path: root/src/signalProcessing/fft
diff options
authorsimon2008-10-21 14:58:00 +0000
committersimon2008-10-21 14:58:00 +0000
commit153567ec32547640e50f4ad0b069b6dcabd0d8e1 (patch)
tree67447a0a1d1d363e528f9f65f7deace621718dd8 /src/signalProcessing/fft
parent8c48708aafe419c1813283e871023a8adc966bb6 (diff)
every current tests work now , on the road again to add them all
Diffstat (limited to 'src/signalProcessing/fft')
3 files changed, 574 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
index cf739e03..4ce3c107 100644
--- a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
@@ -119,11 +119,14 @@ int dfftmx ( double* _pdblA , double* _pdblB , int _iNtot, int _iN, int _iNspan,
nt = inc*ntot ;
ks = inc*nspan;
rad = atan ( 1 );
+ printf ( "rad %f\n" , rad ) ;
c72 = cos (rad/0.6250);
s72 = sin (rad/0.6250);
s120= sqrt(0.750);
fprintf (stderr , "\n\n" );
fprintf (stderr , "preliminary\n" );
@@ -224,13 +227,21 @@ int factorTransform (void)
int retVal = 42;
+ int jjjj = 0 ;
- dr = 8 * jc/kspan ;
- cd = 2 * pow ( sin(0.5*dr*rad) , 2 );
+ dr = 8 * (double)jc/(double)kspan ;
+ printf ( "dr %f = jc %d kspan %d \n" ,dr, jc , kspan );
+ cd = 2 * sin(0.5*dr*rad)*sin(0.5*dr*rad);
sd = sin(dr*rad) ;
+ printf ("debut cd %f sd %f dr %f\n\n" , cd , sd, dr) ;
kk = 1 ;
i++ ;
+ for ( jjjj = 0 ; jjjj < 10 ; jjjj ++ )
+ {
+ printf ( " \t%d a %f b %f \n" ,jjjj, a[jjjj] , b[jjjj] );
+ }
fprintf (stderr , "avant switch i %d ,nfac[i-1] %d\n" , i , nfac[i-1]);
@@ -265,6 +276,10 @@ switch ( nfac[i-1] )
fprintf (stderr , "\t\t k %d i %d\n" , k ,i);
factorOf3Transform ( ) ;
+ for ( jjjj = 0 ; jjjj < 9 ; jjjj ++ )
+ {
+ printf ( " \t apres transf%d a %f b %f \n" ,jjjj, a[jjjj] , b[jjjj] );
+ }
break ;
case 5 :
@@ -281,7 +296,7 @@ switch ( nfac[i-1] )
k = nfac[i-1] ;
kspnn = kspan ;
kspan = kspan / k ;
- fprintf (stderr , "\t\t k %d kspan \n" , k , kspan);
+ fprintf (stderr , "\t\t k %d kspan %d \n" , k , kspan);
fprintf (stderr , "\t\t nfac[i-1] %d jf %d\n" , nfac[i-1] , jf ) ;
if ( nfac[i-1] != jf)
@@ -293,6 +308,11 @@ switch ( nfac[i-1] )
break ;
+ printf ("\n\n");
+ for ( jjjj = 0 ; jjjj < 15; jjjj ++ )
+ {
+ printf ( " \t%d a %f b %f \n" ,jjjj, a[jjjj] , b[jjjj] );
+ }
if ( retVal == 42 )
@@ -321,19 +341,26 @@ switch ( nfac[i-1] )
void permute_stage1 (void)
- int retVal = 0 ;
+ int retVal = 1 ;
+ printf ("\t pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder\n");
pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
if ( n == ntot )
/*permutation for single-variate transform (optional code)*/
- while ( retVal == 0)
- retVal = single_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
+ while ( retVal == 1)
+ {
+ printf ("\tsingle_sqFactor2NormlOrder\n");
+ single_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
+ retVal = post_sqFactor2NormlOrder () ;
+ }
/*permutation for multivariate transform*/
- while ( retVal == 0)
+ while ( retVal == 1)
+ {
+ printf ("\tmulti_sqFactor2NormlOrder\n");
retVal = multi_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( );
+ }
@@ -341,7 +368,6 @@ void permute_stage1 (void)
void permute_stage2 (void)
- int retVal ;
kspnn = np[kt] ;
fprintf (stderr , "\t kspnn %d , kt %d\n" , kspnn , kt);
@@ -354,16 +380,24 @@ void permute_stage2 (void)
fprintf (stderr , "\tdetPermutCycles 2\n" );
detPermutCycles ( );
- fprintf (stderr , "\tend ploplpop 2\n" );
- retVal = end ( ) ;
