path: root/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
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authortorset2008-12-19 15:26:21 +0000
committertorset2008-12-19 15:26:21 +0000
commit7bcc74849a84b87464ca6cc48cdbde8206a3a602 (patch)
tree355569d38c2cbc21c9f480c30bda67d629ac9e3c /src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
parent4e1b5f27b89c984671f00ddab42a3f5f185a092d (diff)
debug fft and add new tests
Diffstat (limited to 'src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
index 60129b1c..74cfcb4a 100644
--- a/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
+++ b/src/signalProcessing/fft/dfftmx.c
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ int dfftmx ( double* _pdblA , double* _pdblB , int _iNtot, int _iN, int _iNspan,
int _iIsn, int _iM, int _iKt, double* _pdblWt, double* _pdblCk,
double* _pdblBt, double* _pdblSk, int* _piNp, int* _piNfac)
int retVal = 0 ;
a = _pdblA ;
b = _pdblB ;
@@ -119,41 +118,23 @@ int dfftmx ( double* _pdblA , double* _pdblB , int _iNtot, int _iN, int _iNspan,
nt = inc*ntot ;
ks = inc*nspan;
rad = atan ( 1 );
c72 = cos (rad/0.6250);
s72 = sin (rad/0.6250);
s120= sqrt(0.750);
preliminaryWork () ;
- while ( retVal == 0 )
- {
- retVal = factorTransform ( ) ;
- }
+ while ( retVal == 0 ) retVal = factorTransform ( ) ;
np[0] = ks ;
- if ( kt != 0)
- {
- permute_stage1 ( ) ;
- }
- if ( 2*kt + 1 < m )
- {
- permute_stage2 ( ) ;
- }
+ if ( kt != 0) permute_stage1 ( ) ;
+ if ( 2*kt + 1 < m ) permute_stage2 ( ) ;
_pdblA = a ;
_pdblB = b ;
@@ -170,14 +151,9 @@ Sous-Fonctions
/* this function only set the value of variable */
void preliminaryWork (void)
- int lim ;
- s72 = -s72 ;
- s120= -s120;
- rad = -rad ;
+ s72 = -s72 ;
+ s120= -s120;
+ rad = -rad ;
kspan = ks ;
nn = nt -inc ;
@@ -185,19 +161,12 @@ void preliminaryWork (void)
/* sin , cos values are re-initialized each lim steps */
- lim = 32 ;
- klim = lim*jc ;
+ klim = 32*jc ;
i = 0;
jf = 0 ;
- maxf = m -kt ;
- maxf = nfac[maxf-1] ;
- if ( kt > 0 )
- maxf = max ( nfac[kt-1] , maxf );
+ if ( kt > 0 ) maxf = max ( nfac[kt-1] , nfac[m-kt-1] );
+ else maxf = nfac[m-kt-1] ;
@@ -214,8 +183,6 @@ int factorTransform (void)
int retVal = 42;
dr = 8 * (double)jc/(double)kspan ;
cd = 2 * sin(0.5*dr*rad)*sin(0.5*dr*rad);
sd = sin(dr*rad) ;
@@ -227,38 +194,32 @@ int factorTransform (void)
switch ( nfac[i-1] )
- case 2 :
+ case 2 :printf("passge en 2\n");
/*transform for factor of 2 (including rotation factor)*/
- retVal = pre_fOf2Trans( ) ;
- if ( retVal == 0 )
- {
- factorOf2Transform ( ) ;
+ retVal = pre_fOf2Trans() ;
+ if ( retVal == 0 ) factorOf2Transform () ;
- }
break ;
- case 4 :
