path: root/src/c/hardware/avr/adc/u8AVRADCSetups.c
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authorAnkit Raj2017-06-21 10:26:59 +0530
committerAnkit Raj2017-06-21 10:26:59 +0530
commit958577cac90a99124cd673fde1926781d966d91f (patch)
tree134d9fe7f5b97a647cb055bb7b4c21820a749f49 /src/c/hardware/avr/adc/u8AVRADCSetups.c
Updated Scilab2C
Diffstat (limited to 'src/c/hardware/avr/adc/u8AVRADCSetups.c')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/c/hardware/avr/adc/u8AVRADCSetups.c b/src/c/hardware/avr/adc/u8AVRADCSetups.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66f491b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/hardware/avr/adc/u8AVRADCSetups.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Function to initialise ADC of AVR
+// Calling Sequence
+// AVRSetupADC(uint8 prescaler, uint8 adc_ref)
+// Parameters
+// prescaler: prescaler to be used for generating ADC clock (0-7)
+// adc_ref : reference voltage to be used for ADC conversion
+// 0 -> Voltage on VREF pin
+// 1 -> Voltage on AVCC pin
+// 2 -> Internal 2.56 reference voltage
+// Description
+// This function initialises ADc of AVR with given parameters. 'prescaler' is
+// needed for deciding ADC clock. ADC clock should be between 50KHz and 200KHz
+// and it given as (MCU clock/2^prescaler). Select appropriate prescaler depending
+// on MCU clock. 'adc_ref' selects one of the available reference voltage sources
+// available
+// Examples
+// AVRADCSetup(128,0)
+// Authors
+// Siddhesh Wani
+// Ashish Kamble
+#include "AVRPeripheralADC.h"
+uint8 u8AVRADCSetups(uint8 prescaler, uint8 adc_ref)
+/*Set the prescaler value*/
+ ADCSRA |= (prescaler & 0x07);
+ /*Set the adc reference voltage*/
+ ADMUX |= ((adc_ref & 0x03) << 6);
+ /*Enable ADC hardware. Set ADEN bit*/
+ADCSRA |= (1<<7);
+return 0;