- fprintf (stderr , "\t on n'est plus dans le end\n ");
- while ( retVal == 1)
+ j = k3 + 1;
+ nt -= kspnn ;
+ i = nt - inc + 1 ;
+ while ( nt >= 0 )
- fprintf (stderr , "\reorderMatrix 2\n" );
- reorderMatrix ( ) ;
- retVal = end ( ) ;
+ printf ( "\t\t j %d , k3 %d\n" , j , k3 ) ;
+ fprintf (stderr , "\treordermatrix \n" );
+ reorderMatrix ( ) ;
+ j = k3 + 1 ;
+ nt -= kspnn ;
+ i = nt - inc + 1 ;
+ printf ( "\t\t570 nt %d k3 %d j %d\n" , nt, k3 , j) ;
/** **************************************
@@ -376,6 +410,7 @@ Sous-Sous-Fonctions
int pre_fOf2Trans (void)
+ int ktemp = 0 ;
kspan /= 2;
k1 = kspan + 2 ;
@@ -394,18 +429,23 @@ int pre_fOf2Trans (void)
b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + bk;
kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ ktemp = kk ;
if ( kk > nn )
kk -= nn ;
- }while ( kk <= jc && kk <= nn );
+ }while (ktemp <= nn ||( kk <= jc && ktemp <= nn));
+ printf ("\t kk %d > kspan %d ?\n" , kk, kspan );
if ( kk > kspan )
return 1 ; /*goto350*/
return 0 ;/*goto60*/
@@ -414,81 +454,83 @@ int pre_fOf2Trans (void)
int factorOf2Transform (void)
-int doOnceAgain = 1 ;
+int ktemp = 0 ;
+printf ( "\t\t fact\n" ) ;
- /*60*/
- do
- {
+do /*60*/
+ {
c1 = 1 - cd ;
s1 = sd ;
mm = min( k1/2 , klim);
+ do/* do 80 */
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ k2 = kk + kspan;
+ printf ("\t\t 80 k2 %d kk %d\n" , k2 , kk);
+ ak = a[kk-1] - a[k2-1];
+ bk = b[kk-1] - b[k2-1];
- {
- k2 = kk + kspan ;
- ak = a[kk-1] - a[k2-1] ;
- bk = b[kk-1] - b[k2-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = a[kk-1] + a[k2-1];
+ b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + b[k2-1];
- a[kk-1] += a[k2-1] ;
- b[kk-1] += b[k2-1] ;
+ a[k2-1] = c1*ak - s1*bk;
+ b[k2-1] = s1*ak + c1*bk;
+ printf ("\t\t k2 %d c1 %f s1 %f ak %f bk %f\n" , k2 , c1,s1,ak,bk);
- a[k2-1] = c1*ak - s1*bk ;
- b[k2-1] = c1*bk + s1*ak ;
+ kk = k2 + kspan;
+ ktemp = kk ;
+ if (kk >= nt)
+ {
+ k2 = kk - nt;
+ c1 = -c1;
+ kk = k1 - k2;
+ printf ("\t\t k2 %d kk %d nt %d\n" , k2 , kk , nt);
+ }
- kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ }while ( ktemp < nt || (kk > k2 && ( ktemp >= nt)) );
- if ( kk >= nt )
- {
- k2 = kk - nt ;
- c1 = -c1 ;
- kk = k1 - k2;
+ kk += jc;
- if ( kk <= k2)
+ if ( kk <= mm ) /* 70 */
- kk += jc ;
- if ( kk <= mm )
- {
- ak = c1 - ( cd*c1*sd*s1) ;
- s1 += (sd*c1-cd*s1) ;
- /*c the following three statements compensate for truncation
- c error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
- c c1=ak*/
- c1 = 0.5/(ak*ak+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
- s1 *= c1 ;
- c1 *= ak ;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( kk < k2 )
- {
- s1 = (double) ((kk-1)/jc)*dr*rad;
- c1 = cos (s1);
- s1 = cos (s1);
- mm = min ( (k1 >> 1 ) , mm+klim );
- }
- else
- {
- /*on sort de la boucle */
- doOnceAgain = 1 ;
- }
- }
+ printf ( "\t 70 \n") ;
+ ak = c1 - ( cd*c1+sd*s1) ;
+ s1 += (sd*c1-cd*s1) ;
+ /*c the following three statements compensate for truncation
+ c error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
+ c c1=ak*/
+ c1 = 0.5/(ak*ak+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
+ s1 *= c1 ;
+ c1 *= ak ;
- }
- }while ( doOnceAgain == 0 ) ;
+ else
+ {
+ if ( kk < k2 ) /*90*/
+ {
+ printf ( "\t 90 \n") ;
+ s1 = dr*rad*((double)(kk-1)/(double)jc);
+ c1 = cos(s1) ;
+ s1 = sin(s1) ;
+ mm = min(k1/2,mm+klim);
+ }
+ }
+ printf ( "\tplop\n") ;
