c1 ;
+ c2 *= c1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( kk <= kspan )
+ {
+ s1 = dr*rad * (kk-1)/jc ;
+ c2 = cos (s1) ;
+ s1 = sin (s1) ;
+ mm = min ( kspan , mm + klim );
+ }
+ }
+ }while ( kk <= kspnn || kk <= kspan ) ;
+ kk += (jc + inc -kspan );
+ }while ( kk <= jc+jc);
+ return 1 ; /* goto40 */
+ }
+ return 0 ; /* goto350*/
+void pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+ k = kt + kt + 1 ;
+ if ( m < k )
+ k -- ;
+ j = 1 ;
+ np[k] = jc ;
+ do
+ {
+ np[j] = np[j-1]/nfac[j-1] ;
+ np[k-1] = np[k]*nfac[j-1] ;
+ j++ ;
+ k-- ;
+ }while ( j < k ) ;
+ k3 = np[k] ;
+ kspan = np[1] ;
+ kk = jc + 1 ;
+ k2 = kspan + 1 ;
+int post_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+ do
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ k2 -= np[j-1] ;
+ j++ ;
+ k2 += np[j] ;
+ } while ( k2 < np[j-1]);
+ j = 1 ;
+/* 390 */
+ do
+ {
+ if ( kk < k2 )
+ {
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kk += inc ;
+ k2 += kspan ;
+ }
+ }while( k2 < ks );
+ }while ( kk < ks ) ;
+ return 0;
+/* appeler cetter fonction dans un do while valeur_retour != 1)*/
+int single_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+ do
+ {
+ ak = a[kk-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = a[k2-1] ;
+ a[k2-1] = ak ;
+ bk = b[kk-1] ;
+ b[kk-1] = b[k2-1] ;
+ b[k2-1] = bk ;
+ kk += inc ;
+ k2 += kspan ;
+ } while ( k2 < ks );
+ /*380*/
+ if( post_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) == 1 )
+ {
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ jc = k3 ;
+ return 0;
+/*idem que single_ */
+int multi_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+ k = kk + jc ;
+ do /*410*/
+ {
+ ak = a[kk-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = a[k2-1] ;
+ a[k2-1] = ak ;
+ bk = b[kk-1] ;
+ b[kk-1] = b[k2-1] ;
+ b[k2-1] = bk ;
+ kk += inc ;
+ k2 += kspan ;
+ } while ( kk < k );
+ kk += (ks - jc ) ;
+ k2 += (ks - jc ) ;
+ if ( kk < nt )
+ return 1 ;
+ k2 += ( kspan - nt );
+ kk += ( jc - nt );
+ if ( k2 < ks )
+ {
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ if( post_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) == 1 )
+ {
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ jc = k3 ;
+ return 0;
+void nonSqFactor2NormOrder (void)
+ j = m - kt ;
+ nfac[j] = 1 ;
+ do
+ {
+ nfac[j-1] *= nfac[j] ;
+ j-- ;
+ }while ( j != kt ) ;
+ kt ++ ;
+ nn = nfac[kt-1] - 1;
+ jj = 0 ;
+ j = 0;
+ /*480*/
+ k2 = nfac[kt-1] ;
+ k = kt + 1 ;
+ kk = nfac[k-1] ;
+ j ++ ;
+ while ( j <= nn )
+ {
+ jj += kk ;
+ while ( jj >= k2 )
+ {
+ jj -= k2 ;
+ k2 = kk ;
+ k++ ;
+ kk = nfac[k-1] ;
+ jj += kk ;
+ }
+ np[j-1] = jj ;
+ k2 = nfac[kt-1] ;
+ k = kt + 1 ;
+ kk = nfac[k-1] ;
+ j ++ ;
+ }
+ j = 0 ;
+ return ;
+void detPermutCycles (void)
+ do
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ j++ ;
+ kk = np[j-1] ;
+ }while ( kk < 0 ) ;
+ if ( kk != j )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ k = kk ;
+ np[k-1] = -kk ;
+ }while ( kk != j ) ;
+ k3 = kk ;
+ }
+ np[j-1] = -j ;
+ }while ( j != nn );
+ maxf *= inc ;
+ return ;