+ case 4 :printf("passge en 4\n");
/*transform for factor of 4 */
kspnn = kspan ;
kspan = kspan >> 2 ; /*kspan /= 4 */
- retVal = factorOf4Transform ( ) ;
+ retVal = factorOf4Transform () ;
break ;
- case 3 :
+ case 3 :printf("passge en 3\n");
+printf("valeurs init : %d and %d and %d\n",nfac[i-1],kspan,nn);
k = nfac[i-1] ;
kspnn = kspan ;
kspan = kspan / k ;
factorOf3Transform ( ) ;
break ;
- case 5 :
+ case 5 :printf("passge en 5\n");
k = nfac[i-1] ;
kspnn = kspan ;
@@ -267,19 +228,14 @@ switch ( nfac[i-1] )
factorOf5Transform ( ) ;
break ;
- default :
+ default :printf("passge en autre\n");
k = nfac[i-1] ;
kspnn = kspan ;
kspan = kspan / k ;
- if ( nfac[i-1] != jf)
- {
- preFOtherTransform ( ) ;
- }
+ if ( nfac[i-1] != jf) preFOtherTransform ( ) ;
factorOfOtherTransform ( ) ;
break ;
@@ -288,24 +244,12 @@ switch ( nfac[i-1] )
if ( retVal == 42 )
- if ( i != m)
- {
- retVal = mulByRotationFactor ( ) ;
- }
- else
- retVal = 1 ;
+ if ( i != m) retVal = mulByRotationFactor ( ) ;
+ else retVal = 1 ;
- if ( retVal == 1 )
- return 1 ; /*goto permute */
- else
- return 0 ; /*goto factor_transform => once again*/
+ if ( retVal == 1 ) return 1 ; /*goto permute */
+ else return 0 ; /*goto factor_transform => once again*/
@@ -315,59 +259,45 @@ void permute_stage1 (void)
int retVal = 1 ;
- pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
+ pre_sqFactor2NormlOrder () ;
if ( n == ntot )
/*permutation for single-variate transform (optional code)*/
while ( retVal == 1)
- single_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( ) ;
+ single_sqFactor2NormlOrder () ;
retVal = post_sqFactor2NormlOrder () ;
/*permutation for multivariate transform*/
- while ( retVal == 1)
- {
- retVal = multi_sqFactor2NormlOrder ( );
- }
+ while ( retVal == 1) retVal = multi_sqFactor2NormlOrder ();
void permute_stage2 (void)
- kspnn = np[kt] ;
- /*permutation for square-free facotrs of n */
- nonSqFactor2NormOrder ( ) ;
- /*determine the permutation cycles of length greater than 1*/
- detPermutCycles ( );
- j = k3 + 1;
- nt -= kspnn ;
- i = nt - inc + 1 ;
- while ( nt >= 0 )
- {
- reorderMatrix ( ) ;
- j = k3 + 1 ;
- nt -= kspnn ;
- i = nt - inc + 1 ;
+ kspnn = np[kt] ;
+ /*permutation for square-free facotrs of n */
+ nonSqFactor2NormOrder () ;
+ /*determine the permutation cycles of length greater than 1*/
+ detPermutCycles ();
+ j = k3 + 1;
+ nt -= kspnn ;
+ i = nt - inc + 1 ;
+ while ( nt >= 0 )
+ {
+ reorderMatrix ( ) ;
+ j = k3 + 1 ;
+ nt -= kspnn ;
+ i = nt - inc + 1 ;
-/** **************************************
@@ -377,42 +307,30 @@ Sous-Sous-Fonctions
int pre_fOf2Trans (void)
- int ktemp = 0 ;
+ kspan /= 2;
+ k1 = kspan + 2 ;
+ /*50*/
