path: root/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir
diff options
authornutricato2008-06-09 11:54:16 +0000
committernutricato2008-06-09 11:54:16 +0000
commit716063e340cb99631fbd86b58e189c84600fff7b (patch)
treef215f81870648b6940d0530ea87112f0bc3bd5c4 /src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir
parentc9c6f29f2454c473af8df8d42b1763657467b76c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/SCI2CInputParameters.sce b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/SCI2CInputParameters.sce
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f22a340..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/SCI2CInputParameters.sce
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// === hArtes/PoliBa/GAP SCI2C tool ===
-// === Authors: ===
-// === Raffaele Nutricato ===
-// === ===
-// === Alberto Morea ===
-// === ===
-// === *************** ===
-// === *************** ===
-// === ===
-// Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato.
-// Contact:
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------
-// --- Specify Paths of User Scilab code. ---
-// ------------------------------------------
-UserSciCodeMainDir = 'D:\Nutricato_GAPSVN\PROGETTI_APERTI\POLIBA\hArtes\WP2_SCI2C\Software\Version_alpha\SCI2CTests\test999_WorkingDir';
-// --- Path + filename of the .sci main file of the code to be translated. ---
-// It is the entry point.
-UserScilabMainFile = fullfile(UserSciCodeMainDir,'scilabcode\mainfunction.sci');
-// --- List of the paths containing the .sci files written by the user. ---
-UserSciFilesPaths = ...
- [...
- fullfile(UserSciCodeMainDir,'scilabcode');...
- ];
-// --------------------------
-// --- End Specify paths. ---
-// --------------------------
-// ----------------------------
-// --- Select the run mode. ---
-// ----------------------------
-//RunMode = 'GenLibraryStructure';
-//RunMode = 'Translate';
-RunMode = 'All';
-// --- Select one of the following options. ---
-// 'GenLibraryStructure';
-// Generates the library structure and exits. It is very
-// useful when the user wants to manually change the files stored in that structure
-// before running the translation. 'GenLibraryStructure' option forces SCI2C to remove
-// the already existing WorkingDir and OutCCCodeDir directories.
-// 'Translate';
-// Performs the translation without generating the library structure. It means that the library
-// structure must be already existing. This is useful when the user doesn't want to spend time
-// to generate again that structure or when he wants to force the SCI2C tool to access to
-// a manually-changed library structure. 'Translate' option forces SCI2C to don't remove
-// the already existing WorkingDir. Only OutCCCodeDir directory will be removed.
-// 'All';
-// Performs all the actions listed above.
-// --------------------------------
-// --- End Select the run mode. ---
-// --------------------------------
-// ----------------------------
-// --- Translation Options. ---
-// ----------------------------
-// --- Enable (1) / Disable (0) copy of Scilab code into C code. ---
-// If 1 the Scilab code will be copied into the C code in order to show
-// how each Scilab code line has been translated into C code.
-CopySciCodeIntoCCode = 1;
-// --- Select the path style for the C code. ---
-// It can be:
-// windows
-// unix
-// cygwin
-CCompilerPathStyle = 'cygwin';
-// --- Path + File name of the main SCI2C library header file.
-Sci2CLibMainHeaderFName = 'D:\Nutricato_GAPSVN\PROGETTI_APERTI\POLIBA\hArtes\WP2_SCI2C\Software\Version_alpha\Scilab2C\CFiles\sci2cincludes\sci2clib.h';
-// --------------------------------
-// --- End Translation Options. ---
-// --------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/scilabcode/mainfunction.sci b/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/scilabcode/mainfunction.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index 75829d99..00000000
--- a/src/Scilab2C/SCI2CTests/test999_WorkingDir/scilabcode/mainfunction.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-function mainfunction()
-// Knowing that
-// (1) P * (V^gamma) = C
-// Where
-// P = Pressure
-// V = Volume
-// gamma,C = constants depending on the particular gas used.
-// (2) log10(P) = log10(C) - gamma*log10(V)
-// (3) x = log10(V)
-// (4) y = log10(P)
-// than (2) becomes:
-// y = a + b*x;
-// Where
-// a = log10(C)
-// b = -gamma
-// Then thanks to this transformation it is possible to perform
-// a linear regression to estimate gamma and C!
-Volume = [54.3 61.8 72.4 88.7 118.6 194.0];
-Pressure = [61.2 49.5 37.6 28.4 19.2 10.1];
-x = log10(Volume);
-y = log10(Pressure);
-a = (sum(y)*sum(x.^2)-sum(x)*sum(x.*y))./(length(x)*sum(x.^2)-sum(x).*sum(x));
-b = (length(x)*sum(x.*y)-sum(x)*sum(y))./(length(x)*sum(x.^2)-sum(x).*sum(x));
-// Other way to compute a and b
-beq = sum((x-mean(x)).*(y-mean(y)))./sum((x-mean(x)).^2);
-aeq = mean(y)-mean(x)*beq;
-C = 10 .^a;
-gamma = -b;
-// plot(Volume,Pressure);
-// plot(Volume,(C ./(Volume.^gamma)),'r')