+int end (void)
+ j = k3 + 1 ;
+ nt -= kspnn ;
+ i = nt - inc + 1 ;
+ if ( nt >= 0 )
+ return 1 ;
+ else
+ return 0 ;
+void reorderMatrix (void)
+ do
+ {
+ j-- ;
+ }while (np[j-1] < 0 ) ;
+ jj = jc ;
+ /*520*/
+ do
+ {
+ kspan = jj ;
+ if ( jj > maxf )
+ kspan = maxf ;
+ jj -= kspan ;
+ k = np [j-1];
+ kk = jc*k + i + jj ;
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = 0 ;
+ do
+ {
+ k2 ++ ;
+ wt[k2-1] = a[k1-1] ;
+ bt[k2-1] = b[k-1] ;
+ k1 -= inc ;
+ }while ( k1 < kk );
+ do
+ {
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = k1 - jc * (k + np[k-1]);
+ do
+ {
+ a[k1-1] = a[k2-1] ;
+ b[k1-1] = b[k2-1] ;
+ k1 -= inc ;
+ k2 -= inc ;
+ }while ( k1 != kk ) ;
+ kk = k2 ;
+ }while ( k != j );
+ /*560*/
+ do
+ {
+ k2 ++ ;
+ a[k1-1] = wt[k2] ;
+ b[k1-1] = bt[k2] ;
+ }while ( k1 != kk ) ;
+ } while ( jj != 0 ) ;
+ return ;
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft842.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft842.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..716fa67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft842.c
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+void fft842 ( int _iDirect , int _iDimen , int* _pdblReal , int* _pdblImag , int _err )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ int ipass = 1 ;
+ int ij ;
+ int ji ;
+ int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12, j13, j14;
+ int iPow2ofDimen ;
+ int iTempDimen = 1 ;
+ int iTemp2Pow2ofDimen ;
+ int iPow8ofDimen ;
+ int iLengt ;
+ int CRES = 0 ;
+ int l[15] ;
+ double dblTemp ;
+ do
+ {
+ iPow2ofDimen = i ;
+ if ( i != 0)
+ iTempDimen *= 2 ;
+ i++;
+ }while ( _iDimen != iTempDimen || i < 15 );
+ if ( _iDimen != iTempDimen)
+ {
+ _err = 1 ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ _err = 0 ;
+ if ( _iDirect == 0 )
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < _iDimen ; i++)
+ {
+ _pdblImag[i] *= -1 ;
+ }
+ iPow8ofDimen = iPow2ofDimen / 3 ;
+ if ( iPow8ofDimen != 0 )
+ {
+ /* development of the algo in 8-base if ... */
+ for ( ipass = 1 ; i < iPow8ofDimen ; i++ )
+ {
+ iTemp2Pow2ofDimen = 1 << ( iPow2ofDimen - 3*ipass ) ;
+ iLengt = iTemp2Pow2ofDimen * 8 ;
+ r8tx( iTemp2Pow2ofDimen, _iDimen, iLengt, _pdblReal, _pdblImag );
+ }
+ }
+ CRES = iPow2ofDimen - 3*iPow8ofDimen - 1 ;
+ if ( CRES >= 0)
+ {
+ if ( CRES == 0 )
+ {
+ r2tx ( _iDimen , _pdblReal[0] , _pdblReal[1] ,_pdblImag[0] , _pdblImag[1] ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r4tx ( _iDimen , _pdblReal , _pdblImag) ;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( i = 14 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
+ {
+ l[i] = 1 ;
+ CRES = i - iPow2ofDimen ;
+ if ( CRES <= 0)
+ l[i] = 1 << ( iPow2ofDimen + 1 -i ) ;
+ }
+ ij = 0 ;
+ for ( j1=0 ; j1 < l[1-1] ; j1++ )
+ for ( j2=j1 ; j2 < l[2-1] ; j2 += l[1-1] )
+ for ( j3=j2 ; j3 < l[3-1] ; j3 += l[2-1] )
+ for ( j4=j3 ; j4 < l[4-1] ; j4 += l[3-1] )
+ for ( j5=j4 ; j5 < l[5-1] ; j5 += l[4-1] )
+ for ( j6=j5 ; j6 < l[6-1] ; j6 += l[5-1] )
+ for ( j7=j6 ; j7 < l[7-1] ; j7 += l[6-1] )