+ do{
+ do{
+ k2 = kk + kspan ;
+ ak = a[k2-1] ;
+ bk = b[k2-1] ;
- kspan /= 2;
- k1 = kspan + 2 ;
- do
- {
+ a[k2-1] = a[kk-1] - ak;
+ b[k2-1] = b[kk-1] - bk;
- k2 = kk + kspan ;
- ak = a[k2-1] ;
- bk = b[k2-1] ;
+ a[kk-1] = a[kk-1] + ak;
+ b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + bk;
- a[k2-1] = a[kk-1] - ak;
- b[k2-1] = b[kk-1] - bk;
+ kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ }while (kk <= nn);
- a[kk-1] = a[kk-1] + ak;
- b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + bk;
- kk = k2 + kspan ;
- ktemp = kk ;
- if ( kk > nn )
- {
- kk -= nn ;
- }
- }while (ktemp <= nn ||( kk <= jc && ktemp <= nn));
- if ( kk > kspan )
- return 1 ; /*goto350*/
- else
- return 0 ;/*goto60*/
+ kk -= nn ;
+ }while (kk <= jc);
+ if ( kk > kspan ) return 1 ; /*goto350*/
+ else return 0 ; /*goto60*/
@@ -421,79 +339,66 @@ int pre_fOf2Trans (void)
int factorOf2Transform (void)
-int ktemp = 0 ;
-do /*60*/
- {
- c1 = 1 - cd ;
- s1 = sd ;
- mm = min( k1/2 , klim);
- do/* do 80 */
- {
- do
- {
- k2 = kk + kspan;
- ak = a[kk-1] - a[k2-1];
- bk = b[kk-1] - b[k2-1];
- a[kk-1] = a[kk-1] + a[k2-1];
- b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + b[k2-1];
- a[k2-1] = c1*ak - s1*bk;
- b[k2-1] = s1*ak + c1*bk;
- kk = k2 + kspan;
- ktemp = kk ;
- if (kk >= nt)
- {
- k2 = kk - nt;
- c1 = -c1;
- kk = k1 - k2;
- }
- }while ( ktemp < nt || (kk > k2 && ( ktemp >= nt)) );
- kk += jc;
- if ( kk <= mm ) /* 70 */
- {
- ak = c1 - ( cd*c1+sd*s1) ;
- s1 += (sd*c1-cd*s1) ;
- /*c the following three statements compensate for truncation
- c error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
- c c1=ak*/
- c1 = 0.5/(ak*ak+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
- s1 *= c1 ;
- c1 *= ak ;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( kk < k2 ) /*90*/
- {
- s1 = dr*rad*((double)(kk-1)/(double)jc);
- c1 = cos(s1) ;
- s1 = sin(s1) ;
- mm = min(k1/2,mm+klim);
- }
- }
- }while ( kk <= mm || ( kk > mm && kk < k2 ));
- k1 += (inc+inc) ;
- kk = (k1-kspan)/2 + jc;
- } while ( kk <= jc*2 );
- return 0 ; /*goto40*/
+ do /*60*/ {/*while ( kk <= jc*2 )*/
+ c1 = 1 - cd ;
+ s1 = sd ;
+ mm = min( k1/2 , klim);
+ do/* do 80 */ {/*while ( kk <= mm || ( kk > mm && kk < k2 ))*/
+ do {/*while(kk > k2) */
+ do { /*while ( kk < nt )*/
+ k2 = kk + kspan;
+ ak = a[kk-1] - a[k2-1];
+ bk = b[kk-1] - b[k2-1];
+ a[kk-1] = a[kk-1] + a[k2-1];
+ b[kk-1] = b[kk-1] + b[k2-1];
+ a[k2-1] = c1*ak - s1*bk;
+ b[k2-1] = s1*ak + c1*bk;
+ kk = k2 + kspan;
+ }while ( kk < nt );
+ k2 = kk - nt;
+ c1 = -c1;
+ kk = k1 - k2;
+ }while (kk > k2);
+ kk += jc;
+ if ( kk <= mm ) /* 70 */
+ {
+ ak = c1 - ( cd*c1+sd*s1) ;
+ s1 += (sd*c1-cd*s1) ;