+ }while ( kk <= mm || ( kk > mm && kk < k2 ));
k1 += (inc+inc) ;
kk = (k1-kspan)/2 + jc;
- }while ( kk <= jc+jc );
+ } while ( kk <= jc*2 );
+ printf ("goto40 1\n" ) ;
return 0 ; /*goto40*/
@@ -692,6 +734,8 @@ do
void factorOf5Transform (void)
+ int ktemp ;
c2 = c72*c72 - s72 *s72 ;
s2 = 2 * c72*s72;
fprintf (stderr , "plop\n" ) ;
@@ -746,13 +790,14 @@ void factorOf5Transform (void)
b[k3-1] = bk - aj ;
kk = k4 + kspan;
+ ktemp = kk ;
fprintf (stderr , "ak %f \tbk %f\naj %f \tbj %f\n" , ak , bk , aj ,bj );
fprintf (stderr , "kk %d \t nn %d \t kspan %d\n", kk , nn , kspan );
if ( kk >= nn )
kk -= nn ;
fprintf (stderr , "kk %d \t nn %d \t kspan %d\n", kk , nn , kspan );
- }while ( kk <= kspan && kk < nn);
+ }while (ktemp < nn || ( kk <= kspan && ktemp >= nn));
fprintf (stderr , "fin 5\n" );
@@ -899,6 +944,7 @@ int mulByRotationFactor (void )
c2 = 1 - cd ;
s1 = sd ;
+ printf ( "\t 300 c2 %f s1 %f \n" , c2 , s1 );
mm = min ( kspan , klim ) ;
/*320 */
@@ -908,10 +954,10 @@ int mulByRotationFactor (void )
c1 = c2 ;
s2 = s1 ;
kk += kspan ;
+ printf ( "\t 320 c2 %f s1 %f \n" , c2 , s1 );
- printf ( "\t 330 \n" ) ;
+ printf ( "\t 330 kk %d s2 %f c2 %f\n" , kk , s2 , c2 ) ;
ak = a[kk-1] ;
a[kk-1] = c2*ak - s2*b[kk-1] ;
b[kk-1] = s2*ak + c2*b[kk-1] ;
@@ -919,15 +965,16 @@ int mulByRotationFactor (void )
kk += kspnn ;
ktemp = kk ;
+ printf ("\t\t kk %d nt %d \n" , kk , nt );
if ( kk > nt )
ak = s1*s2 ;
- s2 = s1*c2 + s1*c1 ;
+ s2 = s1*c2 + s2*c1 ;
c2 = c1*c2 - ak ;
kk += (kspan - nt ) ;
+ printf ( "\t\t plop c2 %f s2 %f \n" , c2 , s2 );
+ printf ("\t\t kk %d kspnn %d \n" , kk , kspnn );
}while (ktemp <= nt || ( kk <= kspnn && ktemp > nt )) ;
@@ -964,7 +1011,7 @@ int mulByRotationFactor (void )
- }while ( kk <= mm ||( kk <= kspan && kk > nn ) ) ;
+ }while ( kk <= mm ||( kk <= kspan && kk > mm ) ) ;
kk += (jc + inc -kspan );
@@ -1005,13 +1052,14 @@ void pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
kspan = np[1] ;
kk = jc + 1 ;
k2 = kspan + 1 ;
+ j = 1;
int post_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+ printf ("\tpost_sqFactor2NormlOrder\n");
@@ -1019,7 +1067,8 @@ int post_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
k2 -= np[j-1] ;
j++ ;
k2 += np[j] ;
- } while ( k2 < np[j-1]);
+ printf ("\t\t380-k2 %d np[%d] = %d\n" , k2 , j-1 , np[j-1]);
+ } while ( k2 > np[j-1]);
j = 1 ;
@@ -1029,6 +1078,7 @@ int post_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
if ( kk < k2 )
+ printf ( "\t\t return 1\n");
return 1 ;
@@ -1040,38 +1090,33 @@ int post_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
}while ( kk < ks ) ;
+ jc = k3 ;
+ printf ( "\t\t return 0\n");
return 0;
/* appeler cetter fonction dans un do while valeur_retour != 1)*/
-int single_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+void single_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void)
+ printf ("\t\t 370 - kk %d ks %d k2 %d\n", kk , ks , k2 ) ;
ak = a[kk-1] ;
a[kk-1] = a[k2-1] ;
a[k2-1] = ak ;
bk = b[kk-1] ;
b[kk-1] = b[k2-1] ;
b[k2-1] = bk ;
kk += inc ;
k2 += kspan ;
} while ( k2 < ks );
- if( post_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) == 1 )
- {
- return 1 ;
- }
- jc = k3 ;
- return 0;
/*idem que single_ */
@@ -1189,8 +1234,8 @@ void detPermutCycles (void)
- fprintf (stderr , "\t\t j %d \tnp[j-1] %d\n" , j , np[j-1]);
j++ ;
+ fprintf (stderr , "\t\t500 j %d \tnp[j-1] %d\n" , j , np[j-1]);
kk = np[j-1] ;