+ for ( j8=j7 ; j8 < l[8-1] ; j8 += l[7-1] )
+ for ( j9=j8 ; j9 < l[9-1] ; j9 += l[8-1] )
+ for ( j10=j9 ; j10 < l[10-1] ; j10 += l[9-1] )
+ for ( j11=j10 ; j11 < l[11-1] ; j11 += l[10-1] )
+ for ( j12=j11 ; j12 < l[12-1] ; j12 += l[11-1] )
+ for ( j13=j12 ; j13 < l[13-1] ; j13 += l[12-1] )
+ for ( j14=j13 ; j14 < l[14-1] ; j14 += l[13-1] )
+ for ( ji=j14 ; ji < l[15-1] ; ji += l[14-1] )
+ {
+ CRES = ij - ji ;
+ if ( CRES < 0 )
+ {
+ dblTemp = _pdblReal[ij];
+ _pdblReal[ij] = _pdblReal[ji];
+ _pdblReal[ji] = dblTemp;
+ dblTemp = _pdblImag[ij];
+ _pdblImag[ij] = _pdblImag[ji];
+ _pdblImag[ji] = dblTemp;
+ }
+ ij ++ ;
+ }
+ /*130*/
+ if ( _iDirect == 0 )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < _iDimen ; i++)
+ {
+ _pdblImag[i] *= -1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < _iDimen ; i++)
+ {
+ _pdblReal[i] /= _iDimen ;
+ _pdblImag[i] /= _iDimen ;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/r2tx.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/r2tx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7aaf4000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/r2tx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+void r2tx ( int _iDimen , double* _pdblReal, double* _pdblImag )
+ double dblTemp ;
+ int i = 0 ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < _iDimen ; i += 2 )
+ {
+ /*for real part */
+ dblTemp = _pdblReal[i] + _pdblReal[i+1] ;
+ _pdblReal[i+1] = _pdblReal[i] - _pdblReal[i+1] ;
+ _pdblReal[i+0] = dblTemp ;
+ /*for imaginary one */
+ dblTemp = _pdblImag[i] + _pdblImag[i+1] ;
+ _pdblImag[i+1] = _pdblImag[i] - _pdblImag[i+1] ;
+ _pdblImag[i] = dblTemp ;
+ }
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/r4tx.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/r4tx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09c436b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/r4tx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+void r4tx ( int _iDimen , double* _pdblReal, double* _pdblImag)
+ double dblTemp1 ;
+ double dblTemp2 ;
+ double dblTemp3 ;
+ double dblTemp4 ;
+ int i = 0 ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < _iDimen ; i += 4 )
+ {
+ /*for real part */
+ dblTemp1 = _pdblReal[i+0] + _pdblReal[i+2] ;
+ dblTemp2 = _pdblReal[i+0] - _pdblReal[i+2] ;
+ dblTemp3 = _pdblReal[i+1] + _pdblReal[i+3] ;
+ dblTemp4 = _pdblReal[i+1] - _pdblReal[i+3] ;
+ _pdblReal[i+0] = dblTemp1 + dblTemp3;
+ _pdblReal[i+0] = dblTemp1 - dblTemp3;
+ _pdblReal[i+2] = dblTemp2 + dblTemp4;
+ _pdblReal[i+3] = dblTemp2 - dblTemp4;
+ /*for imaginary part */
+ dblTemp1 = _pdblImag[i+0] + _pdblImag[i+2] ;
+ dblTemp2 = _pdblImag[i+0] - _pdblImag[i+2] ;
+ dblTemp3 = _pdblImag[i+1] + _pdblImag[i+3] ;
+ dblTemp4 = _pdblImag[i+1] - _pdblImag[i+3] ;
+ _pdblImag[i+0] = dblTemp1 + dblTemp3;
+ _pdblImag[i+1] = dblTemp1 - dblTemp3;
+ _pdblImag[i+2] = dblTemp2 + dblTemp4;
+ _pdblImag[i+3] = dblTemp2 - dblTemp4;
+ }