+ /*c the following three statements compensate for truncation
+ c error. if rounded arithmetic is used, substitute
+ c c1=ak*/
+ c1 = 0.5/(ak*ak+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
+ s1 *= c1 ;
+ c1 *= ak ;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( kk < k2 ) /*90*/ {
+ s1 = dr*rad*((double)(kk-1)/(double)jc);
+ c1 = cos(s1) ;
+ s1 = sin(s1) ;
+ mm = min(k1/2,mm+klim);
+ }
+ }
+ } while ( kk <= mm || ( kk > mm && kk < k2 ));
+ k1 += (inc+inc) ;
+ kk = (k1-kspan)/2 + jc;
+ } while ( kk <= jc*2 );
+ return 0 ; /*goto40*/
@@ -501,7 +406,6 @@ do /*60*/
int factorOf4Transform (void)
int return_value = 0 ;
@@ -537,8 +441,6 @@ int factorOf4Transform (void)
void f4t_150 (void)
- int sign = 1 ;
k1 = kk + kspan ;
k2 = k1 + kspan ;
@@ -562,17 +464,11 @@ void f4t_150 (void)
b[kk-1] = bkp + bjp ;
bjp = bkp - bjp ;
- if ( isn < 0 )
- sign = 1 ;
- else
- sign = -1 ;
+ akp = akm + bjm ;
+ akm = akm - bjm ;
- akp = akm +(sign * bjm );
- akm = akm -(sign * bjm );
- bkp = bkm +(sign * ajm) ;
- bkm = bkm -(sign * ajm) ;
+ bkp = bkm - ajm ;
+ bkm = bkm + ajm ;
if ( s1 == 0 )/*190*/
@@ -597,14 +493,14 @@ void f4t_150 (void)
a[k2-1] = bjp*c2 + ajp*s2 ;
a[k3-1] = bkm*c3 + akm*s3 ;
- }while ( kk < nt ) ;
+ kk=k3+kspan;
+ }while ( kk <= nt ) ;
int f4t_170 (void)
kk += ( jc - nt ) ;
if ( kk <= mm )
@@ -620,12 +516,13 @@ int f4t_170 (void)
c1 = 0.5/(c2*c2+s1*s1) + 0.5 ;
s1 *= c1 ;
- c2 *= c1 ;
+ c1 *= c2 ;
c2 = c1*c1 - s1*s1 ;
s2 = c1*s1*2 ;
+ c3 = c2*c1 - s2*s1 ;
s3 = c2*s1 + s2*c1 ;
@@ -637,7 +534,7 @@ int f4t_170 (void)
if ( kk <= kspan )
s1 = dr*rad * (kk-1)/jc ;
- c2 = cos (s1) ;
+ c1 = cos (s1) ;
s1 = sin (s1) ;
mm = min ( kspan , mm + klim );
@@ -645,6 +542,7 @@ int f4t_170 (void)
c2 = c1*c1 - s1*s1 ;
s2 = c1*s1*2 ;
+ c3 = c2*c1 - s2*s1 ;
s3 = c2*s1 + s2*c1 ;
return 0 ;
@@ -659,114 +557,99 @@ int f4t_170 (void)
void factorOf3Transform (void)
-int ktemp = 0 ;
- {
- k1 = kk + kspan ;
- k2 = k1 + kspan ;
+ do{
+ do{
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = k1 + kspan ;
- ak = a[kk-1] ;
- bk = b[kk-1] ;
+ ak = a[kk-1] ;
+ bk = b[kk-1] ;
- aj = a[k1-1] + a[k2-1] ;
- bj = b[k1-1] + b[k2-1] ;
+ aj = a[k1-1] + a[k2-1] ;
+ bj = b[k1-1] + b[k2-1] ;
- a[kk-1] = ak + aj ;
- b[kk-1] = bk + bj ;
+ a[kk-1] = ak + aj ;
+ b[kk-1] = bk + bj ;
- ak = -0.5*aj + ak ;
- bk = -0.5*bj + bk ;
- aj = (a[k1-1] - a[k2-1])*s120 ;
- bj = (b[k1-1] - b[k2-1])*s120 ;
- a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
- b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
- a[k2-1] = ak + bj ;
- b[k2-1] = bk - aj ;
- kk = k2 + kspan ;
- ktemp = kk ;
+ ak = -0.5*aj + ak ;
+ bk = -0.5*bj + bk ;