}while ( kk < 0 ) ;
@@ -1199,14 +1244,15 @@ void detPermutCycles (void)
- fprintf (stderr , "\t\t 2boucle kk %d\n" , kk );
+ fprintf (stderr , "\t\t 490 kk %d\n" , kk );
k = kk ;
kk = np[k-1] ;
np[k-1] = -kk ;
}while ( kk != j ) ;
k3 = kk ;
- np[j-1] = -j ;
+ else
+ np[j-1] = -j ;
}while ( j != nn );
maxf *= inc ;
@@ -1214,34 +1260,14 @@ void detPermutCycles (void)
return ;
-int end (void)
- fprintf (stderr , "\t\t\t end of the final end\n");
- /*
- j = k3 + 1 ;
- nt -= kspnn ;
- i = nt - inc + 1 ;
- fprintf (stderr , "\t\t\t end of the final end\n");
- if ( nt >= 0 )
- return 1 ;
- else
- return 0 ;
void reorderMatrix (void)
+ {
j-- ;
+ printf ( "\t\t\t j %d , %d \n" , j , np[j-1]);
}while (np[j-1] < 0 ) ;
jj = jc ;
@@ -1255,26 +1281,27 @@ void reorderMatrix (void)
kspan = maxf ;
jj -= kspan ;
- k = np [j-1];
+ k = np [j-1];
kk = jc*k + i + jj ;
k1 = kk + kspan ;
k2 = 0 ;
- do
+ do /*530*/
k2 ++ ;
wt[k2-1] = a[k1-1] ;
- bt[k2-1] = b[k-1] ;
+ bt[k2-1] = b[k1-1] ;
k1 -= inc ;
- }while ( k1 < kk );
+ }while ( k1 != kk );
k1 = kk + kspan ;
k2 = k1 - jc * (k + np[k-1]);
+ k = -np[k-1];
+ fprintf (stderr , "\t\ttend ploplpop 3\n" );
a[k1-1] = a[k2-1] ;
@@ -1286,19 +1313,25 @@ void reorderMatrix (void)
}while ( k1 != kk ) ;
kk = k2 ;
+ printf ( "\t\t k %d j %d\n" , k , j ) ;
}while ( k != j );
+ k1 = kk +kspan ;
+ k2 = 0 ;
k2 ++ ;
- a[k1-1] = wt[k2] ;
- b[k1-1] = bt[k2] ;
+ a[k1-1] = wt[k2-1] ;
+ b[k1-1] = bt[k2-1] ;
+ k1 -= inc ;
+ fprintf (stderr , "\t\t560 k1 %d kk %d\n" , k1 , kk );
}while ( k1 != kk ) ;
} while ( jj != 0 ) ;
+}while ( j != 1 ) ;
return ;
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft_internal.h b/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft_internal.h
index c595b027..2bd5a597 100644
--- a/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft_internal.h
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/fft_internal.h
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ int dfftmx ( double* _pdblA , double* _pdblB , int _iNtot, int _iN, int _iNspan,
int factorOf4Transform (void);
int mulByRotationFactor (void );
int post_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void);
- int single_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void);
+ void single_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void);
int preF2transform (void) ;
int multi_sqFactor2NormlOrder (void);
- int end (void) ;
+/* int end (void) ;*/
#endif /* !__FFT_INTERNAL_H__ */
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/testDoubleFft.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/testDoubleFft.c
index c872c689..94912726 100644
--- a/src/signalProcessing/fft/testDoubleFft.c
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/testDoubleFft.c
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
#define COLS8 8
#define COLS9 9
#define COLS10 10
+#define COLS11 11
+#define COLS12 12
+#define COLS13 13
+#define COLS14 14
+#define COLS15 15
#define COLS16 16
#define COLS32 32
@@ -60,6 +65,7 @@
#define ZIMAG_IN8 { 0.21460078610107303, 0.31264199689030647, 0.36163610080257058, 0.2922266637906432,\
0.56642488157376647, 0.48264719732105732, 0.33217189135029912, 0.59350947011262178}
#define ZREAL_IN9 { 0.23122371966019273, 0.21646326314657927, 0.88338878145441413, 0.65251349471509457,\
0.30760907428339124, 0.93296162132173777, 0.21460078610107303, 0.31264199689030647,\
@@ -68,6 +74,47 @@