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/r8tx.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/r8tx.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b98704f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/r8tx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 - INRIA - Allan SIMON
+ *
+ * This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ * This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "gw_signal.h"
+void r8tx ( int _iTempDimen , int _iDimen , int _iLengt , double* _pdblReal, double* _pdblImag )
+ int j = 0 ;
+ int i = 0 ;
+ int k = 0 ;
+ double* pdblReal0 = _pdblReal + ( 0*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal1 = _pdblReal + ( 1*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal2 = _pdblReal + ( 2*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal3 = _pdblReal + ( 3*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal4 = _pdblReal + ( 4*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal5 = _pdblReal + ( 5*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal6 = _pdblReal + ( 6*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblReal7 = _pdblReal + ( 7*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag0 = _pdblImag + ( 0*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag1 = _pdblImag + ( 1*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag2 = _pdblImag + ( 2*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag3 = _pdblImag + ( 3*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag4 = _pdblImag + ( 4*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag5 = _pdblImag + ( 5*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag6 = _pdblImag + ( 6*_iTempDimen );
+ double* pdblImag7 = _pdblImag + ( 7*_iTempDimen );
+ double arg,c1,s1,c2,s2,c3,s3,c4,s4,c5,s5,c6,s6,c7,s7 ;
+ double dblAReal0, dblAReal1, dblAReal2, dblAReal3, dblAReal4, dblAReal5, dblAReal6, dblAReal7;
+ double dblAImag0, dblAImag1, dblAImag2, dblAImag3, dblAImag4, dblAImag5, dblAImag6, dblAImag7 ;
+ double dblBReal0, dblBReal1, dblBReal2, dblBReal3, dblBReal4, dblBReal5, dblBReal6, dblBReal7;
+ double dblBImag0, dblBImag1, dblBImag2, dblBImag3, dblBImag4, dblBImag5, dblBImag6, dblBImag7 ;
+ double dblTReal , dblTImag ;
+ double dblPi2 = 8 * atan (1);
+ double dblP7 = 1 / sqrt (2) ;
+ double scale = dblPi2 /_iLengt ;
+ for ( j = 0 ; j < _iTempDimen ; i++)
+ {
+ arg=j*scale;
+ c1= cos(arg);
+ s1= sin(arg);
+ c2= c1*c1 - s1*s1 ;
+ s2= c1*s1 + c1*s1;
+ c3= c1*c2 - s1*s2;
+ s3= c2*s1 + s2*c1;
+ c4= c2*c2 - s2*s2 ;
+ s4= c2*s2 + c2*s2;
+ c5= c2*c3 - s2*s3;
+ s5= c3*s2 + s3*c2;
+ c6= c3*c3 - s3*s3 ;
+ s6= c3*s3 + c3*s3;
+ c7= c3*c4 - s3*s4;
+ s7= c4*s3 + s4*c3;
+ for ( k = j ; k < _iDimen ; k += _iLengt )
+ {
+ dblAReal0 = pdblReal0[k] + pdblReal4[k];
+ dblAReal1 = pdblReal1[k] + pdblReal5[k];
+ dblAReal2 = pdblReal2[k] + pdblReal6[k];
+ dblAReal3 = pdblReal3[k] + pdblReal7[k];
+ dblAReal4 = pdblReal0[k] - pdblReal4[k];
+ dblAReal5 = pdblReal1[k] - pdblReal5[k];
+ dblAReal6 = pdblReal2[k] - pdblReal6[k];
+ dblAReal7 = pdblReal3[k] - pdblReal7[k];
+ dblAImag0 = pdblImag0[k] + pdblImag4[k];
+ dblAImag1 = pdblImag1[k] + pdblImag5[k];