+ aj = (a[k1-1] - a[k2-1])*s120 ;
+ bj = (b[k1-1] - b[k2-1])*s120 ;
+ a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
+ b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
+ a[k2-1] = ak + bj ;
+ b[k2-1] = bk - aj ;
- if ( kk >= nn )
- kk -= nn ;
- }while ( ktemp < nn || (kk <= kspan && ( ktemp >= nn)) );
+ kk = k2 + kspan ;
+ } while (kk < nn);
+ kk -= nn ;
+ }while (kk <= kspan);
void factorOf5Transform (void)
- int ktemp ;
- c2 = c72*c72 - s72 *s72 ;
- s2 = 2 * c72*s72;
- do
- {
- k1 = kk + kspan ;
- k2 = k1 + kspan ;
- k3 = k2 + kspan ;
- k4 = k3 + kspan ;
+ c2 = c72*c72 - s72 *s72 ;
+ s2 = 2 * c72*s72;
+ do{
+ do{
+ k1 = kk + kspan ;
+ k2 = k1 + kspan ;
+ k3 = k2 + kspan ;
+ k4 = k3 + kspan ;
- akp = a[k1-1] + a[k4-1] ;
- akm = a[k1-1] - a[k4-1] ;
- bkp = b[k1-1] + b[k4-1] ;
- bkm = b[k1-1] - b[k4-1] ;
+ akp = a[k1-1] + a[k4-1] ;
+ akm = a[k1-1] - a[k4-1] ;
- ajp = a[k2-1] + a[k3-1] ;
- ajm = a[k2-1] - a[k3-1] ;
+ bkp = b[k1-1] + b[k4-1] ;
+ bkm = b[k1-1] - b[k4-1] ;
- bjp = b[k2-1] + b[k3-1] ;
- bjm = b[k2-1] - b[k3-1] ;
+ ajp = a[k2-1] + a[k3-1] ;
+ ajm = a[k2-1] - a[k3-1] ;
- aa = a[kk-1] ;
- bb = b[kk-1] ;
+ bjp = b[k2-1] + b[k3-1] ;
+ bjm = b[k2-1] - b[k3-1] ;
- a[kk-1] = aa + akp + ajp;
- b[kk-1] = bb + bkp + bjp;
+ aa = a[kk-1] ;
+ bb = b[kk-1] ;
- ak = akp*c72 + ajp*c2 + aa ;
- bk = bkp*c72 + bjp*c2 + bb ;
+ a[kk-1] = aa + akp + ajp;
+ b[kk-1] = bb + bkp + bjp;
- aj = akm*s72 + ajm*s2 ;
- bj = bkm*s72 + bjm*s2 ;
+ ak = akp*c72 + ajp*c2 + aa ;
+ bk = bkp*c72 + bjp*c2 + bb ;
- a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
- a[k4-1] = ak + bj ;
- b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
- b[k4-1] = bk - aj ;
- ak = akp*c2 + ajp*c72 + aa ;
- bk = bkp*c2 + bjp*c72 + bb ;
- aj = akm*s2 - ajm*s72 ;
+ aj = akm*s72 + ajm*s2 ;
+ bj = bkm*s72 + bjm*s2 ;
- bj = bkm*s2 - bjm*s72 ;
+ a[k1-1] = ak - bj ;
+ a[k4-1] = ak + bj ;
+ b[k1-1] = bk + aj ;
+ b[k4-1] = bk - aj ;
- a[k2-1] = ak - bj ;
- a[k3-1] = ak + bj ;
- b[k2-1] = bk + aj ;
- b[k3-1] = bk - aj ;
+ ak = akp*c2 + ajp*c72 + aa ;
+ bk = bkp*c2 + bjp*c72 + bb ;
- kk = k4 + kspan;
- ktemp = kk ;
+ aj = akm*s2 - ajm*s72 ;
+ bj = bkm*s2 - bjm*s72 ;
- if ( kk >= nn )
- kk -= nn ;
- }while (ktemp < nn || ( kk <= kspan && ktemp >= nn));
+ a[k2-1] = ak - bj ;
+ a[k3-1] = ak + bj ;
+ b[k2-1] = bk + aj ;
+ b[k3-1] = bk - aj ;
+ kk = k4 + kspan;
+ }while (kk < nn);
+ kk -= nn ;
+ }while (kk <= kspan);
/* this function is the general case of non factor of 2 factor , the factorof3transform and factorof5trandform are just
@@ -775,7 +658,7 @@ special case of this one */
void preFOtherTransform (void)
+printf("0.k=%d \n",k);
jf = k ;
s1 = (rad*8)/k ;