+#define ZREAL_IN10 { 0.21646326314657927, 0.65251349471509457, 0.63257448654621840, 0.31264199689030647,\
+ 0.93296162132173777, 0.31264199689030647, 0.48185089323669672, 0.48264719732105732,\
+ 0.2922266637906432 , 0.48264719732105732 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN10 { 0.23122371966019273, 0.21646326314657927, 0.88338878145441413, 0.65251349471509457,\
+ 0.11383596854284406, 0.19983377400785685, 0.56186607433483005, 0.58961773291230202,\
+ 0.23122371966019273, 0.21646326314657927}
+#define ZREAL_IN10 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN10 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }
+#define ZREAL_IN11 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN11 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 }
+#define ZREAL_IN12 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN12 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 }
+#define ZREAL_IN13 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN13 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 }
+#define ZREAL_IN14 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN14 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 }
+#define ZREAL_IN15 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 }
+#define ZIMAG_IN15 { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 }
#define ZREAL_IN16 {0.23122371966019273, 0.21646326314657927, 0.88338878145441413, 0.65251349471509457,\
0.30760907428339124, 0.93296162132173777, 0.21460078610107303, 0.31264199689030647,\
0.36163610080257058, 0.2922266637906432 , 0.56642488157376647, 0.48264719732105732,\
@@ -96,6 +143,9 @@
#define ZREAL_RESULT2 { 0.33054822636768222,- 0.33010595710948110}
#define ZIMAG_RESULT2 { 1.29377289256080985, 0.03698931587859988}
@@ -110,6 +160,13 @@
#define ZIMAG_RESULT5 { 2.71449548611417413,-0.31527367037930898, 0.60322341639929178,-0.89813890885693670,\
+#define ZREAL_RESULT6 { 2.18414165778085589,-0.26482327553354379,-0.01687604011087318, 0.67184740351513028,\
+ 0.11489612058787246, 0.57635803139679309 }
+#define ZIMAG_RESULT6 { +2.34103989927098155,+0.34168162147929737,-0.70971181304669773,-0.05571636231616137,\
+ -0.11084573654913504,-0.51884289223184654 }
#define ZREAL_RESULT7 { 3.06753043923527002,-0.62032167153569062,-0.13156333379499591, 0.48353341667797933,\
0.63567251139259018, 0.05503001802946385, 0.31991983390432432}
@@ -130,6 +187,16 @@
0.73968558488709069 }
+#define ZREAL_RESULT10 { 4.7991688111796975 , 0.13431735180709442, 0.69797375124916528,-0.96094309976899528,\
+ -1.299412169815219 , 0.31298504490405327,-0.70524633213128674, 0.73186521665562432,\
+ -0.84695776029792746,-0.69911818231641265}
+#define ZIMAG_RESULT10 { +3.8964297915808856 ,-0.73143162523007543,-1.16550179795884423,-0.28088284236709465,\
+ +0.91311790128897607,+0.14664673572406173,-0.38825389263472715,+0.70003588825710683,\
+ -1.10050453393604197,+0.32258157187768072}
#define ZREAL_RESULT16 { 7.31841186061501503, 0.57213963313411265,-0.54757095809921363,-0.48628670926159856,\
-1.24745626002550125,-0.60260425121772254,-0.09566750389725764, 1.12013387649474438,\
-0.52123307064175606,-0.4866536676629296 , 1.98659065302356819,-0.8626986211125984 ,\
@@ -372,8 +439,8 @@ static void zfftmaTest6 (void )
- double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT8;