+ dblAImag2 = pdblImag2[k] + pdblImag6[k];
+ dblAImag3 = pdblImag3[k] + pdblImag7[k];
+ dblAImag4 = pdblImag0[k] - pdblImag4[k];
+ dblAImag5 = pdblImag1[k] - pdblImag5[k];
+ dblAImag6 = pdblImag2[k] - pdblImag6[k];
+ dblAImag7 = pdblImag3[k] - pdblImag7[k];
+ dblBReal0 = dblAReal0 + dblAReal2;
+ dblBReal1 = dblAReal1 + dblAReal3;
+ dblBReal2 = dblAReal0 - dblAReal2;
+ dblBReal3 = dblAReal1 - dblAReal3;
+ dblBReal4 = dblAReal4 - dblAImag6;
+ dblBReal5 = dblAReal5 - dblAImag7;
+ dblBReal6 = dblAReal4 + dblAImag6;
+ dblBReal7 = dblAReal5 + dblAImag7;
+ dblBImag0 = dblAImag0 + dblAImag2;
+ dblBImag1 = dblAImag1 + dblAImag3;
+ dblBImag2 = dblAImag0 - dblAImag2;
+ dblBImag3 = dblAImag1 - dblAImag3;
+ dblBImag4 = dblAImag4 + dblAReal6;
+ dblBImag5 = dblAImag5 + dblAReal7;
+ dblBImag6 = dblAImag4 - dblAReal6;
+ dblBImag7 = dblAImag5 - dblAReal7;
+ pdblReal0[k] = dblBReal0 + dblBReal1;
+ pdblImag0[k] = dblBImag0 + dblBImag1;
+ if ( j > 1 )
+ {
+ pdblReal1[k] = c4*( dblBReal0 - dblBReal1 ) - s4*( dblBImag0 - dblBImag1 );
+ pdblImag1[k] = c4*( dblBImag0 - dblBImag1 ) + s4*( dblBReal0 - dblBReal1 );
+ pdblReal2[k] = c2*( dblBReal2 - dblBImag3 ) - s2*( dblBImag2 + dblBReal3 );
+ pdblImag2[k] = c2*( dblBImag2 + dblBReal3 ) + s2*( dblBReal2 - dblBImag3 );
+ pdblReal3[k] = c6*( dblBReal2 + dblBImag3 ) - s6*( dblBImag2 - dblBReal3 );
+ pdblImag3[k] = c6*( dblBImag2 - dblBReal3 ) + s6*( dblBReal2 + dblBImag3 );
+ dblTReal = dblP7*( dblBReal5 - dblBImag5 );
+ dblTImag = dblP7*( dblBReal5 + dblBImag5 );
+ pdblReal4[k] = c1*( dblBReal4 + dblTReal ) - s1*( dblBImag4 + dblTImag );
+ pdblImag4[k] = c1*( dblBImag4 + dblTImag ) + s1*( dblBReal4 + dblTReal );
+ pdblReal5[k] = c5*( dblBReal4 - dblTReal ) - s5*( dblBImag4 - dblTImag );
+ pdblImag5[k] = c5*( dblBImag4 - dblTImag ) + s5*( dblBReal4 - dblTReal );
+ dblTReal = - dblP7* ( dblBReal7 + dblBImag7);
+ dblTImag = dblP7* ( dblBReal7 - dblBImag7);
+ pdblReal6[k] = c3*( dblBReal6 + dblTReal ) - s3*( dblBImag6 + dblTImag );
+ pdblImag6[k] = c3*( dblBImag6 + dblTImag ) + s3*( dblBReal6 + dblTReal );
+ pdblReal7[k] = c7*( dblBReal6 - dblTReal ) - s7*( dblBImag6 - dblTImag );
+ pdblImag7[k] = c7*( dblBImag6 - dblTImag ) + s7*( dblBReal6 - dblTReal );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pdblReal1[k] = dblBReal0 - dblBReal1;
+ pdblImag1[k] = dblBImag0 - dblBImag1;
+ pdblReal2[k] = dblBReal2 - dblBImag3;
+ pdblImag2[k] = dblBImag2 + dblBReal3;
+ pdblReal3[k] = dblBReal2 + dblBImag3;
+ pdblImag3[k] = dblBImag2 - dblBReal3;
+ dblTReal = dblP7 * ( dblBReal5 - dblBImag5 );
+ dblTImag = dblP7 * ( dblBReal5 + dblBImag5 );
+ pdblReal4[k] = dblBReal4 + dblTReal;
+ pdblImag4[k] = dblBImag4 + dblTImag;
+ pdblReal5[k] = dblBReal4 - dblTReal;
+ pdblImag5[k] = dblBImag4 - dblTImag;
+ dblTReal = -dblP7 * ( dblBReal7 + dblBImag7 );
+ dblTImag = dblP7 * ( dblBReal7 - dblBImag7 );
+ pdblReal6[k] = dblBReal6 + dblTReal;
+ pdblImag6[k] = dblBImag6 + dblTImag;
+ pdblReal7[k] = dblBReal6 - dblTReal;
+ pdblImag7[k] = dblBImag6 - dblTImag;
+ }
+ }
+ }