- double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT8;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT6;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT6;
@@ -398,7 +465,7 @@ static void zfftmaTest6 (void )
zimags (Result[i]),
fabs( zreals(out[i]) - zreals (Result[i]) ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
fabs( zimags(out[i]) - zimags (Result[i]) ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && zreals (Result[i]) < 1e-18 )
assert ( 1 ) ;
@@ -409,7 +476,7 @@ static void zfftmaTest6 (void )
assert ( 1 ) ;
assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - zimags (Result[i]) ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
@@ -468,8 +535,6 @@ static void zfftmaTest7 (void )
static void zfftmaTest8 (void )
int i = 0 ;
@@ -515,6 +580,7 @@ static void zfftmaTest8 (void )
static void zfftmaTest9 (void )
int i = 0 ;
@@ -543,7 +609,7 @@ static void zfftmaTest9 (void )
i ,zreals(out[i]) , zimags(out[i]), zreals (Result[i]) , zimags (Result[i]),
fabs( zreals(out[i]) - zreals (Result[i]) ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
fabs( zimags(out[i]) - zimags (Result[i]) ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && zreals (Result[i]) < 1e-18 )
assert ( 1 ) ;
@@ -554,12 +620,343 @@ static void zfftmaTest9 (void )
assert ( 1 ) ;
assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - zimags (Result[i]) ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+ }
+static void zfftmaTest10 (void )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ double tRealIn [] = ZREAL_IN10;
+ double tImagIn [] = ZIMAG_IN10 ;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT10 ;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT10 ;
+ doubleComplex* out = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof(doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) (ROW*COLS10));
+ doubleComplex* in = DoubleComplexMatrix ( tRealIn , tImagIn , ROW*COLS10 );
+ zfftma ( in , ROW , COLS10 , out );
+ /* if we don't add that test assert failed if result = 0 'cause then we have |(out - 0)|/|out| = 1*/
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < (ROW*COLS10 ) ; i++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "\t\t %d out : %e\t %e\t * i result : %e\t %e\t * i assert : : %e\t %e\t * i \n" ,
+ i ,
+ zreals(out[i]) ,
+ zimags(out[i]),
+ tRealResult[i] ,
+ tImagResult[i],
+ fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
+ fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
+ if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tRealResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) < 1e-12 );
+ if ( zimags(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tImagResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+static void zfftmaTest11 (void )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ double tRealIn [] = ZREAL_IN11;
+ double tImagIn [] = ZIMAG_IN11 ;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT16 ;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT16 ;
+ doubleComplex* out = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof(doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) (ROW*COLS11));
+ doubleComplex* in = DoubleComplexMatrix ( tRealIn , tImagIn , ROW*COLS11 );
+ zfftma ( in , ROW , COLS11 , out );
+ /* if we don't add that test assert failed if result = 0 'cause then we have |(out - 0)|/|out| = 1*/
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < (ROW*COLS11 ) ; i++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "\t\t %d out : %e\t %e\t * i result : %e\t %e\t * i assert : : %e\t %e\t * i \n" ,
+ i ,
+ zreals(out[i]) ,
+ zimags(out[i]),
+ tRealResult[i] ,
+ tImagResult[i],
+ fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
+ fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
+ if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tRealResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) < 1e-12 );
+ if ( zimags(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tImagResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+ }
+static void zfftmaTest12 (void )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ double tRealIn [] = ZREAL_IN12;
+ double tImagIn [] = ZIMAG_IN12 ;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT16 ;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT16 ;
+ doubleComplex* out = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof(doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) (ROW*COLS12));
+ doubleComplex* in = DoubleComplexMatrix ( tRealIn , tImagIn , ROW*COLS12 );
+ zfftma ( in , ROW , COLS12 , out );
+ /* if we don't add that test assert failed if result = 0 'cause then we have |(out - 0)|/|out| = 1*/
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < (ROW*COLS12 ) ; i++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "\t\t %d out : %e\t %e\t * i result : %e\t %e\t * i assert : : %e\t %e\t * i \n" ,
+ i ,
+ zreals(out[i]) ,
+ zimags(out[i]),
+ tRealResult[i] ,
+ tImagResult[i],
+ fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
+ fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
+ if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tRealResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) < 1e-12 );
+ if ( zimags(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tImagResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+ }
+static void zfftmaTest13 (void )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ double tRealIn [] = ZREAL_IN13;
+ double tImagIn [] = ZIMAG_IN13 ;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT16 ;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT16 ;
+ doubleComplex* out = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof(doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) (ROW*COLS13));
+ doubleComplex* in = DoubleComplexMatrix ( tRealIn , tImagIn , ROW*COLS13 );
+ zfftma ( in , ROW , COLS13 , out );
+ /* if we don't add that test assert failed if result = 0 'cause then we have |(out - 0)|/|out| = 1*/
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < (ROW*COLS13 ) ; i++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "\t\t %d out : %e\t %e\t * i result : %e\t %e\t * i assert : : %e\t %e\t * i \n" ,
+ i ,
+ zreals(out[i]) ,
+ zimags(out[i]),
+ tRealResult[i] ,
+ tImagResult[i],
+ fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
+ fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
+ if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tRealResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) < 1e-12 );
+ if ( zimags(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tImagResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+ }
+static void zfftmaTest14 (void )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ double tRealIn [] = ZREAL_IN14;
+ double tImagIn [] = ZIMAG_IN14 ;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT16 ;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT16 ;
+ doubleComplex* out = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof(doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) (ROW*COLS14));
+ doubleComplex* in = DoubleComplexMatrix ( tRealIn , tImagIn , ROW*COLS14 );
+ zfftma ( in , ROW , COLS14 , out );
+ /* if we don't add that test assert failed if result = 0 'cause then we have |(out - 0)|/|out| = 1*/
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < (ROW*COLS14 ) ; i++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "\t\t %d out : %e\t %e\t * i result : %e\t %e\t * i assert : : %e\t %e\t * i \n" ,
+ i ,
+ zreals(out[i]) ,
+ zimags(out[i]),
+ tRealResult[i] ,
+ tImagResult[i],
+ fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
+ fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
+ if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tRealResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) < 1e-12 );
+ if ( zimags(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tImagResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+ }
+static void zfftmaTest15 (void )
+ int i = 0 ;
+ double tRealIn [] = ZREAL_IN15;
+ double tImagIn [] = ZIMAG_IN15 ;
+ double tRealResult [] = ZREAL_RESULT16 ;
+ double tImagResult [] = ZIMAG_RESULT16 ;
+ doubleComplex* out = (doubleComplex*) malloc ( sizeof(doubleComplex) * (unsigned int) (ROW*COLS15));
+ doubleComplex* in = DoubleComplexMatrix ( tRealIn , tImagIn , ROW*COLS15 );
+ zfftma ( in , ROW , COLS15 , out );
+ /* if we don't add that test assert failed if result = 0 'cause then we have |(out - 0)|/|out| = 1*/
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < (ROW*COLS15 ) ; i++ )
+ {
+ printf ( "\t\t %d out : %e\t %e\t * i result : %e\t %e\t * i assert : : %e\t %e\t * i \n" ,
+ i ,
+ zreals(out[i]) ,
+ zimags(out[i]),
+ tRealResult[i] ,
+ tImagResult[i],
+ fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) ,
+ fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])));
+ if ( zreals(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tRealResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zreals(out[i]) - tRealResult[i] ) / fabs (zreals (out[i])) < 1e-12 );
+ if ( zimags(out[i]) < 1e-14 && tImagResult[i] < 1e-18 )
+ assert ( 1 ) ;
+ else
+ assert ( fabs( zimags(out[i]) - tImagResult[i] ) / fabs (zimags (out[i])) < 1e-12 ) ;
+ }
static void zfftmaTest16 (void )
int i = 0 ;
@@ -614,6 +1011,8 @@ static void zfftmaTest16 (void )
static void zfftmaTest32 (void )
int i = 0 ;
@@ -676,7 +1075,6 @@ static int testFft(void) {
printf("\t>>>> Vector 2 Double Complex Tests\n");
printf("\t>>>> Vector 3 Double Complex Tests\n");
@@ -685,7 +1083,8 @@ static int testFft(void) {
printf("\t>>>> Vector 5 Double Complex Tests\n");
+ printf("\t>>>> Vector 6 Double Complex Tests\n");
+ zfftmaTest6();
printf("\t>>>> Vector 7 Double Complex Tests\n");
printf("\t>>>> Vector 8 Double Complex Tests\n");
@@ -693,6 +1092,12 @@ static int testFft(void) {
printf("\t>>>> Vector 9 Double Complex Tests\n");
+ printf("\t>>>> Vector 10 Double Complex Tests\n");
+ zfftmaTest10();
printf("\t>>>> Vector 16 Double Complex Tests\n");
printf("\t>>>> Vector 32 Double Complex Tests\n");
@@ -702,7 +1107,7 @@ static int testFft(void) {
printf("\t>>>> Vector 6 Double Complex Tests\n");
return 0;